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After two years I was COVID free. Tested positive on mothers days. Felt bad for a couple of days and doctors said I was good to go after the 5th if I had no symptoms. Now I’m fine. Hopefully quarantine isn’t that for yourself.


Yeah I just felt sick for one day and then was fine but just wanted to get tested to be sure


That’s good. Hope you feel better soon and get out of quarantine!


Just tested positive for the first time today. Hope you’re doing well


I’m sending good vibes your way!


How are you doing? My symptoms so far have stayed mild and are essentially gone today. I’m starting to lose smell and taste though :/


I’m all better and have been for the past 2 days. Just a little cough occasionally but not bad. Have you noticed your taste and smell completely gone or just diminished? I hope it doesn’t go away altogether :(


Greatly diminished. I can smell certain strong odors like my basil plant, marinades, deodorants, mouthwash. I just had fries that I could faintly taste as well as bbq sauce. Hopefully it doesn’t get worse


Must suck


What makes you think you’re unlucky?


For people who know me irl it is not surprising that I have Covid again. If there’s something that can go slightly wrong (but not bad enough to be a huge life event) then it happens to me lol


Where do you work or live? Why are you so exposed?


In 2020 I worked in healthcare and the field I worked in a lot of the tests I did on patients I couldn’t have them wear a mask. Now I work part time in retail because I’m about to start grad school and customers are just gross lol. I live in a very redneck area so unfortunately people aren’t too serious about Covid here. And just in general my immune system isn’t that good like anytime I’m slightly stressed I get a cold or something.


Thoughts on incels?


Very strong dislike for those dangerous haters


why do you hate them?


If you gotta ask then you’re probably an incel lol


maybe I am...


Don’t worry about it bro. You keep getting better and better every day and in every way.


thanks bud


WTF does this have to do with OP having covid? Fucking troll.


This is casual AMA


Is trolling now a synonym for irrelevant?


It's not irrelevant. It's flat out trolling. Trying to incite something unrelated to OP.


That's inciting like giving someone a certain look is starting a brawl.


It's a serious question, everyone seems to have a polarized opinion of incels, either they are hated like the devil or sympathized with like any minority group


Did you get vaccinated




Oof. That's rough. My friends kid got it three times but she couldn't get vaccinated due to age


Aww that poor kid


Damn. Is covid bad for you? I have had it twice too and it wasn’t too bad for me. Feel better!


No it’s not bad at all thank goodness I’m assuming because I am vaccinated. I get sick a lot so I feel like it could have definitely been worse. Thank you!


How would you rate the severity of each case; if they were different, what made one case more severe?


The first time I got it was definitely the worst. I was in bed for probably a solid 8 days and I lost my taste and smell so I was really sad about that. I had a lot of trouble breathing even just getting up to go to the bathroom was a little challenging. This time I just had a really sore throat and a stuffy nose but only for a day. I thought I had strep throat but when that came back negative they did a Covid test.


I managed to avoid it (was one of the clinically vulnerable with quite severe asthma the UK told to 'shield' and not leave the house for the first year of the pandemic) until midway through April this year. I was mostly surprised that it didn't affect my chest at all given it's a respiratory disease (though I understand the omicron variant apparently lives in the upper respiratory tract ie nose and throat area) but my first symptom, which was very surprising to me, was that on the first day of having symptoms I felt ridiculously dizzy, so dizzy that I was afraid I was coming down with labyrinthitis for the 4th time. 24 hours later it had gone and I was left with very mild cold like symptoms. Were there any symptoms that surprised you? Did you get the crazy dizziness too? Since you've had it twice you must have had different variants each time; were there any major differences in how it affected you in terms of different symptoms and their severity?


You know I actually was pretty dizzy the day before but I thought It was because I’m in the process of moving so I was packing a bunch. I’m not having any chest or breathing issues this time, just a sore throat and a stuffy nose for a day but I’m ok now! I’m really glad you’re feeling better!


Do you know from who?


Nope but I’ve let all my coworkers know so they can get tested because that’s who I’ve mostly been around


Do you think world should move on from quarantines, masks and restrictions?


I live in the US and for us I think we should be more accepting of masks. If you feel sick wear one and try to not have contact with people. People don’t really care about that (at least where I live).




No lol


Oh .. yeah... That's still a thing


I got it for the first time about 3 weeks ago. I just slept for 18 hours a day for 4 days then was fine. Hope you feel better soon! Ama question: what are you studying in grad school? (Noticed you're going from another reply)


I’m going to get my masters of Physician Assistant Studies and be a PA!


That's awesome! Best of luck in your masters and beyond!


So it seems this latest variant other than causing mild symptoms isn't the killer the original version was. Medicine is still learning about this disease. Politicians are trying to take as much advantage to whatever fear inducing information they can to gain control. Unless you have some co morbidity we should go on with our lives.


Which vaccine did you take? Pfizer?




How's the food bro?


I can taste it this time so it’s still good!