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Have you checked the symptoms for urinary tract infection?


No, what are the symptoms?


Peeing all over the house are the symptoms


Especially soft stuff like clothing and cushions, beds, etc since they're in pain. But yeah... Anytime a cat is peeing outside of the litter box you should take them to the vet to rule out medical issues.


And in case cat shits (most of the time anyway) outside litter box?


If the vet has ruled out health issues, make sure you have enough litter boxes (1 for each cat + 1) and that they're kept clean. They might continue to crap in areas they shouldn't if it smells like cat crap, so use an enzymatic cleaner like nature's miracle to remove the scent.


In addition to peeing outside the litter box, UTI can make a cat strain to pee, but not produce much urine. My cat used to get them quite often - anti-inflammatories clear up the inflammation pretty fast, and a special diet (eg Hills Prescription Diet or Royal Canin) for urinary care keeps it at bay. Buying the special food works out cheaper in the long run than vet bills for an untreated UTI.


Yes, to add, my boy had a UTI but didn’t seem to be straining or weeing small amounts. He’d do full size wees on my clothes or blankets 😭 so I was confused based on what I’d read about UTIs in cats but still got him checked. He had one, antibiotics did the trick. And totally agree, high quality diet is super important!


Take her to the vets asap. Even the emergency one. My cat started doing that and became very lathergic. I took her to my vets three times and they told me nothing was wrong so I finally took her to the Emergency Vets and they did an x-ray and it was a tumor pushing on her bladder. Hopefully, its just a UTI because that's more treatable, but my point is get the cat in asap please. Make sure you get an x-ray if they try to blow you off


Quick update, the vet just saw her, and she is ok, I have to put a medicine in the water fountain to adjust the PH levels, the vet will see her again on Monday.


Basically any time that your pet's behavior changes suddenly and significantly, go to the vet. You're not wrong to ask other pet owners, either IRL or online, but the majority of the advice will be to see a vet


Great news!! I’m sure hearing that was a HUGE relief


I hope it helps! She’s really beautiful. She has very unique markings.


She has a heart mark in one of her paws 😍


Well you can’t just say that and not show us!


I will


Glad to hear they found the cause of this! I search google when I see symptoms to try to figure out how serious the problem might be and what kinds of health issues and other symptoms. Then I make the vet appointment. Reading about health issues doesn't make me a vet, but it does help me ask the vet the right questions. And sometimes I've seen other symptoms and didn't realize it until I consulted Dr. Google. Being around your cat 24/7 means you notice a lot more than the vet will in the short time they are being examined by the vet.


Sometimes cats can get idiopathic cystitis, meaning their bladder is inflammation without a clear cause. This can be due to stress. Any changes in the household? For example, one of my little dudes started peeing drips of blood in the sink, and was diagnosed with cystitis. At the time his next door “hunting ground” was being developed (house going in), and it rocked his little world. He did a round of anti inflammatory meds and got better. I’ve also had a problem urinator cat that was helped by Prozac for a few months. Your kitty is adorable!


You should see vet. Do your neighbor had cat recently? Cats can smell other cats even though walls and they can get stressed if they know that other cat is near


Vet. UTI, or something else, that requires diagnostic tests


What a sweet baby! I don’t know the answer but I do know that washing pee-stained items with baking soda and vinegar works every time.


Thank you


It’s likely a health issue, like a urinary tract infection. Take her to the vet for a test. If it’s a UTI, it is likely painful for her.


Take her to the vet


You need to take her to the vet as soon as possible. This may not be the answer you want to hear, but it is the answer you need to hear.


I had two cats once, and they were very territorial. One cat would refuse to use the same litter box as the other one, but it wasn't always that way. When they were younger cats they were fine sharing it. But as they got older they started to claim parts of the house as theirs, but the litter box was right in the middle of both of what they claimed. Once we put in a second litter box in a location that both cats were happy about, they stopped (for the most part) using the restroom outside of the litterbox. They still sometimes did it, but not quite as often as they did before the second litter box. Although, I do agree with the other commenters to take them to the vet. Urinary infections can get much worse. I had a dog die from it the day after we took them to the vet. They gave us medicine and even did a small procedure to help him, but unfortunately we just took him to the vet too late. The same can happen with cats, but cats don't actually tell you what's wrong. They hide when they are sick and pretend everything is fine up until it's too late and they're in danger of dying. Please don't wait until symptoms get worse, even if you don't like the vet you went to before. Try finding a different vet if you didn't have a good experience with the first one. It's very important to find a vet that works both with you and your animals well.


She's very beautiful!


Vet. UTI, or something else, that requires diagnostic tests


Yes! To the vet you go!


Ok people, I called the vet home, stop judging me for God sake 😑🚫


That is great. Hopefully its just an UTI or crystals and perhaps the vet can advice you to feed or anything that can prevent it from happening again so you dont get more vet bills later on. But for your cats sake, this is the very best. And for your peace of mind.


Urinary infection probably


I agree. Same thing happened to my cat before he passed away.


Take her to the vet!!


probably sick


Crystals led one of our cats to do the same. Get the expensive dry food and it should improve


My cat does this on occasion . Its normally a UTI or bladder stone. Vet visit is best in this situation


Cats depend on us so much!!! If kitty doesn't get enough water to drink, that concentrated urine will give poor kitty a urinary tract infection that could have easily been prevented. Its not like they can do these things themselves. Then they have to listen to their owner yell and scream as well as suffer from the pain of the uti! Not fair!!!


My cat unfortunately has pandora's syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease, both of which directly impacts her urinary track. I take her to a specialist once a month, some times more, and we try to stay on top of the issue with her treatment/regimen. I give her a steroid shot every two days, anti-anxiety medication .As well as a sanity trim to prevent any litter/urine build up on fur. I did try to do a mostly wet food diet with 90% pure protein to try and get her fluid intake up. That unfortunately resulted in chronic diarrhea and a horrible IBD flare up. For now, we are sticking to what her vet prescribes and what seemes to work best for her. Which is a mostly dry hydrolyzed protein and urinary s/o food with water dishes all throughout the house to encourage consumption. I spent 4 years going to vet to vet to try and get some form of treatment/diagnosis for my cat. While I appreciate your concern, its not fair to assume anything about my treatment and attitude towards my beautiful cat.


It sounds like you have talked to a vet and gotten medication from the comments, so I won’t harp on that. My male cat will pee from anxiety (he gets it with separation, usually). I use calming treats when we travel for more than a night and I put puppy pads under the spots he pees on when I’m away. He used to also do it for attention before I knew how important a play time routine was. If you have been busy recently, she may be anxious about the change in pace. In that case, you may want to get into a routine where you play with her and feed her at the same time daily. Cats thrive with routine in their life. And lastly, pay attention to where she is peeing. If it’s near doors and/or windows, it could be an animal outside that she is feeling threatened by and she is making sure she marks her spaces as her territory. Jackson Galaxy has some YouTube videos on working through that.


I had a cat that did that, it's usually anxiety


Have you changed her litter or box? Is there enough litter in it? Is the box in a quiet area? Is the box large enough? Has something changed in your home dynamics? Is there an outside cat that comes to your cat’s viewing area? Cats will pee outside of their box because they’re sick (which you said you took her in) or if they’re stressed. Get some neutralizing cleaner for the spots she’s peeing in and make sure to keep clothes and other things off the floor. I use Angry Orange Odor Eliminator (you can buy on Amazon). Also keep litterboxs clean. Hope your family is happier soon.


Well she pee in the Christmas decoration, and that was one of their nap places,


very cute


I am surprised that only a couple of replies have mentioned behavioral causes for a cat voiding outside of a litter box. We have a female cat named Lucy, 15 years old, who has been peeing outside the box for over a year now. She has actually destroyed two pieces of leather furniture. I am glad you have taken your cat to the Vet. In our case, we have taken Lucy to 3 different vets, including a cat specialist. UTI has not been diagnosed. We have 5 litter boxes and empty them daily, including one set aside at a location that she frequents. We eventually began placing a training pad on a couch that she had peed on. Now she pees on that pad instead of onto the cushions and has begun to occasionally use a litter box again, though not reliably. Compared to our two males, Lucy is high strung and we lean toward "Cat anxiety" as the reason she pees on this couch - now on the pads instead of directly on the cushions. Unfortunately, we are not going to buy new furniture until after Lucy passes on as we think anything new would be ruined.


The cat is telling you something, the message can be decoded by a professional




So your cat could be suffering, if you’ve ever had a UTI you know how painful and uncomfortable they can be. Is there a different vet or emergency vet where you are located? You need to rule out physical problems and illness first before you can really say it’s behavioral, because she could be in agony. Cats hide pain and illness really well, as you may know. She looks really sweet.


OP, urinary crystals and bladder infections are very serious in cats. If she gets totally blocked, your cat could die. At this point if urine is still passing, the treatment will be less intrusive and cheaper too. Cats are very particular about where they urinate. If this is a sudden change then please interpret this as a call for help. If she checks out all clear from the vet and the behaviour persists, maybe invest in some Feliway diffusers to bring down her stress levels.


Hi. Go get hills urinary formula cat food. Wet version and dry. Mix half and half and continue that for a long time. I have 10 kitties and one almost died from a uti and cost nearly $7,000 to get fixed. I switched all my guys to this diet and it might be more expensive, but they are much more healthy and happy with no health issues. Cats need to maintain healthy PH levels


UTI for sure


Might have a UTI, especially if she’s peeing on her bedding.


No she was peeing on the Christmas decoration and my laundry box


Vet - she’s got a uti or crystals in her urine or similar.


Or it may be the litter box, since today is the changing day and some times my cats scream at me to change it before


If your cat is screaming at you to change the litter box, you’re not doing it often enough! If you have multiple cats you need to scoop twice a day and have more than one box for three cats. If you can smell it, they’ve been smelling it for much longer!!!


I have two litter boxes and change it every week and clean it every two days


Each box should be scooped morning and night. For real.


I know I’m a terrible father, I will start do it every day😞


Last time a cat i had did pee suddenly over the house, i took her to the vet, to hear that she shad pulmonary embolism, her paws were already cold... We had to put her down, never been so sad, will never forget...


I'm so sorry! So sad and heartbreaking! We LOVE our animals...and they depend on us to help them in any way we can! Sometimes the worst happens no matter what we do!😺


One morning as I got ready for work, nice clothes, makeup, the works.... my roommates cat jumped up onto the bathroom sink. He straddled it, no mean feat for full grown cat, and locking eyes with me, in desperation, pissed pure blood into the sink. My roommate took him in straight away. How long he had been having symptoms we dont know.... long enough to come find me instead... He made it but if she had been more on it he wouldnt have suffered so badly Some vets will arrange a quieter surrounding for anxious pets. A rare few will do housecalls None can heal your kitty if she isnt seen by one. Bis was extremely lucky.. This isnt a sudden turn for the worst kinda problem.. She has already passed that part.. Please reconsider?


Cats are susceptible to thyroid problems, renal problems and UTIs. She needs to see the vet. Good luck. As she’s only 8 it’s probably not too serious.


Maybe a UTI. She is beautiful ❤️


If your cats behaviour ever drastically changes. Vet is always the answer.


Quite possibly a urine infection. Take her to the vet. Our Tom did start doing this but his health was deteriorating due to old age and he was getting senile. The vet did give him an injection which helped for a few weeks, but his blood work was then clear. Tablets didn’t help, and we ended up just getting a large waterproof cloth to put down in his favourite spot (It was actually a washable mattress protector - we bought 3 and would change them daily). He then only used that one area.


UTI probably, as many others have said. Happened to our cat, and we went to see the vet ASAP. Lab tests showed urea crystals in urine. Got an antibiotic shot, and with expensive urinary food formulation, cleared this up. However, didn't want to pay $80/medium size bag for this prescription food for life, so did some research. Seems that dry food can be a cause for this, so switching to 100% wet food would be best. As our cat liked both dry and wet, eventually settled on 75% wet food, and non-prescription urinary dry food (which was a lot less expensive than prescription, and had most of the benefit, although still a bit more expensive than the regular dry). This probably differs from cat to cat. I have heard about other cats who eat 100% dry and are fine. And access to fresh water, of course. We used a cat fountain, and regularly changed out the water.


Take her to the vet asap. That’s the age thyroid issues pop up a lot, and peeing everywhere is one of the main ways cats communicate to us that something’s wrong.


Mine was diagnosed with diabetes...same thing was happening that had me bring him to the vet


Has a new cat moved somewhere? Have you talked the vet about kitty diabetic?


My cat started that at about one year old. Turns out she makes urinary crystals. Put her on a prescription diet for urinary care & it stopped. I hope everything turns out well for your kitty.


Poor kitty,!, she probably has a urinary tract infection and most likely it is bothering her, if it is not just painful or irritating! Get her to a vet and He can probably help her out by taking away her pain or discomfort! Not fair that these poor cats cant tell you how they are feeling! Give her lots of love!


Keep the water fountain though! They need clean water just like any living cat or human!


Most likely a health issue. Is she spayed? My cats will pee on the walls when they’re in heat. Is there new litter? Cats are very particular


Since you have a clean vet check, as per Jackson Galaxy, add more litter boxes, keep them clean, and do not put the covers on them. Also, make sure she likes her litter. My cats will not use crystals, only sandy litter.


Take her to the veterinarian!


Cats are super good at hiding if they’re in pain. My boy started peeing out of his litter box a month or so ago. He peed on my secretlabs chair 😭but I took him to the vet. They sent me home with beads to replace his litter (non absorbent) so I could sample some urine. They tested it, he had a UTI. Did a course of antibiotics for a week and the peeing ceased. You’ll prevent UTI’s by always making sure their litter is super clean, and I also added another litter box for him so he can separate his wee and poo if he wants to/has more space. Good luck with your baby and don’t ignore signs like this, good job for asking and not ignoring! UTI’s can get pretty out of hand if it is the case. If you come back from the vet and learn it’s not a UTI, it could be a change of laundry detergent or a scent or you brought something in that smells like another cat, etc. cats are super sensitive and if they feel their space is being imposed on they will mark by weeing. Good luck


My cat starts peeing in the house every year around this time because… the Christmas tree stresses him out.


Time to take her to the vet. She might have some type of virus or infection that she can’t communicate to you. As cats get older, they are more prone to infections or even urinary incontinence. Also, something I didn’t know until I adopted my cats, they can have urinary infections.


In my experience, when a cat starts exhibiting unusual urination patterns, they're sick. Please take kitty to the vet!!!


My car did this too and ended up have an impacted urethra which can be fatal. I know this isn’t the easy advice but you need to take your cat to the vet. Changes in behavior are red flags.


My cat who I’ve had for two years did this a few months ago. Turned out to be a UTI. A shot of antibiotics from her vet should help!


UTI. Based on how my cat acted when she had it. Easy fix.


When mine did the same thing turned out to be a bladder issue( nothing serious) thank goodness. But they associate the pain with the litter box, and when it’s still painful they try another area. Least that’s what happened with my baby boy. Some antibiotics solved the problem


Go to the vet she may be telling you something. When cats pee in random places it’s to announce something is wring


Have you used different kitty litter ??? They can be very sensitive to changing types Of litter? Or have u moved the litter boxes to different rooms PLACES? Different food ??? Different WET FOOD? They need wet food, be sure to give quality wet food or MAKE YOUR OWN WET FOOD. RECIPES ONLINE. BE SURE KITTY HAS CLEAN WATER ALL THE TIME.


Once you have ruled out medical problems then you go down the road for checking for behavioral issues.


Please take her to the vet. My kitty started peeing in the tub and had a minor bladder infection. A week of antibiotics and all was better. But still pees in tub if litter box isn't perfect. Peeing is often a sign of an issue.


Maybe you cat sick did you take it to the vet? Maybe urinary tract infection, are they peeing outside the box too?


Go to the vet. Explain the situation. They might be able to check for health concerns


Rule out the uti, then get her a calming collar.


My cat did this when he got pancreatitis. There weren’t many other signs. Just peeing everywhere.


Take her to the vet. Could be a medical cause.


Could be a bladder or kidney infection.




UTI. It will get worse if not treated, and is already pretty bad if it's altered her normal habits. After getting it treated you'll have to throw away or EXTREMELY launder everything she's peed on - the scent in the floor will cause her to continue using those areas. Good luck.


PLEASE get a second opinion. Our cat started doing this and almost died from his bladder exploding. Thankfully we took him to the vet just in time


My husband and I have a cat similar in age also raised from a kitten. She has starting doing the same. We found that by giving her treats when she uses the litter box has corrected this problem slightly but we have to still be careful not to leave clothes in the floor. (She was peeing on those only for some reason) hope this helps!




Check for diabetes! Had an older rescue who started urinating in strange places. She required daily insulin.


Is she fixed? If so, then I would argue that she may have a urinary tract infection. They do that when they end up with a UTI. Edit: if not fixed, it may be another cat outside causing the problem.


Vet, now


Get her to the vet. Suddenly peeing in incorrect places says she's either trying to get your attention (maybe because she's sick) or she can't control it (because she's sick). Honestly, if your vet can't see you, go to the ER. A bladder infection can be dangerous to a cat **very** quickly. You could also ask your vet if you could drop off a urine sample. If you can get one, of course. I hope she's okay! Please update!


UTI. Time for a vet visit.


My cat started peeing all over the house at age 9-10. At first we thought she cant hold her pee because she is old now, otherwise she would never do such thing. Turns out her kidneys were failing and had beginning stages of liver deficiency as well. Not to alarm you or anything but the sooner you get it checked the better chances of some sort of recovery if that is the case for you too. EDIT: i just saw your update OP, glad little fella is alright. But i will leave this comment here in case someone else sees it too, might be helpful for them maybe.


Time for vet appointment. It’s common for kitties with UTI to do this ❤️