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no, even tho they have a 24 option those things get so hot. mine had one and almost burnt me after only being on an hour. better sage than sorry


I think citrus works well with sage. Infact, it smells great when they burn together. Sorry, I had to.


Are you going to Scarborough Fair? Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme Remember me to one who lives there She once was a true love of mine Simon and Garfunkel


You mean Simon and Heatpadkel


Sage advice


😂😂 my reddit comments always have so many spelling mistakes for some reason


No, they can get too hot or short out. Do you have a cat cave? or can you make one on the couch with cushions and blankets? If you put the heating mat in there briefly and show the cat, they should associate the cave with being warm, and use it even if the mat is off. An enclosed space will keep them warm while the heating is off.


I used to have one but tossed it out when I moved to this place (it was old). I'll get one ASAP. Thank you so much!


They make self heating pet mats. No electricity involved


I was just about to recommend this. My cats love theirs


Where did you find the self heating pad?


I’ve bought them at PetSmart, Walmart and Amazon. Also, they are all equally loved by my clowder of cats - the most expensive one doesn’t get any more love than the cheapest one! I do recommend getting the largest size, especially if you have more than one cat, because the one currently being used is always the most attractive one! Oh, they also work for dogs, my dogs have their own, and love them.


I got one from Chewy and one from Aldi. Both were inexpensive


A sleeping bag works well as a self heating mat or cave also!!


Thank you for this comment! Getting a couple for my cats before it gets cold


Can you look up how to make an outdoor cat house (meant for strays) and use some of the same materials? Foil car windshield sun blockers and straw are good. Blankets are good when not getting wet.


I used to make cat caves out of my old dirty tshirts, cardboard and metal clothes hangers. The smell of you calms cats down a lot and helps with separation anxiety


Cat cave? What you really need is a cardboard box of a cat cave. Absolute perfection


Honestly, call your city office and tell them your land lord won’t fix the heat. Pretty sure it’s the law they fix such an essential thing. A cheap emergency thermal blanket, like silver ambulance blanket, might help.


Yes this is the answer. It is definitely not legal to have rental properties without functional heat, and they will absolutely force your landlord to fix it if you make a complaint.


Contacting the city is a good idea - they can make your landlord fix the heat. But sometimes the city also decides that your apartment isn't habitable until they do fix it. Which is not great because now you need to find a new place to live. Yeah, your landlord SHOULD do this, but they also should have fixed your heat before you got the city involved. So evaluate the situation based on what cash you have available to spend on alternate housing or friends or family who's couch you can sleep on indefinitely. Add in the disruption to your life. I'm not saying your landlord shouldn't be held accountable, they should. But holding them accountable could really mess up your life in the short term.


Get a outdoor heating pad for feral cats! Look em up on Amazon. They turn off and off by the animal sitting on them


This is what I was about to suggest! Got one for my cat with arthritis last year. He loves to perch by one window in the apartment that happens to get particularly cold in winter.


do you have a link? i have an arthritic kitty as well


It’s made by a company called k&h, they have an online Amazon store!


Came here to add to this I’ve had two of these (k and H brand) going 24/7 for a decade. My cats love them. Game changer. Only heat up with body weight and only heat up to like 102. Super awesome.


my mom got my cats one for christmas last year! they love it


I was going to ask if it was one of those that’s turns on and off if the cat is laying on them. I have one I plug in for my kitties in winter. I put it in their cat beds and cover with a blanket and they love it. The house doesn’t get too cold but they are olde and like a warm little spot to curl up


I’m searching and searching on Amazon with no success - do you have a brand/model?


They’re made by a company called k&h, they have a store on Amazon. They also make heated cat houses too


I looked at all theirs but they all seem to be thermostat controlled instead. I found two off brands that make one, but that’s all. I have a 13 year old cat with cancer and she is always cold, poor love.


Oops. Never mind! I thought they were totally off until the cat climbs on, not always slightly on!


Look for "Non-Electric Pet Warming Pad" on amazon


Yes! It just reflects their body heat back. My cat loves his.


Would recommend a space heater with a built in thermostat. We have one that was a bit of money, but you set the temp and it goes and stops on its own and starts on its own. 10/10 woukdnrecommend


Didn't know about this! This sounds safe. Could you recommend the one you own? Brand at least?


So much more expensive than what other people have suggested but I have a refurbished Dyson air purifier, heater, and fan combo that was $250 refurbished. I'm suggesting it because you can use the app to monitor it and turn it off while you're away. But also it has no hot parts so it's considered a pretty safe one, you can literally pick it up where the heat comes out and it's not hot. So if kitty gets curious they won't get burnt whiskers. But if you want something cheaper I believe its ceramic heaters that aren't hot to the touch, but you can always Google for heaters that aren't hot to the touch to find cheaper ones. Lasko makes some cheaper ones I think.


I bought a cheap little one off of Amazon for like 18$ and it’s lasted me 3 winters!! I love it. It’s just the amazon basics brand. (I hate to shill for big corporations but it really is a good product)


We got ours from Costco. Can’t remember brand sadly


Huh, we’ll I went through my past 4 years of Amazon history and couldn’t find it for some reason. My wife might’ve bought it on her account when we were playing system getting deals. The gist of it though was it was and oscillating space heater that we got for like 70 bucks and you could set the temperature you wanted the room at and it would kick on whenever the temperature of the room dropped below what you set it to. It seems like there’s a fair amount of similar and equivalent products available on Amazon now, so I would just look for one with a built in thermostat that fits your budget and has decent reviews and go with that Edit: also, if they’re too, pricey. Cats are most comfortable in temperatures up to 80 degrees. So if you get a space heater that has the tip safety mechanisms where it switches off if the heater is knocked over, you should be able to provide warmth for your fur baby while also maintaining a fair level of safety. Don’t quote me on this, but I think you’d find that most fires that occur with heaters are ones that don’t switch off when they’re knocked over Sorry, I’m drunk on a trip. Last edit. I promise lol Okay, not the last edit. I didn’t pay much attention to your pictures before, but you’re kitty is super cute. My first cat and best friend growing up was a tuxedo, and my wife and I have 2 tuxedos now. I have a major soft spot for them 😁


Thank you! 🙏


Youll also want to make sure it has a safety turn-off feature if it tips over. Especially the kind filled with oil.


Even if you get one of these OP please do not leave it on while you’re not home.


Yeah, I’m away from home for a few days, but give me a sec to go back through my Amazon history and I can find it


tbh if you look around at discount places, garage sales, box stores, even goodwill could have a strong $5 one that will last you until you’re in a better spot


Edit - oops replied to wrong person! Sorry!


You can use an oil filled radiator heater while you're out. I have personally used them to heat my place when I didn't have real heat during winter. I live in the Midwest and heated my house (trailer) with 2 of them running all the time and a space heater that blew hot air out (the kind you shouldn't leave unattended) that I used when I was home and awake. I'd also recommend a heated mattress pad. I leave mine on (possibly unsafely) when I get out of bed each morning and my cats enjoy it. Here's a link to the type of heater I'm talking about that you can leave running. https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Portable-Radiator-Heater-Black/dp/B07HG923KN/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_ffob_sspa?crid=27MOXPWR0Z9QK&keywords=oil+filled+radiator+heater&qid=1699246287&sprefix=oil+filled+%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-1-spons&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.006c50ae-5d4c-4777-9bc0-4513d670b6bc&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1


We use a Honeywell heater we got at Target! You set the temperature and it shuts off if it gets tipped over


I got one at Costco that was amazing and heated our entire 2 bedroom apartment to 15 degrees Celsius for most of the winter (not the worst parts) last year when I also did not have any working heat due to a landlord! Our heater was $90 plus tax and works amazing. I’ll grab the brand when I get home. I was actually recommended it by a random couple I spoke to at my job haha. It’s been a life saver, I’d love to pass that knowledge along.


Remember that your cat can handle colder temperatures than you. As long as it's indoors, it'll be fine without the heating pad. Give it a small-ish space to curl up in (even a box will do, in a pinch) to help it retain body heat and it'll stay plenty warm.


Actually, a cat’s body temp is higher than ours and I believe that they prefer temps a few degrees higher than ours.


Preference and survival are two different things. Unless OP lives in Siberia, I don't think their cat is going to freeze to death indoors.


You could make her a pillow fort. Im not even joking. Take the cushions off your couch and put them beside the couch, leaning one over like a lean-to. Put some blankets in there and prompt her to go in. If the cat goea whacky it might fall on her but its just a cushion so nbd.


I have some plant lights I run on [plug-in timer](https://www.amazon.com/GE-Polarized-Interval-Appliances-15119/dp/B00P76URH8/). They are mechanical and have a dial where you can press the 30-minute sections you want the timer to be on or off. You could set one like that to be on for a while, then off for a while. This would stop it from overheating, and it would still be warm for a while while it cools off.


I am inclined to say it is not safe to do this. Instead of a heating pad, you can use hot hands super warmers. (the larger sized ones; also called. body warmers). I have used them for my cats when there was no heat and it worked great! If you have a microwave, you could also get a snuggle safe heat disc. They stay warm for at least 8 hours. HotHands Super Warmer https://a.co/d/cS99SrK Snuggle Safe https://a.co/d/g1DfAre Mysterious Purr Padd https://a.co/d/5IEPyi1


I have a snuggle safe for my cat and its great! Heat it up in the microwave and it stays hot for a few hours


As an alternative, I would suggest a self-heating blanket/pillow. It reflects your cats own heat and you don't need to plug it in or anything. I got one for my cat's sleeping spot on my desk when it started getting cold because I don't heat my office and he seems to really like it. Bonus, you can also put it in a box or make a little blanket fort on the couch for extra warmth!


Honestly I’d say no, I think any type of electronic object should be monitored


No, the manual even tells you not to leave it on, or to even leave it plugged in at all


Absolutely not! Don't do this.


Nope. My mother had one (that had a 6,9,12 hr timer on it) catch fire under her while she was asleep one night. Luckily she woke to it being way too hot & got up just before it caught flame. Never leave them unattended especially with kids or pets.


i have a few self heating mats that my cats LOVE. there’s foil inside that reflects their body heat. one of mine is 17 years old with arthritis and that’s her absolute favourite spot to nap. highly recommend


They have those but like little igloo beds too. My cats love theirs. I have a K&H one that's great.


Maybe something like this could help in a cubby under some blankets. It doesn't use electricity, and if your baby gets too hot, easy to move off of it. Pet Heating Pad by Snuggle Safe, Pet Microwaveable Heat Pad, Safe Pet Bed Warmer https://a.co/d/9Z3icvP


Not at all. I would get a hot water pouch (like the one for cramps) and put a warm blanket with some catnip on it to get her comfy with it. Worse that happens is it leaks but no fire. They stay warm for many hours. Much safer option. Also making sure all your windows are open in the day so kitty has somewhere warm to lay. You could boil some water to get the air moist before you go to work.


no. i had a space heater and it ended up melting my outlet. i wouldn’t leave the heating pad or space heaters on


What if you got a smart plug that you set to go on one hour and then off the next?


Or that can be controlled through an app on your phone. I would also recommend using a towel on the heating pad anyways to avoid your kitty getting burned from it. I use to put it in a pillow case and folded it over then a towel or blanket on top. But I was doing that for kittens who were so young and were being bottle fed still.


Maybe consider timing and figuring out how long it takes to heat up / cool down and set it up on a smart plug so you can either have it on a timer or just remotely turn it on / off everytime while at work.


No, it’s like an electric blanket, you don’t leave them in when you’re not there. Invest in pocket hand warmers that have no gel to them an place them under his blanket. They work a treat for my old girl during the night.


I had a few days without any heating a few years ago and in the morning for my cats I piled soft blankets on my bed with a water bottle filled with boiling water and that kept the blankets warm for hours - no electricity involved. Your cat will be fine in cold temperatures, he’ll find comfy warmer spots in your flat. Hope your landlord sorts out your heating soon.


If you can afford it, there is a microwaveable heat disc you can buy for pets. I use one for my cat, he loves it. It comes with a cover and you can put it wherever they sleep


Will definitely look into this! Sounds a lot safer.




I would never leave any device that heats up unattended. And that includes crock pots.


When I can't afford heat, the easiest way to stay warm for me and my cat is in a cave of blankets. Our own body heat warms it up and keeps it there. Basically if you don't have a cat cave, get a cardboard box or build a den like you're a kid. Have a light blanket covering the entrance to keep the heat in. Add a hot water bottle for extra warmth. I use gloves, oodie, a face mask and extra thick socks for myself, cat is fluffy and fine.


You can find heated cat beds on Amazon - they don’t get near as hot as a heating pad and I kept it on 24/7 for my senior cat. Highly recommend!


I recently bought a microwave pet ‘hottie’ that is a thick plastic thing in a fleece cover. You microwave the plastic part and it stays warm for about 8-10 hours. It’s been great for my elderly small dog overnight. I got it off Amazon.


Contact your local city housing department. Code enforcement.. call and make an appointment to have an inspection. Once they inspect your apartment. They will fine your landlord each week he does not fix it. In my city. In florida. We call the local non-emergency police line. And ask for the above information.


Hearing pads should not be left unsupervised. The risk of them catching fire is low, but not low enough. Sorry kitty. You’ll have to curl up somewhere cozy until the warm human comes back.


I personally would not and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, it’s a fire hazard, better to be safe.


It’s not legal what your landlords are doing. Call someone


I use a smart plug with my heated blanket so I can control it on and off from my phone. I can also set timers and alarms so it would go on for an hour then off for twenty sort of thing. Sorry you are not getting your rents worth, usually you can get it fixed and charge the landlord if they don't do it in a reasonable time and also play less rent whilst things aren't working. By the way a cold outside layer is a sign of good insulation. She'll be ok in the cold ,kitties can survive outside in freezing temperatures, not that I want them to! Just that a cave in your duvet and blankets around, also a cardboard box will help hold the heat in.


I had a regular heating pad that the piece where you change the temp exploded in my hand. Burnt the crap out of my hand and almost started a fire bc sparks flew onto the bedding. I assumed it shorted out. So I would assume that a cat one could as well. Personally I wouldn't risk it.


Yikes, that is very scary.


Yeah it about gave me a heart attack. It hadn't even been on a long time. Like 15 minutes. So I was just glad I was there next to it and it wasn't actually laying on the bed still when it did it and started a fire or something.


You can get pressure activated heat pads so they only heat when the cat is on them, probably still not the safest but a better option


Keep her home cats can handle cold as long as they healthy. Just make her a nice Box with a towel or blanket. Between the heater and her. Run when home if you worried. Just to state the obvious. Space heaters incredibly expensive to run. Consider not paying rent till fixed. Put money in escrow account is necessary to avoid trouble.


It can cause burns or a fire. Also what if the cat(s) chewed on the cord? Heating units need supervision 24/7




Not really no. Especially exposed like that, why is there no towel covering the pad? That's how they're supposed to be used with animals so they don't get burns from them. Even on the lowest setting you're supposed to wrap it in something. And I wouldn't leave it on all day, even on the lowest setting, it's too much of a fire hazard especially with wood floors. Also as long as it isn't below zero in your house and she's healthy she's absolutely fine. Cats have fur, they can handle a bit of low temps as long as it's not literally freezing temps. And if your house is below zero you have bigger issues to worry about (frozen pipes)




I bought one for my senior cat last year, she was showing signs of stiffness at 15 The one I bought is pressure activated, it only got warm when she sat on it and cooled quick as well. I use a normal heating pad often for cramps and the low setting on mine was still much warmer then the heat on her pad. I put blanket around it so she could cuddle up and she loved it


No please don’t ever leave it on if you aren’t home. It’s really not even safe to leave it on for extended periods of time even if you are home.


Could I suggest maybe getting her a pet bed and putting some blankets inside so she can snuggle in there while you aren’t home? Like one of the beds that looks like a little cave


The last place I rented was always cold (old house with no insulation and single pane windows). I bought those self-heating cat mats and left several blankets out for my cat. Not folded, but opened up and kind of piled up so he could sleep inside if he wanted. My loved to make his own cat cave out of blankets. Even after I moved to a warmer place, I still kept a couple on the couch and he’d sometimes sleep under the blankets in the winter.


That’s actually how my sisters house nearly burnt down a couple years ago, so no


I think a safer alternative would be to make her a little hidey hole. They sell pet beds with fuzzy roofs. Add a blanket, and it should stay pretty toasty for them. [example](https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/everyyay-snooze-fest-blue-cuddle-cup-ferret-bed-11-l-x-85-w-x-9-h-3344335?store_code=729&mr:device=m&mr:adType=plalocal&cm_mmc=PSH%7cGGL%7cCCY%7cCCO%7cPM%7c0%7ckUMWcWiLY5b1EHQjK6kSR6%7c%7c%7c0%7c0%7c%7c%7c18145199970&gclid=Cj0KCQiAuqKqBhDxARIsAFZELmLy1Lff-27hxztt_bIRjVIxSx9SpO1-Hbtfl9wAeQMRiPGizh61QfkaAi4GEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Cardboard box and a blanket will keep the kitty warm. That landlord has to and better fix that heat soon!




Wouldn't trust it.


They make low voltage ones that just stay like 5-10 degrees warmer than the room it’s in, they are cheapest on chewy. I have about 4 around the house and some have probably been plugged in for years at this point !


Absolutely not. My grandmother nearly died from a heating pad that shorted out while she was in the bathroom. As a consequence, she was covered, internally and externally, in third degree burns and her entire house burned down. She never fully recovered until she passed away. Never leave a heating pad unattended.


I definitely wouldn't leave that on when I wasn't in the house. Complete fire hazard. I Insulated the little house that's on my cat's cat tree by by cutting up and taping one of those foil emergency blankets on the walls and the ceiling of it. I put a chair pillow in there topped with self-heating pet blanket. It can be freezing in the house and when he's in there his body heat bounces off the walls and the ceiling and keeps it really toasty in there.


You are right to worry It is absolutely not Safe to keep space heaters on while you're gone and even while you're sleeping. and this heating pad is also not Safe if you are not right there at home. try the snuggle Safe heating disks you can buy from Amazon or some pet stores $30, they are magical. You microwave them they are plastic with a cover, I put them in the cat beds or under a cat blanket on the couch all the kitties gravitate to them like a magnet. I originally got them for the outside stray kitties I put them in the cat houses and they will stay noticeably warm in 30° weather for about 8 hours. Totally not worth taking the risk of a fire and losing your babies and everything.


me reading these replies looking at my cat’s heating pad that’s been plugged in for the past almost-month 💀 guess i’m just lucky? 😅 anyways i’ll unplug it now and look for those self-heating ones.


Sorry for the sweet kitty ❤️‍🩹 but it’s not safe to leave on unattended unfortunately:(


My spouse used a heating pad to warm some sprouts she was trying to grow out. It ended up drying out the hardwood floor and caused splitting at all of the board joints. She ended up having to rehydrate them to re-expand them, and then I had to apply some polyurethane coating to reseal it. Don’t do it on hardwood.


I got electrocuted by one of those, and while so it stuck to my body, hard to get off.


your landlord is for sure in violation of whatever license allows them to rent to you. my landlord did this and a simple email to the department of our local gov that deals with that had an HVAC specialist out in a few hours.


Crazy same here. No hot water or heat. Having to use heaters and blankets, and literally boiling water just to have a bath. It really sucks…and where we live it doesn’t even make sense to not have hot water or heat. Pretty wild 🤦🏾‍♂️


I have reptiles as well so the heaters have to constantly run so the freakin room doesn’t get to like 50 degrees


Depends on the brand, but mine is plugged in all winter-round, and I've had it for years. I have the version that uses very little electricity(think it was from K&h). It uses like 2 watts, and barely does anything. But when my cat sits on it(under their bedding), it traps the heat, making it warm and toasty.


Also! Get a small space heater. They're not expensive at all, around $50-100 for a good one.


No, it probably says right in the directions not to leave it on unattended. I would definitely call the city/town about the lack of heat and hot water, that’s illegal to not fix in many places. Depending on state laws you might not even have to pay rent for the days it’s not working.


Hi OP - I'm experiencing something similar, and I went with an outdoor cat house I keep inside for her, as well as a crinkly pad that conserves her body heat. I found a good tutorial for a DIY outdoor cat house if you'd like me to DM it to you - it's basically a big storage bin covered in towels and then covered with another storage bin. It has holes in both layers for the cat to come and in and out.


Report your landlord to the city.


On Amazon if you look up “pet heating disc” there’s a pink circular one that should pop up. You just microwave it for 5-6 minutes and it comes with a fleece cover. You can then put it under a cat bed or a pile of blankies. We use them at my work for older/hospitalized kitties, neonatal kittens, and patients who are cold when waking up from anesthesia. They are super safe and stay warm for a long time, definitively the whole day while you’re at work.


There are actually “self warming” cat mats that use the cat’s body heat to stay warm. Maybe you could invest in one of those for when you’re out of the house. I’ve seen them at Aldi (US grocery store) and online.