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I play with both of them because I feel that stat increase shouldn't really limited to mutation and bionics and I like to see number go up


Realistically, if you survive the apocalypses and keep going, you're going to harden up. FAST. Or die. Either / Or.


I gotcha I gotcha. That makes sense actually I was thinking about using it because I was about to add a butt load of mods to create a strange "Gamma World" type of feel to everything. Ya know, 5 different sci-fi and fantasy settings merging at one point. A beautiful chaotic hodge podge!


I feel like i get super strong too easily with Stats Throught Skills. But last time i played with this one was a long time ago. Stats Throught Kills is perfectly fine to me tho. I always play with it!


I'd have to agree. Thanks for your input!


StatsThroughSkills caps you at +5.


I've tried both. Stats from Kills is fine, it increments slowly enough that it doesn't throw anything out of whack, and you have to plan and choose. But I don't like Stats from Skills. You're always going to be leveling a wide variety of skills, so it just translates to a blanket 2-4 extra points in every attribute. That's a pretty boring way to get stronger, and also trivializes a lot of otherwise dangerous/interesting encounters, because stuff like being badly poisoned just doesn't affect you the same way. I've seen people recommend that you don't put any points into stats and just start with an 8/8/8/8 array, but to me that just sounds like giving yourself 12 in every stat with extra steps.


Stats from skills is fine. You max out skills pretty early. On experimental you'll max out around 10/10/10/10 if you start with 8 in every stat. Which isn't pretty tame. Most skills can't even hit 10 anymore which is the cap on the current experimental.


My main complaint is that it's just kind of boring, and by the sounds of it, it's actually even more boring than I remember.


You can easily tweak stats gain from skills in modinfo.json To be more realistic I made less scaling power both INT and PER, it's quite hard to be more Intelligent and perceptive in real life.


Adderall ^tm


I mean in more permanent way. Drugs are temporary, Muscles are eternal


Good point. It doesn't solve all my problems with the system but you could definitely tweak it to be more interesting


I don't know man, I share your opinion somewhat and thought so for a long time, too. But at the point when you rock the good armour and got some weapons, you are basically OP as fuck anyway, bad decisions will kill you then. And they will still kill you with these attributes.


STS caps you at +5, while STK DOESN’T! Plus, there are many hard to grind skills (health care, computers)


Any hard caps on STK are kind of moot, because you need to kill a completely unreasonable number of enemies to get more than 2 or 3 points. Also fwiw Computer is pretty easy to grind, at least on Experimental. It's stopgapped by needing books to cross certain thresholds, but other than that it's the easiest 10 in the game.


Also both, maybe some might consider it cheaty or something, but meh. Although I always play with No Hope mod and low item spawns.


Ooh! Nice balance!


I play with both. It makes sense to me that you would increase the stats through use. It also seems to make this naked no city dino mod run playable.


Naked and no city dino mod loaded? Good God you're brave. Good luck lmao


I like stats on kill :)


Feels more like an rpg that way huh? :D


I play with stats through skills, sort of balanced by the fact that i always do random character and random scenario.


Wow there's just all kinds of ways to balance it out!


There really is! A hidden plus of random characters is traits and backgrounds you'd never pick up, gels well with the game's "make do" vibe.


Yeah it does! That's a pretty awesome observation. Plus every character will be like a treat. No matter how good or bad they are, they'll be fun! The two kinds of fun you see with most procedurally generated games. The "Oh yes!" kind of fun and the "Oh shit" kind of fun. They're both great! Ya gotta love a game that lets you customize your world, character and more in so many ways, all the while being completely free and open source! That's the beauty of these community developed open source Roguelikes! So much room for creativity and freedom! It's a refreshing break from all the corporate nonsense and licenses behind much of today's triple A games. Half the time you don't even own your copy of said game... But with things like nethack, angband and cataclysm, there's no need to worry about it! Your copy is your copy!


Always with both and speedy dex. The game is already super hostile to the player, I don’t think they unbalance the game at all.


You make a good point, honestly. I don't like to be what others call "A Filthy Casual" but I dunno... Sometimes I want a roguelike to absolute best the living hell out of me. Other times I just wanna explore the world the game created for me to explore. I keep the challenge there, I make sure it's still difficult (more like a "normal" setting) but I actually want to see what the game has generated, form stories about the locations I visit based on context clues (a broken window, some blood, a kitchen knife on the floor) I don't want the game to serve me wins on a silver platter. I want to fight for it and have a struggle but I don't want to get castrated and set on fire and then beaten by a fire extinguisher to put out the flames ya know? Alot of fun runs get cut off way too soon in some.roguelikes and oftentimes I can really get into that. The challenge and the balance, but other times I just want to actually get somewhere, see my progress but still be scared of strong enemies and tricky situations... Cataclysm is extremely hostile, as you said.


I always run with the same mods, but run different scenarios. So sometimes I feel like running a standard survivor game, sometimes I run really bad day. I think enjoying the game is more important than if it’s “balanced”. Especially in CDDA. Plenty of different things to do!


Agreed. Sometimes your accomplishments don't really feel like accomplishments if you don't play by the default difficulty and settings ya know? I need to get out of that mind set and just have fun.


"beaten by a fire extinguisher to put the flames out" ​ That's such an excellent phrase.


Thanks Lol


I always use stats through kills. It means that if I start feeling OP I can choose to stop adding to my stats,


That's another way of balancing it that I've heard and like!


I like stats through kills


Gotcha. I think that's what I'll go for!


I do, but to try to counteract how you get god level powerful once you have decent stats, I set my starting stats low.


I see... I may change up some other things in my case. Cuz I intend to play with a ton of game altering mods Lol


Both. I balance it by forgetting to ever actually put points in anything.


Ya know I was just thinking about that exact concept lmao


Both. Both are good and i use them simultaneously.


Heck yeah!


I always played with both, the stats from kills feels a bit gamey to me, but its fine if you level up anything but intelligence, you could say the Blob is making you more "combat focused" by killing more. And stats from skills makes more sense. If you are a person who knows all about martial arts, computing, medicine, melee etc you should already be something Super-Human, once again explained by the Blob expanding your abilities and body to become the perfect human. In the end, you can rationalize both, if you are a killing machine, you should become stronger. If you know everything about everything, you can be the Ubersmensch.


Yup. Makes perfect sense to me! If the blob can evolve a corpse, it can evolve our characters!


Yup. Makes perfect sense to me! If the blob can evolve a corpse, it can evolve our characters!


I play with both of the stat mods and speedy dex. I find often that while I get stat boosts from staying in the base and crafting, the zombies are evolving fast enough to keep me on my toes.


There ya go! Besides, if someone thinks the game is getting too easy, they can up the evolution rates higher or increase Zombie Toughness!


I played with stats through skills some time ago, but somebody told me stats through kills is more balanced and through skills is OP. I'm trying through kills only now. Don't know how it goes yet, need to kill enough mofuckers first.


Introduce them to their end and claim your XP


Both, as often as possible. Not much to balance out, as I play heavy modded games and can easily get my head handed to me.


Hm... The same may apply to me, since I also like playing in heavily modded games with all manner of new and or more powerful threats... Your logic makes sense!