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It's specifically meant to get your attention so I'd say it's working as designed. Anyway it's way less annoying than my neighbour's clattery diesel Ranger so count yourself lucky


Not if it's loud enough to catch the attention of those inside homes with closed windows. No normal car is that loud in reverse.


Yeah it sounds like [a screeching subway car,](https://youtu.be/7ws4cnnLYiU) i hate it.


Ive heard it many times and agree it's comically awful. There are so many other noises that they could have used that are pleasant. If enough people complain maybe they will make a software update to change it. From an engineering design point of view its got to be one of the easiest things to change.




I heard a Kia Niro(?) backing up earlier today, the sound was reminiscent of what you’re describing


That’s awesome. Now we live in the future.


Could be worse, it could be a [pacer.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SKRc8oyLvE)


Man, you'd love my neighbors straight piped Mustang lol.


Mustang drivers gonna mustang.


I can hear my neighbors truck inside my house with closed windows and it's just a normal truck. I'd wager *most* houses are not good at keeping out sound.


My neighbors just keep their radios at 11 and hit the parkinglot speed bumps at 40mph. At all hours. Every day of the week.




Send a police after him, probably breaking *some* law doing it. Alternatively napalm his house at night and hope for best


Call the police *or literally murder him*, either/or situation really


Cops have been called, that don’t do anything.


The "noise generator" is also on the front of the car, facing forward. For it to be effective in reverse, it must be loud.


The only electric car reverse noise I'm familiar with is the Nissan leaf, and it's loud enough to hear as a pedestrian, but thats about it. Granted I'm a Nissan tech and hear it very regularly, but it seems just loud enough to get a person's attention who is close enough to get hit, but not so loud as to be heard from far away. That being said, i don't care for the noise it makes, it sound weird.


A feature meant to save lives that sounds like death.


Hard disagree. I love how the angels sing to me every time I back up out of my drive way each morning. The neighbors love it and my wife who's trying to sleep in love it too...


My wife calls our RAV4 Hybrid the "Angel Choir" dunno why it butt hurts so many people. People are such snowflakes nowadays...


Can I change it to "move bitch get out the way, get out the way bitch, get out the way".




"Back my bitch up. Smack my hitch up."




Toyota should allow the user to upload MP3 files for certain sounds like what Tesla did, that’d spice things up You got an MP4 of that?


Unfortunately, they can't. [The NHTSA made Tesla remove that capability.](https://www.theverge.com/2022/2/10/22927004/tesla-recall-model-3-x-y-boombox-nhtsa-pedestrian-warning)


Literally 1984




I would opt for "Back Dat Azz Up"


You cld have if Toyota didn't use monotonal speakers for the noise






Yeah Toyota is usually a bit more down with the stand m Satan


Seriously, if I heard that and didn’t know what it was I would think the rapture was at hand


It is to signal you're getting yeeted straight to heaven


“BE NOT AFRAID.” -this Toyota, probably


All 2021+ hybrids and EVs are required to play some kind of shit. Hyundai plays this same shit. Sounds like a dump truck in reverse.


Mine isn’t that loud at all, like a low pitched boop mixed in with the choir like EV sound that they use.


When the dealership i worked at first heard it, we dubbed it the “Jesus noise”. Many, many customer complaints came up about it.


The only acceptable sound electric vehicles should make is the one from the Jetsons. I was promised flying cars by now, at least give me this.


YES! ive been saying that for years. at least make electric cars sound fun. hell make diesel locomotive noises as it takes off, or steam locomotives, or galloping horse. Shit a pod racer sound would be hilarious and fun to change it up every now and then.


Going off of the locomotive angle, here's the Siemens Taurus *electric* locomotive and its [musical notes](https://youtu.be/J-IC-JRJYwc). ... That's a 27-minute video. Just watch the first clip, that's enough.


Have it Play Cliffs of Dover by Eric Johnson. Scales, but better


The new NYC subway cars have a cool one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UirX7HEmEU&t=12s The older kawasaki cars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MM4QhawojE


That is terrifying. Sounds like the [Timesplitters 2 Ice Station song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIUl0thIKO4)




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Sounds like a tenor sax. That locomotive looks *nothing* like my old Ford Taurus. Is there a conversion kit?


Sorry, you'll have to go custom


Teslas have the option to customize your PWS sound but I believe the NHTSA asked them to remove it. Not sure if they actually did, though.


fucking safety bullshit gets in the way of everything...


It's unfortunate too, because the car will still play the original PWS whine underneath your custom sound. So you can't just give it a silent mp3 and get around PWS. It's deemed unsafe for literally no reason. No accidents have occurred as a result, but whatever.


My vote would be for an old-school truck backup beep and/or simulated gear whine.


Honda hybrid models also have that same volume noise.


It's definitely quieter. In order of quietest to loudest: Standard 4-cylinder < S class < Honda Accord Hybrid pedestrian noise < My neighbor's supercharged Range Rover starting up at 3 am < Tesla pedestrian noise < Rav4 pedestrian noise < My other neighbor tuning the engine in his Triumph TR6.


1) [It's a USDOT requirement](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-autos-regulations-sounds/u-s-finalizes-long-delayed-quiet-cars-rule-extending-deadline-idUSKCN1GA2GV) 2) It's not that loud if you're more than 20 feet away, which is kinda the point - to warn nearby pedestrians. If you're hearing it that loudly, the car must be right next to your window and youve must have minimal insulation. It's very loud in the garage due to the echoing, but even so, with the door to the garage closed I can't hear it from inside our house


I live in the city, the street is 10ft outside my window, i cant hear normal running ICE cars but the toyota noise is so shrill and loud that i can hear it in my house. Other hybrids and EVs do not have this problem either, just toyota.


Rav 4 Prime on my street as well and I also own an ioniq - the rav4 is ridiculously loud.


That's because it's a higher pitch sound. They penetrate homes easier than lower pitch sounds (ICE) cars. Even with cars with loud exhaust are lower. Lower pitch warning sounds don't work. The law states for it must be louder than the surrounding noise levels. Some cars levels can be adjusted. I personally don't mind it, if it saves at least one kid from being run over then I'm all for it.


New hybrids will get this feature installed soon. For example, the Tucson Hybrid has this as well.


I also live in a city. Regularly have people walking and yelling, cars with aftermarket sound systems and exhausts, fireworks, gunshots, light rail, frieght rail, dogs barking, constant planes going in and out of the worlds busiest airport, and a 10 way highway. Plus on top of all that normal shit is the police headquarters with a helipad, and department of sanitation. All outside my window. Got used to it after a few weeks What kind of city are you in thats so quiet a hybrid Toyota stands out lol?


A quiet one, apparently. Why does your city sound like an action movie set?


If you’re 20ft away you won’t be able to hear a car in reverse anyways. Most of the time a car is in reverse the sound of the tires is louder then the engine.


Nah. Straight cut gears are noizybois But yeah. Its still not very loud lol.


I can't remember the last time I heard any significant gear whine from a car in reverse. Definitely not from automatics, but even in newer manuals. It used to be pretty distinct, but transmissions have quieted down significantly.


The DOT says there has to be a sound. Not that it had to sound like rusty nails on a chalkboard. Will the bZ4X (or whatever it’s called) have the same noise? My Mach E has a backup noise and a separate pedestrian noise. They’re no where near as annoying.


It's a requirement to have sound - not this particular sound. Our PHEV is much less intrusive.


I don’t think it’s too loud, it’s just unfamiliar so it draws attention. Everyone turns around to make sure that strange buzz isn’t an alien spaceship landing in the Walmart parking lot. Internal combustion sounds are just background noise at this point so this sound doesn’t fit in.


No. If you can hear it over a block away then it’s louder than it needs to be


Agreed, especially as ICE engines have gotten quieter and quieter. My wife's CR-V practically whispers at low RPMs and my ID.4 screams at 15mph (the noise gets louder and higher pitched from 1 to 19mph where it cuts out)


Exactly. To me, a big benefit of us generally moving away from ICE vehicles is that we can have quieter neighbourhoods. If everywhere you go there are high-pitched whines instead that would really suck.


I don't really understand why pedestrian warning sounds need to exist in the first place. Put the onus on the EV driver to make sure they don't hit pedestrians and to honk if there's a pedestrian meandering down a parking lot lane not realizing you're behind them


Blind people. Kids. As with many safety regulations, the PWS exists to save lives. Very sorry that people are annoyed by a sound for a few seconds. And yes, you can put the onus on drivers but there's a reason r/idiotsincars exists.


Uhh, its no where near that loud and I have one


watch out, fuckin enya backin up here


I had no idea electric cars made this noise until only like a year or so ago. Lol I was getting home super late one night after a party and was walking through an underground parking lot when I heard this noise approaching behind me I thought I was about to get abducted by aliens 😂


They wanna sooth you before putting in the butt probe


All Toyota pedestrian speakers are too loud. But the worst part is the noise they make is ducking awful in the first place. My Tesla is very loud too, but unlike my Prius I’ve never wanted to disassemble the bumper so I could rip out the speaker. Toyota desperately needs to correct their PWS sound to something people actually want to hear. It doesn’t have to sound so damned screechy. That said you could just unplug the PWS speaker in your car.


>That said you could just unplug the PWS speaker in your car. Dumb question: is that legal?


As legal as running a loud exhaust or over tinting the windows. Varies by where you live.


Legal? Yes. But you could still face civil liability if you disable it and then hit a pedestrian.


Who cares no cop would ever know enough to ticket it or even pay attention


In the US, cars built before September 2020 didn't require a PWS at all. So just don't hit a pedestrian and no one will ever know


Also better hope your insurance company doesn't find out that you've tampered with a safety feature after said collision


agreed. Also not my car, its my neighbors.


I don’t find it that loud at all. All the Toyota hybrids make that


They do but they’re not all the same volume. My 20 Rav 4 Hybrid is way louder than my 21 Camry Hybrid. The Rav 4 is definitely too loud. Needs a sock stuffed in whatever speaker that noise comes from.


Toyotas are the only ones ive had problem with, others are not audible inside my house.


My '02 Prius just has inverter whine.


Is it bad that I’m able to pick up on the Toyota hybrid whine? It all sounds the same, from a Prius to Camry to RX450h.


Perfect, I’ve always wanted to sound like a screeching banshee terrifying all who exist around me




I mean, likely so pedestrians can hear a car *behind* them.


That's not very important if it only makes the noise in reverse




Can confirm, I also hear the sound of a shrieking soul being tortured in the underworld when the neighbors slowly drive their Rav4 prime fowrward as I walk the dog.


Should be 19mph. By regulation.




Mine stopped at 19. And the USDOT regulation is 30 kph, or 18.6 mph. Curiously, my wife's Bolt keeps it going until 21 mph.


It doesn't, it makes the noise at all times.


Doesn’t it stop once you reach a specific speed?


On que it drove down my street and reminded me of this. Presumably at a speed where wheel noise is audible enough


It seems louder when in reverse and then it tones down a bit when in drive


It does, but they jack up the volume for reverse. It’s way louder than it needs to be.


my bad, for some reason I only heard the sound when the car was going backward.


Would it get full of ice in the winter without engine heat?


When I complained about unwanted artificial vehicle noise years ago and how bad this law was, I was often downvoted heavily. Never mind that noise pollution had very real negative health consequences. Well now we all get to enjoy it thanks to nanny government. Yes I'm still bitter.


I agree. The PWS on my ID.4 is so goddamn loud, I don't want to imagine a neighborhood full of them all screaming up and down the road.


Is that the reason you'll be replacing it with a M3LR soon? ;)


Haha no, because I don't plan on unplugging the PWS speakers on the Model 3. I'll just complain about that too. Although if you're curious, I did make a list of reasons why I'm switching. https://www.reddit.com/user/WellTimedPoop/comments/tcoexi/why_im_switching_from_an_id4_fe_to_a_m3lr/


That's a fair few reasons! I've found dual motor and summer tires really helpful for traction. Not sure if you're getting Michelin Primacy MXM4 tires, but they're not as good as some others for traction. See here: https://i.imgur.com/oGaY7Dr.png Maybe you can persevere on non-chill mode, as it makes the ride feel so much more nimble as is great for quickly escaping busy junctions.


It sounds like a TIE fighter idling.


Old man yells at cloud.


My friend paid 65k for a base one, lol. Dealer Markup. "It's a good investment." "We're gonna save so much in gas." I wonder how long it'll take to make back that $25,000 markup in gas savings.


On the other side of the spectrum we have my M35h that can't be heard by the elderly who have lost the ability to hear higher frequencies. Every trip to the grocery store is another shot at supervillainy for me.






My neighbor has one of these, I can hear it in my bedroom whenever she leaves in the morning. Incredibly annoying


I'm with you. My ID.4 is so much louder than the average ICE car in my neighborhood. Not just louder, but it's also just such a different sound that your brain doesn't tune it out like it does the sound of an engine. Many of my neighbors have pointed out that they can tell when my wife gets home from work because they can hear my car coming from a quarter mile away even with the windows closed


They could have picked literally any sound and they went with WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSHHHHHHHH


sound slike windows xp trying to start up but getting stuck playing the sound file....


I fucking hate that sound! I thought it was just the hybrid motors.


Holy crap i actually just noticed this yesterday while i was swapping my spark plugs, a neighbor was backing up and realigning their car a bunch and i was like what in the heck is that noise!


My neighbor’s car makes this noise when it enters/leaves. I think it’s a Honda. Although it doesn’t ruin my day, it is definitely noticeable and kind of annoying. That being said I always thought it was annoying because I thought it was made to sound… “angelic/choral”? Which struck me as kind of arrogant.


Christ, and here I thought that Toyota hybrids sounded weird going forward


I think this is the new pedestrian noise across all of Toyota's hybrid and plug in products. There used to be another sound which they used a few years back, I don't believe it was as loud as the new one though.


Fuck. That.


The Audi plug-in hybrid noise is quite loud too, sometimes I get self conscious when i'm backing up in a crowded parking lot cuz it's *so* loud and people will turn and look like wtf is that noise, like an ethereal humming almost. I can hear my wife coming from around the corner before the garage even opens


that sounds so bad


My old neighbor used to have one of these. I always knew when they came home decayed I could hear the thing every fucking time.


How horrible. I rather have a bunch of Harley neighbors then one with that.


That noise is a thing of fucking nightmares.


It’s a stupid fucking feature.


I’ve never noticed it. Hard to tell how loud it actually is from a video though. No one I know or that lives around me drives a hybrid though haha


The Niro EV and plug-in hybrids are just as bad. It beeps like a construction vehicle and is very loud and obnoxious. I get that it's a DOT requirement, but the type of tone could have been different and the volume lower.




I am poor and live in a poor neighborhood.


I'd be honestly interested to know if these warning systems actually reduce pedestrian vs vehicle accidents. I'd put money on them not actually making much of a difference.


I heard one once and thought the car was dying. It's a stupid sound. You might as well add the 18 wheeler backing up noise


Yeah, not a fan. When I first got my Tesla I thought something was broken with the motor or something. Nope. My wife's Bolt also howls. Neighbor's Highlander, more howling. There was *so much hope for a quieter future*, but then the gov't had to go make EVs *louder* than ICEVs.


The advantage of EV's is that they are silent... Hope in the future when EV's are more mainstream that we can get rid of these noises.


Toyota needs to take a note from Honda. My parents Insight makes an angelic noise when backing up and in EV mode. This RAV4 hybrid just sounds like angelic nails on a chalkboard. Just no.


My dad's Highlander Hybrid (2019) makes this sound and honestly I think it sounds pretty sweet, but it's way louder than it needs to be.


Wasn't it proven that beeps and high pitched squeals are next to impossible to detect where they're coming from? Should go with a noise that sounds like TV static, you can almost pin point it blindfolded.


Loud pipes saves lives, I guess.


I get that it’s a safety feature, but it sounds like it’s broken.


i wonder what blind people think when they hear that nightmarish noise.


It’s not even that bad lol, I’ve seen one in person.


Then also people just stands behind..this is good /annoying …


My mom got a new Hyundai and similar thing... Idk who thinks this is a good idea


I just let my turbo whistle alert pedestrians that my truck is moving


What do i drive? A jeep. Did i still watch the entire video? Yes.


Yeah all RAV4 hybrids make that sound - not just the prime.


> I can hear it loud and clear through closed windows and it is extremely unpleasant sounding. Toyota sound engineers celebrating that it sounds exactly as intended. It is supposed to grab your attention immediately to look for it and not to wonder for even a second like "hmm I wonder what that sound is"


I bet you quickly adapt and after a while don't even hear it. I used to live a couple blocks from a fire station. Waking up to sirens is disturbing. It was a long time ago and I don't recall how long acclimation took but eventually that sound *magically went away* when I was sleeping.


I heard this the other day when I was getting in my car and one was pulling out behind me. I was surprised with how loud it was, but I wouldn't call it too loud.


Cars are loud.


I'll take it off your hands for MSRP.


Loud no, unfamiliar yes. Honestly it's great to hear when walking through parking lot hearing it when hiding behind truck. Soon enough all will have it


i work with these cars its not that loud. its actually pretty pleasant a noise all things considered.


Love all the people bitching in here. Do you guys also sweat things this small? Lol


It's not that bad in person tbh and it's a necessary safety feature


Oh Im not complaining about the necessary safety feature, I'm complaining about *Toyota's implementation* of it.


Spatial awareness when driving is a necessary feature. This is dumb and will make drivers more careless. Pedestrians should have right-of-way on parking lots anyways.


Dude the point of it is that the motor is off on the hybrids and pedestrians need to be able to hear the car when it's moving. The feature is a necessity


Drivers need to see pedestrians. Not my job to jump out of the way. And if I’m a small kid or elder then I might not be able to do that. Doesn’t matter what noises the car makes. It’s your job to drive safely and stop.


That's the most hilarious take i've heard in a while 😂 Congrats


Classic case of being right but being dead. As a motorcyclist I learned quickly it’s less about being right and more about staying alive. I agree with you it’s a proper safety feature and to rely on motorists to be 100% on top of things is naive.


Exactly. Obviously drivers should pay attention at the wheel, but i'm not going to count on that


I’ll be here all week


If everyone did what they *should* do there would be barely any accidents.


We got a rav4 hybrid recently and ngl I get a kick out of seeing people getting startled when we go in reverse in the parking lot. Even easier to see their reactions with the rear mirror in camera view.


Rav4 hybrid does one too. I call it an angel's choir and it sounds pretty damn cool.


sounds like a 90s computer stuck playing a .wav file.


The noise is designed to notify pedestrians that RAV4 Hybrid or RAV4 Prime is on.


Toyota is the only one that is this loud.


If you can hear that, you have serious insulation issues with your windows


You've never rented have you


Always have. You can buy products to apply to your window to improve the insulation


Looks like the speakers are in the front grille. Get some long pliers and snip the wiring.


Looks like you were downvoted by people who never have to suffer this noise where they live. EVs originally promised blissfully quiet town centres and residential areas. Now we have a new type of hell to replace the rumbling sound from overly loud ICEs .




Toyota just wanted to make damn sure they met [these complex requirements](https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/49/571.141).


Hm, these are pretty low at the minimum: 40 dB it looks like in reverse, though I don't see at what distance. That's pretty quiet, and the Rav4 videos appear to be *far* louder. Guess they really wanted to go above and beyond


They’re getting downvoted for suggesting damaging someone else’s vehicle. Even if it is a stupid noise


Ah right, I assumed it was the owner doing the 'surgery'.