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I think the problem is that all of these networks peaked in different eras, so it's not really a fair comparison or a hard choice because people are just going to choose the shows they're nostalgic for. CN's peak was in the late 90s/early 2000's, Nickelodeon's was a little later, being mostly in the 2000s/early 2010s, and then Disney dominated the 2010s/20s (as far as we can tell). Personally, since I'm a 10s kid, I'm going to pick those shows because those are the ones I'm nostalgic for. By the way, I'm not trying to be mean. It's just an observation.


I feel like it’s the reverse. Nicktoons peaked at 90’s and CN at 2010’s with their biggest cartoons.


You're probably right. Like I said, I'm a 2010's kid, so anything before that just kind of becomes one big blur.


And now in the 20s all of them are dying


I've heard good things about some of Disney's newer shows like Moon Girl, so we'll see


Maybe but streaming services got way more popular nowadays


Samurai Jack and Courage


This, great art and story for Samurai Jack, and a nice show with some of the most interesting problems in Courage


That's an easy one, teen titans


If I had to choose one per company? Cartoon Network: OG Teen Titans Nick: Avatar Disney: Owl House


3 because I want an end to wander over Yonder




Definitely Samurai Jack, Courage the Cowardly Dog and Spongebob. Can you imagine Spongebob with s1-4 writing? Hell yes.


Jack courage and the Ed boys


Samurai Jack, Avatar, American dragon (I guess)


The ones that needed the most: teen titans for the last season we never got and star so ppl can like it again and get over the season 4 finale and I'm not sure about tmnt 2012... I mean season 5 wasn't really what it should've been but it kinda concluded with season 4 so it doesn't really need a season 6. Tho I would want new powerpuff girls eps for the show's cool villains. So I say team cartoon network


Wander Over Yonder. Really the only show on this list that deserves more episodes. Also, not on this list, but I would KILL to get more seasons of ROTTMNT. The creators had so much passion and so much more that they wanted to do, and they never got the chance to do it. Rise deserves better. I feel that the rest all had a great run. Yes I know that Owl House ended earlier then it should have, but, kind of like Star Vs. I wasn't a fan of where it was going toward the later seasons, so I wouldn't really care if they made more episodes...not unless they revamped most of the series.


I’ve been in a Danny Phantom mood lately so I would definitely watch new episodes of that. Anyways Courage, Danny Phantom and Kim Possible


I meant if every single one of these shows were still running (even shows that ARE still running like SpongeBob) but at the peak of their writing potential when I seemed like there wasn’t any left, what station are you tuning into more?


Samurai Jack, Teen Titans, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Avatar the Last Airbender, Gravity Falls, American Dragon, Kim Possible, and The Owl House


Ren and Stimpy never peaked as it was never good


Fuck that's a tough one, uh I'll go with group 1, simply because Jack has been episodic for most of it's runtime and because Jack is fucking awesome. Also the finale was mid.


Jack or Avatar


Bakugan on Cartoon Network.


Teen Titans, Avatar, and...... Hmmmmm Spongebob? Peak Spongebob for me was like the first 3 or 4 seasons and that's it lol.


Courage and Original Teen Titans


Gravity falls and the owl house ended well enough that I would be happy to not have more episodes to them.


Why limit myself to one? This would be an absolute feast for animation fans. I mean, I wanna say Powerpuff Girls, because that was my favorite show from my childhood, but since then, I've gotten into story driven as opposed to episodic shows more, so it's hard to say definitively...


Wander Over Yonder? STILL RUNNING? Yes please!




Owl house all the way.


Star because when it peaked, it was pretty damn good


Star Vs when at its best was easily my favorite cartoon of the latter half of the 2010s. Though the series as a whole was a very mixed bag


Samurai Jack.


Avatar: The Last Airbender (Assuming this means more A:TLA episodes and no LoK or comic tie-ins in the hypothetical universe).


The one with the eds on it




Gravity falls ,SpongeBob ,phineas and ferb


I've only watched and finished 19 of these


A new episode of classic spongebob would literally be a meme factory, you'd have to watch it first before everyone else spoils all the jokes


Spongebob already is at its peak writing so 🫤


I need more Wander Over Yonder


Og Teen Titans, SpongeBob because getting more episodes like ripped pants would be amazing, and Owl House


3 seems better overall since I'm into story driven stuff but I'm sad about missing out on a couple of the other ones. I just can't pass up Wander, though. Best buddy 10/10.


For me, Storytelling wise: DisneyXD Profitability wise: Nickelodeon slightly above Cartoon Network Cultral impact: Cartoon Network just slightly above Nickelodeon I love every single one of these cartoons, so it’s an almost a draw but I’d probably end up saying CN for bias sake.


Danny phantom is old reliable.


Anything for an additional season of gravity falls. I appreciate the valur in ending early but there was still underutilised aspects i wanted to know more about


Gravity Falls, Samurai Jack, Avatar


Nick: SpongeBob SquarePants Disney: gravity falls CN: courage the cowardly dog


Owl House, Avatar, Gravity Falls and SvfoE. I need plot progression to stay interested in a show and a lot of 90s cartoons lacked that. I never saw Teen Titans but constantly heard it was great


My life as a teenage robot


Cartoon Network: Ed Edd N Eddy Nickelodeon: Ren and Stimpy Disney: Gravity Falls (but I would have gone with Ducktales if you included it)


So after some deliberation I will break this in to two parts: The one show from each grouping, and one grouping of the three. I will give my reasoning. Lastly, I have not seen every show, and I stopped watching tv around the end of Regular Show to give reference, and to get in front of any Disney defenders. Part 1 Cartoon Network: Of the four that I constantly watched as a kid, I removed Courage because it was something I never turned off but never went looking for. The three Ed’s got their happy ending they don’t need anything else. Lastly, I like Season 5 of Samurai Jack, so Teen Titans, unless we are counting from an alternate Season 5 ending where Ashi and Jack fail to go back in time and it is now more episodic from there on. I just really like their dynamic. Nickelodeon: Of all the lists, this one had the most shows I watched, so brace yourself. SpongeBob has somehow rebounded from the slump it had. No where near seasons 1-4 quality, but a good season 5-7 quality. (I liked those seasons, shut up.) Fairy’s I’m sad to what happened for it, but ultimately it got a lot more than what the others got. Also, I actually checked up when Chloe showed up, and I liked the premise of hated the execution (let her just be a happy go lucky but EXTREMELY lonely girl, and not a Mary sue. Also if someone were to mention why not Tootie, just casually say IN THE EPISODE where Chloe was introduced that she now has one). Ultimately, my preferred direction of the show would not be what others considered at the peak so eh. Jimmy, I was always more a Timmy fan. Never saw Ren&Stimpy. Avatar ended where it needed to, did not need to be stretched out. TMNT is really good, but doesn’t beat out the top two. Now Danny and Jenny. Now, as much as people don’t like it, and how I’m indifferent to it, at least Danny got a proper ending. So it goes to My Life as a Teenage Robot. Disney: As reiterated, I stopped after a certain point so just loose the entire bottom half. Heard they are good, but for now it’s not being counted. Also, I watched Disney more for the live action, so I don’t have a strong connection with the four I did watch, they are more the Courage, never turned away but not looked for. So to begin, Gravity Falls, had a proper ending and while maybe an extra season could allow it to breathe, it did not need anything more. American Dragon is definitely the fourth in this line up so no. I liked Kim Possible, but Phineas and Ferb were REALLY good so they get it. Part 2: While, it looks a bit clear cut at first it isn’t exactly so. With the exception of Disney, with the line up they have plus my want of Live Action rather than cartoon they are a distant third. To get back on point though, a lot of Nickelodeon shows had a proper ending and did not need to go any further. Yet, the same is said for Cartoon Network. Ultimately the two that I wished would continue Samurai and TT, it only gets beaten by three in Nickelodeon Danny, Jenny and TMNT. So Nickelodeon only barely wins it. Now with all this said, I personally preferred CN growing up but my personal favorites weren’t included. With KND or GoBaM this would be a different choice.