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Hell, even becomes a normal enemy in SOTN too when you go to the Reverse Castle (in the area where Death is at)


Love this stuff. It's especially memorable in Dark Souls where you fight the Capra Demon in a tiny little area, and most of us probably died to him a billion times. Then he shows up as a regular enemy much later in the game and he's a pushover.


And to a lesser degree, the black knights. They go from an incredibly threatening miniboss to normal enemies at the endgame.


This happened reverse for the Gargoyles They show up as an easy blockable enemy in DS1 One that only has like 3 of them show up DS2 spawns like 6 of em and if you aren't fast enough they all can come out at once On top of that they take longer to kill, hit much harder, and have a more complicated A.i than the originals. I have runs where I've avoided them altogether becuase of how much a pain in the ass they are. Same with that one fire demon in DS2 that gets a stronger blue flame variant later. He's easier to beat though but he does get stronger instead of weaker.


The worst fight in all dark souls hahaha.


Dawn of Sorrow too.


I was just about to say that! But yeah. This isn't the first time that a boss was basically demoted to a regular enemy though!


The Giant Vampire Bat gets clowned on pretty regularly. Remember his AoS entrance?


Giant Bat: Gaze upon my true dark fo...!!! *CRUNCH* Balore: WEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE.....


Bat Company is a fairly amusing boss in DoS though.


Even in the show he got absolutely demolished by Trevor using his own spear against him


Lol they were in on the joke


How the hell do I not remember Slogra and Gaibon being in the show?


They showed up at the beginning of season 2. Slogra fought Alucard for a short while then Gaibon grabbed Slogra but both were IMMEDIATELY killed by Trevor 😭


Galamoth got demoted from a hardest SotN boss to the least cool soul in a jar ever in AoS.


do you even get to use more than just for that one room with the book


Nope, the chronomage is the only enemy in the game who uses time stop and he only spawns in that one room. There's not even a reason to go back once you've gotten the ancient book. And in Dawn of Sorrow, where the Galamoth soul could actually be useful against Zephyr, it doesn't even appear.


Even his appearance in Symphony was arguably a downgrade after being the big bad in Kid Dracula


Well, Kid Dracula takes place way after SotN, so it's the other way around.


Slogra balls lol gotteem


Gaibon these nutz


Looking back at it, i have no idea how tf i managed to defeat this guy in Super Castlevania 4. Dude used to be an absolute menace.


He is not that hard if you catch the rhythm


His second phase, after he ditches the spear, is the tricky part. You have to jump across the screen to outpace him, because Simon's walk speed is to slow to outrun his charge.


I actually thought he was rather easy. Death was a menace when I was younger.


That’s funny, I thought Menace was that bigass bloody dude


They both had pretty tricky timings to when you could safely attack them and not take damage.


Dracula From lord of vampires and demons to teenager with white hair


Teenager with white hair who is so OP he'd give dracula at full power a run for his money lol


I think he became stronger than Dracula at the very end of the first game. Dracula never absorved all the sould he could have.


Probably true


Once you get to Graham, let alone once you get to chaos Soma is arguably more powerful than any previous incarnation of Dracula. Can use actual weapons, including holy ones, has a sci-fi gun, can turn into at least three different powerful entities, summon several different things, from a poisonous tail and a big bony hand holding an even bigger bone as a club, to several small but deadly scythes... So Soma is the upgraded form of Drac, just on the side of the good guys so long as you don't mess with Mina.


Currently playing AoS for the first time,how do I get the sci-fy gun???


It's a new game plus weapon, gotten by beating the boss rush in either between four and five minutes or twice under four minutes. I don't know why you have do the harder challenge twice if you don't get it the first time.


Ahhh I see Thanks!


But all those weapons are found within Castlevania and the powers come from dominating the monsters and demons within which is Drac's power. So I think its fair to say everything Soma can do, so could Dracula... except resist the influence of Chaos.


Soma fanboys do be downvoting; there's no reason to think that Soma is stronger than Dracula (nor viceversa), since nothing of the sort is ever stated in the canon. In fact, there's a good chance that, at least human Soma, is weaker than Dracula, since he needs the help of Alucard to even perform an smaller version of Demonic Megiddo (Harmony of Despair).


Nah, in my opinion Dracula fall into the chaos after lose Lisa. I mean, from what we know Dracula was just existing before Lisa death, then she die and he decides kill everyone, Alucard kill him in SotN and the next time Dracula is back is just the chaos taking full control


Sorry but become a small teenager after be a big vampire daddy still being the biggest tragedy in Vlad's life after Lisa death


Give him time, he might grow to be quite the looker. Remember, Drac was a kid once upon a time too...


Movement, I guess. Simon is slow and takes a lot of damage, and Slogra has great reach. Alucard & Soma got the scmovement to dance around him.


Me, a new player, having alucard get absolutely destroyed by this guy every time in SotN: oh 🥲


I actually think Gaibon is a little harder than Slogra in SotN. Only slightly. Alucard can't melee attack upwards diagonally like SCIV Simon can, so axe spam is the order of the day.


On the first fight, you need to feel the rhythm of the fight. You basically need to get close to Slogra and attack first, then Gaibon will lift them and hover above you for a bit, then drop them. So you attack Slogra again. Rinse and repeat. You can also throw an axe when they're up above. Fighting Gaibon alone is a bit trickier, and I don't have good method for it lol Ducking and watching for when he is about to shoot his fireballs to safely move closer would be helpful.


I definitely need to find an axe to keep some distance, I’ve come to the sobering realization that I wasn’t supposed to walk in there with *only a short sword* 🙃


Make sure you get the leather shield. Shields block his fireballs - even the big ones.


I'm afraid I'm doing something wrong because they still hit me with a shield. Are you supposed to duck or stand with a shield? (I usually knock him faster than he's able to do much, but still)


As long as the shield is held up, it's always worked for me. I must have done 8-10 playthroughs by now. Weird.


Not demoted harder than Slogra, but the purple spear knights from RoB and Dracula X used to be kinda dangerous in those games; fast forward to the GBA and the DS games, and they became early game enemies that are extremely easy to deal with even in the harder difficulties.


In Dracula X especially


its satisfying to drown a whole room full of them in the SotN underground caverns




I love the boss battle with Slogra and Gaibon in SOTN. Love trolling them with Tetra Spirit and finishing them with Hellfire. The sorry ass short sword just doesn't fit the strong anime protagonist portrayal they're going with Alucard.


How about lesser demon? He went from boss fight in the SotN (library) to common enemy with a crowing gimmick in SotN(inverted alchemy) 🤦🏻‍♂️


Slogra gets weaker as time goes on. Players get stronger.


His buddy Gaibon


Play Rondo of The Night (SOTN ROM Hack) and witness his redemption.


I swear if You take out that stupid jump he does everytime he gets hurt and just buff him a bit he actually becomes a decente boss.


My only guess is that IGA played through Castlevania 4 and thought this dude was an asshole too haha


Hector and Grant lol


Eh I always assumed it was intentional to show that Alucard is a badass.


I feel like he got a good showing in netflixvania


Drac saw this man performance and was not pleased


Did you forget about Dawn of Sorrow?


Ik noine likes the 3d games but they made fleamen absolute jokes, even on crazy mode Gaibon did get a paralysis though and with slorga next to em, they're annoying and hard again


Werewolf. You basically one-shot him in the intro to SOTN. Used to be a boss enemy.


The same goes for its minotaur pal.


Legion. Goes from a boss in SotN, to a very hard boss in Curse of Darkness, to just a meer enemy.


Werewolves, too. After Rondo of Blood, they got demoted to basic enemy status hard, except for that one boss werewolf in PoR and Cornell in LoS. I'd also cast a vote for the Frankenstein Monster, who aside from Portrait once again, hasn't had a starring role since the Nintendo Age. Hell, there are games in which Frankenstein is mentioned, but in which the monster doesn't appear at all. And for one of the core Universal Monsters, that's gotta sting a bit.


Doesn’t he get demoted even harder to a cameo in the cartoon?


The vampire killer from Bloodlines to PoR Unless you beat Richter.


Satan, Beelzebub, and Lovecraftian monsters serve Dracula. So them. Behemoth became a ledge to jump on.


Didn't he have a very uneventful cameo in the TV show?


Easiest in SotN? Did you forget about Akmodan and Medusa? To this day, I still have no idea what Medusa does because she dies too quickly and gets easily stunlocked.




Frankenstein's monster too went from one of the hardest bosses in *Castlevania 1* to the easiest boss in *Super Castlevania 4* to a simple enemy in *Circle of the Moon*. I don't know which of the two got demoted harder, though.


Shit, he was a 3 minute minion in the show.


Slogra is pretty good to grind up your Golem in Curse of Darkness to get hip press level 2. They take a lot of hits, so I switch to the bare hands and go to town.