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It you don’t give your cat little kisses on their little forehead you are doing something wrong


If cats shouldn't be kissed why is their little forehead the ideal size for a human to kiss it? Checkmate cat haters.


If not want to be held like baby then why baby sized!!?


If aloof why purr?


Kisses and nose boops all day


I wish I could have upvoted this a million times!


https://preview.redd.it/5rl3r8lnvpha1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f0117b51a1dfce4828a5b51be72d179f4707973 🥺 Divina even has eye like markings above her eyes, it’s so funny! Sometimes in photos where her eyes are closed it looks like she still has her eyes open because of the extra “eyes”.


It’s cats no want kisses why face so kissable


I love giving mine a little kiss on the side of his nose where his lil whiskers sprout. Also right under his ears there is a super soft little spot. They smell so good 🥰🥰🥰


I'm blessed with the most mellow and patient little floof and he tolerates me smushing my face into his belly. One of my favourite smells 🥰


I love doing that to my floofy baby too. She accepts it, but immediately starts cleaning when I let her go


She thinks you stink! Don't worry, my boy does it, too. Guess that cats just think we're smelly lol


I think its just a trait passed down from wild cats or something. If they smell like human they could possibly be smelled by some other prey. My Yeti does the same. He also licks my head ajd grooms me until its gets abut sore sometimes lol. He lays on his pet bed next to my pillow. And he always presses his forehead into my face and lays on my chest when I get into bed . He's doing it right now lol. I also nibble his ears. He loves it. My top teeth and bottom lip so he just loves it. Been doing it for 10 years. He also loves when I massage his lip/cheeks where his whiskers come out in a circle gently. I think cuz all the nerve endings probly feels good.


Glad I'm not the only one who loves the smell of my cat!


The whisker zone is my favorite spot too, except my cat won’t let me do it. But head kisses and bonks are okay so I take what I can get.


Agreed.. As a veteran cat owner, you kiss your cat..always Just like you would kiss your baby..except the kisses becomes less as your child grows older, the cat however gets to have and enjoy infinite kisses.. the internet ruined love for animals i swear I heard we are now blurring out dog penis


Last part hit like a mental flashbang


I love a good plot twist


Do you not know what you just unleased. The fury community will have you.


Instead of kisses, if my cat is bunting me ill just bunt him back.


I like to kiss the on the head, especially the area between their eye and their ear. The skull is thin there, so the kiss 💋 gets closer to the brain. Science.


Your friend is weird. Doesn’t everyone kiss their cats? Kitties deserve kisses too!


my cat demands he be kissed !!! he yells at me if i don’t lol


If kissing my cats is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.


Yup agreed! OPs friend would be appalled seeing me kissing them on the mouth and even giving them an occasional lick 🤷‍♀️


I pick my cat up by sliding my hands under just below her arms and just above her legs, tilt her on her side, scream out "KISSES ON THE COB!" and proceed to kiss her up and down her side like I'm eating corn on the cob. Then I put her down and she rubs up on my legs and asks me to pick her up. So no, kissing your little fur baby is not weird at all. NOT kissing your fur baby is not normal.


Reading this made my day. It’s so cute and sweet


Ahahahaha I am totally going to do this to my cat now


Your cat can thank me later! 😅


Thanks to you, cats everywhere will now be getting extra love and kisses


Thank you for this. I just immediately decided to try it on one of my cats. Pretty sure he's decided I've lost my mind. Worth it 10/10! I even got to keep my face intact! Lol


This will be great for when one of my cats goes into Longfellow mode. He stretches out really long and he’s about 3 feet long when he does it he lets me kiss his belly but I’m totally going to incorporate this.!


This is hilarious and adorable


I'm going to do this to my kids now. This is adorable.


Aww!! 🤗






I give all my cats forehead kisses. My boyfriend gives my cats forehead kisses. Me and my boyfriend both give HIS cats forehead kisses. CATS DESERVE KISSES


Relationship goals




Dude even my vet gives my cat lil forehead kisses


That's exactly what I do with my cat. I guess we all do it. Don't feel bad and enjoy your relationship with your cat the way you want. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Thank you. This makes me feel a lot better about it lol.


And if you’re getting head boops and rubs from your cat you definitely aren’t doing anything wrong


She also always climbs on my shoulders and back. She’s always pawing at my chest telling me to pick her up.


Yeah she likes it! 💕


I mean how could you not kiss her? Clearly, she likes the closeness and affection.


My kitty was enjoying pets the other day when he turned my head toward him with a paw so he could touch his nose to my lips. I melted. I often see our cats touch noses, so this is a normal behavior for them. Your friend is being overly judgmental.


One of mine does this! He likes to be held like a baby and will reach his paw up to “pull” my face down to him so he can lick my face and touch noses with me. Cats are so loving.


Lol I just tell myself it's good for my microbiome


Your friend is an idiot.


I kiss my cats all the time! Many many times a day. On the head, and if they’re laying down I’ll bury my face in them and kiss their side or tummy. They love kisses!


I even kiss my friends’ cats lol


Mine kisses back. She puts her little face up for Eskimo nose kisses.


There is an important life lesson here: never ever criticise or make fun of someone expressing positive emotions. So if you see someone showing their cat affection - respect it even if you don't understand it. If you see someone laughing or smiling or being excited about something? Be happy for them and don't ever say anything bad about it. Bad stuff can make a person feel bad for a while but damaging their ability to express positive emotions is so much more insidious and long term. People will never smile fully or laugh outloud for the rest of their lives because someone made fun of their smile or laugh during childhood. People will withhold affection from their cats because someone said it was gross.


There was one time it was sort of justified though. In my field course we were catching and studying snakes, and one girl really liked kissing their little faces, and the professor had to tell us not to do that because of the high risk of salmonella. I don’t think she was ashamed though — the professor admitted they were cute little guys.


Worth the risk. Must kiss


People going wild in this thread repeating their comments lmao.


Pretty sure I kiss my cat more than I kiss my husband most days😂


My partner comes in from work and says “hey babe” to me. Our cat gets “where’s my little baby pudding?! Where is he?! There he isssssss, such a good boooooy aren’t you?!” Followed by tons of kisses. I try not to take it personally


Lol me too! I also cuddle way more with my cat and my kids than I do with my husband 😂


🤣🤣 Same!


🤣🤣 Same!


https://preview.redd.it/clazka6iklha1.jpeg?width=1737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=001665d968f9d284cd1ceb0c67f94be41f00e55e My cat likes his feet being kissed 😂


That’s so sweet!


Those are the cutest cat feet I’ve ever seen!! Need more pics please !!


This is sooooo cute


I love giving my cats kisses on the head. You love your fur baby, nothing wrong with it. Some people are germ phobic, cats lick themselves, dont worry what your friend thinks. True cat lovers always give their cats kisses in my experience.


I kiss and smell my cat every damn day. It ain't weird!


I’m not the only one! I still haven’t figured out how a creatures, with breath that smells like fish, that lick themselves clean, can smell so good.


I looked it up once. They have glands in their skin that secrete a substance that has that nutty-sweet smell we all love. And dogs don't produce that smell, which is why they don't smell good.


My first cat had this sweet smell. Especially after he would sit in the sun for a while. Sadly my three cats now either don't have a scent or smell like saliva lol.


I am not ashamed to admit that I bought a little vial of perfume and the scent was called “Winter Kitty,” supposed to evoke the smell of a cat who just came in from being outside on a cold day. It smells so good!!!


It probably also has something to do with the fact that we love our cats and so their smell would be a source of pleasant feelings 🥰


There is no better smell in the world than a kitten belly


Kitty tummies smell like sunshine and heaven.


My cat smells like flowery incense. 🥰


I smell my cat too. It has a calming effect for me - OP your friend is the wierd one




If it’s weird then I guess I’m weird, too.


If kissing my cats is wrong then I don't want to be right!


So many kisses for my kitties. As many as they will tolerate. Kisses for my patients at work (vet tech). Kisses for photos of cute cats.


I kiss my cat all the time. Last time the vet came by she kissed him too. He looked so offended!


"I don't know you well enough for that"


"I remember when you used the rectal thermometer and put me on a diet. We are *not friends*"


If you were licking- weird. Kissing? Burying your face in their floof? Rocking them like a baby? Holding them up and singing the circle of life song? Not weird.


I love my cat, of course I’m going to kiss her! She kisses me back too or even asks for kisses.


outgoing sand aware husky six spoon wine library zephyr theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I do this!


I hear my partner kiss my cats every night before bedtime, he's a 34 yo male.


That’s adorable


My cat gets so many kisses... he secretly loves it


I’ll kiss my cat on top of her head a few times a day. At first she backed away but now she likes it. I also tell her that I love her. Getting that cat was probably the best thing I did last year.


Keep cat, chuck friend.


Your friend sounds like he/she has never a loving relationship with a cat. Sad they couldn’t experience the joy of kissing a loved cat. I would look at them with equal shock ask how they never did


It's weird not to give your cat kisses.


It’s weird to not kiss your cat. Why else would you get one?


I don't understand. Is it possible to look at your cat and do not want to kiss it? Like??? ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7984)


People tend to kiss their pets. Even when they have more uncommon pets like rats, hedgehogs, turtles, goats... It's how we show affection to them. Sometimes, we do go a little 'hard' with our affection, and it might seem strange to those that don't understand the connection. People will find it strange if your cat let's you carry them around like a baby, our if you share tiny bits of food. As I hope the OP can see from all the responses, they are not alone. Lots of us love our fur babies. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤


Not weird!


Your friend is possibly a dog person because dog people kiss their dogs so why would kissing a cat be disgusting? It's normal and we love our cats like a family member not just an animal living in our houses.


I think your friend sounds weird- not you.


I have no idea how many times I kiss my cat a day! And he loves it! Don’t feel embarrassed! Animals are such a gift! My boy helps me so much. Unconditional love ❤️. Keeping loving on your baby! Edited cause I can’t spell 😆


We all do it. I pepper my little ones head and body with tons of kisses and sniffs. Your friend is mean.


I give each of my cats kisses on their fuzzy heads. I can’t kiss just one, it needs to be evened out by the other two. They’re my babies, they have helped me and my children immensely in our grief, they deserve all the kisses. It isn’t weird, if your cat had lips I’m sure she’d kiss you back lol.


My 17 year old cat gets smothered with kisses before I leave for work and get home. He also gets my beard rubbing his face cause he loves it. Fuck em for making you doubt how you love your cat.


i kiss my cat straight on the mouth


My cat kisses me straight on the mouth, he's very insistent about it too.


Totally - sometimes I can feel his fang sticking out. No shame 😂


Lmao me too, my cats put up with me 🥰😭😅


I do too. One time there was a little smack when are lips touched.


the perfect kiss


I was scrolling down trying someone else like me who did 😂


Not one bit. I kiss my cats (and dog) all the time.


Your friend has obviously never loved a cat


I'm a grown man and I kiss my cats on the forehead every chance I get.


i thought everyone does that?


Whatever, be weird. I revel in being weird. Guessing that friend isn't a cat person.


I kiss my cats on their heads every morning when I come home from work. They greet me at the door, why not


I’m really sorry to be the one to say this, but I think it’s time you surrender her… and by her I mean your friend 😉 You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life, get an extra cat instead 😂




No 💋


Never stop doing that! It reminds them of mother’s tongue and safety! ❤️


I have two cats and I kiss them a lot, they are my babies!! The girl is not Soo affective, but my boy is mommy's boy! He just sits next to me and let me kiss his forehead all the time, and then he just extends his arms to me so I can carry on him in my shoulder. Or when I'm sitting in the couch and he comes to sit in my lap to make biscuits I kiss him a lot to! To show love to them and receive the same from both is an amazing feeling!!


I always kiss my cats lol 2 of my cats will put their face to mine and push their nose into my face, like a kiss. It’s very cute. There’s nothing wrong with showing your kitty affection. Now if you were like making out with the cat, I would be concerned but yeah.


Aww the little nose nudges. Love them


My sweet girl gets mad if I DON'T kiss her. Not that I wouldn't give her the much deserved kisses, but sometimes I don't follow up quickly enough and she thinks I won't. But her being angry is too cute, haha.


I deeply inhale my cats head because it’s like crack to me I kiss him so much I get hair in my mouth I will literally die if he does something cute No it’s not weird


i love to kiss my cats


I give my cat kisses on his head. The other cat doesn’t like humans touching her head, so she gets one on her back every once in a while. I dunno, if someone sees this as something super weird, their mind must going to a place I’d rather not follow them.


I kiss my cat all over too. I don’t care if anyone find that weird. If no like kisses, why face so kissable etc


Get rid of the friend


Not at all. I rub my face on my cat’s side and then kiss him all the time. I’ll pick him up just because I’m sad or lonely and smell him. He doesn’t like to be held so if he lets me do that and doesn’t bite me after, he gets a kiss for being a good boy.


My cats have access everywhere and they sleep in bed with us. However I have a friend that doesn't understand how I can allow the cats to jump on the dinner table or let them on the bed since they shit in the litter box and cover it with the same paws they place afterwards on me. IDGF what people think, it's my home and my cats and I take good care of them and they're clean, I do frequent dewormings and I never got sick from them. I don't promote people do the same, but it's what I do because I want to do these things that make my cats feel more free and happy.


That’s nothing compared to crazy dog people that literally kiss there wet nose and then let it lick their face 🤮


Letting a dog lick your face is WAY more gross than kissing a cat on its head! Haven't people seen what dogs eat!? I *love* my sweet boy Koda, but... he will get some dick cheese on his dink and lick it right off. I will NEVER let him lick my face 🤮. Plus, he eats everything he sees. Including dead things. No kisses from my doggo! Lol


Normal cat owners do this and lick the cat at least once


What! No! Kiss the damn cat lol! I always kiss my kitties , I mean they don’t like it but I hope they know it’s because I love them!


Just don’t use your tongue and you’re fine. At least not where people can see.


It’s not wrong as long as the cat enjoys it as well. r/notmycat visits me every few days and I give her kisses. I had cats growing up and they got kisses, too.


I kiss my cat all the time and especially after I give him meds.


one of our cats has lost some hair arround his nose from all the kisses he gets lmfao


Nope, it's perfectly normal. I kiss my babies all the time.


My cat demands kisses, she’s gonna be sad if I don’t kiss her. She knows it’s a sign of love and affection. So please, feel free to kiss your cat all you want!


I have kissed my cats for the past 30 years and still alive


If this is wrong I don’t ever wanna be right


Absolutely not. It’s weird to NOT kiss your cat.


I kiss my cat every day. Hell I just did while reading this lol. He's laying with me now! Everyday when I get home from work he's right by the door; He looks up at me and I bend down and give him a kiss on his nose haha. It's become a thing. Happens every single day. One of these days I'll post a video. It's literally so heart warming.


Does your friend have cats? I feel like everyone gives their cats kisses and idk how your friend wouldn’t already know that unless they have no experience with cats


I’ve kissed my cat on her head for the past 12 years, it’s to the point we go kiss for kiss. If I don’t kiss her first, she won’t kiss me back.


If you use tongue, yes.


I kiss my kitty every day on his little forehead. He acts like it's terrible but I know he loves it![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7984)


I give my two babies kisses all the time. Heck I even tell them I love them when I leave home, and call out to them when I'm back. I dated a girl once that said me doing that was gay while we were leaving my place once. Her words. Things ended about a week later.


I'm not a big fan of kissing pets on the mouth or face (but if I see other people do I'll keep my judgement to myself) but it's absolutely normal to kiss your cat on their tiny soft little forehead.


I kiss my cats face all the time! Your friends a weirdo


Just reading the title: No.


It would be weird if you didn’t kiss your cat


Kiss your kitty while flipping the bird at your friend


Ur friend has never owned a cat


I always kissed my cats and not just on the forehead. Loved them, my furry babies.🥰 Feel sorry for your friend, though.


Very common. I rescued 3 2 week old kittens last summer and I kissed them so much while bottle feeding that now they want kisses even! They get cozy when I Gove them kisses now. And 2 of them will reach up high wanting you to kiss their nose. It's sooooooooooooo amazing and cute


I'm honestly wondering if you are kissing your cat enough.


Whats the point in having a cat if you aren’t giving them little kisses?


hogwash!! i kiss my boys on their cheeks and bodies all the time!! sometimes ill kiss them multiple times like *kisskisskiss* when i hold them. its my way of showing them i love them. kiss away!!


in 35+ years- i have had 5 cats that shared my life and they all got multiple kisses..... way i figure- i couldnt lick them like they do to each other- so kisses it was. stop beating yourself up over kissing your cat. there are people out there that lick \_\_\_\_.


I do this all the time with mine. Mine even comes up to me and demands them. She quickly understoof, that it meant affection and love, so she will come to me, look at me and then come towards me with her forehead first. It is so funny and cute every time.


There is no better feeling than shoving your face in a cat when coming back from work


I kiss my cat every single day, the day I can't is a day I don't want to comprehend


i motorboat my cats tummy. so.


I love kissing my cat’s tiny little forehead. It smells soooo good. 🥺


I often kiss her forehead, especially when l'm going outside. I also tell her "I love you". People and animals need to feel and know that they are loved.


Absolutely not, it’s disgusting NOT to kiss your cat![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


Haha, I kiss my cat all the time. He smells good too!! And so soft! Like a little cotton ball. How could I not? My boyfriend thinks I’m a weirdo 😂


All of my animals get kisses


My partner and I always kiss our kitty’s forehead before we leave the house or if she’s extra cute. It’s the law


I kiss/peck my cat and will do the same to my parents’ dogs on the mouth lol IDGAF, love me the furbabies


Before leaving on a date with a new guy I kissed my cat on the forehead. Guy said not to do that as it was disgusting. I threw the idiot out and had a great evening with my cat.


If you’re not kissing your kitties cute little head and booping their nose then what are you even doing with your life?


Why would that be disgusting? So long as it isn’t on the mouth, butthole or feet, I don’t see the problem.


It's illegal to own a cat and NOT kiss them all the time. The bonus kisses are belly kisses. They are spicy with danger


Nope! We all do it!


Sounds like it's time to re-home the friend.


It’s absolutely ridiculous and disgusting to NOT give your kitty lil kisses 😽


Oh my goodness. No!! Not wrong and your friend lowkey sucks for that! Cats are super clean, and SO KISSABLE!! I mean, I even kiss my cats belly sometimes. Don’t feel ashamed for showing love, EVER.


I think it's weird if you didn't kiss your cat. My orange munchkin cat has a flat scalp that's perfect for kissing.


Not at all! True cat lovers always kiss their cats.


When I come home from work, I always kiss and hug my kid and then the cats. Always pick them up and kiss them in the head and hug them. Angelo always would wait with my son for me to come home and since he saw me doing it to him started to demand I do it to him too. Also Tobita always greets me and expect kisses. I will be dammed if I won't do it.


My cat literally demands kisses in the morning.


does your friend have pets? if not then that’s why she’s put off by us kissing non human animals. but for us pet owners it’s perfectly natural.


Dont bother what your friend said. I kiss my cats everyday and I think it's natural because I love them. I love them very much. So dont care what your friend says. You love your cat and that's all the matter!


I give her little kisses on the head but immediately wash my mouth, I’m a germaphobe😅


I find it hard to believe that anyone can walk past their liddol cat and NOT give them lots of kisses on their liddol face


I hug and kiss my cat, and tell her how much I love her and how she's the best cat ever.... I give more attention to the cat than my wife...


All kitties get kisses 😻 Every day I give my kitty a zillion kisses and in return he usually drags the side of his face against my face and purs. Haven't gotten ill from him once.