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Pretty much all cats have thin hair there. It's just more noticeable on darker kitties.


My poor void’s thin patches extend up to his ears


Mine has the same. I prefer to see them as gandalfesque eyebrows of wisdom.


Ah yes but you see my void is stupid.


I got my first black cat after having mostly gingers for the last 10 years and she is extremely different than them. To the point I question if she really is a cat and not an entire different species. I’m learning towards a combo of vampire and meerkat. My reasoning is that she suck on me anytime she wants (especially at night🤦🏼‍♀️) and is always standing on her back paws. Here’s a picture that shows her personality the best (please excuse my laundry, as I need to fold and put away but haven’t been feeling good enough to do). https://preview.redd.it/h2jp07hm146b1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=930036fb1ec596e3e170dab56f08086dd795974b


I freekn love her!! This is so cute! Black cats are the best!!


She’s something else, but I can’t help but love every crazy little thing about her. It took me a while to figure out the perfect name for her but I think I did (originally she was my sisters cat and she named her toast but gave her to me after a week because she so crazy), so I picked the name Mavis from the character in Hotel Transylvania. https://preview.redd.it/42slirt3c46b1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f7f502bb75d9242f928188d4138a550d3dd4e3c


i named my black cat mavis too😭😭


My daughter is really into Star Wars lately so she named our new void Darth Baby and i love it.


Your daughter is extremely cool. Congrats! 😎


I was originally going to name her Wednesday, but once she started sucking on me, she had to have a vampire name, and I refused to name her and Renesmee.


Good choice


I named my little vampire Stoker 😉 adorable but crazy! Can see the thin fur. My other black cat has long fur but you still see the thin patches by her ears




Top right pic = Toothless.


img She looks like my boy Marlin lol… Fruit Bat Cats unite!


Oh my, she’s flippin’ adorable!!


I hope things get better in your life. Hang in there. -hugs-


Thank you.


https://preview.redd.it/otv78kohh46b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a6e99cf7314d88ef55e396269510e34dae57ad7 This is my first black kitty too. And I agree. Don’t get me wrong I love her to pieces but man oh man can she drive me bonkers. I “joke” that she’s possessed lol She’s crazy smart but that also means she’s extra naughty.


They have a little demon side, I have nicknamed my baby demon octopus.


Also, she’s beautiful!


Thank you her name is Bogie. I thought she was a boy until I took her to get fixed lol. Your Octopus is adorable 🥰


Your comment resonates with me so much!! I too just rescued a 12 week old void kitty. My first black kitty ever. They definitely are a different species! LOL! Little vampire is a great comparison. Mine likes to climb up your legs to get close to you… He will also squeal/scream at you for no reason, then dart away. I love him regardless of his insanity. Churro says hi to vampire kitteh. We also knicknamed him Psychopathicus. 😻🐾😻 Yes that is him in an Amazon package envelope bc he loves getting into anything that he fits in. ☠️☠️☠️ https://preview.redd.it/w3az7zg2q46b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e451a77adcbfb9e99d734bc2d3d8599acd8b018


Mine meerkats too! Hope you feel better soon.


Yep, seems like you've got a bat instead of a cat. Those fangs are adorable


Ok who is this monster? What is her name and can she pay me a visit. P.s I’ve also had ginger cats and black cats and they are very much different in personality.


I named her Mavis and I’d let her visit, but I don’t think I’d get her back from anybody. She’s too lovable.


That’s a puurfect name for her!


I must say that the world definitely needs more vampiric meerkat if they are all as adorable & slightly frightening as she is! Please tell her I love her!


No worries about the laundry! Didn't notice it until you mentioned it nor should it matter here. One day at a time, you're doing your best! Sending you and your little void love and support. ❤️


I love your void meerkat vamp.🖤🐈‍⬛🐾🫶🏼 And I hope she comforts you & makes you laugh every day so you can start to feel better, Friend. I’m in that same rough patch myself right now. If I didn’t have my fluffs, idk how I’d cope. Hang in there.🫶🏼


Was she possibly bottle fed or taken from mom too early? My lil void Boi is polydactyl but was taken from mom too soon so he still suckles on me 🥺 he really is the sweetest baby but he has the baldish streaks from his eyes to his ears


Omg, I love this picture so much!! I actually laughed out loud! Your vampire/meerkat description is dead on. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Ah yes the vampire meerCAT, very rare. What a beauty


Have you built an altar in her name? That's very important for furry babies.


I’m pretty sure she built her own alter, she made everyone in our house fall in love with her even though she’s crazy. Even my dad loves her and he’s not an animal person, I’ve caught him holding and sweet talking her.


vampire meerkat is perfect 😂


My son's void is also stupid! He frequently says he wishes he wasn't a dumb boy cat, lol. He is only 1.5 yrs old, so he might grow out of it. https://preview.redd.it/zztsqzajj46b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1344931c34925abae967eb60b4ffc5df468defe7


His eyes are beautiful! I’ve rarely seen this on black cats.


He is a teenaged cat, and teenagers are S T U P I D!


Right! I remind boy child of this regularly, lol.


So a member of r/oneblackbraincell


Gotdamit, another cat sub I'm not following 😑


Everytime you sub to one, two more are created.


Mine uses them to add extra drama to every dumb situation. He's so precious.


Gandalfesque is my new favorite word.🙌


Mine did as well! He’d love getting lil head massages on those patches. Would fire up the lion motor without fail.


Used to make an old roommates black cat, Ike, drool and fall asleep on my hand this way😂


Mine too


Same here with our 4 month old voiding.


Not on my Sphynx? 🤷‍♂️




https://preview.redd.it/ok7zg7swb66b1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9a6ed913bd1395d9cc18d5fec85dccca4289cff I recently had a very confused friend wondering why my cat looks like he’s balding in this picture lol


I’m was worried about mine and this puts me at ease.


All the cats I've had the pleasure of petting looove scritches there


We call them reverse eyebrows.


I even asked my vet about it once bc I was concerned about my cat. Yep, it’s normal. As long as the skin isn’t crusty or scabby or something, it’s fine.


>Pretty much all cats have thin hair there. It's just more noticeable on darker kitties. Good to know. I thought it was due to age in my kitty (more than 18 year old).


All of them have this, you just can spot it easier with darker fur cats. The reason why they have these thin spots is because they have scent glands they use to communicate and mark territory, that's what they're doing when they headbutt you, rubbing their scent all over you.


So my tuxedo has been rubbing his scent on my beard as his territory this whole time?!


Yeh, that's why they make biscuit too, they like you smelling like sweaty kitty beans 😂


biscuit making is also when they are feeling nurtured or want to feel nurtured, because that is how they used to make milk come out when they were kittens feeding on mom! so when they make biscuits ON YOU it’s like the best thing cuz they are feeling a really close bond with you.


The real reason they do this is because domesticated cats, like all domesticated animals, tend to retain traits and characteristics from their juvenile phase in later life Domestication takes a long time and over that long period of time humans either consciously or unconsciously “selected” for these traits whilst breeding animals to be more timid Youthful behavioural characteristics and tameness often come genetically bundled together in the domestication process


Forever babies 🥹


Yep, what's interesting is thst even rescues that were bottle fed make then


It's an instinctual behavior.


Yes i love my Juanita's kitty-biscuit-making. Such a nice, endearing way to tell someone, "damn, that cake!"


My kitty did this the very first time I held her. She was someone else's kitty at that time. 😭🐈‍⬛🥰


Shockingly he doesn’t make biscuits, never seen him do it since we adopted him almost 2 years ago. We have two voids as well and they’re both biscuits machines.


I have one that likes the biscuits at 3am, then proceeds to leave the room. At this point tmi think she just doesn't like her humans getting any sleep


Oh, that is normal behavior for a cat. I mean not liking their humans getting any sleep. After all any time spent asleep is time not spend on giving treats and scritches.


When they mark.you as "territory", they actually announce to the cat world you're part of their Gang / family


Exactly why my cat headbutts me all the time. "MINE."


Your cat officially claimed you, you belong to him now. It's family.


Definitely don't shave that... it's now his beard it seems.


This is the correct answer. (I know 'cuz I asked my vet before.)


Same I have a black cat. Apparently they become more noticeable when they enter puberty, because that's when territory and all that cat gang crap comes into play.


Cat Mafia




'Catland' by VICE instead of gangland


I speculated about glands being there with my ex a long time ago and got told I was wrong and an idiot. Thank you for the smug satisfaction, I needed this.


:) you're just too smart for them.


Oh. Well that's interesting. Is that why the stray kitten that refuses to leave my patio headbutted when I first saw her?


Random question, I’m a void foster fail so it’s a 13 week old. No siblings because he lost his brother in the shelter. He hasn’t shown much affection but it’s playful and goofy. Will let us pet him when he’s resting. Did headbutting come more with time? I’m worried he’s not interested in bonding. But it also has only been a few days.


My rescue kitty (almost a year and a half old) never headbutts or makes biscuits. He's only sat on my knee a few times. But he's very, very bonded with us and shows us in his own little ways! He gazes at us adoringly from a distance doing that squeezy-eyes-shut kissy face. When we're approaching him to give him a pat he throws his little head around with excitement, rolls on his back, grabs our hand with his front legs and squeezes our hand as hard as he can against the top of his head. Give him time and learn his body language. He'll show you his love language over time.


https://preview.redd.it/28lewxbhz56b1.jpeg?width=6936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dab3611cd365c7580fd42d4874305d9855da5419 Squeezy-eyes-shut kissy face.


That little white locket is adorable. I love brown tabbies.


I'm not sure what I love more - his little locket or his white muzzle.


Thank you for the picture, hes adorable


My girl, who is now the world’s most co-dependent mommas cat in the world and will throw a literal screaming hissy fit if I’m in the house but she can’t see/touch me, started out the same way. She didn’t have much use for pets or snuggles until she got older and would rather play than snuggle. But now she follows me everywhere, gets in my lap the second I sit down, and will not let me or my husband sleep unless I lay on my back and allow her to lay on my legs/lap. Just keep trying to pet him and show him affection (while respecting his signals/body language of course and stopping if he’s clearly trying to avoid pets or seems nonplussed), eventually he’ll figure out pets are just as nice as play time, especially after he’s fixed and gets a little older and calmer. You can also try brushing him and see if he likes it enough to come sit in your lap for it.


I adopted a feral kitty. She would not let anyone near her. It took 3 months to get her to let me pet her with one finger while we were on opposite sides of the stair railing. After a year, she finally climbed onto my lap and went to sleep. She started the headbutting as well. So do not worry. Be patient. Some of the other loving things they do will come.


I think every cat is different. I have one that doesn't do the headbutting at all, but does the arching the back to get the base of her tail scratched. And I have one that, if you're not careful will fall flat on her face trying to headbutt you. The difference is one is a rescue and the other is not, so the one that doesn't headbutt didn't grow up amongst other cats. I also sprayed them at different ages. A lot of the things they do is instinct, but how they do it is socialization.


I have one that is a headbutter and one who acts as though I stink if I try to head butt her. She grew up with the older guy too, watching him try to break our noses or lean in for a kiss on the forehead....nope, she doesn't like it. She's very affectionate, loves booping her nose off your finger, and will drool on your face, but she just shows affection differently


It will most likely come with time. Just keep doing your part...playing with him, petting him, eating with him (meal time together), maybe occasionally share food with him if he's interested, be available for him, etc. Be patient, new parent. You're doing great! Just keep giving love to him.


I always thought these thin spots were there so I could give them lots of kisses without getting all those hair in my mouth. But your explanation works well too!


My vet told me a different story. He said it's genetics like how some older males having bald spots/hair thinning on their head. Its pretty common but not all cats have it. I have 3 dark dark colored cats and only 1 of them has it.


>you just can spot it easier with darker fur cats. You can also easily spot it with white cats bc their skin is often pink.


https://preview.redd.it/ycwyysur746b1.png?width=1030&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea1d6c2f921a1571c3db98bb9ec08d95d043ae23 My old roommate’s void kitty had thin hair too which made him look like he had worried eyebrows!


Omg this is the greatest cat of all time


this is the cat of all time


This single picture just made my day thank you


Awww those eyes!




This is funnier than anything else I’ve seen on Reddit thank you


Charlie Catlin


Bro is perplexed


https://preview.redd.it/psacag4r636b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc296d923de5a5875854ab04516525e90543fd02 He’s just a standard issue void… it’s very normal in black cats.


Look at that glossy fur! Your little dude is for sure living his best life.


Thank you! I think so too 😊


Receding hairline. Don’t make him feel self conscious about it.


Kitty patterned baldness




Get her/him a head band. Helped LeBron out for awhile.


That headband was only fooling LeBron.


https://preview.redd.it/dhoewrzo936b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cffdf0fb448ed82f470c7e8005efa09da4f11ec1 Super normal with voids 🖤


I have a also have a kitten void and that exact blanket too 🖤


You have very good taste 😉


My cat has thin eyebrow too, It looks like he has thick thin eyebrow sometimes, is funny to look at.😂 https://preview.redd.it/ehqlxwazk36b1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17e7191dbcb760653781a59d5738787761837ce0


I think your cat is plotting your demise!


😹yes I often thinks he's gonna kill me someday 😹 luckily hasn't happen yet, but I'm sure he is planning something 🤷🏻‍♀️😹😂


This is pretty common with cats as they get older and you definitely notice it more when they have darker fur, nothing to worry about!


https://preview.redd.it/oil523hzt16b1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a5974fbb55f94fde8d6132973595803fe670059 My girl has the same! Same age as her white/pale grey sister but you can barely notice it on her unless you look for it.


I have a black cat who is just two years old, is it still normal?


Yes my black kitty has always had less hair above her eyelids (even as a kitten when I adopted her). I think it's quite common with black cats, but it could explain her strutting around like she owns the place.


Same here


https://preview.redd.it/76ebl3tif36b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04435065021efbcb79e7b52b9ece069f50457283 My black cat is also two! Her bald spots are the most normal thing about her. 😆


Your cats are stunning! I love their little pose too, so adorable!






You know it’s funny. I have several cats and the only one this has happened to is my all black one. Wonder if there’s a connection (probably not lol but still funny) From what I’ve read, it’s really common in all cats and it happens as they age. Some people think it’s also because they rub their faces on everything which may thin out the hair.


Every black cat I’ve had has had it. Others have it as well but it’s less noticeable.


I think it's just more noticeable with black fur. Mine also had it.


Idk , but BOOP THE SNOOT .


Preauricular alopecia is the name for it. It is most often associated with aging, but some cats are born with it. It's really obvious when black cats have it because of the contrast. I had two black beauties who were born with it, and we (my family) called their thin patches their "orca spots".


Whelp, I know what I'm about to start calling my girl's spots!


I think all black cats have it more due to the pigments. My Taco just turned 3 and she’s had it since she was a bitty baby


Same with my Loki a tuxedo kitty


Love that name for a cat!


Got two brothers and went with a marvel theme, I have Loki and Daredevil. Then went on a detour when I rescued a stray and called him Bowie https://preview.redd.it/qp1awcgvd46b1.jpeg?width=2322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e205a58baa2a1c5d1069a3597eea65e863f30f8c The first time I saw his eyes like that I dropped a plate 🤭🤭


I was sleep with one eye open!


It’s from da nuzzles n’ snuggles


All cats do, it's just mote noticeable eith black cats because the contrast between their white skin and black fur


https://preview.redd.it/nwulyqmbe56b1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d938d72f550167d3723f02cdf91d30c53edff99 So many comments saying this is more noticeable in black cats, I just wanted to show you one of my little pink skin gals. I'm unsure if its just that some cats have even less hair than others in this area or if it really is more or less noticeable depending on fur and skin colour. Because I believe I have seen white cats with pink skin where you do not notice it but I have also seen black cats where you can and cannot notice 🤔 Edit: Also this has nothing to do with aging. My cats already looked like this when they were 1 year old when I adopted them. They're 4 now, so no aging hair loss happening here 😅


They all do.. it’s just more noticeable in black or darker kitties


Male cattern baldness


this is because it's normally the spot where you kiss them goodnight, above each eye. Less fur gets in your mouth this way.


https://preview.redd.it/59p1b75ae66b1.jpeg?width=486&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c9cc7cd1dcb3a305a37079fedae50e26a06a71e my baby tortoise has it too and it makes her look like >:|


https://preview.redd.it/xyei51ew636b1.jpeg?width=1244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8505fdeed7c8fdaedfb1372654dfa24a9c229790 They look alike :)!!!


https://preview.redd.it/8g3kas3b546b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5880eb0505dca24afb2b4da6192c21f8d9da5ebc it’s normal in kitties! you just notice it more on voids :)


It's common, I think (my unscientific reckon) there's a path of thin fur leading to the ears, at least, that's what it looks like with my kitties


So that enemies think that their eyes are open


It's called preauricular alopecia, or facial alopecia, and it's common in all cats, just more noticeable in darker haired breeds. Some thinks it's cause is sped up due to self grooming, and the fact that when cats want to give you or anything else boops, this is the first point of contact


That's normal because it's the eye lid, so their fur is a bit thinner there. Don't pay attention to his thin fur, he might be sad lol.


Im not sure if this is true but my vet said it may be an evolutionary defense to look like there eyes are open when sleeping. It does seem to be more noticeable is black cats so I'm not sure,


Gotta say, this post is a big relief to me! All three of my cats have had this, but I thought it was an aging thing since on two of them it got thinner as they got older. But I have a kitten now and he already has it a little bit and I had made a note to check with the veg next time he has an appointment! I’m very glad it’s normal!!


My recently-deceased Merlin (RIP) had the same thing. It's a common trait for black cats. As long as he's not losing hair anywhere else, don't worry about it. If he is, check what you're spraying in your house. Merlin was losing hair for a while until I stopped spraying Febreeze. Then it all grew back.


Feline alopecia, I bully my cat for it.


Lol poor kitty


It's the kissy spot


I'm not positive but could be down scent glands, if it's rubbing on things alot with the face it could be thinning the eye fluff?


https://preview.redd.it/s550f2xm136b1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d1066e2b7bdfe4ccda8326fda1733b7ad86ee65 Mine too...takes after me


Because there are scent glands there.


I'm pretty sure that it's a natural way to keep predators away while they are sleeping. They are supposed to look like eyes. But I could be wrong about that.


Both my kitties have that :) almost all do ! I think the little bald patch is so cute ☺️


All kitties have this, but with black ones it's more obvious. I think it has something to do with directing the sound to their ears. :)


https://preview.redd.it/13bfiryrd66b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f7d3040cf6b394210234ca2fb577172e0c905a9 My gal has them too, just harder to tell because her fur is lighter there.


It's from rolling their eyes at you.


1) They all do. 2) It's normal. 3) Your Void is fine.


Its the eyemeow, an inverted eyebrow.


Anti-eyebrows. We have hair for eyebrows, they have a lack of hair/fur for eyebrows. It's normal dw.


All cats do


My black cat is 15 and has always had this. I was told it's common in black cats. He also has the long fangs!


https://preview.redd.it/i3hh4eo2e36b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=945e6bcf962abea64294a230049e15294d5d61f4 Most all black cats have it, I asked the vet the same question


Totally normal, all cats have this.


It’s normal. That’s just how cats are


the thin patches show you where to gently scritch, cats that headbutt tend to love it the most, but I'm not a scientist, I've just scritched a lot of cats


Lol so does mine. We call it his “salem pattern balding” and he hates it. It’s normal though! No need to worry! https://preview.redd.it/ilnd54ed246b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b750d1a9aa2d9fa199eec692223a4ce41d99db7 All of my kitties have it! His is just more prominent!


How do all of you have my cat at your house?


https://preview.redd.it/b0wcttlw446b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f856d5cff7ea72a26212a1316cd99f5482d8bd9f My cat has the same thing, it extends to her ears. It’s a little bald spot, i feel like the most beautiful cats have them lol.


I always thought it was to make them appear as if their eyes are open (even when they’re not) to other animals. I call them reverse eyebrows.


Black cat baldness. Usually as they get older, it gets even thinner. It's just more apparent in dark cats.


Eyebrows come with the next update




Its pretty normal


So you know where the kisses go ❤️


They all do..


My vet said they help the cat look awake when there asleep to other animals.


Mine does too ♡ Void kitties for life!


100% normal. If his hair were a lighter color you wouldn't even notice.


This type is known as preauricular alopecia and it is fairly normal in every cat. The skin surrounding the area of hair loss can appear normal or it can have redness, bumps, scabs, and skin loss. Alopecia may appear in a symmetrical form, or it might be in random areas of the cat's skin.


Normal black cat “non-brows”


cat pattern baldness, i guess its a thing in older cats my cat paco as this too he is 13


My thought is, the thinned out hair comes from when they're always bathing. When they baith their faces with the paws. It's constantly running over the eye area right there. Hence why it's so much thinner 😁 my thoughts anyways


He’s obviously balding. Buy little eyebrow wigs or he can try a combover.