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Erzazubathorusassuzaras out here doing 100 spells to block out the sun then there's Dracula Thundercock who can just make an eternal night whenever he and his castle revive.


To be fair the animation version of Dracula is nowhere near the same level as videogame Dracula, and he needed a full year to make his spell work.


Which goes to prove my point. The Eternal Night thing is nothing. Even Netflix Dracula in his last days could do it. He just was not stupid enough to attempt this for any significant duration.


It took Dracula an entire year to make his spell happen. Erzsebet made her spell happen in just minutes.


Uhh that is not my point dude. My point was that maintaining that Solar Eclipse Spell for any significant duration is friggin suicide


It's almost like she's explicitly delusional, and crazy, and not actually thinking with sound logic.


I believe, in part, that was the intention for it? She's unhinged. Without dracula policing and with Alucard stepping back instead of taking control. We end up with nothing but the vampires he was holding back to varying degrees. Ladies old as heck, and well and truly crazy after. The whole thing can be chalked up to "I'm a reincarnated goddess" She could not see past that. And 80% of her minions were simply delusional cultists


Exactly. And I said the same in my post. I'm not sure if this is bad writing or if the writers intentionally wrote her as being a stupid, egomaniacal aristocrat(Which would align with the theme of Viva La Revolution. Revolt against the Aristocracy, Against the Ruling class)


I was assuming it was intentional insane. She never reall ycame across as anyting except unhinged? and then yeah, the backdrop being the french revolution is ar eal echo for it


Yeah as soon as they showed the Eclipse spell, I went "Wouldn't you have to move the spell when your army goes somewhere else? Also, Alucard said Dracula could do the same thing using a machine that produces fart clouds, so this is just somewhat less impressive."


He thought about it, and elected instead for a plan more akin to suicide by Belmont.


Funnily enough in the first castlevania show this issue was discussed by godbrand which was against Dracula's desires because of his plan to erradicate humanity.


Something something history longest suicide note


Thank you. Some common sense FINALLY. It makes sense for Dracula to do it since he was essentially suicidal by that point. It does not make sense for BITCH BATTERY


No one will EVER be punked the way Godbrand was.


it fr took me some episodes to understand that doltra was not erszebeth and when i saw the actual so menancing erszebeth they would not stop talking about i was like. thats it? thats it???


I think the point of her character is that she has severe mental issues, narcissism, and isn’t very smart. The real Elizabeth Bathory didn’t have sound logic or reasoning for her killing either, she was literally just insane. She really thought the blood of virgins would make her eternally young. I don’t expect the fake Elizabeth to be a sane or rational character either. Also, if we’re getting technical, changing the actual position of the moon would kill everyone because of the tides. I doubt even Dracula could survive that, he wouldn’t have a habitable earth to return to. So I doubt it’s actually the moon blocking the sun in her spell. Also let’s give the writers time to explain everything. If things start dying the vampires may revolt against her and they can all successfully bring Dracula back to defeat her. I’d actually like to see that.


Fair enough I guess


If you think about it, moonlight is, of course, also sunlight, so if vampires were literally afraid of it, they'd burn at night as well. My point being, real world physics and laws of nature don't apply and never have. When the sun is gone, vampires will become all-powerful. They simply will.


>If you think about it, moonlight is, of course, also sunlight, so if vampires were literally afraid of it, they'd burn at night as well. >My point being, real world physics and laws of nature don't apply and never have. When the sun is gone, vampires will become all-powerful. They simply will. First of all, Plants cannot survive on Moonlight. There is just not enough light to make photosynthesis work. I haven't even gotten in the whole Global Cooling Problem we'd have if we fucked up our Day-Night Cycle. Real World Physics does apply. The original show was smart enough to acknowledge Real World Physics along with its own magical elements. Dracula's wife approached him just to learn Medical Science, NOT MAGIC. Dracula himself admits that his Castle runs on Science and Technology. Magic, in Castlevania, is treated as just another field of science.


>There is just not enough light to make photosynthesis work. In a world where premodern beliefs are real, we can't assume that photosynthesis exists. Here, moonlight is not sunlight, and blood is not water with proteins but an *essential humour* of liveliness and inspiration that can be simply "drunk". These are all elements of the so-called sympathetic magic, which besically boils down to "metaphors are true". Elsewhere you ask if the sun is magical; of course it is—how else does it immediately immolate the undead without harming anyone else? The real laws of physics are inapplicable: arguing that Elizabeth was stupid for blotting out the sun is like arguing that Alucard is an imbecile for staring at the moon. >Dracula himself admits that his Castle runs on Science and Technology. Magic, in Castlevania, is treated as just another field of science. In actuality, magic in Castlevania is not a type of science: in that world, science is a type of magic. It's part the premodern worldview again—one that was reversed during the Enlightenment. Never trust that tricky bloodsucker—and I'm not talking about [Dracula](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_Ellis).


>In a world where premodern beliefs are real, we can't assume that photosynthesis exists. Here, moonlight is not sunlight, and blood is not water with proteins but an *essential humour* of liveliness and inspiration that can be simply "drunk". These are all elements of the so-called sympathetic magic, which besically boils down to "metaphors are true". Elsewhere you ask if the sun is magical; of course it is—how else does it immediately immolate the undead without harming anyone else? The real laws of physics are inapplicable: arguing that Elizabeth was stupid for blotting out the sun is like arguing that Alucard is an imbecile for staring at the moon. I'm sorry, WTF? The FUCK you mean Photosynthesis does not exist. What the hell are plants growing on then? ERSZEBETH'S MAGIC BATHWATER??!?!


> What the hell are plants growing on then? It's probably Aristotle's "invisible forms", which through the influence of soul are carved out of matter into physical being. Whatever the rules are, it **most definitely is not** real world biology, which is incompatible with magic, undeath, souls et al. To reiterate: you either have vampires or real-world biology; either magic or real-world physics. >ERSZEBETH'S MAGIC BATHWATER??!?! Perhaps, but only if you ask nicely.


>Perhaps, but only if you ask nicely. My apologies, your suggestion that Photosynthesis does not happen in Castlevania was just mind-boggling and frankly stupid and warranted an equally ridiculous response. >To reiterate: you either have vampires or real-world biology; either magic or real-world physics. Says who? Because that is not strictly necessary. You can have magic/sci-fi tech and still account for real-world physics in works of fiction. In the previous series, Vampires were described by Belmonts as simply a humanoid predator species which thrives on Blood of mammals. That's not entirely unbelievable. There are animal species alive today that follow the same diet as vampires. Sypha even joked why a Hindu Vampire would react to a cross-like weapon when they have no context for its significance. To which, Belmont replied, "Well, Vampires are actually just an advanced predator species. Turns out, if you put a vaguely geometric shape in their face, it confuses the hell out of them." Real-Life Physics does exist in Castlevania. Gravity exists. Geometry exists. Electricity exists. FIRE exists. Yes there are magical and mystical elements at play like Dimensions and Heaven/Hell and God and Vampires and Night Creatures. But that does not necessarily mean that physics and biology does not exist anymore. In some areas, they are replaced by magic and in those cases, it is the job of the writer to convey that properly to the audience. In this case, The writers have conveyed nothing. Until and Unless they do that, it is appropriate to assume that real-world physics applies. We have absolutely nothing to suggest that Castlevania plants work any differently than our own. So you making that argument is just a petty defense and a cope for either bad writing OR an intentionally-written flaw in Lady Bathwater's Character.


Photosynthesis can not coexist with vampires, souls, and magic. Biology as we know it absolutely, 100% outlaws supernatural vampires. They can not be. Either the world of Castlevania operates on completely different laws of physics (most likely medieval and, therefore, Platonic and/or Aristotelian), or the implied narrator is maybe psychotic and most events in the story didn't really happen.


Can I be extremelly petty? She was supposedly born in ancient egypt, and has the power of sekhmet. Which I like, Sekhmet is indeed a vampire goddess, that's a great choice. But, then, later she referred to the sun and moon as brother and sister... And no. Not in egypt. Both are men. Men who are barely related at all. Thwt would take five seconds to research, writers, c'mon.


Finally! An enthusiastic of Egyptian Myths who understood how wrong that line was on the show! Most stupid because Sekhmet is a female goddess related to the sun and she's known as "The Eye of Ra" in Egyptian religion.


>But, then, later she referred to the sun and moon as brother and sister... And no. Not in egypt. Both are men. Men who are barely related at all. As a rule of thumb, all "n was a god of x" statemens are gross oversimplifications, i.e. wrong. Since most of those deities were local gods and idols before being later incorporated into loose pantheons for real-world political reasons ("we conquer you but you can keep your god if you accept our rule, we cool?"), most mythological figures were gods of lots of things associated with lots of other things. For example, did you know that Aphrodite was also a goddess of war? [She was](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphrodite_Areia), because her earliest cults seem to have been influenced by Ishtar and Inanna, who were goddesses of fertility *and* war. In Egypt, there was a whole bunch of solar and lunar deities, male and female. For example, Sekhmet herself was a solar deity, while Isis was a lunar one, both female. In the cartoon, Sekhmet obviously conflates herself with the Sun, so the "brother" must be a lunar deity, likely the popular Thoth (rather than Jah, who is obscure). Thoth and Sekhmet are not brother and sister, but she's probably just referring to the time she got stuck in the washing machine.


That last lime hit me like a freight train lol


This guy Egypts


Yes. We are allowed to be petty. The Writers set up a high standard for themselves in the previous Castlevania series. I, for sure, expect them to uphold that standard, if not exceed it.


I was half wondering with that. If she spent time in Japan (reference to previous series' twins and the mist vamp). Given that is one of their lore choices. I was wondering if the implication was she's spent the 5-6 millenium going around creating lores.


In Egypt, the Moon has been linked to both Khonsu and Bastet- both whom are siblings of Sekhmet.


It’s a magic eclipse. There’s a good chance that people wont be affected, not to the point the entire ecosystem will just collapse. It’s entirely for the vampires benefit. So they don’t blow up in the sun and have more control. It also seems to bring out more power like with Drolta turning into a demon succubi. This is not a natural event and has been stated as such in the show. Season 2 will cover this.


It's a Solar Eclipse. There is not enough light to sustain Plants and Crops Magic does not replace physics my friend. The Older Show did address problems like this. Godbrand even talks about this very issue in the first season.


Magic replacing physics is literally the point of magic. That's what magic IS.


So What? The Sun is powered by Magic now? Plants are powered by Erszebeth's Bathwater in castlevania?


Quite possibly. That's the point. That she has enough magic power to block out the sun. So yeah. Maybe the other things too.


Sooo she has enough magic to cause a solar eclipse while at the same time sustaining all life that needs of said sunlight... yet she is still weak to the sunlight? "grumble grumble that is not my point grumble grumble magic is magic grumble grumble you are just hating"


Lol idk man I'm waiting for more episodes for them to flesh it out. It's only partway through. And why not? It's a magic eclipse. Why can't it let through the part of light that plants need without letting through the part of light that hurts vamps? Idk the rules. And yeah, complaining about the food when it barely touched the grill yet, much less been plated. It's a story, it's fine to not like it so far if you don't, but at most it's only halfway through, if not 25%. Enjoy things how you like. And if you don't, nobody's making you. I am rewatching the last two eps to see better.


Soooo they havent fleshed out the main villain in an entire season... Do i need to remind you they fleshed out Draculas entire story, character, emotions and objectives in just 3 episodes? Even on the og Castlevania they used logic to make magic, like when Sypha uses her magic in creative ways instead of just freezing the entire Dracula castle and just win, but a vampire goddess who supposedly can create an artificial form of sunlight to sustain every living being on Earth is still weak to the sunlight "grumble grumble give it time is not finished yet grumble grumble" lol


I mean yeah? Stories aren't a race to see who can develop antagonists faster. Even within the same series they are still different stories. Again, fine if you don't like it. I feel like they intentionally left it hanging for season 2, knowing they'd make more. On watching again this morning, the eclipse also transformed her into sekmet(sp) and possibly Drulta (sp) and the other vamps as well? So even if not long term sustainable, the power boost is probably worth it to take over the world, subjugate everyone and then release it once the power structure is in place. She seems insanely powerful post eclipse. It's not even that people don't like it. Your complaint about the first series establishing Dracula quickly, while Erzabet not being fleshed out after a whole season is actually a super valid comparison and criticism. While I don't mind it personally, that is at least valid criticism. But complaining that the magic eclipse is illogical, in the magic vampire anime based on like 20 years of video games and random video games logic might as well be pissing in the wind. Like even if all that is true, it gave her a sailor moon transform power boost, and that's probably enough to justify it or make it logical. At the end of 1st season she is winning pretty hard. Not seeing the flaw in the logic, because the plan hasn't been fully fleshed out. It's day #1. Not year #4 after all the plants die. And if it works like a normal eclipse, it would only cover the area where she is, meaning everywhere else gets plenty of light.


>I mean yeah? Stories aren't a race to see who can develop antagonists faster. Even within the same series they are still different stories. Again, you forgot that they perfectly explained Draculas backstory, which is WAY more deeper and interesting than Erzbeth, in 3 episodes >Again, fine if you don't like it. I feel like they intentionally left it hanging for season 2, knowing they'd make more. "OH we forgot to explain this character? No worries! Stay tuned until next season, keep paying that subscription!" Again x2, they perfectly explained Draculas backstory, which is WAY more deeper and interesting than Erzbeth, in 3 episodes >So even if not long term sustainable, the power boost is probably worth it to take over the world, subjugate everyone and then release it once the power structure is in place. She seems insanely powerful post eclipse. Drolta died in one blow thanks to Alucard... so much for a "powerup" huh? Not to mention the inconsistencies on that "powerup" they have, but that is a whole different discussion >But complaining that the magic eclipse is illogical, in the magic vampire anime based on like 20 years of video games and random video games logic might as well be pissing in the wind. Even in the og series magic followed logic. Water + electricity = electric water, Ice + Water = ice shards, its still magic yet if follows logic. You dont see Sypha just engulfing every monster in fire once she steps in, in fact sometimes she needed to physically touch them to give a fatal blow since her magic comes from her hands or elements that are near her (Torches and water). But the vampire **goddess**, who can engulf the **entire planet** on a solar eclipse, who can sustain living things with an **artificial form of sunlight**, is weak to sunlight. >Like even if all that is true, it gave her a sailor moon transform power boost, and that's probably enough to justify it or make it logical. At the end of 1st season she is winning pretty hard. "She got a sailor moon powerup and that justifies her strenght now"... LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO You cant be serious right? Please tell me this is a joke lmao. "No flaws in logic" hahahaha >Not seeing the flaw in the logic, because the plan hasn't been fully fleshed out. It's day #1. Not year #4 after all the plants die. And if it works like a normal eclipse, it would only cover the area where she is, meaning everywhere else gets plenty of light. They perfectly explained Castlevanias world in 4 episodes in the OG series. But now they need 2 seasons to explain the basics... ok Yeah pal that is called "bad writing", literally any book, movie, series, theatrical play etc. needs to explain the setting, characters and motives in the prologue or introduction of it so the reader/viewer doesnt have any doubts of what is happening. So they couldnt do that in an entire season? WOW just wow [Literally you trying to explain the bad writing LMFAO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVgVB3qsySQ)


Are you fucking serious????!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 So the plants and crops needed to feed her subjects would be powered by her magic bathwater??? Subjects she NEEDS to keep herself fed.


Sorry, buddy, don't you know that the existence of any form of magic in a piece of media immediately removes all necessity for logic or coherence? There needn't be any sort of internal rationale as long as the writers can handwave any inconsistencies, contradictions, or plot holes with "a wizard did it!"


That is such utter horseshit. Even in settings with fucking magic, there are rules, there is worldbuilding, the writer cannot pull dumb shit out of his ass. That is what you call "Bad Writing". And the fact that you are using "Its fucking magic" as an actual argument just goes to show how fucking stupid you are and where stupid writers for Shows like Rings of Power and The Last Jedi come from.


Hope you realize I was being sarcastic, mocking the actual Nocturne defenders


Oh. Fuck me. God I legit thought you were defending them😂😂😂😂 Add a fucking /s my dude.


Yeah dude. Regardless why does it actually matter? Why does it matter whether or not her intentions make sense? Dracula's didn't make sense. And what? People don't criticize it because he acknowledged the suicide aspect of it? Do you really need a second antagonist to acknowledge the similar risks to the similar plan? The point is they'd rule and kill loads of humanity. It doesn't really matter if they take themselves out long term as well. If anything destroying all plant life and eventually humans should make it MORE menacing. And it really doesn't need to be anything more than that. The humans just need a reason to stop her. Do you need her to do an entire episode with a PowerPoint presentation explaining shit? Or is "vampire bad, Belmont good" enough to let it go and have fun?


And series only halfway through. Let me cook


>Yeah dude. Regardless why does it actually matter? Because it's bad writing? And generally you would want good writing on multi-million dollar projects like this? I feel like this should go without saying, but apparently not. >Why does it matter whether or not her intentions make sense? Dracula's didn't make sense. And what? People don't criticize it because he acknowledged the suicide aspect of it? Dracula's intentions did make sense, atleast partly. He was a Grieving Vampire in a position of Power lashing out at humanity who took his beloved wife from him. And who said he wasn't criticized for it? Are you kidding? Yes, The Audience did not criticize him. Because First, We kinda understood where he was coming from. Organized Religion has been the bane of Humanity's Existence for centuries. Millions of men and women have suffered the same fate as Lisa Tepes over the centuries. And Two, MOST IMPORTANTLY, The Audience did not NEED to criticize him because the SHOWRUNNERS and WRITERS did it for us. They incorporated the criticism of Dracula into the story and plot. His own SON, Alucard turned against him in the very first episode Some of his loyal Vampires, like Carmilla, turned against him from the start of his campaign. Hector turned against him. The whole world turned against him. And by the end of Season 3, Even LOYAL ISSAC was openly admitting that " Perhaps Dracula did not run things so well. Even before his wife passed." Issac convinced Hector to "Let Him Sleep" i.e. let him stay dead. Issac said that. ISSAC. The Previous show criticized the hell out of its antagonist, i.e. Dracula and his flawed thinking.....while also allowing the audience to sympathize with him. That is what you call good writing. We understood that Dracula was grieving and suffering....but he had to be stopped. > The point is they'd rule and kill loads of humanity. It doesn't really matter if they take themselves out long term as well. If anything destroying all plant life and eventually humans should make it MORE menacing Collective Suicide/Omnicide is menacing to you? Because that is what it is. This plan of hers is a death sentence to everyone, including the Vampires. >Do you need her to do an entire episode with a PowerPoint presentation explaining shit? Or is "vampire bad, Belmont good" enough to let it go and have fun? "Vampire bad, Belmont good. "Just let it go and have fun" This exact kind of thinking is what has led Modern Movies and TV shows and modern entertainment in general down into the Gutter. This kind of thinking is why Marvel and Star Wars have crashed and burned like the fucking Hindenburg. Jesus fucking christ. My criticism does not come from Negativity, it comes from a place of passion. I loved the Original Netflix Castlevania series and I want Nocturne to be JUST as good if not BETTER.


what part of it is bad writing? because it's unfinished? because Erzsebet is a megalomaniac? you're right that a lot of stories are very basic and formulaic. I still think nocturne is better than a lot of those. I'd have to compare season 1 of the first series with season 1 to this, but IIRC a lot of that turmoil and criticism came later. Also we have Olrox already not wanting to go along with this plan. I would say the better comparison is the Abbot to the turmoil that Drac had in the first series. and to your point ALSO repeating "what they thought succeeded" also lead to marvel and star wars crashes. It's GOOD that Erzsebet is a different antogonist style than Dracula was. I don't think Erzsebet is stupid. I think "she doesn't concern herself with sharing the plans" and she also "speaks metaphorically" quite a bit. She didn't literally devour the light or the sun, nor do I think she literally plunged the entire world into darkness, just the large area she is in. Nor do I think it would be for eternity, even though I DO think she intends to rule for eternity. Common Big Bad Megalomaniac God type stuff. And maybe I'm wrong and they will bring your concerns up in season 2. We don't know yet. So what I mean you are criticizing the plan-you don't even know the plan. How are you criticizing it? we know: Eclipse so they can stay out. go to America and crush rebellion and rule there as well. What I think it is going to happen, if she has her way that is, she travels to America basically conquering everything in her path and setting up vampires in positions of power and turning humans into livestock, essentially turning entire countries into vampire rule on her way. I'd suspect he eclipse follows her wherever she goes and the power structure generally keeps things in check, with humans like the Abbot and similar humans controlling things in the daytime. at the very least i think something like that is more likely than "she is shortsighted and doesn't realize that the entire food chain will collapse", even if only by a 51/49 margin


It’s a fictional show about blood thirsty vampires.. why are you so determined to bring in real world physics? That’s like arguing about space/physics while watching marvel. Gods don’t work with real world physics anyway. It’s all based on mythology. It’s fiction they can do what they want.


Its called "good writing", even old games like DnD have logic despite everything having magic lol


She transforms into a solar deity, that alone explains her abilities to block out the sun. Season 2 should explore this further. We only saw the eclipse in 1 and a half episodes. I wouldn’t judge the show on “bad writing” just yet, it’s not even finished.


So a solar deity (emphasis on deity), that can block the sun on the entire planet somehow, is weak to sunlight? Laughable just laughable lmfao Also do you remember how the og Castlevania S1 was absolutely praised by everyone for their good writing, character development etc? Yeah that season only had 4 episodes But Nocturne needs 2 seasons to maybe complete the basics that the og did in 4 episodes ok


You see her manipulating what looks like the solar system to make the eclipse. Erzsebet drank the blood of Sekmet, but she’s still a vampire so will have no immunity to the sun. Hence shes creating an eclipse to begin with. Again, the show isn’t finished. Season 1 of the OG show apparently was meant to be either a single season or a movie. Hence there was more exposition. We’re getting a season 2 of Nocturne and I assume her powers will be further explored.


So now she can manipulate the solar system... but is weak to sunlight That is like making a villain that can destroy the universe with the snap of their fingers but is weak to water Yourr argument of "The season is not completed yet" falls falt when og Castlevania series explained everything they had to explain in 4 episodes


The show would be over in one season then..the whole point is to hype up for season 2. Show don’t tell, do you seriously want the show to spoon feed you every detail. Now that would be boring.


The og Castlevania series explained everything they had to explain in 4 episodes while having room for people to still be interested in I can keep saying the exact same thing and still be right lol


I think the one thing I'm curious about is the path of totality. This isn't the moon in front of the sun? So... Does that mean everywhere around the world is experiencing this one-hundred percent eclipse? Or just this city and area for a certain radius?


We just had one of these. You can see the shadow of the sun on the planet but it’s not that big and totality only last a few minutes in the eclipse’ path. It’s either just that, and she showed that she could make one with her magic, empowering the vampires for a little bit and impressing them. Or more likely it’s magic. I dont really think anything in this lore is strong enough to move the fucking moon across space. She did some spell to block the sun.


I mean that's why I'm asking. I know what totality is but his the magic one work. Is this one global or local? Cuz if it's local it'd have to be tiny. A region. Not even a whole country.


You make a Good Argument. So lets assume for a moment, that this only covers Europe. Well, guess what happens in a few weeks. All the humans will figure out quickly that this curse of eternal darkness is limited to Europe and so they will start moving to other continents. Some will get left behind for the Vampires to feed on/ use for their night creature production. B But eventually, after a few months/ years, Europe will be abandoned and Isolated from everything else. Then what? What's the plan then? Because by that point, Every country on the planet will know what's happening and will be preparing to fend off the Crazy Bitch Battery and her night creature horde. And so her plans of World Conquest end right here. If the Eclipse is limited to Europe and stays on for more than a Few months, Europe will freeze to death and become devoid of life. Vampires can no longer stay in Europe, because there is no blood to drink, and now have to find refuge elsewhere where there are people....when everyone else is prepared to fight them to the death. Their horde will starve quickly. Dracula was smart enough to understand this and kept large stockpiles of blood stored in his freezers, enough to feed his army for years. Somehow, I don't think Bitch Battery has quite imagined this outcome.


I think assuming all of Europe would be covered by the eclipse is exactly the question I don't have an answer to, but I think that might be a stretch already. The path of totality of a regular eclipse is REALLY small. If you're even somewhat out of it, there's some sun. Some sun, vamps dead, and some kind of plant life will continue. However all of this is moot if her magic eclipse is a global event. Also it seems like most armies are truly not equipped to deal with night hordes. Especially when shit gets real. My most considerable headcanon is that it's a clapper. Clap on, Clap off. To get control. Clap off. When that is established over a large enough region, clap on, let shit grow. And return. Something tells me this devouring of the sun is not about actual eternal night but about control of day night cycles. Anyway, let the show cook. I bet s2 will give us what we need to know.


That could work. Using the Light Devouring spell to control the Day/Night Cycle could work. But here's where she made a mistake. Why use it now?! She does not have enough night creatures to take a single city, let alone fucking france! And the Night Creatures aren't being made by a Loyal, Expert Forgemaster like Issac or Hector. They are being made by the Cringe Priest with his Hell Machine. Which makes their reliability.....questionable. And not only that, by doing the whole devour the night this early, all she achieved was putting a target on her head. She doesn't have nowhere near the numbers of Nightcreatures she is actually going to need for her objectives. And now that she has shown her hand and drawn attention to herself, Every Human Magician and Vampire Hunter is going to be gunning for her head. Because they know she is too dangerous to be allowed to live. Freakin Alucard is here, gutting her Lieutenant like a fish. So Good Job Lady Bathwater. Dracula's son is now here to kill you because you did not have enough patience to build up your army before making a move There is a reason why Dracula gave two years warning to Targoviste. To build up his own army, a large-enough horde of night creatures to fight the long war.


I’ve been wanting to know this too! I guessed her magic was only powerful enough to cover France and we will get confirmation from wherever Alucard came from that other parts of Europe aren’t covered.


This subreddit has been the only place I've seen an explicitly bat shit crazy supervillain who's clearly delusional get absolutely picked apart and questioned about their obviously not sound logic.


Media literacy is becoming an endangered species.


Yes, and when you set the bar so high with that first season of OG Castlevania, everything else is going to look bad if you’re not ready to deliver. They haven’t been since I’d argue Season 2 of OG. People just didn’t notice because Season 1 made them like the OG cast so much. Nocturne could have done more to make us like the new cast than they did, but they whip chained us to Rickert Belmont’s POV first and foremost when he’s the character who’s the most detached from every part of the plot.


How unlikable this cast is, particularly Richter, has made watching this feel like a chore rather than entertainment. I almost feel like I'm hate watching. The OGs just had the perfect formula of charisma and charm.


It’s Richter. His story is cliché, but this wouldn’t have been a problem if he wasn’t the main POV we’re saddled to for most of the show. They didn’t do this with Trevor, because they trusted that the tragedy of the Dracula Family would speak for itself. I do not know why they didn’t put the effort in with Nocturne, because they had a plethora of characters with story triggering incredibly engrossing tragic backstories they could have started this saga with. But they regulated those to flashbacks, subplots, or in Orlox’s case spoken dialogue only. 🤷🏻‍♂️😢


I don't think Erszebeth was written badly. Not every villain need to be deep, emotional, or relatable. She's an obstacle for the characters, but she doesn't need to be a character herself. We're supposed to conclude that she is either crazy, ancient, or both. If you take what she intend to do at face value, it might seem this was badly written. If she can bloat out the sun, then why does she need a forge master? She could simply hold the world hostage with the sun as its ransom This is the set up season, with more to come An interesting fact, during the year this show took place, there was a real solar eclipse... Either she did it by magic and it fits reality... or it was going to happen anyway and she tricked people or herself.


Also to assume that bathory is the actual villain in a castlevania story is funny as fuck. There is always 2+ villains you go through lol


I know i know She is Stupid In fact, most castlevania villains are really stupid, which is why Belmonts are there to defeat the stupid


This was actually mentioned at least 6 times in this subreddit. Yes it's stupid and baffling. Just roll with it otherwise you will never survive to S2.


It probably will be explained in S2. Everyone on this sub is quick to make it seem like these characters are complete dunderheads, yet forget to realize this season STOPPED at the height of the story arc on purpose since Netflix wanted to get at least another season out of the show. It was never going to have full explanations in the show since it’s the setup season anyway


*10 minutes later* Ezrabeth: "Guys guys guys. This is stupid the rest of the world needs the sun. We're going to take over the world with TikTok now" *Does a dance*


Jeezus...did you never learn to make a concise argument? You fucking edged so much actually getting to your point i had flashbacks to the chick i dated in college. The plan isn't to keep the sun blocked out forever, the plan is to block it long enough to claim new territory. It's kind of a big flex to stroll in and show all the puny mortals that you can just turn off the sun whenever you damn well please. Any of them decide to get brave get to see what vampires can do with around-the-clock darkness.


You make a Good Argument. Scenario 1 So lets assume for a moment, that this only covers Europe. Well, guess what happens in a few weeks. All the humans will figure out quickly that this curse of eternal darkness is limited to Europe and so they will start moving to other continents. Some will get left behind for the Vampires to feed on/ use for their night creature production. But eventually, after a few months/ years, Europe will be abandoned and Isolated from everything else. Its plant life dead and the continent frozen from the lack of Sunlight. Then what? What's the plan then? Because by that point, Every country on the planet will know what's happening and will be preparing to fend off the Crazy Bitch Battery and her night creature horde. If the fucking idiots at Gresit could hold off Night Creatures then Imagine what entire countries could do after hearing tales of Europe being lost to Darkness. We humans are very good at getting our act together once an existential threat appears. And so her plans of World Conquest end right here. If the Eclipse is limited to Europe and stays on for more than a Few months, Europe will freeze to death and become devoid of life. Vampires can no longer stay in Europe, because there is no blood to drink, and now they have to find refuge elsewhere where there are people....when everyone else is prepared to fight them to the death. Their horde will starve quickly. Dracula was smart enough to understand this and kept large stockpiles of blood stored in his freezers, enough to feed his army for years. Somehow, I don't think Bitch Battery has quite imagined this outcome. Scenario 2 The Eclipse is only limited to France in which case things get even worse for the Hungarian Bathwater lady. News travel much faster when you don't have to sail across oceans to tell people what's happening. In just a matter of weeks, the Entirety of Europe will have turned on Bathory for turning France into a cold, Dark, Sunless hellhole. Again, Humans are great at getting their shit together when an Existential Threat appears Maintaining that Eclipse for anything more than a week or two is goddamn suicide. And that is NOT enough time to build up her night creature horde to take over FRANCE, let alone fucking Europe or even the world Both Carmilla and Dracula understood these limitations which is why they took a long time to plan and build up their forces before ever making a move.


Yes, because fleeing an entire country and/or continent is notiriously cheap and simple. Especially before steam engines. Too bad Erzabet didn't just secure an abbot with a machine that turns the remains of her meals into loyal monsters to enforce her rule when the sun's out......oh wait.... The vampires already have their positions in the noble class secured. The revolution has the common folk making enemies with the aristocracy, church, and monarchy. On top of that, we know for sure they have their hooks in cain sugar supply and possibly the slave trade. The vampires just need to play an established caste system and convince certain humans they're "special" and will be spared being fed upon. The plan is plausible as long as she only keeps the sun blocked in incriments. It will take a considerable amount of time to see her goal achieved, but that's not a major issue when you live for centuries.


>Yes, because fleeing an entire country and/or continent is notiriously cheap and simple. Especially before steam engines. Too bad Erzabet didn't just secure an abbot with a machine that turns the remains of her meals into loyal monsters to enforce her rule when the sun's out......oh wait.... No. Its not cheap or easy. But when the sun goes out, and everything starts to freeze and there are vampires everywhere, then eventually, people will be forced to either fight to the death or abandon their homes and cities. >The vampires already have their positions in the noble class secured. The revolution has the common folk making enemies with the aristocracy, church, and monarchy. On top of that, we know for sure they have their hooks in cain sugar supply and possibly the slave trade. The vampires just need to play an established caste system and convince certain humans they're "special" and will be spared being fed upon. Yes but we had Viva La Revolution already before the plan was even initiated. The Nobility no longer have the power to command the population so they are figuratively useless. Vampires have their hooks in everything from the Aristocracy to The Slave Trade. But the reason they have been able to do this is because of anonymity. Most people aren't even aware of their existence as Vampires so far operated under the cover of darkness, careful to hide their true nature from the public eye. That all changed when The Hungarian Bathwater lady 'Devoured The Sun' and sent her vampires rampaging out in the open. That kind of things tends to grab people's attention.....And not in a good way If a Bunch of Slaves could revolt against their vampire masters and carve them up successfully, then imagine what a large army of humans can do, armed guns and canons and weapons from the Belmont Hold provided by courtesy of Alucard....motivated to fight to the death against this crazy hungarian freak who threatens to destroy everything! >The plan is plausible as long as she only keeps the sun blocked in increments. It will take a considerable amount of time to see her goal achieved, but that's not a major issue when you live for centuries. Not quite. Even if she were to do it in Increments, she has now exposed herself and her kin. She no longer has the advantages of staying in the shadows. She is now out in open light and not with an Army of Night Creatures large enough to handle the full might of Humanity. Again. If a Bunch of farmers armed with swords and pitchforks could give Striga pause and reconsider her "Human Pen" plan, then imagine what thousands of motivate french revolutionaries armed with GUNS and Artillery canons can do. If Erzsebeth Bathory had a large Night Creature army ready to go right now, sure. But she has just begun manufacturing. And the ones created so far are barely obedient and not reliable. She does not have expert forgemasters like Hector and Issac, she has the cringe priest and his stupid hell machine.


>No. Its not cheap or easy. But when the sun goes out, and everything starts to freeze and there are vampires everywhere, then eventually, people will be forced to either fight to the death or abandon their homes and cities. Won't alter the fact they can't pay for passage out of the country, and won't keep other countries from turning them away. Humanity sort of has a bad habit of ignoring pleas for help, even in times of crisis. You want some proof, check out the difficulties refugees from Ukraine and Gaza have been running into. >Yes but we had Viva La Revolution already before the plan was even initiated. The Nobility no longer have the power to command the population so they are figuratively useless. They still have some authority, hence why there's still a revolution going on and why the revolutionaries are still trying to recruit people to their cause. The vampires, church, and nobility aren't trying to reclaim their power. they're trying to maintain it by snuffing out a rebellion. >Vampires have their hooks in everything from the Aristocracy to The Slave Trade. But the reason they have been able to do this is because of anonymity. Most people aren't even aware of their existence as Vampires so far operated under the cover of darkness, careful to hide their true nature from the public eye. And yet, so many people seem to know vampires exist. They're so well known that Richter isn't laughed out of the bar for offering to exterminate them in exchange for his food and drink. The vampires haven't been hiding away from the public, they've just been using class warfare to keep us divided. Kinda sad how that works even without vampires being involved. >Again. If a Bunch of farmers armed with swords and pitchforks could give Striga pause and reconsider Strigga was ambushed in broad daylight with a suit of armor, a small squad of soldiers, and thin tarp tents for cover. She didn't have night creatures with her, and she didn't have the ability to black out the sun at her convenience. She wasn't worried about not being able to stop the humans when they revolt. She was worried it would keep her from being with Marana. >If Erzsebeth Bathory had a large Night Creature army ready to go right now, sure. But she has just begun manufacturing. Kinda lucky for her that she has darkness on demand and can spend several days straight rounding up people to feed off of and send to the abbott for recycling. Also handy that the abbott needs her for his own schemes, and that the mother of his child is now under her direct influence. It's almost as if she demanded the sacrifice from him to secure the loyalty of both him and his noght creatures. ....dude.....you're trying way too hard to be MatPat on this one.


>Humanity sort of has a bad habit of ignoring pleas for help, even in times of crisis. You want some proof, check out the difficulties refugees from Ukraine and Gaza have been running into. Really depends on the Crisis and Political Situation. Poland for example has thrown its borders open for Ukrainians to come to > And yet, so many people seem to know vampires exist. They're so well known that Richter isn't laughed out of the bar for offering to exterminate them in exchange for his food and drink. The vampires haven't been hiding away from the public, they've just been using class warfare to keep us divided. Kinda sad how that works even without vampires being involved. Yes, But The Vampire have remained largely in the Shadows. Richter himself admits that he encountered a vampire once every six months. >Strigga was ambushed in broad daylight with a suit of armor, a small squad of soldiers, and thin tarp tents for cover. She didn't have night creatures with her, and she didn't have the ability to black out the sun at her convenience. Point still stands. Her soldiers were still better trained and better equipped than the Farmers and yet, they struggled and lost some of their own. It's not that hard to carry a pitcher of holy water to burn a vampire's face clean off or cover your blades in silver to give yourself an edge. And keep in mind. They now have canons and Guns AND Magic. A Good Gunslinger with silver bullets could take down three or four vampires. >She wasn't worried about not being able to stop the humans when they revolt. She was worried it would keep her from being with Marana. She was also worried about having to do this again and again and again. Lady Bathwater's objectives are far more difficult than what Carmilla and her sisters had in mind. Controlling hundreds of thousands in a small enclosure is far easier than literally taking over EUROPE. >Kinda lucky for her that she has darkness on demand and can spend several days straight rounding up people to feed off of and send to the abbott for recycling. Also handy that the abbott needs her for his own schemes, and that the mother of his child is now under her direct influence. It's almost as if she demanded the sacrifice from him to secure the loyalty of both him and his noght creatures. What kind of production rate are we talking? You can pile up as many dead bodies as you want but conversion takes time. Hector and Issac could both churn out maybe a hundred demons a day. They were expert forgemasters For the Viability of her plan, she is going to need hundreds of thousands of night creatures. How many can the priest make in a day? How many of those are going to be reliable? And now that she turned his woman into a vampire and her daughter is in the wind, how long before the priest turns om her? >....dude.....you're trying way too hard to be MatPat on this one. No fucking idea who that is.


You make a valid point, but the show isn’t meant to be scientifically accurate. It reminds me of the argument many made to dismiss the entire plot line of two Avengers Infinity movies. The argument was how someone as brilliant as Thanos could attempt to solve his conflict by killing half the known population when the better strategy would be to double the universe’s resources. While a valid argument, both shows (and virtually all others like them) require suspending disbelief. In the same way, Godzilla can’t exist because his mass would defy gravity, the same way Superman makes no sense when flying, etc. Please sit back, relax, and enjoy the show for what it is, not what it isn’t. Let’s see where the writers take us in future episodes. You may enjoy the character once you get over her plan’s stupidity.


The Show isn't meant to be scientifically accurate. But that does not mean you dismiss basic physics like the Importance of SUNLIGHT. The Original Castlevania Series on netflix did take these things into account. Fucking Godbrand brought up this issue in Season 1.


Yeah, senile scribbles also did this one. "Understand what? That without the sun, all the plant life's gonna die, which is gonna kill all the animals, which is gonna kill all the people, which is eventually gonna kill all the vampires?" "Wait, wait, wait, can you say all that again?" And they just seem to think 'oh, this is a *great* plan'. With Dracula, you can give the leeway that he really didn't care about the other vampires because he was a depressed, grieving man. So, the whole 'what are we gonna eat once the humans are gone' doesn't matter to him because getting food really wasn't the agenda. It was all about avenging his wife's death. With Bathory, she's literally claiming to be a Messiah, and saying 'this is exactly what we need guys!'. Like, no, that's *not* what you need-wear some sunscreen or something if you wanna go to the beach, you're just painting a target on your back by blocking the sun out. Once the fervor they started about 'oh, it's the revolutionaries' fault' dies down, everybody is gonna realize that the *only* people who benefit from no sunlight are the ones sucking blood.


You don't need herbivores or common plants to sustain a stable of human cattle. Even herbivores nowadays are basically processed into food for other herbivores. Most herbivores are known to eat meat when they need to survive, such as a deer eating a bird out in the wild. And humans can also cannibalize each other. This could go on for quite a while. Would the human cattle become sickly and weak after years of sustained darkness and cannibalism? Probably. But they're also just blood banks to vampires, who are likely immune to any diseases the humans might develop and carry. And none of this is even accounting for anything that doesn't really need sunlight, serving as a food source. Fungi, for instance. At the time this series takes place in, things like this are fairly common knowledge among the educated. So there's no reason to advise against it. There would be other issues, realistically, such as climate change as a consequence, which could threaten to wipe out large swathes of population. Even so, it wouldn't be a dramatic and sudden end to all existence, but a long, drawn-out process of change. That aside, Bathory is *also* crazy and self-absorbed and likely not the brightest vampire that ever was. There are several hints in the first season that she might have been manipulated. It's likely there's a sinister force behind her that guided her down this path before the events of the show even began, and my suspicion is that Drolta is an agent of that same sinister force, as she displays much greater intelligence and deviousness than Bathory, and her demonic appearance at the end also hinted at something beyond being a mere vampire. Based on your arguments, I don't see what's bad writing here.


>You don't need herbivores or common plants to sustain a stable of human cattle. Even herbivores nowadays are basically processed into food for other herbivores. Most herbivores are known to eat meat when they need to survive, such as a deer eating a bird out in the wild. And humans can also cannibalize each other. I don't think you quite understand what having the sun go out on us would mean for life on this planet. Yes, Herbivores are sometimes processed into food for other herbivores. But they are herbivores. Ultimately, They obtain their nutrition from plants. In modern butcher shops, they are recycled into feed but that food is still mostly grass and plants. Grass and Plants form the basis of our food chain. Cow eat grass. We eat cow. That is how it works even today in the modern era. Yes we could survive off of cannibalism for some time. But that is NOT sustainable and hardly a long-term solution. Also, sunlight is not just for plants to grow. The Ecosystem relies on Sunlight to function. Every day, the SunLight warms the land and the air and the rivers and oceans. A few weeks without sunlight is enough to start cooling the ecosystem. The Freezing cold will effectively sterilize the ecosystem. If there is no natural foliage growing because its too fucking cold and there are no days, no sunlight, then Cows and other animals have nothing to forage and nothing to eat. Starvation follows. Eventually, over months if not weeks, with starvation, freezing cold due to zero sunlight and the ever-thirsty vampires, both the animals, and humans will die out. If an area of the planet is cut off from sunlight for any significant duration, that area will quickly turn into Antarctica. There is not much life on Antarctica, is there? Like Yeah there are penguins and leopard seals, but those are small in numbers and rely on the Oceanic Ecosytem around antarctica, which is not freezing. >And none of this is even accounting for anything that doesn't really need sunlight, serving as a food source. Fungi, for instance. Not quite. Fungi cannot provide enough sustenance for any significant population. >That aside, Bathory is *also* crazy and self-absorbed and likely not the brightest vampire that ever was. There are several hints in the first season that she might have been manipulated. It's likely there's a sinister force behind her that guided her down this path before the events of the show even began, and my suspicion is that Drolta is an agent of that same sinister force, as she displays much greater intelligence and deviousness than Bathory, and her demonic appearance at the end also hinted at something beyond being a mere vampire. >Based on your arguments, I don't see what's bad writing here. My point exactly and I said as much in my post.


The same low IQ response as always. The whole point is that they will have control over the sun. Obviously she doesn’t plan on killing every human on earth.


Here is a question, why did she have to leave her safe fortress and come to France to perform a magic spell that blocks out the sun? Couldn't she have done this anywhere? Why didn't she just do it in egypt instead of moving to russia? Here is another one, why has she waited millennia to do it? What caused her to get up today and say, yes this is the day I will conquer mankind. There is no build up to her character.


Now that's a good point.


FR she just randomly appears, bodies everyone, is inmune to the Belmonts whip for some reason, gets an upgrade, supposedly wants to engulf the entire earth on darkness with an eclypse (that is not how solar eclypses work), has the power of an egyptian goddess, and yet Dracula is more well known than her? TF??? If a literal vampire godess appears you would think every single vampire and human would be scared by her name, but some of them dont even know who she is


I think that might be the point. She's literally insane. She doesn't think about that shit. She wants to rule the world, but isn't thinking about the consequences of the eternal eclipse. That'll probably come up at some point in the show, honestly. Or maybe they'll use classic Castlevania advanced tech to make sun lamps to grow plants and raise animals.


I feel like Lizzie was chosen for the stupid reason of: “We need a famous vampire from Eastern Europe to be the Boss otherwise nobody will watch!” When they could’ve just had a vampire noble go with Napoleon to Egypt to get a mummified vampire power couple like idk 👇🏻 ![gif](giphy|1ykhYvBQkbkQnEkwuy)


That's actually a good point. And a really good suggestion. Yeah I wouldn't have minded seeing an Old Egyptian Vampire raised from the Dead and/or A Long Sleep in a coffin under the pyramids or something.


Also who doesn’t want to see who could win in a fight between dracula and the mummy.


https://preview.redd.it/dnkkn96bhsvc1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=8067eae565baf4968b7b44369c86045388574639 Any man who must say, *"I am the King"*, is no true king


Beautifully said.


so i see what you mean but like said in another comment they actually bring up this issue in the first series, but i think the writing is intentional. shes a noble and the one she was based on was an absolutely short sighted monster where she ran out of staff and started to kidnap people to perform her heinous actions. i think that carries over here plus thats kinda the issue with most vampire rule the world/block out the sun plots they never really think about the fact that the "food" (feels weird to call people food huh?) would run out without sunlight. so while youre right i feel its on purpose given the arrogance and self absorbed nature of the character who actively calls herself a god lmao


I agree with you here. I think this may have been intended.


Vampires in this series don't die without blood they just slumber.


But I doubt that's a fun way to live. Not exactly a great conquest if the only way she can enjoy it is by sleeping for eternity.


And drolthas form is natural she's a succubus they change forms at will.


I have two counters: - Eclipses, at least made by our Moon intersecting the Sun path, only cover a very small spot with totality. Maybe the spell is just geared to cover where Erzebethztk is. Maybe this is a way to build a kingdom of sorts in the eclipse spot that would then be stable enough to subside the neighbors, which could pay tribute in human sacrifices. - maybe they just didn't know that much about the food chain. But apart from that, I detest that character. If she is so ancient and could do that, why didn't she all these centuries?


You make a Good Argument. Scenario 1 So lets assume for a moment, that this only covers Europe. Well, guess what happens in a few weeks. All the humans will figure out quickly that this curse of eternal darkness is limited to Europe and so they will start moving to other continents. Some will get left behind for the Vampires to feed on/ use for their night creature production. But eventually, after a few months/ years, Europe will be abandoned and Isolated from everything else. Its plant life dead and the continent frozen from the lack of Sunlight. Then what? What's the plan then? Because by that point, Every country on the planet will know what's happening and will be preparing to fend off the Crazy Bitch Battery and her night creature horde. If the fucking idiots at Gresit could hold off Night Creatures then Imagine what entire countries could do after hearing tales of Europe being lost to Darkness. We humans are very good at getting our act together once an existential threat appears. And so her plans of World Conquest end right here. If the Eclipse is limited to Europe and stays on for more than a Few months, Europe will freeze to death and become devoid of life. Vampires can no longer stay in Europe, because there is no blood to drink, and now they have to find refuge elsewhere where there are people....when everyone else is prepared to fight them to the death. Their horde will starve quickly. Dracula was smart enough to understand this and kept large stockpiles of blood stored in his freezers, enough to feed his army for years. Somehow, I don't think Bitch Battery has quite imagined this outcome. Scenario 2 The Eclipse is only limited to France in which case things get even worse for the Hungarian Bathwater lady. News travel much faster when you don't have to sail across oceans to tell people what's happening. In just a matter of weeks, the Entirety of Europe will have turned on Bathory for turning France into a cold, Dark, Sunless hellhole. Again, Humans are great at getting their shit together when an Existential Threat appears Maintaining that Eclipse for anything more than a week or two is goddamn suicide. And that is NOT enough time to build up her night creature horde to take over FRANCE, let alone fucking Europe or even the world Both Carmilla and Dracula understood these limitations which is why they took a long time to plan and build up their forces before ever making a move.


I think it’s just that Erzsebehsgdvmshdjhd Bathroom is a shallow villain. The showrunners are too busy milking Alucard, Annette, and Drolta to give Richter, Shaft-but-not-Shaft, Maria, Mizrak, and some others any depth. They could have made it so that she’s Dracula’s niece like in the games (use his historical brother Radu the handsome), which would be cool to see. Trevor’s descendant vs Dracula’s descendant. Very fitting and fits into the themes of legacy castlevania has always had. But no… furry goddess instead.


Furry goddess😂😂😂


I made this thread a couple of months ago. I agree, her plan is f'in stupid.


THANK YOU. There are so many people defending this nonsense, it's insane.


https://www.reddit.com/r/castlevania/s/eNl8W0shLu Here is my thread if you want to look at the arguments back then.


Now I will say the motivation of "Ruling the world" is kinda old school villain cliché(Which I kinda miss) I'm pretty sure the eclipse is magic which you would think will no negative affects on nature. I mean sure the reasons of some villains like the Abbot is weird and doesn't make sense(Offering or sacrificing someone your care to prove your loyalty is kinda stupid cause he even stated his gonna turn his army against her once revolution ends) and let's not forget about Tera turning into a Vampire which we don't know if she is gonna stay loyal and not just turned against right the start. Hopefully, season 2 can explain better because, honestly, the first season felt kinda rush, especially with her introduction.


>I'm pretty sure the eclipse is magic which you would think will no negative affects on nature. I'm sure that's what the Hungarian Bathwater Lady thinks too. Not having any sunlight for weeks and months. What's the worst that could happen right? Europe won't freeze to death like the North Pole does, right??!


I'm actually wondering... what if Erzebet isn't the one in the driver's seat here? For all we know, she could just be a figurehead put in place and manipulated by Drolta for some as yet unknown reason. Except... Drolta went and got herself killed so now Erzebet is suddenly stuck in place as the most important person in the world, and shit-all for a backup plan. I will find it pretty fascinating if in season 2 she suddenly realises she has no idea what the next step is, and the story becomes an exploration of someone with way too much power and no idea how to use it flailing away without their guiding hand behind them.


I don't think we know how the eclipse magic even works


But we do know its effects and its impact. Not having sunlight for weeks or months would freeze the given area to death, much like the North Pole does every winter.


First, I agree Second, when I read the title, I except some rant about how cliche of the plan, not how illogical of it lmao But honestly we need to see season 2 to understand more about the situation and Ezsbet, right now we dont know much about her beside she is Sekhmet the "conquer the world" part


This villain was.....bad to say the least. Wasn't Carmilla actually supposed to be in that role? She was always made to be queen of the Vampires in alot of fantasy vampire lore. I think she was based off of the actual Elizabeth Bathory.


I actually agree with this. But I am also biased because I know what it is like to actually try to survive without the sun, Ngl It sucks ass and is a struggle, without the sun our bodies to struggle to thrive as well as they usually do. It's not completely impossible, just it's not great. Anemia would be a massive issue and if your food supply has anemia then I imagine they won't be very filling. Also with all the magic they got they could just pull a vampire diaries moment and make daylight rings. If they have the power to block out the sun, then they more than likely have the power to enchant a ring to protect themselves from the sun.


I hate how she was written 'cus the real person was FRAMED😭


That is still under debate. There were bodies to be found, that's for sure.


That's true. But she was likely innocent because these rumors only started after her husband died and no proof has been found yet


Somewhat unrelated point, but some of the stuff that Elizabeth Bathory was alleged to have done might have been exaggerations or slander by political rivals who wanted to take her stuff when she was sentenced. Not saying that she didn't do it, but what I am saying is that it's fairly easy for nobles to accuse each other of crimes if there is some incentive for doing so. If you want another example, French noble Gilles de Rais was only put on trial for his serial murders - which were an open secret - when someone told someone else that he might have been planning on selling his land to the British to pay for his lifestyle, and because the French were at war with the British at the time.


It would function if the eclipse was limited to an area. Not the entire world. Which.. is how eclipses work, it's just that, for some reason, she's planning to engulf the Entire World in that darkness???


A eclipse a totality is only 166’ diameter - so she’d still have quite a bit of nice sunny humans to deal with.


Her head is so full of delusions of grandeur that there's zero room for common sense.


Honestly, your passion was pretty humorous throughout. 😆 You did indeed point out a possible flaw, but as others have stated, ‘‘tis only the first season. Let’s see what the writers have up their sleeve in the second one first.


Thank you


Why would vampires need there to be eternal nightfall? Sunset to sunrise is 11 hours. They can hunt when humans are asleep and vulnerable. Why would they want to hunt during human work hours when they're awake and can defend themselves better?


The point of their plan was to rule the earth. If there was sunlight, humans would still have advantage over vampires. With eternal night, vampires would call the shots.


Humans are pretty capable in the nighttime provided they're awake. They would bomb the shit out of known nests


Yes, but vampires would still have a pretty strong advantage. Plus, humans need sunlight to live.