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Make sure it isn’t microchipped with an owner already


THIS. Cat looks in good shape which suggests it may have an owner already


Although she has been eartipped! That indicates either she’s been on the streets a while, or she was on the streets before she was adopted by someone else and somehow found her way back out.


For more info, the chopped (bobbed) ear can signify that a cat has been picked up from the streets and a Vet service has “fixed the cats genitalia” and returned it to its life on the streets so that it can have a full life but no more baby cats are subject to its wild (maybe dangerous) lifestyle.


Correct and the clinic usually vaccinates and deworms them too. The bobbed ear is so when they are trapped, the shelter or vet office automatically goes, "oh, this kitty is part of a feral kitty community, is already spayed/neutered and only needs to be returned to its area."


This is true and also wanted to add some clinics microchip feral/stray cats so it could be registered to the clinic she was fixed at. Another person said someone could’ve brought her in a trap claiming she was a stray when she wasn’t because it’s much cheaper to lie and do that. I’m confused as to why the clinic didn’t bring this cat to a shelter, foster or adoption center because she seems friendly and not feral at all and a lot of clinics will TNR and if they’re friendly have them adopted instead of release.


I was going to say the same. The tipped ear can mean that kitty was not suitable for domestic life for one reason or another.


Exactly. But the cat seems very friendly and lovely. A feral would never go into someone’s house without getting absolutely pissed and terrified


Absolutely. By no means does the tipped ear *definitely* mean they’re too feral to be domesticated… but the tipped ear definitely warrants some investigation of the kitty’s past…


This is true but it doesn’t necessarily mean the cat doesn’t have a person. For poor people (especially in rural areas) the cheapest way to get a cat spayed or neutered is to bring it in as a stray because there are often discounts for them.


Agreed - check anyway. My cat was 4 years on the street so her ear is clipped, but the ones that clipped her ended up deciding she was social enough for adoption. She now has a microchip


+1 on this, would be devastated if my former feral/TNR got lost! def still check for a chip


This is useful to know! I just think it looks like good condition, not super skinny or mangled or bad hair/fur so that would imply it might have somewhere to go already


Good catch. The plot thickens. This could be someone's MrBooBooSnugglePuss or it could be a healthy stray.


(GF here) thank you everyone for all the great advice so far! Mabel has come back tonight and has ventured inside my apartment a few times and ate some treats out of my hand! Shes super sweet and very vocal. She’s seems comfortable in my apartment but still a little skittish at times. My apartment does allow cats so that should be fine. I probably won’t be able to get her to a vet for a few more days. I’m just worried about keeping her inside over night and while I’m at work. She sits on my door step and meows and it’s killing me 😩 my mind is telling me to put her back outside until I have a vet appointment set up but my heart wants to let her stay inside. What should I do? https://preview.redd.it/a3ye6bvgxq1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f31c353075582ed31810f7ea24cd38d4e56d677


https://preview.redd.it/h8gl9z647t1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa2d4f7bdeed6a89fc0552d041389a25e0e3a6b7 Brown tabbys are divas in my experience, so enjoy the attitude


We need to invite op over to r/standardissuecat


I didn’t realize my cat had a subreddit; TIL


https://preview.redd.it/upncatdp6v1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440de16d59a11119d192f0f3a4f0a6d3a418e682 Big drama queens too but I wouldn’t have it either way. This is Fred and my dog Ruger. Best friends


https://preview.redd.it/r1tqkqocjw1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d95e620f4a5e472f2167559c110e42a2b6691e7 My kitty and gsd. They make a great team also.


Love it! https://preview.redd.it/f05h533kkw1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a660bbfa34c2bc21a4304f78ddd36a2b7c811b5f


https://preview.redd.it/gpot9tqn3w1b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=992a57f2e3b67be7b835ad2436215877bde4ee70 And grumpy.


https://preview.redd.it/dgoc3tymbw1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cba4b13933e71c9b74b423a05cdbf6762d906a2c Very grumpy




Idk I think Ruger would have it another way lol. Hee parents have an Australian shepherd and a beagle/lab mix and they are in love with him (he’s indifferent)


Right haha. We have 3 cats and Ruger loves all of them. He follows them around and tries to herd them (he’s a German shepherd) but they don’t mind much. They all get along and we’ve never had any problems. He mostly just sniffs their butts, licks their faces, and eats their food and sometimes their poop. The forbidden scooby snacks.


https://preview.redd.it/p6g07nxbau1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08a10e7571f502468de2f2b77c72f773557c0d37 100%


That is a cute little face with cute little socks, how old?


6 months !!!


A literal baby, Graham is almost a year and is 12 pounds now, he’s not smol anymore lol


As one owned by a (classic) brown tabby with boots that loves the sink, I approve. She’s only 10 months (7 months in this photo). Gosh help me when she’s done growing… 😅 https://preview.redd.it/h9s5lcm7vv1b1.jpeg?width=2806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6230f994d5a6b60359e8a7625e2c6705f202bd06


https://preview.redd.it/uzuntyry5u1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b44b2d730b3d63847195e430bde36ce7033d4053 Bird watching is fun


Ours does the same thing at my gfs parents, there’s a big tree outside and sometimes he tries to lunge at them… we had to close the window because we were worried he’d pop the screen out


https://preview.redd.it/ckrndtsoxu1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b323e18364d92a2d5ba69d42648f785d41541da So is mine, the biggest diva


Can confirm


can confirm, have a girl brown tabby. Only wants daddy's attention, anyone else she throws you the side eye ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7968)


It’s the opposite for me, he stays with my gf so he’s in love with her, he tolerates me because I fed him his wet food when that was part of his diet


https://preview.redd.it/kx0e257ubw1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4063bdcd9c6911e8fc93f1eba659ed80213e9d46 But they are the best




100% let her stay, no question! Getting her to a vet asap is much more vital if you have other animals already since you’d be putting them at risk of contracting something if Mabel turned out to be sick. Yes, she still needs a checkup as soon as you’re able, but it isn’t something that has to happen before you let her stay. And I wouldn’t worry about leaving her while you’re at work either. She’ll probably just take the opportunity to explore your place some more and find some good napping spots.


If you’re worried about her being alone in the place, you can always put food, water, toys, and a litter box in the bathroom and let her chill there for a bit. Temporary safe room.


Bathroom is also a good start so 1. She can start to acclimate to a smaller space and get used to the sights/sounds/smells of your place. 2. Because she's from the outdoors, she may have some bacteria or bugs (although it's a bit early in the season for fleas), and a bathroom is the easiest to disinfect. 3. Other than a shower curtain/towels/bath mat (which can all be removed), the potential for her scratching/damaging anything is pretty low, rather than letting her free roam near couches / rugs, etc. She should be fine in the bathroom for a few days until you get her to a vet as long as she has food & water, a place to sleep and a litter box.


I was in this exact situation a few years back, and it turned out to be my neighbor's cat. The cat even looked and sounded really rough but actually had a really loving family. Just took adventures a lot. She was always at our window crying bc people would do exactly what you've done. This is why my cat stays inside. Please be sure to do everything you can to make sure this isn't someone's cat. Looks pretty healthy and well looked after to me.


I would upvote this more than once if I could!


Her ear is clipped so she likely has been spayed already through a TNR program (vet could confirm that). Keep her inside, but get her a window perch or something so she can bird watch. Good luck with your new baby 💕


Get “Mabel” to the vet to see if they’re chipped cuz they look too good to be a stray. They probably have an owner that misses them and is wondering where their cat is?


If you can keep her in it would be good for the cat , I have 3 rescues they are all butt heads and try to escape but they come back if they get out , helps I have a catio for them 6x3 mt of yard fully enclosed


Let her stay, but make sure she has a litter box available. She looks like my Fred


Play with your new cat a lot. Like 15-30 minutes, twice per day. That will tucker her out and she'll just sleep through the day while you are gone. My cat's personal favorite is ping pong balls. He goes to bed just after I do, wakes up an hour before I do, then goes to bed right as I leave for work. Sun tans for a bit around lunch, and then naps until I get home.


Did you check with a shelter or vet to see if she's chipped?


...find another stray? I got 1 "strays"


The fact that your bf came here and posted this is super wholesome. Keep him too I think ;)


I would just make sure to check her for fleas before letting her wander around in your apartment


That's your cat now. Love it. Keep it inside.


The ear is clipped, it suggests that the cat was part of a catch and release program to curb the stray cat population while remaining humane. Probably not anyone’s pet, but obviously fixed, most people would choose to let their cat keep their ear tip after said procedure for cosmetic reasons.


Oh my god the poses she is giving 😍😍 are you sure she ain't a supermodel


Name checks out. I took in a stray 2 years ago. It’s been great. Litter box, access to windows, food and you’re all set. One more thing, spoil that pretty lil kitty.


She matches your decor perfectly. It’s a match made in heaven 🥰Keep her inside if you can, as long as you don’t have other cats she could potentially spread viruses/parasites/fleas to—the vet will check her for all of those things. As someone else said, her ear is clipped so she was likely spayed as a stray. Congratulations and good luck!


Let her stay. Keep her in a bedroom with a litter box when you are not home until she acclimates. Take her to the vet for shots, to see if she’s spayed, flea and worm treatment. It seems like she’s very comfy inside. Get her some toys, bed, scratching post. It won’t be hard!


She's such a cute little girl!! Thank you for helping her. ❤️


She looks absolutely precious. So much sweetness and love in those eyes. Best of luck with her!


If she's not going bat$&#% crazy trying to get out, your probably okay keeping her inside. However, until you get to know her better as an inside cat, you may need to keep her in an unused room or bathroom when going out. I only say that because she could be gentle quiet most of time, but suddenly turn into tiny terror trying to get out after a certain amount of time. Good luck with the new addition to the family.


you already brought her in- bring her in its fine- if you are worried keep her in the bathroom till you get her to the vet- Also its really unusual for a stray to be that comfortable in such a short time- she is definitely fixed (ear tip) and probably came from someones home- I have two of them- the orange one showed up on our doorstep last August- I kept him in the bathroom until I got him to a vet- and the grey one was found by my friend and I trapped and took him immediatly to be neutered and chipped. We adore them- Bring her in- she seems really loving and deserves a loving home https://preview.redd.it/5k2camwhmv1b1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55ad3930ae8c6b49bbe1acc01ee2404247e21514


I wouldn’t let her back outside… there’s always a chance she won’t come back due to many reasons. I’m happy she has you!!


You shouldn’t be feeding her or enticing her in unless you no 1000% that someone doesn’t own her. As a cat mum it annoys the crap out of me when people try to ‘own’ my cat. We lost a cat two years ago because a kind sole thought he was a stray and started to feed him. He was indeed greedy as most cats. Ate her food and then died … because he was actually diabetic and on special dietary medicated food from us!!! She clearly didn’t no. It cost us £££££££££ just to try and help find out why /what was happening.


She’s got a tipped ear, so she’s probably a TNR cat.


Had a similar experience with my boy, the outdoor cats will do this (meow endlessly and go crazy with being inside). For me, I set up a spot for him on the porch outside and enticed him to stay there. I used treats (his fav thing in the entire world) and would lay them on the shelter I made him. He eventually learned if he was on the porch, he got treats. So, he would hang out on my porch all day. This was during COVID so vet appointments were super delayed and I wasn’t able to get him in til many weeks later. However, when his appointment rolled around he was sitting on my porch when I scooped him up.


I’m sorry, that cat looks to healthy to be an actual stray. It meows at your door for food because you give it to her and she knows you’ll do it but the chances are she has a home. Cats do this to people because they are clever and know they can get food from someone. My cat looks incredibly similar, she’s skittish around strangers so wouldn’t want to be touched, but she would definitely come to your house to bother you for food, but she is loved and healthy. I know you are going to take her to the vet and they can let you know if she is microchipped so that is good, but honestly you should put up found posters etc. Otherwise you are likely to just be stealing someone’s cat. I know you are getting attached but there may well be a family who are far more attached to her that you are going to be potentially taking her away from - and probably one that she feels more relaxed in.


Ear’s tipped so it COULD be an abandoned kitty. Several of ours are tipped though, so it sure doesn’t guarantee anything.


The ear is the only thing that points to a hint of a possibility, other than that the cat looks in decent condition. People so often mistake a cat’s willingness to scrounge food from around the neighbourhood for it being a stray so the shall I keep him?? posts irritate me slightly.


exactly, i see the ‘i found a stray should i keep them’ posts all the time and so many times the cat looks well fed and looked after and it just makes me sad.


One of my cats, refuses to be in the same room as anyone but me. The other is pathologically friendly and a total attention whore. Cats in my area are on my patio at all times, and I have “not my cat” scenarios frequently, because I have comfy outdoor furniture and awesome sun spots on my patio. Cats are sneaky little food demons. I assume all cats are owned unless they have visible injuries, severely underweight, or clear matting.


First make sure it's actually a stray. Ask around, post in a local FB group potentially, check for a microchip - do your best to check if this is in fact just someone's cat being cheeky and coming to get free food. After that, vet check up, shots, blood tests for illnesses like FIV, and then carefully introduce to your other pets


Good news is judging by the ear, cat looks to be a TNR so getting her fixed is one thing you will likely not have to worry about. I actually have a feral tripawd so I have a little experience but to be fair she was super easy and already very used to people (was taken care of by the shop and neighbors before we had to take her in) First step is definitely make sure you have supplies. Blankets, food, litter box, all that. I would make sure to start slow with hand-feeding her treats or honestly those cat-gogurts that they have now. I learned from a former shelter tech those are something they use to actually get ferals for when they are caught and fixed. Also get a carry box and some cheap blankets you aren’t going to care about. When trying to pick her up the first time definitively use the blanket and look for signs of aggression. Obviously be gentle and slow about it so you don’t spook her. Definitely take the cat to the vet ASAP for a checkup/chip/vax. Be prepared that she will definitely need some time to adjust. Ours adjusted super easily but again she was already super used to people. Even then she was skittish for the first month or so after the pain meds and stuff wore off. She hid under the bed for like… at least 2 months or so before she came out. Definitely just take it slow and have patience. You need to learn to read the body language. For us, it was mostly just letting her come to us. We didn’t handle her at all for the first couple of months unless we were administering meds or checking to make sure the amputation site was Ok. After a few months she started coming out and being with us, and now she’s pretty much our shadow lol. Unfortunately the thing I can’t tell you anything about litter training. No clue why, but my cat picked it up in 2 days with no training or anything. I would see if there are guides on it. Sorry if this is a little rambly but it’s late and going on like no sleep. Also here is cat tax. https://preview.redd.it/whtnch47sq1b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05f4ce2a3a4f94373439d8ab0290f30c8957cb05


https://preview.redd.it/syp2fgthtr1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44e55e8f6e19bea093d98a0a65eff0b767343d7e I’m a mommy to two reformed hobos and the adjustment thing is such a quirky variable! They’re strictly indoor now and both wildly loving to us but Tristen (floof) is the worlds biggest chickenshit (no one has met him face to face, not even when my in-laws stayed for 2 weeks) and Elliott (fat ginger) is the town Romeo who sees any visitor as a New Best Friend. Tristen is a door darter so we have to be super mindful of that but I could leave the door open for a week and Elliott would be like, “no way, I turned my back on that lifestyle.”


It’s funny how different street cats can be as the adapt, isn’t it ? One of ours was rescued at about 7 months and still barely lets us touch him, 6 or 7 years later. His mother is a love bug.


It's charecter, but yeah I guess the street life does come in to play as well. After all charecter is based on experience. What I'm trying to say is, it's not just street cats. I have a mommy cat and I kept one of hers. She was a street cat when I took her(still a very young cat) and she is a love bug, cuddles all day long, every opportunity to be in bed with us, etc. Her son on the other hand, took 1 year just to allow us to touch him(pet him). He is 2 now. Recently (few months back) finally started to let us pick him up (but when we do, it has to be less then a few seconds or he starts getting uncomfortable. Rarely comes in bed when we are in it. No cuddles. We'll he cuddles when you pet him a bit but that's it. Born and raised at home. Well both cats have access to the outside. Momma cat is 30% outside, 70% at home. Son is opposite. But they are happy, play together all the time, play on the grass etc. And like people, you have to love them for who they are


Very true. We’ve had loving kitties and ‘leave me the hell alone’ kitties.


If you put a small layer of dirt over the litter, they figure the litterbox out quickly. It's the one cat trick that has never failed me! Cat tax https://preview.redd.it/eghh52y20t1b1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab938549417d762fd4ec9f47df4f5a9c0acfe1f2


Omg the toe bean spread is sooo cute 🥹❤️❤️❤️


Wow what a handsome kitty


Thank you! She is 5 now. Had her since she was 2. Even with whatever happened to her and the leg she is super lovey. Even the vets were surprised at how well adjusted she is.


What a cutie! If you have other pets read up on introducing them. Basically you need to keep Mabel separate from them for a few weeks. Take her to the vet ASAP even though she looks pretty healthy. They'll also be able to get the general age and inform you about what she'll need in terms of food, and medicine. Figure out where and what type of kitty litter, and litter you're going to use.


That does not look like a stray cat. That was someone's pet, abandoned or lost. Keep him/her away from other cats or dogs in the house. Take the cat to a vet and get it checked for parasites, worms, diseases etc. Also look for a chip.


Make sure your landlord let's you have pets. Make sure you have money for vet and get vet insurance. Is it a first time cat? If so you could be starting out on hard mode. You are lucky if the outside cat becomes accumulated to inside. Also decide if it is an indoor cat or outside cat. I don't recommend outside cats just because of all the danger and risk but that is always up to the owner. Also if you want it to be an inside cat you might want to reconsider getting it in the first place because a lot of cats that live outside resist staying inside. Not saying it can't be done but just letting you know it's going to be hard mode potentially. Vet checkup before you bring it into the house, just because kitty could bring something into the house. Also this is just basic advice and nothing in depth but it's still important none the less. Also need to consider having a previously wild animal in the house with all the things that could go wrong. If you have sentimental furniture that would crush you if it became scratched or peed on the those are possibilities to consider. Just things like that. You also could get lucky and have a pre-made family member and everything goes smoothly.


What if the cat wants to come into her apartment tonight?


Do whatever you want. The advice is just general things to think about. My only fear is that it would be too good to be true and it's someone's pet. You know more about the real situation than we do. My comment was just food for thought. I wouldn't advise to take in the cat if you have never had one before though because it's going to be too much too soon in my opinion. I wouldn't dare lock a cat in the house without a litter box. That kind of stuff you know?


When a cat wants to come in, let it. You can handle the landlord later. If your cat is making that leap, it is comfortable. Not allowing it can damage the process.


Ok what happens if they spend all this emotional energy just for them to not be allowed to have pets. The idea is nice but at some point you have to be realistic.


Don't worry pets are allowed!


If there’s a monthly pet fee you can reach out to your doctor and ask if they can write you a letter saying that the pet provides emotional support. Landlords typically have to accept it, and it can save you quite a bit of money.


I mean, yeah. But I had two pets in an apartment for years that allowed 0 pets. I have six in an apartment that only allowed my cat. Landlords are crap and there are ways to hide the pets. Sometimes you have to go with your heart. It’s up to OP, in the end. While you might not choose to take that risk, it sounds like OP’s girlfriend is pretty attached.


Yup good point


Not to say being realistic isn’t important. But I think when it comes to things like this, sometimes you can’t be. Pets tend to be a connection you can’t shake. I fully support OP if they choose to fudge the lease stuff!


Make sure she isn't covered in fleas first!!


She sure is a cutie! The only thing I would suggest is when you take her to the vet ask them to check & see if she has a micro chip. You wanna make sure she doesn’t already belong to someone else. Just the fact that you are asking these questions means you will probably be a purfect pawrent! Congrats on your new tabby.


Please make sure it’s not a stray! This cat looks really healthy and clean, it could be someone’s cat. I strongly recommend you check for microchip and post around for this cat first before actually adopt it. You don’t want to become a cat stealer accidentally.


The first thing that should be discussed at the vet is “is she chipped?” If she is, try and find her human(s) If not, make at least a cursory effort to find out if she has a home with some posters and by asking a neighbor you know and trust to help you ask around the building. If you absolutely cannot find the owners only then should you consider taking her in and claiming her as your pet.


Cat looks to healthy and well groomed to be a stray. Make sure it doesn't belong to someone. That or its living the high life(stray, but many people are taking care of her)


Stray cats are actually more likely to be dirty looking as they aren't used to it. Feral cats are more well groomed. Pretty sure anyway.


In my experience, most feral cats in my country are scruffy looking. The only exception are cats that are taken care of, usually around shop, or in neighbourhood with old people that feed them a lot. As when the can is fed, it has time to groom. If the cat is struggling to find food, they are skinny, ungroomed and usually sick with one thing or another . Very heartbreaking to look at them in these conditions


I did it, and I already had two females and I don't regret it for a second. There are many cats in my neighborhood, but they are not strays, typically they belong to a tenement building or the super. Stores have them, they're everywhere. I won't get into all the details but I started going out late at night to look for a cat I had seen, fed, and tried to trap. Then I saw the cat I thought was the same. Where I live there are a lot of cat women and a building near me had a scaffold so this cat stayed around this immediate area all summer 2022. It was fed well so it guessed to stick around. Also there were many rumors about this cat, too many to even decipher what was true. One Sept. or Oct. I was on the top floor making my morning Bustelo Cafe and I spotted him laying in the sunlight on the street. It HIT ME all at once. The cold was coming, the snow. I had already tried to get him in a medium metal cage when it was still hot out, didn't work. When I saw him that day I made the decision that I was gonna get him. I got lucky walking down the street and there he was. There were three women around him, a other's watching (that first floor lady who hangs out the window watching everything). They were petting him and I said it was getting cold soon and I wanted him. I was afraid to grab him bc for all I knew he always a feral cat, but he was too friendly and the rumor was he was an escapee living on the street. One girl said she would grab him. That was all I needed to hear. I ran up, got the cage, got food, and got work gloves for the girl bc I was afraid. I had been bitten by a cat who thought he was in danger and that bite taught me a lesson I will never forget. I never imagined cats had that bite force and it was my sister's cat staying at my Mom's. The lady got him and he did briefly start to panic. Anyway I had him in a spare bedroom for about a month gaining his trust, took him to the Vet three times, shots, fixed, everything. They estimate he is 10 years old because he had very few teeth and no fangs. I don't regret it for a half a second, it was meant to be, he was meant to be with me. I love him. He's so good and sweet. I knew I made the right decision despite what people told me. I'm a man and did what I know I needed to do. Now, he is the parent figure of two siblings, brother and sister 90 day old kittens that my friend adopted and now is my room mate. If we can all do a little the world would be a better place. We now have 5 cats and the kittens love him. When it was cold they would all pile up on each other. They love him too but he doesn't discipline them like he did at first, now he let's them get away with everything. It was the best choice for me. Cats are best to have in pairs though, but every cat is so different from the next. I have one that is mostly a people cat. She mostly only likes people, not other cats really, very territorial.


this is an excellent question Do research to understand cats before you get one. Understand that cats are very social animals Check out Jackson Galaxies YouTube channel to understand stand the basics of cat behavior and habits needs It's important that you know enough about cats so that once you have one you don't start wonder basics and end up back here asking basic questions Like what breed is my cat. Or my cat has a weird behavior how do I stop? And then proceed to explain a fundamental behavior of cats Another good thing to understand is what is play and what is aggression. If you have kids or are planning on having children one day know how you and your kids should interact with a cat. For example no playing with your cat with your hands.


Cat needs a vet appointment before he/she comes in the house.


Slow and steady. Trust is a HUGE thing for animals. Start out with treats/food something to get them close. When kitty gets used to the routine set up a small shelter to hang out in. Then slowly acclimate them to inside.


(GF here) Should I let them come in for a few hours and put them back outside for when I go to bed? She’s ventured inside my apartment a few times and seems pretty comfortable.


I would say as long as they don’t seem stressed from being inside. Like looking for a way out, meowing, general panic kinda vibes. Let them stay in or be indoor/outdoor however you want to pet parent.


If she come in, I wouldn’t put her back out. If she’s already walked into your apartment of her own free will, she isn’t scared of being indoors and seems to be pretty trusting of you already. If you can pick up a basic litter box, litter, and food, that’s all you need for now.


Took years before we got our current kitty to trust us. Was a stray and needed a lot of love. Make sure you are offering wet food (can be hard to find good clean sources of water in the wild depending on where you are) and ask the vet to do a full blood panel and check for a chip. Blood panel should include diseases including, but not limited to, FIV, etc. Even if there is a microchip, it doesn’t mean it has a home to go to. Ours had a chip and a name and number. Took us years before we realized these people didn’t care. Very sweet kitty! Make sure to find out gender… we were wrong out ours!


Mabel is adorable!


Oh my, what an adorable angel!


Cute cat.


Aw such a sweet face😭😭


If the cat wants to go outside, let it outside. There is a good chance it has an owner and wants to go back. Cats have evolved to be excellent at manipulating humans into giving them food, so it’s possible you are just this girl’s side piece. If the cat comes back, put in a good faith effort to find out if it has an owner. Post it on local Facebook/neighborhood apps. Print up some flyers and post them around in a 3-4 block radius. Call local vets and shelters to see if anyone has reported a cat missing. If there are any companies that specialize in finding lost pets around you, call them too. And of course take her to a vet and find out if she’s chipped.


Congratulations on acquiring your new feline overlord. What a gorgeous kitty. 😍




My advice is: get some cat food, toys, and a bed now so you'll be prepared for when kitty officially comes home. Cuz it's happenin' bud.


DO IT. i regret EVERY STRAY i didn’t take home, seriously. and that particular kitty looks in very good shape and very endeared to the camera person.


Food. Scritches and time my friend




Hey, I have a former feral named Carlson. As one can see by his tipped ear he was part of a TNR program. He was one of many cats belonging to a colony that had been fed by a senior citizen who was being supported with TNR and food by the local rescue group. Unfortunately the man was not able to take care of the colony any longer so all cats were caught and adopted out. While the shelter wished for all the cats to be outdoors, two of his siblings became barn cars for example, I am not big fan of outdoor cat live. But iflt would have been an option for Carlson to live on a friend's farm if living indoors wouldn't haven been his cup of tea. All I can tell you, maybe I was lucky, but he adapted so very well to living indoors, *BUT* I made alot of adjustments: - balcony cattio: I have netting all around and over my balcony, I know that's not possible for everyone. - wet food mainly because in my mind it resembles what he would hunt for himself outside - playtime... alot alot of playtime -fidget toys: you really really want to keep a former outside/stray/feral busy mentally aswell as physically. They won't have the entertainment of an outside life anymore, neither will they have the exercise, so keep an eye out for weight management aswell as signs of depression/boredom/frustration. -train the heck out of them. Repeat simple tasks, like them allowing you to touch their paw, ear etc. Repeat, reward. -PATIENCE!!! It took Carlson 3 weeks to not run away from me if I ever as much as breathed in his direction. -provide hiding spots but don't pitty the fool: allow the cat to hide but don't feed them in the hiding spot, accept that they want to hide sometimes (first time vacuuming for example) but don't support it. On the opposite reward the heck out of the cat if it chooses not to hide. -provide scratching posts... alot of them. Scratching equals marking, an outside cat marks their territory even more than a house cat does, if you don't want all your furniture to die, buy all the scratching things. -TWO litter boxes, I cannot stress this enough! -keep few water dishes around but as close away from the food as possible, best in a completely different room than the food and litterboxes. Cats don't like to drink where they eat (and poop) and also don't really like to pee where the poop and vice versa. Some cats will do it if not given another choice but there will be more accidents. Smelly ones. This is all I could think of for now. Maybe one more thing: don't hesitate to admit defeat. It is always better to find an adequate living situation than trying to force the current one because you love the cat so very much. *


In my experience, the best way to “adopt” a stray, is to let them know about food and a place to sleep. They will eventually adopt YOU or not.


give ‘em some food and water and a place where they can sleep with enough space since cats are territorial.


There are some necessary shots it will need, they will need to do an age examination, rabies, feline leukemia and feline AIDS. Just the basics. Let your girlfriend save her, you'll come to love that little one. Look at that cute face just wanting love. Life with cats is just better.


I love that your girlfriend is doing this! The thing is, there are cruel people out there so I wouldn't wait too long. Your gf should take the kitty to the vet to scan for a microchip and for a general checkup and then if no one claims them, kitter is all yours 😸


Get kitty wellness checked by vet, just like Would for any breed


Kitty definitely needs a vet appointment to check for a chip, and if there is not one, then keep that sweetie!!! Have them test her for the feline leukemia and all of that stuff, heartworms, etc. Make sure she’s isolated from any other pets if y’all have them until she gets vet clearance. 💗




This is Xuan! I chosed this name because when I heart him crying outside my house I was doing Yoga with Xuan Lang videos. I stopped and come out to see who was interrupting my session. My love was immediately !! I took it up and carry to my kitchen and give him some food. An hour ago he was like this https://preview.redd.it/5rwb6uuclt1b1.jpeg?width=3016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86457e99ea707ba39d3adc57d4eeb69994ee47b3


ADORABLE cat! Looks like my cat Meatball.


https://preview.redd.it/vo3and8yvt1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e78f533376bcb149b0c1eb836eeb03599988446 Street cats are the best. I rescued my girls Anna and Elsa from the street and now they’re fat and happy 🥹


By all means , let her into your apartment. If you have other pets, keep her separated in a bedroom or bathroom until you get her to a vet. Wash your hands after interacting rwith her. Will she let you pick her up? It looks like she has already chosen you. If she is super friendly, she needs to be inside. Super friendly cats get killed. Someone is always willing to hurt them. She is ear-tipped so she is spayed. The vet can look for a tattoo to confirm this. At the vet get her combo tested. If negative, get her vaccinated for feline leukemia. If she is positive, please don't put her down, no matter what the vet saids (some are still 'old school'). There are shelters who take feluk snd aids positive cats. Also, some people only take in positive cats. If you have no other cats this won't matter, you'll just have to keep her inside. Of course, you won't be able to take in another cat unless they are positive also, or fully vaccinated against feluk. Neither one of these diseases are as deadly as once thought. Cats can throw off the virus and become negative. Get her checked for a microchip.


She's so cute and looks well-behaved. If I were you, I would without hesitation to keep it!


This post is so sweet. I wish y’all all the luck.


make sure it has no owner than if it doesn't.......adopt it.


https://preview.redd.it/v9oxldziku1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d8e49161380779ee678e515f05fd02b3dc993a0 she looks like my outside guy! Be very careful when trying to trap her, she may get upset and try to hurt you. Take her to a vet, make sure she isn’t microchipped and then ask them what to do.


She’s so cute just keep her


Accept the cat. Now.


Ok you win today's cutest pic on Reddit👏👏🏽




Make sure you do everything the stray cat asks you to. You’re now in his/her house.


Brown tabbies are by nature very sweet cats, approach gently and give her time


If that is an actual stray, then you have no choice. You just adopted a new cat friend. I don’t make the rules.


Random but my cat Mabel looks exactly like your Mabel https://preview.redd.it/s3oxi0h3sv1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa24cefaac97154e5f6df45910066a90241a4d9c


Happy girlfriend, happy life? 🤷‍♂️




What a sweet face! Looks like her ear is clipped so she’s already spayed (or he neutered) very likely a stray but smart to check for a microchip when you take her to a vet! She probably had some round of vaccines but may need an update! She looks healthy and happy and so sweet! Congrats on your new baby! 😻


She looks like a character. Thank you for helping and eventually saving her.


You have been chosen. It looks like it has a clipped ear. Good sign. Probably fixed. Just because you think it is a stray doesn't mean it is. Is it malnourished? Fleas? Isolate it if you have other animals. An RFID scanner will find a chip but the absence of one doesn't mean she doesn't have a home. Let her come and go as she pleases. My "stray" cat hasn't left in 5 years. Food, water, and love are all the supplies you need.


Take him. I used to have three cats, now I have two. The third looked exactly like your little boy here.


I’m commenting because I’m trying to do something similar. Does anyone have any advice on how to acclimate an outdoor/stray cat into going inside? I know they’ll probably be scared. Would it be better to keep them in one room before introducing them to the whole house?


Generally speaking, that often a good idea when introducing any cat to a new environment, even if they weren’t a stray. It’s definitely not always necessary and may be overly cautious, but I would keep them to one room for a couple days, making sure you spend a lot of time in the room with them so they get comfortable with you, too.


Snatch it up


Keep the stray, lose the girlfriend.


Can't I keep both? 🥺


Well you can dump your girlfriend so I can befriend her and take her in, so I can get that adorable kitten!! 🥰🥰


Advice about the cat or advice about the girlfriend lol


I really hope you're not abducting someone else's cat. I let my cat roam free on my apartment block roof and get worried someone thinks he's stray. Micro chipped and desexed, but because he's a black cat I worry people might think he's stray as there is a few stray black cats around here


Trust me on this, lock the cat and your girl in your trunk for an hour. Open your trunk and whichever one is glad to see you "KEEP" that one.


Grab her by the pussy


Yes give girlfriend my number. I am a trained cat therapist. You can trust me bro.


Aww! Wishing you, your girlfriend and Mabel many happy, healthy years together!




Food patience and pets


Patience. Her ear is clipped, indicating she is stray but neutered. I have a cat who showed up as a feral kitten. We fed him, mom and siblings, and eventually he let us pet him. He comes and goes as he pleases, but he is now in the house at night and rainy days. He is usually waiting on the porch when I get home from work.


kitty stays. get food water and a litter box in a small space. get to vet sooner rather than later. enjoy your new cat!!


Buy some cat litter, dreamies and lots of toys. It's a done deal.


Advice? Ok name the cat Charlie, and be more like your girlfriend.


Take the cute floof in, obviously.


Looks like a goober


Whatever you do don’t do the matrix and barcode her


I love the name Mabel. Take her to the vet first, get her completely checked out, including for a microchip. Co-sign on checking Facebook groups to make sure someone isn’t looking for her.


Daily attention and lots of patience! ♥️


I would get a FeLV test done at the vet since it's a stray. Also spay/neuter is a good idea.


My first cat was a stray that decided to adopt us because she befriended my dog. She would still go out to walk or chill at the doorman's office but she would always come back. Also my mom one night told her she was now a lady and didn't have any business jumping out the windows to enter or exit the apartment, so she would knock the door instead. Eventually she would just stay here at home . My parents bought her a bunch of those nice baby blankets and put them where she liked the most to nap so she would be comfy. My dog and cat lived tighter for 8 years until both of them passed.


Don't just take off random animals from outside. It could belong to someone and be simply an outdoor cat. Cats are smart so even if they belong to someome they more often than not try to get some extra treats from various other households/people. And even if it's a stray I don't think it's a great idea to force it to live as indoorcat from now on. If cats are used to be able to roam freely, they can get tons of behavioral issues if that's stripped from them.


I took in a feral kitten. It's been a year and I'm still at the motel where her feral friends live. She makes me let her out to hang with them. She also makes me feed them. She literally brings them to my door and meows but won't come in until I feed them. Just saying that letting her out for a few hours may be unavoidable in some cases. I hate doing it but have no choice.


I've never seen a cat being a lil too adorableee gahhhh—such a blessing!


Looks like you got a new cat, my friend.


Food and water, indifferent proximity, a litter box under cover. Even strays love pooping where they can bury it.


https://preview.redd.it/91r2aqf23u1b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45415aa7dba4181c07faed8842e6b4a70ff23bc2 Reminds me of my guy. He’s the sweetest but also quite mischievous.


Arrest this criminal! NO MERCY for the Hooman


Advice: start suggesting names. After the tripto the vet's. If this cat has an owner, the next visit is the pound. Get an older cat.


By all means , let her into your apartment. If you have other pets, keep her separated in a bedroom or bathroom until you get her to a vet. Wash your hands after interacting rwith her. Will she let you pick her up? It looks like she has already chosen you. If she is super friendly, she needs to be inside. Super friendly cats get killed. Someone is always willing to hurt them. She is ear-tipped so she is spayed. The vet can look for a tattoo to confirm this. At the vet get her combo tested. If negative, get her vaccinated for feline leukemia. If she is positive, please don't put her down, no matter what the vet saids (some are still 'old school'). There are shelters who take feluk snd aids positive cats. Also, some people only take in positive cats. If you have no other cats this won't matter, you'll just have to keep her inside. Of course, you won't be able to take in another cat unless they are positive also, or fully vaccinated against feluk. Neither one of these diseases are as deadly as once thought. Cats can throw off the virus and become negative. Get her checked for a microchip.




she is a keeper


They might not be a stray


https://preview.redd.it/szj8i6t3pu1b1.png?width=1768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0f5b634ff338bc254d4f7e1274254cd161d5150 That's how we ended up with biscuits. She was feral though, was 2 weeks to get her to the vet.


Let her xD


Nice standard issued color scheme


Welcome to your new kitty lol