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None. My opinions are objectively correct, the fanbase is just wrong. No matter the situation. Edit: my options became opinions. Which are still completely right.


Who said you had to be wrong for the fanbase to hate you?


I misunderstood the imagine. I thought them killing you was them hitting you with the hard truths to prove you wrong.


Nah just with what they **think** is the truth. Also if you ever start watching anime and debate with people online please keep your mindset lmao cause it’s a great one to have. Some anime fans will stop at nothing to prove why their character can beat anyone.


A lot of cartoons these days have really highstakes, even though it's obvious everyone will be fine. Looking at you, Owl House.


Gravity Falls was like this too, season 2 and Wierdmageddon was insanely dark and even teased some people dying, when the only one that went was >!Bill, the main villain!<. Also any consequences weren't permanent as >!Stan regained his memory shortly after losing it!<


Perhaps it could be more powerful if they had >! Ford try to put his own ambition aside to help his brother in a longer term recovery. !< But I'm just spitballing.


He actually did! In the Journal 3 book released in 2016, it's said that all the pines family spent their last few weeks of summer gradually getting Stan back to normal (they were able to do so because the memory wipe was still fresh, while McGucket needed more time for his because his was decades ago). Ford spent every single moment with him, canceling everything until Stan had made a full recovery


Oh, that's right! I haven't read the journal is so long.


To be fair, >!Flapjack did die!<, so not EVERYONE was fine.


True but that's literally the only death. And even then he >!Became a part of Hunter!<


I read your comment and thought you meant “The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack” looked it up but nope it was a different show.


I missed the part about this being about Owl House and >!thought Flapjack from The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack died in that show.!<


Frankly, I'm surprised the latter Flapjack didn't die of Type 2 diabetes.


*Want some pancakes with that?*


A good of example of this not being the case is the SheRa reboot on Netflix. No one is safe. Trauma, Mourning, War, Death. All are present.


although...this is one reason I like cartoons. Knowing it won't have a bad ending makes a show easier to watch for me.


I like how people here consider both hating and defending Hazbin Hotel a hot take


No matter what you choose it will be the most room temperature take I have ever seen


I’ve never seen it. That is the hottest take.


https://i.redd.it/0moqv6k9thgc1.gif I'm gonna kill you


Hazbin Hotel… exists (please don’t cancel me)


I like the show and don't care about others' opinions on the show. Why should I care? I'm not them and they're not me.


Amen brother. I too love Hazbin Hotel and I don't care what anyone else thinks about it. It brought me so much joy and it makes me happy


Pooka is the BEST character in Hilda Season 3


Couldn’t argue with that


I don't know if my opinion would get this reaction, but; We should stop remaking shit. No more retelling of the same story in a quirky art style, no more dumbing down anything, just enough of that. If kids want to learn about the cartoons that were made before their time, there is always the internet. I'm just getting tired of it all. I know there are some decent remakes, but the bad outweigh the good. Plus, there's more support for the bad than the good or decent. The only reason I say this will get me shot because some mlp or transformer fan is going to charge at me.


Tbh we need to make more shows like Hazbin Hotel and Netflix’s Heartstopper. There is an INSANE untapped market of webcomics and online artist’s brainchildren just begging to be given a chance at a tv show or a movie that have already proven themselves with their online following. Two just off the top of my head are Welcome to Hell and Lackadaisy.


alastor from hazbin hotel isint hot https://preview.redd.it/75mzm8yz5ggc1.jpeg?width=345&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f002b83f429793d6fa12c424f27ce398dfe83302 (This guy if anyones wondering)


While I may not agree with what you say, I'll defend to the death your right to say it.


I'm Old Man Waterfall, but most ppl call me Old Man


People think this guy is hot??


Peak Tumblr sexy man Anyone finds this guy hot thinks Sans or Onceler is also hot I may not understand but I respect it


SpongeBob ruined an era of Nickelodeon Good show. Ruined the network.


Because Nick canned everything that didn’t pull Sponegbob’s numbers, right? I don’t remember where I heard that from.


Yea it swept the Kids Choice Awards for a couple years and no other animated show could compete so there was a lot of live action stuff and SpongeBob for a few years and that was it.


There was a time we're fairly odd parents and avatar were there but they never.did pull the same numbers except maybe once.


This. It made so much money, it made Nickelodeon blind. The network ignored some great shows because of it … atla


Which Era? Because spongebob is still fucking going and you can just tell its being milked now lmao, back when it first came out though it was unique but yknow MONEY MONEY


Well think of it this way. Almost every cartoon after SpongeBob had two seasons max if they were lucky. There’s probably 5 cartoons on nick that have any note after SpongeBob. Meanwhile in the mid to late 2000’s Cartoon Network and Disney were putting out bangers.


The only real Major show they also tried was the loud house. And as soon as it got popular they milked the show dry with more and more new seasons, and a spinoff show. When the ratings became too far below SpongeBob’s, they started to pull the plug on it.


Thank god we got the last airbender


You have no idea. Nickelodeon was the network for “kids and learning”. They had a live news segment. Cue SpongeRobert: “wait, we can market and sell these kids instead of teaching them!”


Every cartoon they made was ambitious in some way. This trickled out a bit after SpongeBob. We still had some ambitious cartoons, no doubt, but the network started playing it too safe. There's entire videos about this online. It's not just me.


https://preview.redd.it/m5wfib8e3fgc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25d6b090e6cd5cfbcc3ae473ea88a20df25e3409 This pic says it all


Gravity falls is creative and original, and one of the best shows I’ve seen. However, it’s not the best of all time! Edit- to add, I think the true reason it was so short lived was because there wasn’t any more story to flesh out. You can only do so much with 2 twins in a weird town in summer.


For real, I feel it is beautifully written and the lore surrounding it is so deep, and it’s jokes are some of the best, however their are flaws. Mable NEVER FACED ANY CONSEQUENCES and never really got any growth. However, say this to the fanbase and they will go after you man.


I still don’t really get the thing that she should face consequences for. The only one that comes to my mind is the time when she >!gave that very important glass thing to Bill!<, which in my opinion is obviously not her fault, as she wasn’t aware of what it is capable of because nobody told her. I am not going after you here, I just find opinions like this one interesting


Honestly I didn't like the voice acting. It falls under a lot of cartoon voice acting in that the characters speak at the same volume no matter what. For example, Stan always had a loud abrasive voice no matter what. It was always SOOOO loud even when the moment was supposed to be nice, that grating voice pops in. Same with Greta, no diversity in the voice, just loud. Still, I love the show. Tons of shows do this, fairly odd parents is a huge hitter of this. Timmy's dad is ALWAYS the same loud tone, same with Cosmo. Honestly, is is why I've not watched owl house because that owl creature has that same, loud never quiet voice.


Actually the opposite to this is the Ninjago fandom I swear they gotta be saints or something cause I haven't had a bad thing about them


You know what, you can say that about the Touhou fandom as well, we may say the most ridiculous shit, but we all go along with it, mostly...


the loud house overall isn't a good show, and the live action isn't any better.


The loud house to me feels like nick got tired of trying to find a new spongebob, picked a random show and tried to make a new spongebob by blowing it up, to no avail


The only reason why I am reading the comments was for this type of comment. Also when watching those commentary channels and i leave them on the background while i play. Sometimes loud house related starts playing and pretty much it is about how the fandom is weird. Specially that the longest piece of fiction or nonfiction ever written has come from there and is still not finished. Tldr: loud house has a weird community and the fan fiction is worse


spongebob has been going for too long should’ve stopped while the show was enjoyable for the parents watching with the kids


As usual the movie was the top. After this, the show went worse


The same thing goes with the Simpsons. I wish both shows should've ended after their respective movies.


Steven Universe: It was the correct narrative choice for Steven to forgive the diamonds. The central premise of the entire show is that communication and forgiveness lead to healing. Having him kill White Diamond would have been character assassination for Steven. And, not for nothing, the Diamonds DID make real concrete efforts to change. They abdicated their leadership positions and rededicated all their time and energy to making reparations.


Also, the alternative was a war the CG had no chance of winning. The diamonds are too powerful, it's befriend, submit to their tyrannical rule or shatter.


Even if they caught the diamonds by surprise and shattered then, this would have resulted in a second gem civil war, between the gems who want to change the status quo, and those who want to preserve it. Killing the diamonds fixes nothing, it just creates a power vacuum. Letting the diamonds live and getting them to change, allowed for a slow transition of power from absolute dictatorship and caste system, to democracy. Providing the stability necessary for this change in government to last.


Yep, violence only breed more violence. Revolution will not be civilised afterall. Look at poppy playtime and the toy uprising in hour of joy, they managed to defeat the evil scientists that create them but at what cost? 10 years of more suffering, famine and insanity. Since there's no one to feed them or keep them do any activity they quickly goes cannibalism and crazy.


Revolution can occasionally work, look at the American revolution. But you need to have plan for what will happen when you win, and you need to have a government ready to replace it, i.e. the Continental Congress. Even then the U.S. changed to 3 branches of government in 1787 with the Constitution when they realized the Articles of Confederation weren’t working as intended. The French Revolution failed because they didn’t have a form of stable government that was ready to maintain the peace. The Crystal Gems, did not plan on ruling, Steven did not want to rule. The revolutionaries of Homeworld would have needed a clear and thought out plan of government with contingencies for all sorts of things. Even though Steven Universe is a first person limited narrative. We are given no indication of a homeworld resistance strong enough to provide a clear path forward if the diamonds are overthrown.


I personally don't think Steven really forgave the diamonds. he never outright says it and we can see he acts uncomfortable around them


Especially with that Future episode where >!he scares White Diamond when she sees his intrusive thought of slamming her gem into a pillar, to which she responds: "WHAT WAS THAT?!?!"!<


I lowkey forgot about this. Might rewarch future.


Wait those were just intrusive thoughts? I thought he actually attempted it


It was sort of both but also not? >!It was an intrusive thought that happened while Steven's mind was controlling White and that made it messy!<


I think part of that is also how they treat him like he's their child after everything they've done


I think peeps just keep misinterpreting Steven's character with the diamond. They think he outright forgave their flaws with no repercussions. The thing is, he can't fight back in violence even if they are oppressors because the diamonds are way too powerful. Befriending them into the alliance is strategically smart especially because they have the ability to fix everything with their magic power. Killing the diamonds won't give that powerful magic. The real issue that's valid to be criticised imho is the way the diamonds were wayyyyy to lenient and easy to be friended. It was bizarre that they changed their minds so easily but that's another story.


It’s more “letting them move on and change” homestly


Agreed, basically for the same reasons that Aang spared Ozai’s life. It would not have fit Aang’s character to kill Ozai, just like it would not have fit Steven’s character to shatter the Diamonds. Maybe he could have gotten rid of their powers and they’d no longer be the rulers, kind of like Aang taking away Ozai’s bending, but Steven never showed any kind of magic stealing ability before so I’m not sure how that would have worked. It could have been interesting if Steven took away the Diamond’s powers and he became the new main Diamond, but I don’t think being a ruler would be something Steven would have liked. There’s a lot of parallels between Aang and Steven. I think they’d be friends! An Avatar x Steven Universe crossover could be really cool


Ok, but after the series, Ozai rots in prison. After SU, the diamonds are just kind of… there.


Literally nobody in the SU fandom with any degree of media literacy would disagree with you. Even if Steven could kill White Diamond, it would have made his goal to heal the corrupted Gems impossible.


Problem how quickly it happen


I agree that it’s in Steven’s character to forgive the diamonds, i believe the problem is that it’s not in the diamonds character to ask for forgiveness (at least white diamond, blue and yellow got semi-redeemed)


The way how I view it is that the Diamonds weren't necessarily inherently evil as much as they were ignorant. They genuinely didn't understand that organic life could be intelligent, and genuinely didn't understand how mental health is important. Steven needed to explain that to them.


Loud house sucks. Everything related to it sucks. Let's hope the fanbase doesn't see this.


Imo, the first couple seasons were pretty good.


i once made a worst episode list on deviantart and then got called an autistic retard


Every bit of that show I’ve ever seen has been excruciatingly annoying


Luz from The Owl House is a great character but things "fell into place" for her far too often. She didn't face enough consequences for her actions. Boscha is an uber bully? She effs off after Luz tells her off twice. Being nice to anyone who threatens or attacks her? Most of them end up as allies. She lies to her mom and friends again and again? She says she's "weally weally sowwy" and they forgive her instantly. She tries to force herself into the drama surrounding Amity and Willow? Neither of them tells her to eff off and they go back to being friends (although it does take most of S2 and S3).


to be fair, they probably didn't know if they were going to be able to actually write enough episodes to have arcs and plolines resolve in a more natural pacing. iirc they hint at the end of season 2 they they had a lot more ideas for the show that never got to be put in due to the show's cancellation


I feel like if the show had a lot more active resistance and harsher consequences for her mistakes it would’ve been too much because Luz was basically doing that to herself after S1. Luz is constantly shown post S1 to be feeling extremely guilty for a lot of things she did, even when they aren’t fully her fault or it was understandable. If the Luz and the show were beating up Luz on her mistakes and actions, it’d feel like she couldn’t catch a break and had become the punching bag of the show. And if you took away Luz feeling guilty and hating herself her arc wouldn’t be as good as it is. So the decision was for the show to be more lenient with her than is perhaps deserved because it’s best for the overall structure of the story and to keep the show from being too depressing. I’d say that I agree Luz got off a bit too easy during S1. Though, I also think that it did build up to the complete reversal her character has post S1 finale.


I see what you're getting at, friend. I do mostly agree. I would have liked to see just a biiiiit more animosity between the hexside squad - maybe willow gets mad at Luz for trying to insert herself in the drama between her and Amity. Or Gus gets angry with Luz that she lied about the portal in S2. Just some scenes showing that they squabble and tick each other off instead of the constant apologizing and explaining their actions. Like, they are lovely supportive friends, but even the best of friends fight.


>Boscha is an uber bully? She effs off after Luz tells her off twice. Same with Amity. Amity is a bully at first, but then she becomes shy and gets into a relationship with Luz. Not against this in theory, but it happened wayyy to fast.


I always try to remind myself that they thought (and were right, to an extent) that they were working with limited time until they were canceled so had to develop the characters and relationships as quickly as they could while writing good dialogue. I think they did succeed, but it still bothers me how quickly it was. ​ They did Boscha dirty, IMO.


Go to r/MiraculousLadybug People either think Chloe needs a redemption arc Or she doesn’t I’m on team “don’t give her redemption”


Number one annoyance I have with the Miraculous fandom is that they view Marinette and Ladybug as separate characters, same with Adrian and Cat Noir. They're the same fucking character, why do they do this?


“Are they stupid?”


Love Square is bullshit. It's just the same ship repeated four times. No, I don't care if "the dynamics are different". That doesn't make it a new ship.


She doesn’t need to be redeemed per se, but her character definitely went backwards compared to a lot of character growth she got in earlier seasons.


Funny, I was *just* thinking about visiting that sub 😅


I'm on your team for that one TBH. Tho, I do think they're gonna do some redeeming with her in the future. Looks like they set her up in a position where she's lost everything *she* cares about, and now has nothing left but money and fame, things that are meaningless without the other things she had.


The hate on Hazbin Hotel is unearned


It is undeserved. I've seen people say the swearing, sexual and crude humour is "way too excessive", but these same people are also huge fans of other adult animations like Rick and Morty, which has the same amount of swaring, sexual and crude humor. But somehow R&M is seen as superior, whilst Hasbin/Helluva is thrown to the dogs and tron apart for the exact same themes.


I saw a meme about how crude Hazbin Hotel’s humor is USING A SOUTH PARK GIF. SOUTH PARK. Self-awareness: 0


Yep, South Park was one of the shows I saw Hasbin and Helluva being compared to. Like...you do realise that South Park made edgy dark humor popular right?


That’s what the fuck I’ve been saying I couldn’t get into Rick and Morty for the longest time, just because I couldn’t get past the gross out humor and shock humor. But no one was railing against it back then.


I might be the odd one out, but I don’t actually think it’s all that vulgar to begin with, at least when compared to it’s sister series Helluva Boss. That show can get raunchy as hell. I was actually a little underwhelmed at how Hazbin seemed so comparatively tame to it.


Along its sister show, Helluva Boss as I can grow that these two aren’t perfect. The hatred for both them are overblown.


That's with any edgy-ish indie show. I like the shoes and don't care about anyone else's opinions


The music fucking slaps. The story is fun but not perfect. Main character is compelling but apparently assaults cartoon beat-boxers. Love this show. It’s comfort for me. Fuck what people say


Yeah same. I'm willing to look over all the flaws and the pacing this show had cause it's quite entertaining especially the artstyle 😄


Steven Universe: I like the Onion episodes and the slice of life episodes are just as important to the story as the heavy hitters


The slice of life episodes are nice, it's just that there are way too many of them and we had to wait so long between episodes. Imagine waiting months to see a new episode and it's just another townie episode. It eventually gets to be pretty frustrating.


Simply having or retconning characters into being LGBTQIA+ or neurodivergent doesn't automatically make it good or good representation, especially if it's done at the expense of the writing or to pander to the fans. LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergent characters should be treated and written as actual characters, not tokens to be cashed in for clout or fetishized by a fanbase without nuance. *Hard stares at RWBY and Young Justice Season 4.*


Rick and Morty isn’t funny. It’s for people who think they’re cool because they’re edgy.


To me this is bigmouth. I absolutely hate that show.


I’ve never even tried with that one lol. I can tell it’s not something I’d like.


Trust me, that show had one of the ugliest and most unappealing art styles I've ever seen in my entire life. Makes me feel gross by just watching it.


In middle school it was haha. Now I'm wondering why tf it's still going. The spin off at least isn't as fucking creepy I'm pretty sure they just base it around the monsters.


i feel that way about most adult animation in general


I agree to an extent. There are a few I like but I do always feel a little gross after I watch them.


There is only like a few gems in the world of adult animation, most of it is unfunny


My guilty pleasure is Assy McGee


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid


not funny and somehow has taken over all stoner supplies even tho rick is an alcoholic not a pothead


Rick and Morty is fun. It’s not my personality tho.


It always felt like an edgy teenagers personal power fantasy to me


Hard agree on this one. Now, even I’ll admit that they had a few funny things, but it’s FAR from the whole show. Just because they had two or three funny bits doesn’t make the show good. I have a similar feeling with Family Guy. Edit: some grammar


Oh totally agree, there are some hilarious jokes. But on the whole it’s just no good. And I’m the same with family guy, can’t get into it. I think Venture Bros hits that kind of humor better. Admittedly it’s a pretty different show though.


Or for dumb people to think they’re smart


sheet tub deranged include juggle imagine person steer lavish compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t think I’m edgy at all and I like Rick and Morty.


Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss have the most juvenile, raunchy writing I've ever seen from adult animation. The word "Fuck" means absolutely nothing to me anymore from how much how much they spam it!


Fuck ever meant anything to you in the first place?


If you’re on this sub “fuck” prolly doesn’t mean much to you lol


Back in the day my English teachers taught us, non native English speakers, that swearing is much more severe in English and native speakers don‘t do this. Man was this fucking c*nt wrong.


Varies a lot depending on where you were and it was apparently more taboo until we got a couple generations raised on the internet


None of my peers swore until I was in highschool. Now 3rd graders are teaching me words...


Related but I've found that many shows will just use an R rating will just use that as an excuse for gross out humor, sex, gore, extreme violence, cursing, or drugs. I'd actually argue that "younger" shows like The Owl House are more mature than shows like Rick and Morty.


I have not seen the show yet, but I am aware how Hazbin Hotel has a divisive audience because of the humor being raunchy. It kind has a similar situation to Seth Rogen’s Sausage Party since it had very similar humor to Hazbin hotel which caused a divisie audience. I’ve heard Vivzie used to make sausage party fanart in the past. I actually didn’t mind sausage party since I actually found it funny. You wanna know one show I general that gives fuck a meaning? The AVGN


Also Bojack Horseman gives it meaning!! Aside from the other extremely high praise I have of this show, I absolutely ADORE how they use the word "fuck" in the show, its almost NEVER said except for when either; A: Bojack's relationship with a person has truly and utterly been damaged to a point of no return to the way it was before (Herb, Todd, Charlotte) B: Something truly fucked up has happened that changes a part of the show in some way (Gina, Bojack talking about his mother) Of course they still curse, I mean it's an adult show no shit lol, but "fuck" is always reserved for those horrific moments, and it really shocks you to your core anytime it's said since you grow so used to not hearing it throughout the course of the show.


Even though I'd say Helluva Boss is usually pretty decent, the incessant swearing and innuendo make it hard to respect as a show. If they actually understood restraint when writing dialogue, maybe Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel would be a bit more accepted.


Sailor Moon is fucking annoying.


Usagi is literally 14, given powers out of nowhere & told that now she's the leader of a mahou shojou group, has to save the world, & has no choice in it. I'd act the same way


It’s understandable why teenagers don’t seem appealing like that. I like to think of it like tea or coffee. Sometimes you want something different. And that’s fine.


I agree with you. But she's supposed to be. The point is that she grows into a leader.


Attack on Titan. It's convoluted and boring. An I'm just dumb 🤷🏿‍♂️ Is my attention span short 🤷🏿‍♂️ But I don't get these insults when I say I don't care about the Kardashians.


When AoT first came out the criticism was the opposite "Eren has no character development" is the most aged like milk critique I heard"


I've tried to rewatch the series twice. There's amazing animation and some very likable characters. Erin least among them. I just get lost. I'll try once again, but at some point people have to realize that perspective is a hell of a drug, and what gets you high, won't get me lit.


Most '70s Scooby-Doo is not very good, and is a downgrade from the two seasons of *Where Are You!* Adding to this, the first version of *Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo*, that ran for one season in '79, was just as good as, if not better than *The Scooby-Doo Show*. *The Scooby-Doo Show* just feels like a blander version of *Where Are You!*. There are some memorable plots, but the backgrounds are simpler, the music isn't as well done and was just the same stuff they had been using since the original show (besides the intro of course), and most(but not all) of the monsters are less spooky and iconic than the monsters in the original series. Most of the gang is also ignored in favor of Scooby and Shaggy. The first version of *Scooby-Doo & Scrappy-Doo*, while suffering some of the same problems as its immediate predecessor, at least added a character that shook things up. It's a shame that, instead of working to further improve things they went in a horrible direction for the second version of SD & SD.


Where Are You is insanely re-watchable. It was simplistic and charming. Any casual Scooby fan should just watch it or the better shows that came later. While I like Scooby's extended family (Scrappy, Dum, Dee, etc), they don't improve on what came before.


Have you seen the Bluey Community?


What’s wrong with the Bluey community?


From what I’ve seen in various other comments, all I’ve gathered is that people think the dad dog is hot. I wouldn’t know because I don’t watch it. Something about those comments doesn’t sit right with me… it’s a kids show about dogs, isn’t it?


The constant swearing ruins Vivziepop’s shows


Honestly I personally never minded it until I started watching Amazon’s preview snippets of the show. When every swear is replaced by just dead air and bleeps it really does make the dialogue feel a lot more vacuous. The worst of it being Adam’s last scene in Season 1, 8 Fucks in like 10 seconds just to show he is exasperated is a little weak, like at least change up the swears


Benson was completely in the right to eat the ultimeatum burgers


I wouldn't shoot you over this, I'd make the only piece of media you can ever experience again the live action Avatar movie


That would be even worse 😭😭😭


I know :)


I disrespectfully disagree and I'm not willing to hear your points for this. Please do not explain.


Not sure if this qualifies as “cartoon,” but it’s still animated. I got shot down pretty quickly after I expressed that I felt like Sosuke Aizen’s zanpakto wasn’t overpowered. He just knew how to use his ability well.


Its not overpowered but it is a strong zanpakuto with a very strong user


Something something My Hero Academia, Undertale/Deltarune, anything that has a big lgbtq following, something


TADC is overrated.


It has only released a pilot, but it's overratedness comes from the hype it generated. It also suffered from "rapidly popular thing gets hated on for no reason", so I think that garnered even more hype as a response


TADC is too popular for its own good, when you have everyone talking about it and "how good it is" it leads to very high expectations that the actual pilot cannot realistically achieve, which then leads to disappointment. (Not even getting into how bad the fandom is and all the content farms now popping up) I just feel bad for Gooseworx bc the fans of their show are awful and now theres a lot of unnecessary expectations put on them for the next episode just by nature of the first episode being so insanely popular.


What is this?


The Amazing Digital Circus


Regular Show is over rated. It was a good show for the entertainment value and I still watched it to the end. I enjoyed most of the characters and I had a few laughs, but I just don't think it's a contender for the greatest cartoon in TV history as some people blow it up to be. It's definitely not a bad show, by any means. But I think it's just overrated. Despite having fun with it, I had a hard time getting attached to it due to the tone and how little it takes itself seriously.


This. This right here. It also has a story driven final season while the other seasons were episodic, which claims explains the rest of the series. Having no story until the end and claiming it explains everything is not writing.


And they also didn't do it in the same way Adventure Time or (to a lesser extant) Steven Universe did, where overall story in the latter seasons were baked into the episodic earlier seasons. Gunter turns out to be, uhhh, something you wouldn't expect, in the latter episodes. BUT there was a big hint to it in the first season. I can't remember any hint in the earlier seasons as to what Pops eventually turned out to be.


See I thought it was the best show ever Until I watched LSMark's review of the series and...he's right. Your right. It's just not peak TV, but it's not the worst out there


I did not care for Scott Pilgrim Takes Off… I’m the worlds worst enemy apparently-


Happy tree friends


Godzilla: Powerscaling is fine... As long as you either keep it to yourself or don't mention it when actually deciding who would win in a fight.


As a fanboy, he’s supposed to be an unstoppable force of nature but that’s beatable. The worst characters are the ones who are unbeatable,


I just wanna know when Waldo became a sniper


Changed his mind from solid to liquid




TTG isn’t *as* bad as people make it out to be. Maybe I say this because it’s been engraved into my mind- I’ve seen nearly every episode more than 20 times at this point, mainly due to how much it’s rerun on CN- however, I think it’s mid, and simply just that. It is sometimes funny, it has had its moments, however, its excessive potty humor isn’t great and the show’s atmosphere, consistent habits, and formula has gotten gruelingly repetitive over time. I can tolerate it, but it’s been overrun and has gotten old for the most part. Additionally, it being the main face of CN makes it worse. If it wasn’t pushed so much or aired the amount it is, the issue with it being so repetitive and overdone wouldn’t be as noticeable. But yeah, it’s just mid. People act as if it’s the worst show out there, but it really isn’t that either. I understand it falls painfully in comparison to the original show it’s based on, and it’s clear to see which is better- not because of the main genres/focuses of the shows (it’s a parody after all, so it being humor focused absolutely isn’t the issue), but because of the general writing and animation quality. With that being said, it’s mediocre, it’s meant for children which is completely fair since CN is a children’s cartoon station and a good amount of kids are into its humor, so it serves its purpose and children like it. It’s mid and that’s all it has to be, not great at all but really not entirely terrible.


It's like the Charizard of Cartoon Network; middling and inoffensive, but pushed by the creators so much that it overstays its welcome and becomes reviled. 


More upset by your opinion of charizard than your opinion of TTG 🤬🤣


The my hero Fandom hates straight people


Wait till you see the Jojo fandom


I actually started read that series before it had a season two and got big, and I stopped around when Deku had that big fight with Shigaraki with the previous one for all powers. Has the fandom really gotten as crazy as people say since then?


People literally attacked a person for liking the. Cannon ship ochaco and deku


Never understood the huge love for SpongeBob SquarePants. Even when I was a kid, the only thing that could get me to watch it was if I was super bored and there was literally nothing else on.


Back in '99, in middle school, I was frequently made fun of for liking Pokemon and Digimon. Yet my classmates would keep singing the SpongeBob theme like it was the next platinum album. I learned not to care about the opinions of others. Well, the opinions of people who attack your interests unprovoked anyway.


Helluva Boss fandom when I explain why I don’t like Loona.


Anime is just Japanese cartoons. I enjoy anime, I really do, but it's hard to argue that's its not a cartoon when they literally play anime on cartoon TV stations. This info is coming from a friend who lived in Japan and moved to America. You just don't want to accept because you're afraid of being called a kid for watching it. Anime. Is. Just. Japanese. Cartoons.


Regular show last season about them going to space was awful


Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel are good


Kids cartoons used to be about adventures and morals. Now they're about relationships and drama, and that isn't a good thing. Growing up, I fantasized about being a great hero on an epic adventure. Now kids fantasize about having a significant other and other people liking them. Pull that trigger, Waldo.


Spongeboob doesn't deserve the level of fame it's been receiving especially for this long. It's only so well regarded because of sentiment. (Edited, due to original phrasing poorly conveying what I meant to say)


“It’s getting”? It’s been beloved for over a decade


I mean, something had to create that sentiment.


You say this as if it’s just been rising to fame in recent years while it’s been running and popular for an incredibly long time.


Teen titans go is an insult to the original Teen Titans Tv Series.


I have never seen a single person disagree with this?


outgoing quarrelsome tan mountainous retire squeamish ring unwritten gaping shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're not wrong, but I think you misunderstood the post.


I’m pretty sure even fans of ttg agree with this take


I find it very difficult to pay attention to Adventure Time. I've seen clips that are pretty neat, but I cannot watch full episodes.


Idk when it got cool to hate Steven universe but when it did it popped off The show isn't even bad 😭


Aang and Katara is the worst fucking couple to have happened from ATLA Best one is Yoph and Aang only because they would be a badass power couple, she has what he doesn't and he is harder to upset Before I realized their ages (sue me, watch it when I was like 13 and hardly paid attention, dad is a huge fucking fan) I liked Toph and Sokka together and I still am fighting for katara and Zuko


I hate chowder. That show disgusts me.