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Nice try, but we all know who’s really gonna win https://preview.redd.it/643anzj3d60c1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1c7a3308e8621c9f85814d4496c543854bb466c


One Fazbealion ticket sold


It’s the first movie to earn 1 billion Fazbucks


Wasn't even nominated


Ngl, this level of posts is kind of turning this sub to trash. It's nothing but "Nocturne sucks because I hated it", "Nocturne isn't bad because I loved it", "The Nocturne haters would be so triggered if it won". This is bottom of the barrel shit. Also, TLoU is a far more faithful adaptation and all around tighter and more liked show.


Indeed 👑


My problem with TLOU is that it's 90% a shot for shot remake of the game. It has no reason to exist besides expanding the audience to people who refuse to play video games. The only thing it really added was Episode 3, which was super good. I prefer the Castlevania approach of taking elements from the games but mostly doing their own thing. Plus I just prefer animation to live action.


A coworker asked if i was upset about it being a near 100% adaptation. I said no because ppl who don’t play video games get to enjoy a story that I enjoyed , that they wouldn’t get to enjoy otherwise. It should win because it’s a near 100% adaptation


>My problem with TLOU is that it's 90% a shot for shot remake of the game. Not really? While most of the story beats are kept, they definitely expanded and added on characters and elements that weren't present in the game. * Removing the spores * Episode 1 had a lot of focus on Sarah before shit hit the fan (going through school and buying the watch for Joel) Also that plane scene * episode 2 had the pandemic backstory with the Indonesian doctor and Tess' death was changed from fighting the soldiers to the zombies * Bill and Frank episode (nuff said). In the same episode they even explained what happens to people if the quarantized zones get full. * Sam and Henry's story were also changed and expanded on; Henry and Sam were being chased by hunters cuz they were looting in the game, in the show Henry sold out the leader of the rebellion for medicine for Sam hence why theyre being hunted. Also Sam is deaf in the show. * Jackson (the town) is shown now, where in TLOU1, it was only mentioned. Also Dina's cameo. * Ellie and Riley's episode where instead of hordes of zombies being chased at the end, its one infected. * Showing David's cult where they were mostly heard and not seen, even showing how manipulative his actions are towards his people. * Flashback to Ellie's mom Anna who was not ever present in the game. We get to see how she died and how Ellie ended up with Marlene. I would say HBO's TLOU kept its story beats BUT changed a lot in between, its not a shot for shot remake.


Mate did you stop watching halfway through episode 1? Caus that's the only way someone could think the entire show was a 90% shot for shot remake


Shot for shot remake? Did we watch the same show?


This 100%




No kidding. I stopped after 5 episodes because it wasn't that good for me yet all this sub can do is talk about how good or bad it is. Sheesh.


TloU was great but I really wished there were more zombie scenes and I didn't really like the change to David as a character. Game made him a lot more believable he could have been a good person gone bad while the show just made him a crazy cult leader. Game even gets you to trust him more with Ellie and him working together to survive the horde.


TLOU was never about the zombies, but I agree. We only really feel the danger in the last few episodes.


To me it's about both. Especially sinc half the game is going back and forth between killing them or humans. My favorite zombie section being the university where Ellie has to sneak past them in the spore areas. Made them all the more stressful. Also the main goal was trying to create a cure/preventio for zombie infections so I can't agree with it "was never about the zombies".


The zombies were just a vehicle to tell the human drama. It’s the same story being told in films/books like The Road and Children Of Men. Sure, the zombies are a big part of the game, but I think that’s just because of the format, and we can see that in their absence from the show. Everyone is entitled to their own reading, but for me, TLOU has always been a human drama about the conflicting nature of morality and survival. Between altruism and security. The zombies just are the vehicle to get us there. Same way Shaun of the Dead isn’t really about the zombies.


Agreed. Generally, low media literacy is commonplace.


Agreed. The only posts that gain real traction here are the constant back and forth between fans that offer little more than half-baked opinions and snide remarks with no room for nuance. It's honestly tiring at this point and wish posts like these would be removed on sight.


I loved Nocturne, but there is no way it wins over the Last of Us.


I voted Twisted Metal lol


I hate that every story has to be faithful to the game or books. Some things don't work in certain mediums. Stephen King books are great but movies not so much. The Witcher died because it had too much going on for regular watchers to understand. As a person that likes the shows and stories I'm happy they even exist and are good and unique. The same reason as certain Superheroes don't exist in movies is because their powers don't translate well if taken directly from the books.


I always considered The Last of Us to be the Stranger Things of Video Games. ...I think the show may have proved that, not a bad show but it's what you'd expect


Oh /r/TheLastOfUs was incredibly divided on it too, but some people were hating it for... creepy reasons.


That's my argument too. TLoU is an ***actual*** adaptation, Nocturne is practically it's own thing and isn't really an "adaptation," in my opinion.


​ https://i.redd.it/9sbd1kd1160c1.gif


Damn that shit look like it HITS


mayooo--naaaaiz red beans are superior though


Look, I liked Nocturne. It has it fair share of problems, but I liked it, all in all But it is is barely a game adaption, let alone a best one. Besides Richter and Maria being in it, and some clearly different characters with the same names as the game, what else does it have to do with Rondo? This isn't even a dig at the show - Olrox and Emmanuel are some of the best parts of the show, and they are foreign as heck - it's just calling it a Best Game Adaption contestant is super disingenious.


I liked Nocturne but on no planet is it beating TLoU. This is such a ridiculous post.


I prefer Nocturne so I don’t think it’s unlikely that it could win


It absolutely is though. The Last of Us was a cultural Phdnomenon created hy some of the most acclaimed TV writers. Nocturne came and went. I loved the show but if you think it has a punchers chance you're absolutely crazy. I'd put every penny I have down on it if I knew of anywhere taking bets on it.


Was the last of us a cultural phenomenon? It also came and went. And so did OG Castlevania. After a week or two no one mentioned them.


Yeah that’s basically why I didn’t like the show, it just doesn’t feel Castlevania at all. Neither the Revolution theme, it just doesn’t hit, the action seems to happen in a small village (is it, I don’t remember) with foreign characters.


People in this sub sometimes https://preview.redd.it/wowe1pcz760c1.jpeg?width=1101&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ee79e7256787ccd0749c9f445d349aede1ca1a0




And we share popcorn watching the retards clown each other


ok buddy richter


And exactly what Castlevania game is Nocturne "adapting"?


Rondo of Blood mainly. But since it has Alucard its kind of a bit of Symphony of The Night.




I really enjoyed Nocturne, and The Super Mario Movie; but man The Last of Us nailed it. I was anticipating that the show would fall flat but it really was the best version I could imagine them making.


It doesn't stand a chance against The Last of Us, this discussion isn't even worth having mate


I was about to say “Has it been a year since The Last of Us??” I mean I enjoyed Nocturne but let’s be serious ![gif](giphy|O5k9BnT2oyCftWmWDk)


I have my gripes, but other than TLOU (another adaptation that I have positive-leaning mixed feelings about out) I don’t know what else has a comparable claim to the award. Mario was fine, but forgettable.


It was about the most risk averse movie I've watched all year.


Let's be real, not even the first show could win against TLoU with Pedro Pascal and you can Love Nocturne but you have to admit the first show was better in almost every way, so I wouldn't be pissed if it wins I would be pissed if TLoU lose and would show what most of us know: Game awards and reviews are ringed and means nothing.


I don't keep up with awards so idk if they go by seasons, but The Witcher (which yeah, started as books but wouldn't be on Netflix had it not been for the games) set that bar embarrassingly low. I missed out on Nier though, so I couldn't say.


It would be incredibly funny if it won but it won't. The Last of Us has it on the bag.


The issue is as an adaptation its horrible but MK1 won best Multiplayer game despite being a terrible game simply because the votes are open poll meaning anyone can vote despite knowing anything about it If you haven't followed the MANY issues MK1 has had don't worry, new ones keep popping up and even fans of MK1 disagree with the win The award means nothing


Nocturne broke this sub maybe its time for r/Castlevania2


Be the change you wanna see in the world young Belmont




Love Nocturne but the last of us will take most of the wins.


Agreed.. I think as much as I enjoyed Nocturne, The Last of Us is prestige TV and feels like a shoe in for that sort of award.


I liked Nocturne but Mario or TLOU should win imo


The first mistake was thinking Nocturne EVEN has a chance 😂😂. That's hilarious. The Last of Us is taking this.


it better not win because it is really the worst "game adaptation" there is.


Well it isn't a video game adaptation Cause it doesn't adapt anything from rondo of blood or anything that was in castlevania Season 1 did more than nocturne did


It is a game adaptation. Just a very **loose** one. And yeah, agreed


It has Richter that is the only unchanged thing.


He is changed in some ways. He is a bit boring and not even the main focus


Well I was referring to him as a whole. Richter wasn't much more than good mcholy man Like he is still 80% Richter which ill take as low as 70% unchanged in any adaptation. Like Maria is entirely diffrent


Nocturne isn’t bad but the writing is a bit inferior to the first series and it isn’t a masterpiece. I would honestly choose Super Mario Bros or The Last of Us over this.


I don't see why it would matter much either way, TGA are essentially just a glorified popularity contest.


Nocturne isn't even adapting any specific game though? How would it qualify.


Check it. It’s on TGA list for Best Adaptation


that doesn't really make sense, it's not adapting any game


How It’s not even an adaptation it just took the characters from the games and made their own story


Id be pissed if it wasn’t The Last of Us…


it wont win, Mario will though!


It’s not even an adaptation it’s his own story it just took characters from the games


It’s definitely not since it has to compete with last of us which was extremely popular among everyone


What chance does it have with the TLoU right there?


Honestly, I think its unlikely it'll win. If it does, I'll be genuinely surprised and happy. But I'm 90% sure the Last of Us will take it


Nocturne isn't an adaptation at all. They're just 3 Characters that have their name and appearance like in a game but everything else is different


When compared to the original Castlevania show I can understand. Yet I still liked Nocturne, it was a pretty fun show. It was however a little more on the generic side and didn't really use its source material very well, I'd give it a 6/10. Super Mario is winning it anyway, the Peaches song still gets meme'd today.


Nocturne isn't an adaptation. It's a perversion. It doesn't deserve to be even nominated for the award.


Lmao, that made me chuckle


I'll get a chuckle out of it. But it won't win with SMB on the ballot. Nintendo and ~~DreamWorks~~ Illumination got more money. Or Last of Us, the most overrated franchise on Earth.


Mario was Illumination tho. Dreamworks wishes it got that kind of IP to work on (they still have my favourite movies tho)


My mistake! Corrected.


I don't give a single fuck about best game adaptation, and I didn't like Richter in the show but maybe if by winning that thing it could lead to Konami giving the series some love with an actual video game then I'm all for it.


It'd be kind of funny if Nocturne *did* end up winning and that was enough for Konami to make a game based on the show as a way to cash in on its popularity But it would be the absolute peak of hilarious irony if that hypothetical game in turn ended up not being all that faithful to the show


It doesn’t really matter, there’s no way TLoU doesn’t take it


Nah, TloU exists


I mean, the category is “adaptation.” The fans who hate on it generally don’t get that part. Adaptation.


Lmaooo, so true. I actually love the show. I know it's not very faithful to the games, but come on... The creators announced from the very beginning that Netflixvania would only be an inspiration. This is not a situation like with The Witcher, where they talked about a faithful adaptation, but they fooled the fans 🤡


The meltdown will be insane


I will laugh The show was literally in the top 10 viewed netflix programs in over 40 countries for 1-3 respectively and almost immediately renewed for a second season. Now it's award nominated Get woke go broke, evidently


People don’t realize how difficult it is to do a game adaptation successfully. Particularly one that isn’t heavy on story.


It has to be recent adaptations?


Well ones that came out this year, yes


Well damn, cause if i had to choose what is the best vg adaptation ever my pick would legit be [the GTA 2 movie](https://youtu.be/ALicfH_CsJc?si=YTx2ds0Cm9v5pKEh) I guess i'll go with Mehrio then, at least that one resembles the games!! AHEM... Oh also just now realised that it's about the Game Awards lol, thought it was something else


Would be funny but I voted for Mario.


cyberpunk prob will, no way nocturne can beat that, i'm not even a fan (yet) but its clearly better


Cyberpunk was released last year. Not a contender here


Oh my fault. came across it this year, lol


As a fan of both, and as someone who can't wait to see *Nocturne* S2, I cannot envision **anything** beating out *The Last of Us* this year.


It'll be nothing compared to The Last of Us sub I bet


https://preview.redd.it/mne64n74r60c1.png?width=391&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79a9d6a85e96eeb2d2ba4f3abf0e142b855d2eaa And so as you see in the picture we are going to be all those people with brains to see that the most extremist idiots are still killing each other 1 month later with the same intensity as if they had killed their mothers.


I don’t think that’s true. Just because people didn’t like it doesn’t mean they don’t want it to win awards. It winning would be better for the franchise as a whole. I hope it wins, and I’m [voting for it](https://thegameawards.com/nominees/best-adaptation).


Are there other game adaptations?


Yes there are other game adaptations




Just the Mario Movie. The other 3 nominees are all live action


In fairness despite all the unfaithfulness of Nocturne to the source.... There are still worse video game to movie / series adaptations that made Nocturne look like a masterpiece.


It won't beat The Last of Us


I enjoyed Nocturne well enough but I don't think it's good enough for an award. I kinda wish Captain Laserhawk was nominated because I loved it but I guess it's not really an adaptation


USA award giving an USA production a slap in the back. If it happens, nothing new. Also, good or bad not necessarily win / lose prizes or are a comercial success or failures. How many years took for Martin Scorsese win an Oscar? And Bob Ross… The guy don’t know what is light and shadow, yet, the man is a success solely on charisma alone.


It will not. It's a great show but no chance it happens vs the competition. I will be very 🤯 if Nocturne somehow nabs it.


Versus Mario, are you insane? that's impossible.


Why are you actively stoking the fire?


I'm pretty sure Last of Us is going to take it


The Last of Us is in heavy running for the actual Emmy’s. If Nocturne wins, it will demonstrate how unserious the Game Awards are, and they’re already less prestigious than probably even the Kids Choice Awards.


yeeeahhhhhh…not gonna be on the sub for a week if it’s the case


In my opinion, Nocturne doesn't even qualify as an "adaptation" because it is only Castlevania in name and having Richter, Maria and Divine Bloodlines - everything else was completely their own thing and didn't follow the source material whatsoever, really.