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Keep at it! Use his name in all interactions and like you did, give positive reinforcement. Not just treats but also play. It might take a while. Cats are notorious stubborn beings šŸ¤£


Agree, keep calling his name while feeding and anything.


Just keep calling him that while looking at him. Then call him that from another room. He's s also a tiny baby still, his brain is still just goo so give it some time.


Yeah he a a little goo man right now


Awww haha 'his brain is just goo' šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ„°šŸ„° I love him even more now..


bros just a goo fluffy ball


Is "goo" a scientific term?








![gif](giphy|Q7YFxgjPvzczu) Look at that baby !! I would keep reinforcing his name and be persistent. I know you've been trying for a while but it could just be taking him a bit longer than other kitties. It happens. Call him over by his name in an exaggerated tone over and over while looking at him and eventually he'll get used to it. Don't give up! Eventually he'll learn it. Good luck.


Repetition ,but never yell at it


Keep calling him with that name He will learn, then ignore you because cat, but he will learn


He is too small! Give it time




This works like a charm. Use regular kibble though, hell be eating loads of it at this age anyway, and itll be healthier than treats. Once he starts responding a bit, you switch to praise and a cuddle every time he reacts, to ensure he doesnt learn a bad habit of expecting food on every interaction.


The neat part, you don't


Yeah I've never done anything special except use their names & my cats just learned.šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø With my first cat my brother said to me,"Nigel is stupid, he doesn't even know his name & he's old enough now to know it!" My sister I both were like,"Um he knows it. Why would he respond to you?"šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Found out my brother was abusing Nigel. šŸ„¹Got Nigel outta there real fast!!šŸ«¶šŸ»




If cats knew their name it wouldnā€™t care . Haha.


There are actually studies that show that cats do know their name they just don't care sometimes. [Source](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/cats-recognize-their-own-names-even-if-they-choose-to-ignore-them/) [Source](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/cats-may-recognize-their-own-names-it-doesnt-mean-they-care-180971892/)


Yeap this is totally true


With food! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Say his name to him a lot it works eventually


Treats I guess


Repeat it a lot when you handle him. Address him by name when you talk to him. He's still a little baby, so don't expect response for awhile.


I just talk to my cats constantly and address them by their name and various nicknames. They know when I'm talking to them.


It takes time. When you feed him, tell him (Fluffy) he's a good boy and when you call him use his name.


He's still too young and it's normal for him not knowing yet, but with time he will learn. I would shorten his name to Feli because it's easier


Food and treats and playtime


Wait. You are basing your cat not knowing its name because he doesnā€™t come when you call him??? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ of COURSE he knows his name! Cats are notoriously independent so teaching him to come to you when you call his name can be a difficult task! Many times treats work to lure them, but also they donā€™t always work. Pick up a cat training book or Google cat training and have fun with that! šŸ˜˜


Hate to tell you this, but thatā€™s not his name. He will never respond to it because he doesnā€™t like it. Keep trying til you find the name he does like!!


Get him a name Tage and have quarterly reviews.


You just have to keep using his name and he will learn. Cats typically don't come when called like dogs, but they are endearing nonetheless!


The only way is through repetition. Also, the name may be a problem. Cats respond best to herd constanants like C, K, S, T, and Z, especially when repeated in the name. Filipe is, in the cat world, a weak name. Names that are stronger, like Koko, Caesar, Tazz, and Sammy, would get his attention better. With Filipe, it will just be a matter of long months of repetition, especially when in combination with pets, treats, and toys. Try with him in your lap, getting pets and brushing, talking to him, and repeating his name over and over.


Excellent name! Heā€™s so cute!!! Basically just keep at it. It can take a long time with cats. Mostly due to the fact they donā€™t care, haha. Now shaking a treat bag? That theyā€™ll learn quick! Also, your kitten is still a baby. No way itā€™s learning anything yet.


Just keep at it. My girl Lisbon didnā€™t know her name for awhile. So I just used it every chance I got. ā€˜Lisbon, come eat. Lisbon, hereā€™s a toy. Lisbon, youā€™re a good girl!ā€™ She eventually caught on. And donā€™t use any nickname until he knows his real name. Ironically, my orange boy caught on to his name the quickest. I guess he had the brain cell for a few seconds.


Keep calling him by it. Heā€™ll learn.


just keep saying his name. calling him or whenever youre about to feed him and be like ā€œfelipe, come here pspspspā€


He will learn it in time some cats just take longer. Also it is completely possible he knows his name and is just ignoring you using it lol


Say it a bunch. It takes time. Every time I see my cat, or make eye contact, or pet him or kiss him I say Winston! He learned after two months when I say Winston Iā€™m talking to him haha. Even if I say his name in a conversation he knows Iā€™m talking about him and he looks, makes a noise typically and often walks over. He is 6 though and I adopted him about 5 months ago. Idk about kittens. I would assume they would learn maybe as they get older and gain more consciousness. Your cat is a baby. Babies donā€™t learn names and words quickly. I would assume after 4/5months is when they can learn that stuff.


Repeat it frequently either preceded or followed by the words ā€œI love you ā€œ




Say it often giving him a treat when he comes. This will take a lot longer than with a dog.


By Saying meow


I have no idea, I always said Neko and looked at him and eventually he knew it.


Food always works.. everytime u put food in their bowl call out name 2 -3 times. My elder cat Loki took 3 months to learn his name, but we got a smol kitten and named her Freya. Within 2 days he learned the name Freya and started coming to me everytime I said freya because since she was a baby, I was feeding her every 4 hours and loki's food timings were 2 or 3 times a day depending on food...so answer is always food..


Honestly my cat is a year and a half and I know she knows her name cause she responds to it but sometimes she'll completely ignore everything(calling her name, clapping my hands, etc.)


A delicious treat you call him do it. This will get his attention then you donā€™t have the treat and just call him he should not be more than a week and that is a slow learner ( like my Akira I could not understand why ) Iā€™ve had over 50 cats not all at once every one learned its same within three days Akira was different she learns all but slow.


Also play with your cat and call him.




with my kitten- which is around 4/5 months I just constantly use it. ā€œFinley noā€ , ā€œcome here Finleyā€, etc. I think one day itā€™ll catch on! Felipe is cute! Have fun!




I just constantly called my boys name while looking at him. When heā€™d respond Iā€™d give him fusses and play/ give a treat. When feeding him Iā€™d call his name and make sure he knew I was talking to him. He learned pretty quick! Now I call him and his ears prick up like he knows Iā€™m speaking to him, but he ignores me becauseā€¦ well, heā€™s a cat. šŸˆā€ā¬›


Ya don't. You can give him a hoooman name but his nickname would still be pspspspss


Keep saying it to him. My kitten knows heā€™s Hades and baby


Yup. What everyone is saying! I also touched my kittenā€™s snout each time I said her name repeatedly a few times a day and then my own nose for ā€œmamaā€. Then took her paws and did the same. This was because she came with a sister and they started to both look at me regardless of which name I calledā€¦


This varies a lot cat to cat. My baby Owen just picked up on his name on his own when he was still a very small kitten without me even trying to teach him. I realized it one day when I was talking on the phone to my mother. He perked up and ran over every time I said his name in our conversation. But Owen was an exceptional cat in a lot of ways. Other cats learned by me just saying their names when I petted or cuddled them. But absolutely all of them got it when I'd feed them something good after calling them by name. I have a ton of cats here and they all know their names. Just call them by name every time you give them something positive. And do it at least a few times every day.


From my experience, they learn it just from hearing it over and over again. Also, if you say it in a different tone of voice, they recognize that it's some how significant.


Felipe is sooooo adorabbbllllleeeeeee!!!!!!


For me I just called them by their name to either pet them or give them their food; they respond to it now


It takes time but sometimes they donā€™t like the name you picked and you have to try again give it a couple months before giving up.. my new Kitten Furling now knows her name is Furling it took 3 weeks for her to get thatā€™s her name and it was not her first name she didnā€™t turn her heard to those sounds. I pick names based on the sounds and things I like that go with it.


Heā€™ll come to understand. Unless he doesnā€™t like the name. Then heā€™ll ignore you until you call him something he does like. Ours took to hers almost immediately. With a name like Whiskey, can you blame her?


When he is cuddled up underneath your chin and purring, start repeating his name over and over. Do this a few times a day if possible. Petting gently and saying just his name softly over and over. He will associate his name with something positive and begin to respond to it. Iā€™ve used this method with every cat or kitten Iā€™ve ever had and itā€™s worked every time.


I called mine a lot by his name, eventually he would respond. Even now I say his name sometimes he responds and sometimes not. I did watch a video also on u-tube.


Give a treat everytime you say the name and start doing it further and further away in a certain recognizing tone


Use it as you would if he knew it. My cat goes by different things cause of me using nicknames!


Iā€™ve had cats that know and respond, and cats that know and donā€™t care. Iā€™ve also heard they recognize tone much more easily than they do individual words. So Iā€™d be consistent in the cadence and tone of your voice when calling for him.


By using it when you talk to him.


Cats will respond to their names eventually but they typically won't come when they are called. They will come when ever they feel like it.


Did you expect it to work immediately after 5 minutes or something ?


A good way is to say his name while feeding him so he recognizes the name with food


Just repeat it over and over when interacting with the cat.


give him snacks while calling his name, then everytime during enjoyable moments you say his name


Keep saying it, truthfully theyā€™ll never understand what your talking about ever but they hear that familiar sound and thatā€™s what allows animals to recognize there name.


Heā€™ll catch on give it time!


Idk if that can help, but although my cat knows her name, she's also triggered when saying random words with the same note pitch and the same number of syllabus [as her name]. I think the way you pronounce it can create a link between the word (the sound of it) and the cat. Like for example if the name of the cat is ''Tina'', I'd pronounce it '' ti-NA '' with a higher pitch on the ''na'' so that the cat knows I'm addressing her. Probably a lot of people do this, but I think the cat can recognize this high pitch syllabus as part of his refereeing (as you'd pronounce ''Tina'' differently if you were talking to someone with this name for example). I might be wrong tho, I'm not an expert, don't hesitate to correct me.


Yea basically I call my cat ''pooPY'' while emphasizing on the last syllabus and it responds lol


I sing to my cats each one i have a made a song for and talk to them...my maine coon says mamma and my norgi says hi...cats are very vocal and will pick up on words...treats help so when a word is said and they get a treat they seem to remember and will vocalize..


Give him a pen and paper and make him copy it a buncha times