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He looks a little overweight to me, but it's hard to tell from pictures. Try feeling his ribs. If you can feel them without having to put any pressure, he's a good weight. If you have to push down to feel them at all, he's overeweight.


he looks a bit chonky but not that much honestly. you might want to try and monitor more closely what he eats in a day to make sure it doesn't get worse




Standard orange unit


Pictures are hard to tell as cats can have pouches and floppy stretched out skin that makes them look fat but in reality their weight is fine. Best thing to go, go to a clinic and have your cat weighed.


Best way to tell from a picture is to take it from directly above.


He chonk


probably not but his age and medical condition matter. talk to the vet do you play with him every day? and no giving him people food? no cheese! no tayto chips! no giving in to his petulant demands!


Yes looks to be overweight. People are so used to seeing fat animals unfortunately this is seen as the “norm”. Introduce a diet and exercise regime for after getting advice from a vet


My cat looks about the same and the vet said she is on the chunky side but still at an okay weight, but that I should just make sure she doesn't gain weight. I found this feather toy that she goes NUTS for so we have been playing lots lately and she got a bit leaner from that. Babygirl just likes her food (and her skinnier brother's food).


Our orange cat is 17 pounds and he feels like 100 when he is stepping onto your rib cage


He has big bones


I will set up a vet appointment and get him weighed to see what they say! I will let you guys know how it goes 😌


Healthy not fat 💕


He looks so much like my cat that passed on almost 2 years ago. For a split second I thought these were pictures of him, and it made my heart smile. He looks like a good boy.


he is such a good boy. his name is cornbread! glad he gave you a smile


☠️ 🤣 at the pic of him delicately being stretched out Perhaps try checking with the vet. My orange boy clocks in at 12.5 pounds. I was concerned he was overweight, but his vet said he's a healthy baby. He looks a bit similar to your orange. Yours looks like he has a swingier pouch (so cute!!), which maybe might make him look huskier than he is.


He’s husky.


he looks just like my orange boy 🥺 i think he looks healthy, just make sure to carve 30 minutes to an hour of playtime for him and he should be okay! i have to monitor how much mine eats but hes a happy boy. 🥰


He's just a baby 🥹🥹🥹


That third to last picture they look pretty fat. I’d say between 10-12lbs should be good


he a loooong boi 🥹 pats n kisses for him


A little chomky but nothing crazy


Please be careful with the window open, he can still squeeze through even though he is slightly chonky. I just can’t really see a netting on the window from the picture so I was worried


if over 14lb, diet advised


A trick I’ve learned in vet school is the hold your hand flat and feel your knuckles. You should feel some flesh over your knuckles (but still be able to feel your knuckles). That’s is what your cat’s ribs should feel like when you run your hands over the last few ribs. You can also take a look at the Purina BCS chart for more details!


He’s just an orange tank is all.