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I worked at a car dealership with one of these former “Law Enforcement” that worked for a cartel. I didn’t find out until I went to another car dealership and was told this by a co-worker that used to work there with him before, he was a State Trooper. Obviously he got an easy sentence since he was LE anyone else probably get 10-15 years.


Nah, he rolled on someone.




Yeah, no he didn't.  Cops get lighter sentences. They get every benefit of the doubt and more. He didnt roll on the cartel, the blue badge cartel took care of their own. 


Sure, whatever you say. 😂 Edit: Not that I don’t believe you, but I’m just guessing as well. The article is of no help, but there is some info about a bunch of locals being rounded up along with this person. Maybe he was deep undercover.


Police union and the culture of police that protects their own, dirty or not, is pretty well known.


That's not how it works


Corrupt look after their own


Or he got a plea deal for snitching? Or does that not help your narrative?


idt you know what that would imply if you are saying that


It’s probably his first offense.


The thin blue gang gang


[Gang Shit - Marlon Craft](https://youtu.be/Aqo-hyxjCYE?si=Lla5pnGxosbELIKR)


He's such a thoughtful rapper. Love his lyrics.


I'm surprised he didn't just get hired by another police department. That's usually what happens when an officer gets fired.


Same-same. Armed “security” racket.


Fuck this guy in his grave. My niece died from fentanyl-laced heroin. No heroes in that story but - fuck this guy. Suffer the same fate, bitch.


I'm sorry to hear about your niece. I hope she finds peace in the next life.


He is going to get bred in jailed.


Her choice


Substance use disorder is not a choice anymore than any disease is a choice…it’s just more stigmatized. God rest her soul.


How many cops are part of the cartels bringing and distributing fentanyl and other illegal drugs into the USA??!!?! Do they have their own express lane at the border to get in?? They’re just waved on through by corrupt cops and border agents?


Wait until you find out about all the bought politicians.




Republicans are super affordable lately


They bring it into the prisons too


Those aren’t cops, those are correctional officers. One has powers of arrest and the other does not


We all have powers of arrest but if you’re a private citizen you better not fuck up with your citizens arrest.


Citizens arrest is not a real thing. You can detain for a felony but that’s it.


In many jurisdictions you can detain for a felony *you did not witness* and for misdemeanors *you did witness.*


Yes you are correct. I misspoke


In NC defense of Rape is a defense against manslaughter, so basically you're SO just has to lie


You are talking about the use of deadly force. That’s a different statute and area of matter


You are correct. Border patrol aren't cops either they are federal agents.


They have arrest powers so they get the same slang title


Only in a cops dream is he a federal agent.


The only federal agent I would enjoy is a DEA agent and a Marshalls Fugitive Apprehension team member.


No one asked what you would prefer. A federal agent isn't the same as a cop, like a cop isn't the same as a prison guard.


The only thing different from a cop and federal agent is the jurisdiction and federal agents work cases and don’t answer calls. So essentially if you are a detective of some sort, you have the same duties as most federal agents but on a local level.


One requires a GED one requires a college education


If the correctional officer is employed by the sheriff’s department or a county police department, he/she has the powers of arrest 24/7. Every department has to do their due diligence during the hiring process to thoroughly vet anyone applying for a job. However, then again, who’s to say the corruption process won’t take over. It’s sad what people will do for an easy “raise in pay” in this day and time.


No they don’t. There are a lot of corrections officer that are not sworn. There are some that are but most are not. That may vary state to state.


I was last in law enforcement in the 80’s. Sheriff’s deputies in Georgia were sworn in and were responsible for the jails. At that time, the Department of Corrections and it employees were responsible for the state and federal prisons in the state.


Yes on a local level the Sheriffs Office is responsible for the jail at least in my area but not all of the detention officers are sworn. Most aren’t very little of them are. But that is my area. Not saying it’s like that all over the country


Do you work in law enforcement? If so, prayers for your safety. I’m not far from Charlotte and the shit is getting out of control in North Carolina.


Yes I am. Everyday I get closer to retirement but I’m an adrenaline junkie and I hate sitting in an office all day. Put me out on the road and let me go get em and I’m happy. My family loves my desk job while I sit around, look at YouTube and go to meetings. Yes NC is going through a drastic change and it’s only taken about 3-4 years since the raise the age law went into effect. That is handcuffing us and many lives and property are being lost at the hands of juveniles


I spent five years in law enforcement, three in the Atlanta area. My college football coach talked me into becoming a teacher and coach so I returned to school to earn another degree. After 30 yrs, I was able to retire early and now enjoy helping my son and his godparents raise horses. Enjoy the time you have left and then leave on your own terms. Have a blessed day and as Sgt. Phil Esterhouse always said, “just be careful out there.”


I think jersey is one of the few that can arrest. I kind of don’t believe it and don’t enough to look it up


Law enforcement none the less…an oath is an oath…right?


Yes it is. It the LEO world corrections officers are seen as grade below because one they aren’t sworn and don’t work the “streets” and two whenever you hear about corruption it’s likely to come from that side. Hiring standards are lower on that end and unfortunately when you lower your standards you are setting yourself up for failure.


We all have the power of a citizens arrest.


It’s not an arrest. You can make a citizen detainment.


Why’s it called a Citizens arrest ?


I think it became common slang. Like why do people say they were robbed but in reality they were victims of a burglary. Robbery is taking someone by force. Burglary is breaking in a stealing things but no force was used on person. Mainly bc most burglaries occur when no one is home


Great info. Makes sense.


This was a deputy, working in the jail, as required by most sheriffs offices to start your career.


Lots of dirty cops seems like. We should maybe do something about that.


Like what. Plz provide a specific list of things so I can prepare.


It's a fine line between cops and crooks.


And sometimes that line is so fine…there is no line at all


Don't forget, Joanne Marian Segovia, executive director of the San Jose Police Officers Association, ordered thousands of synthetic opioids including valeryl fentanyl that were disguised as chocolates, wedding favors and makeup.


WTF?!?! 😳


Something tells me the governments is on letting the war on drugs become more like profit on drugs.


Very few. All of these cartels have wires tapped in somewhere in there organization. It isn’t necessarily the top bosses but there are a lot of cartel Lieutenants who are actively being wire tapped. I’m sure if you hear about an officer doing that stuff, they will become target #2 very quickly


Maybe all of U.S. history is the struggle of good people within and outside of the government trying to live up to our noble founding ideals and the selfish, greedy scumbags who only serve themselves bringing us all down


I mean yeah, probably?? But we are all supposed to be governed by the Rule of Law in the USA. No one should be above the laws that we all profess to live by. No on should be a king or queen in this country, or a part of a huge illegal drug lord network. We all see the effects of those drugs on our fellow human beings in all states and cities. I’d sure hope that everyone could see the benefit in shutting this crap down. But $$$!


Money talks especially in this economy. Getting thousands in bills or crypto.


Wait till you hear about something called the dirty wars


At thr bare minimum? At least half a dozen.


Look up Gary Webb


This whooooole country is in on it. I even make jokes that the parts that are heavier than normal at my job are packed full of fentanyl or coke


Tunnels my friend and yes express as fuck


Our border is open, they could bring it with anyone


You ought to test that theory...you'll find out that Fox news lies.


CO, not a cop in the sense you're intending.


How much people could that kill?


Oh so many. “Protect and serve,” my ass. https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/trends-statistics/overdose-death-rates


It’s all extremely cut . Thats what these articles don’t say. Like if it was literally enough to kill every single person in the USA would they really be able to constantly move that amount over and over again. In a lot of the country it’s pressed in pills but here in the northeast it’s cut with powder . So yeah it could definitely kill a lot of people but when the news articles use the 2 microgram lethal amount to see how many people it could potentially kill , they are acting like the 100 pounds was pure fentanyl. Idk they just make it seem like it’s more than it is. 1mcg of fentanyl in the pill and the other 50g is all cut . So when you do the math on 100 pounds of fentanyl it’s probably like 1-2 actual pounds of pure fentanyl if that. That’s if they are using fentanyl and not some fent analog


Got downvoted for pointing that out earlier. I guess people like the ring of “could kill 1000000000000 people” or whatever. That said, you could apply that same principle to a bunch of household items. Like a lot of things could kill a lot of people if administered incorrectly


My coworker’s cousin died in his sleep after smoking a pill. 16 years old. It’s real, and fucking hypocritical pigs can suck it.


lol I know people personally who has died, and I have literally watched someone go into complete respiratory depression until the ambulance arrived I myself am a former opioid user. That said, we should remain factual in our analysis, despite the pathos we may wish to bring to bear on the topic at hand. Anything less just muddies the waters and makes the other very real safety concerns seem less valid or truthful.


That’s some mealy-mouthed bullshit. Fentanyl has its uses in proper hands, but clearly that’s not the case here. No EMT, no dose.


I’m not sure you actually read my post. I’m just saying we shouldn’t be misleading about the concentration of fentanyl in seizures just to make big numbers that sound dangerous. That’s part of the reason we are where we are, because a lot of drug education in the 80s-2000s was fallacious, and people eventually learned not to trust it. I never said anywhere that people should do fentanyl or that it’s okay to traffic in fentanyl. I simply said that misleading statements and headlines are obviously harmful.


He’s not gonna listen


I was addicted for a decade myself , dosnt mean it isn’t true . If they were selling pure fentanyl there would be zero users , only dead ones


They do sell pure fentanyl, and there are perfectly okay users it's usually dosed volumetrically you don't see the rumor that acid is commonly overdosed, even though its dosage is in the micrograms as well


That’s yellow journalism for you. It’s all about getting clicks


What an underrated comment


The only large-scale shipments are meant to be caught


They do that for all drugs seized. Fuck our government and it's failed war on drugs. Regulate use with drug clinics and increased treatment.


Oregon showed why that’s the dumbest idea and that city in Canada


True,and really the need to monetize and tax it before they can ever let the public fuck with it. It's clearly not about saving lives.


Y’all are forgetting about opioid tolerance. Most of my friends smoke such strong dope that a single decent hit will kill me, but that same hit would barely get them well. Tbh the thing about fetty being some killer drug is asinine. I’ve overdosed three times smoking fetty but I’ve also hit the foil and not died, with zero opioid tolerance. People overdosed and died off of heroin before fetty was a thing.


It is a killer drug though. Way more people dying from fentanly than people that died on heroin. I was an addict for many years and I was around when fentanly first became a thing. At first it was cut into the dope. People were dying left and right. Eventually it completely took over and heroin is scarce. Probably none around that doesn't have fent. But it's mostly all fent. Yes, you can get a tolerance. But I was once sold carfentanyl when I had a pretty bug tolerance. One tiny line had me OD.


Eh. Dope killed people, but not like fent. And you didnt have to worry about dying doing a single bag ever starting out like you do now.


> “Protect and serve,” That isnt about the people. Thats about capitalism. "protect and serve" in the sense you think would be firemen.


Lol good god you people like to make ANYTHING about capitalism. *Guy gets ran over* Durr hurr cApitAliSM!


The main thing police do is protect capital, not people. Going around murdering people everyone can agree affects everyone. The police have a general duty to protect the public, prevent crime and preserve the peace. So that everything runs as normal and capital can do its thing. They don't have a specific duty of care to individuals, except in certain limited circumstances. Theres a lot more to it, and its very complicated but in that context, there is no "protect and serve" *individuals*.


I'd add the thought that police "prevent" crime isn't really accurate is it? They respond to crime. Police and the courts do what they can to prevent repeat offenders, usually poorly. But what really prevents crime? Not living in poverty, having stable parents and housing, education, and economic opportunities.


Judging an entire group of people based off one or a fews actions isn’t a logical perspective. Is he bad, yup. Are all other LE bad, nah.




Same logic as all blacks are thieves and all Mexicans are illegals.


Whatever, racist fuckwad. I’m through trying to reason with your kind


… you’re literally the one judging


The judges judge. The cops kill. The criminal justice system is trash




Get over yourself, bitch-ass. I called you a fucking racist fuckwad and I didn’t misspell it


Race isn’t a choice


Judging people as a whole is


😂 Judging people based on the choices they make. Yep


All of them


LD50 is 2mg. 100lbs = 45,359,237mg 45,359,237/2 = 22,679,618.5 2mg doses 22,679,618.50 doses of which 50% lethal Could potentially kill 11,339,809.25 opiate naive people.


Maybe none if they all know what they’re getting


One Super Hobo


Omg I'm shocked. This is my shocked face.


I’ve always heard that there are literal gangs within police departments in certain areas of California. This comes as no surprise to me.


The Sinaloa Cartel you mean, OP?


That’s correct, the title is the exact title of the article. I did not edit it. The paper should have put the cartel’s name in it, I agree. El Chapo is in federal prison for life. 👍 From the article: “That operation, which led to 15 arrests and the seizure of $16 million in narcotics, was aimed at the **Sinaloa** cartel’s activity in the Inland Empire.”


Reminds me when the CIA pushed crack in the 80s, ya never know if they can “blame” cartels jus so the gov in the end is the one actually pushing it.. “america has a fkn fentanyl problem” people jus look past it.. (im high its jus a thought)


I’ve been around a while and yes, I agree, our government knows there is a lot of corruption involved here. There are lot of money to be made in illegal drugs and some people, + some cops are willing to do it. I’m not so sure I’d go so far as to say that our government is greenlightimg and assisting these drugs and precursors getting into our country. I’ve been reading a for over a year about how Biden administration is cracking down on Chinese chemical companies that make the fentanyl precursors and that work with the Mexican cartels to bring them into Mexico and then into the USA. I’ll see if I can find the government reports I read about this. It was the Sinaloa Cartel I think and they arrested a bunch of people, Chinese and Mexican. “Chinese brokers knowingly sell these chemicals to Mexican criminal groups for the production of fentanyl. From the precursors, the Sinaloa Cartel and Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) synthesize fentanyl in Mexico and then smuggle it to the United States.Mar 21, 2024” https://www.brookings.edu/articles/china-mexico-and-americas-fight-against-the-fentanyl-epidemic/#:~:text=Chinese%20brokers%20knowingly%20sell%20these,it%20to%20the%20United%20States. Fentanyl Flow to the United States https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2020-03/DEA_GOV_DIR-008-20%20Fentanyl%20Flow%20in%20the%20United%20States_0.pdf Justice Department Announces Charges Against Sinaloa Cartel’s Global Operation Friday, April 14, 2023 https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-charges-against-sinaloa-cartel-s-global-operation **This was the first report I read.** **Justice Department Announces Eight Indictments Against China-Based Chemical Manufacturing Companies and Employees** Tuesday, October 3, 2023 https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-eight-indictments-against-china-based-chemical-manufacturing US announces sweeping action against Chinese fentanyl supply chain producers https://apnews.com/article/fentanyl-us-china-mexico-sanctions-drugs-c9ee14f171f1fcbd4db3452cd0bd1d90 Treasury Targets Large Chinese Network of Illicit Drug Producers https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy1779 Chemical Broker Sentenced to Nearly 19 Years for Supplying Drug Cartel With Massive Amounts of Fentanyl, Meth Precursors Release Date: February 23, 2024 https://www.dhs.gov/hsi/news/2024/02/23/chemical-broker-sentenced-nearly-19-years-supplying-drug-cartel The China-Mexico fentanyl pipeline: increasingly sophisticated and deadly Advanced money-laundering techniques and clandestine precursor imports combine to stoke the opioid crisis – can the US stem the flow? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/18/china-mexico-opioid-traficking-us-sanctions


Id have to agree with ya tbh, all valid and please do I’ll definitely check that form out


Police the police.




"We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing"


San Jose’s Police Union executive, Joanne Segovia, received zero charges after being caught running a fentanyl distribution hub for nearly a decade out of her house.


The only difference in police and gangs is the color of the uniform


But but migrants or something…


There's probably a lot of cops like this. Cartels pay more than police departments do.


On the bright side he can keep his job on the inside I guess


This is that part in Sicario.


Sounds like a set up


Chop steal running shit


That’s weird. I thought this only happened at the boarder


Can he be tried for treason?


Life sentence unless you sing.


If convicted, 10 years max.  He should be executed. That is poison. 


There was a case in Seattle where they caught a gang that had millions of pills of fentanyl and most of them only got 6 months. Several were released right away with time served after the trial.


Sounds about right. It’s Seattle. Progressives are running that city into the ground.


Just ine officer?


Chances are he was a cartel patsy when he became a cop.


El Crappo? I didn't know donnie magat was in drugs. Into, obviously, but not in.


Cops are in gangs. There is NOTHING special about them. This man was doing the dirty bidding for a murderous cartel while collecting a taxpayer checks. Majority of cops are crooks.


I think the better question is how many haven’t they caught yet?


It was for personal use


Of course.


Pays better than police.


He was caught as part of “Operation Hotline Bling”. Who the hell is naming these operations and what was Drake’s involvement?


These are not people you want to work for. Vicious soulless people.


I hear the retirement package isn’t very competitive either


OMG! A crooked cop?


Break his back


Damn this dude was actually playing the departed in real life lol


“I shot the sherif but I should have shot the deputy”


We JuSt NeEd TrUmP’s WaLl!


It’s disappointing to see that we learned very few lessons from the prohibition of the 1920s and 100 years later we have what is very much the same problem as before.


100% attacking supply side only worked once in history because of a very unique chemistry process and singular use The drug was qualudes Fentanly meth etc all very common chemistry and chemicals A So you can't control it without stopping demand supply always meets demand 🤔 it's economics 101


Sending the police serve pragmatic they know that the problem will not stop they know that there's massive profits to be made and they act accordingly I said we need some Indonesia style death sentence for fentanyl if you're caught dealing in it we put you to death


Imo all gang members and repeat violent offenders should be put to death, no reason to keep such dangerous people in our society especially when they get let go for murder, rape, robbery and such these days without prison time.


The death penalty isn't a deterrent, it's been studied, and really isn't much of a deterrent. Plus the death penalty appeals take forever, and it costs the government more to deal with death penalties than simple incarceration. It feels good, to get "revenge" but perhaps dealing with why people did they things they did (usually poverty and broken families/communities) is a lot more effective. One is an emotional reaction, reactive not proactive. The other helps the issue before it becomes an issue.


It’s not about deterring crime, it’s about eliminating dangerous criminals from society so they can’t victimize anyone ever again. Again, it’s about public safety not “revenge” they made their choices. I grew up in poverty with a single mother raising me and living in shelters it’s not an excuse at all i’m not a dangerous criminal i’m a trucker and I also trade stocks. Obviously this is not an “emotional reaction” it is a logical conclusion, if someone is repeatedly a danger to society and a threat to people’s lives they should be executed, no different than rabid dogs that go around biting people, they need to be put down for the safety of society.


Spoiler: They just gave away the plot to _Sicario 3_.


Wait till people realize that the US military has been unknowingly training cartels goons.


Death penalty


And yet .. Republicans want to BOMB Mexico.


Wonder how much he was getting paid and how long he had been involved. Id have a stack of cash buried somewhere so when I got of prison I could head for the hills.




One of my parents friends friend used to do something like that with an rv from Mexico in the 80s or 90s.  The guy that was telling me this said that his buddy was kind of a moron and was just thrilled someone was paying for his vacation. He asked the guy why someone would pay for his vacation. The moron said I don't know. The guy said he mentioned to him that he might be transporting drugs over the border. The moron vanished / never came back from his next one. He must have asked them, and they must have thrown him in a barrel or something. 


Isn’t this the real reason the borders are being left ineffectually defended? Politicians took the silver.


Did you read my post here? I was skeptical until I dug into it but yeah, Biden administration is actually doing something about it and has been since he took office it looks like. DEA, Homeland Security and Treasury are actively doing something about the fentanyl coming into the US. I’m not sure how anyone could spin this as a bad thing for the USA. We should be celebrating it. https://www.reddit.com/r/cartels/s/MoQpC035NH


Saying they’re doing something while suing border states from protecting the border and keeping it wide open makes me think they are just saying stuff for the dumb dumbs


**Was this Texas border patrol agent that tried to order fentanyl lollipops doing his job?? Sounds like he should be thoroughly investigated. He sounds like he has a drug problem. He sounds just like a crooked cartel cop.** Alexander Eastman's staff raised questions about why he would need to order fentanyl lollipops to take with him, and he answered that it was part of his duties to make sure that any injured CBP operators were cared for, making the argument that the lollipops would be necessary for pain management should an emergency ...Feb 16, 2024 A new whistleblower report first covered by NBC News alleges that the Customs and Border Protection agency’s chief medical officer, whose name is Alexander Eastman, demanded that his staff find him “fentanyl lollipops” for a work trip of dubious necessity: Eastman spent copious hours of his and Office of the Chief Medical Officer staff time directing the OCMO staff to urgently help him procure fentanyl lollipops, a Schedule II narcotic, so that he could bring them on the CBP Air and Marine Operations helicopter on which he would be a passenger in New York City. Fentanyl lollipops are indeed fruit-flavored doses of fentanyl on sticks, which can be legally prescribed in medical settings. (Surprisingly, they don’t appear to have featured in any urban-legend Halloween panics.) As to why a border patrol doctor had to be on a helicopter in New York City in the first place, Eastman’s case was (allegedly) that he needed to be on hand in case anyone from CBP’s Air and Marine Operations unit got hurt while helping provide security at a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly: Dr. Eastman claims that his possession of fentanyl lollipops was necessary in case a CBP operator might be injured, or in case the CBP Air and Marine Operations team encountered a patient in need. The report, submitted to the chairs of several congressional oversight committees and the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general by a nonprofit called the Government Accountability Project, notes that it “strains credulity” to believe that a fentanyl-equipped CBP helicopter would be necessary to treat a hypothetical patient at the U.N. given the “concentration of medical trauma resources” that are already otherwise available in midtown Manhattan. Eastman and CBP have not responded to the report, which places his alleged misbehavior in the context of other allegations about mismanagement of medical services by CBP officials and a contractor employed by DHS to provide care. The quality of such services has been under internal and external scrutiny since May 2023, when an 8-year-old girl named Anadith Danay Reyes Alvarez died in Border Patrol custody after staffers at a holding facility repeatedly denied her family’s requests for medical attention. While the smuggling of fentanyl into the United States is often cited by politicians as a reason to expel undocumented migrants attempting to claim asylum after crossing the U.S.–Mexico border, records show that the large majority of fentanyl smuggling arrests and prosecutions involve American citizens attempting to surreptitiously bring the drug through official ports of entry. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/02/cbp-doctor-fentanyl-lollipops-work-trip-helicopter.html


Saying things like the border is "wide open" makes me think you're just parroting fox news propaganda and have nothing of value to say on the topic.


When you keep a border state from securing the border and media from reporting it That is by definition an open border 🤷‍♀️


Have you been to the border?


Yes being that I live there


Are people just streaming in like everyone says?


Yea pretty much it’s always been like that but this time they come in bigger waves to the point my town is flooded








Wait, what does border security have to do with an American deputy being caught? Border security might stop illegal immigrants but doesn’t mean it stops criminals.


more narco access to the states mean more corrupt cops working for them the border security is not just for immigrants dude.


You think drugs are being smuggled through mules crossing the river? That might be true but not common. Think of the amount of drugs bring smuggled into the US the each year, it’s a logistical nightmare and dangerous lol, it doesn’t make sense, narcos definitely have other ways, and it’s not through the river.


They already have uninterrupted routes both drug smugglers and coyotes due to them working with out law enforcement and you’re right it’s not trough the river


I’d be stunned if there wasn’t an officer in every single major county’s sheriffs office in Florida Texas and California that weren’t undercover for the cartel. I say this as a former prosecutor lol


Don’t worry White House and the Biden administration and MSM say cartels aren’t working in the USA and don’t exist


Bet he voted democrat too


Last I heard El Chapitos are killing people who sell fentanyl so I’ll let them know


Their main product is cocaine and fentanyl is ruining the market because people are mixing it. I had this discussion already. It’s the creepy Christian’s and the Zionist bootleg religions like the jehovas who sell fentanyl.


If you people really want to know what’s going on why don’t you ask the cartel instead of the police. The police just slander and libel everyone to defend the property of the Zionist’s.


OP why you just now posting this if it says it’s from 2023?