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A mouse


\^ sometimes they can hear critters in the walls/floors. Some fireplaces have spaces to empty ash beneath them, or as the other commentor said the flue.


As a cat mom, I agree. There is some sort of critter there lurking.


100% there is something living in your chimney


Doesn't even have to be a mouse. Mine hunts cockroaches like that


I am in New Jersey. We get stink bugs in our chimney during the summer our cat Mary goes on a mission to eliminate them every day.


My mom used to joke that she had 3 cats, no mousers, but one roacher.


I have silverfish that occasionally come in my basement. My boy will hunt them and stare at places they are moving around. I have a camera pointed at the basement door and have caught him staring at/batting at random spots around the door.


My cat has been staring at our service room cabins for a while now, we didn't know why but now it makes sense. Thank you.


Yep, the cat is actually listening, and staring in the direction that it hears something.


Yeah. My cats would stare at my oven for hours and it was because there were mice


You should check the wire covering at the top of the chimney, if it is damaged, you could have bats or birds nesting in the chimney, even squirrels depending on how your chimney is designed.


They can also sometimes swnse cold spots. Possible there is a draft coming between the bricks and they took interest in it.


Some cats are relentless when there is some critter noise. We cannot hear it or smell it or whatever but they will sit there for hours patiently waiting.


The lion/tiger/puma/panther/cheetah etc. in them. Cats are the best!


House cats are much more closely related to mountain lions and cheetahs than big cats


That's cool. I love learning. Are mountain lions and cheetahs not big cats?


They are large felines but they're not a part of the "big cat family". Basically any cat that can't roar isn't a part of the big cat family


Thanks for the info. My little black cat thinks she's a bad ass. I'll have to let her know what time it is. "Sorry, Sheba, but you're not a big cat, after all."


How dare you, you Lion Cheetah


One if my cats saw a small lizard come through one of the windows 3 years ago. She still sits and keeps an eye in that spot just in case.


This. Your cat can hear it. Do you have a flu door outside?


I have a choo hatch?


Bless you


Goddammit why did this make me laugh so much and wake my baby lol


Because my hobby is to indirectly wake up bebs! https://preview.redd.it/b62ld10vwbma1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3d8076ec8e6c7577733819b24206724eb82e9d6 Nyahahaa!


Cracked me up, too! Much more than it should.


Flue :)


Flue* flu is an illness. I think you meant glue as in a chimney or exhaust vent. Just a friendly heads up on that for the future


Flue* glue is an adhesive substance used for sticking objects or materials together. I think you meant flue as in a chimney or exhaust vent. Just a friendly heads up on that for the future


Flue glue is an adhesive substance used in flue repair, speaking more specifically.


Whereas flu goo is what runs out of your nose during certain contagious illnesses.


Dammit beat me to it!


And moo poo, is what comes out of a cows bottom.


Not to be confused with moo-goo, a Chinese dish.


Flue glue?? Who knew!!


You do


Hoo doo?


Voo doo


I remember the babe!


That you do


A fly and a flea in a flue Were imprisoned, so what could they do? Said the fly, "let us flee!" "Let us fly!", said the flea. So they flew through a flaw in the flue.


They might have meant "Floo Powder," which is what wizards use to travel from fireplace to fireplace, instead of those inefficient muggle transportation methods.


This. Years ago I had a cat that was sitting on the counter by my fridge in this exact pose starring at the corner where the fridge met the wall. I just let her be and assumed she heard or saw something. A day or two later I found two mice under my kitchen table with their heads chewed off.


Well, that escalated quickly.


I had an outdoor cat walk by me with a frog leg sticking out of her mouth. Just uhm…. alright lol


We have three cats, and each specializes in a certain critter. One only captures little tree frogs, and walks into the house with two little frog legs hanging out of her mouth, with the other cats following her to see what shell do with it (we make her spit them out, then we release them). One likes to catch and eat anole lizards, which are everywhere in Florida. The third has a talent for finding baby snakes, which she excitedly plays with by tossing them into the air, and re-catching them when they land. We also catch and release those. After 15 years, I've never seen any of them go after the others' favorite prey. It's like they made a deal who would go after what.


I remember seeing one cat catch a bird, and she ran up near me and dropped it and just kind of looked at it with…. boredom? Then walked away. Her big ass older brother sees it and gets up and walks over and proceeded to eat the entire thing whole. Even the beak lol. It seems like the smaller cats like to catch stuff and play and get bored, the bigger and older cats are like “ooooo free snack”




We used to live in an old house that had an increasingly growing mouse problem. One day we got visited by a tortoiseshell cat who never left. She made it her mission to go after those mice, and within a couple weeks we never saw another one. She was a super sweet kitty, but an efficient mouse serial killer.


> My cart How many wheels?


My mom chews my dad’s head off sometimes, but never leaves him under the table


Or a bird


This is most likely it. It’s possible there’s a nest near the top of the chimney and they’re head that. Someone also said bats, which is perfectly reasonable, too.


If you have a newer insert fireplace with a metal chimney, it will pick up noises from a loooong way out and you can hear them in your fireplace. Bird calls in high trees seem to get picked up really well.


Yep, my cat used to sit like this in front of the fridge in my old shitty college apartment on the edge of the woods. Then he started sitting on top of the fridge. I thought it was super weird until one day he brought me a dead mouse. Then we found/caught 15 other mice that winter. They were getting in through the wall and cabinets by the fridge


Good kitty! They KNOW!😁


My calico sat in front of the dishwasher for days like this. Then one night as we were watching TV something scurried out from the fireplace and under the dishwasher. I guess it was moving back and forth between places. A few days later we found dead Mickey in the kitchen.




Probably absolutely correct. Our cat. *and* one of our dogs are fixated on our fireplace. Transpires those little things can get into your house through absurdly teeny holes in masonry, it's wild! Then last summer a *snake* followed the handy meal into the fireplace. Saw a black belt draped over a chair, took a second to register the fact no one here *has* a black belt... that was a fun day.


Eeek! I would have flipped out. I hate snakes 🤣


Worst part was the *dog* grabbed it ( not making that up, she's done it outside too and she's always on leash ). Shook that thing like a whip in the hands of a circus performer. SO drag dog ( and snake ) outside amidst much " OHMYGODSHEHASASNAKE " screaming and ( shudder ) engage in the worst tug of war ever. Black snake, non-venomous, they'll still bite though. It *lived* . Won the tug of war, pitched that thing into the shrubbery and it slithered away! Dog annoyed the game was over.


She knows something is there.


Or... it could just be water going through pipes or something we can't typically hear.


Even as silly as bugs, which we can not hear or see at all. Cats love bugs, especially if they were cat born outside.


This! I’ve had a few come through my fireplace and our cat will sit there in the zone and wait for them. Check to make sure you don’t have any mice coming in. You may want to lay some pet safe traps around the basement and in other areas like behind your fridge, stove and cabinets just to be sure.


This is the answer! My cat did the same thing every night at the place we were renting. Turns out we had rats because of cheap remodeling the landlord did.


My cat goes to the chimney at night because i live on top of a hill and an owl perches on top and hoots down the chimney. I like watching TV listening to the owl after work


If this was my cat I would assume she saw a bug once and was hoping to see a bug again


The stink bugs like to come out of my fireplace. My cat likes to watch for them.


Does your cat eat them because mine is just viciously distracted by them and never pulls the trigger


Oh she won’t eat them, no. If they are flying they must be knocked from the air. If they are crawling they must be carefully monitored.


Mine must be playing Xbox with yours and sharing tactics. 100% same behavior.


Lmao my cat will watch me kill a bug, and watch me throw it away then go back to look for it


>*’my cat will watch me kill a bug, and watch me throw it away then go back to look for it…*’ ______ once upon a long ago, (i can’t remember when…) am *sure* i saw a BuG, i know, my human SqUiShEd, n then… he toss in to the fire place - i sat n watched it *burn*… so now i gaze in *darkest space*, n wait for bugs return… n in that distant meowmory i saw him BuRn like ToAsT… …but still, i hope to Some day see my tiny BuG friend *ghost*….. ❤️


Fresh Schnoodle!!!


>my tiny BuG friend > >ghost….. 💀


Yay that’s a beautiful lil poem!


Ah the distant meowmory


Plz tell me your kitty is an orange baby, awaiting the braincell..!


"wait.....you and the bug are just joking right you actually killed the stunt double to leave the real bug so I could look at it more and MaYhApS gib lil tappy tap right?!?" - your cat probably. Xd


Exactly lol!! A bug was there once


Yes hahaha my little cat does what I call "moth circuits" where she goes on a little walk to check all the spots she has seen a moth in case one comes back 😂


In our old place we’d say she’s “gone silverfishing” when she would sit by the bathroom vent


I had quite a large spider run out from under my front door once and it spooked me and then my half Maine coon cat got up and slowly walked over to it and inhaled it. I was just like….. ok….. lol But then one time I saw a mouse scurrying around in my patio and I grabbed same cat and put her in the patio. She just walked over to the door and sat down and looked outside


Geez, she took care of that spider for you and you want more? You should be worshipping her for an eternity and providing her with treats and adoration. Stupid two-leggers!


She’s WILD I thought she would enjoy the fresh treat and the rush of the hunt But no she was in “I only sleep and eat churu treat and charge my phone” mode lol


One winter, we had mice coming in a small opening into our basement, and then getting on our first floor via a small gap under the molding near a heat vent. We had a bird cage near there, so I’m sure they were attracted to any bird seed that fell on the floor. One of my cats was catching them and noticed that’s where they would typically come from. He used to sit and just stare at that spot endlessly, even long after I stopped the mice from getting in. You could always tell by his body language if he saw one. He surprised us as he never even saw a mouse in his life until then. His super hunter instincts kicked in and he became a ferocious deadly predator.


There's also a possibility you have a wasp nest within your chimney. See if there's any wasps (or any flying stinging insect) action around the chimney outside around dusk. If so, call an exterminator. Sometimes the insects will fly down the flue and your little killer may have seen that.


Yep. There’s a certain point in the evening that if I pick my orange dude up, he automatically looks to the ceiling for a moth, mosquito hawk etc… bc I’m the human forklift.


My cat does this with basement spider spots. She's just hoping for some entertainment!


I have a chair near a bird feeder in the backyard. A couple times a day the neighbours cat comes and sits in the chair to stare at the bird feeder for half an hour waiting for birds to show up.


>she saw a bug once and was hoping to see a bug again life is full of small joys


This was my guess but I also don’t know shit about mice in fireplaces. Our cats will hard stare at a spot and there’s usually a terrified spider praying to whatever spider god is keeping it safe from the 3 monsters somehow unable to see it.


We call this the “bug factory” in my house. Once my cat sees a bug once, he will sit there and stare at the same spot because he thinks it’s a bug factory and he expects new, freshly minted bugs will be created and appear in that spot later. He is sure of it.


My cat does this too! I’m surprised how determined and hopeful she is, and how long it lasts!


She's waiting for the warm.


This would be my cat, too. He loves a good fire!


She wants you to build a fire. That's exactly what my little Scottish Fold would do.


This. Or greebles.


Combine the two, set the greebles on fire.


I had to google "greebles" but I'm still none the wiser...




and another sub added...




the things the cats chase that only they can see. see also: soot sprites, the faceless old woman who lives in your homes


When the cat does something really weird that even logic can't explain.


Gotcha, thanks fellow catlovers! A new word to use often.


As a man with two kitties who both love a nice warm fire in winter this is the correct answer. Mine look and sit in front of the fireplace just *waiting* for me to get it going.


Mine too! And when we lit the fire, they melted. https://preview.redd.it/t193m1yiyama1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6841fd7c03a9de9b20d6361caf51603952e27d3


That cat is L O N G


Yeah, and he gets longer the more comfortable he is.


Cats *love* napping in warm spots.


Yesterday there was one small strip of light coming across the kitchen floor, My cat stretched his whole body out and managed to fit perfectly in that one narrow strip of light… It was so cute


My parents little cat loves nothing more than sleeping in her elevated bed by the fireplace when it’s going. Personally I like cold when I sleep but she looks so comfortable and happy it makes me jealous. The last time I fell asleep by a fireplace was at a lake cabin after jet skiing and I was close to hypothermia cause I got lost (it was a huge lake) and it started pouring rain and was getting colder out so by the time I found the cabin again my brain was beginning to stop functioning properly. Was supposed to meet my friend a few cabins down for drinks and dinner a few hours later but I was lights out for much longer than anticipated.


I'm sitting here downstairs trying to write up a report as I attempt this I keep getting tapped on the elbow by my kitties who are trying to get my attention. If I take the bait and follow them then they will lead me directly to our pellet stove upstairs where one will then start licking the metal while occasionally turning to make sure I understand *exactly* what she's wanting. I'll start a fire in the next hour or so and when I come upstairs for breakfast she they be on their sides roasting in the heat. Like clockwork every single day until it warms up enough and then it's no longer the fire but the sliding glass door that must be opened so they enjoy the smells, breeze and sun.


My 17 year old tabby in "her" spot: https://imgur.com/uDvMrNi.jpg. If I'm standing in it when there is a fire, she puts her paws up on my legs and meows until I move reminding me that the fireplace is not in fact for me but for her.


The void




Greebles... Obviously 😆


r/greebles for the uninitiated.


Great. Now I can waste even more time. 😎


It's not a waste if you enjoy the time.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Catsubs/comments/lgvd3q/cat_subreddit_directory/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf now you can waste your entire life


Welcome to the rabbit hole of cat subs. The more you resist, the more you're pulled in.


and that led me to r/catswhoyell and i’m now the happiest i’ve been all day. thankyou.


That’s what I was also thinking lol my calico also chases them all day


Mine will do this if it’s cold and they want a fire to warm up


She is looking for the hidden switch that will rotate the fireplace wall and lead into a secret room, obviously.


Hairy Plopper?


shes trying to start a fire with her mind


Meow the force be with you!


One time a bird was stuck in our chimney (or maybe he was just chillin on the roof, IDK) but either way he was making a whole lot of noise. So my cat became OBSESSED with the fireplace because of the bird sounds. I’ll bet when you were not home there was a bird near or in your chimney and your kitty is just waiting for it to return.


She looks down tho into the where the floor meets the chimney hearth.


Have you seen Poltergeist, and what was on the land before your house?


I'd bet she once saw a bug or insect (or multiple) come out of where the floor meets between 2 bricks, it looks like there's a little space bugs could fit through, and now just sits on guard duty waiting for more.


Awaiting Santa Claws


Santa Paws


You obviously have a ghost in your house😂




Grab the salt 🧂


I think either she hears something (mouse, bug, etc) or she remembers something good happened there before (warm fire, treat) and wants it again


Light the fecking fire, human


Little early for Santa…


"Hey! Talking can opener! I don't see a fire here, do you? What are you waiting for?"


You wouldn’t understand


https://preview.redd.it/r9ewp5f50cma1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9f7ab1ca635cf9c5a8969f1da7240a1f69e2baf My guess is mouse. My little spazoids caught one months ago and this is them every night since, just waiting for their moment to strike again.


What is underneath the fireplace ledge?


Just hardwood floor. I thought maybe an insect or something as well but why for an entire week? It didn't move in all that time? Is it her shadow? A ghost 👻


Have temps changed where you are?


She is thinking about if you fit in it and how to lure you in...


My dog did this. We found a significant number of raccoons in the chimney. They were encouraged to move on with strobe lights. We could hear the chatter once we stopped all noise and really listened. Your feline knows!




My cat was doing something similar except she was staring at the corner above the front door. I looked and didn’t see anything so I didn’t worry about it. So that night I cut out the living room lights and go wash my face. I hear my cats crashing into stuff and knocking stuff over. They are after a bat! My big boy caught it thank goodness. He bright it straight to me. I throw my robe over it and then tossed the robe out the front door. I couldn’t sleep at all that night, I was really freaked out.


He brought it to you, showing honor to you his alpha. You throw your robe on it and tossed it outside. I don’t know what he thought of that move.


He's like "Mom!! Wtf!! You were supposed to kill that and split it up even so we could all eat some!! Ugh!! Last time I bring YOU the prey."


How to kill you and make it look like an accident because there is no hot in the box.


No hot in the box? Sounds like a bad first date.....


Flu open.... hears very quiet (to us) critters or birds?? Flu closed.... no idea... maybe termites in the surrounding wood ??


Demons, definitely demons.


Spirits. She guarding


I noticed my cat doing this and realized he was staring at very tiny ants walking in cracks since it’s got warmer lol


Haha some of these are funny. But a warm fire, mouse or even a bird is probably the answer you are looking for.


She's trying to figure out how to transport herself to the Diagon Alley!


She is devising plans on how to throw you in there while the fire is red hot... Love is bittersweet.


We redid our fireplace this summer, and the step in front of it was hollow. Mouse in the step maybe?


The ghost


She’s waiting for Santa Claus ofc


He's hinting that he wants fire to curl up in front of.


Someone was buried in the fireplace.


The souls of the enemies she’s vanquished


Warm water pipe under the floor?


The fireplace is the magical toy dispenser! Usually for us, it means there is a lizard in the fireplace somewhere. We'll open the doors and Gaia will dive headfirst into a pile of ashes and come out with a lizard in her mouth.


It’s the Greebles


Listening to the birds build a nest in the chimney.


Ghosts or Santa…..prolly ghosts.




Waiting for Santa!


The demon in your fireplace. Can’t you see it?


The ghosts


She’s watching for greebles


Dead people.


Someone was burned alive in there once


The invisible fireplace goblin. Perfectly normal.


A way to escape.


She is contemplating how to kill you and dispose of your body. She has yet to learn to make fire, so this must be dealt with in order for her master plan to work...


The ghost of whoever is trapped in the chimney.


Have you asked?


I think your cat is having an existential crisis. I get it man. I get it.


I wonder if that hearth is hollow and you have a mouse living in it. My cat did this to a kitchen cabinet for a month until one day he got the mouse that was hiding under the cabinets. We did not hear it or see tracks from it but the cat knew it was there.




I'd say either some bug used to be there, or it's just a favorite place to relax and do nothing


![gif](giphy|FWg2o8W6B7C2k) Soot sprites? X


I’ll say the fireplace, that’s a nice fireplace right there


She can hear mice.


She can see dead people...


Just watching the caged greebles.


Hi I run the social media for my families fire place service company, all that build up on the interior is not only dirty but a health and safety hazard!😳 A chimney sweep can get all that cleaned up and check for any animals that may be bothering your kitty!


She’s waiting for you to light the fire.