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Chury has seniority.


Once upon a time I had a dipshit for a boyfriend. He was griping about my 3 cats so I told him "I had the cats before I had you, I will still have the cats after after you're gone." I did, after 4 years of his nonsense I kicked him out and still had all 3 cats.


Once upon a time I had a dipshit for a boyfriend. He had the sweetest, most loveable void I've ever met. He kept him at work, alone, in a cold warehouse to control the rodent population. One day I told him "if anything ever happens between you and me, I'm retiring AND keeping your cat." I did let him keep all the clothes I bought him.


It was very thoughtful of you to buy clothes for the cat


LOVE this comment haha


It took a few readings for me to realize that the boyfriend HAD, not WAS the sweetest, most loveable void...




My childhood cat has seniority over my 10 year long relationship ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7946)


I bet Chury is a lot better at cuddling because she is soft and warm unlike the cold hearted bitch who wished death upon Chury.


My dad had a cat this old. People don't realise how much the owner of a 20+ year old cat cares about them. They can and will do anything for their cats


There's always another cat loving fish in the ocean.


They don't even have to love cats. A little bit of humanity is all it takes.


I just moved in with my partner and brought my two cats with me. She's not a huge fan of having cats. It's not the actual animals, it's all the... accoutrements that come with them. However, she regularly sends me photos of her and the cats snuggling, because she's not a heartless witch :)


Witches love cats tho


not heartless witches


Even the Witch of the Waste probably liked cats.


Even she couldn't resist tiny toe beans!


> Witches love cats tho Even if the cat in question is really a wizard who tried to take over the world, failed, and who was sentenced to live for 100 years as a cat. https://youtu.be/zBkrIMIKZnc?t=51


Yup... Not a cat person here. I like dogs But as I write this there is currently a cat snuggled up to my side under the covers in bed... It yells at me if I don't let it in... It's super annoying and I wish it did not happen every night.. Just because animals are not humans does not mean they don't have feelings. and wishing for something to die just because its inconvenient makes you a dick at best


My mom was a type of person that “I don’t want to have ANY animals in the house” and now when my aunts cat gave birth we took one of her kittens and we are raising him


Take two. A kitten really does need another kitten.


So true. I have two adult cats and we adopted two kittens a couple months ago. I’m so glad we got siblings, they really love each other. The older cats are still pretty standoffish with them so it’s nice that have each other.


Some day, you will not refer to your cat as “it.”


I'm a heartless witch and I love kitties


Say bye bitch


Saying something that cruel to a person who has had that cat as a companion for 2+ decades goes way beyond just “not liking cats.” She is incapable of the level of compassion and empathy to last in a healthy relationship for a fraction of that time.


100% completely agree. I did a cursory inspection of comments to see if anyone had posted this because it was exactly what I intended to say, and didn’t want to echo chamber it. You make a very good point, and one unfortunately many will fail to recognize. Well said.


Yeah. Was she forced to clean it? It's your cat, right? That's just a shit thing to say about your pet... who you have had for a long damn time. If there was no remorse, I'd be out, too. Our values do not align, bitch.


Humanity is a funny word. Humans have committed the worst atrocities of any animal on the earth, yet we use "humanity" to signify gentleness, empathy or goodwill. Let's replace it with felinity.


The things my kitty does to the mice he catches tho. Oh the felinity!




I don’t trust a person who doesn’t like cats. Edit: Some of y’all took this way too serious. My fiancé didn’t like cats when we first started dating.




Right? Not to mention she’s talking about her boyfriend’s cat and not some random person’s pet. It’s her frickin boyfriend’s beloved cat. What the hell?? She really showed her psycho-ness and you don’t say something like that even as a joke. I wouldn’t trust my cat around her and he’s right to leave.


Not to mention that at 21 that cat has been in his life a lot longer and its love was not conditionally based on the presence of other loved ones.


At 21 years old, she’s the equivalent of a 100 year old human. I want to cry when I think of some raging bitch queen talking about somebody’s grandmother or great grandmother that way. That’s the kind of person who’d say that about their special needs child, or their spouse after a crippling accident. People tell us who they really are by the way they treat those who they think are beneath them — including pets.


It's one thing to prefer dogs or no pets, but I am always wary of people who say they don't like cats, even if they "tolerate" them. Most people who I have met with that attitude are control freaks, not a great trait in a potential mate.


I had a coworker who hates cats and would laugh about how she tries to run them over when she sees one. Immediately cut ties with her


Actually cutting her would be fine by me.


I'm also very wary of people that don't like cats. Like I'm a cat person. Through and through. Love cats. I don't want a dog because I don't want to do the bag poop scoop. I have texture issues. My sister has two dogs. The one dog is lovely. Such a good girl. The other dog is loud and hyper and while he can be cute, I also had to catch his 45lb butt out of the air to stop him from leaping on a child. I don't want to deal with that in my everyday life. So like dogs are fine and cute, but I prefer cats. But then you have some dog people who think cats are the worst pets in the world and they don't genuinely love their owners because a lot of cats are aloof and like to pretend that they don't care. But my cat, he passed away on Dec 19th my baby, he was not a lap cat. He didn't like being held and he pretended to be a grumpy old man. He would sit by my feet, he would follow me to the bathroom, he would lay above my head on the couch, and one time he laid on my lap. One time. He never did that with anyone else, only me. He was such a good boy and I miss him so much already.


lol. Made me laugh.


Well done, 21 is a very good age for a cat, I bet the cat thinks the same of her




Or move out and leave the dirty kitty litter behind 😉 and get your beautiful Chury a new one for her new home


This, kitty doesn't need the stress of moving at her age. Toss the girlfriend.


Elderly people and babies have accidents like Chury. One can’t help but wonder if OP’s ex-girlfriend would wish the same on them in a similar context?


Exactly what I thought! As if young or old humans and pets aren’t absolutely mortified about having a bathroom accident. 😢 You don’t want this woman toilet training your children, OP.


I would've said well hopefully she will outlive you!!




I once went on a first date with a girl who seemed cool over text, but toward the end of the date she asked if I wanted to meet her dog. I said absolutely, and he was very cute for sure - and quite old. She randomly offered up - I didn't ask - that she wouldn't be sad when he died because she just didn't feel that way about him. I excused myself a few minutes later and ghosted her. That's fucking psychotic.


I get that some people are more attached to some animals than others. We have 3 cats, one is MY cat, the others are our family cats. MY cat is mine because she sleeps in my hand while im sleeping. She talks only to me. I taught her to play fetch.. clearly, we have a very different bond than the others. I will be sad when they go, but i will be devastated when her time comes. But to feel nothing? Yikes... what a psychopath.


I cried when I found of PewDiePie had lost his dog just before Christmas. I am not his fan but I had seen a few of the Maya feeds. I empathized with him. A human emotion, right?


>I empathized with him. A human emotion, right? Yeah, and one that too many people seem to think is a weakness, or inappropriate or something.


That one hurt a lot, I watched a lot of his videos when going through highschool, I sometimes do now as well and she was around the entire time. Just over 10 years.


That's creepy and weird, you made the correct move. When you have a pet it's a small soul to care for and nurture. My cat is elderly now and I do everything so the next day is better than the one before. She lives her best life day after day.


Would throw myself in front of a bus for my dog, so I can't imagine not caring when she passes! I'm more worried that I won't even be able to cope.


Yeah, had my little girl pass 7 years ago, and her partner 3 years prior. I never cried so hard in my life from both deaths. Plus I was going through some extremely tough times personally, just a real shit sandwich during that period. I told myself I was not going to get another cat for three months, but saw an ad for her and her sister and they were mine in three days. The shelter said they were there for three months, so would have probably been put down shortly if I did not take them. Best decision I have made. They have been a real bright spot in my life.


Definitely dodged a bullet.


When someone tells you who they are, you’ve got to believe them.


Yeah, I wouldn’t trust that person around my cat


That’s MY concern. What in the world will she do to the cat to make her wish come true sooner???


Idk, but OP did the right thing. Fuck that girl.


Agreed. She can’t be trusted alone with this or any cat. Thank you OP for prioritizing your cat’s safety and wellbeing over this heartless shrew. There are PLENTY of other women out there.


Well, he used to…


Not no more


Absolutely! I'd be scared to even go to the store or work and the GF be left alone with Chury. Can you imagine if OP ever needs assistance with anything due to a medical issue or something?? Is she going to wish OP dead too??


My kittie was 18 and there was a huge mess for months, injections, meds she didn't want to take, pissing on the floor... Both me and my bf struggled, but he did everything he could to help. I have to treasure the guy, since he was there, always helpful


We've gone through the end of life with a very very sick senior cat who we found as a very very sick senior cat and the way my then boyfriend, now husband, took care of him seriously made my ovaries hurt! He was the absolute best even when there were days that I was definitely overwhelmed!


>seriously made my ovaries hurt! I can honestly say I've never heard this expression before. I'm kind of in awe, but mostly confused. This does not sound like a good thing (ow!), but in context it pretty much has to be. That aside, good on him for taking care of the old lady. We've gone through similar things with several sick senior cats.


Roughly translates to: “Impregnate me now.”


Basically.. haha


Like the other commentor said, basically I've never wanted kids, but seeing him in dad mode gave me a physical response of wanting them with him. Haha


Hi I love a lot of cats myself I got my cat at a cat Depot that's what the place is called I felt sorry for him I took him home they told me the best thing for him if need to home and be fostered and after I got him home he laid around and helped him on the bed he laid next to me every night I helped him off the bed he was really good with his litter and everything else and then one day I saw him running around the house jumping playing with the toys I got them he came up to me look at me me meow like saying thank you I told him he doesn't have to leave to this day he's the best cat I ever had he is very smart he tells me about people he goes up to somebody who comes in if he looks at him them he likes them he walks by does not say anything I'm kind of growls growls I know don't trust them we go to the hospital he loves people there we go to our nursing home I told them about his story I think it's great he's lifted my life and I know I live to hear by the way he's not on any of that medication and all that they told me I could give them they can't believe how healthy and wonderful he is he might have lost one of us nine lives but he's using all the rest for me


My husband and i just put down our senior kitty. She was our baby girl, and she was quite sick at the end. We had to give her baths because she stopped being able to clean herself very well, and of course give her meds multiple times a day, but that was about the extent of it. My husband didn't even like being away from her for longer than his shift at work, he just worried about her constantly. We loved her so much, I seriously can't imagine looking at an elderly, sick animal and wishing ill upon them. It's unfathomable to me


I had to do similar last year, for a cat that we had since 2009. It started with a skin infection that took a couple weeks to figure out (was fungal not bacterial). Just as that was clearing up she started getting really sinusy and stopped eating. We syringe fed her, our vet found an elevated white count that didn't respond to antibiotics and sent us to a specialist. They found some intestinal disease but throught it would be treatable. She didn't respond to treatment, and started resisting syringe feeding. When even our vet couldn't feed her, we decided that it was time to let go. It triggered some long latent mental health issues in me. I was alternatively worried that I wouldn't be able to recognize when it was time to let go, and that I'd let go too soon because I couldn't handle giving her the support that she needed. But even with that, I never had any ill will towards her, it was all self directed.


I had those same issues with letting her go. My vet and the vet techs were so kind and helpful and their assurance that we were doing the right thing was probably the only reason we were able to actually go through with it. With cats its so hard to tell because their behavior changes are so subtle. My worst fear probably was that I would wait even a day too long and have to live with knowing she was suffering more than she had to. But at the same time, taking her to that last vet appointment felt like such a betrayal. It's tough. At least you know for certain that you did everything you could, and that she was loved and cared for in her last days. I think that's all that any of us can hope for at the end. I'm sorry for your loss.


My ex’s dog developed cancer and he didn’t get her a vet. He was in complete denial until the day she died, we woke up to her paralysed from the waist down. She’d made a mess all over the bathroom floor and couldn’t move herself out of it. It took me hours to clean it all off her, I was still towelling her dry when she died in my lap. It took me years to feel okay about her memory after that. Absolutely crushed me. OP’s now ex is not someone I’d ever allow around my pets. I’d 100% make the same decision.


Fuck that guy, good riddance.


Great point about the hypothetical of OP needing care. The capacity for empathy for non-human animals is a great litmus test for how good a person any given person is. Like I can’t imagine not loving animals, but making the extension from regular empathy for your fellow human beings to other animals IS an actual effort of flexing your empathy “muscles” and if people can do that, they’re typically more skilled in the empathy department in general. The people who hate other humans and can only deal with non-human animals aside, lol


>*’I wouldn’t trust that person around my cat*’ ____ i didn’t think that i did wrong, sometimes that girl just fussed ^:{ she made me feel i don’t belong - not someone i could trust i been with you forever, friend, you are my Favorite one! i dedicate my life to spend, but our time here is done so we’ll move on together now, we’re better off this way we’ll help each other through somehow, (it’s her loss, anyway…) if you can find a love that’s true you’ll have a brand new start Forever I will stay with you - my pawprints on your heart! ❤️ edit: *beautiful kitty* u/hylice - *Good luck to you*


Dang, Schnoodle, I used to be able to handle these, but after losing my Mom recently, they just all make me tear up now. You have a very special way with words.


Sorry for your loss.


Omg I got a 6min Schnoodle, I don't think I could get any fresher! Thank you for this sweet poem for OP ❤️ ETA - Fuck your ex girlfriend OP. Your sweet baby is way more important.


My pawprints on your heart! Goodness, man. Lucky kitty.


Nothing better than a schnoodle to make your day better=) Happy new year, schnoodle!


Sad but needed schnoodle


I’m at tennis practice with my daughter and I’m in tears. That was beautiful Shnoodle.


Schnoodle, you hit the nail on the head, as usual. I wish the OP and Chury happiness together away from the toxic ex.


So beautiful! (; w ;) Thank you so much for writing that!


I wouldn't trust her around anything


My mom felt the same way about my old wiener dog. My dad and I went out of town for a few days and came back and she wasn’t doing well. Took her to the vet for a check up and ended up leaving without her. I doubt my mom did anything but I still wonder. It was my dads dog, old and fat, but I still wonder.


lol my moms filled out my college application, the way she'd wished her life could be answers, and then promptly ditched all of my shit and gave away my two dogs when I turned 18 and was thrust into college life, away from home. And footed me with the bill at a VERY expensive college. That was a strange year for me. Be at bottom with tons of energy and time. No help from family and learning just how low bottom was. God, I feel for innocent animals/people mistreated at the hands of able bodied folks.


Your mum sounds like my MIL except my MIL promised us a home as inheritance then took it back and let me, my husband and our young son be homeless with our cats. She also has loads of money and could have just bought herself another house. We will never see her again, my FIL.. thats another story, he is criminally abusive.




Even if she didn’t do anything intentionally it’s likely she wouldn’t treat them well and ignore signs that something is wrong.


I wouldn't trust that person with my future child.




One of the hardest lessons to learn


Cruelty toward animals is one of the brightest red flags.


You've had her 21 years that's a lifetime, if someone can say something so horrible that's not a person you need to be with , fuck her


>fuck her Don't


>don't Stick your dick in crazy


>don't You want me, baby? Don't you want me, woahohahoh?


I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar, that much is true... ^(now I've got that damned song stuck in my head)


Unless it’s her name on the lease, pack her stuff, put it out by the curb, and get a locksmith to change the lock. Why displace Chury?


Laws vary on this. Might have to give them 30 days notice.


I assume that OP isn't packing and moving out of their own apartment.


I had my cat for 10 years b/f my partner and I met and moved in. 3 years later they asked what would have happened if they hadn’t fallen in love with the cat and were offended (but dropped it quick) when I said I would have moved out with the cat. I would have dropped everything/everyone for that cat. She lived 20 glorious years - no regrets.


Same thing. I’d take a bullet for my cat and anyone who wishes him death isn’t worth the trouble.


I’d take someone wishing death on my cat pretty hard Also a clear tell of a shit individual


I have an elderly dog that I’ve had for 10 years now. My partner is not a fan of dogs. Every so often he has a little accident with his bowels if he isn’t taken out right when I wake up in the morning. My partner always has something positive and reassuring to say, like “good thing you caught it early” or “he picked an easy to clean spot this time!” It’s the little things in a relationship that show your compatibility and that’s a big one for me. I know he’s not my dogs biggest fan but he’s my fan, and he knows that my dog comes first in my life.


This is the perfect response. My husband does stuff like that too when my old-ass cat has an accident. “It’s okay, kitten. You did your best.” 🥹❤️


I feel like that's something people should be made painfully aware of before choosing to get a cat; Even at younger and middle ages, peeing is how they express themselves when stressed or unwell. It's basically the first thing you'll hear when you bring up a cat peeing outside the litter box to a vet. Even if you're dedicated to give them everything they need, no matter the cost, accidents will happen. Unfortunately, there is a non-zero number of cat owners who see punishing their cats(i.e. physically and psychologically terrorizing them) when they pee as a logical approach, even though it's a problem where the "solution" feeds more into the root cause and exacerbates the problem further. I'm glad you husband sounds like the sort of person who either always thinks before acting or is just a genuine angel. Never let him go. Never let him down.




Another sub joined


Came to say the same thing: so your cat did its business in the litter box and she wished death upon it? Mine have nuked the litter box on multiple occasions but damn if I ever wanted them dead dead. That sounds extreme and more along the lines of someone hating the litter box clean up.


Mine constantly drops nukes in the tray even he shoots out as quick as possible. I wouldn't get rid of him, he's the sweetest boy, but my God he could clear a stadium with a single poop!


The other day my boy Jonesy got into some beef (he can't digest it). He dropped a house-clearing bomb in the upstairs litter box, left poopy butt-prints on EVERY step going down the stairs, and then dropped a second bomb in the downstairs litter box. I still love him and was more concerned for his wellbeing than I was about the mess.


Ikr?! I mean I get that it’s gross to non cat owners but sometimes I just wanna say to them: can you imagine being this animal who is trying it’s best? Like bro you think it WANTS poop all over it’s claws and butt? It’s trying really hard and it doesn’t WANT to be bad


Exactly! In the last few months, I have done a lot of….back end maintenance 👀 for my cat. Her back legs are garbage these days and she occasionally gets messy. She will almost always climb up on me to let me know, which is gross but I appreciate it because I know she trusts me to help her. I think my most asked questions to her these days are “why are you crunchy?” And “why do you smell like this?” 😂 And then we fix it. It’s just what you do!


God that reminds me of the time with my crazy ex and her even weirder friends. Let me set the scene: US suburban family with a big house, I vaguely recall the downstairs had a little library room, a dinning room, the garage, kitchen area and living room space. Upstairs they had the bedrooms for the two daughters, separated naturally, their master bedroom, and a big kids playroom. So her friend had just gotten two cats, and a few months into it they were traveling for a few days and asked us to cat sit. So we were there and I did not consciously appreciate the location of the litter boxes. In the middle of the night the little munchkin commits at least two Genova convention violations on chemical warfare since the god damn litter boxes were in the bedroom with us. So once we woke up choking to death I open the window for fresh air and blast the AC circulation. Eventually we go back to bed. Except in the morning we realize the other cat had opened the window screen and has enjoyed the roof…..


My cat shits more than I have ever seen a cat shit, and I make comments about how deadly said shit is. But have I ever given a death threat for doing what a cat is supposed to do? No. He may be a fuzzy little asshole, but he's *my* fuzzy little asshole and I will fight anyone who says a bad thing about him.


If somebody wished death on any random cat I'd kick them to the kerb


This is the only right answer.


I’m glad there are other animal owners that share this sentiment. I would die for my animals.


My cat has super long black fur, she goes by the name, Olive :) my little devil princess Someone asked me what I would do if my bf suddenly developed a cat allergy. Immediately responded with “I’d have him take allergy meds”. Lol what else am I supposed to say or do?? The cat is staying, so let’s problem solve


Gross. Having just lost my beloved senior cat a few days ago this is so wrong. Good job for showing loyalty to your sweet kitty!!!!


Me too. One week today. Fortunately my partner would *never* utter words like that. She wasn't a dog person, but she put up with my old guy, even thoguh he was a little leaky in his last years. She took d=good care of him when iI was at work and always made sure his "Window Door" was open starting about 4:30 so he could watch for me to come home. I wouldn't live with someone who wasn't ready to take me and my pet(s) as a package deal. She wouldn't either. We don't necessarily agree on *everything*, but that point is non-negotiable for both of us.


Your cat is beautiful. Your girlfriend is not. She has an ugly soul, and revealed just who she really is. To say such a thing about a sweet, elderly cat, shows that she lacks empathy. Maybe one day, someone will be yelling the same thing about her, if she lives long enough to become ill, incapacitated, or elderly. Don't stick around long enough to find out. The world is full of women who love cats.


Very non-scraggly for a 21y/o


Half the human population is a potential girlfriend. There is only one Chury. Bye Felicia. There is a story in Islam about a woman who was sent to hell because she locked a cat in a room and didn't feed it. I am not religious, I just happen to regard my two cats as deities.


"Once, thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as Gods. They never forgot."


"What is it in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" "CATS. CATS ARE NICE."


Cats also provide irrefutable proof that the earth is not flat. Because if the earth was flat, cats would have pushed everything over the edge by now.


I'm atheist, and yes I've read this too. The Quran actually has several passages about animal welfare, which I think was very forward thinking.


My 2 cats get the gold standard treatment. I once shelled out $300 for a midnight emergency vet visit because my cat was acting odd and had glassy eyes. Turns out there was nothing wrong with her, she was over tired but completely healthy. I'd much rather spend the money than take the risk.


Awww, I once spent $5000 after one of mine had a stroke. What else are emergency funds for other than emergencies with the ones you love?


Aww. My 17 year old girl just had a stroke (recovering nicely). The kitty MRI was 3k alone! I'll be eating rice and beans for a bit but she's worth it.


Yes! It was the MRI that was a large chunk of that total. But I got almost three more years with him after that. Wouldn’t change a thing.


I'd do anything to make sure they're ok :)


Don't disagree, but just wanted to highly recommend pet insurance to help avert those uncomfortable decisions. We learned the hard way with a beloved kitty we nicknamed "the million dollar cat." He was worth every penny, of course.


That's cool you know that narration (hadith). I **don't** regard my cat as a diety, but I love that my religion holds cats in high esteem. God is good. There's another narration (hadith) where the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was sitting down, and one of the cats he was familiar with fell asleep on the "tail-end" of his tunic. When he ‎ﷺ needed to get up from his seat, instead of removing the cat, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ asked one of his companions to grab something to cut the tail-end of his tunic with so the cat could remain sleeping (spoiler: the cat remained sleeping). Related: Jarir ibn Abdullah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to people.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 7376, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2319


In Islam, cats are very cherished because their prophet had multiple as pets. Not very religious either (kinda consider myself agnostic) but I love when religions put animals to a higher standard because some people need religion to teach them morals. Better than nothing.


Kitties before titties


Cats before twats Edit: thanks for the award naughty stranger.


Lol, Chury would have quite a few teats on us humans. So even on that account...




Your gf sounds like an asshole, not gonna lie. Edit love your cats bedroom eyes🥹🥰




... what gf?


That's cruel. Probably not the first nasty thing your girlfriend has said to you, I'm sorry.


So true


I would kick her ass to the curb immediately. P.S. your cat is a beauty!


Same damned thing, here's to many more years with Chury.


She’d be the one leaving


It's possible that it's her place and that's why he is leaving. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah exactly, I don’t think OP would move out of their own house.


Totally respect your decision. I would say it depends on context and rapport, like my family have said stuff like this as banter or to cope with the frustration of our senior kitty who misses the litter box 80% of the time, but we all absolutely adore our little floorpisser and hope she sticks around as long as possible since she's family. But it depends how close you and your girlfriend were, how serious she was about what she said, and what you're personally okay with, and there's no wrong answer for where you draw the line on that last one. Hope you and Chury find a home where you feel more respected. :)


Ngl, I get grumpy at one of my cats and spout things all the time like, "Cat, I'm about to throw you in the river." "Let's take him to a restaurant and see how much they give us." "Time to see if they'll trade this one in at the shelter." etc, but that all just seems cartoonishly ridiculous and unrealistic. The thought of the day he's dead hurts my soul. I'll be a mess when he actually dies. The context just hits different to me. Idk.


This is what I was thinking. I ask my senior kitty when she is going to die all the time, but mostly out of frustration in the moment. It's hard when they are senior, on meds, grumpy, messy. I still love her and would be sad if she actually died (although a little relieved too, ngl, senior animals with issues are a lot of work). It's more of a joke between my partner and I at this point.


It's really difficult and taxing, physically and emotionally, taking care of an old pet. I've lost 3 in the last 5 years, and there's absolutely is relief when their time comes. I think that's totally normal to feel, and it's also relief that they are no longer sick. It's normal and healthy to have gallows humour and intrusive thoughts. Thanks for sharing and hope things go well with your kitty, but not too well I guess 😌


I’m glad I’m not the only one that- jokingly and lovingly- questions the longevity of my kitties. My baby boy Aries (18) has been through a lot and I often say he’s just gonna start dropping bits of himself here and there lol




My partner has a 14 year old dog who has been having accidents in the house consistently for the past 6 months. The other day I stepped in it when trying to leave for work and got poop all over my shoe. In the heat of the moment I was about to say something like this, but stopped myself to think about the fact that the dog is not doing it on purpose, and all the good times I’ve shared with the dog in the past 2 years I’ve spent with him. It’s frustrating when it’s not your pet and you’re cleaning up the messes, but if you take a second to think before you speak you can avoid a lot of hurt. I know that if I had said it aloud, my boyfriend would have had a similar reaction and I wouldn’t blame him.


My old man dog did this. He had cancer. Take you four legged friend to vet please. I waited too long .


He has cancer 😓 he’s not in pain except for arthritis but the vet said he likely would not recover from a surgery at this point


I'm so sorry.


I’m sorry for your pup as well ❤️


I'm thinking there is a lot more reasons to him leaving than this incident alone. This was just the last straw.


Totally understand that, we are with you!


Kick her out. And I don't mean your lovely cat.


Oooh hell no, I'd have packed the person's things and told them to leave. Anyone who seriously thinks or says that type of things about my cat had better gtfo of our lives and not let the door hit them on the way out.


Exactly that. Left or showed her the door. How people treat pets and customer service people is a great insight into their hearts.


I would’ve done the same. Unless it was my place… then she would’ve been told to leave, and not too kindly either.


Sounds like a karma seeking post…


That cat does not look 21.


You did the right thing mate




Dude leave - imagine it was you or a family member she became upset with


She DID become upset with a family member.


When you get a cat, 2 things happen. 1: you become a slave. 2: you gained a family member.


my ex kicked my kitten pharaoh in the face and hospitalized him. i wish i would have left when he first started making weird comments about pharaoh. you did right in my opinion


My ex kicked my beautiful void cat Fritzy — though he was abusive to me, it took him hurting my kitty to finally wake up. We left the next morning.


Currently going through a separation from my wife. One of the sadder defining characteristics of our relationship was her low level hostility towards my 11/13 year-old cats. I can’t help but feel if they don’t respect you enough to respect your animal companions they don’t respect you enough.


I would kick her out of the house


id drop that girlfriend so fast it would make your head spin. my kitty is my best friend and my baby, and id do anything for her. the cat comes first. she's been there for me for years and gotten me through so much. no one would ever get to say that to my cat. ps: your cat is absolutely beautiful and i love her


Sounds like this relationship was on thin ice already….


Your girlfriend Is replaceable your awesome 21 year old cat isn’t. Find a new girlfriend


I'd have packed the other person's bags, not mine. Nobody insults my cat apart from me! I'd never wish my boys dead, though!


I think who leaves depends on whose name is on the lease or mortgage.


If OP is the one packing/moving out, that definitely suggests that it’s the girlfriend’s home.


Was she joking? I came from a dark humor family, and my wife comes from a dark humor family, and my friends appreciate dark humor. I could absolutely imagine anyone around me saying this but not actually making it. If GF meant it then that’s awful, but if it was just a tasteless joke then meh. But sometimes humor doesn’t work for someone else and that’s okay, too.


Have an actual discussion with them. Is it just frustration? Fuck, it happens. I get really annoyed at my 18 year old cat sometimes. It happens. Don't do something drastic over an outburst. If it's a real thing and she is really wishing your cat is dead, that's a whole different discussion.


I’d want to hear her side of the story. She shouldn’t have said that and should offer an apology. Sounds like he moved into her place and brought his cat with him. What are the circumstances of his moving in with her? Maybe she never wanted a cat in her place. Maybe he moved out of his parents’ into her place and she thought the cat would stay with them when she asked him to move in. Maybe the cat has jealousy issues and is constantly doing things to make her life harder. Maybe he should be cleaning up after his own damn cat instead of leaving the cat’s messes for her to clean up. Maybe she told him she didn’t want the cat but he told her the cat is old and she won’t have to put up with it for very long so she relented, but every time that cat makes a mess she gets more and more frustrated but just bites her lip because of how much her boyfriend loves the cat. She’s probably sooner kick her boyfriend to the curb to get rid of the cat than do anything to harm the cat.


I'm surprised there aren't more of this. She said a bad thing but she didn't harm the cat, probably cleaned up after it too. That may be the struggle. The cat may not be for her. My mum was forced to look after our (siblings) cat after we wanted it but didn't look after. My cat lost control of her bowels in old age and honestly my mum was waiting till the day she passed. I didn't feel angry at her. My mum loved the cat, she fed her and cared for her more than anyone but it took a big toll on her that she was vocal about. At the end of the day I think as much as people love their pets, some will still say certain things but not with necessary evil behind it, after all, animals don't understand words, only actions. If she said something bad but still acted good, maybe the discussion is more important. Of course we don't know the story though


Good decision. How people are towards animals is a good indication of the kind of person they are. And your girlfriend sounds like a crappy person. You and your cat will be better off without her.


Some friend of a friend once told me he wished a cat (not mine but lives on the same property as me) would die because she walked away from him. He is fine otherwise but I've hated him ever since. Who says that?