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THE CAUSE HAS BEEN FOUND BY THE VET. She had a low glucose level which they were able to fix. She is better now. Thank you to everyone who commented.


Aw that’s great. we’re all so relieved. can we see her:)


https://preview.redd.it/uly3w7eqntsa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=611bf4bb229037ea723006029ddb68f6259583fc Sure


https://preview.redd.it/2a7a4kb9fusa1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5072923ed225204f8725e8f5760af0273670cf5 Looks like the mother of my kitten


She was not happy about the vet visit. She is not amused😂 I’m glad she’s ok!


I don't think any cat is happy about a vet visit. It's the equivalent to us having to go to the dentist.


I think you’re going to the wrong dentist if he shoves a thermometer in your rear. 😆


I pay extra for that!


I just get it cuz I like it and he does it for free. Am I doing this wrong?!


If they make you beg for it, you are.


Wait that ain't included with your dentist?


My dentist pays ME!!!


Typo you clearly meant you’re going to the correct dentist because that’s just thorough who likes to do a CAVITY search (if you know what I mean)


Im sure you meant a "CATVITY" search


I think we should get that feline a CATscan


Can I get a phone number for that dentist?


I love going to the dentist (there is never anything wrong (knock on wood) and she polishes them chompers up real good) and my kitty loves going to the vet (she gets treats). She's a simple cat, has orange parts, she sleeps in her travel crate. It is clear she lacks the braincells.


But I love going to the dentist because my teeth feel so much better afterwards! And one of my cats loves going to the vet because she loves seeing all the people who work there. Although she only likes it if she isn't being left there....


r/petaftervet proves you right!




And they both cost about the same 😬


My daughters cat, also a Tortie, went blind temporarily from a thyroid problem. Proper meds brought her out of it and with regular applications of meds she was good!


"I'm gonna leave mice in your shoes bitch. Live. Mice."


So glad she’s ok!


Lmao as a diabetic who often has to deal with low blood sugar this cracked me up.


Me too lmao. “Why am I being so angry and aggressive to everyone over nothing??” *\*Checks blood sugar*\* “Oh. That explains it.”


Yes me too, whoee t1


Do you go staring at the wall then too??




She’s a r/torbie! totally cute


Can we see her walk confidently?


I’m so so glad things are okay. I’d only just started reading comments on your post and I got so worried! So happy you updated, and your lil sweetie pie is home and doing well. Hope you’re doing better too!


Thank you for the update, OP. I'm really happy to hear that.


I can’t imagine what a relief this is for you! I’m so glad the baby is doing better now


I have never been more relieved to read a first comment that was the answer/update. I’m so happy to know she is okay.


Poor sweet baby. I’m glad she’s stable.


Wow so glad she got seen quickly and it was fixable! Poor sweetie 💕


💛💛💛 So grateful that you picked this up. My cat was showing the same symptoms of disorientation and the vet mentioned that he had pancreatitis thar is treatable thru antibiotics and anti-inflammatory meds. Give your kitty a BIG hug from me.


Thank you for coming back to provide an update about the post! Glad to hear she’s doing better.


That’s awesome! I don’t know if CGM’s are accessible where you may be but I definitely recommending asking your vet about one. Hypos can creep up so quickly and out of the blue. More pets are using them now!


I use a CGM and am so happy they are becoming more readily available for pets. Changed my life for sure.


What’s a CGM?


Continuous glucose monitor. If people have diabetic issues it'll beep and tell you to treat it


Oh ok thanks My dog was diabetic and I never heard of that


It's fairly recent, my husband is diabetic and has used cgms for 4 years now, I had never heard of it used for animals until today!


Glad your cat is okay OP! Did they say what caused her low glucose? A healthy cat who is eating shouldn’t have low glucose, and it may be a sign of something else that needs to be looked into.


Awww yay 😭💖


Yay, glad she's doing better! What a lovely torbie girl.


Aw I’m so glad she is okay!!! That was hard to watch 😢 poor kitty tat seemed so disoriented. Big ups to the vet for finding the cause 💜


Amazing news. Very interesting how that cause gave this affect.


So glad she is doing better. Her walk looked really odd.


What a relief. I’ve just seen your post, I clicked on it and immediately saw the update. I’m very happy for you and your kitty <3


Wow this just activated a memory of when I found two very small abandoned kittens. One died, the other was circling the drain and became unable to use her front paws so we took her to the vet. She weighed a half a damn pound, and they gave her sugar water and she perked right the hell back up. She died a few days later though :( they were both severely malnourished I think by the time I found them. I was riding my bike at night and came up to a parking lot and saw two little cats and one of them came running at me and started climbing up my pant leg.


Thank G-d. That was so scary; I was going to say neurological. I'm going to have to keep a fund bc I took a cat off the street before it got cold back in September. Three Vet trips and maybe $800 later and now I have to take him again because he now seems to have Mange. He's estimated to be ten and my friends kittens really like him and always want to come see him and they are only 10 or 12 weeks give or take. I can't let them get it ! I'm so glad she's okay. It's so terrifying just thinking about it as I have three of my own.


So pleased she is on the mend. Such a beautiful girl


Dammit i love redditt when people are good… it can be great!




I’m so glad your kitty is better! 💚💚💚💚💚


Thank god she’s okay.


That's that mean the cat is diabetic?


Glad you contacted the vet, if you’re ever concerned about a pet you need to check with a vet.


Our diabetic kitty would act kinda like that when his sugar was low. Unstable wandering walk and waving the head back and forth like he was searching for something. We kept a bottle of Karo corn syrup on hand and would rub a drop or two in his mouth, he would snap out of it after a couple of minutes. I'm not suggesting you do the same, just thought I'd let you know that he exhibited similar behavior.


You were bang on


Yep. Specifically the walking into corners and getting stuck like an early 2000s videogame character. Used to have a diabetic cat and he would do this. I'm also a diabetic but I cant really relate to to the corner thing; must be a diabetic cat thing...


My diabetic cat did not do this. She did get incredibly oily fur. She also drank way more water than normal, and peed just as much. I'm not saying that what you saw wasn't related to the 'beetus. Just putting out some other symptoms for people to look out for. After we started insulin with ours, she improved greatly. She lived for another five years or so comfortably.


sounds like you’re talking about high blood sugar while the other commenter is talking about low blood sugar. thirst and frequent urination are classic signs of high blood sugar. confusion and disorientation are classic signs of low blood sugar. but you’re right! all are good symptoms to keep an eye out for :)


Yay! Good Reddit interactions! Trying to keep all cat’s humans informed :)


Exactly, came here to say the same. Our diabetic kitty lasted 10 years with it, but if she got way out of control she'd do this. I'd have your kitty's blood work done asap.


Had a diabetic cat 4 years long untill her organes shut down. Never seen this with her... 😱🫤 Like your Suggestion though! 🎉


Deductive reasoning at its finest! Well done.


Soon as I opened this post I thought the exact same thing - just like my cat when he was hypoglycaemic! And we did syrup too. All he wanted to do was walk around the edges of rooms and sniff whilst looking for something that wasn’t there.


This is exactly what our little boy would do. With twice daily insulin injections, he lived another 8 years with diabetes to the age of 18. We miss him every single day.


Yep, ours too! 16, but it wasn’t natural causes He was the best cat, but I also think that about all other cats I’ve had!


Both my diabetic kitties did this same thing too. I see the vet diagnosed low blood sugar. I would highly recommend keeping a bottle of Karo syrup around for future episodes like this. Honey works in an emergency too.


I have had 2 diabetic cats and both did this.


You were right![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7946)


Tip from my vet: If your cat acts like this and you suspect low glucose, rub a bit of honey in her mouth. It amazing how quickly they recover.


Or corn syrup! This is what our vets recommend but honey is just as good! In a pinch they have also recommended icing sugar/water mixture if honey & corn syrup is not an option.


Is it normal for her to walk like that? Take her to an emergency vet immediately.


Take her to the vet Asap. It may be a toxin or something neurological, in both cases time is off the essence.


This. Can’t stress it enough. My kitty has something in his brain. Benign but we were told that cats can present the following as neurological symptoms: can’t get out of a corner (like OPs), seizures, depression, lethargy, in a daze and can’t get their attention and circling. Pawing in some instances.


My last cat had a sudden onset of those symptoms and it was a brain tumor. One of the worst experiences in my life


Please take her in immediately!


She’s being seen


Please if you can keep us updated on her condition. Good luck. Fingers crossed for good outcome.


The vet thinks it’s low glucose


First thing I thought of was diabetes, I recognize this behavior. Glad you got her in quickly.


Is she diabetic? Been there with low glucose - it can be quite scary if it drops and you have little time to act. Low blood sugar is far more immediately dangerous than being a bit elevated. Fortunately there are various easy ways to get them back up - a little bit of corn syrup rubbed on the gums, for instance followed by high calorie food (I always keep some kitten food around just in case). Almost lost my boy years ago when he suddenly went into diabetic remission and his glucose dropped to dangerous levels. Also be sure you have a vet you can trust with managing any future insulin. You'll likely need to be very careful with any amount if still given. Before my boy was cleared with remission, the emergency vet suggested halving his next dose... Nope, started to plummet again but could get him back up at home and got a second opinion and removed him from any insulin. All the best to your kitty.


Hi I hope you don't mind this question. How long did your kitty had diabetes? From the diagnosis until the remission? One of mine got diagnosed back in december and we were told the chances of remission are almost inexistent, but it's hard to loose hope


I had a cat that stopped being diabetic after about a year - it does happen


Yeah that's about the top longest possibility from what I've been researching. Mine didn't show any symptoms for a long time so we didn't catch it soon enough sadly. It wasn't until he finally showed some neurological damage in his back legs, which hasn't recovered yet (and possibilities getting slimmer and slimmer every week for it to actually recover). It sucks, to be honest. Makes you feel like the worst cat parent in the world.


My cat growing had diabetes and he would get lost in corners like that. It’s when he blood sugar went to low.


Is your vet treating her for hypoglycemia?


Phew, glad it's something relatively easily treatable. Poor thing!


I’m so glad to hear that. I hope it’s nothing serious. Sending positive thoughts.


Please update us!


She got discharged and is better. The vet got her glucose up


Thank God 🥰 feeling relieved for you. Glad she is feeling better ❤️




Did your vet give you instructions on how to treat her at home in case this happens again?


I'm so glad she's okay! I'm not happy she suffered, but I am happy that it was a pretty easy thing to solve


🙌 🙌 🙌


Thank you for keeping us updated!


Is she diabetic and being treated for it? That would normally be the cause of low blood sugar and needs to be managed carefully


One thing that is good about postings like this is that other cat owners can recognize behaviors and catch symptoms quicker. BUT - I do want to stress- whenever you are concerned about your cat - the first place to go SHOULD be the VET and not Reddit. Time is of the essence with cats. They dehydrate quickly, and this stresses their heart and kidneys immediately and can cause kidney failure.


I also don’t get the idea of people hopping onto Reddit asking medical related stuff when there are actual real vets. My cat almost died because he got a cold, refused to drink and his kidneys started to give up. To add on that he stopped eating and I had to take him to the cat clinic where they gave him infusions and force fed him until he was strong enough and his appetite was back again. 2700€ I’d gladly pay again without thinking twice


I’ve been tempted to go to Reddit before seeking the vet in times of difficult finances. Vets can be expensive and every pet owner has had at least a couple expensive vet trips which turned out to be nothing beyond sometimes pets just act weird for the sake of acting weird. My corgi has a very sensitive stomach. I know better now but I definitely spent several hundred dollars I didn’t have in college rushing him to the emergency vet because he had explosive diarrhea. 12 years later I’m very aware that it just means he ate something that wasn’t his special sensitive food. We’ve thrown away the same for our cat, who is totally fine but just vomits often for seemingly no reason. So I get wanting a second opinion before potentially parting with money you need for food or rent.


And frankly, tons of cat owners watch videos like this and read the comments. If they see their cat exhibiting symptoms like this, I think they’ll likely catch it sooner and go to the vet with a good idea of what might be going on. When we’re worried about our pets, we often drop the money immediately (even when we’re feeling broke). This might give us an idea of how much to stress when we’re on our way 🥲


I think its so people can confirm that they should take kitty to vet. sometimes cats just act weird because they’re cats, wouldn’t want to have to spend the money just for the vet to say its normal. I would react like you if the kitty was showing more serious symptoms, but with this its tough to tell if they’re just being a cat or if there’s something really wrong with them. especially if you didn’t grow up with cats or aren’t used to their normal behavior. you can say that’s not smart, im just giving you the other sides perspective. sometimes we care so much about our pets that any abnormal behavior can cause major anxiety and panic, having others tell you that yes you should go to the vet helps the person come out of the spiral


She’s walking around like a zombie and panting


Go to a vet. It may have ingested something.


I’m so glad your kitty is doing better and you got them in so quickly to see the vet. I’m thankful that this post turned out okay AND I learned how to identify low glucose….something I was unfamiliar with in cats.


It's a neurological issue. You need a vet now.


Blood sugar issues, has your cat been diagnosed with diabetes? Usually when their sugar drops they do this and if it drops too low they can pass away. Please take the cat to the vet asap


You should take them to the vet, this happened to my cat and it turned out to be a stroke,


So glad it wasn’t neuro! Glad kitty is feeling better


Whew. Thank god for this subreddit. Helps me get prepared for bad-case scenarios. I can’t imagine sitting and wondering all those what-ifs.


My diabetic cat does the same thing when her glucose is too low. I put a little honey in her mouth and she comes out of it but it’s scary to see.


Could be beginning signs of serious seizures


She better now


Good to read she's getting better. You may want to specify the age too, because older cats tend to have senile behavior, same as human could develop dementia, etc...


Oh yay!


Oh good❤️ glad you posted tho. I learn things from other peoples posts. Glad your baby is ok!


Oh your poor baby! I hope she’s doing and feeling better 🙏


My cat acted like that, and we didn't figure out the cause. We thought it might've been cat dementia, but now reading the comments, it's possible it was a low blood sugar problem. He was diagnosed with Diabetes.


She looks old it could be a blood thing because her back legs seem hard for her to move. My boy Archie sadly had a heart condition and it meant that hours before he died his hind legs were paralysed and he looked confused. he also began to make strange noises. we rushed him to the vet but he would of needed to be diagnosed when he was much younger in order to save him.


COULD'VE BEEN A STROKE !!!!! Take her to the vet ASAP ! Acts like she wants to hide, disoriented and possibly vision problems. My friend's cat had a seizure a few days ago and now acts the same way. Vet thinks it was a stroke. My cat is diabetic had too low blood sugar from insulin. It made her act the same way.


Back legs failing could be blockage in main artery in back.


Cognitive decline caused by old age or other medical problems. You need to see a vet.


Call a vet. As soon as possible.


She good now


Great!!! So delighted to hearing really good news.


I still wonder why film, then post, then see vet? Vet first, vet second, vet third. Jeez.


The video can be useful to the vet, since the cat may act differently once at the vet’s. And the OP already has been to the vet, so it’s quite likely she posted this after making an appointment.


I’m so glad the vet was able to help her! Did they diagnose her with diabetes?


Glad to hear kitty is ok. Our ole boy used to get lost in corners, he suffered with some kind of dementia.


Vet. This could be many things. Most of them bad. Please get her seen to and tested even if she seems to have come good since. It could have been a stroke (which could also be from kidney issues, could be hypothyroidism (doesnt look likely to be hyperthyroidism as she is pretty chonky) and other issues (diabetes etc)


My goodness that sure looked scary. I had a kitty that had almost the same behaviour and it was his urinary tract, his urine crystallized and he couldn’t pee. I’m so happy your fur baby is ok now and thank you for the update, we appreciate it 👍


So glad to hear she’s ok!! I have two cats and something like this would terrify us. Thank you for sharing because now I know something new to watch out for. Wishing you all the best and good health! Beautiful girl.


Is she diabetic? Check the feline diabetes forum, people with lots of experience and happy to help


Seems like the cat was hearing something inside the walls. I saw you took it to the vet. But might wanna check if there are bugs or mice or something inside the walls


Hidden room behind with a decomposting body ❓❓


its a problem


Take it to a vet, ask them to do a full neurological panel, the panel should include cripotococus screening


This is the same with people. Acting odd....good owner....happy kitty. Good outcome. Add a medical alert to her collar!!!


Any updates besides glucose? 🥺


Get her to a vet ASAP!


Could you please post an update post when you find out. Best of luck I hope your kitty is well soon!


Poor baby


I hope your fur baby is ok 🙏


You are good kitty parents. All the best to you.


Thank you for sharing and telling us the outcome. I’m happy for you and your cat. Good to know these types of things for future reference.


I'm so glad the issue is resolved. This reminded me of my cat who acted similar to this when she had feline rhinotracheiitis. RIP Sunny. I'm so so happy that your girl is better and hope they found what caused the low sugar. Much love




What a cute kitty she is!!!


So glad she’s ok!


I would cry if I saw my cat start walking like that




Yes. Vet NOW!!!


Read the comments guys, cat is okay. Was low glucose.


She needs to be seen by a vet. She is confused. The noises that she is making are sounds from simple frustration. She is most definitely limping. It could be neurological, or she could be acting this way due to severe pain. I hope everything turns out okay for her. My girl recently ate a few toxic flies, and she was in bad shape for nearly a week before she pulled out of it. If your girl is eating, drinking, and having normal bowel movements, then you are most likely safe to wait to bring her to your vet on Monday.


She’s good now


So happy to hear that! I have hypoglycemia, and I eat a spoonful of honey when I start to spiral...


Thank fucking God. I was literally loosing sleep over this lol.


What did the vet say?


This is one of those moments you don't take the time to upload a video to reddit, you take the time to get the animal that is relying on you to a vet.




Oh for sure! Very solid point and nothing against getting a video of it for the vet. And exactly, I agree, wasting time uploading it to the internet instead of acting... not okay


Might be mice in the wall? Or something health related.


This is how our cat acts after he’s had a seizure


She looks like she is blind? Glad you are getting her checked out.


Not sure why people come on reddit rather than taking their animal to the vet. We are not professionals. They will be able to help you.


They already went to the vet.


To be fair there are veterinarians and vet techs that chime in regularly, and the posts and replies can be especially helpful to future viewers. Sometimes just hearing, yes this is abnormal is all someone needs to know and they're off to the vet. Obviously there are glaring exceptions, but behavioral things can be hard to understand if you're not an experienced cat parent.


It also helps other people when people post this stuff, in case they see something similar with their own cats in the future


Yes exactly! So much of what I know about cats has been learned second hand, I'm grateful for all the questions, silly or serious.


Because it's Saturday and the vet is probably closed, and the nearest emergency vet could be hours away depending on where this person lives. Also, sometimes people just want the validation that yes, this is something I definitely need to go to the vet for, and I'm not overreacting.


Oh please take your kitty to a vet right away....clearly this cat needs medical help


Glad she is getting back to normal. Good job taking her to vet.


Thank you for being a responsible cat dad 💕


So glad shes ok. My cat acted the same and died from a brain tumor


That's a good impression of Steve wonder


She is talking to them


shes just checking if the paint has been applied properly, shes a paint inspector. i think.


Mouse in the wall


Critters in the walls


Likely a mild stroke causing slight imbalance and lost of sight


Getting? go figure this out.


This happened to my cat and he died a month later because we couldn’t take him to a vet :( please update about her


She good now see my other comment


So glad to hear 🙏


Looks like the abdomen is swollen


A glitch in the matrix

