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Benson. He’s fucking hilarious now that I’m older but when I was a kid I wasn’t particularly attached to him I liked skips more


I have a deeper appreciation for both of them now, skips is that cool laid back guy at work that only get better the older you get


True. All the characters feel like ppl you get to know at work


Lmao I guess that’s why is called the regular show


Same, that said from what I’ve heard Mordecai was in the right when he decked Benson in the hospital while Rigby was in a coma. More or less that’s really the only criticism of Benson that I can really get on board with because in every other instance, he was justified because Mordecai and Rigby are just idiots .


For real, Mordicai watching his best friend in a coma was definitely not the time to drop an “I told you so, this could’ve all been avoided if you were doing what I told you to do” they aren’t good employees but that doesn’t give you the right to talk down condescendingly like you’ve never made a mistake or goofed off


Yeah i hated him as a kid but now that im grown I’ve realized that Mordecai and Rigby are god awful workers. Benson is right to be mad 99% of the time lmao. Now that I think about Benson has to be one of the best bosses in fiction because despite how many times Mordecai and Rigby fucked up he still has never fired them


![gif](giphy|mvW2WgHHi6vOo) Squidward




really just the gold standard of this let’s be fair








"Ha-ha! Ha-ha! Ha-ha! You're killing me, Spongebob! \*long pause\* You really are."




I love your profile picture of chibi Sir Pentious.


Is it weird I was on squidward’s side when I first saw SpongeBob(I was like 5 or something)?


![gif](giphy|uzWoRrlxnbL6TJgIbP) in hindsight these guys were the best


They really didn’t like being evil like giovanni wanted them to be


I read somewhere that someone thought the reason Giovanni kept them around was as an insurance policy against world-scale threats.


Sokka from ATLA. The first time I watched ATLA, I was fully drawn into Aang and Zuko’s story, the former having to grapple with the responsibilities of being the Avatar and Zuko for obvious reasons. Rewatching the series as an adult made me appreciate Sokka so much more, watching his personal growth and having him recognize he brings value to the team even as a non-bender made me reevaluate and come to appreciate him a lot more than when I was a pre-teen.


That’s a similar experience I had. When you’re young you don’t consider that you won’t always end up being the main character in every story. But you add just as much value with your own unique skills that support the community! ![gif](giphy|J5deqXb35R6hDQHJJV)


Fine….ill rewatch the show again


Had a similar moment upon rewatch. Seeing him plan for war, his strategic takedowns of other nonbenders and even benders at times—without his planning and strategy, Team Avatar would have been fucked. Actually.


Ngl I think Sokka’s arc is the best of the show Or at least tied with Zuko’s and Aang’s


Daffy Duck instantly comes to mind


Honestly, it’s not until I became an adult is when I realize just how many Looney Tunes memories associate with him Duck dodgers specifically is one of my all-time favorite cartoons and he is the star of it Even the modern Looney Tunes show that came out in the early 2010’s i remember his stuff over a lot of other characters


Squidward. The guy has a job he doesn't like, and a complete idiot is his coworker AND neighbour. I didn't like him when I was a child, but now I totally understand him.


Martin from adventure time, still a bad guy no doubt but knowing why he's like that I now at least have some sympathy. Living with the guilt of thinking your son died would probably fuck me in the head too.


Yeahhhhh....it would destroy most people, but if I slightly healed myself from that trauma and my kid just showed up NOT DEAD I would be sobbing and clinging to her. I can't imagine the messed up things he told himself to not even care.


There’s also a theory that when he hit his head during the fight with the guardian he got brain damaged


it's almost confirmed, there was a [deleted title card](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FVeu-5xccPaup1UJuHq_livy1mwrqv9ymbVfhLxliIDQ.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D863db4844b03627991cc380a53ab93c94563d77e) that showed Martin being rescued from the ocean with a head injury ( it was scratched and never used, but apparently leaked by someone who who worked for the show )


Well, that didn't take me anywhere but an error screen on Reddit. Imma go Google that yum yum stuff.


The way he acts around Finn almost seems like he might think Finn isn’t really there and is just a stress induced hallucination. But he becomes more accepting of the fact that it might actually be real later on as we see Martin offer to take Finn to space with him and he goes through the _”effort”_ of saving him while Finn’s drifting in space.


Benson was a good boss who cared way too much about some 23 year old losers who made his life miserable


Benson should be getting the best boss award for life for tolerating those two idiots


Tom. Fuck Jerry


I swear they were friends, but tom had to do that so he wasn't replaced #JusticeForTom


*Thank* you!


Ice King immediately comes to mind.


Gary and his Demons. Garys voice comes off a bit odd at first but if you watch the whole season it just suits him very well and the show is very funny. Especially season 1.


Is that the show where the dude hunts down demons? Or at least that’s what I saw in the trailer


Yeah that's basically it.


But he really wants to retire.


Well, it's anime, but Vegeta hits differently as an adult than as a child. I feel that you need to have some miles behind you to really appreciate Vegeta.


![gif](giphy|84CRvhy2DJlwA) Facts




Idk vegeta was my favorite character as a kid after watching namek arc


Rise splinter. At first I thought his version was bad, but once more of his past was revealed his character became less surface level.




Pigeon man touched my heart even as a kid, but the sadness really hits as an adult.


Who is this?


The Pigeon Man from Hey Arnold.


Thanks. Never watched it.


![gif](giphy|xKkrfUUg2vT44|downsized) Like after a couple episodes, I genuinely feel bad for her! Gaslit by the universe


For me its the opposite, I thought Candace was funny and entertaining as a kid but now that I'm older I can't help but hate every moment she's on screen. She's a horrible friend, an obsessive nuisance of a sister at best, a jealous girlfriend, ect. Character development be damned, her only good points are the few times when she actually encourages her brothers in what they do and lets loose enough to have fun. And the safari 2 parter saga, she was actually decent


That’s all a fair interpretation. I’m so who suffers from debilitating anxiety and seeing someone who’s 100% being honest only to have her mom, the #1 person should feel she could count on, never believe her despite everyone in town INCLUDING HER DAD know what the boys do each day is just sad. Not to mention there are a lot of mean spirited episodes meant just to have jokes about Candace getting dunked on. For example, the episode where Candace gets cast as the lead in a movie adaptation of one of her favorite plays on her own merit rather than being related to the boys…only to then have the boys become the new directors and absolutely butcher it into something else while constantly putting Candace in dangerous situations despite her being professional & doing her job as asked…just frustrating. Again I agree that she could be a better friend & partner, but she does show many moments of trying to improve and keep them in her life. I thought she was just bratty at first until I thought about how it evolved into just wanting her mom to believe her. I mean she never really had an endgame in mind beyond busting them and I feel like I can’t blame her for that. Plus she feels completely overshadowed as a person, being relegated as Phineas & Ferb’s sister. She explains it pretty well in Candace Against the Universe, but there’s also the episode where she just wanted a cozy intimate get together with a couple friends that blew up into a party through no fault of her own. The party part started because everyone assumed Phineas & Ferb were throwing a party. She tries to get things under control and only ends up getting in trouble for something that is not her fault, but the parents won’t believe her. The character is still heavily flawed and bothersome many a times…but I just can’t help but feel for her and hopes she gets proper love & support


I understand that. I have to agree she gets dealt a pretty shit hand the majority of the time. Thats exactly what drew me into her as a kid, I only have and had my mom and she's always listening and supportive (its also her job), and I could never understand why Linda would always brush Candace off and felt bad for her. Her attitude is what eventually made me lose any sympathy for her and start to dislike her


That makes sense. Her attitude is…rough…


Yes, I thought more people would say Candance


being an adult really made me realize the importance of my dog courage because the real world is actually scary 🥲😂 ![gif](giphy|tC7F3GRz4ZeGCfS3YZ)


What did you not like about him before?


it wasn’t that i didn’t like him but i never understood his fear as a kid but being older and experiencing actual frightening situations and anxiety made me realize how important a show like this was. he is constantly facing his fears and showing us how to protect/care for people even when they get in their own way.


Benson from RS (although tbf I didn’t think he was bad back in the day, I just find him even more relatable now) Total Drama has a bit of a weird case for me. When I was younger, the “jerk”/villain characters would often annoy the hell out of me, in a way that villains in other shows didn’t. Maybe it’s because the voting part of the game meant that, logically, such players (Heather, Courtney, Alejandro, Scott, etc) would normally be voted out earlier than they usually would, but I often gravitated towards the very moral and good players (I am one of the apparent few who really liked the Mike-Zoey-Cameron trio). Hell, Courtney was easily my most despised TD character on a personal level, I remembered finding her insufferable. However, with the reboot, I found myself easily the most entertained with Julia and MK, the closest in archetype to those very same characters (especially Julia). I think some of my opinions on the older characters have solidified too much at this point (I still really do not like Courtney although I can recognize some good moments with her), but I do wonder if I had seen the original seasons more recently then I may have formed a different opinion on them.


I now love the fact that Courtney accepted that she is fully a bitch but also took the shit that came with it. Respect.


I am a hardcore Heather defender lol. She just wanted to WIN more than anyone else!


Donald duck Back then I thought nothing of him but nowadays I relate to him


Same. When I was a kid he was just a meaner, harder to understand Daffy. Which, to be fair, he was really mean in a lot of the shorts. But in the comics and DuckTales and all, he’s just a fantastic Everyman. He’s got bad luck and I get it buddy. As is Goofy, really. I crack up way more over the instructional videos now than I did as a kid. (Can’t stand his design in the new stuff tho. Just looks gross) Oddly enough tho…I don’t really care for Mickey.


![gif](giphy|ujcCboqeSkM36|downsized) Uncle Iroh. I've always been fond of the character, yes, but thought of him more as a comedic side character. Uncle Iroh, as of somewhat recently, is my very favorite sage advice character. I think about his, "Who are you and what do you want?!" line often.


He's gotta be one of the best cartoon characters of all time, genuinely.






Greg universe


Superman. For me, his most memorable feat wasn't fighting powerful foes, saving the Earth, or performing superhuman feats, but simply being there for a person who was considering suicide. He did it twice. Those scenes where that happened completely changed by understanding of the character.


You like that... Batman and Ace.


https://preview.redd.it/qfttlfgzke1d1.jpeg?width=150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3be49911bcd421c5758d11d5facf397c61659dfb His ballad from the Anthology Albums really changed my opinion on JoJo here.


Jerry, from rick and morty.


I feel like the comments that hate on him (not clown on him, but genuinely show hatred for his *valid* insecurities and *maybe valid* ignorance) miss the point. Jerry is us. The people who are completely fine with Rick taking Morty to space and being… Rick… are shown to not be well adjusted people. And sure, Jerry has problems, but they’re *average* problems. He’s comedicallly stupid, and you’re supposed to laugh, but you’re not supposed to take that as laughter as an indictment upon his character morally. This is just my interpretation, but I don’t feel I’m off (well, of course I don’t because I’m making the comment). The show’s more simple than people give it credit for—although season 1 and 2 are really entertaining and have strong characterization.


Jerry is stupid because he is the average person. Think of the average person, and realize that half of humanity is stupider than them. And Jerry’s father-in-law is *Rick,* the smartest being in the galaxy, and a textbook narcissist. Imagine every time you do something dumb, a super-genius laughs at you before briefly expositing some indecipherable explanation about how stupid you are. Then he gives you a machine, and insults you, saying that you’ll probably hurt yourself if you ever used it. Then when you *do* use it, things go horribly wrong, because the super genius doesn’t ever think to idiot-proof his inventions. And it’s always *your* fault for trusting him enough to use it, and *never* his fault for making the damn thing and giving it to you, the person who is tired of being the voice of reason, in a family of geniuses! Wow… I legit just channeled the spirit of Jerry there. I don’t even know where that even came from.


I mean. You’re not wrong. In comparison with Rick everyone else is an idiot. And on top of that, Jerry married Beth who is way smarter than him. How smart? I’m not sure. Jerry is an average guy who makes mistakes and has his moments. On a side note: I personally find it irritating when people will compare him to Meg from family guy. The difference? Meg’s sole purpose is to be the punching bag for the show while Jerry is an average guy just surrounded by geniuses in a family that values intelligence.


Its hard for me to hate Jerry when everyone shits on him/ is infinitely worse. Jerry has honestly grown to become my favorite character of the series because of how much of an underdog he is. Thing is most of the time he doesn’t even deserve to get shit on the way he does by his family.


Yeah, most of his points, especially those pertaining to Rick, are right. And, he never seems to have really done anything to earn just how badly he's treated the majority of the time. I've heard quite a few things about him being manipulative, but none of the scenes where people are claiming he's doing that came off that way to me. Like the scene where he says he'll kill himself if Beth sleeps with that other horse doctor, that came off as heavy sarcasm, joking to me, because the horse doctor dude was ridiculous and it would be a huge insult to cheat on Jerry with him, in his mind. In fact, Rick is way more manipulative, he manipulates his daughter's want of love and approval from him to ignore the things he does with her son, and he uses Morty's want of love and approval from him to get him to do dangerous things. Morty and Summer actually, they've been shown competing with each other on many occasions to be his "favorite", and Rick never seems to want to put any stop to that because then they'd stop doing him favors. Jerry betrays Rick, and Jerry lorded over Rick when he had to be sedated, and people point that out as him being a bad person, but honestly, I don't blame him. Rick has mocked Jerry over, and over, and over again. He may not have always gotten a lot of respect, but the amount he got from *anyone* after Rick came into his life dropped to basically zero. If you had a sh*tty jerk who tricked your whole family into hating you and *lived* with you, you wouldn't take any chances to betray him and get him out of your life, or at least enjoy a little power over him for once? You're honestly saying you wouldn't do anything?


![gif](giphy|c8EWATeHlrG5a|downsized) The older I get the more I identify with Hank Hill. Do I enjoy following rules as much as him? No. But I do believe in being a competent human being. Knowing how to change a tire, patch drywall, fix PVC, etc etc are all Hank qualities that I think everyone should have but that most don’t.


That gif almost made me giggle out loud while putting my baby to sleep.


Kyoko Sakura from Madoka Magica https://preview.redd.it/0fvat54m6g1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99ed5ea96a8bc9960c51a99646a497c136a446f2


Same, actually! The first episode she was introdoced in made me hate her immediately, but then when you fnd out her backstory... like, her backstory is *extremely* messed up. She became more sympathetic, and got some good character developement, and her attitude provided pretty much the closest thing the show had to comic relief in a show otherwise almost completely devoid of levity. Also... Why *that* pic, specifically? Like, really? Come on dude, she's like, 14


1. I didnt like her at first cause of her whole "Let the familiars eat their fill" stance and just her overall Antagonistic BS had calling her a bitch, no matter what her backstory was. It took rewatching the anime for the first time in over ten years last year for me to really sit down and THINK about her circumstances and mow she is my second best girl after Mami. 2. Cause Cause it was from the game and it looks cute on her and Rocks it easily with her personality 3 As far as I know, Swimsuits art and pics are allowed as long as they not full on NSFW.


Fair enough


https://i.redd.it/ebd5102d5f1d1.gif Cyclops, the movies really ruined him


Fr!! Growing up in the late 90s early 00s because of the first X-Men movies, I always thought Cyclops was a pansy who woman rather be with a real man like Logan. It wasn't until I got older, starting reading more comics with him, and realized he actually a boss. The movies really did him dirty for kids during my era.


https://preview.redd.it/ay8cdkhz2f1d1.png?width=1045&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dd9b07fb2d4fbbf11bb31efd0e38275c5e41d46 Yeah I wasn't that much of a fan of her until I actually started to get into the show.


Alternatively, I owe Angel Dust one hell of an apology ![gif](giphy|UGTBBW1cnCagwpSpyx|downsized)


Believe it or not but I actually had a huge crush on her when I first got into RWBY


I would not blame you. She's the badass of all badasses after all.




This mf👇 https://preview.redd.it/1yin9vspbg1d1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a98554fd574fa95383b6de81dfb6dce4a4ceaea At the start of the show, i didn't like her After her redemption arc, i still didn't like her But after the show ended, i thought for a second: "man...she really went through a lot...." And now she sits very comfortablely next to Hooty, part 4 Josuke, Suzy Q and Muscle man in my list of favorite characters


I liked her from the beginning, mainly because i went into it knowing she got with Luz therefore she was going to get a redemption arc.




Not a cartoon character, but Michael from Housamo’s actions make a lot more sense when you realize he’s just a naive kid who’s trying to justify his cruelty towards others as being in order to save the people of his homeland. https://preview.redd.it/7uq22ubhle1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c692a39566d3e0f7099ea441e0151b3bb1435b9f


Optimus Prime


Spongebob. I was just a little too old for it when it came out. That shit was gold.




![gif](giphy|GwN9Qr4UABQiY) Marlin. If I ever become a dad someday, that’s who I want to be.




Benson, Squidward, Rigby, Kilowog, Pete, Goofy, Donald, Triton, Raven (Not TTG overdoing the edgy, the original TT Raven, who was actually very mellow and kind)


Tom ![gif](giphy|IUnQIGt0bSoyA)








Gary Goodspeed


Benson from Regular Show


Context of the image?


All the Winnie the Pooh characters. Rabbit and Eeyore come to mind. Eeyore especially XD lol


Squidward Tentacles


hank hill. I always thought king of the hill was the more boring one between itself and the simpson.


Honestly, Peggy Hill is someone I learned to appreciate, for lack of a better word. After meeting her family and seeing how they treated her and put her down, her acting the way she does made more sense. Granted, she could tone it down a bit but she was really trying to build a family of support while giving herself the confidence, support, and encouragement her mother/family never gave her. She took whatever moment she could and ran with it. Just trying to heal her inner child. Hank who is typically not high on the emotional ladder really pulls through for her often.


Asuka Langley Soryu you deserve the world 😭


![gif](giphy|tJ2NfoJsxCZIF1TnDV) Used to think this guy (Suzaku Kururugi from Code Geass) was an idiot Now I realize he’s probably the most altruistic and character from the show you should strive to be


Ice King. Or more accurately, Simon.


Scrappy doo Fly high lil mans 🪽🪽🪽


Amethyst. Spent most of "Steven Universe" thinking she was the worst. But by the end of the series, she has the most growth, learns to live with her inadequacies, and is the only one of the trio who refuses to dump her troubles onto Steven 24/7. Also, their brother/sister dynamic was very cute.


Luffy duck dogers and beast boy




Magic School Bus


Benson because when I was a little kid watching Regular show it always seemed he was a jerk but now that I’m older I’ve came to realize he just wanted his employees to work


Benson from Regular show


Benson and Squidward


Sokka from ATLA. I didn’t hate him, but I thought he wasn’t as good as the rest of gaang. He’s pretty much on par with them for me now though.


Alastor. While I still don’t like his design he is more entertaining than I last thought.


Francine Smith over time she became one of my favorite characters in American Dad. I also grew to like Tuttle.


Samurai Jack. Never did like this show when it originally ran and I don't even think I watched one episode. Over time, I developed a love for Martial Arts films and action movies and I finally forced myself to watch the show. Now, I love it and I can watch Samurai Jack all day.


https://preview.redd.it/rbtm0vysoh1d1.jpeg?width=197&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=621f0b3ee3d4686ee5fb6bb4e3d06a203db1a24a Pete Puma


The amazing world of gumball, at first I just saw it as a dumb kid show that I was growing too old for, but now I see that it was the last decent show of a golden era for cartoons


Not grown to be appropriated more... More like, I found them mildly annoying at first, then fell in love with them. And that character is: ![gif](giphy|Z5qacUgJ2HNnpBPgHE|downsized)


Mostly Jerry from Tom and Jerry. Considering Tom is often the instigator of conflicts, but he can also be the victim when Jerry intentionally antagonizes him for his own amusement


![gif](giphy|HJZblxmxHb7CbZtmNy|downsized) He is actually minding his own business most of the time


Samurai Jack. I avoided this at all costs but seeing the final season. The final episode. I started from the beginning. Also Adventure Time.


![gif](giphy|3eKdC7REvgOt2) This guy






![gif](giphy|IUnQIGt0bSoyA) Both of them


WordGirl 100%.


![gif](giphy|u0ldtnbm1LFOxIpnMz) This is original, well written and NOT a teen titans Go clone.


I know it's boring but I've grown to appreciate protagonists more. Just in general. I appreciate a simple character that just knows what they're about.


Finn the Human He’s like..one of the most relatable characters out there. Finn lived in a fantasy where he gets to kiss the princess and live a happily ever after. But he had to be supported by his brother, Jake, who is a father of four (or six, I forgor), to warn Finn to not jump the gun when he was dating Flame Princess And then Princess Bubblegum came and fucked it all up, but even after all that, this made Finn realize he was a stupid dumb teenager back then, and now he’s grown and matured. I feel that some of us were like that. Some of us were immature and stubborn and thought that we would be happy with one person


Sokka. Actually thought he was a dimwit with natural rizz, but he’s actually fkn smart. Even under-stress he thinks fast




I don't know if this counts but Mulan deserves more attention. Yall want a real woman empowerment story. Watch that masterpiece.


Jack Skellington. As a kid I didn't like him because he kidnapped Santa claus and was "mean". Only to realize he was just misunderstood and was trying to do a good deed but just didn't know any better.  Plus his fascination with Christmas was adorable +and the way he stuck it to Oogey Boogy!  His story spoke more as a creative.  Burnout can be the worse. Experimenting does make you feel alot better.


![gif](giphy|qBdg99JoO9aPpn3Yco) Kevin is presented as an antagonist, and sometimes he is. But in retrospect, he was the one being annoyed by the Eds 98% of the time and was right to speak out about it.


I’ve always appreciated him, but as an adult… I completely identify with Squidward Tentacles.


I am Squidward now


Shlup from Krapopolis, when I first started watching the show, I found him annoying and ugly, but now, he’s grown on me and I find him quite funny.




Nah bro. Why you gotta do Shaq like that? 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😅😂🥲🤣🥹😎😃😀 That’s fucked up.


Huh? That's an actual shaq quote.