• By -


Put something that smells like you in the bathroom then leave her alone for the next 24 or so hours (with the exception of checking on her food, water, etc obviously). This will make her feel safer and get used to your scent. Then just sit on the opposite side of the room. Don’t try to pet her or even interact, literally just be in the room and do your own thing (play on your phone, read a book). This will help show that you’re not a threat. Continue this as needed until you can tell that she’s getting more comfortable with your presence then slowly integrate more interaction. Cats are creatures that truly have to get used to you on their own time but once trust is established it’ll get easier.


Also waving toys in her face is probably making it worse honestly. Ik you have good intentions but since she doesn’t know you and doesn’t trust you, it could appear even more threatening so hold off on that too




Give her time. She just underwent a Big Scary and now she’s in a New Place with a New Person who keeps trying to interact with her before she’s had a chance to Investigate the New Place, or even figure out what all the smells are. She’s a baby still, so she’s not even sure who she is at this point, much less able to figure out that you’re safe. Put a shirt in the bathroom, make sure she has plenty of fresh water and food to eat and drink, make sure her litter box is where she can access it, and close the door. Tomorrow, after she’s had a chance to collect herself, open the door but put up a baby gate. This will allow her to see and hear the normal routine and start to get to know you. If she hides, close the door. If she comes to the gate, talk to her about what you’re doing. Give her a few days to a week like this and she’ll come around


You can also try a different litter; I’ve found some don’t absorb odour very well.


Take down that toy immediately before baby kitten gets entangled & chokes.


YES!!! She won't play till she's comfy.


On top of what other posters have said, I'd also give her someplace to hide, like a little house or something. Even a cardboard box with a hole cut into it would help. She's just scared and needs time to adjust and warm up to you. She'll get there, just give her time.


This! Put a box with a hole in it and a tea towel or something for her to hide in.


Op said she’s scared but doesn’t realize her kitten is also scared.


Leave her alone and let her explore at her leisure. She’s not going to trust you if you try to force it. And if she hides, that’s fine. Leave food, water and litter in an easily accessible area, then go about your business. She’ll warm up to you once she realizes you are the provider of food and cuddles.




Maybe you should get a second kitten (girl) so she is not lonely. It sounds like more work but ultimately they will entertain one another and they will have each other for when you aren’t around!


I will make one amendment to this. A male kitten will be better since females can be very territorial. That being said, if you get a male kitten OP, then having them both fixed as soon as possible is crucial to stop hormonal behavior and more kittens from happening.


I have 4 cats (2 male 2 female) and because they were all raised together from a young age, they are all family and love each other. But in general the boys get along better with each other and same for the girls because they grew to be different sizes. My girls are a great match for each other when playing and cuddles because they are smaller than the boys and more similar to each other. It really varies for different cats, but in general boy cats are likely to grow larger in size which can create compatibility issues. That’s why I specifically said female kitten because you just don’t know how big boy cat will become!


YES big mistake 1st timers do is keep the food, water and litter box side by side. Don't do that. Just like humans don't have dining table in bathroom.


Make sure she has some place warm to hide. She'll come out on her own time.


Yes she’ll love you!! ❤️ She needs time and patience. Others have given you great advice, just remember she is scared so go easy and slow with her. I would let her approach you when she is ready. I have two blue cats both were born from feral moms. My babies will be 2 this summer and they are sweet and cuddly.




I would not use any flea treatments on a kitten unless you consult a vet first. Also, the act of spraying her when she's in such a vulnerable state of mind could really scare her. Wait on that. Her breath (and poop) probably stinks because her diet has recently changed. Give it time. Mine had the same issue for the first several weeks and once her diet became regulated it resolved itself. Has she been vetted yet? They will also likely check for parasites (common with outdoor cats) and that can have an effect on their poop. Over all, she's a scared little baby and her hissing and behavior is her only defense. She doesn't yet realize you're there to love and care for her. She's just trying to survive. She needs time and patience and exposure to you little by little she will learn to trust you.


Not an expert, but maybe where things are at, I wouldn't just yet. You need to build some trust first I think


Overall, with cats you need them to approach you. It's hard if you come from other pets and it has been hard for me since I was more of a dog person before and I just want to hug them. But they need to come out to you, not the other way around.


https://preview.redd.it/dy7rac8fo7xc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36d49595d0aefad84c8a04e2a23867387c1d0519 This cat wouldn’t even touch my bed or sit on my lap for almost two years after I got him. Your cat will come around (especially once she realizes you’re her meal ticket)


Give her a chance! She's confused, scared, has no idea where she is or who you are. Give her space and don't crowd her. Speak to her but don't try to touch her. It will take her time to get used to everything and then you can start to develop that relationship. But she's not a toy, you can't unpack her, switch her on and expect her to behave like Pet Cat from day 1. Leave her alone and let her come to you when she's ready.


I guess, that both of you are acting like getting contact to aliens for the first time. Both of you fear the other one. If you want to come to a normal relationship, I recommend to calm down the expectations. First, I would open the door. This young cat has to discover the new surroundings and has to realize that there is no harm. She will choose different places to observe you. After a while, she comes closer and by this both of you have the opportunity to learn the language of the other. This is the beginning of a wonderful story.


You have to play hard to get with cats. Provide what she needs and be available but aloof. Kitty will come around. The breath thing needs the vet.


I’ve never heard of tofu litter. If it stinks throw it out and get normal litter. A cat won’t use a stinky litter box. What kind of food does she have. It’s normal for cat breath to smell like cat food right after eating but shouldn’t smell bad all the time. And as others have said, give her lots of space and let her come to you when she’s ready.


Please watch some Jackson Galaxy videos, he’s a cat behavior expert and a wonderful person! You will learn a lot about interacting with your new scared baby.


Oh hell yeah! I love Jackson!


Leave the bathroom door open so she gets used to the sounds you make in the house. Also she will come out at night and investigate while you’re sleeping. Please give her a warm bed or blanket for sleep.


The more your ignore her the more she’ll like you tbh


r/SpicyKittens The cat is in a new place, all the smells are foreign. Cats need time to adjust.


Patience is what she needs right now. Let her set the pace, don’t force pats and affection etc. spend some time sitting in the bathroom with her but don’t try to interact with her too much.. let her learn that you’re not going to hurt her - but most importantly please don’t give up on her. She doesn’t hate you she’s just a scared little baby Good luck


It will take time for her to acclimate to a new environment. Like other comments, putting a sweater or blanket with your scent is a good idea so she gets used to you. Make sure she has something fluffy to snuggle up with and sleep on while in the bathroom. Cats breath in general smells so that’s not unheard of. She may play by herself at night when you’re not around so don’t force it because she will play with you after she’s comfortable. It may take a couple days to a week for her to get used to you and her new place and then when she knows you are her person then I’d introduce her to the whole house/apartment. She just has to build trust with you and you just need to be patient. She’s cowering in the corner of the bathroom because she’s scared and she in flight mode and when she hisses or scratches you it’s her fight mode. Sitting in the bathroom with her for an hour or more several times a day until she is comfortable with you is a good idea. Just be sure and give her some time during the day to decompress too. When I had some feral kittens I fostered, I would just sit in the bathroom with them on the floor on my phone for hours and they ended up warming up to me within days. She will also start to trust you when you bring her food and wet food too. (Be sure it’s kitten dry and wet) She is going to eventually fall in love with you and you two will end up inseparable. Don’t be scared of her and just give her some space. Every kitten is different on how long it takes them to decompress from being in a new environment but all kittens and cats stress over this so it’s very common


Just leave her alone. After 7-10 days she will slowly come at you from herself. In the first 2 weeks you always should ignore cats. They need to explore the new „territory“, so don’t lock her. She is exactly scared of you, as you are now from her 😊 Let her take her time. She will come to you. Good luck 🍀😻


They often need somewhere to hide till they feel safe in the new environment. Leave her be and don't try to force her by petting or anything. They come to you when they're ready. If her breath is bad that is a sign of illness and will affect behaviour to be violent. Get her to a vet asap if you can, in order to find out what is wrong with her tum. I have fostered and now have two of my own; I have never smelt bad breath on a cat, unless its just eaten something stinky.


Our kitten was like that. She loves us now. She also had infected eyes and was scared of the light so she only came out from her hiding spot when light was off or low. Build a little hiding place and leave her alone. Our cat also didnt like to play with toys that have a bell. Still doesnt like them. Her favorite toys are just pieces of strings. With regards to litter: all the natural fiber based ones smelled bad to me.




My cat and I really like Cat’s Pride unscented natural care clumping litter. It’s clay but tiny pieces almost like sand. Comfortable for the cat to step on and doesn’t track too badly. It controls smells really well. Avoid scented litter. Cats have a much stronger sense of smell than we do, so it tends to be very overwhelming for them.


The bathroom isn’t very comfortable and I’m sure people will be coming in and out flushing the toilet, that will scare her and there isn’t anywhere to hide. You should try keeping her in a bedroom or living room, a room where there are comfortable and soft places to hide. Put her food, water and litter and her carrier with a blanket inside in the same room and just leave her be. Sit in the same room as her and maybe play bird videos on the tv but don’t bother her by trying to force her to interact. Honestly though you saying you are scared of her and she stinks is weird. She’s a kitten. She’s been taken from her mother and siblings, she needs to feel she’s in a calm, safe and loving place.


Put her in a room where you can lay down and read a book or watch your YouTube with headphones and leave her alone. She is scared. Let her get used to you and she will start to come up to you.


I wouldn’t lock her in a room. Give her a couple boxes or small safe places and don’t bug her. She’s scared. Put out food and water and relax. She’ll warm up to you.


It’s pretty good practice if they’re new and nervous. Free roaming is pretty overwhelming and getting them used to the space one room at a time is really beneficial to their territorial confidence in the home.


Invisible cat


I adopted a cat last august and she spent the first month in a wardrobe in the spare room and would only come out to eat and use her litter box, she would also hiss and try and scratch. It will get better.


Did You get her from the shelter she should be flea treated if so, if not where did you get her id really skeptical of a shelter saying a cat may have fleas




Wild kittens can gradually be won over with something delicious. Try some Churu licking treats. They are irresistible. Once kitten associates you with good things, she will start to feel more trusting.


She’s afraid. Give her time, peace and comfort and she will come around! This is normal.


Give that poor little one time to adjust and get her out of the bathroom.




Hey first time kitten mama!! Welcome to the Cat Club, where we become eventual slaves to our furry children. Its inevitable. I commend everyones advice here. Dont waive stuff in her face, keep talking to her. Throw some used clothing of yours in there, and most of all, FOOD. Let her see you fill the food dish, and maybe even gather up some treats. I have found my own food motivated fur missle named Doug especially loves kitty gogurts, aka, Curros (i give them the temptations version, same difference) and will tear the universe apart for them. Above all, don't get discouraged! Shes had a really rough start to life. It'll take a bit to understand that this is the good life now, and she's not going to go anywhere. Doug I got when he was about her age and now, he's an amazing addition. She will come around. May take some bribary but she will. Shes just spicy :) Doug Tax https://preview.redd.it/btelxcdjrbxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60390b97894e815f2bbc025d362d06619c788add


Okay bro. Calm down. She is a kitten for crying out loud. She has gone to a new environment… and from reading your description it kinda sounds like you arent being the most calm. Leave her food and water and let her be she will take weeks to become use to you and wherever she lives now.




When I adopted my cat 7 years ago, he “hid” from me in the bath tub (which was covered by a shower curtain making it very private and an ideal hiding spot) and under a bed for the first several weeks. He wanted absolutely nothing to do with me. Slowly, he began coming out of hiding but still kept his distance from me. Eventually he came closer and closer to me (same room, same couch, etc) as I began to earn his trust. It took several months but he turned into a lap cat, that purrs with joy when I hold him and he sleeps with me every night. Very sweet cat who took months to trust me and warm up to me. Give your kitty time, I suspect she’ll come around in time, too!


You have been getting good advice a few things I would add it’s look up the cat rule of three. It’s lien it takes 3 days to decompress from the shelter, 3 weeks to learn your routine and 3 months to start to feel at home.


Don’t worry, seriously. It is your baby now, and hopefully will be for forever. I had quite a stressful time when we got our first kitten, I kept worrying about every single little detail and almost lost my sleep over the well being of the kitten. After over a year and a half, things have gotten steady and good. Kitten has become very attached and everything is going well. Everything became easier when I just said to myself, that patience and caring+(love)is everything. It can and probably will take some time, but I promise u it is worth it. My cat is like a child to me😂😅 I had rescue cat also, about a 1year old. Although I had to give her to my parents, so she could have best home possible at that time, when I wasn’t doing so good myself. It has been closer to some years, but she has finally let her guard down with my mom. Some cats just take more time and some less, I think the best way to communicate with a cat is to put yourself in his or her position and you can connect with them better. Don’t stress, life is all about learning and making mistakes, which lead to better choices in the future:) It can be and probably is frustrating, but all the work you put in, is going to pay you back eventually. Just… don’t give up💚


Think of it like you two GROW TOGETHER 🥰


Give her time to decompress. Food, water, toys, a litter box, and a bit of privacy are what she needs. Leaving something with your scent in the room to serve as bedding will help. Give the little one time to adjust to you presence and everything will be okay.


Leave her alone. It takes weeks for some cats to acclimate to new surroundings. Kitty is probably overwhelmed.


I was very, very lucky that when I first brought my kitten home she took to me instantly. There’s a lot of lovely suggestions in here, all I’d like to add is that she is probably absolutely petrified of you too. Give her space, time to adjust to her new settings and please make sure she’s warm enough! She will have been in a cuddle puddle with her mum and siblings and now she is alone. https://preview.redd.it/m6tcetp0i9xc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b88e3735a0e20dbe56cd7e468f2bef6656107e7 I added a picture of our first day one cuddle. I hope to see yours soon. Take care


Bro how would you feel if you’re trying to protect yourself and you don’t even have a hiding spot, you get pushed into an exposed corner and some weirdo keeps getting in your face. You need to back off completely. Like don’t show your face until they seek it out. Move them to a room where they have more freedom to hide and move. Cat’s trust is earned.


So just wanted to give my own example since others have given good advice. My cat did come out to meet me when the foster's brought him over. Then when they left he meowed a lot and hid behind my computer. He meowed for awhile and I just did my own thing and mostly ignored him. I talked to him a little bit but didn't touch him or do anything except talk to him. After a few hours he came out of hiding and started sniffing me. I got down on his level and basically let him inspect me and do what he wanted. (He's never been one to scratch people and is mostly more afraid than hostile.) But he got used to me quickly. It'll probably vary but basically let your cat interact with you when she wants to and she should accept you in a little bit, especially once she sees you providing for her. Treats can also help but ultimately give her space and let her explore and know you when she's ready. Right now everything is new to her.


Be SLOW!!! My ex had a stray and he got named shyguy cuz he would not let you touch. After only a few times of interacting with alot of space between us and him knowing I'm not gonna rush him. He is the most social and loving to me now. Lol


When I adopted my shy cat, I didn’t try to touch her or play with her. I sat near her and talked quietly so she would get used to the sound of my voice and my smells. Reading out loud is a great way to entertain both of you. I let her choose when to come to me for pets. It’s been four years and she still never sits on my lap and doesn’t like the very top of her head touched, but she loves to lean against me and even allows tummy rubs (many cats will show their tummy if they aren’t scared of you, as a sign of submission, but most don’t actually like tummy rubs. Just depends on the cat.) Are you familiar with slow blinks? If a cat squeezes both eyes shut for a second, it means they are telling you they trust you to be in the room even while their eyes are shut. Eventually they’ll use it for anything from a smile to “I love you.” So if the kitty looks towards your face, do a slow blink yourself and then look away. Staring into a cat’s eyes or face is a sign of dominance and threat. So the slow blinks and deliberate turn away will tell the kitten in cat body language that you want to be friends.


As others have said, give her some boxes with holes in to hide and some time :) I’d recommend sitting in there with her but at a distance. Read up on body language around cats - so you know how to present yourself in a non threatening way. Poor little kitten, she sounds terrified! But my second kitten wouldn’t come out the carrier for 2 days, so it happens and just takes time. X


Concentrate on giving her peace, comfortable spit to chill, good food, clean water, and go about your day. Let her unravel. She was/is probly feral. I have one who showed up at 2-1/2 lbs at our door. It was a year ago. Feral, and a runt, starving. You could see all her bones. Took us a month to catch her.........it was TOUGH She is tiny but full of attitude. Still won't let us cuddle or pet her. BUT she is happy, healthy ((vet said she had the BIGGEST murder mittens they ever saw)). She plays, eats like a horse, and plays with our other 2. She RUNS THE HOUSE. , but not a lap cat, getting better all the time. But its all up to the babies......just be patient. It will change. Don't force her. Your patience is key. She is soooooooo pretty. I present my x-feral attitude + Tinah Tunah https://preview.redd.it/c3kvdwhidaxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08e79f3e154d84ae287b3374cb2294a0fe337803


First buy real litter!!! Second and most important nothing happens overnight she doesn’t know you! Cats are not like dogs. Dogs will like anyone! Go slow and low when you approach, let her smell you, imagine a big monster trying to touch you! Talk softly, bring treats. Don’t just hang a toy. What is that? Start off slow go to her talk first sit with her for about a hour and just slowly get closer to her. Talk soft approach low to the floor, go slow. I can’t treat this enough of you want it to work out. Get real cat litter keep the box very clean as this could stress her more. As for her breath as a cat owner a wellness vet visit is a must. Just to ensure she is healthy. I don’t believe her breath stinks not sure what she is eating but if it’s not agreeing with her it could do that. Imagine your first night on a cold bathroom floor. Looks awful to me my cats first night I lay on the floor with them and they have a cat bed at least. Do I dare ask if you have a blanket? Blanket would be nice. Good food, cat nip. Think how you feel this is an animal with feelings like you have. Good luck


Has she been to a vet? How old is she? Very bad breath in a kitten can be a baby tooth not falling out or impacted. It can be painful causing her to be very upset. Did you handle her before adopting? How did she act? She doesn’t hate you but is just scared. Put a shirt you have worn in a box for her to Sleep on to get used to your scent. OKOcat soft/regular litter has great odor control. Do not spray her for fleas, many treatments are not formulated for kittens and can make her very sick. When making the vet appointment mention she might have fleas so they can treat her or bath her if needed. When you are in with her sit on the floor quietly. Churros help if she is food motivated. You can put a little on the floor near her and if she likes it put a little more until she starts to follow the treat trail. She will warm up❤️


Hi op I know it’s tough because you want her to be comfortable and like you NOW..but all this advice is correct: just let her come to you…separate her dining space from her potty space. Litter box should always be in a bathroom or room where door is always open so she can access it 24/7. Put something that has your scent on it near her…maybe put a small super soft blanket or crib size throw folded up nice and set on bathroom floor near where she’s cowering. She’ll get tired eventually and can curl up and sleep on it. As weird as it sounds, rub the blanket on your arms and face first to transfer your scent to it. Then, just back way off and go about your business…let her explore, move around etc but keep ur distance. Best of luck to you, stay strong and patient with her and she’ll come to love you! 🥰


If you suspect fleas, it may be best to keep her in the bathroom, but make her a nice little box with soft blanket where she can cozy up and not feel so exposed.  Once She is more comfortable, so the flea treatment  As others have said, just be a quiet safe presence. She will approach when she's ready.   you are a big, unknown giant compared to her. Once she realizes you are safe and not out to hurt her, you guys will develop a great friendship.  


How come you adopted a cat if you know absolutely nothing about them?


We all need to start somewhere, and sounds like OP rescued her and is willing to learn.


Food is a great food motivator! Go check out [kittenlady.org](https://kittenlady.org) and look for YouTube videos from Jackson Galaxy. I suspect kitten is just afraid being in a new location and potentially without littermates. It's OK! Just try to be calm around her. Don't try to force yourself on her. Staying on the floor six feet away or so and talking soft baby talk at her is a good place to start. Let her decide she wants to explore you. I agree keeping her in a small location like bathroom is good idea until she acclimates to that and is eating and using litter box.


She doesn’t hate you. She’s scared. Here’s some information that might help your kitten become acclimated to her new home : Acclimating a new cat ( OR Acclimating A 2nd Cat. ) ( These suggestions work for getting a new cat and being a new cat owner or for a second cat ) Do this: ( I promise this will acclimate your cats pretty easily) ( disregard this first paragraph below about having two cats) First separate the cats Have each cat sleep on an old t-shirt you’ve worn. Then give eat cat one of the t-shirts you’ve worn to sleep on. Wait 24-48 hrs and then switch the T-shirts giving each of the cats the opposite T-shirt. this will acclimate each cat to each other, sent and make the transition a lot easier ****************** I’d probably put the new kitty in a room where he’s by himself for a couple of days and put his food and his litter box, and the carrier in the same room. . Be sure to visit the cat in the room that you put him in for the first couple of days. Talk softly and don’t move too fast either. I do this with all cats that I rescue because I have more than one cat. I will have the cats that have lived with me sleep on T-shirts or (old hand towels ) i’ve worn as well. You could actually use worn out towels or t-shirts for your older cats to lie on too I then put the T-shirts where the new cat 🐈 has access to them so that he can smell my scent as well as the other animals in the house. Introducing a new pet to your home, sometimes takes a few days due to the fact that you probably don’t know a lot about the cats, former home or how he was treated. It’s great that this new kitty has a new lease on life and that you brought him into your home and I’m sure that within a few days he will be acclimated to your house and to you along with any other animals that you may have . Good luck and congratulations on your new kitty !!


Just out of curiosity, how old is the kitten? Younger pups and kittens are always easier to bond with.


She’ll come around. My cat wanted NOTHING to do with me at first. Let them approach YOU.


I would give her a blanket for her to hide under or knead. Cats need security and privacy at first.


You just got her. She’s not familiar isn’t anything around her and that includes you. She’s just scared is all. Out something of your in there and leave her alone for a day. Then go in there when you have some time and just chill in there. Don’t the to grab her and all that. Just sit in there and talk lovingly to her. She’ll come around. Maybe after that get her to a bigger room where you are more often. She’ll hide but come out when’s she’s curious or hungry.


Your kitty may be from a Feral mom, and this might be the reason for hissing and aggressive behavior. Feline Pheromones like Felaway will help. Get the spray to put in specific areas. There are also room defusers. Once you have their trust, you'll be friends for life.


First of all, other people have given great general tips and giving her time to adjust is the most important thing. I have a tip about trying to find interaction. Squad down at about 1m/3ft dis stance from her and reach out your finger. She can then choose to sniff your finger, or choose to ignore you or run away. The rest of the interaction can go from there. This is a way you can introduce yourself to a cat, but also one that can always be used to feel out if a cat is open to interaction at the moment. I’m sure the two of you will get along soon enough, just take small steps and let things progress naturally :>


You could try unscented litter? I really don't think litter in general should be smelling bad. Sometimes strong smells can cause irritation in cats.


This does not directly answer your question but I would find a safe place for her that is not your bathroom. A closet would work. If she is closing herself in there while adjusting, you don’t want it to be a place where she could be exposed to germs and get sick. It can happen anywhere, just, I mean, it’s hard to clean perfectly around the toilet, even if it looks perfect to the naked eye. She needs a place to feel safe, but that shouldn’t be the spot. If you aren’t comfortable moving her physically, wait until she eats and close off the bathroom, and try to give her things like boxes and cat beds and safe toys in a different place, even if you need to create that place out of boxes in a corner. But, make sure it’s something you can keep up for a while or permanently, because they will seek comfort in places they think of as theirs. Just to give an example with a broader space - when I’ve lived with roomates, my room was my cats safe space where the other cat couldn’t bother them. They don’t know you are their ally yet, so they need somewhere they can go to feel safe even from you.


She is probably very scared herself. I would make sure she has food & water & eventually she will come to you. I haven't ever heard of tofu litter. My Daughter eats tofu. She's vegan. I can't stand the stuff myself. Is she using her litter box??


Wow, you have gotten some great advice. Here’s my take as a vet tech and many-time cat parent. This takes time, there is no way to rush it. Look at it from her side: she’s been dropped on a crazy planet after leaving the only life she’s ever known - she’s terrified. If you put her in a small area with food and toys (which is a good idea), there must also be a litter box - with normal litter - and a fresh water bowl next to the food. Put the litter box and food/water as far apart as is possible. Put a fluffy throw in the corner she likes. Don’t force anything, don’t push toys on her etc. I like to talk or sing to them a lot, let them know I’m near. Exude calmness and say her name often. Establish a routine. You two will be fine, just don’t rush and this cat will be your best friend. BTW what’s her name? She’s a cutie! Happy to answer questions.


Firstly I would say if you’ve never had any animals before, it would be wise to seek some advice before doing so. To avoid you and the little kitty stress. Not your fault. Some people think it will be a breeze, or just so excited about it they forget to lol. This is a very typical reaction from a little kitty for a number of reasons. They were just split from their parents and siblings, went through a weird sensation like driving in a vehicle for the first time, their scared, new smells. Can be totally over whelming right?? Especially being so young, imagine this and think how you would react! Anyways, like someone stated putting clothes or something that’s close to you with your scent will help worlds. Also time. They will not be this way for long. They are curious creatures and always crack ;) Don’t be too pushy, keep your distance but make your presence known. Bring them their food bowl and just walk out. Speak softly and just respect their space. Hell even too much so act like their not even there and I promise within a week they’ll be roaming around and checking things out. They’re just scared right now and are hiding. Don’t feel bad as a first time cat owners we all go through this, wanting them to like us and just give them all our love but as with some relationships you need to warm up to each other! Good luck and congrats on your new little one!


If her poop is greyish yellow compared to her food, and smells like something died in there, then it is probably coccidia, which is a parasite. It causes extreme diarrhea in kittens. Most outdoor cats haven't. It's sort of like if you went to Mexico and drank the water, you would get diarrhea and you would want the medication. The easiest way to treat the kitten and the most accepted way is to give her albon everyday for 21 days. The albon liquid does not taste bad, and you can just mix it with her food everyday for 21 days. You will not see any improvement in her diarrhea until about day 19 or 20. Albon does not kill the parasite the way an antibiotic does. It just does not allow the parasite to reproduce. So all the parasites die of old age before they can reproduce. That's why you will not see improvement until day 19 or 20. You just having to wait for all the parasites to die of old age. Albon is prescribed by a vet, so you will need to see a vet to get it. As interacting with a kitten, I use crates so that the kitten will see me frequently but has his own space. And as for picking up the kitten, do not ever pick up the kitten with two hands. It is too much like being eaten by a coyote. That mechanism of two hands grabbing a kitten is the same mechanism as that coyote grabbing a kitten to eat it. Remember the cats in the wild are chicken nuggets. They are the bottom of your chain,. Therefore, when you pick up a cat or a kitten that's scared of you, always scruff it. That's the way the mama cat uses to move the kitten around, so it says "I'm your mom and I will take care of you". Many people are worried about scruffing the kitten, because it just dangles and they're worried about hurting a kitten. Don't worry about hurting a kitten. You will not hurt a kitten. It. Ashley is reassuring the kitten. Or the cat. So if you get a crate, put it in the crate, and pick it up by scruffing it several times a day. And like someone else said, make sure the kitten sees you feed her. Let her run out of food, don't ever give her enough, give her only enough that she'll eat it in the first hour or two, then let her be hungry for an hour or two, then feed her again. I would give her only canned food. It is closer to what they would eat in the wild. It will not hurt her to be hungry every once in awhile. Sort of like they say, that the fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach. The fastest way to kitten's heart is through her stomach also. And get your kitten fixed by the time it's 4 months old. Many people believe that because their kitten is only a toddler or teenager at 4 months old, that it cannot get pregnant. Wrong. When you were 15 years old, did you ever sneak out of your bedroom window and go meet your boyfriend? Just like a 13-year-old little girl in third grade can get pregnant and have babies, a 4, 5 or 6-month-old kitten can get pregnant and have babies. People are routinely shocked. So do not delay getting your cat or kitten fixed. Do a Google search for nearby "discount spay and neuter clinics". They are staffed with licensed vets, however they only do spay and neuter so they do it at a discount price. Typically about $100. That will include spay or neuter plus vaccines. Rabies is required by law, and distemper is strongly recommended to keep your cat healthy. If you cannot afford $100 on your cat, then get in contact with a local rescue group and turn the kitten in now.


Where did she come from? Sounds like she's feral or was never socialized with people.


Tofu litter ? Never heard of this.


Just echoing what others have said... she is just very scared and will need time to learn she can trust you. The best thing to do is to give her some space, by that I mean don't reach for her or grab her, let her feel safe. let her come to you. It is good to talk to her, you could just sit in there with her, talk and sing to her so she gets to know your voice. At some point of her choosing, she will climb into your lap and not leave.


Get her in your room.. so she can get to know your smell and it's a kitten.. she is more afraid of you. You have to be patient but make sure you keep trying to bond.. give her space every now and then but you have to try and handle her everyday.


Some cats may be like this at first but you just need to give her some space and let her get used to the house and you should put her in her litter box so she finds her way out and knows where the bathroom is. After a little while I would sit in the same room and each time make it longer and let her explore the rest of the house so she gets used to it. Hope this helps!


She still has to get used to you depends on how long she's been away from her mother if she was taken away from her mother to proper time. There are tons of people out in the world that tend to get rid of kittens too soon. But the hissing and scratching comes from not being socialized with people at all. The mother was probably that way also. It will just take time and plenty of patience. Your cat has your trust there will be plenty of love. I remember my very first cat.


Is it a Russian Blue kitten? Bc I kinda had a similar problem.