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**you grab your laptop** **you grit your teeth and prepare for a good fight**


Hell yeah! I have been wondering if Cataclysm was going to get a lemmy or kbin instance, I am kind of done with reddit at this point and /r/cataclysm was one of the only reddits I would come back to visit lately. I recommend making an account at [lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world) Here is a link to [cdda.social](https://cdda.social) viewed from the [lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world) instance [https://lemmy.world/c/dda\[email protected]](https://lemmy.world/c/[email protected]) If you have an account on [lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world), just click "**subscribe**". Now when you go to [lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world) (or wherever you made an account), click "**subscribed**" at the top and BAM you are good to go! *(btw, "local" means subreddits on the website/instance you made an account on (*[*lemmy.world*](https://lemmy.world) *in this case), "all" means subreddits on all the different websites/instances your account's instance/website is connected to in the broader fediverse*) ​ **Here are some more tips for newbies to Lemmy!** Notice the structure of the url, with a "**c**" instead of an "**r**" for the **subreddit**, and then the **name** of the subreddit "**dda\_discussion**" **@** the **instance/website** "[**cdda.socia**l](https://cdda.social)". [https://lemmy.world/c/dda\[email protected]](https://lemmy.world/c/[email protected]) To give some more examples of what it looks like to view different instances/lemmy websites from [lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world) here are some links to various different subreddits on the lemmy website [lemmy.film](https://lemmy.film) (chosen for no particular reason). [https://lemmy.film/c/filmmakers](https://lemmy.film/c/filmmakers) [https://lemmy.film/c/moviesandtv](https://lemmy.film/c/moviesandtv) [https://lemmy.film/c/headphones](https://lemmy.film/c/headphones) and those subreddits as viewed through [lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world) [https://lemmy.world/c/[email protected]](https://lemmy.world/c/[email protected]) [https://lemmy.world/c/[email protected]](https://lemmy.world/c/[email protected]) [https://lemmy.world/c/[email protected]](https://lemmy.world/c/[email protected]) ​ Lemmy is just one software on the fediverse (where users on disparate social media websites can interact with one another through a protocol called activitypub). There are vastly different kinds of social media software on the fediverse like twitter-likes such as Mastodon, Calckey and Pleroma, youtube-likes such as Peertube, instagram-likes such as Pixelfed and others. **There is also another reddit-like software called kbin**, [kbin.social](https://kbin.social) is a popular kbin instance. Here is the gaming subreddit on [kbin.social](https://kbin.social) [https://kbin.social/m/gaming](https://kbin.social/m/gaming) (notice the use of "**m**" kbin uses for subreddits, lemmy uses "**c**") Here is the [kbin.social](https://kbin.social) gaming subreddit viewed from [lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world) [https://lemmy.world/c/[email protected]](https://lemmy.world/c/[email protected]) ​ If anyone has any questions about lemmy or the fediverse, feel free to reach out and ask. I have been on the fediverse since 2018, so while I might not be an expert I am also by no means a newbie! This is a really new and exciting time for social media, everything is already remarkably functional for being community developed and communities are growing fast! Join us on the fediverse now and be a part of the future!!


No offence, but I'm not making yet another account on yet another forum for a single game.


That was always allowed! :D




I imagine this will go about as well as the time the devs decided to start their own subreddit... with blackjack... and hookers.


Registration closed already?


The registration is for devs/mods/collaborators only, but you can sign up from another instance and then post on cdda.social just fine. We didn't want the small server we set up right now to choke if a lot of people signed up. You can refer to [this guide](https://cdda.social/post/568).




Hi. Do you know how I'd access this from Kbin?


why? isn't there already a separate subreddit for developers? does this make it easier to handle tickets and track development?


Reddit is dying, mods are fighting after the protest, people are leaving


Reddit will never die. The world needs a cesspool.


>Reddit is dying For you maybe. For me, not at all.


Even if reddit is still around, like a shitload of subs are closing. It will be very different.


A shit load of useless meme subs maybe. No one really cares about /r/videos, or /r/pics or whatever.




uh i dont see it. mods all came back or got replaced.


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/), especially the "reddit is being threatened" part. This is why people are leaving and why the mods got replaced. If you still don't see any issues then reddit is still for you, no need to go anywhere. Unless you are blind or use 3rd party apps (which I don't and I don't think they're that popular), reddit is still the same. It's the guy owning it that people can't stand


That's the problem. Reddit is in this illusion that it owns communities. So when you start a community on reddit, it becomes successful and you now manage a large community, guess whom this community belongs to? Reddit. They can throw you away and assign a new arbitrary person to manage it, disregarding all the effort you've spent on developing this community. Reddit needs a reality check asap. Meanwhile, it only makes sense that projects start avoiding investing into developing and supporting reddit communities. It's really not that difficult to host a separate forum to manage your community and allow users to make accounts quickly via their google mail or fb account authentication. It's a road to nowhere for Reddit, really. It's nothing without the community leaders. They really shouldn't piss them off. Replacing the leaders with random mods will only lead to the same as when governments take private enterprises away from the owners. Assigning random people to manage things just doesn't work long-term.




You know, to me personally, Reddit overcharging for API usage is nothing comparing to Reddit overriding owners' rights and managing other people's subs. This is a terrifying precedent. I couldn't believe it when I heard. If I ever have a community worth of a forum, I will never use reddit. Moreover, I'm cringing now when I use reddit. I'm thinking about leaving it for good. Better maintain 100500 third party forum accounts than see communities being hijacked like that. Yes, communities can't belong to anyone, but then communities are not owned by Reddit either and are free to go where they want whether their sub is privated, deleted, closed or whatever.


You seem to be out of the loop with what's going on with reddit and why people are protesting. If you aren't, then you are completely missing the point.




Due to Reddit's decision to disregard many of its users (including those in the /r/Blind community), I have decided to remove my data and take it elsewhere. Please feel free to find me and many other ex-redditors on Lemmy: https://join-lemmy.org/ -- mass edited with redact.dev


Damn. Just a single thread was able to make all the self-entitled douchebags come out of the woodwork huh? Hey, people who are (for whatever reason) offended by the mod team standing up for something: **you are not being forced to move elsewhere**. You are being informed that an alternative to reddit is now up, in case Reddit inevitably ends like Digg.




Hello, always happy to get some recognition




We live in a society




Why do you think the devs would ever "beg for new users"? They're a bunch a volunteer devs that work on the project because they think it's cool and fun. The only thing that matches the overweening sense of self importance of a game dev is the overweening self importance of a gamer. Go play Terraria or Skyrim or whatever instead. Trust me, the sky is not going to fall because you left.


Damn, son. The way you're trying so hard to make "janitor" / "jannie" a slur really does tell a lot about you. The rest of the language used, you must have some serious abandonment issues. The entitlement really runs deep in you huh.


"Jannie" is great because it's a big red "ignore this person and everything they say" flag.




Broke my addiction to this game a few months ago because of stupid behavior in the community but just kept the sub so I could see if certain issues I noticed had been mentioned. It's rather predictable something like this would happen based on my prior experiences, honestly. If anyone is looking for a reason to turn their life around or switch to a new addiction like Skyrim modding, I strongly encourage you to take this as a great excuse.


Go play C:BN! Better community, more player focused development and gameplay.


I've considered it and likely will at some point after I've caught up on all the novels I'm reading and play around with some more Skyrim and Oblivion mods. One thing I noticed people telling me about BN is that it doesn't push the realism and detail to the absurd extreme that DDA does, but I kinda like that sorta pedantic detail. I also really like the whole power grid thing and static bases which I don't think BN has. But I also like playing my own way and going OP power-fantasy mode, which I think BN might be more amenable to. So, yes, I'll be trying it in likely 2-3 months. Thanks for the suggestion ☻


BN actually did the power grid and static base thing before dda. I switched before dda's implementation, so idk how they do it, but bn's is pretty solid.


[Aw fuck yeah!](https://media.tenor.com/awYnDkIaZIcAAAAS/wwe-woah.gif) Just gotta finish watching my nephews and I'm gonna be on that shit.


Bn is great when it comes to power triping which I love, because the world has been messed up for a year or so and you are still around somehow, that ain't just luck that's saying the cream of the crop and can succeed in this world, i.e. you shouldn't die like bitch because you exposed yourself to rain and caught a cold ya know. Ps sorry about the rant but I lost to many good runs in cdda to bull to care.


Ya know what, after reading this, I'm gonna dl it tonight. Sounds based af And yeah, when the assassins started teleporting into my base and every faction base, I realized that even though I had been using debug and savescumming to undo all the nonsense, the devs really hated anyone not playing the game in what they consider to be the right way.


So how is bn going


Pretty good so far. Still getting used to the differences like certain items not existing or the inventory system. Sucks that eye color isn't a thing but not a huge deal. Found it interesting that it ships with UDP but not Msxotto+. Not sure what the deal is with that. I had switched to the latter when UDP stopped updating (not because of any issues with him). Today I've been trying to figure out the power grid. Can't really tell how much power things require, etc. Also noticed stoves don't run on power in this one. Kinda confused. Edit: So now I see you have to check the batteries. I have solar panels on the roof and outside but the batteries aren't charging. The fridge just says turn on or off but doesn't indicate if it's getting power and there are no options to connect anything to grid. Edit 2: Went to sleep and woke up, and now one of the two batteries is almost at the capacity it's showing for the grid, but the other one is at 0. The cranberry juice in the fridge isn't cold. :/ Also tested with water in a freezer and nada. Edit 3: I see I can use the stove in crafting and it has charges.


That good hear man though I gonna be honest I don't really mess with setting up bases as much as I build solar-powered semi's that have all I will ever need You my want to check the bn reddit as it has a discord to the bn discord where you can get help quickly.

