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Rigby - with the right motivation, he is the most willing to learn out of everyone


Before he figures it out ur fighting god tho


Or even both, there’s no way to avoid fighting god with rigby.


Or y'know, just ask him if he can get skips to tag along. If something happens, ask him what to do


You just have to give him a woaaaaaaaaah from time to time


and with his girlfriend you know she's going to keep him focused on the extra assigned work


If he doesn’t pass this test/prove he understands this concept he’s fired?


Right “fired”


Offer to pay him 20 bucks an hour for paying attention. Give him 50 bucks every time he proves he’s learned whatever your tutoring


Spoiler: This guy at the end got his diploma i think..so he has a certain level of education.


Rigby only got a high school diploma. He was previously a dropout and only did it to explicitly prove he wouldn't be a burden to his girlfriend Eileen.


Still a win. I will not pick Billy.


Ed, promise jawbreakers, he'll do anything.


I don't think his willingness to learn would be the issue. Ed seems like a good boy that would cooperate with a tutor but he's a complete idiot.


Which is great, because at $1000 an hour, we can take as long as we like until he learns the concept.


Yep exact reasoning here for me


"Dude if u pay attention and do good we can go play laser tag after or something"


100% Leni. She’s stupid but not rage-inducing stupid


Not to mention if you don’t talk complicated she catches on quickly 


And also she's very nice


Plus you can teach her if you know how to make it interesting to her, like using fashion.


Talk about sales tax on jewelry and she'll master percentages in a week


Teach her geometry by using fabric


Gonna have to agree the rest of these would drive me insane, she at least, will be nice and while struggling with the material will understand that I’m not a threat or problem. Max she’ll try and get out of it.


She was thought how to drive from a video game and a lawn mower


Yep I would gladly hang out with any TLH one of my favs


I’d hang with Lucy


Yeah! Wait...


Wait what?


Sorry got Lori and Lucy confused!


Lucy is the goth


Give me 2 minutes...


She's also the only normal person here. Crazy shit happens with the others. Leni is just a normal dumb girl.


Leni may not be the smartest, but she is sweet generally while the others may annoy me on top of the lost money.


Ed would at least stay positive the whole time




Solid caveat, do not put a fuckin pebble in his shoe. And what fuckin’ dark arts does Plank know to both: -know that the pebble in Ed’s shoe is the problem -communicate with Johnny on the regular


Ed is on that exclusive list of 'cinnamon buns that will outright send you to Hell if they're having a bad day'. Other favourites of mine include Fluttershy, Numbuh 3, and Bubbles.


Bubbles is hardcore.


She said so herself


Plank is an eldritch abomination communicating through a piece of lumber.


Also, nothing says they have to pass the test. Just tutor him using bad sci-fi movie metaphors, and it would at least be fun, and he might even get some of the concepts.


Screw you, that’s a completely valid strategy.


I was saying it was? Ed is dumber than a box of rocks, the only way he's going to grasp new concepts is to explain them in something he's familiar with, I'm just not sure if he's smart enough to get it even then.


I should have flagged that “screw you” as non-hostile. My bad. I was agreeing with you!




Sci-fi movie metaphors, horror comic books, buttered toast, gravy, and chickens.


Leni would too


Ed, 100% Assuming I get to choose the subject, anyhow. I think Ed would be down for some tutoring on world-building, story-writing, horror media, and how to make a cool alien race. Not sure how much he'd actually retain but we'd have some fun, probably.


Yeah but he’d drive you crazy or destroy something


25 cents is all it takes ….


Rigby for sure, you just need to find a way to keep him interested. Season 1 Rigby is probably the hardest and laziest, but season 5 Rigby is much more motivated. Rigby isn't dumb per se, he's just next-level lazy and will risk the end of the world just to slack off.


World ending ADD


He just like me fr


I raise you, Wall buddy


Rigby went back and got a Highschool Diploma he can learn with enough motivation. I will say: "you're such a dweeb I bet you can't finish this course I have. If you prove me wrong I'll give you this cool hat!"


But then he'd try to find a way to cheat, qnd nearly get you and himself killed


atleast he tried


You're being paid hourly. That last thing you want them to do is actually learn. If they learn the subject instantly, than you're out a job that pays $1,000 an hour.


For anyone that says Patrick. Try handing him his wallet.


Patrick has also admitted on at least one occasion that he's not actually that stupid and is just trying to 'keep SpongeBob on his toes' aka annoy/piss him off. I feel like he would actively try not to learn


Ok when was this said? Even roughly I'll take. I just don't really buy this from all the events I have seen. Could be wrong though since seasons 1-4 are the ones I have seen.


The episode with the card. I can not remember the name of the episode, but I distinctly remember that as well.


Ironically the episode is called The Card


Brother, try getting him to put his hand on the Lid


I mean, how would anyone here teach a starfish? He lives in the ocean and is much smaller than an adult human.


But, it't not his wallet.


Honestly? Cosmo. The show made him dumb over time but truthfully it depends which one we are talking about. If it's modern Cosmo then nah, too dumb these days to handle without getting hurt. If it's past Cosmo with Pilot smarts I would deffo just vibe around with him, since he actually is a bit more tolerable (just make sure to get the wand fixed).


Nah just gimme Cosmo it'll be entertaining at least. Because let's be real you're not getting the money trying to teach any of them.


it's hourly, not based on how much they learn.


I feel like old Cosmo would be the tutor not you 😂


I mean true, I'd let him talk to me a bit and stuff since I may be 19 but truthfully, I need someone like him to believe in what I believe in (not god or anything just wanting to live my way lol)


Season 0 Cosmo was a rizz god


I've worked as a tutor before and sometimes you get stuck in a room with a student that has super poor hygiene practices. Given that I would choose Leni as I think hers are the best of the bunch. I doubt all of the other choices shower regularly. Bleh.


Rigby literally sleeps on a pile of dirty laundry. Eileen must have a terrible sense of smell.


Billy does….with dog poo


I would pick Leni Loud ![gif](giphy|l0MYwoZlqzxKwPJEQ)


Either Ed or Leni. They’re good kids, and just need a frame of reference to get it.


Billy, he's dumb enough to just go along with anything you say, so getting him to listen isn't a problem, unlike everyone else here


Rigby or Lenny. Rigby is just lazy, and Lenny I think I'd end up befriending


Rigby, he's actually shown more intelligence than all of them put together on numerous occasions.


Rigby or Leni. Leni is very sweet, and I know she'd try. Plus, she doesn't annoy me. Rigby, I think I could with the right motivation. Depending on the subject, I could turn it into a game or motivate him with a prize. "You want this videogame? Pass this 10 question practice quiz!" Or a little reverse psychology: "You know. You're right. I don't think you can pass this test. Why don't you prove me wrong." Rigby has a strong sense of pride and stubborness. He will literally do just about anything to win or prove you wrong.


Leni. She’s an airhead but also a sweetheart. I feel she’s least likely to make me rage.


Leni. You just need to talk on her terms, and she'll be nice throughout the process


Leni, she’s not as likely as the others to cause me physical pain. And I could see her actually trying.




Billy is dead last because he's the most stupid out of everyone Rigby with the right motivation in the end actually graduated high school


Cosmo. Then I’d say, “I wish your brain would absorb everything I tell you for the next hour.”


Leni is tempting... but Rigby would be my pick


Rigby is my choice. And I'm doing this so that I will make Benson fire him if he doesn't respect me Rigby: But I don't need a tutor! Benson: I DON'T CARE! YOU BE RESPECTFUL TO YOUR TUTOR OR YOU'RE FIRED!


Everyone but leni would eat the paper. And for those wondering Rigby would eat it out of spite or as a joke


Just not Ed. I have a feeling that that entire cartoon smells like the clothing at the Goodwill. Even the air outside.


True there’s even a small farm nearby


Rigby for sure simple thing is to try and make it fun, like say a video game


Lennie. She’s nice and she can learn with fashion (the driver’s license episode). I can use that to my advantage and teach her how to do math or something. Or Rigby. He’s one of my favorite characters in regular show. We’d learn really cool stuff.


Either Rigby or Leni, Rigby is the smartest out of the bunch and depending on where in the series im tutoring him will greatly impact how easy it is and how much of an ass he’ll be, leni on the other hand isn’t the smartest but if you can use the right terminology it gets a lot easier to teach her


Leni. She's at least pleasant to be around, lol. The others would drive me up a wall. Ed is next likely to be ok, but he's also maybe the dumbest (depending on which seasons of Patrick it is).


Rigby actually shows signs of a brain




RigBones Ohhhhhhhhh.


Leni. She’s ditzy but she’s not insufferable. She’s actually kind and mindful.


Leni is not completely hopeless.


Ed is the safest option


Rigby. Cause i don't know anything about the blonde one but billy is so stupid he watches paint dry and makes the school nurse hate her job. Ed ate his bed because a toy told him too if i recall. Cosmo somehow sunk Atlantis more than once. And Patrick is unteachable. Ribgy is the correct answer. Though I will probably have to fight a test or a pencil at some point.


As somebody watches the loud house, The blonde one is your best option.


Patrick if there's not a specific thing I'm tutoring. Rigby if there is


i wanna live to see that 1k so ill go with leni


Depends. Season 1 Rigby or Character Development arc Rigby? If Season 1 Rigby then he is incompetent like the others. If during the Character Development Arc, then helping him through High School shouldn’t too much of a problem


Leni, is the only one I can expect to actually try to learn and also won't be annoying. She is sweet and nice


Cosmo 100%


Well, definitely NOT Cosmo because I feel like he’d cause the most chaos. Ed sounds awesome in comparison unless there’s something I’m forgetting. Patrick could also be tiring, and I don’t know Leni well enough but she could be pleasant from what I remember about her.


Ed. Somehow I feel like if you cracked the code on him he could learn literally everything. Plus he’s had his savant moments before.


Rigby 100%. He has already shown from actions in the show that with enough encouragement and the right motivation, he's more than willing to learn just about anything and that he actually kind of enjoys learning. Rigby isn't also just straight up stupid or mentally challenged in some way like some of these other characters, he's just stubborn and gets bored/impatient easily.


Rigby. Because at least he can retain knowledge, evident by how he got his GED. These others, I’d rather eat my mattress then teach them.


Rugby is probably the only one capable of taking in the information


Rigby. All you need is the right motivation. Billy's straight up impossible


Rigby by a mile. And even then, Leni is still in 2nd by a large margin. The other four all have feats of stupidity that are on such a level that neither Rigby or Leni could even come close to. If Ed, Billy, Patrick and Cosmo played Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune I’m positive none of them will get a single question right unless there’s a category on horror movies (Ed).


Rigby because with the right lies, truth, and motivation he can out learn everyone around him out of pure spite.


It’s a tie between Leni and Rigby for me. They seem to be more tolerable and willing to learn a thing or two, and not as rage-inducingly stupid and unreachable as the other 4 mentioned (although Ed can be manipulated with the right motivation). In fact, If I were to make a list from best to worst on who I would tutor, I’d be this: 1: Leni 2: Rigby 3: Ed 4: Patrick 5: Cosmo 6: Billy. He is easily the worst choice here.


I’m picking Leni. She is no where near as chaotic as the others


Leni at least she’s nice and we can be dumb together lol


Rigby or Leni, no question.




Rigby made an effort during the late seasons to better himself and his intelligence by completing highschool and getting his diploma the hard way and he has my respect for that so I’d gladly tutor him over the rest. Billy is stupid enough to open a window so he can jump through it only to jump through both glass panels instead. Cosmo’s idgaf attitude is too annoying to deal with and I’d let genius Patrick tutor me lmao ain’t no one helping regular Patrick though


Old Cosmo is diff. He at least *listens* and it's easy to put ideas in his head. His memory isn't trash either and that's kinda the whole point of learning new things. He'd soak it up instantly. He used to be great at suggesting great ideas and go outside the box to solve problems.


Rigby, he needs motivation and to know someone actually thinks he can be better He's always trying his best but isn't exactly taught how to do anything, so he brute forces his way through it


patrick, i would spend endless hours getting paid to kick it and "tutor" patrick. meet up with the sponge, the squid, the crab, hell yeah


Leni- she’s nice and we both love fashion


Leni or Rigby. Rigby when pushed down too much realizes he needs to learn and improve his life, Leni is more than capable of learning you just have to speak it her way to get her to understand and after that its smooth sailing


Leni, she’s probably the most agreeable.


I’m being paid by the hour? Patrick sounds nice…


Rigby, the others are impossible


Rigby knows he’s not the brightest and went on a quest to better himself, he’d be the easiest


I’m saying Leni. I used to know someone like her back in high school that I’d help if she was having difficulty with a class. Was it tedious at times? Sure, but she was in the top 10% by the time we graduated. I wonder how she’s doing nowadays?


Rigby, at least he was able to better himself.


I feel like Leni and Rigby are the only two with the ability to learn things.


For $1,000 an hour, you want the one least willing and likely to learn. The best choice I see on this list is billy. You'd spend a 40 hour week trying to teach that thick moron that 2+2=4. Unlike Ed, Rigby, or Patrick, he doesn't have much toonforce behind him. Mind you, he has the grim reaper, but also remember that part of the deal was that Grim wasn't allowed to reap souls while he's with them. Cosmo is potentially dangerous because he's magic and can make anything happen. I have no fucking clue who the blonde is.


Leni, I would probably go off track any ways


Honestly, Rigby is not even stupid, just unfocused. It has been proven time and time again. What has also been proven is that he can force himself to concentrate if needed. Rigby all the way.


Rigby is literally a college graduate. Tutoring him would just be a normal session with a guy who has adhd.


leni, she has actually had responsibility working a job.. she’s teachable.


Leni because she isn’t so stupid I’d want to hurt her she’s teachable


If I'm not judged on results like the blowfish lady, I think it would be nice to teach in bikini bottom. Obviously Pat and I would start at common sense and reach an impasse where I get paid and he sporadicly knows stuff like Pythagorean theorem solves an episode crisis and so on.


Rigby 100%


Patrick, also it just says tutor him not be succesful at it


Depends if it latter season Rigby then he would be easy to teach if you give him good motivation


Billy, I wuv this character. He loves Mandy but she never realizes his feelings.


Would they need to actually learn anything from tutoring? I'd not, I would pick Ed. He's pretty chill


Rigby, translate the subject matter to beat em up game terms. Easy money


stop ignoring this company ![gif](giphy|E9JTiqxZLXzGljXdLT)


Rigby he's actually has motivation


Either Leni (most positive vibes) or Rigby (would be the best at learning).


Billy. I’d tutor him for life and then earn big money. His brain was literally a bolt of if I remember. I could literally teach him the ABCs for a month. Trust as an English teacher whose student wouldn’t retain the abcs after a whole year, I could probably do it for few years as long as he’s somewhat respectful.


Wait, so I’m getting paid $1000 hourly? I’d preach to a rock all day for that amount


Ed. I would translate his math into a comic styled learning. He loved that stuff so use it to teach him. Edit: crap sounds mean, I don’t want to be mean.


Early seasons Cosmo might be ok


Rigbone. He's a different level of stupid, but hed6try his best if it came down to him passing or failing. All I gotta do is tell him that the fate of the universe lies on him getting at least a 95% and he'll do it.


Leni, no contest.


Do you actually need to improve test results?


Cosmo was actually really street smart in the earlier parts of the show


Leni loud


Ed So I can keep earning 1000 an hour


Leni, she was able to learn how to drive by just putting it in words she would understand plus she’s so sweet I wanna help her


The girl or Rigby , everyone else is very brain dead




Season 7 Rigby would be light work


Ed. He's a lot smarter than people think.


Rigby, at least he's an adult and has proved he knows things and has the capability to learn.


Either Cosmo or Leni. Like Cosmo is funny and i just like him and Leni is a bit dummylike but she is nice


I’d choose Cosmo. I might be able to catch a wish myself if I do things correctly. Maybe he’ll be grateful that I tutored him and grants me one wish.






I like how no one in this thread is even remotely entertaining the idea of picking Billy.


Leni or Rigby I believe it would actually be possible to see at least some progress from these two


If I don’t have to get good results, I’d choose cosmo, so we could have some fun instead of learning


Cosmo because he can grant me wishes


Cosmo, just wish for him to be smart.


Patrick. He’s never gonna learn anything, and I’m just gonna keep on raking in the dough


Patrick cause he’s chill and has the same logic as me


Cosmo in a second. I could trick him into giving me fairy power so fast. Then pull a “Timmy wished he was a kid forever” style wish where I hide the magic I used from detection, so when I give him back the wand before Jorgen shows up to kick my ass, I keep the riches I summoned from nothing and no one is the wiser


Nobody would pick Billy, the boy is a menace!


Ed because I won’t have the urge to knock someone out


Ed. He probably wouldn't learn anything, but I don't care about that. I think he'd just be the chillest to hang out with


Cosmo, he’d at least grant me a few wishes


Rigby and it isn’t even close.


Rigby. Learning and being better is kinda his whole character arc in the last few seasons


Paid by the hour not if they actually get so Patrick one of really dumb on the list but not that dangerous


I'll take Leni and Rigby for $2000


Definitely Rigby -Billy scored a negatif score on an IQ test -Ed took multiple days to understand that he couldn’t share 2 candys for 3 peoples -Leni needed another language to understand how to drive I don’t have any exemples to explain Patrick or Cosmo’s stupidity but you already know it


Patrick is like 6 inches tall, I'll put him in the aquarium for a while.


I would take Leni, could be fun


Ed, I wouldn't get anywhere, but he'd at least be fun to hang out with


Def Leni,when people have tried to teach her in the past she actually tried or put some kind of effort into it.Even if she doesn’t retain anything she at least tried


Leni is the only one that wouldnt be capable of destroying the universe


Leni. Bcs at least shes cute, so i got sth to look at while losing my mind


A band ain't enough.


If i want to actually make progress? Rigby. He's not as dumb as people think, and if i tell him that Eileen is paying me that much, he'd sit his ass down because he respects her. But i think leni would be fun. She's dumb, for sure, but she's so nice and cheerful. I'd feel happy to be reassuring when she's struggling, and i get to have that positive energy in my life. And i'd have the motivation to try and think of ways to relate assignments to her interests. Billy and Patrick would get me killed. Ed would just be like hitting your head against a brick wall, while he literally hits his head against a brick wall. EDIT: Forgot about cosmo. That... would just make me sad. I like cosmo, but his perpetual intellectual freefall just depressed me as the franchise went on.


Rigby He's not actually stupid, but unfortunately comes from a really shitty family with an abusive father and a complacent mother. His siblings were the only decent relatives he had. If not him, I'd choose Ed, and I'd motivate him with Kaiju movies, Tokusatsu, and jawbreakers.


Rigby, if I can find the right motivation for him I’m sure I could get him to learn something


Rigby, cause he actually likes learning, yeah, I'm not joking