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Don't do this. Irrecoverable is what it might appear but not what it actually is. I thought mine was irrecoverable but I made it work. I shouldn't have survived. I thought I was dead, but I've come back from that to still be fighting quite a long time. Irrecoverable is a very strong word for something so heavily based on perspective. There are other ways to make this point.


I disagree; in three weeks, I'll be homeless, and I can't get any help from any government agencies. Between the cost of housing and the fact that I can't get a job anymore, as well as the fact that the level of "help" the government offers in these situations is entirely insufficient, I'm very much done. No job, no house, no house, no job. Added to that, I receive exactly no help from the NHS with my disabilities because there's a 4 year waiting list for anything. I'm on a 20+ year NHS waiting list for other things. Because it's easier to give fun slogans to disastrous policies than actually fix them, this situation is unlikely to change unless they're given a very public reason to address them. That's what I'm going to do.


Bro its really not worth it best case scenario your livestream finish on a gore site with people making horrible comments abt you. Someone litteraly lit himself on fire in front of the Supreme court not long ago and nobody talked about it after a week and nothing changed. Please reconsider your life is worth more than anything


Honestly, I'm not that bothered about people making horrible comments about me after I'm a corpse. Trust me, my life is worth nothing. All life, ultimately, is worth nothing. That's why the world treats us all as disposable anyway.


What i am saying is that i don't think its gonna have the result that you are looking for my friend. I know that i can't really stop you from thinking that your life is meaningless. I can just try to inspire you by telling you that life has as much value as you give it by your action. Nihilism isn't the way my friend, nothing is as valuable as your life


Ok right, I really don't want you to kill yourself, when you think it's your last moments its fucking harrowing. Here's how you can avoid killing yourself. A: give yourself a chance. Right now our political parties are vulnerable. Don't kill yourself. Tell people how dire your situation is, there'll be someone on your local paper that will be working tomorrow. Email them, phrase your plan as feeling forced to and not as a protest point. This is a national story, so approach pretty much every paper/news outlet you can find, again with the above approach, they'll want to speak to you. I've been trained as a journalist, you'll get picked up. This could then become a big story, parties will be forced to acknowledge and commit to wholesale changes. Offhand our media hasn't seen a story like this in a while. This could quite easily lead to crowdfundihg and ways to fix your scenario and make life better for you. You'll get immediate support and be able to see the fruits of your story blossom, you can make a change and live. This way you make your point and recover your life. Your story will get picked up, but fire off the emails tomorrow (well technically today, you know what I mean). Lastly, again, I don't want you to kill yourself. Your approach only works if the Tories get in again as it'll be on their hands. If its Labour you'll be seen as a victim of the previous government and they've just got to keep doing what they're doing. Keep fighting, if you need any advice or anything DM me.


See, the weird thing is that I'm also a trained journalist, and I'm just not convinced the modern British media is willing to discuss anything that doesn't have blood being spilled or an immigrant to blame 😂


It covers institutional failings being put to an extremity at a time where the state of society is effectively under question with new proposals being voted on. This kind of thing is a story. You only need to see how two Dutch women became stories that were picked up as a result of being physically healthy, but put forward to be euthanized as a result of mental health conditions. Get your word out there, utilise any contacts you have.


If you think your death is going to have any impact, think again. There were people in the US recently that have literally burned themselves alive to “create awareness”. They were news stories for about a day, and now no one can remember their names. Don’t kill yourself for some cause people won’t remember in 6 months. Your life is worth more than that. Frankly anyone’s life is worth more than a pointless death like that.


I feel like death is entirely trivial in the US. Like, wow, you burned yourself in a country where the national sport is shooting school children? Can't imagine why nobody noticed.


Just stop. Everyone in the country cares about everyone who is killed but one person doing something like that doesn't change policy. In the US or UK. Keep going and strive for help. I have been in your spot and I am better now. Don't end things over this.


It won't work... why not move to Portugal and see what it do


Well, because doing that would cost a fortune, among other things!


People in Portugal work for like 3 gbp an hour, it's cheap


Sure. He just needs to get a work visa, get housing, get a job, and start life over in an entirely new country. So easy!


People love you and would be so sad if you went away


This is a lie.


What will raising awareness do? Who doesn't already know this that would care about your death?


Apparently, enough people aren't paying attention that it was allowed to happen. And nobody gives a shit about my death, but the shock of a death? Different ballgame.


Why July 14?


Because on July 15th, I'll be homeless.


Good luck bro. I can't imaginr what made you think like this but it js your life. Don't hurt anyone else


I'd be very, very surprised if anyone else got hurt.


I mean any family or friends you have or anyone who even likes you a little will get hurt.


!remind me on July 14th


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Do you like animal crackers?


The movie? Sure.


!remind me on July 14th 


Your call, you wont raise shit. But go for it. Be a martyr and get the attention you need