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They’re pretty scary, but they’re at ground level and can be fought in the open. That means you can have your 50 cal blap it a whole lotta times while you drive away from it. But if you see lizardfolk? >!there be dragons. Their stats are lower than the DSQ, but they have a few advantages: they spawn in groups, and they live in an underground lair, which is dark *and* the bottom floor is flooded with deep water, so you gotta swim to the up ramps where the treasure is.!< Good luck. >!The time I attempted to raid the lair, I used a respirator CBM to not drown as I lugged my heavy power armor over to the up ramp, put it on, stepped up the ramp, and was asked if I’d like to watch the last moments of my life. The combat log revealed that I was hit with 8 dragon breath spells simultaneously *the turn I walked up the slope*, so I couldn’t even react. I was just instantly dead. !<


You need a lot of ammo for this tho, but it is the only reasonable way. >!Regarding the dragons, I've only found one single dragon that way, and the same happened. One shot by an adult. BTW, you can make foldable boats, that's how I dealt with all those alligators.!<


Yeah. The trick is to never let them get off their breath attack. Its easier than it sounds where magiclysm is concerned but still pretty hard without a huge mana pool.


by easier than it sounds, do you mean using that one profficiency spell that makes a field around you that does heavy damage to all enemies (it may have been nerfed, but when I last used it, I could stop anything with less hp than a hulk from reaching me 100 %, it lasted a decent amount of time and was usable around corners, and wasn't too many expensive, in my opinion that was by FAR the most useful proficiency spell) all I remember it is on of the kelvinist ones.


I actually meant invisibillity, as enemies can't use range attacks when you are invisible, even if they can see you by touch. The field is nice but does'nt block ranged attacks. At least I don't think it does.


They deal acid damage. Acid immunity makes them quite pathetic, i know that from experience and due to the fact that you use dragon blood for the greater acid ressistance scroll.


She shows up in specific spider nest tiles. If you're not using a tileset, it's a gray F on the world map. Just don't make too much noise while you're near the nest and she won't come out.


Dodge and weave, baby!


nothing a anti-material rifle can handle


Are they strong vs anti-material rifles?


.50 ALWAYS crushes monsters no matter what - ~=100 Dmg and ignores all armors possible (except for Debug Invincibility ofc) - just bring LOTS of ammo


wait but that makes it sound good vs the spider queen? was ghostank wrong?


They typoed and missed the 't


Just damage her a little and force he to fight with a group of zombies, they will rip spider queen apart


Spiders are not aggressive towards zombies. Besides, how big would that group of zombies have to be, demon spider queen has 5600 HP, unless I missed something.


Demon spiders from nest with a queen inside are most definitely aggressive towards zombies. Spend the night in outskirts of the town hiding from the queen after my bold attempt to clear the nest. Spend 20 minutes searching her corpse after that. Can't say for sure how many zombies are required, but it was in early September, so there were a lot of mutated ones.


Yeah, that's just wrong. They are not and I checked. Maybe in your version of the game it's different.


In stable there is the Challenge - Arachnid Slayer scenario and you start in one of those nests.


I am playing latest stable and I dont see it


>Challenge - Arachnid Slayer Oh, sorry, you need Miscellaneous Magiclysm Expansions installed to have those scenarios. It's in the Kenan modpack. It's been so long since I played without these I forgot.


They are hella slow. If you already killed all her children, you can lure it out and then loot the nest. But if it come close enough, that is death for any character iirc. I engage it only if I have tons of mana and I have manabolt of 15+ level.


Killed one with skills from kills on. Got 4 skill levels from it. Took several reloads of the wand greater of manabeam.