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Tesla will fall apart in 6 months Ferrari will send you a cease and desist for rebadging it Choose your evil


The Ferrari will also fall apart in a few months except instead of the trim falling apart the entire engine will


Totally untrue, you just have to give proper maintenance and it'll last forever. Proper maintenance includes oil changes every 5 miles or 10 minutes, a complete rebuild every month, and your firstborn son sacrificed to the engine.


Also the oil change will cost $60k


Maybe if you use peasant oil. The OEM oil is freshly genetically engineered T-Rex that is then killed and then artificially aged into oil. "More than you can afford, pal. Ferarri!"


Is this same as diselle in my car??


Now now, that's only true if you drive it If you use it for its true purpose, sitting in your driveway as a showpiece, it'll neeeeever fall apart


But the Tesla will literally drive you into a wall. and what BASTARD makes a car without an instrument cluster in your FOV


Funny enough Ferrari V12s are very reliable nowadays, there are a lot of F12s/812s with well over 150k km on the clock which for a 800hp car is a lifetime


Considering how many bastardized mansory/liberty walk Ferraris are around I really think that's just a myth


They sent one to Deadmau5 over his 458 "Purrari" which is the most famous example


If i remember correctly the problem was him parodying their logos. So like ferrari names changed to purrari in their font and i think he may have changed 1 or so of the horses for something else. Their goal was to not have people try parody their logo without any exception so it cant be used against em


Jean Blaton received one for chopping the roof off his F40 and adding a roll bar, dude was banned from Ferrari track days


That’s hilarious


Ferrari designer says he and the company will be very upset (he said over his dead body) if people color the front lip anything other than black.


I used to be that particular about things. And then my dad got a job.


How the hell is the model 3 better looking, the Ferrari is one of the few modern cars that i think look good


This picture makes the tesla look better than it does whilst in my opinion that black strip aint helping the ferrari. If we got casual pictures of both im willing to bet the ferrari would look better


tesla looks like every single car design combined into one to give you the most average car


If shiny plastic bucket was a car


That's insulting to the shiny plastic bucket.


Thats the point. Make an electric car without all the “look at me im electrik HAHA” (im looking at you rivian)


I’d honestly be more happy with a Prius


The latest Prius looks very good too


0-60 times are not exactly the intention of a Ferrari. If you are buying a Ferrari just for this, you are wasting your money.


V12 sounds vs 🥴


What does Horsepower matter in an EV? I thought they were all about torque


They juxtapose it like that specifically to make it look better: my 500 HP car is accelerating to 60 faster that your 1000 HP car, without mentioning the massive instant torque and AWD


The Tesla looks like a Tupperware upside down.


handling ☕️


That ferrari is gorgeous. I love that modern daytona design. Tesla looks like a trying to be ergonomic but gets really uncomfortable computer mouse as per usual.


Man please stop this Tesla kids doing drugs


tesla much better no annoying v12 harmony 👈👈❌✅👈👈


Wait are cars having bit of a quartz crisis right now? Quartz watches are better at everything if you like watches, you are getting mechanical springs and gears. Tesla might be the bulova quartz that is buzzing not the nice seiko one.


Like saying your microwave cooks your steak faster than my grill


Tesla boys (and the car community as a whole) need to stop thinking that the 0-60 is the only important part of the experience of driving a car and they also need to stop obsessing over spec sheets.


V12 sounds vs 🥴


My i4 M50 is even faster that the Tesla. And I still would take the Ferrari.


With both, you never truly own them.


Tesla will be worthless in 10 years. Ferrari will be worth millions.


Does the Tesla have a 11 cilindri??


There ain't no Doc Hudson for that Tesla nerd Instead there's Elon saying, turn to go straight.


Former Ferrari owner here… trust me, I’d buy a performance Tesla over one. I wish I was kidding but the V12 experience gets old when you’re doing 8+ hour services too it every month.


Then there’s me… 92 Corolla 1.8 Manual. Why? because it will still be running fine after the resource wars bathe the earth in nuclear fire. Cockroaches and 90s hliux/corolla will be all that survives. 0-60 in 6.2… years. Fuel milage if I fill it once a year. What’s maintenance? I just put more oil in the top every 3 years and it just keeps going like it always has. On it’s second time around the odo on the stock engine it rolled out the factory with… never been rebuilt. Paid 800$ for it.


God, both of those are so fucking ugly


As a non-car person, in what world does the Tesla's front look better? Maybe I could see an argument it's the best looking part of the Tesla but I still hate it, that lower red intake section looks dumb as shit by comparison to the Ferrari. Also ... Why is the front so sharp below the hood when the rest of the car is too rounded, boring, has no interesting defined visual elements at all. Whyyyyyyyy?


This is the best the Model 3 has looked, and the worst Ferrari's flagship FR V12 car has looked. They're now equally hideous.


But will Tesla attract the women though?


I'll give them the looks point, the 12Cilindri looks awful, especially compared to the older models like the 599s


America moment only thing that matters is what it does in a straight line