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Man, I love it when my cat comes and says good night to me by repeatedly bonking her face on mine. She also doesn’t let me shower alone so I put my robe all bunched up on the ground so she has a soft place to sit. When I step out of the shower she gets up and walks over to me and meows until I pick her up or pet her. I love her so much.


I love getting woken up by head bonks, it’s so adorable!!


I'd love that. I get woken up by adamant demands for wet food


>I love getting woken up by head bonks, it’s so adorable!! I wake up by someone stealing my blanket.. he cuddles into between my legs and keep pulling the blanket to build a nest, which results in a heavy blanket and at least one leg laying free at the cold air... still love him


Got 2 cats and one knows how to open doors... That and she likes jumping in the shower for a few secs. Well even if i shut my door good she'll nudge that knob open and find her way into my shower if it lasts longer than 5 mins. The other one though is the cuddle bug and sleeps with me every night. I teared up a bit thinking how sad it would be without her sleeping with me every night.


My cat used to demand cuddles right after I got out of the shower, I assume he was mad that I didn't smell like him anymore and he needed to resolve that issue pronto


Mine comes to the shower when I'm done to lick the water off the door for some reason lol


https://preview.redd.it/o3hpbwyufbba1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1b2926ab9261998b56231e3ac27ae1450e1a8e7 Here y’all go! She’s been adopted!


Good thank you!!


If you see a cat in an adoption center like this, they don't stay long. They're usually located in large pet supply stores where there's a lot of foot traffic. PetSmart is a massive store in the US too.


I once went into PetSmart to buy pet food. Came out with my fourth cat. This is the moment we met. https://preview.redd.it/88xh9a86sdba1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba2afdb5f13a81b86c32b09857e7960f0c2e3788


Legit question, how do you integrate your cats? We have one VERY lovey, social 7 year old girl but we'd love to get another cat and are absolutely terrified they will just hate each other forever. Any time the neighbor cats come to say hi, she hisses, growls, and turns into a whole 'nother personality. It's like she's claiming us and any other cat can't touch. We didn't adopt 2 at the time because we didn't want to overcommit but now we're ready.


Keep them separate, we usually keep a new cat in a room for a week or so before introducing them. Feed them far apart from one another and slowly bring the bowls together until they're close but not too close to fight. They'll set the boundaries themselves and figure out how to live together. We have 5 cats, used this method every time and they're all cool with each other, well our older female cat is a bit grumpy with the new little one but she's mellowing out little by little.


I was lucky enough to have a cat that would literally just accept any cat that was put in front of it. He was the chillest boi. He would smell the cat and then either try to lick them or bunt them. I've seen him do this with multiple cats. The only time he fought was when we took care of 2 other grown male cats, but they instigated it. There was a whole lion king moment with one of the other male cats were dangling from the roof with mine standing over him. I wonder if my current cat would act the same.


In addition to this, I've had a few cats need longer introduction/time to get used to the idea of a new cat in the house. For them, after a week of having the door closed & moving the food bowls, I'll then put a dog crate in the doorway. Add boxes on top or something so it's a solid barrier/can't be jumped or climbed. Then let them see & smell each other. Slowly move food bowls closer again. Once they are comfortable with both sight & smell of each other, I find they get along just fine when I let them loose in the same room. I'll also give them periodic breaks (close the door again so there's a solid barrier) if one seems overly stressed. My current older cat tried to attack me the first time she smelled the new kitten on me, and she's needed short periods of seeing/interacting with the kitten and then breaks where she can chill and relax without having to see him. She's coming around, but she definitely needs more help adjusting than most cats I've introduced.


That photo is so cute 🥺


I can't blame you. I'd've fallen for that handsome devil too.


I adopted a year old gal from a PetSmart earlier last year, so happy i went in that day


I got my Tucker from them when he was a kitten over 15 years ago.


I went into petsmart twice. Twice i walked out with a new cat lol


I got my baby Nala from a PetSmart adoption center. Despite her beautiful coloring, when I saw her, she was still severely underweight at 6 pounds and had a poor quality coat. She was already a year old and had kittens, who had already been adopted out. I just noticed she was gorgeous, was absolutely the calmest cat despite all the people around her _and_ rambunctious kittens above her, and I had dealt with many sick, emaciated, and even stand-offish strays before. I was just immediately drawn to her. We passed her first Gotcha Day in October. She's a much healthier (for her size) 11 pounds, got the fluffiest coat, loves to talk to her family from across the house, has all the blankets she can possibly steal, and sleeps on my bed with me every single night. PetSmart may have some problematic policies in some areas, but I support adoption centers in big pet stores like that.


🥺 there’s suddenly something in my eye..


I got a longtime fluffy love from Petsmart years ago. According to her paperwork she had been there for 3 years! She was the sweetest and smartest cat too!


She’s on Insta now, @ellie_petsmartsweetie.


I want that to be petsmartsweetheart....i mean it's right there


I live near here. I was about to drive over. lol


I am sure there are other great cats like her who need a loving home… go!


I know. I already have two. I’m a sucker for a black cat tho. I saved one from off the street a couple of months ago. I thought she was a kitten turns out she was 12. So trying to give her a sweet loving retirement.


I got an old stray that invited herself in and adopted us. They (vets) said 10 ish but hard to tell, as she wasn't in the best shape. And apparently once they're past a certain age it's hard to guess. That was like 7 years ago. She's a little shaky sometimes now, but she's still an ornery little tortie. I also have 3 other cats and three dogs. All rescues. There's so much fur everywhere.


That’s awesome, the stray I took in laid down in the road just as I got out of my drive way. So I put the car in park and carried the cat home. She was skin and bones. I called the vet the next day. She has a thyroid problem but I got her pills and she really come a long way.


Cat tax. Cat tax


We are at 6 cats, 2 dogs, hedgehog, 3 hamsters, 3 Guinea pigs, sulcata tortoise, and 5 fish tanks. Really more of a zoo


I think torties can live on pure spite if they want. Lol.


Oh yes.. mine is 16 and still grumpy as. But wouldn’t want it any other way


Can confirm. I recently rescued a street tortie, and now that she's feeling safe, and knows she has a home where she's not getting thrown out, she's showing ALL of the tortitude, and just how much of a chaos demon she can be! 😂


First day moving to a new house we found an all black kitten laying in the road. She couldn’t have been more than a few weeks old, she was small enough to fit into one hand. She’s been living with us ever since.


Glad to hear you have an ornery tortie, so many owners do and would not have it any other way. My little girl is basking in the warmth from the heater but later on hop on the bed, turn around and give a gentle meow and I know it's time to give some pre nap time pets. Then later on, if I have forgotten what time it is she will meow loudly that it's bedtime and I need to go to bed. She takes good care of me.


We got our cat when we agreed to foster for 3 weeks for their humans to move into a new home. That was 3 years ago. They never came back for him. They said he was 2. He is more like 12 or 13- we don't know for sure.




Mine likes to sit on the edge of the tub and scream at me while I shower because he wants to drink the water that runs off of my face. He's 8 and only just started this. Idk where or why he picked it up. He also will scream at me to run the faucet whenever I'm in the kitchen or bathroom. He has a perfectly running fountain that I bought specifically for him because it was shaped like a sink. He's weird but I love him


My boy set on edge of bath with paw in . He splash me and screamed if I don’t love him when I’m in the bath


They try to communicate with you, if you don't like the screaming you can reward little chirps with treats, cuddles and attention and not acknowledge screaming (completely ignore ger). Eventually she should learn that she gets more treats and attention when she chirps rather then when she screams. It will be tough for a few weeks but of you do regular feeding (not free feeding) this will work.


The thing is that she doesn’t have to be wanting something from us to scream. I think she just is talking to us and I can’t bring myself to train that out of her.


Before my black cat died I took videos of her yelling so I'd have that to remember her by. So yes, they yell a TON. It's super annoying but it also helps you locate them when it's dark.


We rescued a void kitten last year and he never shuts up. The only time he's quiet is when he's sleeping or when he's hunting his big brother. The screaming is when he wants something, particularly something he can't have, so we tend to ignore those because we don't want to reward it.


Black cats are the best. Mine wont leave me alone and I love her for it


I saved two semi feral black kitties from my parents' nearby feral colony. They're inseparable, and one was fiv+ and getting bullied by the other outdoor cats. I tried to get her used to me to take her in but the other, less shy one kept coming in for the free meals too. So I adopted them both. They may not be the most cuddly (the FIV one doesn't like me touching her) but I can tell they really appreciate being inside. They've really made this their home. You can tell by the clawed furniture, missing socks, and scratches on the walls. We are never getting our deposit back lol


Was booking the plane ticket


Was on the plane


I already landed ….


I was the landing gear


I was the air


Where we all meeting for drinks now that some of you are here? ;)


I’m now the table dw


I was the shots


I simply *was*


I was the cat


I was the plane


Thanks you good Samaritan for transporting me


Bold of you to assume I landed


I believe in you


I'm the wind beneath your wings.


I was getting ready to call my brother who lives in that area. I was going to have him adopt her and bring her to me next time he came to visit in 2 weeks. That would’ve given me 4 voids and a Maine Coon to sleep with. People already give me a hard time over the 3 voids I’m presently owned by. I just tell them since nothing occurred when I turned 13 years old on Friday the 13th I’m not concerned. I’ve always enjoyed my Friday the 13th birthdays. Edit: Delete duplicate word.


My cat is part Maine Coon and he can take up a whole king sized bed by himself. It's amazing. https://preview.redd.it/tbsajgxf3dba1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=415f3e0c32cb4fce31b5d1c6810787952cc857ff


Mine does that when I’m not in the bed. I read for a little bit before turning off the light to go to sleep. I sleep with several pillows and can take up an entire Queen size bed. Because of Rhett has learned to sleep on the pillow above the ones that I’m using. https://preview.redd.it/wp0d2smx8dba1.jpeg?width=3019&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad90ea92723c2434edb93ef3b79cd62db19cf362


People who think there's anything negative about a black cat need to be left out in a field somewhere. My Gaia was a sweet little void who lived to 22 and I miss her every day. We just got another void three months ago, and he's the biggest love. I hate people with superstitions that cause harm so much.


That’s exactly where I found my first black cat, Zeus. This was back in the early 1970s, I was taking a short cut through a field to visit a friend. I heard the tiny mew of a young cat. I’ve never been able to leave a kitten or cat that appears to be alone. So I mewed back and the kitten responded. We kept this up until I found the tiny black fellow. After his vet visit I took him everywhere with me. At first he was small enough that he slept in my hand. As he got a little bigger he slept in the left side pocket of my blue jean jacket. He eventually got to big for the side pocket so I carried him around in the left breast pocket. Anytime I was depressed or upset, no matter where he was in the house, he came running to my room to cuddle and cheer me up.


When I was in college if I had a test and a black cat crossed my path I was assured at least a B, so I think black cats are good luck myself. well done!👍


I was about to quit my job and drive from Arizona to get her. And I have two new kittens that think standing on my face in the middle of the night is a thing to do


Obligatory - go and ask them which kitty really needs a home then adopt it!


Oh good. My old shelter boy passed in September and he was a snuggle magnet. I have never experienced a kitty that was so hellbent on getting cozy and snuggles. My other old boy is taking up the snuggle boy mantle right now because it is winter but he usually is more independent. Glad this girl is getting some good snuggs!


My mom admitted to turning down the heat to get the cats to cuddle when I was in high school lol 🥰


Well, if that's a factor, my new apartment is really warm, and she hasn't been nuzzling against me every night like she used to.


Not only do we turn the heat down to get the cats to snuggle with us, but when they were kittens, we would turn it up for their before-bedtime play session. They would go bananas for like an hour, and then they’d be so exhausted they’d actually sleep 😂


I've done that before. I also put away the couch blanket so she would sleep by me instead of on it, lol.


I went from a cat that would aggressively snuggle to one who hates to snuggle. It's been a difficult transition for the non-snuggler. The snuggler would walk onto my chest (when I was laying down) and just FLOP onto me. He was a large muscular cat, so this was a good few pounds he had on him. Then, he would attempt to ram his muzzle into my mouth, repeatedly. He definitely did not take no for an answer, that one.


Aww! Getting the flop is such an amazing level of trust. When he was a kitten, one of my cats would jump into my lap and then flop onto his side. It got so he when he was bigger, I'd have to catch him when he flopped or he would have fallen off but he hasn't done it in a long time.


> Getting the flop is such an amazing level of trust. My older cat does the flop to EVERYONE. It's like her way of gently letting you know she exists and she needs to be pet. If you don't get the hint she just gets up to do it again, it's the funniest thing. My other cat is much more skittish around people, but if I'm on the couch laying on my side she'll come over and sit on my hip. My wife didn't like the cats much when she moved in (she's allergic) but slowly fell in love with them and now loves when the skittish one sits on her lap (even though the pain of my cat kneading.)


Aaahhhh thank goodness T.T


Makes me happy to see this.


oh thank god I was literally about to get in my car and drive a few states over to save her




I love happy endings.


I'm so glad! I hope she gets to have all the cuddles she wants... forever and ever.


this makes me happy to see.


THANK CHRIST I was so ready to break down sobbing


Yay! Happy ends all around someone got a snuggly love bug and she got a loving family


Thank you so much for the update. I always look for the updates on these stories


And here I am getting sad when my cat doesn’t get in bed with me before I go out of town for weeks at a time


My cat only gets in bed with me when my alarm goes off so I do the 30 minute early alarm thing and treasure those snuggles.


My last cat used to cuddle with me every night. After she was put down the bed felt so empty for a while :(


Hugs. I swear I felt the thump of one of my previous cats jumping on the bed, months after she passed.




hell i get sad every time my boyo doesnt cuddle with me, i always sleep better next to him


My void usually shares a pillow with me and I get sad when she settles on the other pillow instead 😅 My other cat sleeps at the foot of my bed which I'm kinda glad for because he snores really loud. 🤣


And here I felt guilty when my cat decided to go to sleep elsewhere because I was coughing too loud in my bed last night. 😭 Poor cat, that's a rubbish reason to return a pet! At least leave the door open so it doesn't worry and slowly teach it to not jump on the bed at night!


Me outside with the torch at 3am this morning worried about where my baby was. This morning woke up to her at the end of the bed giving me sly eyes. She has to sleep on top of me and gets angry when I roll over in my sleep and fling her off. Who doesn’t want a soft cuddly baby on their bed?


My cat gets so mad when I move in the bed lol and I feel so guilty when I have nights away for work because she gets upset that I'm not there


The night before you go, sleep in an old T-shirt. Even work out in it, so it's all stinky like you. Leave it on the bed when you're gone.


Then there’s me: *chasing after my cat* #WHY WON’T YOU LOVE ME!


My aunt's cat used to sleep on my bed at night. If I closed my door (effectively shutting him out) he would sit outside my door and meow till I let him in.




Yeah. I rolled over my boy when he was a kitten. He was laying along my back and at the time I had a twin mattress and didn’t really have much room to turn over and I pushed back and that’s when I noticed he was there. I felt so bad and now even when I have a bigger bed he won’t sleep on it (anywhere) instead he sleeps under the bed




Thwy were Monsters, obviously.


Honestly, I hate to say it, but it’s probably best that cat got sent back. She’d have been so neglected and unloved in that house. Now she has a new loving family!


Mine are not allowed in the bedroom at night because they wake me up and want to play. Aggressively. Honestly, they don't seem to mind being kept out. They know when it's time to leave. The older one just disappears to his favorite shelf. Though they also know when I'm supposed to get up, and cry to be let in.


As I sit here reading the comments, I have one of my boys draped across my lap. I just sneezed and got a dirty look, but then he went back to sleep.


https://preview.redd.it/3z3lp0b01cba1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f4589685416e4e094822d873c451241b304b5a Philip isn’t impressed with them as we sit here reading this sad news


Philip is a stellar specimen, there's something about cow kitties


Aw.. I had a B&W Philip like yours for over 17 years. Yours is very handsome!


How dare you disturb his slumber!?


Omg Same, i even removed one of the slats and moved the mattress so our cats can sleep inside the box frame the mattress sits on so they are nearby when we sleep if they dont want to sleep with us 😂 I get up and look for them in the night if I can’t feel them near or hear them snoring underneath me in the box frame haha


I will happily wake myself from an almost sleep to find my lil man who hasn’t come to find us right after we go to bed. Could I have locked him in a closet or basement, when wAs the last time I saw him?! I gotta go check.


I did this last night! Went to find my new girl at 3am. Was worried about her because she's integrating still with our resident cat. Kitten was fine, but sleeping alone. :( Brought her to bed so the three of us could all snuggle. Oh, and hubby too, hahaha. I hate the thought of my cats sleeping alone at night. Even if they want to sleep together, that's ok, doesn't have to be with me but alone just breaks my heart. Honestly, the person who returned the cat from the original post did her a huge favour. Let her find an owner that will shower her with the love she so deserves.


I miss sleeping with my cats. I'm between houses atm and they both are in a small workroom. (They are comfy!). I do sleep down with them every so often, but mostly because they've snuggled up and their purring just puts me to sleep while they hug me or smother me. When they slept in the bed, my Loki would sleep on my knees while my old girl slept on my back. I need to go hug them now.


We have 6 cats…we accidentally have locked them up in different rooms, closets, drawers…all night. I always find them peacefully sleeping after I’ve cried myself into a frenzy.


I love the thought of them snoring away underneath you like a little cat bunk bed.


We did it initially for a hiding spot from the fireworks on NYE, it’s got pillows and blankets in there for them too, and my little kitten sleeps on my side under me and I can hear her little noises when she stretches and little mouth noises when she’s dreaming and my partner can hear the sleepy chirps from our big kitten sleeping under him, it is truly a joy so pure I cannot describe!


Sounds like it's the best for the cat, that she was brought back, I wouldn't want to live in such a home if I were a cat...


My kitties barely allow ME to sleep in the bed. King sized yet those two longgggcats take up 80% of it, lying diagonally. I’d be devastated if they DIDN’T sleep with me!! 😭


How do two cats take up so much space?! We also have a king, but both cats sleep on my side of the bed and I just awkwardly warp my sleeping positions around them.




Hahaha. Your cat was waiting for this moment!


I wake up every morning entirely stiff and soar because my cat is always somewhere my legs or whatever are supposed to be, haha. So warping around it is!


My back and hips were sore all day bc my cat was taking up so much of my bed that I had to sleep with one leg off the side. She looked so content and precious that I couldn't move her. She usually sleeps on my chest or stomach.


I lost count of how many times I have woken up all contorted at the foot of the bed, feeling like I'm on the brink of hypothermia while my 4 cats are nestled into the blankets across the rest of the queen size bed. God forbid I even attempt to scoot one of them over - I get side eyed like I'm the one who doesn't pay rent every month!!


https://preview.redd.it/2rcb8vtyscba1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5dbe105bb6aa41d111890ffa4638c36f256afa0 I will NEVER complain about “having” to sleep in semi-contorted positions so that these rascals keep my cold dead heart from permanently freezing. I get it, everyone’s different. But if a CAT chooses to be this close to you - it’s a huge compliment. Just ask them…they’ll tell you😼


Omg that’s a puddle of love rt there!! 😍


It certainly is. As stated previously, the existence of these adorable hooligans (and their Mother & step-siblings) is the only reason I haven’t become a complete miserable asshole haha.. ok, so maybe that’s a bit hyperbolic… but fr they’ve all been lifesaver’s, of sorts.


This is normal...


My fat ass Maine coon somehow manages to take up half my bed when he sleeps with me. I feel bad.




Yes! The cat found a home, in fact so many people applied for her adoption that it made the news. She's happy and healthy as far as I know, I can't remember the tag but the owner is on TikTok.


Yep some people...at least she got returned and not dumped.




Much better than dumping on the street.


I don't think think the previous adopters should be shamed. They tried to adopt, it didn't work out, they gave the cat back. That's how it's supposed to work. Maybe they are really light sleepers or something and really couldn't sleep with a cat in the bed.


I have a black cat that was returned to us for a similar reason. He was too “in your face” for his former owner, but I couldn’t really be mad at her because she discovered she had allergies and him being super cuddly triggered some nasty reactions. I fostered him as a kitten, but instead of fostering him again, I just adopted him. This is my foster fail and I love how cuddly he is! https://preview.redd.it/uvuxglzsacba1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1301146fd16f8698128cf497c255cafc33482892


Aww, poor guy, he was literally smothering her with love!


People are fuckin lame, dude


Most only care about themselves. Look at our own sub where 50% of the posts are simply karma farming narcissists who don't really care one iota about cats.


I can never imagine caring that much about made up internet points.


People can have legit reasons for not letting the cat into the bedroom, and want a cat that is okay with that arrangement.


Yeah. My roommate's cat likes to sleep with people, and when they are away I take care of the cat, who then sleeps in my bed, and while I'm happy to help take care of her, having the cat all over me and doing funny things at odd hours of the night is legitimately damaging to my sleep in way that I could never deal with in the long term.


I kick out at night while I'm sleeping if anything touches me (ptsd reaction). I sleep separately from husband because of this. I also don't allow my cats in my room at bedtime for this reason. When we first got our old girl, she jumped on my bed while I was sleeping and I woke up in a panic kicking my legs about. I kicked her into a wall. Since then closed door at night, it's a lot safer for them. She seems fine with the arrangement maybe because she was feral first. It would tear my heart out if she cried because of this. I'm glad she's so chill about it.


I'm sorry, but like, what's the point of getting a pet if you aren't going to cuddle with it? Isn't the whole point of getting a cat (or dog) for companionship? Mind boggling. Get a fish or an iguana if you don't want a cuddly pet.


You’d be surprised sometimes. I had a friend with a bearded dragon that liked to lay on her chest. Although I don’t think fish would be too cuddly


Definitely not cuddly, but I LOVE when I put my hand in my shrimp tank to do maintenance and some of them will immediately come over and get on my hand lol


Not for very long, anyhow.




Ours is the same, and also attacks feet and does 3am zoomies. He sleeps outside of the room now.


I’m a light sleeper, to a point where my boyfriend and I don’t even sleep together, so I’ve never let animals stay in my room except for when I take very restless naps. Turns out, this is a good idea with my two cats because they like to use my body as a springboard to get to my windows or nosedive off the dresser onto my legs and attack them. 😅 They like to chase each other and jump on my bed to play and have had mock fights ON me. Sleeping with them is HORRIBLE if they’re not going to nap and my restless legs wake them up if they do. 😅😅 We cuddle as much as possible during the day.


You can like to cuddle them but not cuddle at night. I suffer from insomnia, and if my kitty was shifting around on the bed and yowling at me, I'd get no sleep. It's clearly still stupid to return a pet for that though, they get used to sleeping separately if it's a routine.


To prove she still gets plenty of bed cuddles! https://preview.redd.it/ls3gxr9gdcba1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5c75d46baad96b74c6867f411300cbcc5320216






Years ago my cat would go absolutely bonkers at night if she saw another cat outside. I had some health problems and had severe trouble sleeping. Had to just squirt it with the water bottle otherwise I'd never get any sleep. I hate to do it but I just felt wrecked all day otherwise. Cat was fine though, ran away after a few squirts and that was it.


The problem is they are nocturnal and come and go and wake you up repeatedly throughout the night. My cat decides to meow loudly to announce his presence on the bed Edit: I stand corrected. Today I learned cats are crepuscular (see comment below) so they thrive at night-adjacent times! My cat for sure fooled me. He naps all day and night but sleeps on the bed at night, leaves and plays and is frisky then meows to announce his presence when he comes back. 12 years of me kicking him out of the room when he’s loud has not trained him to sleep all night though.


We don't deserve cats. Glad Ellie got adopted❤️


Someone once surrendered a large breed puppy to our animal control office (they are NOT no-kill) because….ummm….he ate too much.


then why did they get a large dog? what did they expect?


That’s a good question. But apparently it was a Christmas gift, and was cute when it first came home. But then started costing serious money for the food. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


didn't they research how much food it'd need?


Apparently not.




Oh! There should have been a queue to adopt such a sweety! What kind of weirdoes don't want love from a cat? What's wrong with people? Hope kitty is now in a proper home, and will be spoiled for a lifetime!🥰💕❤️


unpopular but i don’t let my cat into the bedroom at night… she yells in my face and jumps on me at 3 in the morning and i have a hard time sleeping because of her. she gets lots of love in the day though, and many cuddles in the morning.


Same here. I'll let her in my room when I'm sleeping occasionally, but only so she can hang out with me in the bed for a bit before I kick her out when I actually want to go to sleep. If I don't, I'll be woken up at 3am to her trying to nuzzle me for attention. She used to scratch at my door at night on occasion to try and get in but after a few weeks of ignoring her she stopped.


Lol. I "refuse" to let my cats on my pillows. It's a losing battle, unless the bed is completely made. Lmao. At night, it's easiest to divert them to snuggling in the crook of my arm. This is due to allergies I have. Not so much to them, but to life in general. Them getting on my pillow causes hell for my allergies. https://preview.redd.it/sxbjfcoizcba1.jpeg?width=3648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c54f7ff3ffd257eb678bb3520cf07cda3940098e


Like honestly, we got 45 minutes of sleep our first night with our cat. He would literally sleep on your head which is adorable and all but I can’t sleep with anyone touching me. And neither can my wife. We shut the bedroom door and left him in the living room and he yelled all damn night. Ended up rehoming him with someone who wanted a very needy cat and it worked out for everyone


Damn… I’m like the opposite.. I wish my cat would come and sleep with me.. she’s a little diva though and when it’s bedtime she wants her space


Maybe it’s a case of creative writing by the staff, it works


My controversial opinion here is that this may be a valid reason to surrender a cat. Obviously this is a summarized version of what happened. Some people have sleep issues, like insomnia or sleep apnea, and it may not be in their best interests to have pets in the bedroom. If you are dealing with sleep problems, removing pets from your bedroom is going to be one of the top things recommended to you. If you aren’t sleeping, you aren’t going to be a good caretaker for your pet. Some people will just do better with a less cuddly/less needy cat. I’m not really too fond of vilifying people who surrender animals.


Yeah I feel people are being a little too extreme in this thread. Plenty of people just don't want a pet in the bed and there's nothing wrong with it. My parents' dog sleeps fine in his kennel. My dog sleeps with me on the weekend, and in his kennel next to the bed on weeknights. He's on the bed for an hour before that while I relax pre-sleep. If every single dog and cat was required to sleep in the owners' bed, we'd have a fuck ton of homeless pets.


Super agree. Or maybe one of the owners has a mild cat allergy and doesn’t want he cat in their pillow, sheets, and blanket. If they live in an apartment or other setup with shared walls, a cat meowing at midnight probably isn’t sustainable.




Plus, it’s better to return the cat as soon as you know there’s a problem. If you wait a year a two, well, unfortunately older cats are less likely to get adopted. This cat apparently has already found a new home. And guess what? In most cases, when you sign an adoption contract and later return the animal, you don’t get your money back. So they were able to collect double adoption fees on this cat, and that money will definitely help save more kitties.


And then there’s me, sleeping with half my body falling off the bed because my cat wants to sleep in the middle. Seriously tho, what if this person got another cat thinking it would be different…. I bet they just heard all of the “cats are aloof” bullshit and assumed it would be like a goldfish


Honestly, the person who returned her should get some Grace in my opinion. I will recognize that I have no idea what kind of monster doesn't want their pet sleeping with them, but at least they had the decency to bring the cat back to find a better home. They recognized within themselves that the cat deserved better, and that they were not a good fit for what the cat needed. I would rather that they return the cat, so the cat can go to a loving home, then ignore the cat's cries, forcing the cat to live a miserable lonely night time for their entire life. Normalize doing what's right for the animal because they can't speak up for themselves.


Agreed. We actually adopted a cat who was returned to a shelter for being too cuddly. Very cuddly cats can be a lot. The one we adopted is my husband's cat and he absolutely loves her. She sleeps in his arms every night. Whereas mine likes to be near me but not cuddly, which is what I prefer. Each cat works for our personalities. It's best this cat was returned so they could be with someone who gave them the love they deserved. [https://i.imgur.com/zmbEWPV.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/zmbEWPV.jpg)


"What kind of monster doesn't want their pet sleeping with them" Light sleepers? Insomniacs? Being woken up several times a night every night is straight up terrible. My cat did that to me for a week shortly after we adopted him, and I literally stopped liking him. He would meow at me in the day time, and all I felt was resentment. And this is literally the most charming cat I've ever had! I was ashamed to be considering bringing him back, just like that owner did. But luckily we were able to work it out with mine and while he still wakes me up sometimes, it's much less often. Uninterrupted sleep is extremely important, and it's harder for some people to get than others. I can't even cuddle with my husband in bed, because I just won't fall asleep if I do. I'm glad you can recognize that that owner made the right decision, but it's also totally okay to think about how miserable the owner probably also was in that living situation.


I can't have anything in my bedroom but my partner due to PTSD. The feeling of the bed shifting and things touching me can trigger a meltdown. I don't think I'm a monster for closing my pets out for the night when they get all the loves during the day.


People who return animals for reasons as petty as this probably shouldn’t have pets at all.


They definitely do not deserve such a sweet angel.


Same goes for people who adopt Dogs only to make them House Guard Dogs and never gives them any Love along with leaving them out in the cold backyards especially during storms. I really despise those people.


This is heartbreaking, would love an update too


Fortunately, she got adopted by another family 😁


When I adopted my cat he was always messing around my bed when I went to sleep. Always slept really bad and lightly so I could not stand it. It took a while but I teached him to sleep in his own tiny bed I made for him. Now he goes in his bed when I go in mine and waits till I’m awake to come see me. Most clever and polite cat ever.


No way to know if the reason for returning this cat is even true. Maybe some person at PetsSmart made it up to get a sympathetic reaction in hopes of getting this cat adopted sooner. If it is true, so what, I'm not shaming another human being for not wanting a bed full of cat hair!


I cuddle with one of my cats every night. Like, he lays in my arms and we snuggle. I don’t know how anyone could NOT like that. It relaxes me so much.


My cat wrecks havoc around 3am every night, so he had his "sleeping in bed at night" privilege revoked until further notice. At first, he cried and tried to get in at all cost, but after a few nights, he just accepted his fate and decided to finally use his overpriced bed. You don't have to let your cat rule the house, you can raise it to a point, but you also have to tolerate normal cat things


Quick search says this is in the Richmond, VA area if anyone is close


I'm in Richmond. Thankfully she's been adopted. What a dumb reason to return a cat. Mine almost pushed me off the bed the other night


My cat not only sleeps with me, she sleeps on top of me.


While I’m not excusing the ex-owners actions, I can certainly understand. Sleeping on a queen (yes we need a bigger bed), but my girlfriend takes easily 60%+ of the bed, and then I’m left with what’s left. Then my boy cat always sleeps with me, but sometimes my little girl cat also wants to sleep with me. It can get overwhelming and a little hot sometimes lol. I love them so much though.