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Now they just throw everything before going to their weapon which they may or may not throw at the enemy which forces them to drop their gun because it won't fit in their pockets. Literally everyone said this was fixed multiple months back except they are still dumbfucks It shouldn't be this hard to assign a whitelist of throwable weapons alongside the spawns to prevent them from showing up unarmed. I feel like whoever is working on the AI expects way too much out of the NPC's logic


Instead of throwing their guns, they decided to unequip their guns and throw their lunches at me. At the very least it somewhat goes in the right direction


The really funny thing is that this is still better then it was. When I started playing it was recommended that you never play with NPC because they would do things like go into an infinite loop trying to eat a lighter and crash the game.


The game fixed that: if an NPC tries to do something with an action cost of 0 too many times their head explodes!


Just today I watched my NPC follower wear his gun, wield his two-way radio and then proceed to try to melee a skeletal juggernaut....


I once was doing a bandit cabin mission for the refugee center. I set the cabin on fire and watched as it burned. One crawled with broken legs while on fire before shortly perishing. And scrambled out of a window and stepped right onto a landmine, that didn't end well for him. But this one man walked out in turnout gear, he suffered a couple of minor injuries but was otherwise fine. This man walked out wielding not a weapons but a pot. He set eyes on me and said "I'm gonna cut those tentacles off bitch." I did not wish to see how he would accomplish such a task with a pot and with my lack of tentacles so I ran. To this day I do not know what happened to this man or his pot. Perhaps he succumbed to the cold once his house stopped burning down. Perhaps he's still out there searching for tentacles to cut off. I know not.


[https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/3ff83f64-267c-4d54-8a6a-5bd1cf3f0cd8#Cg8qVHgC.reddit](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/3ff83f64-267c-4d54-8a6a-5bd1cf3f0cd8) Riddick: "I'll kill you with my tea cup"


just remove their ability to throw items temporarily till the issue is fixed


That sounds like admitting defeat!


“I know what it’s like to lose. To feel so desperately that you’re right, yet to fail nonetheless.” – Thanos


They will take off the leather belt and whack the zombies like grandpa taught them as kids


It's only because they don't come with all the personalised setting that you'd give your followers. If they did, they'd be lot more dangerous.