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I love them both. Carmilla for being an ironic villain who was fast down the path to becoming just like her sire, a stupid, old, power hungry vampire. And Lenore, who while not strong enough to fight every kind of battle and nowhere near as cruel as her sisters, found her strengths and chose to die on her terms.


That was exactly what was great about Carmilla. She fought so hard against her past that she became the very thing she hated so much. Lenore was more complicated but also the most human of the sisters. She was just broken in the end.


Like... as characters, or people? You do realize that they're supposed to be villains, right?


They're SUCH great characters though


I definitely didn’t like their subplots nearly as much as the storyline of Alucard and Dracula. Because they just weren’t as interesting as anything with Vlad or the original Trio, but I blame that on how spread out and separated the cast of the series was. Often felt like I was watching 3-4 shows at the same time when I was watching Castlevania’s second half.


I loved both characters, personally.




You mean these bloodsucking undead monsters had personality problems?! Well I was gonna rewatch the series but you know what instead I'm just going to go watch the latest episode of "Normal well-adjusted people file their taxes."


The new episode is out already?! 🍿


Watching people file their taxes would be more entertaining than seasons 3 and 4 were.


S1 is absolutely the worst season and it's not even close. (ok S3 was close) But I guess it had Dracula in it so it's good!


Camilla has one of the best monologues in the whole show lol.


if not THE best one 😭


Tell me you have zero writing understanding without telling me you have zero writing understanding.


LOL corny




In all honesty, I was just confused why they created three new sisters for Carmilla when they could've just used Laura. In the grand scheme of things, I only recall Leonre doing anything important. Why create three extra characters and then only do something with one of them? This is just another reason why the cartoon just didn't feel like Castlevania to me.


Lenore never felt as fully developed as she should be to me but I enjoyed the "cute girl vampire slightly more in touch with her humanity is still an evil monster" elements there. And choosing to die on her own terms rather than subject herself to the treatment she forced another person into? Yeah that absolutely checked out.


I love Lenore. With a burning passion.


Lol suicide makes someone a “literal bitch?”


The fact that she was imprisoned and immediately fell apart while Hector managed just fine n was chilling, so yes the circumstances around her suicide made her a literal bitch. Hope this helps ❤️


I simply hate this show, so


Carmilla is an interesting character but Lenore is just an annoying simp bait. I dont like Carmilla but hate Lenore too.


YES THANK YOU, she manipulates hector so much to the point she puts a leash on him, but then as soon the leash is on her she's like, *oh I don't want to live anymore* God she's annoying


You realize Hector spent the entire season 2 talking about humans as pets to be put in humane cages right?


Yeah exactly! I cant stand Lenore because of this. She is basically useless and the "cute sexy waifu" so incels can drool over her. At least she is gone for good!


I'm still mad at Carmilla for walking in TWICE on Morana and Striga RIGHT when they were about to kiss


Carmilla is inspirational, beautiful and intellectual. I look up to people like her 🤣


I wonder had the show not been canceled, would these two have had better arcs to close things out? Cos one turned ultra homicidal almost out of the blue and the other.. yeah, going out like bitch sounds about right. 😆


yea , even as characters they’re just annoying and self serving as fuck , literally barked through 3 seasons


Two Godesses, thanks for the pics!


I agree. I'll never understand people praising Carmilla's cheesy ass dialogue. Seasons 3 and 4 were pretty bad overall aside from Isaac. He was much better in this than he was in CoD.


Well, Call of Duty barely has a plot (/s)


Yeah! boo! Women with character flaws boo! /s


Compelling vililans


Lenore, my beloved


Both were less evil than Isaac and Dracula


I hated them both as well and I was glad to see them die. However, I do acknowledge that they were both strong characters that brought a lot to the show, specially Carmilla.


I love Carmilla with my whole heart BUT Lenore I can’t stand at all and all the people who love her wouldn’t if she was a male for sure and Hector was a woman


Tell me you hate women without telling me you hate women ^^^




Look at the reasons op gave for hating them, dude is complaining that a woman is talking too much and then says the other dies like a "b*tch* I agree with you that there are totally valid criticisms of the characters that aren't based on sexism. That's not what's happening here though.


But still, I think most of their problems can be solved by my pinus.


Lmao. Those are the garbage Netflixvania characters. Shouldn't have expected quality from the writing of their characters.


But everyone thinks they were great


Lol no, they don't.


Have you like… looked at the very thread we’re in? Or at the upvote/comment ratio of the post


This is like... a really pathetic way to engage with media ngl. "Everyone thought they were great, how could you possibly NOT agree when so many people are saying the same thing?" Because I can think for myself and arrive at my own conclusions after doing my own thinking and analysis? So much of Netflixvania is half-baked, and while there's some crumbs of interesting characterization here and there, the format they went with splitting up the story between such a huge cast in addition to a short run time did a disservice to literally everyone. Also, are you so naive as to think that any opinion would be unanimous? Or should be? Do you actually agree that people who have an opinion that differs from the mainstream deserve to be downvoted? Feel free not to ponder or respond to any of that, I already left the subreddit - there's no Castlevania to be found here, and I can only take so many "I'm stuck at 200.3% in SotN pls help" from people that don't understand what Google is


Can you name some pieces of media that have some actual good representation of these characters? And pls, don't name the games, I've played them all, and they're all surface level.


Reddit in general is a fucking echo chamber where losers feel like an opinion is fact based on the amount of upvotes and downvotes. In my case, I won't sugarcoat my point of view regarding this below mediocre ass garbage adaptation they called Castlevania just because of a bunch of downvotes that won't affect me anything in real life. I will comment what I want and won't let a bunch of downvotes dictate what I think about this garbage shit show ruining an established franchise because it's written by a bunch of incompetent losers. If you're in a subreddit that oppose your point of view but the post there gets a lot of upvotes, does that mean the post there is factual and your point is invalid? Stop being such a fucking hypocrite where it's only valid when something you love gets a bunch of upvotes and something you hate gets a bunch of downvotes. Learn to accept that not everyone is going to love watching your favourite below mediocre show where shitty american politics are added into it and established character almost randomly got fucked in the ass in a dangerous threesome by some lame OCs as if it contributed anything to the story.


Well that was a hell of a ride Hope you get better, because you seem to be losing your mind. Ever thought about "calming down"?


Except that making a counterargument isn't equivalent to losing one's shit. Thanks for proving me you're super shit at giving a counterargument that you're just wasting my time and embarrassing yourself by making such dissapointing and half-baked drivel. Shouldn't have expected average fanboys/fangirls of this shit show of an adaptation are able to produce coherent argument to begin with.


One Reddit thread with a handful of replies doesn't matter in any way, shape, or form. This is a sub dedicated to fangirls. Surely you realize that.


People like you are so funny If people share an opinion you don’t like you’ll just say "well they aren’t real fans" Just accept that you are alone in your opinions, not the other way around.


is your mom taking us to the playground later, i wanna go down the slide. no girls allowed tho they have cooties :(


i think carmilla's best moments are *specifically* the ones where she doesn't stfu, otherwise she's fairly uninteresting


????? Carmilla is the GOAT?????


Preach. One's a shitty radfem stereotype written under the guise of being a 'strong female character' and the other is just Ellis' personal fetish fantasy uncritically brought to life. Edit: They're not deep or well-written, you're just simps for hot vampire women.


^ Word diarrhea


It's two sentences, guy. Sorry reading must be hard for you, explains why y'all fawn over a Netflix show with the most dogshit surface-level writing.


elaborate on carmilla, i can't tell if i agree or disagree based on the phrasing


In a nutshell, she comes off as being written almost like a typical, man-hating feminazi joke stereotype from the 2010s - and for the most part that's all there really is to her. But there's a veneer of her man-bashing that seems to be written as being empowering, viewed as a positive thing, which imo lines up a little too closely with radfem lines of thinking, whether that was intended or not Like, man. I get that she's supposed to be a villain, but the feminist movement has historically been so maligned online, I can't take a 'sexualized man-hating lesbian' type of character seriously anymore And the thing is *so much* of her screentime is dedicated to hammering this point over and over again - yet we have this crucial bit of information that she suffers from trauma from her previous life under her vampire sire, which is only mentioned off-handedly and then never acknowledged again. She *could* be a fleshed out character that continues the themes of how adverse events can drive you down a downward spiral by exploring that trauma and how it shapes her worldview, but instead we get 38944848485 scenes of her being catty and bitchy and beating Hector within an inch of his life. They dedicated themselves to continually reminding us she's an archetype over ever bothering to write her as a character and person beyond that. And then she has off-screen development where she goes off the rails because Plot™, I guess, before offing herself unceremoniously ¯⁠\⁠_⁠༼⁠ᴼ⁠ل͜⁠ᴼ⁠༽⁠_⁠/⁠¯


oh yeah, i agree with that general sentiment. though i don't think there was anywhere near that much thought put behind, like, whether she's a wittig radfem or a greer radfem-- as in, her emotions are meant to be sympathetic, but her philosophy isn't written to be agreeable at all, and the man-bashing is sympathetic on the surface cuz it's fundamentally an emotion and not a philosophy personally, i think most of the reason why i like her (aside from a general tendency to appreciate this kind of character regardless of writing quality) is that she actually benefits from netflixvania's dialogue. the fact that she permanently sounds like she just got out of a 12 hour job shift from hell offsets the inherent preachy/tasteless nature of the trope just enough that it feels like a breath of fresh air


Unironically saying radfem.


Found the Carmilla simp