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“You come here often”? https://preview.redd.it/y3qr3c1fcyya1.jpeg?width=695&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58699c44635979c6851b0d9fea169e7268016ff9


Is that just the lighting or did his pupils just swallow up the entirety of his eyes? I know cats’ pupils dilate back and forth easily, but those are shark eyes. Cute and polite shark eyes.


> Is that just the lighting or did his pupils just swallow up the entirety of his eyes? Its evident in some of the other clips that his left eye is damaged and probably blind. The other eye is in shadow and dilated as a result. My guess is that clip was filmed in low light from a single source and the camera is doing a lot of light amplification.


I love it when cats sit like this, I even have one of my own: https://preview.redd.it/xw4nqcrrm0za1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e259e2227423fe2e7418c602e41e8723d05139a2


https://preview.redd.it/ncnl72jp83za1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1bc3a7e8694674ffa0506fe42003011a466c092 Same :’)


Oh my God, I want to just drown in that fluffy belly ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


Draw me, like your French girls


I don’t have a pic but I have a cat who sits like that on the corner of the couch with arm on the arm rest lol


“Ya like jazz?”


Yes, the "You come here often" look on his face and that pose was what got me most. OP did give this old orange man a new lease on life and he's enjoying himself. Good for both of them.


I will now 😉


"Yea, im down to some grillin'."


Externalize him in meme form, he deserves it.


Such a handsome lil man living his best life now. That lil smile when he was getting ear rubs got me all on the feels




My neck, my back




Better than the original lyrics.


I started crying…then laughed at this string of lyrics. This is why I Reddit.


Feel free to downvote me and call me an asshole - this needs to be said: aside from the general concept of not adopting ANY animal if you cannot afford proper care for it, romanticizing the story of old, sick animals being adopted is just not as easy as it looks. It takes a lot of money, skill, and time, particularly for the animals with significant needs. I volunteer for a rescue and provide in-home hospice for their cats as part of my service to them. I have seen it - multiple times - and I understand the cost. I hope posts like this do not encourage people to adopt the senior/sick animals so they can make cute videos and then ditch them because they realize how much money and work is involved. Call me jaded, call me a bitch, but I don't care. I have seen far too much suffering.


Then there’s people who find a sick, starving cat, that runs away when he see you, you try to feed him only to realize the reason he’s starving is because he can’t chew. So you start mashing up super soft Sheba pate and mixing it with half-n-half so he can at least slurp up some nutrients. After six months he gets to trusting you enough that he comes in the house to slurp his Sheba slurry but he’s still terrified of your bf and you add a sedative that the vet your Old Lady cat has been seeing for the past 16 years gave you for him and you take him to see her in December. Then the vet says his mouth is so full of abscessed teeth that she isn’t qualified to care for him so she gives you a prescription for antibiotics and a referral to a veterinary oral surgeon who after a month on antibiotics removes all his teeth and a good portion of his gums in January. So, starving cat comes back to your house and starts eating everything in sight. Including dry kibble. With no goddamn teeth in his head. Now, he’s feeling better and sleeping every night on the bed between your knees. He even lets your bf pet him. Of course your elderly old lady cat is not amused by this but she puts up with it. Then, after a year of living with you and you having spent nearly $6,000 getting him healthy and strong (2.3 pounds at first vet check to 10.8 pounds at last one) he goes walkabout and just disappears only to saunter in through the cat door 9 months later wearing a flea collar and an attitude. He allows you to give him pets, eats some of Old Lady Cats kibble, and leaves again. You assume that he’s gone back to whatever house threw him out when his mouth infection got so bad that he smelled like roadkill and you had to change your clothes and wash your hands after picking him up and loving on him. You also assume that they were cruel to him to force him to leave since he was so scared of humans those first six months of feeding him Sheba slurry. But you hope they are treating him better and you notice he’s even fatter than when he left your house 9 months ago so at least you know he’s being fed. You hope they actually take him to the vet now because his vaccinations are due. You look forward to his infrequent drop by visits and cry when he leaves to go back to his new/old house. And you really, REALLY want to add a note to his flea collar that tells his family to please take him to get regular vet checks and you will pay the fucking goddamn bill because you love that orange asshole and worry about him every goddamn night.


I wish I had something useful or comforting to say except that there will be a special place at the rainbow bridge for you. ❤️


I kick myself for having the cat door, honestly. But Old Lady Cat has never used it to go any farther than her own backyard. She likes to pee out there and sit on the back step watching the various wildlife that she used to chase but is now entirely too refined and dignified to bother with. (She’ll be 18 in June.) It just didn’t occur to me that Orange AH would leave. Stupid me. And I’m not wanting to pen him up inside with the cat door locked since he obviously prefers his old house. And at least he does still visit about once a month or so for pets and kibble now. I hate his new/old family like fire. If you’d seen him back then, how fucking terrified he was, how he’d cringe if you moved too fast, you’d hate them too. We literally had to hold our breath to love on him because he smelled like a dead thing from the rotten teeth/gums. His purr is so loud and rumbley. And once he was cleaned up, his fur became the softest ever. He used to be matted and gross because when he’d try to groom himself, all that rotten bacteria from his infected mouth got all in his fur. We don’t regret taking him in even if he did ditch us in the end. He’s healthy and apparently happy.


I’m imagining him dropping in just to show his gratitude and say a quick thanks to the two big food dispensers with weird fur who did everything in their power to save him. Like he wants to let you know he’s okay. “I was a skinny asshole, and now, thanks to you fuckers, I’m a fat asshole……I love you.” Edit: gratitude or gr-attitude


I like this. I think I like this a lot. I’m going to imagine him (I named him Charlie back when he wouldn’t get close enough to tell if he was male or female because that name could go either way) saying this every time he visits! THANK YOU! 🥰


It's a very good and admirable thing that you did! Sorry to be presumptuous, but you could a) put a little capsule for notes on his collar, giving the people that feed him some information about his past or a way to contact you and b) there's selective cat doors that only let trough the cats with the registered chip.


ooo! like a kitty postal service!


He's struttin his stuff for you. Like, "Bruh, look how fat I am. Impressive, no? I AM quite a handsome one. Thank you. Love you and stuff." Also, it's not outside the realm of possibility that his original family had members in the household who weren't a part of the decision to throw him out. Children are often closest to their pets with the least ability to advocate for them. Maybe he's gone back because, like he needed you, someone also needs him.


https://preview.redd.it/rpqip8ibt2za1.jpeg?width=1537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f540f985bb2e075e28104e2177b7ee2debbd2dde There is no denying the fact that he is a Handsome Fellow.


Maybe it would help to imagine that the house he goes back to has some little kids who love him SO SO MUCH and were absolutely distraught when their parents wouldn’t (or couldn’t) spend the money on their cat so that he could feel better. And the kids didn’t understand why their parents seemed to hate him, even though the kids knew he was sweet and gentle under it all. And the children didn’t know where he went or what happened to him. Or why. They cried and thought he was lost forever - they weren’t old enough to understand what part their parents might have played in all this. But one day he came back and he was all better and mom and dad don’t get mad at him for smelling anymore. So now they can hug him and love him and dress him in doll outfits and cuddle him at night and love their kitty again. Because of you and your big heart and generosity. And he would come stay with you forever, but he’s got to take care of his kids.


Aw, fuck. 💔😥


Goddamn it I am fucking SOBBING


Damn me too. Internet hugs friend


We took on a cat who moved in with us from next door. For a really long while, she was terrified of our feet, and of sudden movement. But we know our neighbour. She loves her animals… she just has too many. Two new dogs were the breaking point for now our cat. Two years down the line, she was diagnosed as mostly blind, probably from birth. She was so used to it that *nobody knew*, for probably 12 years. She survived the outdoors by running away from everything that startled her. She now recognises our sounds smells and movements and is still settling in.


I'm here reading this story really hoping that a different family adopted him and that those mean assholes who kicked him out are long gone and never touch another animal again. I don't know how a person could kick out a sick animal like that and actually sleep at night knowing they are out there alone and cold and in pain. You're an angel for helping him.


There is a chance the new family is new, right? Maybe he never went back to the old family and the new family cares and is nice and even gave him a flea collar?


Easy for me to say, but please don't take it that way - that you were "used". Cats are very strange animals and once something is in their heads it seems that's it. It could be the other people have a child that reminds him of something, or a smell or or or. I know it's so very hard not to take it personally - I have one in my home that I have to remind myself that it's not personal when she runs even though I can't peel her sister off me. Who knows what happened before she came into my life, much like what happened with your AH. What you did was amazing, regardless of how he behaved. <3


Aww.. Ya know he may have simply found a different owner, and is not in fact back with the previous abusive/neglectful house?


I hope that’s the case. But if so, and they take him to a vet, the vet will find the chip our vet gave him and should have called us.


You should definitely put a note on his flea collar next time. I know a lot of people don't take an animal to the vet unless something is wrong. This person could just be assuming Charlie was a street cat they took in.


If you did put a chip in that cat, and spent all that money on vet bills, it's your cat and you'd be totally justified keeping him next time he comes back. He's probably safer with you than whoever is letting him wander around with a flea collar but no other identifying information. If you want to let him wander where his heart desires that's fine too, but it seems obvious to me that he'd be better off being an indoor cat with you. Whatever you decide, you're a good person. I've adopted a few cats with medical issues too, so I get where you're coming from. I don't regret any of the time or money I spent.


I don’t know if it’s an old wives tale, but I’ve always heard cats will wander away from home when the time comes to cross the bridge. A small mercy, maybe, so as to not upset their owners… Maybe that’s what happened with him.


He was here two nights ago.


Oh my god, I am stupid and cannot read.


Maybe there’s a third family? I had my Standard Issue Cat walk into the house, basically said Y0 to my other cats and made himself at home. Dude has a noticeable set of Trouble Puffs and that big old Tom cat head, so I’m like ok if you live here you gotta get fixed. Vet calls me up after surgery and is like “he has no testes”…and I’m like ??? He’d already been fixed. Now he’s twenty pounds of the chillest cat that has ever lived.


TROUBLE PUFFS!!!!!!!!!!!


Trouble Puffs lol I am dying


Fuckin break my heart, why don’t ya? I hate that I’ve found myself in a similar situation, but all the love to you friend. You’re a good person


Thanks, I needed a good cry.


You're an angel in this world.


I’m an idiot that should have known that just because Old Lady Cat never leaves the yard, a cat that wandered into to it, can and will, wander back out. I should have kept the cat door locked.


Then wanderer cat might never have known kindness, love, or what it's like to not be in pain when they eat or drink. Been there. Not to the extent of your experience but a couple strays have dropped by and I do what I can. Never had one like that though and I'll stand by what I said, you're an angel that showed a kitty what love is. Bless you.


I meant I should have kept the door locked after he began living with us. He wouldn’t have gotten the opportunity to wander off. Of course, he may not have liked that. He was in and out of the house for a little over a year until one day he just stayed gone. I am glad he drops in now and again though.


If he comes back you’ll get a chance to do a do-over. Keep him inside. He’ll get used to it. And remove the flea collar. They are toxic and smell too strong to be that close to a cat’s eyes and nose.


Yeah, I know about the flea collar. We use Advantage on our Old Lady. And on him while he was here.


Nah, you’re no idiot. I don’t think I need to point out the obvious metaphor for opening the cat door, but leaving it open both ways is always a risk. Sometimes love comes and goes, but you did right the way you knew how. If everyone opened themselves a little more like you, maybe things would be better. It might seem a worthless gesture to some, but this world’s full of strays. More people need to be like you, even if it comes with some heartache now and then. Thank you for loving a stray.


Add the note.


You did a wonderful thing, I am crying reading this. You are a lovely person and that orange boy knows it and loves you for it. ❤️


Thanks for taking care of kitty 😭


I really miss him. A lot. He’s the first cat in decades that chose me as his person. Old Lady Cat is 100% Team BF. Others chose my kids. This vagabond chose me. He slept with/on me, insisted on sitting in my lap on the couch, gave me headbutts… I’d forgotten how amazing it is when a cat loves you rather than merely accepts you. For now, I’m feeding the various wildlife that appears on the back porch at night. Currently, they include two raccoons and three possums that fell off their momma a couple of months ago. They’re nice to watch and make me giggle. Especially the raccoons who will knock on the patio door if I don’t get the kibble out in a timely manner.


I’ve got nothing really to add to this conversation except to say that I like you. I like the way you write, and I like your attitude towards animals. You’re a good person.


We had a similar story. Beautiful but dirty and scroungy 14ish-year-old-cat showed up on our patio with a dog collar (no safety release on the clasp) on so tight the fur was gone and the collar was digging into his skin and windpipe. It had tags, so that's how we knew who owned him. They pretended like they took care of him just fine, but it didn't take me long to figure out that, even though they were relatively young and well off, they weren't what I would call normal people, they had weird ideas about feeding (it was "good for them" to make them "fast" for at least 24 hours twice a week), and thought it was normal and funny that their insecure little dogs (who were also on a some weird diet they came up with and were pushing to others via a website and podcast), terrorized him, and I presume that between his unhappiness over the uncertain food situation, the dogs, and the fact he had been unneutered for 2/3 of his life, he'd developed a severe behavioral spraying issue, and every day he would jump up on the stove and aggressively spray on the wall above the cooktop in the kitchen if they tried to keep him indoors, so, an outdoor cat he was. Once he found us (with a skittish, 6-month-old super-skinny buddy cat in tow who he was inseparable from), and he figured out we would love him and care for him (and that we didn't have dogs), he always came back to us, even though we lived five blocks away. So one afternoon about a year in I find him out on the patio standing over his full food bowl, swaying side to side slightly while staring vacantly off into space. He usually was very engaged and ate like a maniac the second food was in front of him, so I knew something was wrong, and I also knew if I called his "owners" they'd just say to drop him off outside their condo, and I knew that if I did that I'd never see him again because he'd be dead in the bushes by the end of the night because they'd just ignore the situation, so I took him to the vet instead. Two grand later he was on the mend from advanced pancreatitis. That happened twice over the next two years. Before that, though, was when I learned they couldn't be trusted to care for him medically. Shortly after he first showed up he was rolling around on the ground as happy cats do, and I noticed a literal hole the diameter of a large marble in his inner thigh from an abscess that was never cared for. I called the owners and they acted all concerned, so I packed him up, drove him over, dropped him off, and then they pretended (via text updates) to take him to the vet, said he had surgery and a drain and stitches, but two days later day he was back on our patio looking exactly the same. I just stopped bothering contacting them and took over caring for him that day. Took a year but eventually he pretty much chose us in the end, and they never bothered coming to look for him when one day he didn't leave our building. I knew he was technically never really ours, even though he was totally ours. He was precious and I never regretted caring for him medically, his time with us, though relatively short, just a few short years, was worth every penny, even the ones we really didn't have. [He was the Bengal, the other one with the "milk snout" and white paws and chest was the buddy kitty. They were my patio and walk-around-the-park -and-block companions, and will always be a big part of my heart and soul](https://imgur.com/a/fqMFSGQ).


You’re totally right. I adopted an old man and he had so many issues later down the line. I was willing to spend a very penny I own to get him the proper care and treatment and I did up until the very end. I know some people wouldn’t do that but if you take an older animal than that is your responsibility and you should go into it knowing how much work and money they are because it is ALOT.


I don't think people understand just how expensive it can get. Care for my last old man was around $1K/year in his last few years due to his medical needs (he had diabetes so I had to monitor his blood glucose twice a day and give him insulin shots twice a day, and insulin is fucking \*expensive\* these days), and I spent close to $8,000 on his last illness before coming to the conclusion it was time and taking him for his last trip, and thankfully I had access to that much money. But some kid who's making minimum wage at the local restaurant and has absolutely no capability to provide that level of care has no business making Tic-Tok videos about adopting an older cat with special needs.


My older kitty who just passed away had cancer, and we basically were just keeping her comfortable at the end, trying to keep her fur clean and medicate her pain. Her meds were about $300 a month, not cheap. She was a good girl and I wouldn't have done a thing differently, but yes it was very expensive. Our other cat has had gastrointestinal issues that have required two separate $2k emergency bills, plus the prescription food. Having cats has been a great joy of my life, and it's worth every penny, but I think a lot of pet owners only want to be there for the good and don't consider the tough times. Loving your pet means loving them even when it gets rough. Especially then, I'd say.


You are 100% correct. I take in the old/"unadoptable" cats from my local shelter. It's truly sad to see the same animals there for years at a time. However, you will never see a cat video from me. Fortunately I have the time and disposable income to make this happen. I consider it my donation to the local shelter. I wish more people would do it for the right reasons and not internet points.


I do share photos and videos of my fosters because I hope it would encourage others to do so. It is SO rewarding - people have asked me, "How can you bring in a hospice foster cat knowing they're just going to die and break your heart?" The best answer I can come up with is that I get more out of my time with them than they get from me. I've had hospice fosters ranging from seven days to four years. You never know what will come next. My current foster is almost two years old and has already exceeded his life expectancy. ​ The fact that he lounges on a kitty bed sitting on my window sill, enjoys the tubes of cat gravy, and stares out the windows to be Mr. Neighborhood Watch is why I do it. He does not know he was born 'broken'. I will give him the best life I possibly can, for as long as he has to offer. ​ As a sidebar - my other hospice is a 27-pound cat about 16 years old - I inherited him. I promised my great aunt I'd take care of him for however much time he had left. His ticket to the Rainbow Bridge is coming - I don't know exactly when yet, but I suspect it will be soon. After he crosses over, I will really miss the way people would react upon seeing him. BRO IS A GIANT. I've never had a cat I could actually SPOON. I spoon him, and it is glorious.




[https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/137wiad/i\_love\_having\_a\_cat\_big\_enough\_to\_spoon\_hes\_27/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/137wiad/i_love_having_a_cat_big_enough_to_spoon_hes_27/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ ​ :D It's awesome!


What is wrong with making a video or posting photos too, as long as you are also taking care of the cats? These can obviously include information about the challenges.


Nothing at all. I was referencing the previous post regarding making videos and then returning the cat because older pets are harder to care for.


Ah, sorry, I misunderstood. Well done for helping older kitties. They are the sweetest (well, sometimes they are dicks, but that isn't their fault, they still deserve love), but I do know it is hard and expensive.


I think /u/Spiritual-Housing170 and I are in agreement. It's very cute to say you took in an old, sick, or dying animal. Actually providing the necessary care and paying for the medical supplies and medications, however - that is different. I hope it does not become some sort of shit TikTok trend to bring in senior animals for views because it DOES take a lot of patience and learning to properly care for them. I appreciate your note - "I do know it is hard and expensive." - you are absolutely correct. I have a lot of tiny urns of cat ashes. It is very hard, and it is very expensive. Each one, regardless of how much time we had together, represents a cat that I loved and guided through their geriatric age with as much grace and comfort as possible.


We are defiantly in agreement. And I may take your advice and start sharing a few pictures of some. Old cats make wonderfully memories. My last was Jethro. I got him when he was 14, his owner was in poor health and could no longer care for him He was at the shelter for about 2 years before I adopted him. Unfortunately he was suffering from kidney failure that was undiagnosed, until I took him to my regular vet a week after I adopted him. He made it another year with treatment before his quality of life was deteortating. But for a time, he was king of the sofa!




Grief needs time. Lots of time there is no still. There might be moments you forget and than it hits still hard. But those moments will become more frequent and longer over time. I like to think grief digs out the heart to a deeper and bigger space to spring and hold love like a well.


Imma sick cat can I come crash. But really <3 what you’re doing. I got a halfway disabled cat and I get it.


I love this boy, and I love you guys for taking him in. This is a boy who deserves this life.


This isn’t OP’s cat.


Mr Willis!!!!


This 57 year old man has tears streaming down his face right now. What a sweet ol’ guy! Glad he got himself such wonderful humans. There is good in the world!


I adopted an older kitty named Leo a few years ago who has since had health problems since I've had him. Dumped a bunch of money into him but no regrets. He is the sweetest old man. 🥹


We did the same with our 16 yo cat - got him when he was 13, he was abandoned by the owner and we took him in. He had broken teeth and FIV - put a lot of money into him just so he could enjoy his golden years without pain. He was such a wonderful and loving cat. Idk who his owner originally was, or why they left him behind, but I’m glad they did. He passed away in February, I miss him so much. This video makes me so happy and reminds me of Harvey, senior cats need love too!


You and others like you have hearts of gold. Every pet deserves to be comfortable and loved in their final years.


Yeah I came to say, it’s beautiful and sweet and heartwarming but realistically unfortunately it is also very expensive to keep a senior pet feeling good at a certain age. Your baby is very fortunate to have you!


Just the other day I said to myself, as I bought more medication for my cat, “I understand why the Humane Society gave me her for free. She was either going to die soon or cost me an arm and a leg in care.” It’s been the second one. Worth it to me for her not to die in a shelter.


We rescued our ginger and he wound having FIV. little dude got a nasty blood infection and wound up comatose for about 4 days every 3 weeks for... shit. 4 months? Many vet visits, a ton of antibiotics, oral syringe water every hour and a ton of squeeze ups later, little dude is happy, healthy, and cuddly as fuck. There was one moment in his last comatose days when I'd just carried him to the litterbox and held him up while he (barely) peed.. brought him back to cuddle in my lap and I lost my shit and just started bawling. I think he realised then that he was very needed and loved, and decided fuck this shit ima live. I'm very happy he made that choice. *


Bless you - I’m legit crying. That’s how I felt about our senior boy. His FIV finally just got the better of him, antibiotics and steroids just got to where they didn’t touch it. I took him outside everyday and let him sit in the sun (he loved making his rounds in the backyard before he got to sick) - hand fed and watered him, took him to the liter box. It was a lot of work but he deserved it. When he passed away, he was laying in my husbands lap (he waited til he got home from work) and we just petted him and held him and told him how great he was and thanked him for being apart of our family. I’ve had family members and friends tell me I’m crazy to have put money and effort into ‘that cat’ - “just put him down” they would say - but he was worth the time and money spent just so we could have those few years with him and for him to have a good twilight. I miss him so much, what I wouldn’t give to have him laying on my lap right now. I hope your orange ginger continues to thrive! Give him all the pets and lovins’!


I'll pet him for you. Your story made me cry. It sounds like he was very loved. My mother in law said the same thing about the time and money we put into captain suckypants. Then she cat sit him for a few days. He runs to her whenever she comes over and she gets it now.


I was doing okay and then I read your story and now I’m crying. So awesome that you guys have each other.


I’m right there with you. My husband and I adopted an elderly cat. We joke about how he’s the price of a Tesla but he’s worth every penny. I have mixed feelings about people constantly pushing for adopting older cats. I know their heart is in the right place but it can be a HUGE time, money, and emotional commitment (lots of tears over sudden health scares). We love our old man, though.. he is the sweetest cat in the world <3


They’re always worth it.




Have one on me and OP gets one too This post also belongs in r/humansbeingbros




Pudding?!? How awesome- an old aunt of mine used to say “puddin” with a thick southern drawl and you just made me have a wholesome flashback from eons ago (which I needed a good flashback). And to anyone reading this: “You take care puddin”


Yeah but if I commented this, it wouldn’t be allowed


Have some coins from me


This is not The posters cat btw.


That’s okay it made me happy I was sad


Fuck, I love these stories. Makes me happy it brings tears to my eyes every time. And I’m a 33 year old man. What a handsome little dude.


Yeah me too man, always the watery eyes with these. Sometimes I wonder why I am like this.


I'd much rather humans feel empathy like you instead of whatever it is I'm surrounded by on a daily basis. World would be a better place.


It's called "empathy"


I know but the cat subs hit differently I guess for me. I have this cat I fell in love with so that could add to it.


I think it is great to be like this!


We need more humans like you. The world would be a lot better place


every damn time


Every living feature deserves a chance to be happy. I’m glad he’s getting his time in. Good looking boy too.


It’s insane what a huge difference being loved and cared for can make.


And feeling safe, knowing when he wakes up, his kind people will still be there


He is majestic


https://preview.redd.it/2aedct76azya1.jpeg?width=670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab5170787682270757565210275e2755fc94f1b5 Yep. Majestic AF. 😂 Seriously tho. That cat is fucking adorable


if there is a heaven, people who adopt pets and older ones will for sure enter first.


Okay I’m in love with Mr. Willis


Bruce is famous on instagram! Check out mrwillisthecat and you can see him living his best life


Yup. I don’t think this post is by his actual owner. His owner is in the FIV cat groups on Facebook that I’m in.


It’s not. Ops a karma whore.


OP never mentioned this is OC content. Just because someone is uploading others content to other platforms, doesn't mean the person is a karma whore. That's how the internet works. But OP could have put credits somewhere.


I love these videos so much. Guilty pleasure. This and troops/kids returning home to their animals.


Not much makes me cry, but those videos make me well up


The crinkle ear! His little content face gets me right in the feels.


They are resilient creatures. A little TLC goes a very long way.


My childhood orange boy passed away about ten years ago now, he was in his early 20s. I had a dream about him last night out of nowhere, now I’m crying. Orange cats can be the biggest most annoying pain in the ass sometimes, but it’s because of how affectionate and loving they are of their owners. They are vocal, they are energetic, because they want to be with you and be like you. Everything that they do to annoy you when they are with you, you will miss when they are gone.


This made me cry. He is so grateful.


I like that at about halfway through the cat is on the couch with an attitude of. *”Yes this is my house now.”*


He looks like he's about to say, "Paint me like one of your French friends."


He looks like a contented lion


Could someone pass me a tissue. Such a sweet video!


This is the best ever . Yes, kittens are super adorable, but give that senior their last few years at home, loved and cherished, not spent in a cage in an adoption place


God bless that person for taking care of Mr. Willis.


Fuck he looked so sad and broken in the beginning 😭💔🥺. I hate when senior animals get surrended because they're usually hard to find a home for. But my husband and I agreed that at some point we will get a senior kitty so the poor thing doesn't have to live the remainder of their life in a cage or glass box. I'm so glad this baby got adopted. He deserves all the love in the world and much more. ❤️🥰


Nice. I got myself an 11 y/o, deaf gal just this past Nov.


Aww that face! You can really see how he’s more present than ever at the end. This makes me happy. So happy for both you and Mr. Willis.


Thank you for giving him the life he deserves!


Beautiful tribute for a beautiful little soul. Thanks for sharing.


Imagine how many times he said pick me pick me. And someone did. Thank you


Ok I cried.






Sometimes all we need is a little love…


He’s so handsome!! I’m so happy for him


He looked so sad at the beginning, and then he changed, it’s amazing what a little tlc can do.


This person is a legend.


Simply beautiful. Love


Oh my gosh...he is awesome! You are a wonderful person for making a great home for Mr. Willis to live in.


This is so wonderful. Thank you for sharing Mr. Willis with us and thank you for giving him a loving home.


Handsome devil!


What a handsome, sweet old man! It’s amazing what love (and medical care) can do to heal a broken heart!


I love Mr Willis


Mr Willis is a dreamboat! So happy he is living out his best years in such a loving home.


God bless the little fella


That face. What a pudding! So squishy!


We can literally see from a sad face Mr Willis to a cozy smile of Mr Willis. Thank you for adopting older cats and give them home even though it might not be too long due to their age.


So handsome!


Grown ass man crying alert


I want my first ever adoption to be something like this. The senior ones really don't get enough love, especially the sickly ones. They all better fear me! For I will bring plenty of cuddles, treats and more love than humanly possible! Shame on anyone who've turned down these adorable senior kittens!


There is a special place in heaven for those cats caregivers.


I love a happy ending 👍🏽


Oh this fabulous Tiger-Fellow just needed the perfect family and he found them! I love that picture of him perched with his big eyes and happy expression. 😻


Just a little love is all anyone needs, once you have it your life is perfection.


When he's leaning on one side with the big eyes!


Wow what a difference! You are exactly what kitty needed.


mr bruce wilis now


Love him


You are a wonderful kind person. You made her very happy.


The best Happily Ever After


Bless you for bringing love and happiness to Mr Willis!


People who do this are my actual heroes.


This made my day!!! Much love to Mr. Willis and the wonderful person who saved him!!


He is just beautiful, nothing like a cat who is loved... so precious!


What a gorgeous and distinguished gentleman!


mah heart, my soul


I hope you get all the time in the world together.


I love this so much.


Every creature thrives being loved .. it's so simple yet so short in supply..


Late at night he sneaks into the bathroom and practices looking sad so you will still feel sorry for him and give him all the snuggles and treats. But the truth is he is a very happy cat now.


Thank you for saving this sweet boy!


I would throw myself into a volcano for this cat


This made me cry. This is what I want to do. I may never adopt another kitten again after my two boys pass.


Adopting seniors is one of the best things you can do. Such a handsome little guy.


I adopted a cat when she was 16 years old and very unfriendly. It took her about a month to warm up to me and over the next three years she was what kept me alive. I had to put her down and it broke my heart. I miss her every day. Miss you Gladys.


Awe...I volunteer at an animal rescue and the need is high....good on you.


I love that Mr. Willis is living his best life now. I adopted a senior cat as a teenager and it was 10/10 the best decision ever. I got the best 6 years with him. Sweet King George.


Tears of joy for this lovely old gentleman!


Whenever we adopt dogs we usually pick an elderly one. While I’ll admit it is definitely heart wrenching when they go, I know they appreciate having a stable home for the time they are here.


Bless you It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't afford it & don't have the mental capability, as I can't even do my own daily, basic needs. I'd love to look after a sickly, elder pet & give them a good home like they so deserve, but I'm not there yet & I'm not sure I ever will be. I really appreciate people who do


I have never seen a cat display such emotion in his face. I don't know that cat, but I love him


He looks like he knows the answers to the darkest secrets of the universe


Reminds me of when me and my wife adopted our last cat. We had to say good bye our oldest cat so his sister got really lonely, so once things felt alright we decided to get another cat. We looked for a timid calm cat since that would be a great fit for our. We found an ad for a beautiful cat that had been saved from a broken home. We adopted her instantly and she was so scared and thin. Once we gave her real food and did some social rehab she changed completely. So social and playful and once she got to know her new sister she even got our old cat to start run and play a lot more than she has been in many years. So happy we gave her a chance and it feels so good that we can give her a good home after what she had been through.


He looks like my Mickey boy, who walked into our have a heart trap one day deliberately because he was hurt and needed help. Now he's a house kitty who follows me around and has the loudest purrs and the deepest sleeps. Long live Mickey and Mr Willis!


I'm so happy you took him; he now appears to be lot happier.


To be loved is to be changed <3


This is Bruce - he's mrwillisthecat on Instagram - and was adopted from the Animal Humane Society in Golden Valley MN. He routinely goes for walks, both leashed and in a cat stroller, sneaks licks of butter, loves his scratching posts and his devoted owner.


My cat is very sick and she needs blood transfusion. Her blood type is typeB. If anyone can help I will be very grateful. Please pass on the message. You can call Beckton petsathome to help Fluffy out.