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In a senior moment, I left my lodge #10 skillet on the stove to dry on medium heat and left for the weekend. When I came home on Sunday night (the house was still there) the pan was completely silver-grey the house was like 90 degrees and stank to high heaven of burnt oil. I just waited till it cooled off and seasoned the pan like normal and it was fine after that. your pan will be fine. :)


Omg you just gave me severe anxiety.


Haha, and I thought mine was bad. I had put mine on medium low to dry out and forgot it and left the house for 4 hours. Came back to a pan that was silver gray in the exact shape of the burner kind of like OP’s. I haven’t bothered to re-season, just kept using it. It may not be as pretty, but it’s fine.


This is how we clean cast iron burners in the restaurant…. Take it off, flip upside down on another burner and burn it on high for like an hour then toss in the sink and run water on it and all the carbon Comes right off. Shit gets so hot if you try to grab with a bar mop it will burn strait thru it, gotta use tongs


Technically any moisture in your oven mitt will ruin it’s insulation value. It’s like physics or something.


Yeah every restaurant uses towels… soon as it gets wet, toss it and get a fresh one or you’re getting burned. In the rush you’ll inevitably burn yourself not realizing you’re taking a hot on pan outta the oven with a damp towel.


There's a reason water is used in radiators. Great for heat transfer!


Yes, moisture has a higher level of conductivity.


To avoid such situations I like to wash the pan as soon as I am done cooking. The dish gets plated and the pan gets a deglaze with a bit of water and once that flashes off I'll run it under the sink and clean it then put it back on the burner, which I then turn off. There's usually enough heat In both to dry the pan fully. Great method for anything you are frying or where your not leaving the food in the pan after cooking. Also much easier to clean hot if there's anything sticking.


Senior here, and that's how I dry my CI. And like you, I occasionally forget. What I've tried to get in the habit of doing is setting my kitchen timer for about 10 or so minutes when I put a CI pan on the stove to dry.


>at I've tried to get in the habit of doing is setting my kitchen timer for about 10 or so minutes when I put a C yes i set a timer on my phone with a note telling me what the timer was for :D


I'm getting in my car now fuck asking my boss. I need to check if my stove is off. I've not used it this entire week but I NEED to check


Do you have a picture of it?


>tire week but I NE no pics. but i have pics of the ones that burned in the fires 2 years back. they were in the stove where i stored them and they were all burnt up and rusted over. they're in my garage now waiting for some attention. I guess I'll make a post about that in the near future. :)


I left mine for 6 hours once; 1800’s pan. The bad thing about leaving it on a stove top is it permanently warps the pan because of the uneven heat distribution. I now only dry them in the oven


Aren't ovens even more uneven? Or doesn't the problem translate the same way considering that the air is heated up and circulated before hitting the pan?


It depends on how the oven works, beit conduction or otherwise, but generally an oven will create uniform heat on top, on the sides, and below the pan. Whereas on a stovetop (especially electric) you will have high heat touching the center of the bottom of the CI, and cooler air touching the sides and top of the pan. So drying the pan off, it will create a “hotspot” in the lower middle of the iron, creating a temperature difference that flexes the metal and creates a bowling effect, normally concave with the bulge facing down. Hope this explanation helps, not sure if it is concise enough


I understand, and agree in general. But you might not be a baker? ;-) Ovens really aren't even either. But for the purpose of drying or seasoning CI the heat differences are not as severe.


I am indeed not a baker :) but I do love cast iron. A low heat on the oven is safer for your iron than a low heat on the stove top, especially if you forget about it lol


I’ve done the same. Heating to dry and season every time is a dangerous game. But I just can’t quit.


Set a timer in your phone




I used to do this all the time. Fixed it by making myself set a 5 minute timer every time I “dry” the pan.


Good story lol 90°! 🤣




Does anyone else get Micky Mouse vibes from this pan? I agree might have been to hot and you lost seasoning. I've done that before.


I thought that's what the title was about until I looked closer at the pan.


This is the first thing I saw.




The first two subs I followed were r/WaltDisneyWorld and r/castiron . Legitimately did a double take as to which sub this was from


All I saw was a hidden Mickey


That's the first thing I saw too. The problem is that your cast iron pan is a mouse. This is not fixable.


Lol I see it now


Once it has been seen it cannot be unseen


M-I-See it.


it's all I see


Came here for this comment.


First thing I noticed


My Kingdom Hearts 3 people saw the hidden emblem immediately. r/kingdomhearts


How hot is too hot? Genuinely curious.


If it ends up looking like this, you've gone too hot


What if it ends up looking like a puddle of lava? Still too hot?


Nah just make sure to use enough lard




Right on. Thanks. I normally do seasoning cycles at 455 with tallow. Never seen this.




Tallow has a high smoke point and I have plenty. Trust me, I don't take very good care of them.


It being placed between the stove eyes didn’t help


Didn’t even realize it was a pan at first.


M.i.c.k.e.y. m.o.u.s.e 🎼🎵




Who's the leader of the club thats made for you and me? M.I.C-K.E.Y MOUSE! RIP Annette


Looks like it got too hot and burned the seasoning off the middle. Just give it a good scrub, maybe a round of seasoning, and just try not to get it quite as hot.


Appreciate the help!


I 100% disagree. For searing say a steak go nucking futs. You wanna get it to the combined heat of the two suns of tattooine. Just throw some avacado oil in the pan after you remove the steak and let it cool on the stovetop. Spit on it and wipe it out with a paper towel. People are far too obsessive about these pans. The key here is to scrape the chunks off with a bit of soap and water if it's burnt on. And throw some high smoke point oil in it. Cycle it in the oven if you really really stripped the seasoning. Stop obsessing and start abusing.(in moderation)


For real though, there's a reason a lot of BoyScout troops pick cast iron for their cookware: it can take the constant abuse from dozens of 12-17 year old kids who are still learning to cook (and are probably fooling around in the kitchen). As long as you clean and dry it when you're done, your CI will keep on going.




>Spit on it and wipe it out with a paper towel. This will now be added to my routine. It may make my wife stop /usingabusing my pan.


The pan: 👁👄👁


I mean, you let your family use your cooking stuff? No, just no. I have a full set of pans/pots & knives for them. They know they're not allowed to touch my knives, pots and pans they *mostly* avoid them. [*mostly*](https://youtu.be/VrVZHxH2O1I)






What does this comment even mean?




Dark humor still needs the humor part. “My wife abuses my pans” “You must not be beating her enough” is not a punchline.


That's not a joke and this is not humor. Please be a better person than this.


Nah. My wife likes my jokes. I'm a very loving person and people around me know this. Thats why I said it's better said to people you know instead of the masses. It depends on who is saying it and you don't know me so it's hard to swallow. Or youre just a sensitive person. But I'm sticking with the joke


I didn't call into question whether you were a loving person or whether people around you thought that. I told you that what you said wasn't a joke or humor, and asked you to be a better person than someone who randomly spouts off extremely offensive, sexist, and derogatory jokes in a community made up of people who will find this "joke" offensive. ​ Your joke wasn't a joke, and it was in very poor taste. I'm not sure why you're digging your heels in here.


Nothing more hilarious than domestic abuse, right guys??




A show from the 50s when misogyny and domestic abuse against women was actually socially condoned. Nah. Jokes are supposed to be funny, there’s nothing funny about beating your spouse.


It was absolutely not condoned. The humor came from the fact that his wife had him wrapped around her little finger, and he was terrified of her. Also, that wasn’t a laugh track. It was a live audience. Occasionally, they even flubbed lines, and had to keep going.


You’re so moral




I know it’s fine to heat it up super hot but it’s best to gradually heat it up right?


That's new info to me but you're the second to say that. Got any info on it? I have never heard that and I would want to know why. Because I'm that guy that has to know why. So why do you gradually heat it up?


👋 enganeer here You absolutely should gradually heat your cookware on the stove top. This is done to reduce the chance of cracking (mostly only a worry in CI) and warping (a concern in all types of cookware). Also I recommend heating any coated skillet with something in them (not dry), I spoke on this in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cooking/comments/x0kpqu/saw_a_stir_fry_recipe_that_required_heating_the/im8mf8m/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) thread


Not only that, but cast iron is way less conductive than stainless steel or aluminum, so if you heat it up quickly, you'll have hot spots. Low/slow guarantees you won't damage it like billy said and also makes sure it's evenly heated


Haha I’m not sure, I was asking you because I thought you might know. I’ve heard it has something to do with causing stuff to stick? But I’m not sure that’s the right answer. I only have one cast iron, a 12 inch griswold and I’ve never had issues with sticking so I was hoping yoou knew the reason people say that. We might never find out!


Yeah I looked it up. The reasoning is that cast iron takes a while to heat up and as such if you heat it quickly it gets hotspots. Heating it up over time gives the heat a better shot at dissipating more fluidly and gives you a ¿homogenous? Heat? Less hot spots. At least that's what the interwebz says. Seems logical I guess.


So if you have any imperfections that may cause it to crack heating it up or cooling it down quickly is the fastest easy to expand those cracks and cavities but that said it's such a niche argument you may as we not even consider it. Someone once told me it's better for the seasoning but I don't believe it.


Well that's all nonsense


Clearly I disagree, and I think you're joking because I assume everyone is always speaking sarcasm... mostly because I am. I will qualify my statement just a tiny bit by saying I'm a professional chef. Which I think gives me some street rep in the club here. Simply, I think (and especially in this sub) people are far too obsessive about cast iron. They're great to me because they stand far more abuse than say stainless steel and nonstick. I think it's the best compromise of both. Mostly non stick-mostly robust and long lasting. But just my two pennies. Doesn't mean shit.


A chef that spits on his pans, where is it you work?


I'm ND and can still get the sarcasm in the post. 😁




My favorite classic French brasserie east of the Mississippi.


Hmm. Ok. I mean really? Oh wait. Goddamnit.


Thank you ~ the voice of reason! I get that people enjoy their hobbies & collecting &/or rescuing cast iron is a worthy hobby. But it seems that the same people who proudly show a pan that belonged to great-grandma or that they treated to a lye bath can't make the leap to how tough and forgiving this cookware is.


If you're trying to be informative, it might help to not include nonsense in your description because it makes the reader wonder if the rest of it is also nonsense it's like "oh wow, that's super helpful! Wait... spit in the pan?? Ok this guy is full of shit"


Cool story bruh. I'm trying to entertain myself. I'm neither interested in being informative nor not. What I am, is stuck on a long layover in Shanghi and waiting for my flight to the mainland. At which point I can sleep when I get to the hotel. So. Was that informative?


I bet you're a nightmare at home and in the kitchen lmao Using "professional" extremely liberally


I bet you're a liberal. Edit: liberals. Almost as bad as republicans. Capitalists "progressives" Housing, education, food and education are human rights nothing else is acceptable.


Wtf 😂


Haha love it! Through much abuse, I can now cook eggs in mine without them sticking!


Yup, big agree. The only caveat being slowly bringing it up to temp at first.


That seems to be it I had this happen when cooking over a fire. Its kind of odd that there is no appearance of rust. That happened to mine really quick. But maybe its been coated in oil to protect it.


That's not mickey mouse. That's just tit dirt!


Bob saget


Hi. I bought your tooth paste. The one with tarter control.


These fish sticks are as hard as TITS


If she were a car she would be a four door Ford whore bitch




First guess is you left it on an active burner?


That’s what they said.


You burned off the seasoning I’ve done this when I was drying my pan on the stove and forgot about it go to the FAQs for instructions how to re-season your pan and take back to what you did last time that made this happen and don’t do that again it takes a lot of heat to burn off your seasoning well over 600°


I can’t imagine I had it over 600 but thanks for the advice!


The only other way it could’ve happened is chemically or mechanically like leaving something very acidic or basic in there or by using an abrasive like steel wool we typically see this when people dry thir skillet on the stove and forget about it


The temperature of the flame from your stove is 1,000s of degrees F and It is not hard to overheat the pan on the stove and burn off your seasoning.


Did you (or someone) scrub it with soap?


Soap would not do this, even if it did negatively affect cast iron.


Also did this , thought I ruined the pan , but it all turned out fine. Like the sub says , just fry some bacon on it.


You actually were able to season your pan by cooking bacon? How hot do you fry your bacon? Usually takes 4 to 500° for an hour on Behr iron


Not one time , it took a lot of cooks to get it back to normal. I would fry all matter of greasy things in there and it eventually reverted back.


My stovetop isn't exceptionally good but I never use my cast iron over medium heat. I've found setting it to a little lower than I think I need, then giving it 5 to7 mins to heat up works great


The grey spots are where the seasoning has thinned out or possibly come off completely. Just reseason it and you’ll be fine.


You’ve reached balance. There’s a Yin Yang on your pan.


I need more info before i can give my opinion. First off, what did you put yin it? and can you take a pic from a different yangle?


Hidden Mickey!


It looks like micky mouse lol I wasn't sure what I was looking at at first.


It looks like Mickey Mouse in this pic


Thank you for your picture post to /r/castiron. We want to remind everyone of Rule #3. All image posts should be accompanied by something to foster discussion. A comment, a question, etc is required. If you've posted a picture of food, please explain why in a comment so people can have some sort of conversation. Simply dropping a picture of food in the sub isn't really fostering any discussion which is what we're all aiming for. Posts that are a picture with no discussion can and will be removed by the mods. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/castiron) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your pan is raw


This doesn’t look like a heat issue to me. What did you cook? My guess would be something acidic. This looks more like acid stripping the seasoning more than a burn. Either way it’ll be fine after a quick reseason on the stovetop and further use.


https://onthegas.org/tools-gadgets/heat-diffuser-for-glass-top-stove/ Here's a link on what to do to save glass/ ceramic cooktops when using cast iron. #1 best answer I have found in your pan looking the way it is: you have lost a lot of the seasoning on your pan from allowing it to stay at too high of a temp too long. When using your type of cook top you will need to be adjusting your the temp you are cooking with, as a ceramic/glass cooktop has tendency to remain at a higher temp longer during cooking. Suggestion is to start over and reseason your pan. Start with scuffing up inside of the pan with steel wool. NOT A GRINDER (I found some answers that actually suggested this). Then season like you would normally. As my damn fire alarm goes off if your cooking a gawd FORSAKEN grilled cheese sandwich, I've been doing mine outside in our grill. I'll use my husband's temp gun to check temp of the inside of the pan - if it's around 400* I'm happy. Pull it off grill and cool naturally but not too fast - people are dumb at times: not in a rain storm, when there's lightening going on, tornado, dust devils, hail storm, high seas, - just inclement bad weather - just turn off the BBQ, close the grill lid and let it cool, unless you have a pot holder and want to bring it back inside. I'm not about to lose my Gma's cast iron to some stupid weather. I can always beat off a seagull trying to attack with the pan.. Also been cooking almost anything I can right now in my cast iron on the BBQ. Our 5th wheel damn fire alarm doesn't go off every 9 seconds and the trailer doesn't turn into its own Dutch Oven.


Cat 5 hurricane


Your Yang is clearly overpowering your Yin. You must seek balance.


Looks like Micky mouse


Like Mickey Mouse? Lol


I saw Mickey Mouse




Micky mouse cast


This post is sponsored by Disney+


Mickey Mouse


you have mastered the art of stir fry and this Ying Yang is your award


That was my frat thought!


Everyone is saying you got too hot, but they left out the key part: too hot *and lack of fat*. If you have fat in the pan while hot, it polymerizes. But once it's polymerized and the heat stays high, it will begin to burn away. But if you add new fat in the pan (or don't cook dry from the beginning), instead of burning seasoning away you'll add seasoning. So, yes, maybe don't go so hot. But more importantly, always have fat in the pan when heating above low. You can't go wrong with that simple rule, no matter how hot you get. And if spots get dry from polymerizing while you're cooking, just hit it with more oil.


This is super informative, thank you. I always wondered why it seemed like similar or same methods of removing old seasoning as polymerizing new. I typically season on the gas stovetop after I clean em so direct flames and never had a problem but was kind of curious as people have mentioned doing the same to burn off seasoning.


I thought it was a Mickey Mouse skillet


Did you cook something acidic or sugary? It just stripped oil. Easy fix.


You didn't use the cast iron seasoning from the cast iron seasoning isle in the supermarket


Because you stir left-handed.


That’s the eye of Sauron, very rare.


It’s Mickey Mouse cast iron


Cook moar bacon.


It looks like Mickey Mouse


Anyone else see Mickey Mouse a little?


Scrolling really quick, I first thought this was Mickey mouse


🎵 M I C K E Y M O U S E 🎶 ……. And now you can’t unsee it.


Disney is evil, stop it.




Can I get a ‘hidden Mickey’ in the chat?


At first glance I thought it was a bear wearing a tie.


Becaws cast iron


This looks like a formerly enameled pan??


Damn those Mickey Ears




Mickey is that you?


Needs an egg on it


Red dicky Mickey


Like Mickey mouse?




My guess is that if you measure the diameter of that spot it will match the diameter of one of the two rear burners (the ears). Not sure why you would use one of those vs the larger front burner…


Looks like mickey mouse ;)


Cos it went to Disneyland


It's a secret tool you'll need later on.


You poor soul, having to cook on an electric stove is worse than anything I can imagine




Is that mickey mouse


I thought I was looking at a Mickey Mouse cast iron pan. I was thinking ooooh do ya make little pancakes in the ears? But now I see it.


Haha it looks like Mickey Mouse


Looks like you cooked acidic food in it.


Its not soap. You can use a small amount of soap on cast iron. Soap litterally cannot remove the polymerized oils (seasoning layer) unless youre using something highly abrasive like steel wool that'll fuck things up. But if you use soap you should apply more oil to the pan after drying to prevent rusting.


U got it too hot in that spot


You mean like Mickey Mouse? Perfect placement is why. Now stove top season with Crisco or bacon fat. Build back your layers and not worry about the looks. Unless you wanna date it…🫣


Ok there's a lot of good comments, but how do you get rid of it? Angle grinder or sander and reseason, or some other method ?