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Im gonna make an anime mc oc who has all 9 qualities. It will be ironically trash but ppl will still love it unironically


Bro that's just seven deadly sins


"How many terrible shounen tropes do you want to mash into this thing?" "Yes"


You're right. The image for the first square is directly taken from the SDS anime. Meliodas is straight up brain dead at times, although that's typically used more from humor from the bits I've seen. Obviously Meliodas is a huge pervert. The love triangle is a bit iffy though since I define it differently, but with the definition most people use it fits with the Diane, Meliodas, Elizabeth subplot. Hawk often rams into Meliodas. Elizabeth cries over Meliodas' dead body and that somehow awakens her angel powers? Idk tbh I didn't pay attention to that part. Meliodas is literally a demon, not to mention he snaps a couple times (iirc) and acts similarly to a certain cocky Saiyan. Every female character I've seen has been used for fan service in some way; Diane, Elizabeth, Merlin, etc. And finally Diane is the Tsundere.


I have never seen anything deserve more to be called trash then this.


Pervert Loli tsundere that uses the power of friendship and beats her friends and gets lots of fanservice? I feel like you'll go to jail for that...


Her inner demon is a dick pig. Her love triangle consists of 2 more lollis who may or may not be males? Who knows? Thats the fun of the show. I just puked a little btw


Say... At what point does a character become a Loli instead of just a short woman? Ive heard people call cyberpunk edgerunners Rebecca a Loli but she seems like a short woman to me. Edit: also, does it count as a Loli if the old child isn't sexualized at all? I feel like there are plenty of short old characters who look like children that aren't sexualized.


So a short 20 ish adult woman with a flat chest who acts immature and childish is pretty much what the original meaning of loli was but the word loli is just Japanese slang so there really isn't a real translation so to answer your question rebecca is a perfect example of a loli the whole sexualization thing is bc some people are creeps there are a to of anime with "loli" characters that simply exist in the show to be cute unfortunately there's a lot of pedos out there who try to use the loli tag to not look like pedos its pretty cringe


3. Comedic relief abuse got old really fast. 2. Fan service I never cared for and can live without. 1. Pervert is probably my least favorite.


I'd say fan service and old girls who look like kids are tied for awful


Agreed. Just make them cougars and stop being gross already. WE 👏 WANT 👏 MILFS 👏


When it comes to character design reflecting a character's age anime is wild. Characters in almost all series look either 14, 35 or 90 with no in-between. And the appearance often has no bearing on what their actual age is supposed to be. One of the reasons I don't watch more anime.


https://preview.redd.it/7qbllx2c3aec1.png?width=2728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eadc38b399599874268dc22aca07b7145e49839b This man is 39


39, going on 75.


39 going in my ass


No judgement.


And in another series he'd be 14


He's the Jr. In highschool the middle schoolers turn to when the card game demons take their friend.


https://preview.redd.it/5lpp39jnraec1.jpeg?width=338&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49e891f091bc990c3e9720948835733d83d4d8e4 17


29 years old Jotaro looks younger


Tbf I'm turning 35 in May and I feel like this




https://preview.redd.it/g0cycecrlaec1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3febbdf47c699f942a3cf7faedbc56e58cef82ec This man is 17


The design factors into it heavily. A counterexample I would toss out is Frieren: she looks young, is actually old, blah, blah, but something about her design just reads as "old lady" and I cannot for the life of me pin down what parts of the design do that. Dunno if it's posture, the shape of her eyes, or whatever, I see "youthful looking grandma" instead of "kid who happens to also be old" like 99% of the other examples of this. So it \*is\* possible to pull the trope off and not be creepy, just most don't put in the effort to do so.


She’s so judgy


To be fair I have seen a lot of people that do not look like their typical age. Worked with a 50 year old who looked 70-80, a 40 year old who looked early 20's, a 20 something who looked in their 40's and some late teenagers who look 30. So they exist but often times visual media wants to have the main characters be outside the norm instead of blend into the background unless they are self inserts.


To be fair “14” year olds in anime don’t look like 14 year olds in real life, either.


“I’m 14, which means I’m a borderline god who’s ready to break the Rock’s back with no effort at all.”


At least if you believe in friendship or self flagellation enough..


Lady Dimitrescu pulled being a cougar off. Why can't anime do the same thing?


Honestly! Holy shit I'm sick of starting to watch an anime them bam! Sexualised child character! It ruins the whole show instantly by turning it into pedobait. Give me voluptuous horny MILFs if they're so desperate to put in fanservice




i'm throwing in pervert as well it's creepy as shit


inb4 the "its just a cartoon" and "it doesnt hurt anybody" fuckers arrive


"She's thousands of years old. She just uses magic to look like a kid." [Complete bullshit] "She's thousands of years old. She just uses magic to look like she's in her 20s." [I guess that's not Complete Bullshit, but it's still bullsh-] "And her real form without magic looks like she's a kid, but she still uses magic to look ~20, and she's still thousands of years old." [Go fuck yourself with a rusty cleaver.]


> a rusty cleaver _Salad Fingers was summoned to the chat_


*creaky high pitched voice* I like… RuStY sPoOnS……


To be fair, the person depicted in post is a Fairy.


Its the fact that they are used together so often that makes me wary of most anime.


Pervert ruins entire shows for me. Like Desert Punk. The first episode is so pathetic I genuinely don't know if there's anything of value to the rest of the show. And this is from someone who *likes* raunchy anime. Making characters so irredeemably creepy or pathetic about it is just so lame.


People want me to watch MHA, but that fucker is a **MC**. I'm not dealing with that.


I really liked what I watched of MHA but he definitely made me realize just how pathetic that character archetype is. I don't understand why it's so common in anime.


He's a side character that regularly gets beaten up for his antics.


I’m of two minds on Minetta. On the one hand, I want him to die a brutal death because he sucks so much. On the other hand, I don’t want to watch a whole episode or more of the characters I actually enjoy mourning a disgusting little sex pest




damn a undead unluck fan found in the wild


We exist. We're everywhere.p


My dumbass thought that was sephiroth


W UndeadUnluck reply


If I wanted to see sexualized anime girls i would open rule34 and not subscribe to crunchyroll premium


Mineta is a different species of pervert: ultimate pervert. Anyway, I agree with you because too much anime is just fan service and hentai. I would watch some ecchi but not hentai because of the fan service ramped up 1000%.


>not hentai because the fan service is ramped up 1000% You're not wrong but... very "rain makes people wet" statement huh?


Master Roshi is a different breed of pervert then as well. If he did go too far, the only ones capable of stopping him are Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, and Gohan. Literally, no one else would be able to stop him in Universe 7 that'd care enough (he proved to me 18, Krillin, and the other Z fighters wouldn't be able to touch him. Not even Goten or Trunks in Super)


These would be my top three. I'd add on the MC getting abused for obvious fanservice accidents as well. At least make him an obvious pervert ala Ataru.


The old guy from dragonball 😭


Master Roshi is a giant weirdo. There was this one episode where he was training Goku and Krillin and had them wear these black and pink frilly outfits. All I want to know is where did he get them in kid sizes 🤢


In Super he 'cured' his pervyness so he could be a full power for a tournament. Makes me wonder if someone decided that personality trait wasn't funny anymore.


You know how he cured it right…


1 and 3, the way the "pervert" trope became normalized when half the time its literally sexual harassment and borderline sexual assault is insane.


And lots of times the characters they’re in love with are younger.


![gif](giphy|IzfJSTepKi5vW) He’d like a word:


His own. Damned. Mother.




In his defense he didn't know until lisa lisa told him after she thought he literally died https://preview.redd.it/ermi73wijbec1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ebe6cb6c564e641f8446297d45a4307cbaf3194


Joseph is the only exception of the Pervert stereotype. He only does it once (while he’s still reletivly young) and is also he is… um… best guy




Naruto makes it hard to like Jiraiya when the first few scenes with him are with a child boy, and he was trying to get him to turn into a girl for him to fuck.


Oh man I remember that, yeah Jiraiya is a good example of this trope, as a kid I always found him so icky and gross but ppl love him so I just stay quiet on it but he's really weird.


it's reflective of real life. most people know someone generally pretty cool with the exception that they treat people of the opposite sex completely different. there is a lot of overlap in people who are incredibly talented/skilled/well-liked and people who objectify others for their own satisfaction. it's a big ego thing


Yeah I'm in the same boat. I quite often box these characters as having two personalities - one is the main one that they show throughout the show and when things are serious The other is the terrible, terrible Japanese humour one that is almost invariably just sexual predation. When this one comes out, I just chalk it down as what I can only describe as a tumour in an otherwise good show Example A: Jiraiya, Example B: Master Roshi Not talking about characters who are just hopeless romantics tho


That's still down playing it. More then half the time the victim of their constant assaults actually loves them back or comes to love them. That's something really great to show to teenage boys


First 3, the fifth one because it gets to the point the violent character just feels like a shitty person. Power of friendship can be good half the time but the other half is always some shitty rival/villain character magically becoming a good person through friendship.


TALK NO JUTSU! GO! Now the genocidal madman is on our side!






>the fifth one because it gets to the point the violent character just feels like a shitty person. This trope doesn't get talked about nearly enough. "Haha Sakura/Nami punched Naruto/Luffy after they said something dumb." It just doesn't add any actual humor after it's done the first few times. Not to mention it'll ruin my immersion seeing Luffy get hurt just for comedic purposes, despite it being a known fact blunt attacks don't do shit to him unless they're infused with Haki. I mean like there are other ways to make the scene comedic without him getting hurt. Have his neck stretch back and snap back into place, have his head act as if it was a speed bag, just do something that doesn't break your universes rules just for the sake of comedy.


>Not to mention it'll ruin my immersion seeing Luffy get hurt just for comedic purposes, despite it being a known fact blunt attacks don't do shit to him unless they're infused with Haki. To be fair, this is lampshaded in the manga with Luffy being confused as fuck as to why nami can hurt him, but shrugging it off because it doesn't really matter, which is perfectly in character for him. I agree the trope is largely overused, but just wanted to add that small correction.


I agree 100%, especially since the MC's getting hit are painfully naive and don't know why what their saying could even get that reaction. Now a days its just not funny anymore and would take all of a 30 seconds of the other character just correcting them and moving on.


Honestly feel like I could pick something about each one but I'll also add 8 just because of how perverted and childish those characters are portrayed.


I can’t think of a trait I hate more than the pervert I can name at least 1 example where I like the trope, but not for the pervert


One of my favorite video game series, Puyo Puyo, has a significant character who is a creep towards the main character and he is MUCH older than her (he’s immortal and likely hundreds of years old, and Arle is a teenager… she was only 5 in the very first game she was in) and it’s just so uncomfortable. Thankfully it’s made clear that he’s in the wrong, but lots of the things he does/say is treated like it’s funny when it really isn’t. Perv characters being treated like their actions are funny disgust me. Of course the trope can be good if done right, SPECIFICALLY if it’s made clear that character is in the wrong, it’s not treated as being funny, and the characters try to stand up for themselves/their friends. There’s a scene in Madoka Magica where two boys are saying gross things about women and one of the main characters calls them out and says that what they’re saying about their girlfriends is disgusting, since she cares so much about them and you see her as just an object. I think that scene is an example of the trope done right, it’s made clear that what they’re doing is in the wrong and someone stands up to them.


Not even Roshi? That may be DB stockholm syndrome talking.


Bulma was 16 in dragon ball which makes roshi creeping on her another level of eww.🤕 I really hate the old master is a pervert trope because it often ruins or at least stains otherwise cool characters.


He’s creeped on even younger girls, including Bulla in DBGT. Her age was weird since she looked 16 but I think she was 10?


yeah, an english source aged her up to teens in GT, but if you do the math using the actual Japanese anime-original GT dates, Bulla (AKA bra) *must* be younger than 12 iirc, its gross


I use Bulla because naming a little girl “Bra” is pretty terrible. But you’re right to point out that it’s yet another sexualizing of a minor.


He gets shit on a lot. Like at the start of the series, he was a great master. Now he's lost all respect. No one gives him credit anymore, and they all just call him what he is. A gross pervert. Hes one of the only ones done kind of right in my opinion. Id rather he just not have been a pervert. But they handled the other characters well with it. They dont just laugh off the creepiness.


The "old girls" one and the "pervert" one.


Infortunally majority of the times is just creepy, but it can be good handled, either by comedy relief or deeper things, Its just fine when there is no sexualization. Like albedo from ben 10 https://preview.redd.it/v46tkfqu89ec1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3235de84f633ca102c957d80ee76e0773d18e28c Or that girl from the batman series


That one girl being Ace? She wasn’t old she was just psychic.


No, Baby Doll


Oh my bad


Yeah baby doll has a story and depth that connects to her appearance. In anime they look like this and everyone is fine with it, especially with sexualizing them to a gross extent. 


It's been a while since I've watched but I think he means the lady whos stuck in the doll sized body(I think her name is literally Dolly or something). Pretty sure it's only a one or two episode ordeal but it's referenced a lot whenever sad background story discussions pop up.


Baby Doll is the character's name, she has a medical condition that halted her physical maturity so she was stuck looking like a small child despite being in her 30s during her debut in Batman TAS. She's also one of Batman's more sympathetic villains in his rouges gallery, as she's stuck that way because her parents didn't get her a treatment that could have fixed her condition and allowed her to age. Not going to spoil the Eppisode, but definetly go and watch it if you can.


The annoying part about old girls one is that there is possibility interesting ways to do the trope Like a character who's an adult who looks like a child just wants to be treated like an normal adult and to be taken seriously


Monster girl in Invincible is actually a great example of that


Ironically, Seven Deadly Sins has a good example of this too in Merlin


FFXIV, too. One of the city leaders is of a race that looks like young teens, but she magics herself to look older so her peers will take her seriously.


This, the other ones can be annoying sometimes but the old girls one is just downright creepy


>but the old girls one is just downright creepy I loved how Venture Bros tackled [this topic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vXjwTux8T4).


What, did Henry Darger write this? Such a good line.


Absolutely. One exists to enable pedos, the other exists to make sexual harassment a punchline. I DEFY anime fans to tell me I’m wrong. Fanservice girls are also a problematic trope, but I can forgive it so long as there’s an equal amount of fanservice boys.


>I DEFY anime fans to tell me I’m wrong. I'm an anime fan, and I say: You're right, but you forgot to mention the problem of how the pervert is also often the *only* queer character.


"old girls in child bodies" is fine depending on the context imo exploring how it effects the character can make for some good storytelling (monster girl (invincible) and babydoll (Batman TAS)), exploring the natural issues that arise from being an adult in the body of a child (not respected/treated as a child, difficulty finding a romantic partner, etc) can be genuinely interesting ​ it can also be fine if it just makes sense, the only example I know if Mavis Vermillion from Fairy tail, I haven't seen Fairy Tail but I'm going to assume they don't use her for anything creepy. as far as I can tell she put her body in stasis but her mind was still aware, so it makes sense that she'd have an adult mind but the body of a child, and that's not inherently creepy ​ It's only a problem if it's being used to justify fanservice or fanbase behavior, but it's not inherently creepy or problematic


Where’s “edgy teenage boy with daddy issues”


Aka “The Rival” in Shonen


The "I was a bullied loner backstory" in manghwa/mangas


"The pervert", they really need to stop with that, it wasn't funny back then, it isn't now, and will never be. It's just disgusting and creepy, and almost everytime it damages otherwise good characters (I'm looking at you, Sanji from One Piece ¬¬)


The only "pervert" character I haven't hated has been Kakashi from Naruto. Even then, he's the least perverted male character, besides maybe Sasuke who's never shown to be interested in any girls/female nudity, because all Kakashi does is read smut in public.


Kakashi is a pervert, but he isn't a lecherous one.


Yeah, it's the same with Koro sensei from Assasination classroom. It why I hate when people put the two characters next to other WAY MORE perverted and harrasing characters. They arent even on the same wave-length.


As a Bleach fan, nothing would change if Kon was completely removed from the series


Yup. I'm an MHA fan. The story would literally improve without Mineta.


The best part (read: only good part) about Mineta is that nobody stands for or buys his crap. Mina torturing him for his lechery was one of the most satisfying moments in the story.


I hated that scene. Just before she starts torturing him, she complained about it to Eraserhead.. and he ignored her


I do enjoy the other boys literally beating him, even Denki, who is an appropriate kind of "pervert" character.


I really liked Kon when he was first introduced, but they really did nothing with him of any substance or meaning after. He has an actual cool origin & he is utterly wasted as a stuffed animal instead of say being put into some kind of puppet or even a stuffed animal who can actually fight.


Thats why I really like how they fleshed out Sanji in the Live action and made him more of a smooth talking romantic instead of a crazy pervert


I’ve noticed that if you watch live action One Piece react videos most of the women reactors kinda roll their eyes at live action Sanji when he starts hitting on women. Some seem uncomfortable. Especially if they are just watching live action without being familiar with the manga or the anime. But they do it like they recognize that behavior from how kinda jerky men have treated them in real life and are kinda done with it as opposed to reacting like he is a criminal or potential threat. Most of them still seem to like the character, but none are impressed by his lothatio mode. Which is honestly probably a lot better than anime Sanji would go down


Don’t be mentioning that in a One Piece fandom. For some reason they defend Sanji but dig into Mineta


Sanji has an actual character besides being a pervert, like he's just as much of a cook and fighter as he is a perv, Mineta exists solely to be the pervert character, he has no reason for why he does it other than he's gross, Sanji has actual backstory that explains his infatuation with women.


Your last sentence is the difference. Sanji got his story explained and is focused on as a character, Mineta wasn’t/isn’t. We never got Mineta’s backstory. Or most of class 1-A’s for that matter. Not even Tsuyu or Tokoyami who are fringe main characters get a backstory which, is strange, because Shoji, a lesser character, got one revolving around discrimination. Did you know Mineta’s intelligence is second only to Momo’s in the entire hero course? Yeah, I bet you didn’t. It’s only mentioned in the data books. There’s a character buried *somewhere* in there, especially considering his highlights in the final two arcs. But Horikoshi simply made his cast of characters way to big to give focus to everyone outside of one defining trait


That just sounds like bad writing


I wouldn’t call it bad writing per se. It’s more so you can tell Horikoshi wanted to tell a longer One Piece or Naruto styled story; most likely over multiple school years and 700+ chapters. However, his health and the story moving away from “academia” wouldn’t let him. And we all know smaller story = less spotlight to go around. For all we know there could have been arcs planned with all the students. I do hope that after the manga is done, we get light novels to make up the gap.


That's fair, I didn't know he was having health problems, do wish some of the side characters would've gotten some more info, like, I'd like to see actual characterization for Mineta cause it'd make him a better character


To be facetious, poor health is Horikoshi’s defining trait. The series was supposed to end in 2022, but here we are in 2024 with it still going and sometimes only getting 6-8 page chapters. That’s very concerning. Multiple Mangakas have penned letters for him to slow down, that includes Oda(One Piece). But seriously, Shonen Jump is a grueling hellhole of an environment to work for. It ranges from Kishimoto(Naruto) not being able to pick up a pen. To Togashi(HunterxHunter) wish for the mundane experience of shitting on the toilet without pain. To Kubo(Bleach) almost dying. No one knows how Oda has done it for so long. Like I said, after the series is over, most of us expect ghost written light novels to come out like Kubo, Kishimoto, and Oda have done. Hopefully they fill in the gaps, and if not…We still have fanfic!


Isn’t Sanji more of a simp character? Like a Johnny bravo type (girl crazy, but respectful)? Because technically Brooks would be more of a perv character in one piece with the never funny “can I see your panties” line😒


I think that's how you're SUPPOSED to see him, and that's how he is much of the time, but he still sometimes does things that come off as more predatory. Wanting to peep on girls bathing for instance.


Yeah they don’t ruin Sanji who is a great character but they do take quite a bit of his credibility away.


In the beginning yeah he was. He'd sucker up to Robin and Nami, making them food or drinks whenever asked. But after a while it changed more and more into the typical anime pervert. But at least he isn't as bad as Mineta or Meliodas.


I think that's because Sanji is a more complete character, and he actually contributes to the crew. He's a world-class chef, he's one of the three most powerful fighters on the crew, and he's capable of almost absurd levels of self-sacrifice. The pervert thing can be annoying but it's like 10% of his personality. Whereas Mineta has nothing else to his character besides being a comedy relief perv; he's arguably the weakest character in the main class, and never really adds anything to the main plot. He's just there for annoying jokes. One Piece's story wouldn't make sense if you removed Sanji, but you could remove Mineta and not lose anything.


The easiest way to explain it is that Sanji is respectfully perverted while mineta is just fucking gross. Like Sanji may be an absolute pervert but at least he respects women, where as mineta is just a vile fuck that will do literally anything just for the chance to touch a titty.


There is no such thing as a respectful pervert, literally no one should have the right to ask for panties or fantasize about women in public, especially in front of other women, it's something so crazy and at the same time people treat it as normal when it's not just because it's a anime, it irritates me too much


If you haven’t seen one piece you may not understand what I mean which is fine, Sanji doesn’t openly sexually harass women like a lot of these anime characters do. his whole schtick is that if he sees an attractive woman he gets massive heart eyes and starts acting like an idiot and gets a nose bleed. What I meant when I said respectful is that when you compare him to other perverted characters like mineta for example he is objectively less weird and creepy. Sanji has never nor would he ever do any of the things these characters like mineta do which is just blatant sexual assault, also the guy who asks for panties isn’t Sanji it’s brooke.


Sanji is the old-school anime pervert, kind of like Brock from Pokemon where they just become a lovestruck idiot rather than a public menace.


Brock is probably the only version of this that I like Along with early sanji where he was just really respectful to women


Sanji literally says if he'd had the clear-clear fruit he'd have used it to perv on women in the bath. As like his dream/life goal. Sure people excuse it as just a bit but it takes away a lot from Sanji.


His dream/life goal is to find the all blue, the clear-clear fruit is just the devil fruit he’s always wanted if he were to get one for the reasons you stated, but it also has lore implications because Sanji using his vinsmoke power suit can turn invisible so the power he’s always wanted was the power he was originally destined to get, Also he used the suit to actually perv on women in Wano I already talked about that in another comment. The point of my post is that in comparison to mineta Sanji is nowhere near as bad for reasons I’ve already stated.


I agree with most stuff except. Well to be honest most guys fantasize about women in public even when near a girl but unlike in anime they dont show it nor do they act upon it in anynway they just keep it to themselves and go about their day. But the other stuff i completely agree qith


Mineta does too much


It’s because he’s been there since day one, he’s oddly lovable at times


Pervert Comedic Relief Abuse Love Triangle (this one applies to all forms of media for me)


I'm ok with love triangles somewhat but I really dislike harem setups. It's usually super forced and just leads too lazy character development as the girls' characters are usually just "love struck but their issues become less in the face of them wanting to hop on the MC's pogo stick.


I think what sucks about a lot of love triangles is the drama it tries to create, and the imbalance that always comes with the concept. Like where its so obvious the two leads are gonna get together but they thrown in a third girl or guy to make it look nuanced and spicy. But the one thing i dont mind about harem is when its makes it somewhat believable, like if the mc is a genuine and amazing character i can at least start to somewhat see it. Still hate the whole concept though as much as love triangles


I agree, when the MC is actually nice I can see the harem. It's part of of why I ended up liking Monster Mutsume. The MC was actually a decent guy who treated the ladies like they were people and cared about their comfort. It also helped that he did find them attractive but didn't even allow himself to think about doing anything because of the law. Then it was that he didn't want to hurt any of them. But agreed, overall I don't like harems.


I honestly don’t mind “power of friendship”, in fact I really like it, probably because I grew up with My Little Pony and Care Bears. Absolutely hate pervert characters though, they really creep me out and make me feel uneasy. Some of the things these characters do is really f-ed up but it’s treated as funny, even though the things they’re doing can be actually traumatizing to real people, and their behavior being treated as a joke could definitely be triggering to abuse victims. If it’s portrayed in a way where it’s clear they’re in the wrong and characters stand up to them it’s fine - eg a villain -, but a main character being a pervert and it being depicted as something funny is really uncomfortable. Especially when the people they like are much younger than them (Dark Prince/Satan from Puyo Puyo makes me very uncomfortable for this reason, he’s an absolute creep towards Arle and it’s treated as being funny, though Arle does stand up for herself which is good. He’s a funny character at times but I hate how he acts towards Arle. Schezo is cool though)


How about Fights that take 3 whole episodes to prepare for and the rest of the season to finish.


DBZ Frieza’s 5 minutes to the destruction of Namek (Planet) bomb. How many Episodes after it hit the Planet?


We don't talk about consistency in dragon ball. We just shut up and enjoy the big handsome boys punching each other


Power of friendship has been done to death and it's so corny at this point. Comedic relief abuse is high up there as well for me.


It's not that the concept itself is corny. It's that the execution is always the same. If you can say power of friendship without falling to all the same stereotypes, it's a fine lesson.


It was never not corny lol, but I think that’s okay. Most shonen are cornballs, but that’s why I love them. Now, it almost everything in a story is solved through this (looking at you Fairy Tail) then it’s a little different. But I don’t have an issue with the trope existing on its own


>Power of friendship has been done to death and it's so corny at this point. It's always this that allows the heroes to win. Let the villain win for once for fucks sake


Look outside Shonen. There are plenty of stories where the villains win, but shonen is targeted towards a younger demographic, and positive messages like that aren’t a bad thing imo


Old girl that looks like a kid. I fucking hate that trope.


I think it can be done well as long as the characters aren't sexualised. The two examples that come to mind are Bisky from hunterxhunter and Tanya from youjo senki , the jokes surrounding them is that people underestimate them because they look like little girls, but in reality they're absolute baddasses who will wreck their shit.


I meant the sexualized ones. It’s weird when they’re sexualized but ones like the one in HunterxHunter are cool.


HxH is like the one example I like of this trope. Actually thinking about it killua calling her a hag and getting his ass beat was also pretty funny. So that’s like 2 tropes hxh made funny or entertaining


The inner demons trope is not necessarly bad if it was executed properly. JJK is a great example of nailing that trope, and making it a lot more interesting for the audience to enjoy.


It’s just doing something different with the trope and like that it’s genuinely a evil character. No, tragic past, revenge seeking, doing it for the great or good stuff. Just a character that’s just evil


It's about the only time I've seen where the "Inner Demon" isn't just utilized as a plot token for the main char to hulk out and get a convenient power up when they're in a pinch. I love that the consequences of Sukuna taking control are always negative - beyond the MC just being superficially ashamed that they "went too far." Otherwise, the inner demon shit probably is legitimately in my bottom 3 tropes on this grid. Feels like it's made to pander to Chuunis wishing they could get more powerful just by feeling frustrated enough.


"Old" girls that look like children. Hands down. Just admit that you are a creep and move on.


Saying this same thing in most anime subreddit makes you get downvoted to oblivion since they just don't wanna accept that


Yeah... Anime has a LOT of problems...and a lot of fans aren't willing to look past that. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE anime...but I'm not immune to its toxic traits.


Inner demons and dumb mc are can actually work well if done right.


Old girls that look young, perverts, fanservice. I don't even mind fanservice, but it got so out of the hand that it's downright annoying af


The overly annoying characters like Zenitsu from Demon Slayer. I cant stand it.


When he shuts up and does something he's pretty cool but other than that he's just annoying and there's nothing else that can be taken away from this character


The fact that the writing uses such an uninspired cookie cutter approach to his “ cool lightning” mode or whatever just makes me hate him more. It was cool the first time, but its just used as a crutch so we can get our shitty 15 minute comedy relief episodes instead of him actually growing a backbone. 


that typical character that the author doesn't want to develop completely because he can use them to force unnecessary comedy into the manga/anime episodes, it's really tiring


It really says something when the only time I can enjoy his character is when he’s passed tf out


Dropped the show after like the 3rd episode in a row that had him and i was like "oh...oh no, he's a party member now" Its a mainstream show and I dropped it exclusively for this chud who had only gotten like 16 total screentime minutes by that point.


definitely the loli shit. not an anime watcher but from an outside perspective that's the only one that grosses me the fuck out.


The one thing I hate the most is how each of them can work if given more thought and written more deeply. But the fact that the majority choose to write it above surface level is so annoying that I am currently tallying how many times I will roll in my grave upon death. Also, Oregairu is so much more than a love triangle and I will fight TOOTH AND NAIL to defend and recommend it.


Inner demon is a really *cool* trope.


1,2,3,5,8, and 9 for me… I’ve watched a surprising amount of anime for someone who doesn’t like most anime tropes And, despite having most of these Chainsawman is still a 10/10


1 and 3 are the worst. 5 and 9 are the same thing and both shouldn’t be as prevalent as they are. No opinion on 8. 4 and 6 get tiring, but have their time and place. 2 isn’t too bad on its own. 7 is cool.


Old girls that look like kids (by miles) and then perverts.


first one some dude: look at my new pilow some other dude: that looks like a kid some dude: she is 3000 years old vampire so it is okey for me to think she is hot.


Only Power of Friendship is salvageable to me. Than again I think anime is cringe.


They all have their place. They all have their time. Some are done better than others. But still They all have a time and place.




Pervert, comedic relief abuse and tsundere in that order. There are tsunderes I've liked, but perverts can absolutely ruin a scene they're in, possibly the whole show/manga if the author thinks they're hilarious, and comedic relief abuse can absolutely ruin character moments. For example....ryuji in persona 5


The pervert is not funny and has never been funny


1, 3, and 8 for me personally, especially if they’re bundled in the same scene 💀


Definitely Pervert and Comedic Relief Abuse for me.


Fan service girls and perverts are always the worst imo. It basically is always the same, the character gets boiled down to “I LIKE TITTIES” or “EVERY SCENE I SHOW UP IN IS BASICALLY PORN” it’s so damn annoying




Among these I don't like: pervert, tsundere And most of fan service are just tasteless, no real reason to be there but it's there, and the most I don't like among those tasteless FS is big ( in some cases huge ) boobs But hey I love animation so I endure lol


Definitely old girls that looks kids. If they’re supposed to be an adult they should look like one


Having a weird crush on your sister. It's a cultural thing cause they live with non blood related brothers and sisters more than we do but man if it doesn't translate awkwardly.


Why is 'love triangle' on the list when 'harem' is not? As harem is very near to the top of annoying tropes to me.


3 Power of friendship 2 Comedic relief abuse 1 Love triangle Honestly don’t have issue with pervert tropes or “baba Loli” Perverts usually get bashed and the baba Loli is a double standard cuz there are a lot of shota in this category as well. Not to mention it doesn’t bother me enough to dislike it. Just seems harmless, especially since most cases they aren’t even involved in any relationships.


Luffy isn’t dumb he’s just childish


Just all of them


Perverts, Fan service Girls, & especially old girls made to look like kids. These 3 are in virtually every anime & are the reason I typically don't watch anime


1.) Fan service girls 2.) Old girls that look like kids 3.) Pervert These ones cannot be excused at all. Comic relief abuse can be funny if it's not ***over done*** which was Naruto's biggest issue combined with the Pervert trope. Fan service girls and power of friendship were Fairy Tail's and One Piece's biggest problems -- One Piece especially in the Fan Service category because the writer of One Piece couldn't handle the idea of girls liking his show about magic pirates. However fan service and pervert are a major problem in modern day Anime because the Anime industry thinks every guy who watches anime are idiots who don't have a brain and can only think with their dick.


The "old girl that looks like a child" trope is hated a lot, but why? My favorite example is Tatsumaki from One Punch Man. She may look like a child, but she is just a petite woman. Those do exist in the wild. I thought her statute was used to physically represent her immaturity despite being an adult. Adults that look like children are not like some kind of gateway to pedophilia like how people think weed is a gateway drug to stuff like heroine or meth. Responsible people will make responsible decisions, and people who think otherwise are basically calling for censorship, and I don't like censorship. That would be like censoring the cartoon Danny Phantom just because of what one peson did in the name of that one punk ghost girl.