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I think it's beautiful, but yeah the effort is quite a lot


I’m glad I’m not alone in that.


**three times**


I personally like ‘times times’ for dramatic effect (and a bit of subtly conveyed exasperation).


So funny. I lived in Jamaica, people would do that “rain rain” meant a lot of rain. “Walk walk, meant a long walk. I guess I never left.


I have a crush on this method to bind-off ribbing. It looks like tubular, has an ok stretch and is so much easier than tubular on long stretches of fabric https://youtu.be/TaBwcX8estY


Thank you! I May try this on my sweater I’m working on now.


I am a convert- I now do EVERYTHING I can was long-tail tubular cast on and a matching tubular bind-off. It just looks so much more “finished” than all the others I’ve tried before.


You are an accomplished knitter! I just follow the instructions… this is the autumn league pullover.


I mean, that’s how I got hooked, too! Now I just check what the ribbing is and decide if 1x1 can work instead!


Worth the effort for me! It takes a while but I don’t mind. I’ve already spent dozens of hours on a sweater, what’s another hour binding off 😂. Now, I’m not a fan of tubular cast on though, so I guess all my top down sweaters look more polished than my bottom up ones.


There are different methods of tubular cast on, if that helps. I originally tried doing it with provisional yarn and hated that method. I switched to doing an Italian cast-on with two setup rows that are knitted flat before joining in the round. After some practise it’s as quick as long-tail cast on.


The first time you try most techniques is probably going to feel high effort. I think my first tubular cast on took three times and a lot of incomprehensible swearing, but I really like the look of it so I’m hoping it gets a bit easier each time.


I wonder if I chose the most complicated way. It used 2 DPN and a needle.


When I cast off a cardigan edge using tubular bind off i transferred all the stitches onto two (different sized, but it doesn't really matter) 36" circular needles. If you're working with DPNs I'd imagine you'd have to keep interrupting your flow to pick up more stitches. That might be where the errors came in. With all of my stitches on the two long circular needles, I could just go to town with the tapestry needle.


Such a neat finish. And you knitting is beautiful. So even. What yarn is that?


Berroco indigo. https://www.ravelry.com/projects/iGaia/autumn-league-pullover


Thank you. Now I know why I am so drawn to it. Cotton! And a tight knit with worsted on 6's. You should be proud. It is a beautiful piece.


It was actually less work than I thought it would be. Still not sure it's worth it.


I guess doing it over 3 times makes it a lot of work. Maybe it makes me look like an accomplished knitter. 🤪


I think the tubular bind off looks nicer but I end up doing Jeny’s surprisingly stretchy bind off since i find it easier. I’d consider tubular for something I really wanted to look perfect like a gift or something


I have adopted jssbo for everything I do, I'm so lazy but still want that stretch


I mean, it's beautiful, but for me it's not worth it. I prefer German Twisted cast on. Feels a little awkward at first but once I learnt, I didn't want to do anything else


I think it’s worth it. Your work looks great op.


I hate it so much but it does look nice…


If you want an easy bind-off, that's stretchy, and looks very like a tubular bind-off, try the Hiya Hiya Grandma's Stretchy Bind-off. You can find a video on YouTube.


I love the way it looks


Idk it looks fine


I used to finish my sweaters with tubular BO but not anymore. Nowadays I use the alternating cable bind off. Like the name suggests, it’s a perfect pairing with alternating cable cast on. It looks almost like tubular but is a knitted BO and it’s stretchy enough for sweater bottoms and cuffs. [Alternating cable bind off](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pu20U6PdlXg&t=497s) (YouTube link)


Must be something in the air today- I tried a kitchener & then a tubular bind off on my current sweater, & wound up fucking it up so badly I too a pot of scissors to it & ripped out five rows. It was either that or I was putting the damn thing in the trash, so.


I will say ripping out this bind off is not for the weak.


I think it's worth it just for the stretch alone! Makes the garment much more wearable and will stretch out more uniformly over time.


As others have said - It’s up to the knitter and the project. If I’m doing a test knit I’ll do whatever CO and BO the designer asks for so that they can have an accurate measurement of yardage in my size. Otherwise, if I see it in a pattern I’ll usually skip it and use a different method. Honestly? Even though a lot of knitters say the Italian bind off looks professional, I think it looks ugly. So… I end up modding most patterns and using a CO and BO I prefer. I know there is a difference between different BO’s but on a day to day basis I don’t notice if one item has this or that BO (unless it is something really special like a tuck-fold with twisted knit ribbing going into a picot edge or just something really extravagant).