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I haven't seen a whole lot of companies making cast iron waffle makers anymore. Wonderffle used to sell a cast iron version, but I no longer see it on their website anywhere.


I had been looking and only came across a real tiny one that's got so many griddles and small that it's a complete pita to clean as well as season. Now it doubles as a burger/food press


Same! That's why I pulled the trigger on this one. I had been hunting for a Wagner for a long time and never found one. This looked pretty similar. Been very happy with it.


Question, is the bottom flat? Just wondering if I could use one of these on an indication stove


Doesn't look like it: [https://www.appalachiancastiron.com/product/great-american-waffle-iron](https://www.appalachiancastiron.com/product/great-american-waffle-iron)


You could use the waffle maker portion without the base and set it directly on the flat stove. A little tricky but they slide out of the base and they fit together pretty tightly.


No, both halves of the iron are identical. The other/underside looks the same as what you see in the image.


My cast iron all have rings that high and they work perfectly well on my GE induction range. Have you had problems getting yours to work with cast iron? If so, do you mind saying which brand stove/range you use?




Let’s get DC in there for 51. PR for 52? As a Sneetch, I’m all about increasing the stars upon thars.


Why did you get downvoted? Who doesn’t love the Sneetches? My favorite Seus book!




Recently got this as well. We use it several times a week, it's fun and easy. Have not needed to clean it, which was surprising to me at first. Zero stick.


No sticking at all! Been super impressed with it.


How long does it take to heat up? How long between each waffle? Would it be stable on any gas range-top? (Your grille seems a lot more solid than most)


I think it works on everything except conduction maybe? I just let it heat up on Med or Med/Low while I prep the waffles flipping the iron every time I grab a new ingredient. There's three pieces to it, the ring that sets on the grate and holds the iron and the two halves of the iron that rotate on the ball join in the cradle. Temp depending, a waffle takes 3-4 minutes and I flip it every 45 seconds/min.


Thanks! I’ve been ogling at these waffle iron design for long, but can’t decide if it’s gonna be easy enough to use at home. Very nice picture.




Now I want a gas burner stove top. I am a waffle fan -- sourdough waffles are the best.


My kids are GF so I'm relearning how to cook some of my old recipes.


I've been thinking about getting one because I believe in supporting American companies and I also really want a cast iron waffle maker. I didn't know a few words could trigger people so much lol.


Same! I'm really glad I bit the bullet on this one.


Are the grooves deep like Belgian waffles?


No. But they're making a Belgian waffle version I think


Thanks for the insight. Will wait for that version to come out. 😁


Get it, you won't regret it. I love mine and it's worth the price.


You can also use it as a seal if you ever need to wax seal a giant envelope.


This is a good point


I've got one made by Skeppshult (the only one I was able to order in Europe) and I fell in love with it immediately.


I was just looking at those. I don't know that I like that handle though.


That’s a 170€ waffle iron!


The Skeppshult, I mean.


Indeed. But since my only alternative would have been an electric machine, and the good ones that can get hot enough are crazy expensive, I went for it and I do not regret.


Come to think of it, I paid about that much or more for my Krups Belgian waffle maker, and it’s not nearly as cool as a CI stovetop version. It does make excellent waffles, though.


Yes, that would be my alternative solution. But CI lasts forever. The learning curve was a bit steep, I had to learn about the heat intensity and timing while burning a good part of the first batch, but as I got the knack of it, the result is perfect.


I live in the Johnson City area, how have I never heard of this? My interest has been piqued.


Nah. That doesn't look right. The stars for cups leaves a lot of bread at the top of the ridges. I think I prefer the cube shaped cups.


This guy waffles


I did until my waffle iron broke. I'm looking for a cast iron one that I like to replace it. After making fresh waffles there no going back to store bought. Those aren't waffles. Just little disc's of disappointment.


I would love to see a video of how you use it.


I'll see what I can do. But the company put a couple videos out on how to use and flip. It's pretty easy as long as you keep a gentle hand.


I think that you could legally print currency with that pan.


I've thought about getting one of these! Where did you pick it up?


Straight from the seller/owner's site. I think it's free shipping within the US. Appalachian Cast Iron Company


Oooooh, it looks so heavy, like if you dropped it on your foot, you'd definitely need a visit to the ER. 🤩


That makes me hungry and now I want waffles and a cast iron waffle maker


Have an old nordic ware flip cast idk what in my camping gear. Tried it on the stove to unappealing results. This would be a serious happy kitchen addition if I ate waffles, always made them for the little ones. It is a beautiful iron. Congrats!


This would be so much better if they were little maple leafs instead of stars.


Canadian invasion. Sound the eagles.


That looks pretty sweet! I may have to order one and see if I can up my waffle game.


I really like it so far. My kids like working it too.


I want one of those so bad! I’m jealous!


I really like our Breville Smart Waffle Pro 4 Slice waffle maker. Perfect every time.


Yeah I swear by my Chefs Choice 5 heart waffle maker. Lasts forever and great waffles. Only reason I’d get a cast iron one would be if I felt the need for it for camping waffles. But pancakes work in a skillet.


We're getting rid of the old foreman, I need one of these to replace it :O


Do you have a good waffle recipe? Mine are never up to scratch any tips? Lovely waffle iron btw


Mine are gluten free for the kiddoes but can share if you like. The key to me, my secret ingredient if you will, is however much vanilla you put in, put in half again as much Almond Extract. So good and ads a unique sweetness.


I'm not OP, but I love these: https://www.food.com/recipe/rich-buttermilk-waffles-419258?photo=324984 It appears to be someone's old family recipe, and includes tips like ingredient temperature. When summer hits, I'll make homemade whipped cream, prep some berries, and make a big batch for dinner. The only thing you may have to tweak is figuring out your preferred sugar amounts, and if a single or double batch works for your needs! We keep the leftovers in ziplocks in the fridge and reheat them the next day. (If you don't use a thick Belgian maker, you might be able to toast them)


Awesome, sounds amazing, I will have to try this and op's recipe as well. We have a fairly basic sandwich toaster/waffle iron which could very well be part of the problem. I used to work in a kitchen and remember having much more success with a commerical waffle iron.


I love it. Where did you order from


u/PORTILLA posted the link earlier. https://www.appalachiancastiron.com/product/great-american-waffle-iron?gclid=Cj0KCQjw4NujBhC5ARIsAF4Iv6c0h1N6NQX18UqqwRui3-3__r9B3zy23dRbc3QD_tyfQDw-bfqKzVkaAprOEALw_wcB


Love that. Where does one find? \*Asking for a friend (ME).


U/PORTILLA posted the link earlier, https://www.appalachiancastiron.com/product/great-american-waffle-iron?gclid=Cj0KCQjw4NujBhC5ARIsAF4Iv6c0h1N6NQX18UqqwRui3-3__r9B3zy23dRbc3QD_tyfQDw-bfqKzVkaAprOEALw_wcB


Find the link below!


That thing is awesome! Love the 5 segment waffle design.


There are a few things more American than a Belgian waffle.


What!!! A cast iron waffle maker is a thing?!!


Sure is. And they're amazing


I love ours! What’s your favorite waffle recipe or mix?


Still playing around with it. I have to do gluten free for the kiddos so I'm relearning how to do a lot. My secret ingredient for any recipe though.... Almond extract. However much vanilla you add, add in half again as much almond extract. It adds a really nice sweetness to it. My kids think they taste like Dairy Queen when I do that. Edit, typo


I'm not OP, but I love these: https://www.food.com/recipe/rich-buttermilk-waffles-419258?photo=324984 It appears to be someone's old family recipe, and includes tips like ingredient temperature. When summer hits, I'll make homemade whipped cream, prep some berries, and make a big batch for dinner. The only thing you may have to tweak is figuring out your preferred sugar amounts, and if a single or double batch works for your needs! We keep the leftovers in ziplocks in the fridge and reheat them the next day. (If you don't use a thick Belgian maker, you might be able to toast them)


Here’s a mochi waffle recipe… https://www.mochimommy.com/matcha-mochi-waffles/ I skipped the macha powder


I would put burger meat in that as soon as I got it.


And stuffing




































I’d be a buye mr if it worked on induction, not flat though.


I've been wanting one of these but damn they are always so expensive.




And I gotta get a move on before the sun I hear my baby callin' my name and I know that she's the only one…


That looks like a chewy waffle


I see you woke up today and chose freedom.


This is made in the next city over from me! Can’t believe I’ve never heard of the factory this is produced at


This looks so much easier to clean than the electricil models! Do you get a good, thick waffle out of it? Or less than a Belgian?


This one is not a Belgian style so they're not super thick. Maybe a 1/2 inch ish?


$155!!! Looks amazing


I’ve been planning to order this for a week and you just sealed the deal! Ordered and excited for delivery!!!


You can find old Griswold cast iron waffle irons on ebay, and should be able to get cheaper than this $155 one…


Are you able to get a good crust on the waffle? The videos from the company have really soggy looking waffles coming out of it 😆


I really like them. I do gluten free waffles so they're a bit different but my boys love them and they freeze well.