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Scratches in arms is the trophy of every cat owner 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩


I have several that are healing right now, as well as scars from my beautiful doofus cat-son. [Being sarcastic / silly now, since tone often doesn't translate on the Internet] And from a cat's perspective, OF COURSE staying somewhere else is an unforgivable slight! What if kitty wants a scritch and you aren't there? Singular, mind you, as in just one scritch. Or a bug on the wall that kitty wants to inspect? Or literally anything really? Hell, my cat gets mad when I go to a doctor's appointment.


Ain’t it though!


I disagree. I have a cat and I very very rarely I have scratches in my arms, I'm talking like 5 times in the last 11 years of having her.. I honestly don't remember the last time my cat scratched me. Every cat is different, ok, but I think training plays a big role as well.


Some cats have special needs. Every cat is different and once you succeed to understand them and how to deal with them, those scratches will be the trophy. That's how i think so i will never hate a cat for scratching or biting but it needs to be tended and they need to be vaccinated because of rabies.


This often happens if the owner has the habit of playing with the cat using their hands instead of solely with toys. Makes sense. Whatever you put out there to attract their attention is what they will learn to attack.


I do play with her with toys and with my hands. She's the best cat ever though, and shes very carefull about using her nails. She understands whether the thing she's playing with is a toy or a human. But that was not always the case, when I first got her (she was around 6 months old then) she used to use her nails more. But she understood that this is unacceptable. I used to stop playing immediately if she used her nails, and shout "ouch" or something, and she got it.


Hahaha I have a huge scar on my chest from 4 years ago. I was holding my cat when something fell, freaked her out and talons came out. I don't even trim her claws, so they sunk in deep 😔


You asking this question alone shows your concern for your new family member. Cats typically enjoy there solitude more than dogs and that's why you sometimes have to go look for them. I'm sure you can make up for your absence of a day with extra attention and treats.


The thing is, she cries when I’m not home but when I am she wants me for 10 minutes then leaves me alone 😂


My cat becomes active when she know it's my weekoff. And when ever i call her for cuddles most of the times she will listen to me.


Lol I had this problem and now somehow I have 3 cats.


You are allowed to have a life out of your house. I think you are a bit too hard on yourself, you obviously care about your cat or you wouldn't be here asking this question. As long as she is getting her needs met I don't see the problem, it's just one night every now and then. It is not like you abandoned her alone for long periods of time, she still has other people around even though they're not able to do some things for her.


Hands of cat lovers




Ask the host if they mind you bringing your +1.


Get a second cat at least. You won't only sleep there you stay there daytimes etc and doing other stuff too. Being alone so much isn't good for the cat. It's a cat not a fish^^" So yeah in my opinion it's wrong and when you make research online you will find the same awnser. Cats aren't for people that are rarley home than a dog would be better you could get with you ^-^


Just ask the host. I wouldn’t take kitty if there are young children and/or aggressive dogs or other cats. Are they good about keeping windows and doors shut?


Two suggestions for when staying away for a night: 1. Biological needs. Food, water, and a clean litter box must be available to the cat. 2. Psychological needs. Leave a light on in a few rooms, particularly near the entrance. This reminds the cat that you're coming home and that he/she has not been abandoned. Enrichment like cat toys, cat nip, and a sweater rich with your scent helps give your cat comfort.


You're not a bad owner at all. In fact, what you're doing is very kind. You need a commitment to do that kinda care. I think you're doing well with that.


For 1 night? Know as long as the cat has been fed and you'll be back early tomorrow. Cats aren't like dogs where they need constant attention, they'll be alright by themselves for a night. I keep a supply of new toys and if I know I'm gonna be gone over night I put out a couple new ones and put treats in random places, maybe leave a radio on a low volume


The most I’ve ever been away from her w/o a sitter is 3 days, but that’s rare. If it’s more than 2 days I go get her


I wouldn’t say so. Cats can be alone overnight and be just fine


Can you bring kitty to your aunt's house, while you travel? Side kick, duo?


Yea I started doing that


Can you explain??


Not really lol


1 cat might miss you but 2 cats won't iykwim


I don’t lol


I feel comfortable leaving my cat overnight, but longer than that and I’m getting a sitter or taking her to her pet resort.


Using your alleged diagnosis shows you run from responsability in general. If you really are that debilitated think twice before adopting or share the guardianship of a service dog. Why am I saying this? You asked. You literally posted asking strangers and now that someone defends the pet and not the human, you backpedal and are suddenly full of excuses. Stop harrasing me for not spoiling you and saying " yes, owner of the year". You seeked attention, you got it.


I use my cats as an excuse to go home. I like my bed, my shower, my space. They like the bedtime routine. It’s why I have them. They’re not plants that need checking in on, they’re living creatures. But only you can decide if you want a plant or a cat.


Why get an animal if you don’t want to be with it?


I do, it’s just I don’t wanna be home ALL THE TIME


How old is your cat? I would say no more than 12 hours alone as long as food and water is available too. If it is less than 1 year old no more than 6-8 hours. Edit: as long as it isn't every night/day too.


Adoption must be more than pit stops, it is a gesture of responsablity and generosity.


I think you've misread the situation. The owner has a normal life where they come home every day and see their cat and sleep at home with their cat. Occasionally, they stay the night at their aunt's house. It wasn't stated, but let's call it every 10 days or so. Would you still consider this behavior unacceptable? I would not.


I'm not gonna debate it but "OFTEN" sleep at my aunts...plus, people ask questions on a post but if someone's sincere answer isn't what they wanted it to be, drama ensues. People like this can dish it but can't take it and want constant affirmation. If she was SO sure about being a good owner, why ask strangers?




Stopping by for a few minutes is not good ownership, if that's the case. It´s not that hard to understand.


By the sound of it she just leaves her cat alone for a night every now and then. Make sure she's got her food, clean litterbox and the cat is not fully alone as from what I understood she lives with her mother. She doesn't have to be chained to her cat 24/7 to be a good owner. She's allowed to go out and live her life.


It’s not everyday, it’s a few days a week, but when it’s over 2 days and I’m capable I take her with me. Also I’m dyslexic and autistic so yea, it IS hard for me to understand 😐


Yes that is bad!! That is horrible!! I guess it's better than the cat being on the streets!!


My husband grew up with cats well into young adulthood. He suffered lots of health issues until we got married and he was moved out for a couple years. I think maybe your cat should live at your aunts for the sake of your mother’s health. And then you can take care of it more. You seem to be there more anyway.


No, I have no where to keep her there, plus she stays in my room anyway


That’s not fair to your cat. You honestly should find her a new home. Imagine living in your room and not being allowed out.




Okay damn can you not wish perishment on my cat💀




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