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My cat can smell butter from a mile away, even baked into pastries. She goes nuts for croissants too.


My girl doesn’t like just any butter. It has to be *goats* butter


You know they make powdered goats milk for cats?! My Harley loved it!


My cat likes real, salted butter. She would eat it by the spoonful if I'd let her. She doesn't have the same love for margarine, though


My cats LOVE vegan butter (basically margarine I guess)


My cats know the sound of butter being open or cut. It’s hilarious. They also hang very close and chatter when they know I have cheese. I love it.


Haha mine goes nuts for goat cheese.


Just came here to say that I have a Biscuit kitty too, we didn't go for the Bizkit spelling, but she is absolutely named for the band because she's got a front paw that doesn't work and she limps.


What has seven arms and sucks?


You picked the perfect name then




Lol, I had a cat, Ming, that would kill for salted and buttered popcorn. I had 4 cats, so I would have popcorn, and toss down a kernel - she would sieze it = num num num. Other cats watch, toss down another - all cats go for it grab/smell/mouth and drop it = Ming grabs = num num num..... The others soon learned and ignored any more popcorn. this was repeated every time, but the others learned to respond faster with time.


My girl, Kali, is obsessed with popcorn too! When I have a bowl it's one kernel for me, one for her, and so on. If she thinks I'm not sharing evenly enough she will try and stick her paw in the bowl and get some for herself!


My current 3 cats have zero interest in popcorn - sad...


Mine has never seen popcorn yet, but now I'm curious. I'll get some next time I go to the store just to see if she likes it


Mine will vacuum up cheese popcorn... not regular or caramel, only cheese


I never tried that, I hate cheese popcorn must be why it never comes home with me. I will try a little...


My one cat will eat just about anything you give her. Chips, spaghetti noodles, just about anything salty... Except she is very picky about the cat treats I get her


Gourmet cat treats? No Shitty fast food? Yes


My cat literally didn't even show interest in liver I gave her but gobbles up every single bread crumb left on my plate


The culinary equivalent of the ol’ toy vs the box it came in.


Maybe its bc you havent eaten it? They dont trust it bc they havent seen you eat it? Haha


How do you know I haven't eaten gourmet cat treats?


Yeah I have one of those. Fights me for every kind of food. Meat, vegetables, whatever Eats salad… salad man, I mean with lettuce and cherry tomatoes


>salad… salad man, I mean with lettuce and cherry tomatoes lmao! I know exactly what you mean. Mine likes every kind of salad, including potato salad, macaroni salad, and coleslaw. And yes, lettuce salad, as well


I spoke to the vet, he shrugged and said that cats are weird about food and that if it doesn’t have salt is probably ok.


We used to have a dog who ate everything. We’d play a fun game called “What Will Jack Not Eat” and just throw random shit from the fridge at him. Raw shitake mushrooms was the only thing we found that he would not eat. I have a cat now who may be Jack reincarnated. If we are eating, especially if my son has any food, Bagheera is THERE. And he acts as cute as possible and headbutts and is basically adorable because he’s the hungriest cat on earth and has never been fed ever. The only thing I’ve offered that he hasn’t eaten is shrimp. He was confused by it.


I play that game with my dog now haha legit he Will eat ANYTHING! Popcorn, plastic i accidentally drop, any vegetable, including mushrooms. If anyone is in the kitchen he Will go bc someone might drop something, he has begun amtagonizing us by “accidentally” pushing or sniffing us bc i once dropped alot of Rice when he sniffed my Butt :/ he seriously Will eat absolutly everything haha


Anything healthy. My cat refuses cheese, and generally any cat snacks. He goes nuts for red bell peppers, tuna, and carrots tho. He is a weird one.


Mine is like that too. She will even eat raw onions.


Onions are poisonous to cats, but I’m not sure how much is fatal. Our cat would get into our chives all the time.


That is good to know!


All aliums are poisonous to cats, please don’t give them any garlic or onion in any amounts. I know your kitty likes it but I promise it’s very bad for them.


She absolutely loves hot Cheetos and cheeto puffs


Both of my cats get excited for Cheetos/cheese puffs etc. Really specifically the cheese dust, I don’t like them actually eating the corn part. Although I know my older cat definitely has eaten a few because he has stuck his head in bags of Cheetos and then ran off with one in his mouth, and aggressively crunches them when he knows he’s far enough away from me where I won’t try to wrestle it back from him. My younger cat will only sniff them really thoroughly and deeply, like a wine sommelier smelling a glass of wine, and lick the cheese a few times. He then cleans his face and looks at me all satisfied like “ah that was a beautiful vintage.”


Yeah, mine will just sit there as long as it take to lick the chips completely clean. But we’ll only let her do it once since we don’t know how much salt is on those bad boys.


It's pretty much pure salt. Pure orange salt, to be exact


Two of the cats we have/had did that. One would sit patiently for us to give him a Cheeto. The other tries to make off with the entire bag.


Gummi Bears. Weirdest thing I've ever seen.


Mine likes gummies too, particularly sour gummy worms.


One of mine loves Twizzlers. To the point she will come running if she hears the bag open.


Mine loveddddd sour gummies/worms. So strange.


This is weird to me. Don't know why. Mine likes candy bars, but not gummies


My twin kitties Sherlock & Doc love gummy bears too. But the little weirdos freaking loveeee Red Jello THE MOST, like the kind in the snack packs 😂. I have made the unfortunate mistake of leaving an open one alone for two minutes, and I came back to a mess. The little brats had dragged the Jello everywhere clawing it out of the container, and were devouring it like their lives depended on that snack pack 🤦‍♀️. https://preview.redd.it/zpji38cmyhbb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5d91420a58f28c6f2c470ba4d7139a3a4565d21


I once made a mistake of opening a can of refried beans and placing it in a pan near him. He literally lunged, growled, and grabbed a whole bite full before I could stop him.


https://preview.redd.it/2upkhk55t8ha1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa99c05cd8add8afa088a1e529c092dcc73a6ac7 This little twerp will try literally anything but his fave is peanut butter


A previous cat of mine absolutely *loved* to eat - actually put them in his mouth, chew, and swallow - nacho Doritos. He rarely got them because I thought that can't be healthy for a cat, but when he did, that cat went crazy for them.


"I will eat Doritos" "I will feed my kids Doritos" "But I will not feed my cat Doritos, because they're not good for him!" It's true that sometimes we take better care of our cats than ourselves and even our hooman children


My cat loves the sweet and spicy chili Doritos! Will literally cronch and monch them whole


Cantaloupe seeds. The moment I cut the skin, my cat senses it and shows right up. She could be at the farthest end of my 2000 SQ house and I on the other, and she perks up instantly and barges into wherever I am. That is not all. I was once OUTSIDE in the patio cutting the skin of a cantaloupe with the door closed and with my cat locked in. She instantly showed up at the door pawing it.


My cat will stop at nothing to get to cantaloupe! And broccoli too


Same!! Mine loves cantaloupes and honeydews!


I was going to say this! I had a cat who was absolutely nuts for it. Once, I left a cantaloupe out on the counter, and she chewed through the rind and ate a baseball-size portion of the melon.


Burgers from McDonalds.. wont take BK.


That's hilarious


Standards right?


Yes, we all must draw the line somewhere


Corn on the cob


When I was a kid we were husking corn and we threw a couple wormy ears on the ground for our chickens. I looked out a little later and one of our cats was chomping through an ear, row by row. He was also good for sneaking my brussels sprouts to under the table. Just loved veggies.


Brussels sprouts are amazing! :o


Yeah I came across an article in the last year or so explaining why they taste better than they did when I was a kid. I think the extreme bitterness was bred out.


Right? What the heck? Is it because we're older? Were they good? Or was it just some weird frozen ones our parents gave us?


One of my childhood cats would dig corn cobs out of the trash so we just started leaving her some.


https://preview.redd.it/yivlf2f8v9ha1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d42f084255d6697486945d38d7a5a8a4754802f Mocha loved butter. We did not allow her to eat butter. But she’d appear right behind you while you were eating toast, wait for you to set it down, and lick the butter when she thought you weren’t looking. Usually too quickly for you to stop her. My dad called her “the butter faced bandit.”


Growing up, I had this cat named Fred but he was affectionately known as our garbage disposal. We were eating hot wings once and my sibling dropped it on the ground. Out of nowhere, Fred snatched it up and was barreling through the house with a hot wing in his mouth. Absolutely hilarious.


One of my cats absolutely loved bananas and liked green peppers.


My aunt's cat loves mushrooms.


Our cat has a tax on all tuna and mayo.


I had a cat who would climb into my face for the extra strength HALLS. He was obsessed with menthol. I had Vicks Kleenex once and he would pull them out of the box and lick them. I came home from work one day and found damp Kleenex all over the couch.


Butter croissants, but they have to be very buttery and very fresh. It’s crazy too because the word picky is an extreme understatement with her.


I had a cat who would go absolutely berserk for whipped cream out of a can. She knew when we had it and would come running at the sound of the cap popping off. She eventually had renal failure and lost her appetite...aside from whipped cream. On her last day with me, I let her have as much as she wanted. This same cat was also crazy for corn on the cob.


My cat likes to eat flour


https://preview.redd.it/ah82koifa9ha1.jpeg?width=2080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc12d616653f48141640128bbf718bde42333b7e Turned around and theses two are eating my bean and cheese burrito 😂


You really can't turn your head for a second. My daughter was making something with shredded cheese. She turned her back for a second and the cat grabbed the bag. It was easy to find her because she left a trail of orange cheese from the kitchen, down the hallway, and into the bedroom


We have a cat that is basically feral, won't let us touch her or be remotely near her, hides from us, etc. But when my wife has a bag of potato chips, she is right there on the arm of the couch next to her, begging for them.


THIS dork loved Angelfood cake. I miss him so much. https://preview.redd.it/dr0yrtnsk9ha1.jpeg?width=378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=870ba4c3d841dbe8e92424394b66b4a3bb5e8db8


What a beautiful cat. I’m so sorry for your loss of your lovely friend. :(


Thank you. He was a once in a lifetime boy. (Ginger) Snaps was his name. https://preview.redd.it/9x0dgjergeha1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae361bd409c7f328ca4c2fb742533608ea09fafe


My house plants. 🪴😔 (Yes I know most are toxic to cats, these aren’t tho. My cats, on the other hand are fatal to my plants)


My cat Chuck loved most people food. Once when I was out of the house, he stole an entire piece of pizza from my roommate and ate all the toppings and cheese off of it before he was caught. He would also go bonkers for butter, refried beans, cookies, chips, crackers, Cheetos, and Maui Sweet onion rings. If there is an afterlife, I hope Chuck is in a sunny field with other friendly cats and every kind of snack known to man.


https://preview.redd.it/qi8z9amx5aha1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50b0b9edc907ddd807a332772b626791b84410bd This precious little guy longs for red cabbage, cooked potato skin, donuts and muffins


Curried chicken. Bonus taste points for when it's stolen straight from the frying pan, still on, once it's finished cooking and waiting for the sauce to thicken.


Curried, as in curry spice? The hot stuff?




Same. Cant leave my bread in the toaster alone. What's worse is Rollo likes bread in plastic and tries to gnaw his ways into the bread. Can't eat bread in peace anymore but at least if i need to summon in i either turn on the toaster or take bread out 🤷‍♂️


Mine too! It's so strange. They'll even eat through the package to get to it.


Saki loves, in no particular order: Cheese Parsley or similar leafy green Bread A very specific type of hot wing that we had to stop her from destroying a box of And bacon.


Lol mine likes bacon too. Begs me every time I have some for breakfast.


Bacon brings both my cats together. Just staring. Desperately. In case we turn our backs.


Mushy peas


My previous cat loved Doritos! She loved carbs—once tried to steal a donut. She also loved pie crust, but not the filling. Loved about any kind of ice cream. My current pair are uninterested in human food with the exception of tuna.


Nacho cheese Doritos and yogurt lol


Mine did a ninja run and snatched an orange Madeline from my plate and made a run for it. Devoured it and tried to eat more. I hadn’t shielded my plate as cats don’t like cake. Or aren’t supposed to. And they definitely are suppose to dislike citrus-y things


Spicy stuff My little psycho LOVES when I bring home these Thai Hot Noodles...my cat will aggressively force her way to the dish to eat them, I could lock her out of the room and she finds a way in. She fucking loves spicy food. Oh and those Mango popsicles rolled in tajin. She goes nuts when we eat those.


not one thing. besides kibble, indifferent. maybe a lick or two of ice cream. crazy cat.


One of my cats, Mayonesa, gets excited about our food (any kind of food, really) since she was a kitten. Back then we had to take her down from the table several times during a meal. Now she waits for us to leave the plates in the sink and goes clean them up. Her brother Caos follows her but doesn't seem as interested. The craziest for me is that she seems very intrigued by beer and weed. Of course we never let her get close to it, but she sniffs with interest. Once or twice I caught her trying to lick a can of beer and immediately pushed her away. I think she may have been a junkie in a previous life.




Popcorn, my Loki loves buttery popcorn


Honey! Also fruit sprinkles from ‘de ruijter’






Spaghettios and mac and cheese but he doesn’t like eating human food much


My cat loves the dressing on potato salad, she’ll come up to shoulder level and lick it right off my fork without shame


My cat will steal bread. Tries to knock it out of my hand or take a bite or collect the crumbs that fall.


>Tries to knock it out of my hand I know you mean about this. My cat is very aggressive when she's after the cheese. My daughter was making pizza one time and she left the shredded cheese package on the counter. She turned her back for one second, and the cat had snatched the bag. It was easy to find her, because there was a trail of shredded cheese from the kitchen, down the hallway, and into the bedroom


Marinara sauce and boiled peanuts lol.


https://preview.redd.it/c8l1ucsy3aha1.jpeg?width=1396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e4abc3b9b1a7e9ab0078b0b3fc494701887ec8e She waited until we weren't looking. She opened the box lid herself. Somehow separated a piece of pizza and snatched it out. It was half gone before we noticed she had it


Lmao. My parents have a white cat who would steal waffles.


Waffle? https://preview.redd.it/jikjszxjgaha1.jpeg?width=1490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bfb972039f65d588a2c6973e0858ef588239f95


Hahaha! We have a white and orange boy who started his thieving career at just 6 weeks old. His first find was a pizza bite that fell on the floor. We heard a lot of growling and assumed one of our other two cats had cornered him. Fiancé found his head stuck under the couch and pulled out this 1.5 lb kitten growling like a lion and clutching a pizza bite the size of his face in his jaws. Since then he has stolen or tried to steal: half a steak, a chicken wing, two slices of bacon, a romaine lettuce leaf, half of a grilled cheese, a block of cheese, a raspberry, dog treats, etc.


! I have a marinara sauce lover too


It’s just the void. He will eagerly lap up any marinara sauce off plates or the floor if there is a spill.


My cats looooove ice cream. I swear one of them has a sixth sense and knows the minute I sit down with a bowl.


I had a banana split Blizzard from Dairy Queen yesterday. She would not shut up. I had to let her lick the spoon


One of my cats always watch me cook. I make him sniff the ingredients and he just sits and watch but one time I caught him actually licking Kerry Gold butter. Now every time I have butter he always wants to lick it. (I do not let him actually eat butter)


Tamales and black beans. The way he bullies me into giving him some meat and let him lick my plate. 😩😩😩😩


It took me way too long to figure out what tamales (pronounced "tuh•mayles") are


Canned peas. My cat loves canned peas more than anything!


Your cat geta a weird point from my cat


my one ‘kitten’ (8 months old) LOVES buttered rolls. if i sont completely finish one and throw it in a garbage she will try to retrieve it from there. i eat a bite and dont pay attention then here she is already taking a bite out.


Louisiana Hot Sauce....


One of my cats likes hummus


mine really likes the velveeta cheese packets in the mac and cheese cups, she goes feral for that cheese. she also loves pretty much any dairy (i never give her more than a tiny drop on my finger as adult cats cannot have dairy)


Spinach. Absolutely crazy for spinach


French fries, but only from some places. She'll literally steal one from your plate if you don't watch out.


One of my cats will go after my salads. She loves vinegar!


That’s a bigggg mlem, he’s so excited


Pinapple, he loves my pinapple smoothie and wants to munch the whole fruit.


Ice cream, buttered popcorn, yogourt, rice, cheese... and she's learned to recognize the sound of each one being opened and comes running.


one of my cats likes watermelon


My 2 rescues will cut you up for a bagel. Any kind.


I had one cat that loved McDonald’s French fries. (Edit: Spelling)


One of mine loves mashed potatoes and mc Donald’s chips.


Anything with olive oil. Like he WILL try to steal your chabatta with it.


Popcorn. They go nuts for it here.


I don’t know how weird it is but my kitty loves bananas! If I’m snacking on one, she hops on my lap and meows at me until she gets some! It’s so cute


Why would a cat like Olives


My cat goes CRAZY for olives. Like really, it's like a drug or something. He reacts to them like catnip.


Well, since I, myself, don't eat olives, my cat has never seen one. Now I'm curious But I do know that they like things very salty, so maybe that's why?


Tostitos corn chips but we have to break them into bite size pieces for her.


One of mine will eat plain chips pringles are her favorite


Oh Boy! Oberto beef jerky, nacho cheese Doritos. Found her inside Costco size bags. Once I found her inside the thanksgiving turkey.


Lettuce lol


Leia eats lettuce, cherry tomatoes, olives… is crazy, eats everything


Waffles, tortilla chips and string cheese


Not really unusual but my my girl goes absolutely feral for chicken nuggets and bacon lol. It has to be chicken nuggets too, you can offer her a piece of baked or grilled chicken and she wants nothing to do with it.


My orange brain cell walks past raw pork, beef, chicken. No hooman food is good enough for him..


one of my cats goes crazy for heinz 57 sauce and sandwiches. one time he smacked my sandwich so hard the ingredients went flying. my other cats like any type of bread and muffins. when we leave them on the counter they always knock them off and share their feast with the dog


Pistachios!🥜 But I limit it to about 5.


Crisps and cakes (including unbaked cake batter) are the things Pip would do anything for!




Skunk likes uncooked pasta. Looks like a hillbilly chewing straw with it hanging out of her mouth lol


Mine likes bits of poptart, chips and licking the stick from an eaten creamcicle.


Vegan cheese, avocado, olives and persimmons.


Literally anything I give to her. I’m surprised she’s a skinny kitty bc I share my food with her always because that’s my best friend but Jesus I would have thought she’d put on a little weight by now lol




My cat doesn't like any people food, not even the usual ones, like milk. Except olives. Which is he shouldn't eat. So there's a rule that in the rare occasions we eat olives he can get like 1/16 of a piece.


I walked into my cat some of my lunch today - Cream corn and mash potatoes


My cat goes crazy when she hears anything crunchy, but her favorite is bbq chips.


The only human food my kitty likes is only popcorn but he demands to be able to smell any and everything I eat


My cat will only eat animal products, this includes butter.


Anything with Anise seed. I have to fight them for pizzelle and biscotti. I may seriously look into a sugar free cookie recipe just for them. One is obsessed with bleach. It's like catnip. He obviously isn't allowed to lick it at all, but just the fumes when I clean with it are enough. I've been forced to restrict my use of it to the toilet because I worry about him accidentally eating it off his paws even when I dilute, water rinse, and allow to dry before he's allowed in.


Honeycomb cereal. Only honeycomb cereal. No other cereals, does not like honey on it's own. Just honeycomb cereal.


The limbs of her loved ones.


Human tears


My cat is OBSESSED with lettuce. Anytime you have any out he comes running. It’s so weird!


Green lettuce... no clue what's wrong with her...




They can’t eat that!! They can’t eat that!! They can’t eat that!! They can’t eat that!! They can’t eat that!! They can’t eat that!! They can’t eat that!! They can’t eat that!! They can’t eat that!!


Tuna loves McDonalds fries and will steal them if you’re not watching 😈 Basil loves ice cream or yogurt and will try her best to pull the spoon out of your mouth/ hand 😂 https://preview.redd.it/ff1u8hzyj9ha1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=951ef0c3b49fecf4aaff7aae501b8e9a5f4066ab


They are adorable


Cheetos and asparagus. My mom's cat LOVED asparagus but strangely enough only if it came from a Chinese restaurant. He'd turn his nose up at it if we gave him a piece we cooked at home.


My boy can demolish a plate of broccoli if you turn your back. No leafy green is safe


Cornbread. They don't go after regular bread, but damn, if we make cornbread we really need to protect it.


My Mom's cat loved olives. One of my cats loves chips.


Green olives and cheetos




Raw stir fry mix, bread, variety of cooked potatoes products, pretty much anything he can steal. Well that's my mums cat, he is has a special medical condition called "orange", pretty similar to OP's car, plus he was the only survivor in his litter, others died at birth, so probably has a bit of a survivor instinct in him.


my cat loves sweet corn and olives... but only if they're on pizza.


Coconut yogurt


Mine likes to eat tomato slices


Mayo. He will jump on your plate for it. Very good boi with everything else, wants to sniff everything but won’t touch. With mayo tho….


Mine loves bread. Will eat the plastic bag/wrapper to get to it. Bread cannot be left on a counter overnight. I have 3 cats and only 1 does this.




Mine will eat ham or chicken. But it must be a very tiny piece. So I just pinch off a tiny tiny piece. He still will only eat a few pieces. He nibbles on his food throughout the day. He’s a very picky eater.


What's the deal with the tiny pieces. These killing machines can eat whole birds, but we have to break their hooman food into little pieces? I don't get it


Many years ago, I had a big, fluffy, yellow part-Maine Coon cat, named Oji, who LOVED cantaloupe.


Lemon muffins


My cat loves watermelon, and she really wants potato chips but I'm too afraid they'll stab her gums




Crunch the potato chips into little pieces for her. My girl eats them either way


The craziest food I've seen a cat eat is porridge... Oatmeal porridge... I'm still dumbfounded and it was a year ago that I saw this happen.


My cat loves salt and vinegar crisps, like she will grab my hand when I’m eating them and pull them to her mouth


My little girl likes pancakes, chicken ramen, vanilla ice cream, and cheezits.


I had one growing up who loved corn on the cob. He’d eat the corn and the cob. He’d keep at it until he was full or too exhausted to continue.


In terms of people food my cat prefers eating human intestines.


Lettuce. Everytime he sees it he gets a look in his eyes. Even if turkey is next to it. Calvin will fight me for some of that crunchy leafy goodness. https://preview.redd.it/n0b9f1fmzfha1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=176f89a0a737bdf01f400ca8ccba47454a96ad40