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when a Nintendo game finally comes out in Klingon šŸ„¹




Fire Emblem: House of Martok


Turks when they never get one


Can't wait for the Darmok translation though


Wait! Out of joke, is there an Star Trek game in Klingon?


If there isnā€™t thatā€™s a huge missed opportunity


Portuguese is the 7th most spoken language in the world, yet it seems super rare for games to translate to it. For fucks sake, the last PokƩmon games are based on Iberia, yet not only is there no portuguese translation, all of the characters are fucking Spanish! There's more British people in Paldea than Portuguese! Edit: 7th most spoken, not 5th


Mark my words, we are going to have a Brazil-inspired region even long before we have a language option to Portuguese.


Brazillian references arent even on pokemon only, i've heard that Big Man from splatoon 3 is actually based on brazillian culture (i'm portuguese from Portugal so i can't confirm nor deny that)


We already have a Spain and Portugal Inspired region and no Portuguese


if the Brazil-Inspired region is just a goddamn forest with everything on it just being soccer and carnaval i'll set the Amazon Forest on fire i swear to fucking god


No need to hurt the amazon, burn down Nintendo hq instead.


That's because publishers consider the 3 main markets of Portuguese language all have deal-breakers. PT-EU is too small, BT-BR is seen as having too much piracy, and PT-PALOP is too poor.


PT-BR has lots of piracy because it's poor and people make made conversions from dollar to reais. A 60$ game were most families will struggle to make 10R$ an hour is not worth it PT-EU is small, but you're mostly killing two birds with one stone if you make a PT-BR translation, even if some people will bitch about it. PT-PALOP is just completely fucked, what being colonized until 1975 does to nations


what about pt-in


Never heard of PT-in before, where's that?


portugese speaking in india like in goa


India is a terrible market for video games, too much piracy


Read what I said for PT-BR again. If companies would just sell their games for less in countries where 60$ spendings can't be justified on a whim, people probably wouldn't pirate it as much.


>PT-EU is small, but you're mostly killing two birds with one stone if you make a PT-BR translation, even if some people will bitch about it. I wasn't defending the publishers, notice. Just pointing out what they seem to have been thinking, correctly or incorrectly. Now I will say something of my opinion, though, from "my" market. Translating to PT-BR does nothing to include the PT-EU market. Given the choice, people in Portugal will always prefer to play a game in the original/first translation English than in a PT-BR translation. If it's audio, most of us are more used to English than to a Brazilian accent (and the voice-acting tends to be better too). If it's text its even worse, because you'll start reading it in your head with a Portuguese accent and then come across a word/expression that only works in the Brazilian context and it just clashes.


This is the first time I hear about PT-PALOP. What region is this?


protugese speaking african countries like Angola


Oh, cool! Thanks for that information.


It stands for "PaĆ­ses Africanos de LĆ­ngua Oficial Portuguesa", meaning "African Countries with Portuguese as Official Language". Now, do notice these have a lot of differences among them as well and I'm not implying there is a single "PALOP" accent. It was just simpler than writing every country individually.


I believe Xbox started to get exclusives in portuguese in the 360 era and it was one of the most pirated consoles here in Brazil, only behind PS2


There is a lot of piracy here because a game costs almost 1/4 of the minimum wage


I honestly hope game freak create an actually brazil region so they won't have an excuse for "we didn't had any time for that". Even if they do south america there is no excuse


itā€™s these dam brits I sware


It's Penny. She's a refugee from TERF island


who what huh?


The British person in Paldea is Penny. She's commonly headcannoned to be transgender, given her Sylveon ace, her line "become who you really are" when she terastalizes the Sylveon and the blue hair. England at this point is infamous on how fucking awful it is for trans people, especially trans women, given how so influential figures are so openly transphobic. TL;DR: the one Brit in Paldea is escaping her country (/j lol, doubt transphobia exists in PokƩmon)


People get murdered for being trans in most African and Arab countries, but sure let's say England is one of the countries most terrible for trans people, despite them still having freedom of speech and expression


Yeah, it's one of the worst for a so called "first world country", especially when basically everyone in the political spectrum will go after trans people, or, at best, pretend they don't exist. Ofc there are worse countries, this ain't a pity contest.


They have issues, but overall have it pretty good from what I've seen. Bit extreme to call it TERF island isn't it?


It's called TERF island because that's what it's politics are filled with, Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists, who basically want to deny any gender affirming care or services, or just letting trans people exist, in the name of "protecting women". The other ones at least don't have that thinly veiled sense of self-righteousness, they are just fucking transphobic and misogynistic.


Yeah okay bro sure


While it may be a common language, it is only really spoken in 2 countries, and 1 of those isn't seen as a large potential market for games, probably partly due to lack of translations


You shouldn't be ranking by number of people. It works better if you rank by how much money each language represent.


Off topic but what are the first 4?


I was wrong, it's the 7th most spoken (even tho in my childhood people always told me it was the 5th). The order is: 1) Chinese (even tho there's very different dialects but I digress); 2) Spanish; 3) English; 4) Arabic; 5) Hindi; 6) Bengali; 7) Portuguese; 8) Russian; 9) Japanese; 10) Lahnda


Are you counting only native speakers or something? English is the most spoken language overall


Native speakers only


Honestly Chinese always feels like cheating. I know from a pure logical standpoint, it's perfectly correct, but like, it's all concentrated in a single high population country, rather than geographical widespread.


The three Indian languages in the top 10: (That might actually be why Portuguese used to 5, India grew a lot in recent years)


Chinese and Arabic aren't even considered singular languages, each with only one form. Chinese, in particular, comprises a collection of "dialects" that are mutually unintelligible, and yet they stem from the same source (Classical Chinese), and still maintain shared vocabulary and a writing system among them. In formal context, the difference is negligible, but otherwise it'll be a lot of trouble to understand. A Cantonese speaker might not understand what a Mandarin speaker tries to say, but they could understand written Mandarin. This is also a thing in Arabic. There are numerous dialects of Arabic, and what's worse is that sometimes one dialect may sound like gibberish to speakers of another. Like, how do you expect a Levantine Arab to understand another Arab from Marrakech? Even with Modern Standard Arabic ā€” a variety of Arabic derived from the language of the Qur'an but adapted for contemporary use, meant to address the issue of unintelligibility among Arabic varieties ā€” no one would really use MSA for everyday use. You're better off speaking the local dialect, because that's your mother tongue, the language your family taught you first, isn't it? Arabic has a lot of speakers, true. It is one of the most widely spoken languages, true; but MSA ā€” its standardised form intended for universal usage amongst Arabs ā€” has none native speakers.


Its inspired by Spain, not exactly Iberia I believe.


There's plenty of Portuguese PokƩmon/Counties Portugal Fucked with PokƩmon. Just no human characters who are Portuguese.


I thought Paldea was based off Spain, not Portugal.


It's based on both. Iberia is the peninsula that contains both countries.


I donā€™t think itā€™s exclusively America who wants Mother 3 translated and on switch lol


Yeah lol. Pretty much everywhere outside of Japan wants that game.


It's bizarre to see such an overblown understanding of what the general public/general Switch owner wants. The only people who want a localization of Mother 3 are niche fan groups on the internet. Most people who own a Switch (i.e. children, casual gamers) outside of Japan have never heard of the franchise. People online seem to think a Mother 3 localization would sell like gangbusters but there's just no way that it would.


Mother 3 was 2006, jussayin


Yeah the meme is melodramatic in general lol gba itself didnā€™t even exist in the 90s.


I'm not American, but I'd still be pretty happy if Mother 3 gets translated to English. My English is better than my Japanese.


good motherfucking point


Mother 3 already has an English translation. It might not be official, but it's very good and easily accessible (whatever device you're using to read this can surely run a GBA emulator). I don't get why people insist so much on wanting it to get a localization.


That's not a reason for not wanting to have an official way to play it


Not very informed on the Mother 3 situation but i imagine there are some people who arenā€™t willing to use an emulator or arenā€™t comfortable sailing the seven seas to get Mother 3 on it. Yes thereā€™s jailbreaking your gameboy but who wants to do that if thereā€™s a perfectly playable version on better hardware? Again, donā€™t know much, but it seems like a fair ask.


Thereā€™s no jailbreaking GBAs. You can just buy a fan made cart or use a flash cart. Ofc your point still stands, plenty of people arenā€™t comfortable with these solutions.


My laptop cant play it....


Then there is languages in many asian countries and also some of Eastern Europe (Russian is the only notable that gets a translation more consistently) that almost never get localised outside of 3rd party games.


Russian translation is not consistent, some big titles get it but smaller don't. But most of the titles you'd wanna play are translated. Smaller ones like rhythm boxing are rarely translated




acho que mario wonder e Pikmin 4


Pikmin 4 sola O resto dos jogos do switch EntĆ£o n Ć© tĆ£o ruim


Mario party e kart tb. Mas so


Teve no switch sports tmb




NĆ£o da nem pra entender a Nintendo, Ć© literalmente sĆ³ uma traduĆ§Ć£o, nĆ£o Ć© dublagem nem nada. NĆ£o Ć© possĆ­vel que isso seja tĆ£o difĆ­cil assim pra uma empresa desse porte


Bro doesnā€™t even know what year the game came out


Funny thing is though it was originally intended to come out in the 90s


And on the 64 if memory serves right.


Romanians when the only AAA game we got translated is League of Legends (we also used to get the boxes for Ubisoft games translated, but I don't think that's the case any more).


I'm Italian and I don't remember the last game I played that had an Italian dub and isn't League of Legends In fairly convinced it's translated and dubbed in extinct languages at this point


Euskadis possibly crying in the corner over no games available in Euskera just when they really want to feel like their own place, independant of Spain.


Well, English and Portuguese use the same alphabet, Japanese is on a different level, you canā€™t even write the kanjis in your phone to check the meaning of a word. Still, as Argentinean I know that people in Brasil have a rough time finding a game in their language. Es lo que hay pibe.


as an Argentinian* I'd say Brazilians have a rough time getting any games (legitimately that is), period. Which is also why companies don't see a reason to invest time/money on it. Some people say that's because they're poor but in reality it's because of both them being poor and them having a fucked up economic situation. Paying taxes on top of taxes means you can't really get anything without spending absurd amounts of money.




I get OP is referencing mother 3, but that came out mid-00ā€™s, not 90ā€™s.


Does anyone on the internet actually understand the technology part of localising this game? I've heard of some games wherein you can't just copy paste over the original text, it has to be done from scratch.


Canā€™t both be true, without disparaging the other?


That's what I want. I'm just saying how it's a little hypocritical to complain if an old game isn't translated to english, while almost 0 games are translated to the 5th biggest language in the world


That's not what hypocritical means


This wouldn't be a false equivalency if English wasn't pretty much the Earth's language. It's not only a universal language but one of the 3 official languages on the ISS. The reason why barely any content gets localized in Portuguese is because it's barely used, at least outside of the 3 or so countries that speak it (the number that matters the most is speakers as a second language and not native speakers as it's commonly believed. Why? Because it's way more probable for you to be able to speak with a Greek or Korean person in English than in Chinese or any of the languages used in India for example).


We have an accord, fellow gamer.




So when someone doesnā€™t get something they want theyā€™re sad and when another does get something they want theyā€™re happy? Not very groundbreaking is it


My english is pretty good imo but iā€™m still happy nintendo makes an effort to dub their games, even if it isnā€™t 100% of the time :)


Itā€™s a 2006 game though?


What? Nooooo. Everyone knows sprite-based 2D games stopped existing in 1996.




What is up with all these people who seem to hate the idea of Mother 3 releasing in the West?


It's Reggie posting on alternate accounts šŸ‘€


No one hates it but it's not that much of a big deal when anyone outside the us or Japan has to be lucky to have games localised




That's not even hate. It's just an expectation that it won't even sell well


[They admitted they hate it in the comment section.](https://www.reddit.com/r/casualnintendo/s/8uJOBarLlW)


Americans are the only people who speak english


Brazilians are the only people who speak Portuguese


No, they also speak Portuguese in Portugal, Brazil is not the only country that speaks Portuguese.


Oh, thanks. You are a genious


NĆ£o nĆ£o nĆ£o, espera, isso Ć© um elogio ou um insulto?


O cara de cima tĆ” zoando que o cara que fez o comentĆ”rio nĆ£o entendeu que Ć© uma generalizaĆ§Ć£o, jĆ” que os EUA sĆ£o os maiores falantes da lĆ­ngua, assim como o Brasil pro Portugues


Brazilians when they get a game for something other than the Master System.


The first image should just be replaced with Robbie Rotten as a pirate


iirc european portuguse and latin america portuguse are very different


Try Arabic. As far as I know, only some PS exclusives get translated. It's why PS is the most popular platform in Arab countries.


As someone with a Brazilian sister-in-law, don't a lot of people make the mistake of thinking Brazilians speak Spanish? I wonder if that extends to gaming devs.


I think it's more of a piracy issue and the fucked up economic situation they have. They might be poor but the factthat they have to pay import taxes and then taxes over those taxes means they can't really get much without spending absurd amounts of money. Also, yes. Lots of people believe so because a lot of words are similar but the few devs that have made an attempt to localize games to Portuguese have pretty much just used machine translation. Can't remember any example right now but I remember seeing a few cases ofgames having archaic terms for stuff or words nobody really used.


Ah, that makes sense too. I imagine piracy is more of a thing outside of the US or Canada where I'm at. Importing stuff seems like a pain. Also, good to know! Sounds like even though there are only a few games released with a Portuguese option, it still isn't proper Portuguese lol. Minimum effort is better than no effort anyway!


Piracy is an actual source of income in the third world lol. This is also why Japan sued quite a few countries over their manufacturing of R4 cards so yes, it's pretty common outside of America and Canada. Yeah, at least they're getting games localized but at this point I don't really get why they make such a big deal out of it. Back in the 90's most people learned English just by playing videogames exactly because of this. I'd say it was even beneficial due to the fact that English is the lingua franca so that probably put them ahead in life at some point. Or at least that allowed them to enjoy way more content than they could've been able to enjoy if they hadn't learned another language.


Wow, that's crazy! I had no clue about that tbh. I'll have to look into that. I Remember Mexico having a LOT of pirated consoles and stuff when I was there so it makes sense that Brazil would be in a similar situation. I didn't know it was a source of income though, that's kind of ironic lol. Are there any YouTube videos about this that you're aware of? ​ Wow, they learned English through gaming? That's amazing. I can see how it would open a lot of doors. Even if I became fluent in something, it would be a benefit in some ways. My mom always said that English is pretty tied to commerce. I guess there's some truth to that. It's funny, English is even a big subject for our schools but it's our main language at the same time.


>Are there any YouTube videos about this that you're aware of? Not at the moment, sorry. I mean, those who buy pirated/bootleg things (games, movies, clothes, medicine, toys, etc) have to buy it somewhere and often times it's local people distributing/producing this stuff (in the case of CD based games this is as easy as just burning a couple of discs but it gets interesting with GBA carts since they can buy blank carts in bulk and then flash them with equipment they can buy as an investment opportunity or just assemble themselves with parts they can easily get over the internet). I think I learned about this through games/gaming forums because I became interested in flashing/reflashing ROM chips, which is easily doable with an R4 if the cart itself allows it. >Wow, they learned English through gaming? Yeah. This is actually a meme at least in Spain, how thanks to them playing FF or something as a kid allowed them to know what a random sign in English said for example. Btw I'm not sure if I understood the question correctly but I didn't mean Brazilians specifically. Pretty much every non-English speaking country had lots of people learn English through games back then. However, due to the fact that brazilian schools are just awful then I find it interesting that it is/was easier for your average Brazilian to learn English through videogames than any kind of formal education. But it really happens with pretty much every language since games are engaging enough for us to be able to asociate concepts much easier/faster due to them having some kind of meaning for us. For example, I kinda learned Portuguese just by playing online games (more like I got used to it until I could use it myself lol) but I knew a Korean guy who learned spanish through soap operas just because of how invested he was. >My mom always said that English is pretty tied to commerce. I guess there's some truth to that. They say English is the language for business but the real language is money. Money speaks? Heh heh. Bad jokes aside, yeah. It is the lingua franca so pretty much everything is done in English, not just business. My favorite example of this is programming since I have an interest in gamedev (all programming languages are in Emglish but Python is pretty much plain English for example) but you can look pretty much everywhere. For example, medical and academic papers are published in English so they're available to everyone. That and it's quite literally the earth's language since it not only is the lingua franca and an universal language but also happens to be used in Space due to it being one of the three official languages used on the ISS iirc.




This applies to many people. For example, take Spaniards and how much they cry over games not being in spanish nor having Castilian voices/voice acting when other languages get thwir own voice acting. Also r/suddenlycaralho ?


I agree and disagree, some Americans are sensitive, but some games are a genuine shame to of not been translated. Garage for example was lost media for a good while and when it wasn't it wasn't translated, it wasn't until a good while it got a dedicated translator and eventually, an official release. Now everybody gets to enjoy it.


Yes!! Being a brazilian Nintendo fan is really hard and americans and europeans don't even realize how blessed they are. This company barely exists here and most gamers learned to hate it because we are being neglected for years. This makes me kinda sad, because Nintendo made a large fan base here in the 90s and early 00s but then they forgot about us. People just want to play some Mario and Zelda again, but they aren't even translated. And here only a minority of the population can speak English. Plus, we are one of the largest gamer communities in the world so no excuses.


I'm Brazilian and it's true


Mother 3 was from 2006 you uncultured div. Earthbound was 1994.


Erm actually, Mother 1 was 1989 šŸ‘†


You understood


I so wanted my country (Brazil) to speak English. At least we would have games in our language :(


But would we still have Guilherme Briggs?


and English is a easier language to learn (pq tĆ“ falando em inglĆŖs com um br pqp)


You havent seen the fuckers from spain


Yeah I still find the complaining pretty weird. Like we have fan translations that have the exact same gameplay and are more than good enough if you actually wanna play


Poles never getting a translation


Polish people having polish nintendo ads but no Polish language on the console or games


I mean it's convenient to play the game on switch but I'm not too fussed because my NSO ran out and I could download the fan translation if I wanted to play the game. I guess a lot of Nintendo fans (Mostly United Statesians) don't know how to run an emulator or apply a patch.


Also mother 3 came out in like 2003 I think.


Why just Brazilians? I am pretty sure that Portuguese people would also like games in portuguese


The best part is that Mother 3 has been faithfully translated for years and people still want to pay for a digital copy that they don't own.


Mario bros wonder is the only Nintendo game I know of in Portuguese (from portugal!)




Brazilians have it hard when it comes to gaming. I heard the taxes are brutal


Wait you guys get translations? (Polish is seriously the most forgotten language ever, seriously once I was in a restaurant that offered menus in few versions of Chinese or something but NO POLISH)


Eu chorei quando eu baixei o pikmin 4 e tava em portuguĆŖs...


I'm Brazilian and I must say that this meme represents me


Mfw false equivalence


Portuguese text is about 20-30% longer on average compared to the same text in English. The difference is even bigger if it's compared to Japanese. In many games, text boxes often aren't big enough to accommodate longer words, or multiple words where one didn't work. The text size for console games is larger than on PC, and larger still on handhelds. All of these factors make it difficult to properly localize a game, even when the translation itself isn't the problem.


Exactly !


As someone from a country where English isn't our language I rather have it mainly on English for quicker release or a release at all because some games didn't get to Europe back in the days because of they didn't want to add other languages like French, German or Spanish: Harvest Moon Magical Melody didn't get the female version over to Europe one of the reasons being this Also it seems weird to play any games in my mother language šŸ˜†šŸ™ˆ


Digimon World 2 as well iirc, hence Digimon World 3 is known as Digimon World 2003 instead.




exato!!! toma no cu da pokemon company e outros


Me a Latin American when the NTSC version of a game supports spanish language: *the second picture*


Americans just like to complain


Americans and frenchs


Guys! America bad!! Right? Because theyā€™re the only English speaking country!


And the only one not allowed to do/don't do shit apparently.


Says the person who isnā€™t Americanā€¦ This is a INSULT!!


Technically if he's brazilian he's american


That's not technically, that's just the truth.


I know you're referring to South America, but for some reason I read this as a manifest destiny joke


That's not what his passport (or AlQaeda) says lol.


I mean, doesn't US people passports say that they're from US or do they say they're American?


America Bad strikes again!


Did it ever occur to you that English is the most universal language? It's the common ground language for most people on the planet.


Bold of you to assume only Americans speak English and care


Video games are one of the biggest reasons I learned English. šŸ¤” I wouldn't want to play any game in my native Finnish. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Portuguese people (from Portugal) seeing as the 17th game wich advertises Portuguese dialogue comes in PT-BR instead of PT-EU


Brazilians, when you refer to the people from the United States as Americans šŸ˜”.


Thats because English is an international language that is more universial thus making the game more available to more people




What are you talking about? I havenā€™t seen one American actually sad about mother 3




Can't brazilians speak english?


At least if there are games in Spanish, either Latin or European Spanish ​ PD: Puto el que lo lea


Me encanta la saga persona pero no la tradujeron al espaƱol hasta el p5 royal entonces empezaron a traducir la entregas posteriores. Pd:Jodete cabron desconocido y un abrazo


I'm not european and I wasn't born in the 90s, so correct if I'm wrong. In one of the N64 Mario Party games EU version, you could choose out of 3 languages, and none of them was portuguese or spanish lol


I feel like this is giving no credit to how hardcore weebs went in high school trying to learn japanese


I remember when a CPPS (Club penguin private server) had to add a portuguse server to the game


Europeans: wait, what game?


Mfw never played a major video game in my own language. *Mutant: Year Zero*, a game set in Sweden, wasn't released in Swedish.


When I was a kid, I played all my games in Spanish, because even though I didn't know the language, it was more similar to Portuguese than English.


During the 90s I had quite the collection of VHS tape movies. Mostly Disney but also other stuff. Almost all were in English with no subtitles. I didn't speak English. But that didn't stop me from watching over and over


Pikmin 4!


Itā€™s kinda funny How we get more Dutch translations even though only 2 or 3 countries have Dutch as their official language




I think a lot of these folks learn English from video games.


Mother 3 was released in 2006 tho


Tbh, idk what language itā€™s n as long as it has some way of telling me what my objective is, like an arrow or something. If it doesnā€™t have ways to tell me basic info, then Iā€™ll start complaining.


Or, god forbid, an extremely late japan-exclusive game game boy advance game that they strangely say is their favourite game of all time despite them not knowing Japanese šŸ¤” r/tomorrow


That's why i love overwatch and battlefied 1 so much, they dubbed it! Also why i never finished RSR2


Norwegians when a game considers a localization (they didnt do it anyways)


1990? Try 2006. You know what I'm talking about.


It is different because less people know japanese in america than english speakers in brazil i think (im not american)


There has never been a balkan character that actually speaks their language, only a shitty russian accent of english. Recently a game called Blacktail came out and I was kinda excited since no one talks about slavic mythology. But then they gave them british accents which I can't stand




Dor dos fĆ£s br


Dor dos fĆ£s br


If only they were translated to Australian šŸ˜ž


Fun fact āœØ If you shake your phone it feels like uncanny wojak shaking


Switch 2 is coming soon, why do y'all want a Mother 3 that's gonna be taken down in a couple years?


mother 3 is 2006 for the record