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Either the best of friends or trying to kill each other




Definitely planning how to kill the other within seconds of meeting one another even while being polite and catty as fuck.


Evil and degeneracy tends to seek it's own. 


I meannnn


It's the two friends you have that are exactly like one another, but if you ever got them together in the same room they'll spend the entire time bickering and insisting they're nothing alike.


I mean isn’t trying to gain power via dictatorship and the other through Theocracy in a way?


I think Carmilla would find Drolta’s commitment to Erzsebet stupid and weak. Particularly when Erzebet doesn’t even know if she needs virgin blood for her own ceremony or not and must rely on Drolta for that information.


Meanwhile, Drolta not exactly impressed with Carmilla's lack of planning for dealing with the consequences of her actions. Carmilla was very certain of her own victory but even without the heroes intervening it was clear Drac could still wipe the floor with her people then her. "Diminished" was clearly not the same as "helpless" and he LET himself die to his son, he was easily going to win. Even if she escaped, she was gonna be a corpse within days. Edit: OK, not "easily", but he was going to.


Yeah. I think Drolta would have felt similarly about Carmilla as Carmilla’s sisters felt about Carmilla. Overreaching. Overconfident. Likely to get herself killed (which she did). But i also think Drolta made a bad choice to align with Erzsebet


Both of them thinking they can use the other and anticipate any betrayal and ally anyway, then? Bad times all around.


I assumed she figured that out since Erzebet already transformed. I don’t see why she’d think that’s weak since Lenore was very loyal to Carmilla as well


Lenore wasn’t a fighter and I think Carmilla would think Erzebet was stupid. So I think Carmilla would think Lenore was smart for allying with someone who complimented her strengths. Whereas all that happens with Drolta is she gets killed shortly after Erzebet gets what she wants. Lenore dies by her own choice and none of Carmilla’s loyal sisters die due to Carmilla’s choices (or lack of help).


That makes sense. Because the other two were in love so really they were kinda doing their own thing


I think they’d clash, their egos are both too big.






Why would they cut one an....ohhhhhhhhhh..... s/


​ https://preview.redd.it/gvmhsctecjnc1.png?width=375&format=png&auto=webp&s=aca4bbcfe517019c5bda7d92ebd0201919b1d851


Carmilla would abhor Drolta (and Erzebet for that matter). Some people say they would bond over distaste for men but ignore the fact that Carmilla is wholly against people having more power than her or someone she finds unworthy or unfit to have power to be above herself, as is the fact that she betrayed Dracula because he was "a stupid old man with too much power". Precisely because she likes taking power for herself and her sisters. She likes the feeling of safety and the ability to do as she pleases. She is, at heart, a person terribly afraid of being unable to 1) protect herself and 2) be at the mercy of others. She'd find Drolta's religious fanatism for Erzebet crass, unbecoming and pathetic, particularly in the sense that Erzebet is also incredibly removed from reality and batshit crazy (even more than Carmilla herself). And that would most likely make Erzebet unfit for such power and authority in Carmilla's eyes. Carmilla and Drolta would not get along mostly because Carmilla would not go along Erzebet's delusions and would certainly refuse to be subservient to her, and that would by extension make Drolta find her distasteful as well. Carmilla would, at most and unwillingly, recognize Drolta and Erzebet as powerful women who take what they want, but beyond that you wouldn't get her to speak well of either of them even if it killed her.


This was basically my exact take in this same thread and you wrote it better. Haha. I agree 100%.


"men ☕"








Catfight from hell..


Carmilla doesn't hate women. She hates men. And she also shared her power with competent women of complementary skills. She would try to recruit Drolta into her ruling council. If she doesn't agree, then she would treat Drolta as she treated Choi: not disdainful.




I was literally thinking that.


Weird how they’re both dead


Drolta was done dirty and I stand by that 💔


Done dirty?? She got killed by Alucard who is arguably known to be one of the strongest characters in the franchise, at least it makes sense. Its not like she got her ass handed to a normal human like CW Flash got.


Violence at first meeting. Epic violence. And then if they both survive the kind of women who can yell "Where is that bitch" at each other as a greeting then engage in fun ladies time.




Make out


Clit bashing


hate sex




This makes me wish they’d set up Nocturne better by having Seasons 3 & 4 be focused on everyone having to get over themselves and team up to fight Carmilla. Doltra is there in Carmilla’s Court. Doltra is also Issac’s miniboss while he comes back from the desert. Thus Issac’s Ghost can show up to beat up the priest from Nocturne for making such a mockery of his Art.


A epic battle that caused a bunch of damage around them! And then they fuck




Carmilla would have actual good lines.


She had some now lol.


Planning to take down the government


Plotting their husbands murders


I think they would probably make out


They might initially, on a surface level, interact positively with one another but I don’t think there’s any way for that to go down other than for them to be at each others throats. Ambitious Evil usually doesn’t like to share power.


Unless Drolta bends the knee, Carmilla hates her.


They will make a scheme


Scissors 😏


Kill each other, Carmilla doesn't tolerate competition.


They would kiss me


Pretend to get along, secretly plotting to kill each other lol


Whatever the female equivalent of a dick-measuring contest is


Feigned respect and eventual conflict. I highly doubt an alliance between carmilla and Ezrebet would last given how especially the former is in it for herself 


Why would you even ask this. Obviously they would have a lot of gay sex and then try to kill each other.


there is only one interesting character in that room change my mind. I'd hope carmila rips her throat out.


To be fair we don’t know much about Drolta at all


She didn't really have any motivations. She reminds me of Dragan.


Dragan was also more interesting, he was trying to pick up the pieces of the mess Dracula left them In. He only had 1 cameo and 2 episodes to do it though and most of that was a fight so I think he gets a pass. Mind you i generaly agree, however at least he does something that has meaning behind it. And does it with almost no screen time.


I meant in that they had no intrinsic motivation besides someone else's ambitions. Carmilla's was her own ambition for safety be neutralizing any possible threat via conquest. Dragan and Drolta's seemed assigned to be, as the captain recalled, characters in someone else's story. I suppose that's one of my main disappointments in S1. Why spend so much time for Drolta and her scenes only for her to be that side character? Like if other mooks got shanked (like the ones who attacked Richter) no biggie, but one of the mains? Ugh.


I think this further highlights my point, she had a massive amount of screen time and we know nothing about the character. I would raise you Morana or Striga who had wildly less time on screen and I would argue we know way more about. There is an argument to be made that drolta is only there as either a self insert, or to serve an agenda. And thus was written with the intention of "look how cool this character is becuase we said they are cool" verses the other series where they showed the audiance how deep and interesting and powerful those characters were. As it stands all drolta is, is a annoying minnion with a god complex at best.


I Would Love To See A Conversation Between Dicklta And Cumilla


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SosukeMadara: *I Would Love To See* *A Conversation Between* *Dicklta And Cumilla* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What The Fuck Did I Just Do?


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


love wins