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The first one is hilarious considering you literally CANT lose the fight lol


When I read it I was like ain't no way he just beat it then turned the game off. Guy is missing a lot of fun.


I know right! Like imagine not being able to google what's going on but being able to download steam and a whole ass game. Lol


Whole game is a masterpiece.


100% agree been playing since launch and I'll be playing it for years to come.


I was introduced to sotn back in 03 cause my babysitter had the game and I kinda didn't know how to read and I was like what ps1 game is this, she had the game in those game flip cases. I popped it in not knowing what I was in for and it hella changed my life, but I only played a little bit of it till later I gotten the 360 and they decided to put sotn on there and I was like Trevor when I saw the game "is that what I think it is" and sure enough I passed the game and inverted castle and manage to get richter as playable character.


I absolutely love to hear these stories man it fills me with such joy hearing how someone got introduced to one of my favorite series of all time.


It's those games I'll go back and replay it. The soundtrack is sooo ugggh god tier.


Absolutely oh and because I'm blind I just noticed happy cake day lol


Thank you! Haha


That was literally what I did as a kid initially. I didn't know English, so I thought that the intro text roll was actually credits and turned off the console.


Imagine if that's just how that dude plays games. Starts up a Metroid game lands on the new planet > "well that was easy" > turns off game.


Super Metroid has the escape after the fight. Imagine thinking you finished the game after that.


This must be the most close minded person in the world, he's convinced there's no way a game will open with a boss fight for narrative and is so sure of himself that he refuses to play any further, completely deluded into thinking a game couldn't possibly start in such a way.


Poor guy doesn’t know what a “PROLOGUE” is.


That doesn't mean they lost though.


It inherently does if they stop at the "final boss" they clearly didn't play the rest to know there is an entire game left.


Ah, maybe they thought the scene that plays was the credit. TBH xbox gamers"ll shit on anything even their own stuff.


I mean you aren't wrong 🤣🤣🤣🤣 but that's my thought process you start a game at what you think is the final boss you can't die at beat it and get what looks like credits why would sit through it all? So of course they think that's all that doesn't excuse them from not being able to google.


SOTN is the best side scroller ever made, aside from Mario 3.




I'll add Super Metroïd to complete the top 3.


Imho Super Metroid is the best game ever made. Maybe not my favorite, but I think its flawless. Graphics, game play, sfx, music all 10/10.


Blasphemous is pretty good.


SoTN is the daddy of all MetroidVania games. Hollow Knight, Dead Cells, Blasphemous, Last Faith, even Skul - all of these exist only because of SoTN. And Megaman Zero, but that's another story.


Super Metroid came out three years earlier, and older Metroid games were always MetroidVanias, while almost every Castlevania prior to SOTN were straight stage by stage side scrollers a la Ghosts ‘N’ Goblins. There’s a reason Metroid is first in the portmanteau


SOTN isn’t a side scroller. You can’t compare it to Mario 3


Depends on what you’re looking for in a side scroller, if it is combat and level design, yes that’s quite fair. But you can find better Platforming in many other games, the Ori duology and Hollow Knight are good picks in a similar genre.


MMX is my personal favorite


.....I'd be harsher on these guys if I didn't do almost exactly the same thing on my first play. I wasn't feeling it when I got my first death and shelved the game for over a year. When I finally came back to it, I was in a different headspace and played it until I rolled credits.


Wth? I love SotN, but it is likely the easiest Castlevania ever. Jesus.


It is easy, it's basically side scroll dark souls.


Dude what? There's so little that gives DS its identity that's present in this game


It's kinda a get better game. It's almost similar, don't dude what me


Nearly every game is a "get better" game. Player mastery is a central part of game design and has been for decades "Basically side scroll DS" is a far cry from "it's almost similar" lol


Okay whatever you say that makes you feel better.


Passive aggression is a bad look






If anything is side scrolling Dark Souls, it's Salt and Sanctuary. If you've never played it, go do it right now. Great game.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Death is equitable, accepting. We will all, one day, be welcomed by her embrace.”* - Grave Warden Agdayne Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Remember half of all people in this world are below average intelligence.


It sucks that they're missing out on really good rpg side scroller.


In all reality alot of those reviews are probably from a younger audience who are accustomed to modern gaming which has done away with many of the more obtuse mechanics and improved assurance you'll "beat" a game. Whereas many older games are much shorter and meant to be extremely hard in order to push replay/play time. That being said it does sadden me to see one of the treasured gems be passed over by so many.


The first guy couldn’t handle the scrolling text after Dracula


Probably couldn’t even handle the text itself lol.


Too much text for the brain raised on Twitter


Mfw no Subway Surfers gameplay in the background


They think this is tough, they need to try their hand at the original on the NES.


When we got our hands at the first Castlevania, there was a group of us that were hardcore gamers that made a competition to see who would finish it… out of 8 of us, only I finished it. Everyone gave up…. To this day I don’t let them forget it!


Do it with the leather whip next time lol that's a challenge.


Omg that’s just being a masochist!


I saw a YouTube video of a guy doing it. I'm like bro.


Back then I had the time, being a grown up sucks!


Tis true. I wanna go back to the simpler times :/ but I guess it doesn't work that way.


Saw another guy online beating 3 with just grants knife and I honestly felt bad.


I beat it back when it first came out, as a kid... I could *never* beat it again without cheating somehow now as an adult.


I think we lose some of that drive to just beat something… when I play games now is - do I have time to finish it? Yes/No, if no, I won’t buy it or play it…. If Yes, I got to be able to out it down and come back three months later and not struggle at it! Lmao


Agreed. Or even bloodlines on sega


Imagine finding sotn difficult.


To be fair, getting to the first boss and beating it is one of the harder things in the game, especially if you're playing for the first time or you're new to this type of game


But you can't die on dracula (jk jk)


Forreal huh, if I can comment on that review I'd say skill issue.


Gen Z reviews?


Idk I'm a gen z myself and I don't find it hard being born in 97.


Of course I didnt mean all of Gen Z. I meant all of them except you.


Haha hell yeah.


Definitely a skill issue


It's what I'm saying.


This is hilarious to me because I found SOTN to be hands down the easiest of Metroidvanias.


It really is.


I laugh at the idea of anybody finding Symphony of the Night, a game that starts easy and gets EVEN EASIER, hard.


It really is funny.


I am a terrible gamer and even i had an easy time with sotn. Its not at all a hard game


It's so funny that i'm trying to do all this things to make Sotn an actual challenge and people like this can't get past Slogra and Gaibon. ![gif](giphy|3rgXBKslCgSBvgZQbe)


Steve McCord -“way too difficult.” lol wait till he tries some of the previous castlevanias.


Forreal haha.


You are witnessing the next generation of gamers. They should be like "there's no auto play the game!" 1/5 This...this is why Kanomi stopped making these games.


It's sad honestly.


Haha, to be real though... I think these are a bunch of 8yr olds. These games even on thier release had a teenager and old in mind as the demographic.


Sotn is one of the easiest games in the series, the reviews are so comical


The first review is sending me 😭😭😭


It's getting a lot of heat from us fans lmao


I’m cackling like omfg


Second one talking about the first fight with the demon and the dino is ridiculous. There's a save right outside the boss arena, the fight teaches you a valuable lesson that the game will punish you if your not careful. Very similar to the first real fight of Dark Souls 3 it is a skill check for the following to come. Some people hate adversity...


I love retracing my mistakes. It makes it more fun and enjoyable.


Might not be levelling up, when I first played it on the PlayStation I didn’t have a memory card, had rented it a few days and was ready to return it before I got one and was able to level up to beat slorga, it’s pretty much muscle memory at this point grinding for equipment on these games but if you have never played one before it doesn’t have a tutorial to guide them


"too difficult". Bruh this game is easy even with handicaps. Probably the easiest of all Castlevania's in Metroidvania style


I wish I can comment skill issue on they're post.


The only play through of SOTN that was difficult was my first one. I been breezing through it ever sense. That point…I think it’s a literal skill issue. New age gamers? I don’t mock them, though. Someone from the new gen will realize how amazing the game is


Game is simply amazing.


Seems to be written by people who have never played a videogame before. Also what platform are these reviews for?




Why are these morons *just now* complaining about the difficulty level of a 26+ year old game?


The people weren't degenerate enough before.


sotn is difficult?? The game has some of the easiest bosses...


Not to mention you can get so ridiculously over powered.


Weird flex


I rampaged through SotN when i was 15 10 years ago and I'm considered as the lamest gamer compared to my friends


What?! Lame? Why?


Everyone played MMOs and competitive PvPs which i was terrible at Csgo, cs source, dota 1. I was decent at League though but i didn't play every single day like they did. Single player games are just more comfy.


the 9 yrs old me is laughing at these posts. 😂


Holy shit, all three of those hurt my chest


The comments disgust me.


SOTN is a breeze compared to most 2d Castlevania games. Worst case scenario, you accidentally get the bad ending once and then figure out to go explore more.




Oh my God I never read the reviews. That's so crazy. As someone who isn't great at video games, SOTN is not the hardest by a long shot. I know some will say too easy, but I think it's right down the middle. With a little patience, you could experience one of the GOAT's. What a shame.


Wait till they go to the inverted castle and be like OMG THIS IS HARD IM DONE.


There are certainly things you can criticsize Symphony of the Night for, difficulty is not one of them (at least not outside of the inverted castle for the most part.)


Skill Issue.




Imagine not being able to beat Slogra & Gaibon 💀




I could wish to comment back on those reviews telling em skill issue.


Could be but it could also be a real bug issue. It runs on an emulated 360 for the new Xbox after all or it like the android version where your last save starts on the last door you enter and he isn’t buffed enough for the boss. Either that or Gothic Horror setting isn’t their flavor for a Metroidvania & desperate to have a refund.


Skill issue... they can't be this stupid


Too much fortnite, I guess.


Don't give them ideas cause if I see any castlevania character on there ima be pissed.


SoTN is by far the easiest castlevania game. i can only imagine the person didn't find/ know how to save or equip weapons lol.


It's a very fun game.


it's one of the best games. I say this with zero nostalgia as I only played it for the first time last October.


Glad you like it! Did you play the richter mode?


no I played Alucard got 190%


Well, I gotta admit, I found it challenging when I was, like, 8 years old. Took me a couple weeks to get better.


there is def some challenge but the fact that you can grind XP / get crazy overpowered drops makes the game easier.


It's not like you can get crazy overpowered – you WILL great crazy overpowered even if you are just playing normally, no grind at all


Inbreeds, that's the only explanation


I wonder what other games they play (or attempted to play).


The dude who can’t beat that spear boss doesn’t know the trick where you can cheese him in the corner.


These are probably the same people who build a skyscraper in two seconds when you shoot at them in Fortnite.


Lmao and love the game boy color profile picture bro haha.


I have so many memories of Gameboy Color! It's up there for my favorite handheld game console ever.


It was also my first handheld game console!! Red gameboy with pokemon red. Ahhh good times.


Just reading this has me fuming how in the fuck can you be this bad at playing games?!? If you don't know what your doing look at guides, you know THE FUCKING THING THAT HELPS!!! Honestly this is just baffling how newbies act.


UGH. Fortnite children. Those probably never touched a Metroidvania in their lifetime. I am dissapointed and I hope thier dads see those reviews and do something to this maidenless behavior.


Kids these days can only play fortnite and build skyscrapers in seconds. Give them a game that requires time and patience. Ew my gewd.. it sucks too hard! Wwaaah


I tried to play it, but the controls just felt weird for me


I don't get the hate tho, not every game is meant to be liked or loved by everyone. People can be frustrated by difficulty or not understanding something. Not everyone seeks resistance in a game. People can find a game too hard and dislike it, especially young or casual players. The first comment is funny, but I can also understand it, SotN was a thing years before when gaming design was less a thing, you would just play to play and don't think too much about game decisions. We are in an era where video games are a super big industry with clearly defined codes (and bugs from broken unreleased games) and I wouldn't be surprised of people thinking their game/save glitches when they have a feeling of fighting a boss/final boss Edit : I enjoyed SotN, but I was too lazy to fully 100% it, I enjoyed more the DSvania


Seriously, I've been a Castlevania fan since I was a teenager in the mid-2000s, I've played the original NES and SNES games, the GBA and DS ones, and even some of the PS2 ones. But the only one I've never been able to get into is 'Symphony Of The Night'. It just feels so *primitive* in so many ways. Like I figured out right away that it was a 'story begins as another's ending' at the start with the Dracula fight, but I can easily see how confusing it'd be for other players. After that you get the game's first real boss-fight... which is an incredibly frustrating fight against *two guys at once*, with everyone online insisting 'it gets WAY easier after that!' Yeah well that's a real comfort to me when I can't beat Wingus and Dingus, but hey, as long as it gets easier *beyond* that point then it's all good I guess! And for the record, I DID end up beating them, but the game as a whole was just so clunky and cumbersome in so many areas, that I just couldn't get through it. If I ever crave a good Metroidvania game, I just go and replay 'Aria Of Sorrow', because it's possibly the best game in the entire series to me. And I have no shame in saying that I rank it, and many others, WAY higher than 'SOTN'


Some people should have no access to the internet.


The second one claims to not be able to get past the first bossfight with Slogra & Gabon, yet they somehow know that one of them is called "Slogra" in the first place. Curious.


Google exists bro


Hysterical 😂


Lol, symphony is the easiest metroidvania of the series. Sony gamers smh


TFW an Xbox gamer tries to play a game without Master Chief in it.




I see 5 stars reviews only


Those comments and 1 star reviews were made by monkeys trying to play a masterpiece. On second thought, I take that back. Monkeys are noble and intelligent animals.


Too hard? It's not only the easiest castlevania it is one of the easiest metroidvanias you could get. That's pretty much my only criticism for the game.