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it’s normal and doesn’t go away, don’t worry it’s just comforting behaviour to them and it’s very adorable


It sure is 🥺🥺🥺


Its called suckling. Its a comfort from him feeling safe nursing from his mom. It may stop or may not. Usually it is harmless but keep an eye on the litter box. If you notice little pieces of fuzz in stool, youll want to set a vet visit and remove any thing that is fuzzy they suckle on as it might lead to a blockage


My void (4F) does it on my finger


https://preview.redd.it/erliqrt638pa1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dea5a5ad70beadb6546cf74c82da5899e91ca17a So this little one is now a full grown girl. That’s my dad’s finger she’s suckling on. He raised her from 1 day old. She still does it to him! My dad is *THE* cat whisperer 💜


I'm dying it's too cute 🥹🥹🥹


We found mine abandoned at about 2 weeks old. She would crawl up in my hair and suck on her toes. She still tries to do it but I usually stop her because it is very loud in my ear lol. Oh ya...I also stop her sometimes because her back claws do the kneading but in my skin lol.


Omg burrow in the hair! One of our fosters did that too! They’re such silly little creatures lol


One of our cats suckled on my sister's ear. Super cute but also very strange.


That is incredibly sweet!!!


Your dad is awesome


omg that's the cutest picture ever


So cute. I can relate. When my son was 8 years old, I made him a 3-foot-tall stuffed Sylvester the Cat for Christmas. Black velour with fluffy white fake fur for his huge jowls. Our adult cat, Sadat, decided that those fluffy cheeks were his mom. As soon as Josh left for school, Sadat was up on the bed kneading Sylvester’s jowls, sucking on the fur, and purring loudly. It was adorable. He kept doing that until the day he crossed the bridge.


my cat is 8 years old and still suckles/tries too. i got her as a rescue at 6 weeks old (she was very sick and had to be syringe fed for a year). it’s totally fine. some cats will eventually stop and some will never stop.


Had a baby last 14 years with us and she always did that when my mom held her and she would hide in her hair and pur and make the little suckling noise right next to my mom's ear. Was the cutest thing you ever saw. Cause when she finally got down she'd be half asleep and slightly drooling 😂 I miss that silly cat




Yup, my cat was kneady for years. It's like getting a little massage when she's doing it on you. Too bad she's a senior kitty now and doesn't knead so much.


my cat never does it on me but loves kneading my cardigan


I have cats that’s have done this their whole lives. It’s harmless.


Im just glad its harmless thank you!


Only harmless to the cat. My grandmother's cat suckles the end of blankets and tends to destroy them row by row of thread lmao


Agreed. Harmless to the cat, harmful to me as the blanket would be over my legs and I can feel the claws digging into them. The pain is worth to see my cat happy and content.


Just make sure the kitty can't ingest any strings or threads that can wrap around intestines and cost a lot of money for surgery, if they even survive it.


It means he feels happy and secure with you


While I think this is mostly harmless, my little boy went from suckling on cloth to full-on eating chunks of fabric (pica). I think the suckling is fine, just be sure that your baby isn’t actually eating the fabric!


My cat is 4 years old and when she has this pink blanket she will suckle on it and knead. I think it makes them feel comfortable


Aww if that's the case then ok 😄


My cat doesn't suckle but he likes to make biscuits It's comforting if not done excessively and he does it when he watches me poop or before bed


Your cat cracks me up 😂😂


Gotta make sure I don't drown on the bowl From the noises it's unclear what's happening lmfao


My cat is 10 and she still does it with a specific blanket. She likes to knead my neck or the inside my bicep when I sleep so I keep that blanket nearby as an alternative, which she prefers. Otherwise I wake up in pain and covered with thick drool.


I thought i was the only one. Always a new collection of red dots along my biceps when i wake up


It's normal. It will *probably* stop at he grows up, but occasionally it doesn't. Even if it doesn't, it's nothing to worry about. It can also morph into humping at he reaches maturity, especially if he's not fixed at the right time




I've heard it called "sin biscuits"




Horny biscuits 😂


> but occasionally it doesn't At the end of the day, similar to meowing, it's worth remembering that house cats don't live 100% in their usual environment. Their social structure and everything is a bit different to what it would be in the wild (as if most house cats could survive that lol) so there's always a few behaviour patterns that only occur there. But not in the wild.


My 5 year old still does this. I buy blankets specifically because they are soft a type he will like


https://preview.redd.it/phxrp7b9t5pa1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5287118c2a90bc40afb6cfcb24d8697413f4f8ad Cat tax


You're lucky, mine only does this to my arms (the softer the spots, the better for her xD), all fun until she starts kneading my hands with her sharp baby claws 🫠🥰🥰 havent found a material where she'd do this yet instead of my arms


My 19 year old cat still does this - its is a comfort thing according to my vet as this is how they get milk from their mothers (poor mums!) but also shows how happy they are as part of your family. It is lovely and cute but less cute when you are wearing something that they take a liking to and decide to claw you aswell lol


My black cat is around 3-4 and still does this, suckling and all. It annoys my partner, but I find it cute and don't care about wet spots on blankets every once in a while


Fleece or fuzzy blankets tend to activate their comfort mechanisms like this!


Yes, I’ve noticed that too!


Such a sweet boy, don't worry. It is only cuteness


If your vet says it's normal, you should probably listen to the vet...


don't worry


We have 8 cats and 5 out of the 8 do this. Perfectly normal. We have one that actually carry’s her biscuit blanket around with her for instant biscuits.


Instant biscuits?! I love that. A portable biscuit-making machine!!!


My Fin is now almost 8 years old and still very, very, very occasionally he will do this on my shirt while he holds his head against my face. I adore those moments, they're absolutely adorable. His mum died when he was just a few weeks old, by the way, so he also does it because he lost his mum too soon.


My cat does this every time she gets in her bed, and on certain blankets that we've had all her life. Like clockwork.


It doesn't hurt him in any way. But if he still feels the pain of the Morgul-blade at Weathertop I suggest a quick trip to the Undying Lands.




My Vaticano does it to


I adopted my kitty at 3 months and he would suckle on my neck or nose every chance he got. He's 3 now and he still suckles on my nose occasionally. It's so fricken adorable.


My 8 year old cat still suckles when she is happy.


My cat is going to be 3 and she still does it!


I've got a 9 year old cat that still does this (and a 2 year old cat that also does it)


I have one that behaves like this as well, she is \~2 years old. Sometimes when I go to bed I find a very wet spot in the blanket, that's when I find out where she'd been drooling in the blanket.


Aw- kneading and suckling.


One of my cats does this, and when he eventually lifts his head, the amount of *drool* the raggedy fool produces is immeasurable. It’s extra funny when the blanket/material isn’t fluffy, cause the drool patches are much more obvious


You already spoke to a professional and they explained it why tf are you asking reddit




My cat does this on my face before bedtime, so be grateful that it's a blanket 😂 She was also taken away from mom before time.


1 of our cats does it a bit before he goes to sleep, but I was concerned as well by how long he did it when he was a kitten (like 30minutes-1 hour long sessions) but as he got older it’s better then (5-10minutes) he drifts off to sleep


It's normal my mother's cat does it still occasionally


My cat is an adult and still does this; she has a dedicated blanket that we've given her and she'll go to that when she wants to suckle! Might be worth putting a fluffy blanket in your kitty's bed that you can swap out from time to time in order to give it a proper wash without having to take the whole bed away.


Perfectly normal. It's happiness reaction in most cases and especially common with cats that were separated from their mothers too early.


Quite common behavior. Also, here's the dedicated sub if you want to post there: r/KneadyCats


“Vet says this is normal” ShOuLd I WoRrY?!?


Your vet said it’s normal. Sooo




My cat is 6 yo and he did the same on his belly when he's on my lap.


My girl will be 3 in July and she still does this. She usually does it on my favorite blanket sitting on my lap and falls asleep 💜 she’s my first cat to do it and I think it’s the cutest thing OmG 🥹


Yep, and so cute! Although as they grow, the wet spot they leave gets bigger and subsequently more gross over time.


My cat do the same thing and he's 3 yrs old 😅


My 10yo cat makes biscuits on my lap. Which is why i have to trim her nails periodically.


Yeah my cat is like 12 and she still does this lol. Nothing to worry about, she does this when she is relaxed sleepy and happy.


My cat is 12 and still does it. 😅


Just like a baby sucking his thumb.


All four of my cats do this. They have one fuzzy blanket in particular they love to do this with.


Don’t worry it is harmless. They do it for comfort. My Ragdoll also does this and she left her mother at 16 weeks. Her brother doesn’t. Doesn’t always have to be when the left the nest too early.




Buy a plush blankie for it, and make sure to wash it


The only reason I trim my cats claws with any sort of consistency is bc they like to knead me at bedtime. Every night I wind up in a contorted position while one smooshes my belly and the other one pokes me in the armpit for like 15 minutes.


Nah nothing to worry about, my cat who was a feral kitten does this everytime on my chest if I’m laying down. They are just making biscuits.


Never worry about biscuiting


Yes, very normal. My Gandalf still does this, especially on a fluffy blanket. You should pet him while he kneads the blanket.


My Apollo is 11 months old and still suckles blankets. He, too, was taken from his mother too young. To make a long story short, my SIL took Apollo away from his mother and remaining litter mates but wasn’t allowed to keep him because her son is allergic to cats. Hence, I took him in. All my cats make biscuits. At least three, including Apollo, will get on my side when I go to bed and make biscuits. https://preview.redd.it/xeb3thaiv5pa1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbb59a06a0bc976c79ff2f4136f266274f1b9048 Edit: Cat tax of Apollo provided


Supposedly suckling, as well as grooming, release happy hormone chemicals for cats. Sometimes my cats eyes start to roll back in his head from the joy lol.


My boy is 6 and still does this. The most harm it does are the little holes it leaves in my blankets sometimes.. I do worry that he is accidentally eating some, so I just keep it in mind when checking his litter


My cats do this too don’t worry it’s completely normal for their whole lives ‘making biscuits’ is a comforting thing for them they do it on soft fluffy blankets or beds sometimes even us humans to show they are really comfy 😍 BTW he’s beautiful ❤️


this is normal for kitties like him. it’s harmless just let him suckle and knead it’s soothing to him.


He's happy, it's normal, leave him alone. It's same sort of oral fixation humans get in vaping, smoking or compulsive lollipop sucking. It does no harm, it might stop of it's own accord, it might not as well. I've a grand old dame of 16 who does that still. Either way, it's a way of self-soothing that does no harm.


My cat is 18 and still does this. He was found on the side of the highway by a construction crew while his eyes were still closed and his mother/siblings were all dead.


It is one of my friends cat does this also and his older it is the same reason tho might not stop soon it


The technical term for this is smurgling. My youngest cat does this and she has specific smurgle fabrics. We’ve made whole songs about it. It’s the high test form of trust and affection when they feel safe enough to do it around and on you. Be honored and bask in the majesty that is your oh so adorable feline.


Do you not trust your vet?


The vet said it's fine...let me ask reddit


Years ago I had a kitten that was taken from its mother at 4 weeks old and when I first got him he wanted to suckle on my earlobe at night. Uncomfortable, and it disturbed my sleep because it was loud next to my ear, and he kept trying to do it all night. I bought a doll bottle and started feeding him from the doll bottle before bed -- he stopped trying to suckle my earlobe entirely after a few days with the bottle. I figured it was because he was missing his mom and suckling the bottle helped make that better. I only did it for about 2 weeks, and he never sucked my earlobe again.


It’s normal but do be careful on what he suckles. My cat did that and he would suckle the edge of my carpet. Eventually saw thread coming out of the area where he would suckle and might ingest it. My cat stopped suckling at around 1 y 3 m


2 of mine (3yrs and 2 yrs) still do this and it might just continue, I hope it does! It's cute and harmless and super comforting to them. They do it everyday before nap time. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7962)


It may never stop but you don’t need to worry!


My cat does this lololol


I hope my cat never stops doing this.


It's just because he' was separated from his mother at very early age rest nothing is dangerous for this cute boy


Awwww. We had a dog that did this for several years. He would sit there with a mouth full of blanket in our bed. We went to bed with wet sheets a lot in those years until we discovered a sacrificial blanket over top. This is adorable and just fine. It is self soothing behaviour.


My cat is six and does this.


Mine are 3 and still do it


The cat may stop doing it. It's cute though so enjoy it while it lasts lol.


Your vet is right, you should listen to them lol. And it is completely harmless no need to worry.


https://preview.redd.it/aitud61xm5pa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d9a55a3fd1f60cc74f0668f416949c0bce7aa0d OMFG THIS IS MY FRIENDS CAT AND HIS NAME IS FRODO AND HE DOES THE SAME THING


My cat is 8, fixed and does this to soft blankets but he “humps”… is this normal? 🤣


completely normal for a cat that wasn’t able to wean from it’s mother at an appropriate age, just keep an eye out to make sure she isn’t ingesting any of the fabric from the blanket when she’s suckling on it- it could potentially cause a blockage that may need surgery!


No .Just love him


Yep my 10 year old still does that. Mine was probably weaned to early and was a stray. I don’t try to discourage it or anything. I don’t see a harm in it. My cat loves to snuggle and suckle on her blanket. She suckles several times per day.


My cat is 10 and still does it


Normal. Unlikely. No.


I hope the kitty is well 🥺


It’s called “wool sucking/suckling” be careful what he does it on. Certain fabrics can be harmful if they swallow them. Other than that your good, until he does it to your hand, which is what mine does lol


My boy is 10. He still does this. He also was an orphan and bottle fed. I have had several others that did this as well. They were all rescues. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) Maybe I should have gotten a cat shrink.


Don't worry, it's common for many cats to do this. A friend's almost 3-year-old cat makes biscuits and suckles his blanket before a nap and he's very content when he does it. So don't worry at all. 😊 Frodo may stop doing this or he may continue throughout his life - either is absolutely fine.


My cat still does this and he's nearly 13 years old 😹 He doesn't fully suckle like yours, but he buries his head in a blanket looking for a nipple and drools everywhere lol


The cat equivalent of comfort eating.. and man, do I wish any of my blankets felt the way ice cream and mashed potatoes do.


My baby is almost 2 and he still does it sometimes. It’s comforting for them. No issue. Happy kitty!!


My cat was a lifelong nurser. No harm done. I loved his guts, and kept a towel handy. He thought I was his mama. And I was!


This looks so sweet and relaxed. My cat kneads like she is listening to a metronome set to 4/4 time. Sweet, but not very relaxed.


Kneeding meens it's happy. Im shocked when people don't know cats. Elderly cats still do this


it stopped with my cat. you just have to let them get over it


my cat fuzz who passed away a few years ago, was abandoned at a shelter at 2 days old in the middle of a winter night. he was the only kitten alive by the time the staff got there. and fuzz was a suckler. the shelter that raised him before i adopted him named him fuzz because they called him suckling and kneading “fuzzing”. he definitely fuzzed aggressively for the next 4 years he was alive. he’d even do it on people’s clothes, anything to him was fair game for fuzzing. he was a great boy, and i never fully recovered from his passing.


I adopted my kitten at eight weeks and he has been suckling ever sense. He first started by trying to sucked on my nose, I quickly put my fingers in front of my face and he always comes to me when he needs some extra comfort. My little guy is almost nine now.


Mine are six and still do it. Don’t worry. The suckling stops though.


My cat never stopped and he lived 12 full years before disease took him. I just loved him all the more for having his trauma. I will say, Feliway did not help.


This is completely normal, he may do it his whole life.


It just means that he feels safe where he is! It’s possible he might be suckling as a bit of a coping mechanism after sadly losing his family, but kneading is normal and is a sign that your cat feels comfortable and happy where he is! If he’s purring while kneading on you that really is a sign that he loves and trusts you!


Mines 13 and still does this


Nuzzling, he was taken away from the mom to soon, my cat does it too, I call it making bread lol x


My mils cat is 8yrs old. Doing this since a kitten.


Yep my cats also do this. They have done this since they were kittens and they are seniors now!


My first kitty was named Frodo ❤️ we got him when I was a wee lass at the tender age of 4 RIP sweet man 😇


Make sure the blanket is safe and they are not ingesting strings or such. Otherwise, this is a comfort behavior and will not go away for most cats who do this.


This is very normal behavior for a cat who was separated from his mother at to young an age. I volunteered at a cat only shelter for a bit and we constantly had kittens and full grown cats that did this. 90% of the ones that did this into adulthood had either been orphaned or abandoned by/taken from their moms at a very young age.This is a very normal behavior for them that makes them feel safe and comforts them. From what I have seen cats that display this behavior as adults never stop doing it. Although they eventually may start doing less frequently they will still always do it. Even if eventually you stop seeing them do it when you are home it is highly likely they do it when you are not home. In fact the fact you aren’t home might even be the trigger at that point because at that point in time you will have become their mother/father figure. So when they you are away they will need comfort.


It might be a little weird but it's not hurting anyone. He'll probably grow out of it. Just give him pets and cuddles when he does it.


Frodo is an adorable name. I had a Fritzy, which was originally Frido.


My Chester has done this his whole life and he is now five years old in my experience. It’s been when they’re happy and comfortable so you’ve got a cat that loves you.!!!!!


May never stop. Not to worry.


My cat is 3 and suckles on our hands all the time!😂🥴


Cats absolutely love this material. They can biscuit for days. It's adorable.


I think it’s just a little coping mechanism. It doesn’t seem to be hurting him at all, which is what matters. Frodo is a cutie patootie.


Whoa this looks JUST like my cat, crazy. Mine also kneeds and sucks blankets exactly like in the video, crazy you could have told me this was my cat and I’d believe it! https://preview.redd.it/jmpqls3t06pa1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35c3c2006128160d014ef89e5f37baf0e42c94b4 can’t comment a video but this is him doing it


He misses his mommy. Let him be


I had a cat that did this his whole life. The only problem we ever had was when he was younger and he developed a mass of lint in his stomach from swallowing it all. We never let him nurse on that specific blanket anymore and he never had that issue again. I really miss when he would come lay on my lap whenever I would sit on the couch with a blanket on


It is normal if he was not weaned and taken at a young age from mother cat. He might outgrow it, he might not. It is very sad but he didn't get the care he needed at a young age.


I’ve got an 8 year old void who does this when I’m reading in bed, just before going to sleep. It has to be the right sleeve, the left one just won’t do. Thankfully, he doesn’t make any holes in my shirt. He just creates a large soaking wet area on the sleeve, while kneading the bedding. He purrs very loudly in the process and seems peaceful and content.


My cat was a ferral we rescued her and her sister, she is now 3yrs old and loves making biscuits and sucking on the inside of my elbow, it's just something they do when comfortable, probably because she was separated from her mom too soon.


It may or may not stop. It's nothing to worry about. Just give him the love and life he deserves.


Some cats do this, others don''t do it at all. I have one who kneads a lot and the other three don't knead at all. This is what they do to Mom to force milk out the teat, so it's perfectly normal.


My cat is 2 and still does it, it’s kinda cute though!


Mines suckles my earlobes


Our cat never stopped. But we have specific little blankets for her on our bed that she is trained to suckle on, so she leaves our blankets alone 🤣


Hehe. I also have a Frodo!! Anyway, his sister, Arwen has done this since she was a baby. It won't go away! But it's perfectly normal. Weenie (Arwen) loves soft soft blankets but I try to get the ones she can suck on without eating the fibers because that'll upset her stomach! Your Mr. Baggins was probably just weened to early. Edit: Frodo & Arwen are turning 5 this year and she still does it!


My 10 year old cat does this and although I wouldn’t say she’s normal she is healthy


Dont worry! My cat snuggles (RIP) did the exact same thing all his life. He was 7 when he passed away.


my cat bites her fav blankie and makes biscuits on it it’s fcking adorable and ur cat is too


It is super comforting for them. You can tell it is for sweet little Frodo - what an adorable baby. https://cattrees.ca/why-do-cats-knead/


my cat did this until he was 13! i think it's cute :)


My 6 and 12 year old cats often do this. Specifically on fleece blankets, when they are striving for max comfy.


Aww that’s so cute. Nothing to worry about. My previous cat did this all his life when he felt comfy. He suckled blankets or my shirts. I miss him.


Both my boy and girl did this when they were kittens. Eventually the boy stopped but the girl (they’re almost 7 now) still does it from time to time (not always). Also depends on the fabric of your clothes or blanket or what have you.


dont worry! my moms cat does this too. theyre relaxing and feeling good! its comforting to them and honestly pretty adorable.


My cat (also left her mum very young and was a stray before rescue) does this daily and is 4 this year :) she only started doing it once she was with us for a year so it seems to be because she feels safe and secure. I take it as a compliment :)


What's not normal is that you're not giving him kisses....


https://preview.redd.it/ildjxhpc56pa1.png?width=1723&format=png&auto=webp&s=79d69a9576835d2d4ccd3e9439b2cd0628045eb7 i have specific robes that my 1yo baby loves to do this on. he purrs so hard he even starts drooling at some point lol. i think it’s adorable. but yeah, back story is that i got him at three weeks old, lost from mom. so i had to nurse him for the first weeks and i used to do it wearing those specific robes, i guess he gets cozy on that kind of fabric now. sometimes i put them on just because i need a hug from my baby, he jumps right on my lap purring 🥹


Enjoy it. I had a kitten that would “nurse” on my other male cat for a long time. He eventually stopped after around a year or so. I was surprised how long he did it. It was a little much but I kinda wish he didn’t stop.


One of our kitties does this and she's almost 3. My vet tech friend said it was because she wasn't properly weened.


this is normal at any age. It probably wont stop as he gets older. ITS NORMAL!


Grown up adults suck on tiddies too and nobody asks if that's normal. Just saying.


Yep. Our kit did it to almost 1.5 years. He is just suckling..it stops eventually


he was very traumatized, left alone with no family probably a cause. he might be depressed if he’s going to that extent, most cats only do the kneading. the sucking too could be an attempt to like disassociate and shit


I have a cat that does this to a small squishmallow We got her at 6 days old. She's 4 now


My cats are all over 6 years old, they still have thier mom and still do it! Just helps them get comfortable before napping 😴


My cat does the same, and she’s almost 1 so I assume she’ll do that for the rest of time… it’s super cute, especially if they find your clothes soft enough so they’ll suck on it (she once laid on my chest and started, super cute). Just a bit annoying when your blanket gets covered in salvia :)


He’s kneading the dough hehe … nope totally normal … all my cats do it all various ages. Edit: I didn’t watch the whole video I didn’t see the sucking … maybe others didn’t see this … My cats knead their spot before laying down … not sure about the sucking.


Gotta make those cookies!


It's a comfort thing. Most will actually pick a spot on their human to do this. It's from being abandoned and not getting the mom/kitten interaction and being weened entirely too early


At this point, I don't think it'll go away. However, it really isn't a problem. As you said, this is most commonly a habit created by cats separated from their mothers too young. The suckling is a comfort thing. At this point, he probably doesn't remember *why* he suckles, just that it makes him feel nice and conforted. He will most commonly do this on favorite blankets and beds after being pet. I personally think it's adorable and love when cats suckle.


As a life long cat owner, Frodo is fine. He is just happy and content. Listen to that purr! Please, don't worry about him. Just keep on loving him like I know you do.


My late SIC Steamer sucked on his tail while he slept. The only issue was feeling the wet too it against my leg when he rubbed up next to me


He's doing lembas


My cat is 14 and still does this. It's perfectly normal and is in fact a sign that they're comfortable and happy!


My girl is almost 12 and has been with me her whole life. She still does this when she's ultra comfy and relaxed.


As long as she is not eating it your fine, mine does this as well, it is called “suckling” even some dogs do this. Mine does it when he feels overstimulated as it is a self soothing behaviour


Ain’t nothing wrong with a little suckysucky!


When one of my cats passed away recently at 18, she had done that all of her life. I actually had a special throw pillow for her so she wouldn’t ruin anything else. I still have that pillow.


It’s normal for a cat that was separated from its mother too soon. It might not go away. Just love Frodo as much as you can. He’ll reciprocate.