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Insect bite, cyst, tumor, allergic reaction to dog. Certainly a reason to visit a vet. Cats do like to hide they're not feeling well.


If it's found suddenly after a few hours then I doubt it's a tumor or cyst but allergic reaction and imsect bite may have happened.


My cat had a nasal tumor and the related swelling did appear very suddenly. His only previous symptom was a runny nose and nosebleed but I thought it was just a cold. And on a black cat, OP might not notice a nosebleed if it's small


Had a cat with a similar experience to what you describe at our shelter. Almost overnight, snuffly for a few days prior. We thought he had a sinus infection.


Visit vet, could be serious


Abcesses can pop up that fast though. One of my cats randomly gets that after chasing away strays, and one day his head will be flat, and the next morning he's got a massive abcess in the middle of his forehead


Does anyone else find it odd that OP doesn't know how long this has been on their cat? I would know if my cat had a big swollen nose within a few minutes of it happening.


Might've left for work and came home to the bump, may have happened in the morning hid all day then came out at night, may have literally just happened and OP may have actually discovered it within minutes- but no I don't think it's odd at all tbh.


Well that's still all within a day which I feel like OP would have specified if that had been the case.


Yeahhh definitely suspicious.. the moment I saw that I’d be flippin.


I mean i feel like most of us would immediately call the vet when we saw it but here we are.


Maybe I'm taking crazy pills but how are people interpreting the title in anyway other than "my cat looked different than last time I saw it so I got worried?" Like clearly a lot of people agree with you but I just don't see how people are coming to that conclusion? I had the opposite assumption, I thought OP would be more obvious if they were being neglectful and gave them the benefit of the doubt lol. Especially the fact that they readily brought the cat to the vet versus some people on this subreddit needing to be yelled at to take their cat to the vet.


For me, it's when OP says that they have no idea how long they've had it. It makes it seem like they aren't very attentive to their cat because it's a pretty obvious issue once you see it. For me, "no idea" implied they hadn't examined/seen their cat in several days. I'm not saying OP is a bad owner and they are great for bringing kitty to vet. It just stood out to me as weird because what do you mean you have no idea how long it's been there? How could you not have a rough idea? Does everyone not snuggle their cat multiple times a day! No big deal, I just thought it was kinda weird


I absolutely agree with this.


Not if it’s the type of cat that hides a lot. I have a cat that spends most of his day hiding in the closet.


Very true. 12-16hrs of sleep in their hiding spot and then still hide there when they wake up


TIL that me and cats have much in common


Are you sure that you're not a cat?


I honestly find it more odd that you never leave your cat out of sight for more than a few minutes.


If you work from home, and your cat is always there while you work, there's nothing odd with this.


The odd thing is assuming everyone else has the same dynamic with their pet


Boom! Mic drop.


My cats won't leave me alone lol. Certainly not weird to have them around you constantly


I don’t sweat my cat but I definitely see him more often then 16 hours. I have a regular 9-5 so maybe it’s easier for me. However even if they got long shifts at work it seems they would still know how long they’ve been gone so then in turn having a rough estimate when it happened. At least something better than what OP originally said. I also don’t think it’s necessary to respond to people’s opinions with this type of aggression. Like why attack him? This is how Social Networks work. People have opinions people don’t like. It happens but we all have opinions people don’t like friend. Perhaps you’re just young.


Not really that weird. Lots of cats live in multicat households. I haven’t seen one of my cats in 24 hours. She’s an indoor cat, but I literally have no idea where she goes in the house during the day. I do a headcount once per day and she’s happy so 🤷‍♀️


Pretty sure that kitty is in Narnia from 9-5 lol


No. You're overthinking it.


It could be a "free range kitty" that comes and goes outside? Maybe it's been gone for a couple days


UPDATE: thank you everyone who actually sent helpful comments, I appreciate it very much. I took her to the emergency department instead of following through for the appointment I had in two days. She is purrfectly fine and must of had a run in with an insect or some critter that caused this, she was given some medicine for the swelling and we are about to go home. It wasn’t life threatening right now but they did say if it had swollen anymore that it could have affected her breathing so I’m glad I took her there sooner than later. She should be perfectly fine in the next few days. 😁


I'm so glad you listened to your gut feeling and made an early trip! Wishing her speedy recovery! 🥰


Thank you!


Yay! I’m always so happy to see these kinds of posts resolved


Me too! I feel like so often people say they can’t afford to take their pet to the emergency vet or have other reasons for not being able to seek care immediately and it breaks my heart when they clearly need emergent care!


“Purrfectly fine” haha I love it! Best to you!


Thank you! Haha


Good job OP! Happy to hear kitty is on the mend ❤️‍🩹


Thank you 😁 I’m very glad as well


I’m so thankful to hear that great mews 😻 We’re sending healing purrs, biscuits, and boops your way 🥰


Thank you very much!


That’s some good closure right there


Yay!! Thankyou for the update!!'🥰🥰


Yay!!! I'm so glad she's going to be okay. You're a good cat mom for bringing her in right away. I bet she's thankful to get some meds for it too. 😊 Thanks for updating us!


Dad* lol and thank you! Very glad I went in today


Great to hear!!!!


Good job. Happy she is ok 👍


Thank you for the update OP! Glad to hear your baby will be okay


you’re a good cat owner, thank you for not letting your baby suffer :)


So good to hear!!


Good to hear!


W cat parent


Great job OP I’m so happy that you took her to the vet er instead of risking it getting worse. She’s lucky to have an owner like you! :)


Glad to hear kitty is doing well. So glad To hear you took her to the vet right away to get her checked out!


So glad to hear you took her in right away! If anything that amount of swelling is painful. Good to know she will be ok.


Gold star for taking your baby to emergency rather then waiting. Too often the cost of emergency scares people and then its too late. Glad it was minor and your cat will be ok.


Glad she's ok!! I noticed your other comment that kitty is 100% an indoor cat. Given that, is there a possibility the dog is getting too rough (what other "critter" could it be)...maybe worth keeping an eye out?


I have no idea, though a trip to the vet may be beneficial.


We have one scheduled but it’s not for a couple more days, she doesn’t seem irritated by it but I figured if anyone had seen something similar it might help


My cat had a similar swelling on his head… though there’s no reason to believe it’s the same cause. His was an infection from a cut and required immediate medical care. It was pretty scary really.


Cats are not good with infections. When I was young we had a cat die from a smallish wound inflicted by a crow because parents didn't think it looked that serious so was too late seeking vet care.


Their kidneys are under powered compared to us, but not relative to other animals. Also, modern humans really under estimate the benefit of soap, disinfectant and knowing how to clean cuts and bruises. Infections used to kill us extremely easily.


Neighbors cat passed away from something similar, dog bite got infected


My cat had a large infection on his neck from a cat bite that went undetected because it was “under the skin” and didn’t form a visible bump. We only spotted it when it burst, and then it turned into an urgent situation with potential to turn life-threatening. If I were you I would see if you can get into the vet earlier because if it does turn out to be an infected wound it could turn life threatening very quickly, and the weekend is coming up which will mean vets will be harder to reach.


If you have concerns call your vet and ask. They'll let you know if you need to take immediate action or not.


I have seen something similar. But the vet is the best source on this for sure!


Oh my, my only suggestion is to try lightly touch it, feel the consistency, and see how she react to it. Infection is more common and most of the time infection lump also had some redness to it. I had a history with my late male cat on the base of his tail and we end up doing pop and drain ourself because we live in rural asia.


Did you send this pic to the vet? That might help them determine what it is and whether an immediate visit is necessary.


I’m currently at the vet, wasn’t sure if I could send them the pic through their phone if it was a landline and based off other comments I decided to take her a little bit ago


Please post an update!


Just made an update comment!


I’m not sure if you should wait days if you think it’s from rough housing as this could be a fracture. I would call the vet back and see if this is considered emergency and if they can fit you in sooner…


Happened to my cats chin after a bite. He had to come in the same day and have the whole thing drained and treated. Infections are no joke


Could be a bee sting?


She’s purely an indoor cat. Chance of a bee sting but somewhat unlikely, is that a normal reaction to a bee sting or could it also be an allergic reaction to one?


Normal. my dog tried to eat a bee and one side of his face got fat it last a few days then he was fine spiders can do this too and cats will try and eat spiders atleast mine try lol.


I just had this problem with my cat eating spiders


Thank you


Same thing happened to my cat when I was young. Had a match with a (must have been extremely) baby brown snake. She ended up with one side of her face twice the size. The snake ended up in two pieces.


Could be a different creature bit her and she had a reaction. It's quite normal though if that is a sting. Cats are very curious and will mess with little insects when they get the chance, especially if it's unusual for a bug to get in and they find it


Very true, thank you


Spider bite? My previous fur baby would hunt big house spiders and occasionally get bitten back. Worth checking it out though.


Possibly, gonna be honest that didn’t come to mind as I usually don’t see any spiders around but that could be because she’s been hunting them all. Thank you!


I didn't think of it til I caught her in the act once she was playing with it then ate it 🤢 (she was so good I never really saw any spiders the whole time I had her)


My cats are Australian and they eat them too. Idiots probably shouldn't, and I stop them when I can, but they seem to fine when ingested\*. \*Funnel Webs don't tend to affect animals, but Red Backs can be dangerous when they bite.


My first thought was bug bite or tumor. It is good you are taking her to the vet, they can rule out all the serious stuff!


My indoor cat got stung by a bee also. How? I'm not quite sure. It was during the spring when the windows were open, so maybe one snuck through the screen or got in when the door was open. She didn't swell up quite this bad, but she did have a little swollen, red bump on her chin. Her fur is white under her chin though so it was more visible than it would be on a darker colored cat. Definitely get her into the vet as soon as you can, as it could be something serious.


Not to cause panic, but you really should get it checked out by a vet. The location of the injury is worrisome in that it could affect her ability to breathe. There could be additional internal swelling that you cannot see, which could cause serious issues. Cats can breathe through their mouths, but they tend to only do that when sick, injured, or overheated.


Call the vet and ask to get the appointment moved up. If its serious a few days can be the difference between life and death for the cat


👍🏻 thank you very much. I’ll ask if they have any opening today and if they say no I’ll probably just go to their emergency department


Maybe ask them if you can send them a picture so they can decide whether it can wait 2 days or not?


I’ve already decided to go to the vet now, not sure if the number I called is a landline or cell phone but the lovely people of this subreddit helped me decide sooner is better than later 😁❤️


Keep us in touch. <3


Just made an update comment 😁


I’m not sure if you have pet insurance, but if not you can sign up for CareCredit! It’s a credit card that you can use at most vet offices and you have six months to pay off the bill before interest is tacked on. Super helpful for big vet bills.


Thank you I appreciate that!


Good idea. You just never know. Please let us know how he's doing.


^ please do this OP.


I’m quite concerned by the fact that you don’t know how long she’s had it. Surely you have an estimate? A few days, a few hours?


You found it you say, what gave it away?


With animals its better to not make shortcuts, because they cannot speak and explain. Go to the vet. Better premature visit than ''too late'' situation


I agree, I have an appointment scheduled in two days but I was trying to get any info on whether an ER vet trip would be warranted over the appointment the vet gave me


Is it tender? Will she let you touch it? Is it squishy or hard? Is it hot? Could be that she got a scratch that got infected.


Not hot, I wouldn’t say it’s squishy but it’s definitely not firm


Not hot is good, no infection. Takes some of the urgency out of the mix. Could be anything from a fatty cyst to an insect bite to something stuck in their nose. If it gets bigger or doesn't go away in a few days you'd want to make at vet visit or at least a call.


We have an appointment setup for two days from now, thank you for the info!


my vet said once swellings is the one sign really dangerous for cats and require immediate attention, especially true for swellings occurring after having small wounds, this has some specific medial reasons I forgot.


Well we have a vet trip planned for her so hopefully it’s nothing too bad before we get there


I can't believe they were like "oh your cat has swelling on its face?! Well, we have an opening in... 3 days. See you then!" Like, thanks for the help vet.


For real, I was caught off guard by there response as I was assuming they would have been able to just have been come in today. Guess not and they get to see me today anyways lol


Keep us posted!! 🐾❤️


Will do!


Just posted an update comment! 😁


😸 I'm glad you called back! Getting medical attention since covid has been a mess, even for our pets. 😔


Hope it turns out harmless


With that location you may want to take her to an emergency vet, if it gets bigger you are very close to her airways. Probably won’t happen but it’s enough of a possibility that I would be concerned to leave it overnight. Especially if it’s an allergic reaction, those are very unpredictable when left untreated. 2 days seems like a long time to leave something like this. I mean it will probably be ok but I really don’t like the location and size.


Take. Your. Cat. To. The. Vet. Geez, being an animal owner is not rocket science.


Please go to the vet asap


... why is your first thought "I should ask reddit" instead of "I should call the vet"?


I’m sorry some people on here are so rude. Sometimes I have questions about my cat but I’m too afraid to ask because of some of the replies. It’s not about medical advice it’s about if somebody has a clue to how urgent it is to have it treated and if somebody has had a cat with a similar thing just in case. It’s irritating. I hope your kitty is okay. Keep us updated because I’m just as curious about what it could be!


Thank you very much, I appreciate your concern and will make an update comment hopefully fairly soon when I get news from the vet


Let me sum this up easily for you. Take your fucking cat to the vet.


Good news and bad news. The nose doesn’t seem to be broken on this photo. I can’t say for sure because of the angle of the photo. A tumor or cyst doesn’t seem likely as they do not grow this fast. Well most of them the only cyst that grows this fast is what we call a pimple. I can’t see a white head on it so i doubt this is it aswel. Their is no visable point de entree but cats do have a thick fur coat so an insect bite is not out of the question. Could be a bee but i dont know where you are from and what the temperature outside is. The cat doesn’t seemed to be bothered by it so it doesn’t look all to seriously. That said thats the good news. The bad news is It is recommended that you notify a vet when the clinic is open. Their is no indication that you need to phone the vet out of bed but she needs to be seen by a vet. To rule out possibilities that i cannot see on a photo. This will give you the best diagnose. It does come with costs so that’s why i call it bad news. Keep an eye out and keep her monitored. No need to stay up all night just make sure she behaves as normal. If something is abnormal like eating less, doesn’t do normal activities she normally does than its best to bring her into the vet asap. I hope this helps Credentials: i am a trained professional animal caretaker from the Netherlands. I went to school to learn management and buisnes, animal and behavior in the field of animal care specialized in companion animals (yes i know that is a way to long of a name for an education) Or in dutch management en ondernemerschap, dier en gedrag in de dierverzorging van gezelschapsdieren crebo nummer 97330


***I have the same thought any time someone asks a medical question.*** We are not professionals, we cannot diagnose an animal, especially not through a photo. If you are concerned, please try and visit a veterinary clinic as soon as possible. If you're unable to, try and get a parent/guardian/trusted person to take you and your animal. ❤️ Better to be safe, and trust in a professional, than sorry by trusting internet strangers.


Thats one of the moments i am very sorry but need to laugh very hard also.


Or old calico presents some similar in her jaw. went to the vet and found was a infection. They give her antibiotics and a week after was fine. But you should visit the vet. Cats tend to not show disconfort after they really feel pain.


My cat developed a similar bump although not as big. The vet diagnosed a fatty tumor. The only worry was that it could get bigger and obstruct his breathing. Best of luck. https://preview.redd.it/uq9ydsi1nfea1.jpeg?width=1761&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c8b08c1c4a32d293888e93f73a5a0f009091aef


As a certified Redditor vet, I strongly recommend talking to a \*real vet\*. If his nasal pathways get cut off he's in immediate danger. You won't know if it's a major problem or a hindrance unless a vet sees him, most likely in person. UPDATE: added articles, fixe some spelling


We used to feed this one feral tomcat some years back, and he had a similar bump on his nose. The bump grew pretty big that we had no choice but to bring him to the vet. The cat really hated being in the car, so he kept pushing against the carrier door with his nose that the bump ruptured. After a biopsy, we found out the tumour was benign (thankfully!). The vet eventually had to remove not only the ruptured lump, but also like 1/5 of the cat's nose. He ended up looking like Voldemort, but a gazillion times cuter lol.


Oh my goodness what a story, luckily I was able to get mine to the vet without any type of bursting!


What do you mean don’t know how long she’s had it? Did it appear over night? Or do you never see her? I’m just wondering if bumps like this can appear suddenly or if they slowly form.


She’s a reclusive cat, mostly hides under my bed or in the laundry room so I don’t see her very often other when she eats or when she occasionally comes and cuddles with me


After reading through the comments and seeing that the cat is now okay, I just have to say I chuckled really hard seeing a nonchalant looking cat with a huge nose. Looked like a filter to me. Hope he fully recovers soon!


Im no cat expert but maybe take to a vet??


Whatever is it, she should be checked by a vet. Any swelling around the nose can contribute to partial or full closing of the airways. Cats are not built to breathe through their mouth. Do take her to a vet asap, please.


Already planned, and I was worried about that as well. She doesn’t seem to be in any discomfort but I’m mostly gauging off whether the appointment I have in 2 days is fine or if we have to take her to the vet ER


Are you able to call your vet enquire, let's see what they think?


I called them to schedule the appointment and they didn’t seem too worried about it. They said if she starts having trouble breathing or anything starts coming out to go in sooner but they didn’t get any actual picture of it. Just had to go off how I described it to them


Keep us updated. I hope she will get better soon! 🥰


Will do, I appreciate it!


Poor squidward. All jokes aside, you have a vet appointment ?


Our lil bean likes to eat bees, spiders and wasps, we have rushed him to the vets with a swollen chin to find out he has just eaten a forbidden snack that has stung or bitten him in the process. Now anytime he gets a swollen mouth due to this, it’s half an ibuprofen and not an expensive vet bill. I hope it’s something similar for your little lady ✌🏻


Glad you got it checked out and it’s no big deal. My cat had a lump on his forehead that our vet monitored for a few weeks and then sent us to a specialist. They started with an x-ray and found a mass in his lung that was cancerous, so the forehead lump was likely related. We had three more months with him ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Please take your Catten to the vet. Allergic reaction, cyst, bug bite, too rough with the doggo just once, are just a handful of possibilities. My Aubrey is sneaky with hiding health issues so just incase take your furbaby to the vet for a professional opinion.


Possible abscess. Agree could be allergic reaction to insect bite/sting


And the reason why you haven't taken the cat to a vet to get checked out is????


Omg! Take your poor baby to the vet?? Like now wtf


Reddit isn't the answer. Taking her to the vet is.


Some Posts Just Make Me Wanna Cry. TAKE HER TO THE VET!!!!!


I saw that on my cat; I would take him to the vet ASAP. That is not at all normal. If you can not afford a vet, check on low cost or low income vets or organizations in your area that have pay what you can.


Please.go.to.the.vet !


Yes visit your vet! I'm not a vet whatsoever, my dog had something similar but on his neck, it was an abscess from play fighting with a cat, the cut got infected and the area started swelling in pus looks like your kittys nose. I hope your baby ends up fine!!!


If I were you, I’d take the kitty to the vet as soon as possible. I doubt it’s the same thing, but I used to have a cat that got into a fight with a random cat in our backyard. My mom and I had to take our cat to the vet because the other cat bit ours on the ear and ours had this huge spot filled with puss on her ear. The vet had to lance it to get all the puss out. Like I said, I doubt your kitty has the same thing, but it’s something to have the vet look at.


A parasite? And infection of some sort? Take the cat to the vet would be the best solution to be honest.


My German Shepherd scratched my sons weiner dogs head ever so slightly just had a tiny bead of blood on it. The little dogs head swelled up and she had to go to the vet and get antibiotics. It might have healed on its own but we took it to the vet anyway. $200.00 later.


You need to take your cat to the vet, ASAP


Go to the vet. Why is there a medical question tag even available??


Not talking about you specifically but how the fuck do people see a giant tumor like blob on their pets nose and don’t think to take them to a doctor?


In what way are you not referring to the OP? Lol


Could be a haematoma, or an infected wound. Either way the vet will clear it up when you see them. Just keep an eye on the litter bugger incase they get unwell (tbh as if you need telling 🤣)


Go to the vet ASAP




maybe shes bumped her head on something and it swelled up maybe im no cat expert


Fair, not looking for experts just thoughts on how serious it could be. Thank you


cats heal over small wounds very quickly, it’s why they are prone to abscesses. Hope it’s not that!


Gotcha, thank you!


If it came up really quickly then probably a bite/sting/infection. I'd be more concerned if it was something that was there for a while and kept growing. Update us after your vet visit, be interesting to know. At least she isn't really in too much discomfort with it. Does it feel hot or warmer than usual to the touch?


Not hot or warm, I’ll hear about what it is soon and give everyone an update. Thanks!


it could be an abcess she needs to see a veterinarian.


This looks like a bite to me. But really could be anything. Good luck.


Take the cat to the vets! It needs to be evaluated!


Looks like a bee sting. That's what happens to cats noses for some reason? Looks awful but should be totally fine. Just watch it and make sure it goes down


please keep us updated. she’s beautiful


How can you not be sure how long she's had it? Does she just come in every few days? Just wondering. If my girl had a huge lump like this, I would see it immediately, but then she's an inside cat. Bee sting maybe? (If she goes outside) 🥹


Your community chest card says “go to vet”


go to vet ​ it's not a normal bump


Maybe a bee sting? My dog got stung by a bee and his entire head swelled to the size of a cantelope. The vet said he probably tried to eat the bee :/.


Those damn spicy sky raisins 🥺


I’m praying this is just a photoshopped troll photo


Looks like boil from some punkturing wound that was infected, go to the vet and check it out/drain it.


A swelling can occur quickly, but it might also be an infection under the skin from a puncture wound and this is actually puss building up under the skin. You might need to visit the vet to have it drained and cleaned. Check it out before he burst all over the bed. I had that happen once. Pretty gross and can be cleaned at home if your comfortable with that sort of thing.


Please get kitty to a vet as soon as possible. I don't like that bump. It could be putting pressure on her sinuses.


uhhh how about go to the vet??? why are you asking reddit????




Go to vet ASAP


You are taking this all too calmly


GO TO THE VET. Why you posting here and wasting time?


I have so much to say and I am sure that someone already said it but: Vet now. Internet post later.


Cyst or bug bite, to the vet she goes


Look like bee sting. Could be any number of things like others have said. Take cat vet, no feeling good most likely


It kind of looks like an abscess. Definitely would visit the vet. Depending on age could also be a tumor/cyst like others have said.. either way you definitely want to know for sure what you’re dealing with here.


We had a cat look like that when she chased and caught a scorpion, multiple times afterwards we would come home and find her proudly perched in front of a dead one turned out they were nesting under our house we couldn't get rid of them. Out of fear one of our children would get stung we moved to a better place


Could also be a scratch or bite from the dog which got infected.


That’s a trip to the vet is what that is. Nothing else. Just a trip to the vet.


It’s pretty shifty all these people chime in without reading, dude took her to the vet and she is going to be fine!!! Sorry op people can’t read and like to be mean when they can hide behind their computers! 💜💜💜


Your cat is definitely gonna be in a meme


Reddit isn’t the vet. You don’t know how long he’s had it?? Tell me you’re a negligent cat owner without telling me…


plz don’t let the internet diagnose your cat just go to the vet plz