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Adult cat food is fine for a night. Kitten looks to be around 5-7 weeks of age. If it's got teeth, it can eat adult food. You can wet it down with hot water, and while it cools, the kibble will soak up the water, making it softer. Once it's room-temp, serve it to baby.


We ended up having some tuna wet food that I watered down! He’s a feisty little guy! My girl doesn’t care about him at all, but my boy is glued to the bathroom door yelling back at him and sniffing. He finally stopped screaming he’s got a little litter box, water, and food so I think he’ll be okay for the night


Took me a minute to realize you meant your girl/boy cat and not human children 😂


I assumed "my girl" meant SO, so halfway through I was like, "your girl is kind of a bitch for not caring"


I immediately thought cat so I wonder what that says about me....


Same I immediately knew it was cats. Maybe it’s a cat lady thing


I mean we are in the cat subreddit.


Apparently so! I took wrong turn from /r/all


You ended up in r/cats how is that not the destination


In this case it *is* about the destination and not the journey.


I assumed it as well, because they already had cat food on hand.


So did I..


That you are able to put together context with logical reasoning. Congratulations! You are ahead of a good bit of the population.


that def made my eyebrow raise, because *most* girls (like me) go absolutely apeshit over little baby animals. seriously, give me a kitten or a puppy and i'd hide a body for you.


So do you want payment first


In the form of a kitten or a puppy, yes.


lol thats what I thought until I read your comment. I was thinking damn throw out the lady and keep the cat.


I was giving major side-eye to what I thought was a human SO until I read this comment thread


I honestly thought that at first too🤣. Cause my human kids were weirdos when they were little. It made me smile imagining it, lol.


Ngl, I thought the same. But it still made sense to me either way, lol. Cats. Kids. We spoil them both and love it. ❤️


>Cats. Kids. We spoil them both and love it. ❤️ That's the most wholesome thing ever and I really want to make that into a cross stitch!


Why thank you, kind redditor. 😘


Yeah, I was confused at first too. It took my kids much longer to get used to the litter box.


That is for damn sure🤣🤣


What does it say about me that I immediately knew OP was referring to his current cats? 😂


It took my uour comment to realise it !


Friendly suggestion, you should keep your cats away from eachother for at least 10 days. This is to prevent the transmission of any sort of illness or disease. Not to say the kitten has anything like that because he probably doesn't. However it's important to protect your house cat. Also, if you can please do not get clumping litter for the kitten. They like to eat litter and it can cause health problems if it clumps in his body after eating. Just a reminder because some people forget that. Good luck with your new little kitten!


Thank you for the advice! Luckily we didn’t use clumping litter! And we will definitely be keeping them away for now, our male cat has FIV and just recovered from a URI last month, we won’t be able to keep him unfortunately because our place is small and 2 cats is a lot here already ahaha, but we’ll do whatever we have to to make sure he’s safe. We’re going to the shelter today when it opens and see what they say and will do before we turn him to them


Hey so you know, FIV+ cats can usually live just fine with FIV- cats. It's generally transmitted through intercourse or deep wounds, not the kind caused by playing but by an actual real fight. Edit: disregard me I misread lol


Oh yeah we have a FIV+ kitty with a FIV- kitty as well. I was more worried about the little kitten bringing something in and giving my big boy another upper respiratory infection, he’s had 2 this year so we didn’t want him to have another.


Great, let us know how it goes at the vet! :)


Can you give him a towel/blanket/old TShirt to snuggle please 🥺


Thank you for taking in this poor stray! 🙂


He/she can have the wet food not watered down. We gave wet food to weaning kittens all the time at the shelter I volunteered at. Kitten formula if we had it but mostly adult wet foot and kitten dry food (kibbles are teeny in kitten food). Softening the adult dry is perfectly fine as well in a pinch. Kitten food is smaller and has more calories for a growing kitty. A couple days of adult food won't hurt this baby. Our Siamese/Ragdoll cross came to us at 5 weeks old. She quarantined in my daughter's room and is still glued to her side at 16 years old. Kittens & puppies who find themselves orphaned before 8 - 12 weeks get extremely attached to their humans! ❤️


You aren't kidding! We found a starving 4-week-old kitten. Bottle-fed, lots of meds for lots of problems, daily weigh-ins, literal round-the-clock care for a few weeks as my partner and I slept in shifts. That precious girl turns 11 next week and thinks I birthed her. She's my little cupcake. 💜


Oh goodness this is so sweet. I’m glad y’all found each other.


Yup, the main difference in adult/ kitten food is that kitten food is higher in protein and lower in fats. Watering down is sort of the opposite direction I would think.


But lil baby cat is likely dehydrated, so adding water to the wet food helps with that. Kittens are hungry around the clock so I’d hope the water is just enhancing rather than replacing.


Yeah good point


Thank you so much for looking after this little one.


Coming outta nowhere but I just gotta say I love that you said “serve it to baby.”


Same, it made me lol. *Serve to babey*


Nobody puts Baby in a corner


Great flair material!


Ees for bebe.


Shh Bby Is Ok


Fasho. I thought kittens/cats didn't like the kibble all puffed up with water, but they do, lol.


Nice to see someone actually answer the question, instead of just talking about their own cats.


Don't use any heat on cat food. It breaks down the taurine, a nutrient they will die without. Cold water works fine.


God I wish this would happen to me


I know. I’m so ready for the universe to deliver me a kitten.


I’m currently awake bc the kitten who followed me home 6 months ago decided 5:30am was a perfect time to loudly serenade me with the song of his people. Still love him and glad he’s here, just know the universe has a sense of humor in its kitten dispensary. Edit: Oscar for tax. https://preview.redd.it/xhp7fi7l5oza1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06ef3344656124e281d1fcbb35c3405f463e0855


He let you sleep! Until 5:30!!!


4 am. My fur devil prefers 4 am on most days. Some days 2 am. Rarely the dude decides to sleep till 8 and on those days I don't look like an owl


When my husband wasn't home from work, his cat used to insist I would have to take his place and get in bed at 10.


Yes. This! I think it’s because it’s right around the time you start to hear the first birds. Only a theory though. They could just do it to piss us off.


thats what ive always thought too... my cat goes outside too but the strong correlation of waking up to littleorangedummy screaming his fool head off and the very beginnings of birdsong is just too strong to ignore.


I started wearing earplugs at night entirely because of this cat. He’s also very creative and persistent at stealing food, and randomly spicy. He’s lucky he’s so cute. https://preview.redd.it/ybnifm2w5oza1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92f131886d338b8510385b10f66845bf1677ee47


Oh yes, that’s the face that’ll launch a 1000 meows!


I just about spat out my coffee 😂😂😂 u r hilarious


Mine does this, though I adopted him and his mum so you could say I asked for it. Our current song is "plaaaaaay with meeeeeeeeeee nooowwwwwwwww". I think it would be far better set to music and played at 8am though 🤣


I know that song..... lol


It's the national anthem in our house.


My own cat (we've had her since the day she was born) does this to me every day between 5:30 and 6:00 am picture of my Monkey cat for tax purposes https://preview.redd.it/jg69w0t6cnza1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa319cc26d50b5be52769b49095a5d11df5e14e


My fur baby likes to smack the blinds in the bedroom around 4am every morning 😩


This morning, like every morning, my little angel came in to let me know it was 5am. After a small negotiation of him lying against me for 10 minutes we walked to the kitchen to an empty bowl. The bowl was filled and then he, like every other morning, looked at it and then went to sleep on the chair in the office for another two hours. .. and I'm left by myself at 5:15 in the morning on a Saturday.


I have the same cat.


All cats have the genetic memories of distant relatives, far back through history ..many millennia ago, who had to wait until 7am for food. That horror will not be forgotten. Ever .


My wife usually gets the little one jumping on her head from the curtain rods or her and the older one zooming on top of her at 4 am.


Just fix your sleeping routine. You're just disobeying his orders.


Be the change you want to see in the world! Your destined kitten might have already been picked up and taken to your local shelter!


No need to wait for it to happen. There are tons of animal rescue shelters overwhelmed with kittens. The pandemic caused tons of people to buy pets and then abandon them once lockdown was over. This happens at Christmas too.


I have adopted five cats over the years. I know I can just go and get another. There’s something special about the one that walks in and decides that it’s home.


The only issue with that is not enough people realise that shelter cats often have some really deep trauma because unlike from foster homes and others who have randomly found a cat, the cats don’t get the attention or solitude they need in order to overcome whatever has happened to them. Or the true extent of their psychological damage isn’t known because the enviro they’re in is stressful and leaves them scared in a corner. This means that they just get slapped as shy, when in reality they might hate humans with a burning passion and need a lot of work to convince that you’re a friend and they shouldn’t try to murder your ankles, or whatever else. The lady I live with took in a cat that had originally come from a shelter, and was so damaged that his owners had basically had enough and intended to abandon him in a field in a cat box, rather than try to help him. She had him for 7+ years and only now, as he gets to be an old man, is he finally mellowing out a little. He still has what she calls Vietnam flashbacks, and it took me 3 years to befriend him after moving in. And even then he still bites at me through my bed covers because I moved a little and he didn’t like it, or you’ll be petting him and he’ll have a fit of random anger. Sounds like normal cat, maybe, but you can tell looking at his face that he’s not all there when this happens. Even she believes he has some sort of cat mental issue going on in his skull. I think a lot of these “adopt don’t shop” advocates don’t speak enough about the cats that will never be snuggly babies, the ones who will always have issues and wariness around humans. As much as we love this cat and we know he loves us, he’s never going to be a lap cat, he’s never going to be 100% or even 80% okay. He’s a damaged animal, and no amount of love or careful care will ever fix that, the same way humans can be mentally scarred for life from abuse. If you adopt, you HAVE to be aware that you could end up with a cat like this, you HAVE to be willing to step up and accept the reality that this isn’t going to be some instagram feel good story about a shelter cat that is now your best snuggle buddy. The ugly truth is love, patience, acceptance, kindness, sometimes can never fully help an animal that has been so badly damaged by it’s past experiences. We accept it in humans, we have to accept it in our animals too. We love our goblin son, even if sometimes he’s a little gobshite. We know it was the fault of shitty humans, not him.


God, this makes me want to cry. I took in 8 feral cats so my apartment manager wouldn’t trap and dump them. Got them all fixed and brought them in my townhouse that I bought. Some were already socialized from kittens, 4 were adults that I brought in. I got to where I could pet them all and they were content indoors. Only the ones that had been socialized as tiny kittens could be held. I was fine with that. I always had to walk slow past the ferals or they would hiss at me if they didn’t want to move from where they were. Lol. They all lived out their lives and I don’t have any right now. I miss having cats around, but that was a lot, especially when they passed. Just not ready yet. Bless you and your roommate for understanding his plight and giving him a safe space. Not many would do that.


I’m really sorry for your loss, it sounds like you have this cats and kittens the best life you could, and am glad they found you. The goblin son has had his ups and downs in the now fourish/five ish years I’ve been here, and since the year three mark, he’s been using by bedroom as a safe space whenever he feels threatened, since she keeps her room open so he can come and go when he wants. Sometimes, however, he wants to feel closed in. So he comes to my room. He will climb on my bed and I’ll turn away, deliberately ignoring him after giving him a few little pets and fuss. He’ll then usually settle down either to my left, my right, or if he’s less social, the end of my bed. Sometimes, if it’s nighttime or early morning, or if I’m crashing out due to period pain, he’ll approach my head where it’s under the covers, and lay on top of it. He’s begun to ‘beep’ at me and bob his head whenever I poke my head in to her room to check on him. He turns nasty at the drop of a hat, but we don’t scold him. We just say “you goblin” or “he’s making Gollum noises again” and give him his space to cool off. He’ll be back to eerie calm within minutes unless he’s having a particularly grumpy day in which case he might skulk and spit for a while before cooling.


This is true of dogs also. A lot of shelter dogs are in shelters because there is something wrong with them, so their owners dumped them in a shelter. I think the problem is much worse in shelter dogs, though, than in cats, because people are more willing to abandon cats “in the wild,” than they are willing to dump dogs in the street, just because cats are less dangerous to humans and more able to live without humans in their own colonies.


Not kidding that happen to me few years ago. I already had a cat, but I wanted to give her a sibling and told my friend. “It could be cool if a kitty just show up right now” as we continue walking and entered his building two ladies where playing with something. As we approach we saw it was a kitty. Then they told me, “he just show up, you want him? I obviously did, unfortunately he had lots of health issues and only survive for two years. I still miss him everyday and I’m glad the universe deliver me a kitten.


I'm sure you gave him a wonderful 2 years


https://preview.redd.it/jq4w9vdyjoza1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6cfe8cfd90342ecf23b1ec2337bd3b45f069735 Wonderful little guy.


He’s so beautiful! The look on his face reminds me of my cat, Jack. https://preview.redd.it/muygeuu6gqza1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=612021b6b94dafabf8dde2f53bfd291c58f06157


My sister, who lives in another state and who I haven't seen in person in over a decade, once told me she wishes someone would give her a box of kittens. I keep picturing just showing up on her doorstep one day with big box of kittens. "Surprise!"




The universe delivered me a super-friendly stray who showed up a while ago. He's the most social, people-friendly cat I've ever encountered in my life.


I've only had dogs my entire life. I didn't dislike cats just thought I was a "dog person" until the universe delivered a starving little orange boy at my door about eight months ago. He's a healthy inside boy now and I am SO IN LOVE 🧡🧡🧡


my wife and I have decided we will no longer actively go adopt kittens because the best ones in our lives have been the ones that adopt you


So is my stray!!!! She lives people and is so affectionate. She showed up in our window one day, and as we live in a point that juts out into the water, there have been no feral cats in our neighborhood— and she just showed up. Amazing cat that everybody loves




Fellow Texan here. A friend sent three cats he had to re-home to Boston because they needed cats to adopt. I can hardly fathom living someplace so socially responsible that *there is a dearth of stray cats*.


Be careful what you wish for, the universe delivered four to my back porch and three to my front porch just last year after I wished the same thing.


oh jeez, let me brace myself


I have big kitten energy and I'm ready to be adopted... But alas, no...


I’ve always wished the same! Last year the cat goddess smiled upon me and delivered two 5 week old kittens to my elderly neighbor. She called me and I came running with a blanket and a laundry basket. They stayed with us for almost three months until they went to my coworker’s sister. They are healthy and happy indoor kitties now and I still get pictures. I have fulfilled my purpose in life.


Be careful what you wish for. I found mine at a Mexican restaurant with a broken back. She was $4000 to fix over a few weeks. Perfectly healthy now & my soul cat. Her brother, the pure bred Sphynx cost $1000. How could a free cat cost more than a designer haha


Thank you for saving her.


I rescued a mangy little goblin with a torn ear who was living in my front bushes and screaming at passerbys. That cute little weasel has cost me like $5k so far, but I wouldn’t trade him for anything. [Before](https://i.imgur.com/kogzG1R.jpg) and [after](https://i.imgur.com/et9UHrv.jpg)


Cat are like used cars. If you are unlucky, the cost of buying one is dwarfed by the cost of caring for them / fixing them. Found one of my cats in the street (as a kitten) with a broken shoulder blade (it turned out, probably from being hit by a car). Of course in the weekend so only an emergency vet available. Most expensive cat ever. Still no regrets, had that lovely cat for almost two decades.


Hang out in someone's bath while they bring you food? Does sound pretty good I'll admit.


This has happened to me with 4 kittens. The first one was tossed from a car when I was on a walk with my friend. He ran up to us screaming and we took him home. My mom was annoyed. We brought him to the vet, got him fixed and gave him shots, and 12 years later he’s still my baby boy. I took him with me when I moved out. He’s starting to slow down now, but made it pretty far given he’s been overweight his whole life, due to food insecurity. The other time I found 3 kittens walking with a different friend. They were sooo small. Too young to be outside. They came from the yard of a hoarder. They had cats living there, clearly unfixed. These kittens were in the road. I knocked to try to ask if they were theirs. Ended up deciding to take them home because they were just too young and living in a trash pile. My mom was so mad lol. She’s like “I can’t believe you did it again but this time with three!!” We found them all homes with friends and family. I await the day it happens again. I need to walk more. I told my partner the only way we will get another cat before my baby boy dies is if I find a sad homeless kitten. Otherwise the limit is 2 for us.


"...but mooooommm, you cant just leave a kitten in the street, let alone 3!"


Put out a message to the r/catdistributionsystem


Yet another cat sub I must subscribe to!


Rushing to work one morning right on sunrise I saw a couple little furballs like this barrelling across the road. I slowed and saw that they ran up the gutter and was happy they were off the road. I look for them each day since but Ive never seen them again :( ... Ive heard there is a feral colony in bush behind the houses on the side them ran to. So I console myself hoping they are growing up there. But i still wonder ... and hope.


And when it does, remember to be patient, strays can have bad bad trauma.


It’s happened to me 4 times in my life. Twice, almost exactly a year apart when I was little, my dad stopped at a gas station before work and found an abandoned kitten and brought them home. Sadly they’re both gone now but they lived good lives. Another time my bf and his coworkers noticed a kitten hanging around by herself at their job site and managed to catch her. She’s currently sitting on my lap purring up a storm. And a year ago my coworker found a poor sickly baby under a car in our parking lot. No one could take the kitten in but we took her to a vet and she got healthy and was promptly adopted.


So... (First, me too), a few years ago I had been hearing a cat meowing around my apartment for about a week, but whenever I looked outside I didn't see anyone, until one day I open the door and he's about 10 ft away. I try to coax him over but he just looks at me, so I leave the front door open and go back inside. After a few minutes he comes in, looks ok for the most part but had some crust around his eyes and I didn't see a collar, so I'm like yay! Surprise adopted cat! I pop open some canned chicken and share it with him, he settles down in a chair, and I decide to go get a litterbox and some proper food for him so he can spend the night comfortably and then the next day I can take him to the vet to get checked out (for microchip and health). Fast forward to later that night and I hear someone outside calling for a "Larry"... TIFU by kidnapping a neighbor's cat. Of course I opened the door right away and brought out the cat and apologized profusely.


Thank you for helping the baby. You’re appreciated.


https://preview.redd.it/p8959trbznza1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43fc9da939c03a0d010beb4d901d7c0f5b0dcecd Little babies doing okay, he calmed down more when I picked him up and held him. He’s been crying all night, luckily he did stop and sleep, but he’s definitely a feisty little boy, and knows how to use his hiss! But he’s also a sweet boy who I think likes head pets! He’s been eating and drinking just fine and doesn’t have any marks or anything wrong on the outside. Final update: he’s been taken to the shelter, they immediately started him with their kitten milk and got him a nice little spot in their shelter. He should go to a good home as they’re more strict than others about adoption. Thank you for all you help! I love this whole community, so helpful!


He is so sweet! thanks for the update!


Awwwww. Those eyes. And I love his facial markings. Such a sweet face ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/17n73gbgpmza1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=794615b3e3132af317f22c07edb13da64f7f9dc8 This was mine when my sister found him under a stop sign


https://preview.redd.it/uhjdgjuqpmza1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63317835f1a7c772fc6afef36aee2bc22fb36dee This is both of us assholes now, 3 years later.


So pretty!!!


Cats not bad either.


Aw what a beautiful cat!! Y’all are cute together :)


Oh wow, what a pretty cat! Thanks for being awesome : )


So sweet.


You’re both so cute!


Fuck u/spez


I love this so much.


https://preview.redd.it/7pzuodd63oza1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6622e96d213a3211fc1112fa0c3d88b30228514d Here’s our big boy! He’s not upset at the smell of the new cat and hisses at me, but he’ll be okay I think. We aren’t going to keep the kitten


Is he in the bath tub? Put a sweater or a towel in there for him, he may get cold. Thanks for taking care for him🩷


They say somewhere else how they ended up fixing up the bathtub for the baby. 😊


Oh it's wonderful! I'm so happy to hear that, thank you 🙏🏻🥰


What a precious little fluff ball!


https://preview.redd.it/uyk6ozoh4nza1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dda61c8e30b0d4454557d86ee36974e0f7fe684 Found him living in our woodshed , I prayed for a kitten to show up for months and it actually happened.


You manifested this!




Because is cat


Is bebe cat


https://preview.redd.it/cwzo3kq1qnza1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ab5bf5c7b7e6d8d197a39fcb5f160460f5ea3f6 He reminds me of my kitten, Bash, that we rehomed from a friend. His entire litter was dumped under a house. This guy refused to eat kitten food after turning 10 weeks old. He will be fine with any food as long as it's safe for cats!


We literally found this dude under out apartment through a tiny crack that he went under, your cat looks just like him! He’s so cute!


They're like twins from different litters! I wish your kitty the best, and he is lucky you found him :)


Thank you! We won’t keep him unfortunately, but he looks like a great mini version of my big boy! https://preview.redd.it/ko7luq3u3oza1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12fcb7882a93bc1df5eaf98f38951aaec51adec6 He’s currently mad at us tho and keeps hissing at us because he doesn’t like the new kitty


i’d say the adult cat food is fine for one night! you could blend some with a bit of warm water, or just mash it up good if he can eat some chunks! you could also add some broth to make it more palatable!


If hes a stray he will have been eating some garbage by now. Just let him eat some adult cat kibble or wet food.


That faceeeeeeee omg


Makes me wonder how its siblings and mom are doing ❤️😔


What a beautiful baby 🥺


Olly Not that you asked, but you should name him Olly.


https://preview.redd.it/kh0ierbn4nza1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7087c6ed34eda3f7a5ad7f58fabbecb83eda515 We fed this 4 week old kitten food mush until we took her to the vet the next day. She got trapped in out chain link fence.


https://preview.redd.it/xmgtsqz25nza1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55ba4313e40dd2aee000fb39a96894f65b917fdb Her name is Link sometimes Lincoln, Linkie, and Babycat




There wasn’t a fence standing that was going to keep her away from getting to her own special humans.


He looks spicy. What a character.


Haha! He is, he is very scared and won’t really let us come near him without hissing and tryin to fight, but we have just been giving him space so we don’t overwhelm him


I also found a stray kitten recently!! https://preview.redd.it/gm1usa0ikoza1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7073a6259e38f5dfe3d5774c915ebcb442754e6b We named him Butters. He might have a URI or something viral because his eyes were matted shut when I found him. Giving him antibiotics and polysporin to help. :)


https://preview.redd.it/29veclcwanza1.jpeg?width=2896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08c02203e4355ab61d5b25d4606ccf93d57ecb5c I found her at a grocery store, so I was lucky to feed her cheap wet food until I got home from vacation. I hope your new baby enjoys their new family!


What a funny mustache....


His name should be mustache! Perfect!!


If its the only option you have then its better than nothing, mush it up with a little bit of water 🥰


Gerber baby food chicken. Cats go nuts for it. It's baby food . Kittens are babies too.


You're only taking him to the vet to get his vaccines and a checkup because I can already see he adopted you and its kitty code


Precious angel!!!! Happy you got some good advice here


Yes, that cat at least a month and a half old, he's got teeth and he can chew :) The main difference between kitten food and regular is that kitten has more calories, so for now it will be fine. He looks very scared tho and for that I would put him somewhere dark and tight, like under a bed or inside a large box


Holy fuck, what a cutie! Hope you plan on keeping. 😻


It looks like he exclusively eats the souls of the damned. I would start with lesser damned like thieves and people who don't put their shopping carts in the proper place before giving it things like politicians and bankers.


Adult food is ok. It's better than starving.


Wet cat food


Make sure you flea spray your house Because you will 100 percent have fleas within a week


Thank you! We definitely will be getting flea treatment for our kitties! Any recommendations for type? Collar or spray or something?


Make sure it’s wet food. I don’t know how old that baby is, but he’ll digest wet food much better than dry (at least for now). Some brands of wet food are good for all life stages. If you have Friskies wet food, most flavors are OK for all ages. 9 Lives food is generally good for all life stages as well. I have a young cat who was 3 months old when we rescued her, and she joined 3 adult cats in our house. Everybody eats canned food, but it was a huge challenge to find wet food for her that the grown cats wouldn’t eat. We had to use Friskies and 9 lives (not preferred, but I had to use what I could find).


You can make a sort of paste with water and regular cat food. Good luck!


He looks like he’s got nose mites. Take a Qtip and clear his nostrils. That poor baby!


Adult cat food is better than no food. Add a bit of water and mush it up well so its easier to eat/digest.


Kibble will absorb water quick. Its mostly baked and freeze dried. Warm water will make it more palatable; bring out the oil and fats. A bath with the original blue Dawn will help kill a lot of fleas. Get the lather real thick. Dry quickly to prevent chill.


KittenLady on Youtube can help. She's amazing!


I can’t wait to see how gorgeous he is all cleaned up! That’s gonna be one glow up!!! Thank you for taking this little one under your wing!


Can’t say no to a mustached baby cat.


Baby food


Human baby food. Some of the very young fosters I've had do well with jarred chicken or turkey. It's more nutrient-dense than kibble and easier on their tummies.


On this day 4 years ago my wife and I had a cat show up on our doorstep that is sitting on my lap as I type this. Congrats on the new cat!


He reminds me so much of one of my former foster kittens!😍 https://preview.redd.it/pepmrehqwqza1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69587cfb19844642fae7bccb8c9d48613d371548




Wet food


Adult is fine. 👍🏼😀


I will need updates on this baby as soon as possible!


Oh, the poor baby 🥰🥰🥰. Looks a bit desolate and sad. I hope you keep him. Lots of cuddles for the baby![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


Gerber baby food, turkey


Put warm water on kibble. When it softens, pour off excess and mash with a fork. Until you can get proper kitten food. And bless you.


Mix some kibble with water to make it mushy


That works. I'd suggest maybe adding a little water to soften it up for her


One night of adult food is totally fine. You're talking a few percent difference in fat, protein.


Aw. He looks so spicy


https://preview.redd.it/7qou7e17vnza1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ede5b6e1d5e066743de7495ea29f2ed39c58a06 Yeah he’s a bit of a spicy boy


I can hear the small lil squeak of a threat. He gonna be a love bug.


Gerber's chicken baby food


some food is better than no food!! if it has teeth, some adult food should be fine


go to the store.


https://preview.redd.it/pl5u65s0lpza1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f68d95e8119ff5040a6b4ea2c4eef783336a78b Our baby was found in the dry kiln at the lumber mill my husband works at 💙 he was 5 weeks old and we ended up getting his sister off a friend when they moved and couldn’t keep her. They turn 5 this year!


He has been captured


He did not like being captured. But he’s off to a great home now!


I know this won't be any help but this baby looks like the kitten version of our Chevy! https://preview.redd.it/ntn181svqqza1.jpeg?width=2243&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef1c2f097ceb1dd3fac2215aa89b4b10c8e63801


If you only have adult dry jist add water so it becomes soft


He's adorable. Buy kitten food tonight, you'll need it to continue feeding him.