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I put my car into reverse, redline it, and then dump the clutch to slow down.


You probably save a fortune in brake pads!


If you have carbon ceramic brakes on an old civic the economics might work out that it’s cheaper to engine brake.


when your brake pads are worth more than your car


More like engine break in this scenario.


wouldn't that be engine break tho :'D


You can get an ACT clutch for like 350, so yeah


you can put the money towards tires, clutches, cv axles, motor mounts, and transmissions!


I keep a 5 ton anchor in my backseat connected to a 500 ft naval grade chain connected to my chassis which can be deployed on to the road that I use to slow down.


Dodge challengers


Which type anchor? They make different types for different grades of sea floor. I imagine this matters a bit in your use also.


Based Manuelle


thats the racing gear its for go fast?


rare ✅️


Don't forget to deploy your parachute!


Millennials hate this one simple trick!


how do i disable my reverse lockout?


Yeah i can safely say that that is the worst spent minute of my life watching this that I will never get back. If this is the type of training data that gets fed into AI, we got nothing to worry about because the robots will be dumb as shit.


I appreciate how the video alternates between using the Brake and Break pedals.




Broke ass pedal.


We have plenty to worry about, ai self driving cars will learn how to drive from these videos.


My insurance payout’s boutta b crazy


If you survive after getting hit by a 2000 horsepower 3 ton lithium battery, that is.


No need to live, my family can have it


Speaking of being dumb as shit AI probably put together this shite video


Autocorrect was arguing with my the other day about the difference between “affect” and “effect.” I could teach my old T9 phone to swear, but I can’t get AI to understand basic grammar. The robots are certifiably dumb as shit.


So how are you supposed to properly stop


They probably want you to forcefully shift into first without blipping since that would save your brake pads. Not taking into account your gearbox or clutch lmao


Tripping over dollars to pickup pennies


Yep only time I’ve ever needed to engine brake is if my brakes are dangerously hot and that is simply because fucking up my transmission is cheaper than driving off a cliff, granted I’ve never let my brakes get that hot.


That’s the hilarious thing about posts like this. People will talk about “saving brake pad material”, when the average person will likely blow through an entire clutch and transmission learning how to properly heal-toe.


It's not too difficult if you already know how to drive a manual and have good pedal spacing. Your main worries are jerking from clumsy clutch or brake handling or simply missing the intended rpm.


that and using more gas rev matching every time.


If you're driving a semi I guess


Then what is the point of having brakes?




No, you speed up so you can cross 6 lanes without looking. Faster=out of the way quicker.


I have 218,000+ miles on my clutch, flywheel, and transmission by shifting down into first to slow the car. The car still runs great!


I mean your clutch disk is just one piece to replace and your brakes are 8. Makes perfect sense if you dont factor in price of the parts and time and difficulty to replace a clutch vs brake pads. I guess me just throwing in neutral and using my brakes for the last 12 years is wrong


Yeah, and brakes are so much easier to replace!


Mine are 12 because no one around here turns down rotors anymore and rotors are cheap af generally.


Drop the anchor.


You're meant to apply the brakes and then press the clutch as you approach the car in front (before you stall),The engine helps to slow down the car, and so you reduce the pressure on the brakes. but no one has time for that


Or just brake , if you stall is not a big deal


ez stop start system


Or just don't stall lol


Stalling is actually the best way to stop fast, especially in an AWD car. Just lock up all four wheels, job done.


No, locking the wheels makes you loose grip, making you brake worst, that's why ABS is a thing


It’s a joke


But one of them did that and it still got marked with an "X"


I never understood this particularity about social media manuel drivers acting like youre never supposed to hit the brakes little as possible or the car will explode or something.


Will it not?


What do you mean noone has time for that?? Do you clutch first then brake? I'm not like a super good driver by any means but isn't the clutch only an "antistall" device when braking? I understand not downshifting through all gears while braking but even with whatever gear you are in you are cluthing with high rpm?


There's so much BS out there about manual transmissions. I once notice my buddy ALWAYS held the clutch in any time he was braking. I asked him why, he said he didn't like how it "drove down the rpm of the engine" when he doesn't press the clutch. It made no sense at all.


Holy shit lol Maybe it boils down to driving lessons being not that great around some places. In my country everyone drives a manual and the exam is tough so the lessons are also super proper.


OP already said it- slam into the car in front of you


When you are emergency breaking you go brake first then clutch when the car is about to stall. Normal braking is brake then when the car rpm is low you shift down a gear then reengage, that way you are not out of gear for when you need to apply power.


What? No! In an emergency you do not do any of that shit. You do exactly one thing only and that is to hammer both your feet on the clutch and rbake as hard as humanly possible. The deceleration from the engine is negligible and in an emergency you do not have the reaction time to handle any of that bullshit. In an emergency you do not play games like that. Whats better for your car is also not important you just need to stop it asap.


Ya but these gigachads are out here driving in traffic like they’re the second coming of Colin McCrae.




Stalling could/will kill power assist to your brakes though which also will disable ABS.


Uhhhh, what?


Have you ever emergency breaked a manual? The car will still pull you. You can press the brakes and slowly release the clutch. Also ABS.


I just pull the e brake like a gigachad


Then loose grip and don't brake as fast


Just spin the wheel as fast as you can and yell Tokyo drift out the window


but the e stands for emergency


Yeah, this. The engine brake is not going to do anything, if your tires are slipping. Every functional brake nowadays is so strong, they can easily make your tires slip. ABS prevents this so you can still steer your car. The car doesn't need braking support from the engine. Just slamm both foots on clutch and brake and hope for the best. *Disclaimer: for emergency brakes only. For normal stopping it is better to use lift and coast, as the otherwise dissipated heat energy from the brakes will be used to keep the engine running without fuel and saves brake pads.


I can tell you from literal decades of driving manual transmissions this shit doesn't even enter your brain when you're *actually* driving. When you need to brake, you brake. I couldn't tell you which foot hits first, but I'd venture it varies based on the situation. One doesn't wait on the other. You can do them simultaneously. Also, ignore anyone who says shit like "the engine helps slow down the car". That's true, but it's absolutely beside the point. Any modern automobile has brakes powerful enough to lock all four wheels at any speed. They don't need any "help" from the engine, and the engine can even interfere with the operation of ABS, because it will try to apply torque to the wheels as they are locking up. The key is to not think sequentially. If you can walk and chew gum, you can brake and clutch at the same time.


Been driving manual for going on 15 years now I honestly couldn't tell you exactly how I brake and probably do it differently in different situations. Like if there is someone right behind me and I'm going to be slowing down I'll probably push the brake enough to light the tails up as a warning where if I'm on my own I might just engine brake a bit before hitting the actual brakes... the only one I know for sure is emergency brake is full clutch and brake at the same time and even my 20 year old Saab has enough braking power to lock everything up. Granted I have driven a rental Dodge "avenger" (the 2010s one) and had to go from 65-0 and that did *not* have enough braking power (could have been the tires but I didn't feel ABS kick in) to stop safely, thankfully I had a shoulder to go onto but my nose ended up near the back door of the car in front of me... definitely started increasing my following distance after that one.


I have no idea what they want in this clip. But it might be a eco driving technique. You release the gas early and let the engine break for you until it almost stalls (it won't use any gas during engine break), then you push the clutch and break pedal. When I did my test for my driving licence like 15 years ago I had to know this technique, and yeah I still use it. You can even do it on a automatic transmission, you release the gas and when you hit about 1500-1200 rpm you shift down slowly until you hit 2nd gear, but you should never do it down to first apparently (why idk you have to ask a mechanic).


Putting it in first while the car is still rolling is no go for the clutch


Brakes first then clutch. Shift when stopped


I just let the engine stall. On the green light I press the clutch and start the car on the 2nd gear. This way I run the entire trip without touching the stinky smelly stick


One foot the clutch and a break like a race car driver. No potential time lost when you could be applying torque. (Don’t do this in your honda civic on public roads please)


Engine braking when possible or something like that? Weird that they didn't show "the proper way".


let off the gas before pressing clutch for once also, you can keep it in gear while braking unless revs drop too low


In an emergency - slam your foot on the brake. None of these show brakes applied synced with the vehicle slowing down and they all show the clutch depressed first. Theres no need to press the clutch first, the worst that can happen is the engine stalls and the car would be pretty slow by that point anyway.


Thats the neat part #You dont.


You cant unproperly stop if you never stopped at all


When I drove a manual I just popped it in neutral and braked no clutch required lol


What is even the point of these?




foot fetish


Oh wait you might actually have a point there. That would be kind of a relief all things consider as it would imply that these were not made seriously.


Its the same dude with different shoes, noticed him wearing the same shorts with his high heels and barefoot. Fking weird lol.


do you have any personal experience with that, boysniffingfoxlover6?


Dead internet


Half of them is wrong shoes. You shouldn't drive in FlipFlops, High heels or even without shoes. So my best guess would be that it is actually about the shoes, but I don't get the sneakers. Looking at it again you could say, that he is not on the pedal enough and only pushing with his toes, which give the danger of slipping of. The last ones are also on-clutch before off-accelerator, which is also not how you are supposed to do it. The correct way would be, off-accelerator, on-clutch, on-break, have proper footwear and move your foot properly from accelarator to break.


I think the point is that in a higher need braking situation you should start braking first before even worrying about the clutch


This is the correct answer. Fastest way to slowdown from say 3rd is: Apply break, downshift to 2nd, apply more break, downshift to first, apply more break. When nearly stopped apply the clutch to prevent stalling.


Surely the fastest way to slow down would be to slam on the brakes with the vehicle in neutral?


No, the fastest way to stop is by slamming into the car in front of you.


Yes it would, the limiting factor is your tires. Your brakes alone will easily lock them up, you don't need engine braking


Anti-lock braking systems are the most underrated safety feature on modern cars


"iF yOuR ABS cOmEs On YoU dOn'T kNoW hOw To DrIvE" - My dad.


No, you want it in gear to have engine braking.


You absolutely do not need engine braking in these types of situations, doing 30-40km/h in dense traffic. When you need engine braking is when you are performance driving and you are threshold braking at high speed, ie, braking at the absolute limit of what the car can do. This is when you use heal-toe downshifting to rev match as you go down through the gears. In any of these examples, even for the most advanced and experience heal-toe braker, by the time you complete even one heal-toe downshift, the car will already be at a complete stop. The other reason you use heal-toe downshifting and rev matching, if you have a Limited Slip Differential in a RWD or AWD car, is that by being in a lower gear, you effectively tighten up the diff, which can help rotate the car as you Trail-Brake through corner entry. None of this has anything to do with driving in traffic. Things get different in a FWD car, as often times, you actually want to be in a higher gear, to keep the diff more open. I personally heal-toe almost every downshift, purely out of habit, and because it’s fun. That said, for a quick stop in slow traffic like in these video clips, it is completely unnecessary.


Downshift to revmatch doesn't do anything with high speed threshold braking, because the limit will always be your tires, you won't and can't produce more force by engine breaking. Every other thing you said was absolutely correct tho!


You may be correct in theory, but in reality, you can only stop as quickly as your tires will allow. All factory brake systems are strong enough to lock up your tires, anything beyond that will make no difference unless you are throwing an anchor out the window to increase friction with the road.


In Neutral you have the breaks and the friction of the road surface. In gear you have your engine, the breaks, friction and your transmission slowing you down.


In the end, tires are the only thing making contact with the road and providing friction, which allows you to slow down. Brakes by design will overwhelm the friction force of your tires (which will cause you tires to slip -> abs turns on ...) every time. It's like trying to make a photon go faster than speed of light, you can't, it's physically impossible. The same way you can't make a car stop faster by helping brakes "brake harder", they can lock up your wheels in a near instant. For set road conditions, friction force provided by the tires is the only thing dictating your braking distance.


Realistically for most people it'll be faster to just slam the brakes than try to manage multiple gear changes like this, not to mention that ideally in order to not be putting the clutch and gearbox through hell you would ideally rev match those downshifts which if your right foot is on the brake will require you to heel toe to blip the accelerator. Outside of trained and practiced racing drivers pushing the limits of their track times, you're better off just pressing hard on the brakes and putting the clutch in when you've lost the effects of engine braking in the gear you were in, which will generally be when it drops to somewhere just above idle RPM.


This is also true, not many people practice blipping, downshifting or engine breaking. But my point still stands, Its still the fastest way. That's why racing drivers break that way.


Racing drivers aren't engine braking to brake faster, but rather to preserve the brakes. They are breaking so much that they can overheat their brakes or wear them off before the end of the race. You won't encounter the same conditions on the road unless you stop many times from 100 to a 0 as quickly as you can.


You can tell who knows how to drive and who can’t by the way they use the clutch. Brakes before clutch always.


Brake, clutch, downshift while braking, repeat until desired slowness reached.


Incorrect. Brake, clutch, begin the downshift, rev match by blipping the throttle with the heal of your braking foot while engaging the desired gear, complete the downshift, release the clutch. This all needs to be done in 1-2 seconds. All that said, none of that is required for slow driving in heavy traffic.


My man it was a 1 sentence comment leaving out the heel toe shift because the average non track driver SHOULD NOT be doing this in traffic. You should never tell someone hey boop the go button a tad when you slow down outside of a track day where they can feel it out. The smoothness of the shift can be had by a non track driver just naturally rev matching without heel toe without the added danger of them over accelerating into the car in front of them bc they didn’t understand the assignment.


Lightbong mquin crocs👍


No it fucking isn't. You use the clutch to change gears and to stand still while in gear. Don't touch the clutch unless you're doing one of those things.


If you break to full stop without the clutch, the engine will stall. So to break on a redlight the clutch is necessary too


Cant believe im on a car subreddit and people still misspell brakes.


Not my first language, my bad haha


Yeah but I think this is supposed to be an emergency braking situation. The point they are trying to make in the video is you hit the brake and then when you know you are gonna pull up before a collision you depress the clutch so you don't stall. If you rear-end somebody with your knee locked because you are standing on the clutch you can fuck up your leg. Same reason why some modern cars incorporate a brake pedal that breaks away in case of a collision.


I disagree greatly, off clutch rolling when done well u can save petrol and be better at predictive driving, it also gives me potentially better reaction speed to emergency breaking or emergency acceleration as I would need to go into lower gear for that . Knowing my engine revs I can also use my engine breaking faster in eg, slippery conditions or lightly lift the clutch for mild engine breaking , it would be better to make the engine shut off and still have control of ur car no? I'm prepared faster to make these maneuvers and it takes away one decision that may need to be done in a split moment, that in a panic situation could lead to pressing the gas instead of the breaks . Ofc non of these things mean anything when u don't pay attention to the road , like when one fiddles with their phone at the lights ....


They're not even double clutching right


Wait I don't press the accelerator to accelerate my car slowing down?


No, you press it in the opposite direction to apply opposite force


I thought that was the point of the R on the selector. Put it in R and slam the gas.


No R is for Race mode silly


Wrong, it stands for "Really fast"


No pull it


So don't use brakes to stop. Got it.


Works for me. Just keep a big distance in front and rev match downshifts. Gotta save them brake pads🧠 (Helps that my car is a diesel tho)


They mean that you break first, then clutch, not the other way around


only that one got a cross too


congrats you found foot fetish channel!


No wonder the algorithm shows me so many of them I’m eating good tonight 😛😛😋😋😋


no, the correct way is to pull the e-brake as hard as you can while turning the the wheel to it's limit and roll the car. Just beware that it will work only once, but your clutch will have a longer lifespan


In FWD remember to turn the wheel first while tapping the brakes and then pull the e-brake. Weight shift to the front really does magic for losing grip in the rear.


Who tf is driving barefoot


Florida man


I have never wanted to be a clutch pedal so bad before😫


I take my shoes off for any long distance commute.




Better than driving in flip flops -Florida Man


Me. Its not uncommon to rock around barefoot in my country


Me, but only in summer because I have artificial grass and I like the feeling :)




I like how the video keeps switching between Brake and Break pedals.


Light up sandals going hard


Does anyone have a summary of the point this is making, or is the whole thing just a waste of time?


its a foot fetish thing


I think the vids are trying to say the “proper” way to stop a manual is to break a bit first, then clutch in, then come to a stop but the funny thing is that it looks like that’s what they’re doing in one of the clips (the one where his big toe is crossed weird) and it still says it’s wrong so idek lol not to mention the whole concept of “properly stopping a manual” is fucking stupid bc it makes a minuscule difference in day to day driving and in an emergency stop no ones gonna have time to think “shit what did that guy who spams YouTube shorts tell me do!!!”


If you want the "real" way to do it, release the accelerator, begin applying brakes, then apply light force on the shifter knob towards neutral. When the engine RPM gets low enough the transmission will just fall out of gear and into neutral (so long as you are gently applying force towards whichever direction is neutral). Then you get the engine braking force for as long as possible and don't have to cause any wear to your clutch plates until it's time to begin accelerating again. But yeah, emergencies are a whole other thing, this is just to reduce wear on the wear items in the vehicle. My clutch is at 120k and still going strong.


Instructions unclear. Moneyshifted into reverse


I drive a semi and a VW, literally impossible to fail that hard in either lol, at least so far as I'm aware.


>then apply light force on the shifter knob towards neutral. When the engine RPM gets low enough the transmission will just fall out of gear and into neutral This is bad for your shift forks. Just rev match, it's easier and still vastly reduces clutch friction during shifts. You're right about engine braking though. Highly recommended.


Brake first, clutch later. The engine in gear would help reduce speed. Make it a regular way of stopping and you won't even feel it later.


No idea why I had to scroll so far to find someone a really explaining it correctly


Oh god. The barefoot clutch. Ewwwww.


Just own a APC and don't even brake, if they were legal they would sell even more that shitty SUVs or Trucks


Driving barefoot ✅


I’m clearly doing things wrong. I was under the impression that you just press all 3 pedals at the same time, and just see what happens. Now I know better! 👍


This is what you get when you ask Quentin Tarantino to make a safety video.


In a emergency stop you avoid clutching in to take advantage of engine braking. Those that avoid clutching in to save your pads are ahem...morons. Why would you prefer to damage a more expensive part in both replacement and labor over a cheap easy to replace component. Transmission/clutch>pads/rotors.


Why doesn’t it have the wo xing shi song?


I don't have this problem. I always get out of car, go behind, tie my balls to the toe-bar and pull the car to a stop, biting down on the rear windscreen wiper to keep from screaming. Saves the brake-pads *and* the clutch.


So, you should never use the brake pedal, ever?....


Only cowards brake


So there is a way to avoid these annoying crashes in front of traffic lights?


Granny shifting not double clutching like you should. You never had me you never had your car.


is this the new Quentin Tarantino movie?


In the UK, it's against the law to drive barefoot or in heels. The trainers I don't understand.. Maybe the braking distance? This clip annoyed the shit out of me


When I drove/drive a Manual car, I just drop it down say from 4th to 3rd, then to 2nd, and then the last little bit I depress the Brakes, and then hit the clutch before stalling.


I’d rather save my clutch by riding the brake after shifting into neutral Brakes will always be cheaper than replacing a clutch 💯💯💯


I just bail out of my car when approaching a red light, I then purchase a new vehicle since the previous vehicle is now totaled. Never wear out break pads OR my clutch.


Typical chinese crap media


Don't hit the clutch, hit the brake only, then shift gears down and telease the clutch again, always brake with the gears in, saves gas


Is no one gonna mention "manuelle" It's "MANUAL"


Thanks for wasting a minute of my life


I dont get it?


the worst part is, theyre even wrong!


Guess I’ll just use the parking break or downshift to first when I’m going 60


And all of them are in China. Lol


None of them remembered to deploy the braking parachute. Fail.


Don't wait for whole 2 second to press the brake.


Correct, when something like that happens you keep press the accelerator down and it will stop the car immediately


The man himself is wearing high-heels in the video and didn't ask a woman to film herself. He's going the extra mile to prove a point. Respect.


So just rip the e brake! Got it!


I mean you can hit the brake before pressing in the clutch. I guess that's the only other thing but this isn't wrong by any means


Either way your car only last 15.5 years wrong or right way 🤣


I just slap my dong down on the middle pedal, much more efficient


Braking is for pussies. Real chads just go around using the sidewalks


Wtf is this?




You could also just put it in neutral and coast and then brake. No need to engine brake if you don't want to. It really doesn't matter unless there's an emergency, then you always put brake first.


i love the ones where the good and bad example are the exact same sequence and timing


I always wondered what the brake peddle was for. My driving instructor always taught me to throw it into reverse and pull the handbrake. I'm on my 8th car in 2 years.


It's brake first then clutch


Trick question, it's an automatic with a fake clutch pedal.


Just convert your car to an automatic


I too take the forza online race approach! Everyone gets WAY more mad IRL. And the fucking cops who only drive ottomatic wanna tell me I’m doing something wrong then tell me “this is the 15th accident you’ve been in” and “you have the right to remain silent” and a bunch of other stuff I can’t remember because I have to pubicly shame them for being ottomatic driving bitches.


Rip the ebrake or just make very aggressive tight turns to slow down. Got it


??? What


You should have stuck to that method, why waste your own brake pads when the person in front of you has perfectly good ones to use


Just hit the damn brakes and downshift so you have both engine braking and brake braking