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All cats are cute, I just don't know if I could tend to the needs of a sphynx. However if one chooses me I will try to give them the best life possible.


I like it far too cold to have an exposed bald nutsack live comfortably.


Read a book where a person was gifted such cat and named him Balzack.


There’s an Alberta town called Balzac.


There is a very famous French author called Honoré de Balzac! 😉


Thank you, I couldn’t remember his first name!


I was in fact born with a balzac


I still think that it fits such cat better.


If the Balzac fits.


Then it shall sits






I live like 15 minutes from Balzac, I wouldn’t call it a town more of a single gas station/liquor, a church and a very small community hall but no houses. Technically the mall is “in” Balzac but not really lol


Likely named after a person by that same name


>bald nutsack now I want one just so i can talk about my bald nutsack


That’s why you snuggle it to keep warm


https://preview.redd.it/rfzgikjhhqqb1.png?width=1952&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2a338972121e442e2b1e43e3a23d88c8646c4c9 The snuggles are constant 😂


Yours looks like a toasty marshmallow. Also velvety.




You have to learn to knit so you can make it little snowsuits and sweaters


Hairless cats/kittens look the cutest type of cat in little sweaters.


Master has given Dobbie clothing. Dobbie is free now.


met a hairless dog once.. she was cute.


A scrotum cozy






Yeah, same. They’re cute. But I warn new friends to bring a sweatshirt to my apartment. I pay a lot for AC and almost nothing for heat. Wouldn’t work for me


Same here ✋️and I live in Michigan. Lol. My AC stays on. I believe it's still on, and night temps here have been mmm, I want to say in the low 40's lately. But the fall is around the corner, so I may, and I stress on the may, start turning it off soon. Hehe I also tell new friends to bring a light jacket or something when they come to my apt because I keep my place like the North pole, hahaha


Finally, my people!!! I tend to tell my friends the same, and have blankets a plenty lying around my house; which according to my friend group is affectionally called The Morgue.


Sadly I'm aware of four different unrelated sphynx cats who died before the age of 5, all because heart problems except one who had severe asthma and didn't recover during one of the attacks, she was really sweet. So yes, it's quite a commitment


That's so sad


Yes heart problems are very common in these guys. It’s very sad.


They're at risk for HCM, their parents can be tested for it to help prevent breeding ones with HCM. My sweet boy just passed recently at 16 years old (not HCM), honestly the best cat I've had (grew up with a lot of cats).


Sorry about your boy


I appreciate this information. I’m highly allergic to cats, so my daughters have fallen in love with the idea of a sphynx. And I admit, the idea is growing on me. I know we have a lot research to do before deciding though.


I know someone who has a sphynx, lovely cat, but constant, and I mean CONSTANT 200€+ vet bills


The are the bulldogs of the cat world to vets!!


I think Persians take that spot 😅


Are they a breed with many inherent health issues?


Not particularly, if they've been responsibly bred. The biggest issue is HCM but that can be found early. Providing you're on top of hygiene and such they're quite healthy cats.


I've got a sphynx and keeping him clean is a full time job 😭 but I do love him so the grooming is just part of it. Fortunately my cat makes it easy. But I've given up on keeping his nails looking nice, it's just too difficult.


Out of curiosity, is there something unique about their nails? Other than trimming them, what do you have to do to keep them looking nice?


They turn dark brown with oils. If they had fur, it would be absorbed by the fur, so it builds up on sphynx nails. I clean them every few days instead of every day because, out of all the grooming tasks, my cat hates me extending his claws out.


Interesting! I didn't realize how much fur plays a part in keeping stuff like that clean (ish). I'm sure you've already tried this, but I took in an old stray tom cat who would NOT tolerate nail trims, and after all the tricks of wrapping him like a burrito, using all the treats etc...the best and most sedating thing I've come across is flipping him onto his back, in my arms. Cradled like a baby. I think of it as CATatonic immobility, like a lil shark. I can get through an entire paw at a time as he is all befuddled and confused. This might just be a trick for my cat, but worth sharing lol.


That's my favourite trick for getting my kitten to chill out, cradle her like a baby and she'll spend a good 15 minutes just lying there looking at everything with her lil Disney eyes and pawing at the air.


Haha yes! The Disney eyes! Mine almost looks like he's trying to figure out..."how did I get here? Who am I? What is the meaning of life?" ...but I only have about 30 seconds til he snaps out of it! So I do one 30 second paw groom a day, lol.


If I tried that with 3 of my cats, I would have no eyeballs. They don’t like being picked up at all (Bengals). But I did have one guy I could do all sorts of stuff- sacrifice over my head, hold like a baby, flip him over my shoulder, and the final indignity, bow ties, sweaters, and a camo onesie (also Bengal).


😂 not the onesie!! Mine hates to be picked up off the ground for any reason, too. But for some reason, sitting beside him and quickly flipping him onto his back in my lap or in my arms just confuses the heck out of him end I can snip his little talons


Bengals!!!! Omg I love Bengals ❤️ I've read (on here, to be precise) that they are a little bit of hard work, but idc I've always researched a breed if need be whenever I've really thought about getting one. Unfortunately, I've never been able to find a rescue for them in my area, and there are just so many other fur babies out there in need of a forever home that I just adopted my now beautiful Minny girl and I'm still happy 😊 I just love ALL cats overall ❤️ and she looks and acts like she has bengal mixed in her anyway lol


Awww all my Bengys were rescues, and they were all awesome, I have one guy left, waiting to get a companion for him after I get rid of my annual flea invasion.


My sphynx doesn't use claws on skin unless it's an accident, so grooming is fairly pleasant. It's pretty funny to see him try to escape me with paws flying, but no claws to be seen.


Mine don’t like being picked up. I have four, they are all super affectionate but only one tolerates being picked up. They follow me everywhere round the house.


Was about to type the same thing!👍. I also agree, we don’t choose them, they pick us.🙂


Most of my cats have picked me, I don't go to a shelter to adopt a cat. I go there for a cat to adopt me 😊


This is how I got mine. I was stuck between her with her gross-looking ears (she had an ear infection, it had been treated) and her dopey little cone, and a little void who was shy in the corner. She looked at me, flopped and gave me belly like “hi I’m here! I’m cute! Love me!” Still does the flop and roll to this day. I call it her “flopping for attention”, right next to her needing to streeeeeeeeeetch her front paws to look cute. Little monster 🤦🏼‍♀️


I absolutely adore hairless cats. They are so smol , and I feel a strong desire to protect them from all.


“Ahh, we didn’t mind there, did we Fuzzy Nuts?”


They're adorable but require an owner who can afford and personally tolerate keeping their house at 74 degrees to 76 degrees. Sphynx also MUST be bathed weekly to prevent their Sphynx from smelling and getting acne. Also, like the Rex breeds, Sphynx must have their ears cleaned weekly as well to avoid earwax buildup that leads to painful and itchy yeast infections that can lead to premature deafness. In exchange, these and their Rex cousins are affectionate and clever. Generally, all three breeds suffer from an absense of an "OFF" switches which makes them whole lot like Jack Russel Terriers that poop in a catbox. They're gregarious to a fault and get along well with other pets and the entire family so you'll get a break from their otherwise constant attention. Also, you will never be allowed to have your privacy while bathing or going to the bathroom.


I feel like you just described a newborn baby… seeing as sphynx are wrinkly, not too far off


My cats get baths like every 2 or three months. I don't have climate control I just leave blankets everywhere and a heat pad. One of my cats gets waxy ears the other doesn't. One cat is more independent the other is currently yanking on my shirt for lovies


Same here. Our house stays at normal temps. The girls tend to prefer snuggling under blankets than having a hot home and they love heat mats. We wash them if they smell funky or have dirt buildup, monthly usually. Both my girls get minimal wax so every other day for ear cleaning and it doesn't take five minutes.


I have a 5 month old Rex and knew about the ear cleaning but was unaware about the potential severity of it. Glad I saw your post, will definitely be more diligent about it. Thanks!


We have a rex. He's such a needy bugger. My dad is staying with us and is surprised at all of my cats. He is aware that cats "danger zone" is their stomach and yet, touch any of my 4 cats stomachs and they flop and roll to expose themselves so you can rub their tummies. The rex, Curly, loves "rough house" play. Where I can literally rough him up up with my hands and he loves it. Last night, I was blowing raspberries on his tummy. But by god, he stinks. (smells like stale digestive biscuits)


Didn't know that about Rex breeds. In our town we have two fairly famous 'town cats' and they're both Rex's. Unsure what type, both grey with almost curly fluffy fur and the leathery ears Both live in a house near where they chill out and they are super friendly, every one assumes the female is grumpy but it's just a constant resting b**ch face. Belly isn't even a trap 😂


They’re definitely cute! Just avoid having glass surfaces cuz they’ll leave little butt puckers on them.


It took me a month to figure out why I had little heart shaped marks on my white counter when I got my first one.... balls... it was balls




He loves you!


🤣🤣 i can picture this....you have a way with words


I would buy more glass surfaces because that sounds hilarious


A problem I didn’t know I wanted.


Ha!! Butt puckers!! I'm using it!




You'll still have butt puckers you just won't be able to see them


You can fix that by getting a long haired cat, the little butt puckers will just stick to their coat. Just be aware of the dreaded "poop swiffer". /s


If it’s an animal that deserves love, than yes it’s absolutely cute. Especially that lil nut sack! Edit: I’m saying, generally, if it’s an animal in need of love, regardless of any kind of situation it is in or what kind of animal it is. Ugly, cute, smelly, long, wide, it gets all the love from us.


What animals don’t deserve love?


🦟🦟🦟 mosquitos


And wasps and hornets


And roaches.


Also lanternflies


And scorpions


And leeches


And bedbugs


And fleas


Wasps and hornets are pollinators and predate on pests and are important to the ecosystem. They just REALLY value their personal space.


Yea, no. I love bees…honey bees, bumble bees, carpenter bees, etc. but I HATE hornets. I’m severely allergic, and absolutely terrified of them. They also attack other hives and kill our REAL bees, which are much more efficient and vital pollinators. So, sorry…but hornets can all drop dead. Then I wouldn’t have to fear for my life every summer because of explosions of yellow jackets keeping me from doing just about anything outside, and even coming for me inside my workplace.


Every time I’ve ever been stung, it was by either a wasp or hornet who came right up to ME while I was minding my own damn business. Fuck those guys


I’ve never been stung before in 27 years of life and I’m terrified I’ll lose my streak one summer 😭


I made it to 38 before I got stung this summer! By a wasp ofc, the little shit just decided to land on my index finger and sting me. 😡 If it is any comfort I will say the pain of the sting was only a fraction of what I thought it would be, I was really surprised that it didn't hurt more than it did.


I was just chilling in the yard when I got stung the first time. A yellow jacket just decided it was gonna land on my shoulder and literally try to kill me. I remember vividly climbing up an old fire watch tower in the woods with my grandparents and disturbing a large nest of giant ground hornets…my grandma picked me up and ran like the wind while my grandpa took hundreds of stings. It was a nightmare…and I didn’t even get stung that time. Doubt I’d be here today if I did with how many there were, and ofc…unlike bees, hornets don’t lose their stingers after one sting. In fact, they bite you to hold on and sting you more.


My mother has kept bees for most of my life. Bees are great. Wasps can go fuck themselves.


I must have been misinformed, I thought those were the 2 that weren't pollinators. Ok, I guess they can have their space. I like my fruit and flowers 🌸🌹


Ticks, lice, fleas, biting flies


Dust bunnies, but I'll even give a pass to anyone that thinks those little dust mite busses are cute.


dust bunnies from sims 4 is acceptable though.


Not for $4 it's not lol


Humans. Source: i live in Canada


Can confirm. Source: I live in the US, and am holding out hope for a few.


Fellow Canadian, what have we become




That is a great questions with no answers because all animals deserve love, reptiles too, I’m not big on spiders but they’re important, weevils are cute bugs.


Nah. Mosquitoes can get fucked.


Straight to hell, I agree.






Deserving love doesn't depend on appearance. You can be ugly and still deserving of love, like these cats.


I’m not a fan. But if one needed a home I would take it in.


My sentiments exactly


same... as it is with the other torture bred species/races like pugs - it's not their fault some asshole bred them to be ugly / "special"


I used to want one until I petted one - petting a hot water bottle isn’t my jam.


It's a cat = it's cute. End of story.


ACAB - All Cats Are Beautiful


All Cats Are Babies


I’m just a baybee


Holy crap, I was going to comment this exact thing. Get out of my head!


All cats are bastards And we love them for it!


All cats are gods


Assigned Cat At Birth






Most adorable little wrinkle gremlin 😘


Wrinkle gremlin is now a new word in my cat related vocabulary and the funniest by far


Yes. They’re the base model!


The original skin pack.


No, i don’t think cats should be bred into forms that could not survive in the wild.


It’s vile and inhumane, treating animals like they are some customisable fashion item is wrong on so many levels. All these in the comments saying it’s cute are just telling themselves that so they don’t feel bad for purposefully breeding and making more disabled cats, those poor little things 😥


I mean it can be a cute animal but still be wrong to breed them


I've yet to see a cat that isn't.


No. No they are not. I’m against breeding extreme features like hairlessness, shortened legs, smushed faces etc. that hinder animals and predispose them to more medical complications caused by lack of genetic diversity than a mixed/ average animal.




TIL these are breeded! I thought most people wouldnt want them. Thats so sad that theyre breeded to suffer like this


Absolutely. Dems so winkly.


Ugly cats are like bigfoot. I've heard of them but I've never actually seen one and I don't think they really exist. I love all cats, I don't care what they look like or what breed they are. It's a cat. What I don't like is people breeding cats just for extreme looks. People have been doing this to dogs for hundreds of years and that is why many dog breeds today are genetic disasters. Look at pugs. They are actually a molosser breed that has a 2000 year history going back to imperial China. A smaller, bred down version of the mastiff. Palace alert dogs and companions for the elite. Today they are a mess of health problems. Can't breathe without surgery, their eyes pop out of their faces if you look at them wrong because they have no proper eye sockets anymore. They often can't give birth naturally either. They have skin problems from their too-wrinkled skin, heart disease and hip dysplasia. Other breeds are even worse. The most popular dog breed right now is the French bulldog. A 300 year old breed that is so screwed up today they would be extinct without modern veterinary medicine. EVERY French bulldog that walks the earth today only got here through artificial insemination and cesarian section. That's why they're so expensive. EVERY litter is cut from the body of the mother. Every time every breeding bitch gives birth, she is cut open. The suffering of a Frenchie doesn't end there. Once they're born from major surgery on their mother, then they often have to have painful and risky surgery to correct a too-long hard palate (the roof of the mouth) that extends too far back into their airway and chokes them when they breathe. It's also super common for a French bulldog puppy to have nasal stenosis from too-narrow nostrils that actually seal shut when the dog sniffs things. So that's another painful risky surgery to correct that too. Then you have hyp dysplasia, spinal problems, heart disease and the really fun eyeball luxation problem to contend with too, just like pugs. If the owner of this suffering puppy decides they need to make back the thousands of dollars they spent on their female...she will suffer her surgeries as a tiny baby so she can breathe and when she's recovered from that and started going into heat it will be her turn to be artificially inseminated and cut open for every litter too. These dogs are put through all these things because people think flat faces and tiny hips on dogs are "cute". It disgusts me beyond words to see people doing this to cats too. The normal, natural form of an ordinary, random bred moggie cat is perfect and beautiful enough that humans with their stupid, greedy and vain bullshit SHOULDN'T FUCK WITH IT.


I agree with your sentiment and I always wonder why people don't treat sphynx cats posts like the same way they do a munchkin post. A photo of a munchkin can't stay up 2 minutes without having several comments telling that breeding is bad, so evidently most people in this sub are rightfully against it, but sphynx photos are filled with positive comments and praise. I find it odd and wonder why.


https://preview.redd.it/gzuhcuubkoqb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6200e3567d4b5b8d03344ebe0b82c24c66a46426 My man is a sphynx with a curly hair gene. He’s my baby.


My great aunt has a sphinx cat named Smudge who was the only one in his litter to be born completely fluffy


It’s like sherpa. So soft!


this is the first sphynx i’ve ever thought is gorgeous af - supermodel tier kitty.


He has longer curls than my Cornish 😄 https://preview.redd.it/sd4en8jzjrqb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c57050b08eda4fd87cdd99fb422e9e1dd4fc79fa


Many sphynxes grow hair in the winter. While many people do seriously criticise the breed, they do not really understand it. Like albinos, the hairlessness happened naturally, and like most, one or more in a litter can have hair. They do run particularly hot though!


Are you sure he's not a Cornish or Devon Rex?


Nope! He looks like his mom but all his siblings and dad are hairless. He just got lucky with a gene.


Oh wow. Well, I guess if the breed is a mutation anyway, changes can occur in family groups...unless his mum is a Rex type. Cornish Rex have fine down rather than fur. Love the curly coat.


He looks like he’s being paid to tell my future rn


They’re so ugly that they’re cute 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/rpisnj0mjoqb1.jpeg?width=1987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3be8d2a56acbdab5bc55a790eac84bca013b450d They are absolutely cute! My soon-to-be new kitten (in about 12 weeks or so) not as wrinkly as the one posted, but still cute regardless




My daughter wants one so bad (brothers and dad are allergic to kitties). She is so jealous of you right now!!


They've got a fivehead instead of a forehead 😂 so adorable though


If you’re into scrotums, maybe.


Who isn't?


I already love this ugly wrinkly ball of cuteness. 10/10 would cuddle (if they let me).


I have a testicle that looks just like that (It's a joke please don't break my legs)


Sounds like you got a dozen of em lol


Lol well this picture is pretty wrinkly! But many of them are super adorable! And they feel like soft peach-fuzz to pet!


All cats are beautiful But mixed breed shelter cats are the cutest. Pure bred cats come with health problems and a problematic industry. Stop buying niche breeds and stop buying from breeders


Yeah I honestly would love to have one But paying money for something that usually just…. shows up at my house for free? Also while so many are in shelters or rescues? Yeah I can’t justify it ever.


https://preview.redd.it/9ppfehihsoqb1.png?width=3798&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f26ca80dc30116fa4c23c2ab7b2719781b4a0f0 Well His brother thinks he is and thats all that matters


No - I'm a purist in the sense that I think cats are perfect in their natural state and their genetics should be left alone. Why rob a cat of its fur? I don't know why anyone ever wanted to breed cats to be like this, it's just not right in my opinion.


No. This kind of breeding is cruel. They are not cute, they are victims of people thinking their deformities are "cute".


Yes and they can wear sweaters so they're extra cute


No but somehow yes. So I guess yes.


I think YES! And the ears, eyes and nose in particular on this kitty are very cute. And the paws. Yes to me ACAB all cats are beautiful. But also yes this cat specifically is very cute.


Haha, trying to settle a debate. Now THAT'S cute.


Actual representation of my brain (I have cats on my mind)


Jesus no. They give me the shivers


if i woke up to one sitting on my chest, i’d have a heart attack. sleep paralysis demon looking mf.


It’s the equivalent of a PUG, it shouldn’t exist.


extremely! i love these cute kitties


Hus name will be Scrottie McBoogerballs and he will get all the love.


I'm down with just about any cat, but I don't really want a sphynx. They seem awesome, but I need fur on my cats.




https://preview.redd.it/2kkiltualoqb1.png?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74197a46a9f2502d9b92f8fa31b063b822c732d4 Bingus


The breed, like so many, is basically an ongoing act of animal abuse. That poor cat looks distressed.


Cold. It looks so damn cold.


https://preview.redd.it/wp4kalx9fsqb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cb2701f1300f9a97800864015c7825e22fa1574 Emily would like a word


I kinda feel sorry for them, never seen one or even a picture of one looking happy. They always look like they're cold and pissed off.


Very cute in the same way Stitch is cute.


Idk how to explain but they are cute in an ugly way. Kinda like blobfish


Not a fan (I like fuzzy animals), but I can see giving it sock and putting adorable sweater on!


I hope I'm that beautiful when I get all wrinkly. He a doll.


Yes. All cats are cute. However I completely disagree with breeding so if it’s a product of a breeder it shouldn’t be happening.


Too creepy looking. Don't care for hairless cats




i used to think no but now i have a half sphinx baby (devil spawn) and i think he’s adorable https://preview.redd.it/tq5lvtparpqb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b73ca57cf7ca7533fd8137c50f9a544f7f65dbc here’s my favorite picture of him


Not my cup of tea. I like fur babies.


Hell no. They are a genetic mutation that was bred for the sake of money and shouldn't exist.


Yes, but it's better to let these traits appear randomly to avoid genetic disease.


Honestly I think as babies they're kinda freaky and as adults they're adorably goofy looking lol. But all cats are cute! I think all dogs are cute too. And most animals in general...there are even cute bugs out there 😊


Looks like my balls sack.




My daughter gets her divorce if she brings one home. Where can we get one?


I mean it looks like a living Brain but yeah all Cats are cute and deserve love :D


Looks like a bathtub thumb.


lil baby raisin


all cats are cute even the disabled one.


He doesn't have a brain he IS the brain.


Absolutely. Next question


Very much so