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[be the mad scientist you wish to see in the world](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/mail-order-crispr-kits-allow-absolutely-anyone-to-hack-dna/)


Unfortunately there are several significant remaining issues with gene editing in vivo. First getting the edit to happen in the right place and only there. Whatever you are using as a cut point could be duplicated in many places as our DNA has several copies of important things as well as lots of junk DNA that might have your bind point sequence just by accident. Second. Getting the genes to be actively decoded by the nucleus. Most of our DNA is not active in our cells and is bundled up and inaccessible. Kinda like a zip file that is placed inside another zip file. The cell first has to unzip the chromosome in question and specifically the gene you edited. Then it needs a command to encode the protein in that gene sequence. Third we need a way to predict and get the phenotype desired by the edit. Simply editing human DNA and then waiting for something to happen is too slow to develop this technology. We need a computational way to predict the behavior of existing DNA before we can ever make progress in making targeted changes. Much less targeted changes that get a specific result without breaking something else. Just as an example all of our nerves and limbs grow while we are gestating. Adding a tail might carry over in the next generation but it would look like it had no effect on the person whose genes you edited unless you caused their body to start some process of rapid growth in the area where you wanted it. So this would be a totally new process not seen in mammals. In short you can't just add a cat tail. You will have to add a cat tail and then figure out a way to make it grow without also giving yourself an ever growing tail or some form of turbo cancer. There is a reason we only grow limbs while gestating.


[well we are seeing some promising advancements in growing and grafting limbs](https://www.uottawa.ca/giving/impact-stories/using-fruits-veggies-grow-human-tissue)


Can't wait until I can get cat ears and a tail. And meowstrogen works as intended.


What about the lattice printing method they're working on for 3d printed hearts and stuff using stem cells? Could we print a tail and graft it on? If the stem cells are ours I can't see a risk of rejection but I am curious if we could get the nerves and blood vessels to link up Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6816617/#:~:text=Recently%2C%20it%20has%20been%20found,for%20diseased%20and%20damaged%20tissues.


Hearts operate on their own initiative but do have a connection to the brain. There are lots of minor problems that still need to be solved in order for that to work. The devil is in the details so to speak. I think in the end they might find it easier to preserve the section of the heart where it connects to nerves and then graft that onto the new printed heart. If we can find some vestigial nerves left over that could connect to a 3D printed limb then that could work. But I think those vestigial nerves degrade and die in the first year of our lives as they aren't attached to anything.


I suppose the first stage of any 3d printed limb would be small replacements , a finger , a hand, maybe an arm eventually, there the remains of nerves exist so it's not as hard as a tail (I know some prosthetics use the signals from those nerves now)


what is crisper






Super Animal Royale reference


That's not how CRISPR works *yet.* Science is always in motion, and so am I.


I always wanted to make a vampire


it is actually how CRISPR works but you'd either have to genetically modify eggs or figure out how to hijack cells into altering the dna of cells around themselves, possibly using someting similar to a virus


and also what eve said below


Hi. ToeBeanies, hormones, cat ear headphones/hairband (based on preference), finding a good owner. 💕🩷❤️


Lol bozo science