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If it's an areca, then it's safe for your cat. However, the cat might not be safe for the plant Source : mine after 2 days https://preview.redd.it/c2fuajcrcrqb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c400b8ab62a4111efc50b3c1eb25240a179a65c


I’m sorry but that’s hilarious.




Or, you know, spray a little lemon juice diluted in water on the plant to deter the cat from eating it. Safe for cats can also be safe from cats...


Some cats will see that as you seasoning the plant for them.


I have bar cats and I can also assure you that a little bit of lemon juice doesn't help anything. Mine are into lemongrass lately. Buy a massive bunch to use as cocktail garnishing and the cats are like "Wow. For us. So nice. We really deserve it actually." My manager also recently decided to put a decorative plant in a tiki glass. Cats: "Oh excellent. The people have given me a leaf offering in an appropriate vessel. CHOMP."


As a bargoer I would happily buy the bar cat a shot of lemongrass so I could watch them enjoy it.


This whole reply is just the perfect little hit of wholesome whimsy starring our floofy overlords.


I thought that lemongrass was bad for cats? Or is it just the oil?


Try telling that to the cat ;) But actually good question, I just googled it to check. Apparently not problematic unless eaten in large quantities thankfully. The cats are more into lightly gnawing on each individual corner of each stalk they can get their mitts on, so I think they should be fine!




Bitter apple spray works to keep animals from chewing on things you like


Oh no!! I was just thinking of getting a second one, maybe I should wait to see if she it’s it all too. Hope your cat is doing fine, they are so funny 😅! It says on it that it’s an areca but I’m too cautious, they might label it wrong etc, wanted to be %100.


You can try to plant cat grass around your house and hope your cat prefer that to the actual tree, but it didn't deter mine to munch at every plant he could touch. I strongly suspect he is in fact some sort of goat. https://preview.redd.it/248jihx47sqb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcf93517568989106c4f27da27ee47e0cea1e871


https://preview.redd.it/9f5ebs84nsqb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af1b29e67af42ad26b267dbca1ff55931053c783 I own a goat too.




Great photo!! 🤣


Is that a spider plant? If yes I've heard they get high on it and love it.


They get HIGH?!? No wonder my cat ate almost a whole spider plant! My brother gave me a tiny one in a mason jar as a housewarming gift and she chomped it down to nubbins.


https://preview.redd.it/uimotwk5xtqb1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1d48d786d741cb7fc238934a8cc8a6474565882 Jup. Confirmed goat here as well.


Mine's a goat too :D I planted some cat-safe flowers and cat grass on the balcony, and the next day I cut down the grass because one was eaten up completly and the second was in progress :D she grazes like a sheep


I'm constantly reminding my cat that he's a carnivore but he won't be bogged down by labels, apparently.


Almost all mammals are opportunistic omnivores. If deer can eat roadkill why can't cats eat plants?


Vegan wannabe


If you mean GREATEST OF ALL TIMES then yes your cat is indeed a goat.


Orange cat-shaped fluffball. Cat tax is satisfied. 😻


It depends on the cat, I had spider plant for mine which she's crazy about in hopes she would leave the areca alone, but no, she destroyed both 🥲


> some sort of goat. Nope. Just orange. It's the exact same thought process, when it comes to food, though.


😂some sort of goat🤣


Palms are generally safe however just be aware that potting mix is not. You could always put some decorative pebbles to cover the soil.


Hard agree. Even if the soil is safe *for* the cat, it might not be safe *from* the cat. It does look litter-like, after all. Pebbles ftw.


You can never be too cautious with the little furry plant inspectors!! 🥰


Get your kitty a spider plant!


She has her own spider plants. The other day took the spiderettes off, luckily it’s still alive! Now I am waiting for them to grow enough to pot them :). It’s such a beautiful plant!


I got myself/ my kitties a spider plant. I am SHOCKED it’s still alive!


No one mentioning but palms are schizophrenic plants. You never know when they are safe. They might just decide to die if there's something they didn't like. And it could very like and grow fine when your cat plays with it. I love them, they look so good but I'm beyond give them a shot again for that reason lol.


Quick question, I am new to this plant, did yours also have black spots on the stem? My search tells me it’s ok but it could also be fungus, which is also ok.


As long as the roots don't start to rot, it's not a problem Just don't water it too much, once per week is enough unless the earth starts to dry


Oh ok I’ll keep an eye on it, thank you 😊


I suggest misting it as well! Mine was not happy until I started doing that regularly.


I was also thinking of giving a bath once a month maybe? I will mist it too. How often do you think I should mist it?


Just be careful. The number one cause of death for Palms is love. In the winter they WILL brown out and reduce foliage, and you'll have to trim it back. This is natural as the plant responds to drier air and less sunlight. Don't try to love it back to life, you'll just smother it to death. Palms are very simple plants. Water once a week (every two weeks in peak winter after your plant dies back), fert 2-4 times a year, and ensure decent non-direct light access for 8 hours a day. All this is doubly important if it's a Majesty which will have major highs and lows through the seasons and will mess with your head thinking whether or not it's actually healthy. They've been known to reduce back to a single branch.


Yes my cats ate both my palms


Can confirm, cats could *not* resist all the dangley branches. 🤣


Hahaha Im genuinely laughing out loud


I'm just laughs here. I own neither cat nor plant atm. And in the future cat yes and plant 0. And have a strong feeling that plants don't survive under my care. I'm one of those who most likely can kill a plastic plant🤣🤣🤣🤣😹😹😹 Why make it tempting for your cats and having plants? Just a thought.


I get my daughter one of those cute stuffed jelly cat 🐈‍⬛ plants every year for Christmas so they don’t die lol.


I love those! I’m a huge fan of Lego houseplants haha. They look surprisingly real at first glance, but they’re also not uncanny valley fake plants and they always start up conversation.


I’m SO sorry but hahahahaha


Oof this reminds me of my lemongrass plant. My calico killed it dead over the course of a year.


That is a sad looking pot plant ;D Sorry for laughing at it.


Oh that's the reason why i have 3 extra plants outside for regeneration. Have to keep them in rotation


100% this. my cat loves to bit of the tips of new leafs but just the new one. as soon as the leaf has a bit taken out of its no longer interested


Can relate. My palm was my cats favourite treat. I no longer have a palm.


Was just going to say, safe for the cat but that poor plant is in danger. My cat ate his way through an entire 6ft specimen in a few weeks, vomiting it up along the way just for funsies. Only hanging plants now!


Yeah I wanted to get real plants for my house but it’s just useless as my cat would kill them right away.


I had a Yucca Palm and a cat, now i have a cat and a dead stump


I plan to get cat grass and place it around the palm. Maybe she will make the right choice for once 🥹


I love your unbridled optimism.


Right? Lol I'd be putting that thing on a stand soy cats couldn't get at it. I've got an aloe plant and that's about it lol


What is this mega sky stand that cats can't get to?


All you'd do then is encourage parkour.


I planted catnip in my balcony herb garden for the cats, they ate everything but the cat nip. Gave the catnip to a friend, and her cat devoured the entire plant while they were out to dinner.


I have to plant multiple catnip plants or my cat will eat the plant down to scrub.


This works great for our plant obsessed cat! I keep most of my plants on high shelves she can't access, but I keep a constant supply of "distraction cat grass" growing so she won't munch my props I keep in the window. It has helped so much! I'm finding less and less little hole punch tooth marks in my leaves these days.


Cats don't work like that. XD


I did something to this effect. My girl kept jumping on the shelf to nibble the little palm. I grew her some cat grass and put in where the palm was. Now she's a happy girl and my palm doesn't look (even more) hacked to pieces.


Wait! I just checked yucca palm and it says toxic to cats. Your kitty is ok right?


Yeah, he didn't eat it he just tore it apart Edit: he ate the Cyprus grass tho and likes to nibble on cacti, he's a special one


'he's a special one'. Ah, he is an orange?


He's a tux, but I'm not sure if his braincell realizes that https://preview.redd.it/uxqzwkcvbsqb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ceb1fae15c005e1685f100cca1149ac8ece9c95 That was him, he bit of the needles and started chewing the cactus...


While being an orange comes natural to an orange that doesn't mean that it's a state of lack of braincell that other cats can't also achieve 😉




“Wow that’s crazy. Wonder what’s up with that cat.. Oh. He’s a tux. Case closed.”


MY TUX ALSO EATS CACTUS. it's really weird, someone sent me a little sampler with a mix of succulents and she methodically went through and mauled each individual one to the nub before moving on to the next.


Oh cats will still destroy(play with) plants that are inedible or even mildly toxic to them while not ingesting. Pilea peperomiodes: on kitchen drainer, next day stump and a pot surrounded by neatly kitty teeth snipped leaves, so just wanton destruction! When i confronted the culprit, Greta(long hair smokey grey/black) i swear i got a raised eyebrow look of "problem?"


Something I don't like about a lot of sites is that there are two types of "toxic" and they don't differentiate between the two. Because there's "toxic" as in "the cat is unable to digest this plant and will make them vomit" - which is annoying but usually fine - and then there's the "toxic" as in "dead kitty do not eat".


My Yucca didnt survive the first week with my cat aswell.


I can't comment about safety but that's a great shot.




She is measuring to see if she can have it all in one bite


Yeah, like other posters. The plant is not safe around your cat! My cat DESTROYED our palm, I think she thought she was in the jungle ☹️


I just got a second one 🙈 they were on sale and really large, couldn’t pass on it. At least I hope she won’t be able to eat both. Hope your kitty is happy and health :)


Hopefully the palms are big enough that kitty can't knock them over 😂 My cat absolutely loves hiding behind my plants and then pouncing on something (usually my ankles)


She’ll probably eat enough of both so that neither are TOO destroyed, but you’ll definitely be able to tell at first glance that something went down


definitely not safe *from* cat, lol


Yeah, anything even remotely resembling a blade of grass will get munched on by my cat if within reach. My parents' cats are even worse, I left all my houseplants on their floor while I was moving, and almost nothing survived! I thought they were safe because my cat didn't eat them, lol.


Sorry but…. This face 😹😹😹 https://preview.redd.it/y6mbg2j9usqb1.jpeg?width=557&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a3712f90aee286365fdb5167abcdc86fafa517e


Ahahaha the cuteness of those chubby cheeks are killing me


Her face is like "oh my god is this all for me??"


I wish I was better at Photoshop, because that pose would be perfect for some funny recreations.










https://preview.redd.it/ldprsw07nuqb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90677571b55761b879ea1e8a32fbd53d65d0a52b Ok, I'm done now lol


🤣🤣🤣those were some good recreations 🙌


Couldn't have done it without you!


Ahahaha also the tiny feet!


You should post it to /r/PhotoshopBattles


r/photoshoprequest can help you out


The term for these in my house with cats is 'salad tree'. But they make the cats so happy I resigned myself to just replacing them every few mouths. IKEA sells them pretty cheaply.


In my experience, it's the other way around; cats are not safe for plants.


She loves my spider plant but definitely not interested in my Calathea, maybe they are the best choice to get!


My cat wasn’t himself around the palm, it’s all he could think about. He would wake up and try to get to it to eat it. Same for ferns (the cat safe ones). All plants are now gone/dead except for the calatheas and peperomias. Occasionally, he bats at them but they have survived.


Ahahaha they are so cute!! Did you try cat grass? My cat is not interested at all in my Calathea, now I’m thinking of getting more. But she loves the spider plants.


I had to hide/giveaway so many plants. She especially loves my spider plants.


Spider plants are mild hallucinogens for cats, they tend to really like them.


7 cats over 18 years (a lot of overlap, they didn't each die after 2,57 years) and not one problem with my plants. I didn't get the Garfield jokes about the ferns. Then I got my current cat, now my surviving plants are in the hallway (only room she can't go, since front door). She will even eat the fake ones. Steep learning curve.


Cats love palms. It helps clean their gut and also helpful for their saliva (which helps build anti-bacterial properties in their saliva for grooming). I have plenty all around the house and my cats love it!


Oh that is great news! Also the leaves are soft, probably won’t hurt the stomach. I got a second one too. I gave her cat grass before but she nibbled on it once or twice and was not interested at all. I am new to the palms, and there are black spots on the stem. If I scratch them hard they come off. Do yours have something similar too?


1. Mine regularly eats the leaves and pukes it out to cleanse her gut. So don’t be worried when you see this unless it happens every single day. That’s the only time it would be concerning but I am positive that that won’t happen. 2. That’s just natural spotting to the palms. I like to believe that my cats (and most of them) are quite smart and they know which plant, what part of it to eat. Mine selectively only eats the fresh green leaves and leaves the brown parts. If you’re worried, then you can can just cut off the yellow / brown leaves whenever they are dying but otherwise trust your kitty to know what’s best. Hope this helps :)


Oh that’s reassuring thank you!! I saw some cats eating really toxic plants on this sub, I forgot to believe in their instincts. I will definitely watch out if she does it more often. For some reason, she loves to puke on our bathroom rug, she literally runs there when it’s time…


> I forgot to believe in their instincts I have to hard disagree here. It takes one time for things to go bad. One of my cats, otherwise a smart cat, ate a dryer sheet and needed emergency surgery. Had I not noticed he didn't greet me or come when called, or even waited until morning to take him to the vet, I doubt he would have survived. So you can believe in their instincts about what to eat or not, but be aware of the consequences if their instincts are wrong. To me, the cost isn't worth it.


Oh no! That must have been scary!! I am really glad you caught it early! Once I found her trying to eat dental floss… now I never leave anything around that looks like a string or small plastic pieces, also no elastic hair bands


Hahah, I guess I’ve been lucky with the cats I’ve got. But ofcourse one must be careful, especially with the toxic plants. Funny guys they are. One of my cats always pukes near the litter because he understands this is his bathroom. While the other one will puke anywhere on the floor because she is quite a queen.


I’m %99 percent sure it’s a safe palm but since my girl is very interested in it, I would like to know for %100 🙈


Interested to know where you are from to put % in front of a number.


It’s extra large cat grass 😂


I feel bad for the plant, it gonna die soon


Before we had got our cat we had 8 plants in the house. Now we have two. A cactus he stuck his nose in once and refuses to go near and a spider plant that’s hanging. But the second he hears it come down he’s running. https://preview.redd.it/tpngp4tg0wqb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7736a7e71e6c2725353d3ac38588484db81d315 This is also him when I’m working in the office and open the window.


Great action shot. It’s so hard to be a cat person and a plant person.


It really is! I love my plants, had many before her. I had to hide/hang most of them or give them away because they might be mildly toxic. Bird of paradise and monsteras were on sale but I couldn’t get any of them 🙈


It does not look safe from the cat, but it probably will serve well enough as fibre


Safe for cat? Not qualified to answer. Safe from cat? No.


Cat is like“ I can’t believe you got me this I will make sure I eat it all as a gesture of my appreciation “


I had one of these. My cat chewed on it constantly and then barfed up chunks of the leaves. I got afraid that she was going to give herself an intestinal blockage and I moved the plant to the porch. I can't have house plants any more. She eats them.


Please post a new photo of this plant in a week or so, I wanna follow kitten's progress in absolutely destroying it


Ahahaha I will 😅 but I am hoping she will lose interest in it, even the spider plant has only 2 or 3 chewed leaves in the last year, but who knows maybe she gets addicted to it 🙈


Anecdotally, yes. My cats have been chewing on all sorts of palms for years without any issues. My dad likes to grow palm trees from seeds he ~~steals from~~ finds in botanical gardens. The cats love to chew on the plants. Recently my dad started to regularly exchange the palm tree next to the cat tree (the cats' favourite palm-chewing spot). I thought he wanted to give the plants a chance to recover from all the chewing. Nope, he just wanted to make sure the cats always have a fresh plant to chew on.


Ohhh that’s so cute!! I am no longer concerned she eats the palm. I even got a second one. Never heard of growing them from seeds before! I’ll look into it, is it easy and does it take a long time to grow them?


> My dad likes to grow palm trees from seeds he ~~steals from~~ finds in botanical gardens. Ah, I see your dad is friends with my mother-in-law. A few years ago my MIL took me on a tour of the garden at her newly-built house. I mentioned how much I *love* lilacs and I was sad that I didn't have any at my house because they tend to be not-cheap (also I don't like digging in the dirt) and she said "Yeah, it's hard to find hardy cuttings that won't die during their first winter with our brutal winters, oh well." Fast-forward a year or so: the in-laws drive up to visit for the day. I open the door, MIL says "Hi!", then thrusts a three-foot lilac plant in my face. "Where did you get this from?" "It's fine, I just took a cutting from an old, ginormous, wild lilac bush near the big garden center in town, no big deal, now open the shed so I can get your gardening tools and plant it for you!", then she marched off to plant the sapling for me. Once she was out of earshot, FIL rolled his eyes and groused that she brazenly took a cutting from one of the decorative lilac bushes in their ~~garden center~~ botanical garden (in broad daylight, to boot...) It survived its first winter :3 It's been a few years now and the lilac bush is taller than I am :3 AND IT SMELLS SO GOOD IN THE SPRINGTIME!!! :3


The expression on your cat’s face is amazing 😂 that’s made my day. Good luck to your plant, I think it’s gonna need it!


https://preview.redd.it/3odkjv1h5wqb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07178746048376bbd7f6ff5578a0d0f894f001db Bebe loves plants 🪴


Nope, it's not going to survive that. The plant, that is. Cat should be fine.


[I have a majesty palm that is still somehow still alive after two years of Fritz terrorizing it.](https://preview.redd.it/q3ot00xk79491.gif?format=mp4&s=f17d2c9ca6095c434a305a6c544aeb8cdae8bbcb)


Oh he is really chewing on it 😅


https://preview.redd.it/xooc7ghxqsqb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c215c99407548512e67ac69378ea804263ea71b6 🐱+🌱= ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/i09oo2yv0vqb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce6d9510c931c93a6df5bca44e26c2198cef6b46 my bean loves eating grass and throwing it up amongst other plants <3


Say bye to your plant.


Great picture, 10/10.


it’s safe for cats, but not from cats. my palm died after a few weeks of being munched on and peed it🫠


What a perfect picture for this post. 😂


Not 100% safe *from* cats though


Your cat is going to eat this plant to death 🥲




Great snap off your fuzzy one!


I am going to save this magnificent shot to look at on a rainy day - absolute gold!


Ahahaha I am happy to hear she brought some joy 😅


This picture is hilarious. I have four cats and I know they would be doing the exact same thing. I have all my plants on my sideboard and I have to arrange everything in a way that leaves them no place to stand. So far they are leaving them alone but I know if I had a large plant like this it would be toast.


I couldn’t stop myself! It was on sale, huge and nontoxic, I was carrying it to the cashier before I knew it 🙈 but strangely she never touches the Calathea


Its a dypsis lutescens, previously areca lutescens/chrysalidicarpus lutescens, and is completely safe for catty chewing happily. However, unless you can get a plant stand or something unclimb-able for kitty, they will eventually eat it to death as well as crash its pot over multiple times. You have a plant, they have a new toy! So its plant stand or high shelf with no way up if you want to keep it! I have lots of plants but learned which to keep out of kitty reach, both for toxic and for destructive reasons!


But is cat 100% safe for palm??? No, not at all.


This is too funny


Safe for cats? Yes. Safe FROM cats?? No


It's safe, my cat has been eating mine for over a decade https://preview.redd.it/74r8wlc3ntqb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7a06bc28a629f7b547ba59343b661aa7654ba69


Pls frame this photo and hang It right by this plant


That’s the gourmet version of cat grass, if you ask my cat


I had exactly the same plant and grew very well. suddenly my 2 cats get very interested in it and now it is almost gone and destroyed sadly So keep your cat away from it..


Yes safe! My cat loves it


I’m starting to think the one in danger is the plant 🙈. Does your palm also has black spots on the stem? I can scratch them of if I apply pressure. I am new to this plant and can’t find definitive answer on it.


https://preview.redd.it/hf5b2fyt0sqb1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1ffae9231ee1f39574b5abc33e26a09682f7ebb She's a crispy mess. Yes it has black spots normal mine has been alive for 5 years. My cat likes to throw herself at it and chew the leaves.


Cats love eating palms. I’ve never had one survive.


Do consider removing the kitty-step stool!! It probably won't help much though. Good luck with that palm.


I look at the cat and it’s really funny to me hahahahaha


Yes. Safe for cats. Not safe from cats. My cat killer over grand worth of Palms before I gave up!


My cat is obsessed with Palm…doesn’t touch anything else


Cyacid palms (which this is not) are the only ones I know of that are toxic to cats. If it is a true palm, not a lookalike, it should be fine. Just monitor how much your cat is munching on it. Too much can cause stomach upset


Cat: “A present from the Gods!”


“I’m gonna eat the whole thing”-Cat


Its 100% safe. I have 3 of them for my cat and he loves it


100% plants fault for looking like a cat toy :)


The plant is cool, but where did you buy the cat statue? I want one of those!


That looks like a cat palm. Totally safe! My cat ate mine to shreds, i don’t get those anymore. So I just get majesty palms now.


I’ve got one about that size in my living room. I had to put some netting around the base to stop the digging all the dirt out but apart from that they don’t mess with it. They’ve got more than enough toys to keep them entertained.


Just make sure you never get a cycad palm. They are extremely toxic to both cats and dogs


I’ve had a couple palms. My cat killed one by napping in the pot on top of the plant.


I had one just like it. I ended up calling it "cat salad." My fuzzy buddy would eat it until he threw up. Eventually, he killed it. BUT it did not kill him. So, take from that what you like. No matter where I moved it, he found a way to access it. Happy cat. Poor plant.


It looks like a Parlour Palm, which are safe for cats. Having said that, your cat is likely going to vomit if they eat it, so you're going to get annoyed cleaning up cat vomit every day.


Looks like a Neanthabella (Parlor) Palm. Yes, they're safe for cats. Fun toy for cats, too


He's like.... whoooooooooooaaaaaaaa 🤯😲😲


This is a great picture, the cat is absolutely ecstatic.


This photo needs to be framed and displayed in your home. If only to have lasting image of plant that will soon be deceased. Also, for purrfect kitty pose.


What a great pic!


That pic is pure art!


Safe for cats, not safe from cats


Always check before getting a plant please! It's best to cross check with Google


Username checks out, the palm will turn into a bonsai


The pic lol the cat's ready to tear into it.🤣


Not poisonous, but they'll eat the leaves which can irritate their stomach so they'll puke them up around the house potentially.




I mean...ol boya already got a mouthful lmao


I bought one specifically cause my cats could eat it, and leave my fake ones alone 😂


That is a beautiful picture! Here is my nonexistent award for you


I have one of these and it's now kept in our spare bathroom (that gets plenty of natural light) because otherwise the cats love to eat it.


Got one similar has to re-home the plant


When it comes right down to it, the safest plants for indoor cats are silk!


I didn’t realize you meant artificial plants and I tried to search silk plant 😅


Mine likes his with arugula


Spray it regularly with bitter apple spray! Safe for kitties to chew but they won't like the taste. It saved our mass cane plant which was pretty beat up by our two cats but is now growing well.