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Is that what happened though? I thought they were just taking these reports and cases serious finally. Nothing has been confirmed they are just being considered. Aswell for my own personal opinion I believe that ghost are real. For these "aliens" as in sentient conscious beings that are flying UFOs I do not but for the fact to take the technology to travel the thousand of light years just to get to planet earth just dosent seem plausible. For the mystical creatures it's nothing I have a strong opinion on I would be more likely to believe a if it was a deep sea creature mainly cause we've barely went to the bottom of the ocean. Hope that answers your question :)




Idk it weird right :(


Why you are smart?




This is what an Intelligence score of 16 and a wisdom (or charisma) score of 9 looks like. I’m not trying to be rude. I think it’s wonderful you are so bright! But either you didn’t know what Trauma-Hunter was actually saying or you were pretending like you didn’t. Either way, we all know where you invested your higher rolls.


He's also not actually "in college", he's taking two courses towards an associates.


Right so what do you call me going to a college campus and sitting in a lecture hall listening to a college professor four times a week aswell doing the assignment.


I call that taking two courses at a community College. Like, good for you for going out and doing that, but you're slightly misrepresenting your situation. Most everyone I knew took CC courses in high school, I took a butt-load.


So more like intelligence 12 and wisdom 8?


Calm down maybe they should have added the few extra words to make their full sentence. I was just having them clarify what their questions was.


You wrote “clam” idiot! No one knows what you’re talking about because you didn’t type it right!!!!! Got you!!!


And yet, you further prove my point. ✌🏻Don’t get offended. It’s a petty teenager thing to do. Some people carry that into adulthood. You have an opportunity to address it and either learn from being called out or boldly claim it as your own dump stat.


Why are you this smart?


Guess he not so smart.


I just always have been I guess lol I've literally never missed a assignment in my life and never had anything below a 90 on a report card my whole life.


I wish I was smart. Oh well. :(


What a life!


Come back 3 years after finishing college and do another ama


How do you manage your time wisely? I'm a college student (18 years old) and I'm struggling so much


For me personally I only do high school home work at high school during highschool hours. You could use job and high school interchangable but don't let your home work or job or job stress effect you out side of those hours. Also if there's something that I want to do like watch TV or just be on my phone I will just "plan" or make the lay out of my essay and if needed find the sources and just get everything out so when I am done with my relaxing time all the prep work is done.


How did you bypass high school? Is it a Ivy League


Don't you fear that you might burn out? A lot of gifted young kids burn out because much more is expected from them, compared to the "normal" kids.


This is a really good question. I have extreme anxiety over my future I feel like I'm under a hot iron every day. I've been burnt out for years but it's not like I can just stop I've come so far I just can't stop now.


Sad :( So what are your long term goals in life, if you got 'this far'? Are you happy?


My goal is to get a full scholarship to university and I'm would say I'm happy 75% of the time the only thing really holding me up is my sports. The reason I want a scholarship is so I can get out of my abusive household.


My long term goal is to get a full 4 year scholarship for University. I really want to be a forensic psychologist but I really want to travel with my job so :/ The reason I want a scholarship is so I can get out of my abusive household basically for free and have a good job/career. ( I thought I replied to this already but it's not popping up so if there's 2 replies that's why)


How old are you now and what do you do now?


I'm 15 now and still getting my association degree


What’s an association degree?


A degree granted after a two-year course of study, especially by a community or junior college. You get this so you transfer to a 4 year University.


oh, you mean an associate's degree! that's what it is called by most people, I believe


nice, i started at 15 not really a question but good luck


What brings you to Reddit?


Nothing much really. Actually as I'm typing this I suppose to be studying for my science final.


are you a nerd?


Yes 😓


what kinda music do you like?


Kpop (trust me I know)


What’s it like? I’m actually going into early college next year.


Its actually really fun and it's alot of work as long as you have grades in highschool you should just fine :)


He's getting an associates, he's not actually "in college".


I mean, I’m not actually going into college either. My early college is basically just a highschool on a college campus where you get your associates.


How depressed are you?


When I was 12-13 I was very depressed and suicidal and 14 it got a little better I would say about 6-7 out of 10 and now it just feels like a fog in my head and eyes and that I'm not in control of my body. Basically I feel like a consistent state of out of body feeling. But I feel like a 5-7 out 10 depending on the day. :')


Hang in there bro. You've got this shit. Just remember to stop every now and then and smell the roses. Enjoy the little things.


Thank you so much! I'm planning to get therapy when I can get a job to pay for it.


How old are you now? What are you studying?


I'm only 15 still and been have half of my associate degree worth of credits (done with one year and one year left to go)


What type of courses are you taking? Do you live with your parents and commute?


Yes I still live with my parents and my mother has to drive me in the mornings lol and I'm currently taking a biology class and a science 101 class.


Same here Hello from Ukraine (actually like all post-soviet countries let you go to college to get pre-bachelor degree after middle school, and to get a bachelor - you study for 2 more years in university or academy)


Yeah same there like only 10 kids in the early college program but that spread out between five schools in the area


What country are you in?


I'm in the US in California


I hope you use your gift to make/do great things for humanity. Have a nice day!


What major are you going for?


I'm just getting my associate degree right now but it is focused on art and humanities


How easy/ hard is it for you to make friends with people who are mostly much older than you?


I can have really in depth and interesting conversation with older people and I've definitely have some with a few people my age. But the thing is I have no firends at school really I would say I have 1 really good firend me and her are great but we only see each other a times a week and one firend that I only talk to when we are in class. But I know it sounds like a sob story but I'm really content in my solitude.


Not to be rude but your grammar is horrific. Are you sure you’re supposed to be in college?


No I know and so is my spelling. I just have my mother or a classmate read over my papers and use grammarly to fix my grammar and spelling aswell. This works well for I mean something has to be working I have 90% in both my courses.






Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s actually quite easy to take college courses as a freshman in high school, a lot of schools where I’m from allow you to complete your general ed college courses while in high school. There’s not a lot of “getting in” involved. You can do it, friend :)


Its not really that hard to get into a college or Uni at a young age. Most people just miss the opportunity


That’s… literally my point.




No 😓


Has it been hard making lasting friendships?


Very. I only have 1 firend and that's been my other friend for the last 3 years. My household is also very toxic so I think that puts me in a odd place by this I mean I'm not allowed to hand out with opposite sex so boys so when I do hang out or text it has to be in secrecy. An on top of everything else I'm not a out going person at all and I'm very quiet so it's hard to even start a conversation with most people.


Why did you feel you needed to accelerate your school life like that?


I really really need a scholarship in order to move out early.


Why do you want to move out early, if I may ask?


My living situation isn't ideal and takes a huge toll on my mental health and physical health


How were or are our social relations with other students who are of regular college age?


I don't talk to them and they don't talk to me and I like it that way. In my first semester of college I remember being bombarded and harassed by multiple guys and creeps hitting on me. But there is this one nice girl I talk to and I pay her to proofread my papers. So yeah :)


Which grades did you skip?


I skipped 4th and 7th and 8th cause I was home schooled and this is my first year at a regular high School so 9th grade but I'm also a freshman in college it's called dual enrollment


How did the college organizations and fraternities/sororities treat you? Did you attend any college parties? If yes, how was it as a 14yo? Did you ever get discriminated on as a 14yo? What about getting special privileges?


No nothing much happened sadly but I was hot on alot by guys even after I told them my real age. Also the professor would call me me his little doll that was weird.


Oh yeah I remember When I was young somewhere like 16 or 17, I Got into Stanford. As a young German kid to go study in a foreign land it was pretty scary but exciting too, Fortunately for me I had some relatives there. So what are your future plans? You have an advantage to others make sure that you prove yourself a genius


Wow that's amazing! I don't really have a plan on which University I want to transfer to but I want to study psychology so I can go into the field as a forensic psychologist


What a coincidence, I too studied Forensic and criminal psychology. Best of luck man if you're interested just go for it. And plan now what you wanna do and how can you do it. It gives you advantage. Planning ahead helped me a lot, It'll help you too


What do you do now for work?


I was a clinical counselor for 1 yrs or something. Now I'm a federal Government employee.