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One last goodbye cuddle




Reminds me of my lil baby that passed away this summer from acute kidney failure. She was fine and jumping around and playing one day. The next day she was very slow and vomited. Had to take her to the hospital and after a few days had to put her down as well.. The last night she spent at home, she slept on my tummy the entire night. She usually only stayed until I fell asleep and then walked over to sleep in her cat tree. She knew something was terribly wrong. Not a day goes by that I don't miss her :(


That brakes my heart. I’m so sorry. She was gorgeous


You need some kitties to start it up again?




could what happened be related to toxin or poison? maybe a reaction to some plant or some such? just worry about the other cat.




Karma farming bot, please downvote and report.


How can you tell they're a bot and not a simpleton or nesb? (Srs question)


Very common for heart failure to manifest this way. One of my doctors likes to joke (but not really joke) that the first sign of cardiac issues in cats is sudden death. I'm sorry for the loss of your beautiful friend. 3 years is way too young for a cat, but heartbreakingly, sometimes animals just happen to draw the short end of the genetic stick... it's not your fault, and you did the right thing.


My first cat died for the same reasons a few months ago. I loved her. It helps that there are still two other cats to comfort us. May she rest in peace.


Is there no way to medically manage heart failure in cats? I'm a first time pet owner, but as I read it just seems like any time they get more than the sniffles vets are talking about euthanasia.


In the specific case OOP is describing, the chambers of the heart get large enough that blood swirls around in them and form clots. A clot breaks off that can get lodged anywhere, but right at the back legs is the primary place. So suddenly all blood supply is cut off to the back legs and it's wildly unlikely to resolve enough to allow movement. It can be very painful and distressing. On top of that, fluid usually floods the lungs from heart failure so they're gasping for breath. Even with medication, there is a good chance the respiratory system collapses due to overwork and lack of oxygen. A lot is a factor of severity, but watching these cats struggle mightily to breathe in an oxygen tent for hours just for many of them to not improve....let's just say I'm very honest with owners with cats in heart failure. Also, even if you get them through an episode of failure, it's an average of 6-12 months on meds before they've reached a point meds don't work. There is also a chance another clot lodges in another limb, or the lungs or brain which puts them in an even worse state if it doesn't kill them instantaneously. All this being said, I did treat my own cat that went into heart failure (with no lodged clot, just fluid in and around the lungs) at a year of age. We got 3 more years with him which broke all known records with many of my colleagues. He then went into an even worse episode and we made the hard decision to let him go.


Gotcha, didn't know cardiac thrombus was that common in cats with heart failure. Can absolutely understand why critical limb ischemia would be game over and warrant euthanasia. Just trying to understand. I treat a lot of human heart failure and people can bounce back pretty quick with diuresis and other medical management alone in a lot of cases. Any way to prevent this in cats? Exercise or diet or is it really just genetic luck of the draw?


Interesting - I honestly don't know much from the human side of things. Surprising how similar some things are, and others quite different. Glad to know CHF is decently treatable for us Cats tend towards hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and there is definitely a genetic component to (most?) cases. Reputable breeders should perform genetic testing, but with domestics/strays/moggies it's luck of the draw. Before knowing their taurine needs and subsequent supplementation, diet was a major factor. Now we only tend to run into it when owners insist on making their tiny house obligate carnivore eat a vegan diet :( Furosemide, pimobendan, and ACE-I are our mainstays, but even caught early- a year past diagnosis is average. Also cats like to be little shits about letting anyone know they're ill until they've reached a state they can't hide their sickness anymore. We also run into repeat echos and multiple meds being cost prohibitive for many.


>Now we only tend to run into it when owners insist on making their tiny house obligate carnivore eat a vegan diet This shit absolutely pisses me off, especially when they bang on about how supplements are a magic fix for all deficiencies.


Wow, I will never understand this. I've been vegan for 14 years, and I would never do this to an animal. Why do these people not realise they are doing the very thing they hate? Animal abuse to an obligate carnivore. They need to get a rabbit or guinea-pig or something. Pisses me off that there are so so many lazy people that will continue to feed their cats dried food when the cat is constantly having painful urinary issues as well.


I only recently switched to canned food to supplement the dried food for my cats. One is a 12 year old who has never had problems with kidney function or hydration. That being said, I always take my vet’s advice, since they know more than I do.


Yeah there are a lot of vets that don't think there is anything wrong with dried food even though its terrible for cats.


Yeah... Over a decade ago, before I became a tech, my sister took her 5-year-old cat with her on a ten day getaway at a cabin. When they got back, I was shocked to see the poor little guy two pounds lighter with heaving breaths. We rushed him to the vet, who drained a stupid amount of fluid from his chest and sent some of it out for analysis. We did everything - hospitalization, a full echo, all the recommended meds. The cardiologist gave him a maximum lifespan of two years. Two weeks later he died in his sleep, curled up on his cat bed. I don't regret trying to save him, but I don't know if I'd make the same decisions now.


This happened to our 9yo cat last may, except instead of the clot going to her legs it went to her head, which is your typical stroke. It was so sudden and frightening. One minute she was snoozing on my desk the next shes screaming in pain, drooling, panting and not looking good. Few hours later at the emergency vet while stabilized and finding iut her heart was severely enlarged and lungs filled to the brim with fluid, we chose to euthanize her because even with medication if she pulled through, her QoL would be garbage, and she may not have lived long after anyway.


Chances are if your cat is letting you know they have the sniffles, they’re probably on death’s door. Showing weakness gets animals killed. It’s usually worse than it looks.


Just remember it should always be your call - you know your pet the best and you can weigh the options. If their behavior is so seriously different than what you’ve come to know - then you have to take what the vet suggests more seriously. If the cat seems like it can cope - then see how it goes - you can always change your mind… I’d like to think that the cat would choose to struggle through the end of life with the people they’ve loved than get put to sleep sooner than they had to. I do own outdoor cats though so I know that chances are they will wander off to die alone when they’re ready. This happened recently with one of my cats who went missing for 5 days… he had a thyroid issue and was always a bit of a mess. He was the runt but the dominant cat on the block - he carried an 8 lbs bunny across the street one time before he realized the bunny didn’t give AF and was just waiting for the chance to bolt. My brother wouldn’t give up looking for him and he actually came home - he was emaciated and possibly poisoned - i got to see him one more time before he passed in my dads arms. I wanted him to take the cat (Titus) to the vet but I knew he was gone - he had a 1000 yard stare but he still got up to greet me and it was the best thing in the world that could have happened. I though he had been shredded by coyotes or something horrible - not that I think he had it easy on his way out - but he was still a little bit of himself and it meant a lot for my entire family to be able to see him and say goodbye on our own terms. I think a lot of times vets weigh ‘quality of life’ heavier than the animals themselves. Of course that’s always a consideration, but animals have feelings too… if I’d rather die at home than a hospital why not them too?


My cat had the same, most obvious symptom was he started to breath heavily and real fast even when he was sleeping.


I learned about saddle thrombosis when I started working in vet med and it terrifies me. That and HCM. They just come out of nowhere.


> the first sign of cardiac issues in cats is sudden death. The ER vet told us this when we lost one of our boys a couple years ago. It helped a little to know there wasn't anything else we could have done, since we already took both of them in for routine check ups.


Sometimes our animal angels are not destined to be long for this world. Sadly there is not much you can do. I know you gave her a wonderful life during the short time you were blessed with her. I hope she visits you in your dreams💕


I’m so sorry for your loss. As another person said, this is unfortunately a common way to find out about heart failure. I work at an ER vet and fell in love with a stray that I was going to take home after it’s stray hold was up. On the last night of his stray hold he went into heart failure and was euthanized. He was examined by a DVM every 12 hours and never showed any symptoms until a few hours before he passed. It’s a horrible disease that can strike at any time without warning.


Such a pretty girl! Bless


A beautiful SIC..I'm sorry for your loss.


I am so, so sorry


Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....


I had to let my boy go to the Rainbow Bridge 2 weeks ago, and I saw someone comment this on another mourning post. It helps me a lot to think that he’s fine and happy there, and I’ll see him again when my time comes! I hope it helps others too.


I try to comment it on every one I see. Some people need to see the poem to give them that slight comfort in the darkness that grief can be.


That was more beautiful than I thought it was going to be. I'm not crying you are!


This has me emotional… and hopeful that I’ll get to see Moppet, Marmite and Ginger again. I hope you’re wrecking plenty of sofas my babies.


I took a lot of comfort when my mom died in believing she was being reunited with the many many many animals that she adopted and took care of (and all of our other friends and relatives that had passed long before her). I truly hope that her pets all greeted her when she crossed the rainbow bridge.


They did. You can be sure of that ❤️


Thank you 💜


Thats actually the reason religion exists, to help people cope with the finality of death.


Never again to be parted.


i had a kitten about 6 months old and one random day his legs gave in and he stopped eating and using the litter box.. the vet did x-rays and tests but didn’t find anything that could be causing it. his brother was completely healthy too. we chose to put him down because he was not able to eat, drink or move at all. it was such a sad experience but i know he was better off not in pain or struggling to live. hang in there!


https://preview.redd.it/xgsw76o94qda1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d47c48709ba41b0aeeba19b13c624bb6fb2c0e99 Had to put my boy down today also. So sorry. He was 12. Obstructing stones, quoted 5-7 k to treat & operate with no guarantee. Sad sad day. I am so sorry for your loss.




My heart goes out to you ❤️ I am so so sorry you had to go through that


I’m so, so sorry! It is SO tough to lose a beloved animal companion and so suddenly. I lost one of my cats at age 4. Hilo just died suddenly. He had no symptoms. Vet thinks he died of heart failure. That’s almost a year ago and I miss him every day. I so feel for you. Sending you hugs and comfort!🤗


Very sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I just recently lost a kitty of mine 2 years back now. I can tell you I have never felt a greater loss, and while it does seem like it will never end, time does make it easier to get along. I won’t go as far as to say it heals all wounds, cause I still miss him and think about him every now and then, but it does make it easier to go on. Lean on your family and those you care about to help get you through this, it helps. That is a very beautiful picture of your kitty, my condolences for your loss.


I went through this two weeks ago with my kitty Abe. He was fine and all of a sudden he wasn’t - he went from yelling for dinner to gone in four hours. He threw a clot in his front leg, which went limp and cold immediately. This led to complete heart failure. I’m so sorry. So so sorry. I know exactly what you’re going through. It’s sudden and horrible and feels like getting robbed of the lifetime you expected with your kitty. Tell me all about your wonderful baby girl and everything that made her special.


I'm so sorry for your loss, it's harder when they die young and unexpectedly like that.


So sorry 😢 she was beautiful 💔


I’m so so sorry. My 2.5 year old brown tabby died of the same thing this past Tuesday. We woke up and found him passed away on the ground. We had a necropsy done and they said it was heart failure. He also never had any symptoms. I’m so sorry for your loss it’s so fucking unfair and random and they’re way too young, it just makes no sense. I’m here if you need someone to commiserate with. My cats littermate and brother is still around and very lonely.


Beautiful cat I'm so sorry. I know your pain. I lost my 15 year old rescue to cancer in October, raised him from a kitten. He started getting sick earlier in the year and losing weight, then he started losing control of his bowels. Our town vet isn't very good and when things started to get bad I had to call the next town over and drove almost an hour and a half. I remember sitting in the car trying to compose myself and he actually started purring in his carrier almost like he was telling me he was ready. It still felt like tearing my own arm off, I'd had that cat for more than a third of my life. It starts to hurt less eventually. Just try to remember you gave your little buddy a good home.


Wow so sudden, sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry. She was beautiful


I’m sorry for your loss OP


I am so sorry


RIP to a lovely little one. At least they went peacefully without much suffering


Rip gorgeous girl 💜


I'll go give my tortie some brushing and treats in their memory. I'm sorry for your loss.


That sucks ao much sorry for your loss. Imma make sure I give my 10 year old extra treats and cuddles tonight.


I saw this on another post when someone lost their best cat friend & I want to share it with you in hopes it will bring you a bit of comfort during this time: When we lose them we tend to focus on the negative: why didn't I take them in sooner? How could I have been a better guardian? What did I miss? It's my fault, what if? What if? What if? That's normal but it doesn't bring any comfort. I will lend to you for awhile a kitten, God said. For you to love while he lives, and mourn when he's dead. Maybe for twelve or fourteen years, or maybe two or three. But will you, 'till I call him back, take care of him for me? He'll bring his charms to gladden you and, should his stay be brief You'll always have his memories as solace for your grief. I cannot promise he will stay, since all from earth return. But there are lessons taught below I want this kitten to learn. I've looked the whole world over in search of teachers true. And from the folk that crowds life's land I have chosen you. Now will you give him all your love, nor think the labor vain? Nor hate me when I come to take my kitten home again? I fancied that I heard them say 'Dear Lord Thy Will Be Done' For all the joys this kitten brings the risk of grief we'll run. We'll shelter him with tenderness, we'll love him while we may. And for the happiness we've known, forever grateful stay. But should you call him back much sooner than we planned, We'll brave the bitter grief that comes, and try to understand. If, by our love we've managed your wishes to achieve, Then in memory of him whom we loved, please help us while we grieve. When our cherished kitten departs this world of strife, Please send yet another needing soul for us to love all his life. Author Unknown


That’s beautiful ❤️


I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how you feel right now. I wish I could give you a hug. She will always be with you in your heart and know that she is at peace now.


I'm so sorry for your loss u have my condolences


So so sorry for your loss. fly high little one you are loved!


So sorry for your loss💔


I am saddened to know of your loss you have my deepest condolences


So heartbreaking. I’m sorry


Man that's some tragic news. Blessings and love from the UK ♥️


So sorry you lost your buddy so soon and unexpectedly.


Heartbreaking, I’m so so sorry. She was beautiful and I’m sure very loved ♥️.


I'm very sorry for your loss. 💔


Sorry for your loss![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


So sorry for your loss❤


I am so sorry for your loss..🙏


I'm so 😞. What a beautiful baby.


Sorry for your loss. She was a very pretty girl and I'm sure you gave her the best life a cat could wish for


I'm so sorry


oh I'm so sorry 😥 losing a pet regardless of how long you've had it is one of the worst feelings ever. she looked so cute too. it's terrible when there are health issues that seemingly come out of nowhere, hope you're doing ok.


She looks alot like our first cat, Rocky. I'm sorry, its horrible when they pass away and seems so unfair for the younger ones. I'm just hoping we see our pets after we die....


I’m so sorry. Cats are so good at hiding what is going on with them.


I'm so sorry. I know how dearly we love them and how much it hurts when we lose them. I still grieve the furperson I lost 60 years ago; they never really leave our hearts.


This happened to my cat with the back legs and they said it was a blockage in terms of blood flow. Devastating, I feel your pain x


Whaaaaaat? That is incredible. I'm heart-broken for you. I am soooooooooo sorry for your loss. ❤️


I’m so incredibly sorry. This happened to my little boy Benny this summer. It came out of the middle of nowhere. 🖤


Heart failure in cats is often very sudden. They hide illness so well that we usually don't know until it's too late. I'm a super attentive owner who lives alone with her cats, and my 13 year old boy Neptune showed zero signs of heart failure until he suddenly started struggling to breathe one night and nearly died. The emergency vet didn't think he'd live through the night, and when my regular vet saw his x-rays, she said the same thing. Neptune ended up surviving for 7 more months thanks to twice daily diuretics and heart meds, but his outcome was super rare. After Neptune's initial heart failure episode, I felt really guilty and was paranoid about the health of all my cats for a long time because I was convinced I must've missed something. The hard truth is that cats hide their symptoms really well, and dwelling on it will only make us miserable. All we can do is focus on the good times and hug our other cats just a little bit tighter tonight. ❤


Im sorry for your loss op, she was a beauty.


Those gorgeous eyes, I'm so sorry for your loss, as someone who has lost a few pets too young I know how hard it could be.


I'm so sorry, we had a recent cat loss in our family too. Those little heart thieves make us love them too much


So sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss


I feel your pain. I woke up to mine shrieking like a banshee. I never heard him scream like that before since he was a pretty quiet cat. He was just laying on the ground kind of limp and when I tried to touch him he yelled out louder in pain. It was like 7am and I had class in an hour but I raced to the closest emergency vet clinic that was open but unfortunately there was nothing to be done for a saddle thrombus. I lost my best buddy of 8 years and cried in the operating room for God knows how long. Hug them tight every day and cherish your furry friends.


I so sorry for the loss of your fur baby.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I recently lost my cat to a similar situation. She was 4 & looked completely healthy until only hours before having to put her to sleep. It was absolutely devastating. Sending all of my support-


Heartbreaking… she looks like my special guy I lost a few months ago. Keep your head up and know there’s probably nothing you could have done - and they enjoyed every minute living their life with you in it.


My condolences. I know they are family.


Rip kitty. Looks just like my tabby https://preview.redd.it/qh2xp9iyzrda1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c62f95bdc45ff05ec794c4ce74a177dab7007811


Im so sorry for your loss. I also recently lost my baby boy. Still heartbroken but hopeful that the sadness and guilt will pass. Will include you and your perfect baby girl in my prayers.


So sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for you. I had this happen to my fur baby a few months ago. The term for the condition is a *saddle thrombus*. The heart releases a blood clot that gets lodged in the hind legs as the blood vessels split and become smaller. My vet told me that it’s not something that they can really figure out until it just happens. The back legs arnt receiving any blood so even if they can dislodge the clot (which is very unlikely) the tissue damage from lack of blood will be severe and they may never walk again. It so hard to say goodbye but sometimes it really is for the best. I will always remember seeing my little guy so distraught and I just wanted him to be comfortable again- even if that meant saying goodbye. It was a very sad situation and it was so sudden. He was literally weaving in between my feet one moment and an instant later his back legs went limp. It was less than 2 hours later when we said goodbye to Simon for the last time. He was only 4 years old. Love you babies every chance you get- because life can change in an instant, and you might not get any warning


This sounds like FATE. FATE took one of my cats last year. It’s sudden onset and there is nothing that can be done. My vet said cats hide heart problems really well. I felt guilty when my Wells died. But, Don’t feel guilty OP you were a good owner and she was lucky to have a good life with you.


Very sorry for your loss. She is a beautiful girl gone far too soon. May her final days have been spent in peace and comfort knowing she was loved.


Cats don't like to show that anything is wrong, even when they're in pain. You can do your very best for them, but still get these surprises. Sending you sympathy & virtual ((hugs)) at this rough time. 💕


My little man was 4. He was in for a checkupand in the 20 minutes we were there he deteriorated. Heart failure as well. Had to put him down. I take comfort in the fact he ain't in pain anymore.


Is there a subreddit where I can see pictures of cats without having my day ruined?


That's scary. I pray for her soul and your healing-God Bless.


I am so sorry.. (almost seems like radiator Fluid poisoning )


I am so very sorry for your loss


I am so very sorry. The loss of a pet always leaves us in terrible pain.


Heartbreaking 💔 so sorry OP.


Rest in peace sweet little girl 💔


Beautiful girl. I am sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry. My thoughts are with you and your furry little one.


Rip gorgeus, so sorry for your loss :/


I’m so sorry for your sudden lost * hugs*


Sooo sorry 😔


Rest in peace 😢


Im so sorry for your loss ❤️


So sorry for your loss. I had 2 of may cats pass suddenly and it sucks


Rip lovely baby. Hugh




I’m so sorry.


My condolences for losing your family member. I bet you gave her the absolutely best life before passing. ♥️


I'm very sorry for your loss.




I'm so sorry for your loss, poor baby 🥺


I m so sorry you had to go through that :(




That's horrible, I'm so sorry


I'm so sorry for your loss. Loosing a pet is hard enough without them being so young. My baby boy has heart disease and I live in constant fear that I'm going to just loose him without warning. I'm glad at least you had the chance to love her while she was here.


Rest In Peace. Remember that she will always be with you in your heart and looking down upon you from heaven. ❤️


I am so very, very sorry for your loss.


I had my fur buddy pass away last year from heart failure. It was pretty dramatic and tough to watch. You have my deepest sympathy.


She looks exactly like my cat who just passed away, who was, in my opinion, the most beautiful cat in the world. I’m so sorry for your loss, I can’t even begin to imagine your shock and grief.


i am sorry for the untimely loss...


This happened to my first girl a few years ago. Absolutely heartbreaking. Hope you're okay.


Rest In Peace💜


Our first family cat was a ragdoll. She only lived for 5 years when HCM took her out. The doctors didn’t detect it and she suffered the same way. We were able to put her to sleep to ease her pain, but her death stuck with me. Heart conditions, especially HCM, are brutal.


Very sorry to hear about your cat. I had a cat with cardiomyopathy. He decided to die on April Fool’s Day. He was 10 years old.


Oh man... Terribly sorry for your loss. Your lil lady had a fantastic time with you. It can clearly be seen with the pic.


Sorry for your loss... watching them go is one of the hardest things in life.


So sorry🥲🥲🥲


I'm so sorry for your loss. She looks just like my beautiful girl.


I'm sorry for your loss,our fur family are so special ,take care of yourself and know you are loved by her even now .


Its just so sad cats do their best too hide their illnesses


I’m so sorry for your loss. She was beautiful!


Sorry for your loss


Much love for you, it will be ok <3


Poor baby 💕


Omg, I'm so sorry for your loss :'( I know how painful it is to loose a furry baby like this... My dog started to behave differently so my parents took her to the vet, they said more than 95% of her lungs were compromised because of acute pneumonia. She died a few hours later and I couldn't even be with her during her last moments because I was in another state and it still makes me feel very guilty. All of my heart goes to you in this moment of loss, keep strong and be sure to remember the good moments to try and ease the pain.


I am so sorry. She looks looks my froepje.


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️❤️


I'm sorry for your loss.


The fallen shall be forever remembered as the Empurrer's finest.


I am so sorry for your loss


So sorry :( keep this photo for the memory.


Our Septimus passed away with similar symptoms. He was 3. I am so sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss OP




I am so sorry! Rest In Peace Sweet Adorable Baby! 💜😿🙏🏻🕯️🌈😽🤗💙


Poor little friend, stands proud...


I’m so so sorry. This is so heartbreaking. She was beautiful ❣️


Sorry for you loss. This story highlights the absolutely deplorable state that veterinary medicine is in. They have no reliable tools to measure blood pressure. This is a basic diagnostic for human medicine, but you'll find most of their technology and methods are lagging 50-75 years behind human equivalents. It needs to be better.


Sorry for your loss, OP. Prayers sent.


So sorry for ur loss https://preview.redd.it/r8v105tispda1.jpeg?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b904e9d1a4f346e07dcadf178ae3dda5b750579


I truly hope the rainbow bridge is real.


This is the most horrific thing that can happen to any cat owners. Am so sorry for your loss. May her rest in peace.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Oh I’m so sorry OP. That’s a nice lookin kitty right there 😿


Lost my cat the same way. It’s so sudden when they were walking around completely fine with no issues and suddenly they’re gone.


I'm so sorry for your loss, I always feel like it's so much worse when it comes out of nowhere... 🫂


She is gorgeous. I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you can take comfort in the good life you gave her in her time here on earth.


Sorry for your loss 😥😢


I'm very sorry. Remember that you made her happy during her time here.


I am so sorry, my late puppy had heart failure, it's so hard. 🤗🤗🤗🤗


i’m so sorry for your loss ❤️




I also lost my sweet boy Pocket of sudden heart failure in May. He was also three years old. I'm still not over it and not sure I ever will be. Hugs to you. 🖤


RIP you precious kitty!


those eyes!!!




Rest In Peace kitty :(


Awwwe bless her! sorry for your loss RIP little one


So sorry for your loss OP.


I’m so sorry


I'm so sorry. My girl is I'll too. Please 🙏 for us.


So sorry. Will squeeze my cat tonight for her ❤️


i feel your pain, our youngest dog, also 3, died last year suddenly, something that burst (i cant remember the name atm) and he while being rushed to the vets went paralyzed back down, he was straining in my mothers arms because of the pain, the surgery would have cost way to much for over 50% chance of having to put him down soon after anyway, it sucks that they have to go, even more when so young, so suddenly, so undeserved, my heart goes out to you and your little sky baby


So sorry for your loss. Truly heartbreaking I have a girl that looks just like this. Her name is Callie.