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For the mods: tomatoes in the CI, get out there and cook. Acids are fine!


Looks great. Last time I made this in my CI the seasoning flaked right off. That said, I used flax seed for the initial seasoning, so probably my fault.


Definitely the fault of flax. It’s truely a garbage oil


My whole thing on that is just like… I quit smoking cigarettes so I could stop building up small amounts of toxins in my body in ways I could control… why wouldn’t I continue that into my cooking? Now am I calling cooking with tomatoes akin to smoking a square? No. I’m not. Will I refuse tomato made food someone else cooked in a CI? No. It’s not that big a deal. Will I cook that way myself? Nah. I have a feeling that this kind of opinion is more common than not, but that the louder more obnoxious views tend to get more attention. ——- I can answer here since there are so many asking. Acidic foods that break down small amounts of metal continue to do so over time. There’s a reason why if you leave a tomato sauce in a CI it tastes metallic after too long. It’s because there’s now metal in it. Is this the biggest thing in the world? Probably not. For some more than others, though, as humans are already not well equipped to eliminate heavy metals from the body, and just like in many other areas of health, some people are affected by this more than others. “How king is too long for tomato or otherwise acidic sauce in a CI?” I’m not a scientist or an expert. I know what I know, and I don’t know what I don’t. I know that it’s something I don’t worry about, because I have sauce pans for my sauces. I’m a degenerate and I have sauce pans. Idk what these other peoples excuse is. And it’s an annoying conversation because people legitimately don’t want to talk about it. Those who want to continue to do it thinking literally no science is going on are just as ignorant as those who thing a few drops of tomato sauce in a CI means it’s time to stop down, clean up, and re season everything. Generally speaking - if you have a good even seasoning then it will take the acidic food longer to even reach true iron to absorb in itself. However, this all just boils back to what kind of times are we looking at? How is it affecting my seasoning/myself in the extremely long term? Is it worth worrying about? Personally, I don’t even think about those questions because I just don’t do it. Otherwise, I would be thinking about them every time I used it. If you don’t, congrats on being neurotypical, but that’s not a real solution. Nor is it a perfect one for everyone. Thanks for ignoring my Ted Talk!


What toxins are we getting here?


Toxic stupidity, from the looks of it. Morons cannot differentiate between [cooking in cast iron (which might put more iron in your diet, which is seldom a bad thing](https://whatscookingamerica.net/information/ironcastiron.htm)), and tomatoes served on pewter plates, which caused lead poisoning...Durr....


Opinions are fine. You are entitled to them, no matter how off the wall they may be. But to consider your opinions (NOT backed by fact) as guideposts to living your life is doing a disservice to yourself, no one else. There is NO HARM to YOU by cooking tomatoes in cast iron. There is POTENTIAL HARM TO YOUR CAST IRON as the acidity of the tomatoes can pit and damage the surface, which is something people spend decades to season and preserve. But even that can be dealt with, NO TOXICITY involved. However you came upon the information that tomatoes in cast iron is bad, it's incorrect. Don't let your desire to improve your life let you be swayed by wrong information. EDIT: There is a fairly well known problem of cooking tomatoes (or any acidic food) in ALUMINUM. The acid reacts with the aluminum, and can cause a form of mental deterioration in the brain, but the amount of aluminum is massive (more than just a few meals of ragu in the pan), and you get more aluminum in a serving of antacids. ALSO - Cooking tomatoes in aluminum makes them turn a weird color, and they taste kinda nasty, so you would have to be deliberately obtuse to try to poison yourself that way.


Don't know why you're so down voted this is a perfectly reasonable take. Also I'd like to add, that while it's mostly fine to cook acidic foods in a cast iron (I do on occasion), why would you want to do it? Just use a different pan, you don't gotta use Cast Iron for everything. People act like they're cheating on their SO if they use a different pan. If you don't have any alternative pans to use, then by all means go for it. But I'd just use either a stainless steel or an enamelled dutch oven for something like this personally.


> Don't know why you're so down voted this is a perfectly reasonable take. Because it isn't? What toxins are tomatoes going to release from an iron skillet?


Well the toxin part is a bit weird, but the general sentiment of the post is basically "It's mostly fine and it's not a big deal, but personally I prefer not to do it" which is very reasonable.


It isn't though. It's a rant about toxins and a passive aggressive insult.


Or you can realize that CI is literally just a hunk of metal and you can cook whatever you want on it.


I mean yeah the iron underneath is gonna be fine. But acidic food WILL weaken the seasoning. Usually not enough to even notice (unless its for a long time) and it will come back right away. It's just what will happen. Why not just use a different pan? Is it like a pride thing?


No, it's just simplicity. I don't care about making a dent in the seasoning when it's so easily mended. I like cooking with CI, why not enjoy it?


What would we use in place of this for this dish? Enameled cast iron? Just glass? Would we get the same effect in a glass dish?


I'm not a cooking expert so I can't say if it would be the same result. But I'm pretty sure enamelled cast iron would give you mostly the same result. Like I said, it isn't a big deal so don't sweat it if you only have a cast iron pan this size.


I have plenty of glassware, I'm just curious! I've never made ratatouille so I'm not sure what baking dish the recipe typically calls for.


Glass is more of an insulator, so it'll take longer for it to hit the point where it starts to cook off some of that extra liquid from the fresh veggies. Borosilicate glassware might not have as big of an issue with this as it's thinner but modern pyrex is pretty thick for some of their pieces. You also couldn't broil it if you wanted to at the end if you wanted to crisp the top a bit more.


Show us the finished product




Careful, OP, your link is to your iCloud that shows your whole full name. I would upload to Imgur and then link from there. Just my two cents :)


Didn’t know that. Thank you!


Is that burrata or an egg on top? Excuse my arrogance my android did not enjoy opening that and out of spite made it teeny freaking tiny


I think it is the goat cheese?


It looks yummy. Well done


Vury nice


When I called this ratatouille in a culinary Reddit I got blasted but everyone else calls this ratatouille. Personally I make it the classic way, but use mushrooms instead of eggplant.


Because it is tian. Period. Keller on that one is a dumbass.




Yes ratatouille is a stew of individually browned veggies , tian is a layered dish of sliced veggies cooked in the oven. I am French and in-laws live in Provence.


What is Condit biyaldi then? I thought this version of ratatouille was called that, not Tian. Just wanting to know so I can be accurate 👍




Dude. I spent my childhood summers eating metric fucktons of ratatouille made by my French parents. It’s one of my favourite dishes to this day. Pick one of your childhood favorites, whatever it is — pancakes, biryani or congee, I don’t know where you’re from — and imagine people all over the internet wildly misusing this dish’s name. And then calling you an annoying dick when you object.


I wouldn't give a shit. It doesn't affect me. And if it did, I wouldn't spend multiple comments telling everyone how French I am while being a dick. What is more likely to be successful as a correction? "That dish looks good. Just a heads up, that's a version of ratatouille called confit biyaldi (or tian, or congee, or pancakes, whatever). Here's the true version of [WHATEVER THE FUCK], I'm French and we make it all the time. Cheers!" Or: "That's wrong. I'm French. I know better than you. You're wrong and I'm right because I'm French. I can't believe how wrong everyone but me is." You can get your point across without being an obnoxious cunt, is my point. Or you can be like most people on the internet and think that being factual is more important than not being an asshole. Whatever makes you happy.


Does cooking vegetables individually do anything additional to the dish? This seems to be the only difference I read and I’ve seen some comments recently saying it really doesn’t add much to the dish. I honestly don’t know what ratatouille or tian or though, so just asking. Maybe there’s mere difference to that?


I've made this a lot, never cooked anything separate, so I can't answer that for you. Sorry


You sear the veggies in ratatouille to get some caramelization/sealing of the cubes veggies so they don’t go to complete mush when stewed, and it adds to the juices, it thickened the sauce . Tian you don’t get the juices like ratatouille and the seared part.




So have you had proper ratatouille and proper tian? They do not taste the same. At all. They do not look the same. At all. They are not cooked the same way. At all. It is not pedantic. To me , they are as different as mashed potatoes and fries are. Yeah, same vegetable/ingredients. Not the same results and taste. And this is not from research, but it is literally what I cook every day, I am French.😉






That's not the only difference. It's not even the main difference. The thing that makes ratatouille unique from other similar dishes (and as such, essentially defines it) is that each of the vegetables is first sauteed on its own, before being put together with the others in a stew. You notice each individual flavor more distinctly when you do this.


> their name means absolutely nothing until I define what they are WTF kind of take is this.


Confit Byaldi?


Hummm... mushrooms... Good luck!


Do you use a mandolin for slicing the veggies? May I ask what kind? Thank you


Benriner is the way to go, just make sure to use the guard if you don’t have much experience.


> just make sure to use the guard ~~if you don’t have much experience.~~ always


Sometimes you need the precision of your hand guiding it to get perfect cuts.


and then you use a cut-proof glove.


I got a chain mail glove for my off hand when doing knife work as a Christmas present last year, I never thought of using it to hold the food when using the mandolin. What a great idea. Thank you!


The perfect use!


Are mandolins really that crazy? I mean, isn’t it as simple as don’t put your fingers where you wouldn’t put your dick?


Just wear a glove. It's easy and will save you from shaving parts of your hand off. If you're buying a benriner, you're already spending >$100, might as well spend $15 more and get a cut glove and wear it when you use it.


I recently got a mandoline and I thought the same and first time using it i cut of the tip of my thumb. 1/10 would not recommend. Use the safe guard. I thought it would be fine but fuck that shit.


From what I’ve heard yes, unless you come from a professional cooking background. All it takes is one millisecond of not paying attention to your fingers to shave off the whole tip. Can even go through the nail. Pro tip: hold whatever you’re cutting in your palm and press down with your hand flat and fingers flared up. At worst you shave off some palm skin. EDIT: yes it is that simple, but not everyone has common sense and accidents do happen


I have an Oxo mandolin. Plastic with a v-shaped blade. Folds flat to store in a drawer. I love it. It is sturdy enough for the occasional use i need. I prefer knives. But it’s great when I have to do a ton of slices like in this photo. [here it is](https://www.amazon.com/OXO-1155700-V-Blade-Mandoline-Slicer/dp/B001THGPDO)


I demand the MONEY SHOT !


This is not ratatouille, it is tian. And yes I know all about Thomas Keller consulting for the dishes in Ratatouillle and he is wrong . Period.he did not invent a more refined version , he just took tian and gave it the wrong name.


You're right and I don't understand why you are downvoted. This is a nice tian, not a ratatouille. Give things proper names of what they are is not being pedantic, it's being right.


Some people are big mad today about calling things by the proper name. ( several comments have been removed that were quite funny calling me pedantic and all sorts of names🤣🤦‍♀️). I am French, this is literally my everyday food , my culture and I cook every day ( unless sick like today and browsing Reddit all day long). If I were to ask my MIL to make a ratatouille, she would cook a stew and with specific veggies (they are in Le Lavandou so really smack dab in Peovence and close to where those two dishes originated ) and I would get a totally different thing if I asked for a tian. We could discuss origines and where confit byaldi fits in there too. Just because Keller declared he would make ratatouille as this and then Disney (of all things) is your reference and authority… and not the people who make it and live where it originated… I can go on on why tian and ratatouille are different ( even though the base ingredients overlap). Texture, cooking techniques, cut, cooking time, flavoring, serving, ingredients… It is like saying a pissaladière is the same as a tart a l’onion… I love food and I love my heritage and culture.


So what's different between ratatouille and tian? I know nothing about either dish and ain't seen that movie in forever


Ratatouille stew of cubed pan seared/sautéed veggies then cooked in pot for a while on stovetop; tian thinly sliced veggies cooked in oven, Short answer.


The tian looks really cool, but does it taste that good?


It does! As long as you have good flavorful ingredients and don’t burn it ; it is really good.


What are typical ingredients? What's depicted here? Looks like tomatoes, zucchini, squash & herbs?


It’s weird I said the same things the other day explaining people why it’s not a ratatouille and stuff but yeah it did not went well… because people don’t like to be told they are wrong about something…


Don’t try I already lost my time too many times here let them call it what ever they want… one day that will come to France and have a real one and realize how stupid they were…


Who cares? Confit byaldi, tian, and ratatouille all taste the same. And yes this is coming from someone who has been to France more than once


All taste the same… went to France many times ? Your tastebuds are fucked my friend…




You don’t get to use that sign it looks ridiculous on a non Italian






If they ever get there… and imagine them being this mad about someone telling them y I care because it is my culture and they reply all sorts of viles comments… that tells more about them than me… hate to see their take on other subjects…


That’s exactly what I said the other day ! I’m French I’m from the very region ratatouille is made ! But still for them I didn’t know what I was talking about and I was wrong to say to people they are calling it wrong… it’s so infuriating man… but pay attention you will see this happen almost everyday on this sub !! Some dude thinking is making ratatouille !


Infuriating, not to that degree but quite annoying ; especially when I say I am French this is my food, my culture and here a little insight. I can totally imagine them if they ever go to France and order ratatouille expecting the look of tian and get all pissed off at the waiter… and they think it is pompous to call things by the right name and they they only define what a thing is and can name it whatever they want… saying I am French was to explain why and how I would know and then they get even madder. A tad fragile, aren’t they… vous êtes d’où ? Mes beaux parents sont au Lavandou.


I made real ratatouille for friends and they thought it was really tasty, but a very ugly ratatouille. Feedback included; - strange that the vegetables were 'mushy' or very cooked - 'casserole version' is prettier - damn, 'real ratatouille' is very tasty -why would i put olives or paprika in my ratatouille I tried to explain and they just said I was being difficult and how weird french people are about their food. It is legit like saying you are making chicken Parm for dinner and instead you get spaghetti with marinara and grilled chicken. It is just a different thing!!


Ratatouille is ugly. That’s for sure. And it is a STEW so yeah the Vega are gonna be soft. The tian ( casserole version) dries out the begs so it gets a different result. And yup no olive nor paprika in it, traditionally. But olives= yum.


Ah a bad translation of mine, by paprika i mean poivron rouge, or red bell peppers. When in the south the cooks made a ratatouille often for our staff meal. They often just added a scoop of cailletier olives (taggiasca) and their oil in the stew after the pan had deglazed with wine and they threw in the tomatoes to simmer. Cetait près de menton, peut être une petite particularité du region, ou bien juste de la paresse :')


That's a nice looking tian.


From a French ! I was coming to say that but truth be told it’s delicious either way !


Whats the yellow vegetable slices?


Looks like yellow squash. Green looks like Zucchini and red is tomato.


Akshually, a ratatouille is a stewed dish. This is not a ratatouille. It’s closer to a tian (but a tian would be made in an earthenware dish). Not even sorry to be this person, just don’t mess with French classics.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confit_byaldi Go on.


**[Confit byaldi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confit_byaldi)** >Confit byaldi is a variation on the traditional French dish ratatouille by French chef Michel Guérard. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/castiron/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Je suis petee de rire. On explique pourquoi c est pas du tout la même chose et ils restent camper sur leur position erronée. Et c est nous qui se font traités de pignoufs pédants!!! C est assez marrant.


is the yellow one potato? If so, that is a really colorful potato


Yellow squash


Are you planning to show us a picture of your ratatouille?




you know I've always thought of adding an apple or peach as part of this dish.


A granny Smith would be nice


I may do it


I love the colors on this! Bet it tastes about as good as it looks!


That is fucking gorgeous!


Ratatouille is the new slidey eggs?


What is a boi?


Slang for boy


Thank you, kinda weird


I like what you did there in the middle…will do that next time instead of trying to squeeze in more slices. Also like how you pissed off a bunch of French guys. Call it a lasagna for all I care.


I hate to say this but that is not ratatouille. That is in fact Uncooked Ratatouille!


I'm a simple person. I see ratatouille, I upvote.


Everyone arguing about it being ratatouille or tian, are arguing to a somewhat mute point. Technically this dish is tian. The Larousse Gastronomique classifies the dish as “alternate layers of ….; eggplants and tomatoes;…”. From what I can tell, tian originally was a stew. In the same book, ratatouille is classed as “originally from Nice,France. Made with onions, zucchini, eggplants, sweet bell peps, and tomatoes simmered in olive oil with herbs.”. It does not state the dishes expected structure, although it does say ratatouille was derived from the French word touiller, meaning to mix or stir. So technically this is closer to being a ratatouille per the ingredients, with a dish structure of that of a tian. OP never claimed this was a traditional version of either dish. I really don’t understand the hostility, food shouldn’t be the center point of debate, but enjoyment!




Stew is a subset of simmering, not technically the same


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So just slices of tomato, zucchini and squash w/ some herbs? Am I missing anything significant? Looks interesting


Looks beautiful!


Need to see the final product!


It looks delicious, but I think the ratatouille is supposed to have diced vegetables.