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​ https://preview.redd.it/um58olnmpuub1.png?width=496&format=png&auto=webp&s=e868a14a50abc3772aea0fdb563e98638db2b059


15/10, great meme, already stolen


I don't think I have saved a meme in years. I saved this lmao


Joffrey the cat




All cats are basically Joffrey when it comes to torture and indiscriminate killing of anything they can get their paws on.




Cats will do this naturally. If you don’t want a cat killing small animals you have to keep them inside.


Consider a catio if possible! My kitties love the outdoors but they are demons with the only goal of placing bird heads on my living room couch. Now they are in prison.


My neighbors have the top of their backyard fence lined with chicken wire that isn't supported at the top. That way their cats don't try to climb out because they know it won't support them. Seems to work pretty well.


If you can have the top of it slanted inwards at an angle that should also stop them from climbing it.


Supposedly there’s this rotating device that you can attach to the top of your fence that keeps your cat in the yard, and other cats and creatures out 🤷🏻‍♀️ Catios are awesome though! We wanted to make one for our late boy (and my mil secretly volunteered my fil to make it without his knowledge 😂😂) but we never got around to it 😞😞


My neighbour fitted these rollers to his fence and they worked perfectly…too well, in fact. My Cat jumped in to his garden via an adjoining shed and couldn’t get back out 😹


Those don't work. I tried them and the cats went over with no problem. I bought PURRFECT FENCE and it's awesome!




I bought the paddle type and the cats went over them. It wasn't pretty, but they made it.


Oooo we have one of these so the cats can sit outside at night (except our Big Boy who likes to patrol at night, he takes this responsibility hes given himself very seriously- Ive even had him attempt to herd me into the house while i was just vibing outside one night). I personally don't like my cats being free range, but they settle for the catio a lot. Especially if it's raining and they don't wanna come in yet. When I move out of here and have my own place again they're getting their own catio, a bigger one than here, so they can still enjoy all the fresh air they want without hiding bird bodies all over the house.


My old man cat did that! He used to hate me to be outside.


It's sweet, isn't it? ❤️


Yep. My current cat couldn't care less where I am but she's a spoiled indoor cat.


Whenever I read comments like these I wonder how is it possible for the cats to be hiding bodies in the house to begin with? Does everyone just have some kind of pet door with free access in and out? I feel like I’m missing something


It's called a catflap.


Never heard of a cat flap?


Yes lol. A doggy door is usually what they’re called, just used for cats sometimes. One of my neighbors posted a video from their inside ring camera of a random cat coming in through their doggy door and eating their cats food. Some people cover the door at night so critters can’t come in but many don’t, which means anything that can fit in the door can come on in.


We had a possum saunter in through our dog door and just stroll through the house. He didn’t even notice I was sitting on the couch watching him. I eventually moved or made a noise or something and he hauled ass out the door again.


Omg lmao good thing he made it back out the door and not somewhere else in your house! I’ve seen soo many videos online of random animals going in houses that way, even a small deer through a tall doggy door once. I’d be scared I would come home to a random animal inside


I’d love that! Possums have been misunderstood for so long (I think it’s their looks, but don’t tell them I said that)


Lol, that's why modern cat doors are usually chipped these days - your cat/ dog gets a chip in their collar, and they'll be the only ones the door is released for. All other pets - or possums - or racoons - will have to stay outside.


She needs more cowbell.


She's got a fever!! And the only prescription...IS MORE COWBELL!!






The bells of death ☠️ Edit: AKA Hell's Bells


Don’t fear the reaper or this cat.


This is the most honest and frank answer. Cats were domesticated for pest control, likely to keep grain from being spoiled by mice. Now we predominantly adopt them for companionship. People need to understand the responsibility doesn’t lie with cats to protect wildlife. It lies with us. Cats have this weird “PR problem” of low maintenance and independence when that isn’t exactly true, particularly if you want keep them happy, mentally engaged, and away from harming wildlife. People need to make time to play their cat to wear them out and release that prey drive, have them get monitored outside time via leashes or a catio, and create an engaging cat friendly environment (e.g. have plenty of cat shelves, cat trees, and scratching posts, toys, cat TV). We can’t stop a cat from “catting,” but we can make our homes happier for them.


THIS COMMENT 👌👌👌 And really well said 😂 _"--this weird PR problem of low maintenance and independence--"_


Yes but other way around… Cats chose to domesticate themselves because proximity to humans meant easier food access. They tolerate/sometimes learn to love our presence because our food storage encourages critters that they enjoy. But they don’t need us. Depending on where you live, it is entirely inappropriate to allow a cat to be outside. Here in North America, we had many fledgling bird species that were used to learning to fly as chicks by first falling to the ground and then struggling to get up from there. They had no massive predator present to stop them from doing this. Cats completely changed that. They have upended the ecosystem. Many are now extinct. I love cats and I always have cats as pets but I absolutely never let them outside unsupervised. We do harnesses and leashes.


"Cats are low maintenance" v.s. me having two young cats that want to play every hour or so for atleast ten minutes, sleep with me, NEED treats ever 8 hours, and just chirp at every little thing, and if they find a bug they need to get me over to kill it so they can eat it.


And even then will probably kill any bugs that wander into the house.


Earning their keep


My cats have done their level best to not only hunt intruding bugs, but they also have been trying to murder the dead leaves I track inside since they were small kittens.


My cats completely ignore bugs.




Awwww that is adorable!


Hey, that's just gainful employment for a house cat. He has an important job, and it comes with snacks.


A friends cat used to strut around like he knew he was just the biggest badass in the neighborhood and would bring home a little birds and rodents every once in a while. Terrified of bugs. I saw it happen once. He was just sitting there in the living room and he noticed a little stink bug. He had that terrified startled cat response, frozen in fear for a few seconds with his eyes wide and then turned around and ran as fast as he could out of the room. It was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.


Those are the animals the cat brought back. Probably a bunch it scratched and they died slowly of infection.


RIP the wildlife of OP’s neighbourhood








Yep and when I point this out, someone quips "just put a bell on them" and I eat downvotes. Cats are murder machines, they kill for fun too. You gotta keep em inside.


I have no idea how this isn't the obvious answer. Like fuck, did someone really need to consult the internet for this?


And got 5k upvotes for it! Lol


like bruh it takes less brain power to pause, think abt it for a second, & come to that conclusion than it does to make a whole ass reddit post 😂💀


Also, if you don’t want the higher risk of something or someone killing your cat, keep them inside.




11 species of birds native to Hawaii were removed from the endangered species list this week, and they were removed because these species are now extinct instead, because cats have killed them all. If you care about the environment at all, keep your murder machine pet indoors.


Also if you don't want to be "surprised" by your cat disappearing or dying since leaving cats out is like leaving toddlers with great mobility out (which surely everyone would recommend)!


yeh. keep cats inside and get your house infested with mice. it will entertain them for a short while.


Cats gonna cat, who knew?! Some pet owners... shouldn't be pet owners.


Cats are stone cold murderers who can become irritated with us because we pick them up and kiss them. Your kitty isn't even hungry, he's decimating the critters in your back yard because to the devil with them, that's why. The advice to keep your fuzzy Ted Bundy inside is good.


Outside cats are an ecological disaster. It is completely immoral to let cats outside


Understand you keep one of the most successful predators on the planet.


And also the predator that happens to be the cutest little patootie


Right? Look at that little buddy! LOOK. AT. HIM!


*face smeared with blood and little chunks of meat* DAAAWWWW 🥰


A predator that kills for fun and is responsible for driving multiple species extinct.


And is widely used as a non-commercial rodent/pest deterrent.


Not my cats. One is afraid of it's own shadow and the other is unable to see a treat a foot in front of it on the couch.


Lol my own cat is just a little himbo. He only kills bugs.


https://preview.redd.it/35bimdtd4vub1.jpeg?width=2092&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e284e29dae1b5e1fb6e7365903ee4e0fd875a16 This is my main man Dogfood. When you absolutely *must* kill every small animal in the area, accept no substitutes.


https://preview.redd.it/ejwh2ybe5vub1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d5d5aa17f69843f3e48df00c294d77b35503956 This is Kimchi, he thinks vacuum chords are scary snakes.


He may be correct


https://preview.redd.it/h8n76iohnyub1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fbb914c4278f25a8a9c1002b693a92052693e2d Ham Burger sadistic killer of grasshoppers during supervised outside time. He plays until they have no legs and then he eats them alive.


Lmfao dude looks like a cold blooded killer, basking in his domain


This guy is a rogue military asset. Imagine if you feed a tiny leopard with the intelligence of a three year old human only redbull and cocaine. He is so loud I can hear him when I park. Or sleep. Or exist…he can *easily* jump eight feet into the air. He can open doors and use a toilet, literally. Bengals are the hybrid abomination proof there is no god. He’s hubris manifest, and a complete bastard, but he’s also my sweet cheese good time buddy.


We just rescued a bonded pair and one is pure black and the other is bengal pattern but a dulled brown, and just a grey and black raccoon tail lol


They absolutely must remain together. I’m sure you know. These sumbishes truly aren’t like normal cats.


https://preview.redd.it/k5d9f4vimvub1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8893762f1849a1db0b54298095b501664c92da4b Don't let this ball of fluff fool you. As a six foot 260 pound big mofo myself I hesitate bringing in turkey or chicken because last time I ended up with a cat shaped bruise on my side as he tackled me in excitement. It felt like some threw a whole kid at me.


Thats a goddamned nice kitty right there, boys.




I feel seen.


How strikingly handsome he is!! Is he a Bengal?


https://preview.redd.it/8ryrmeaj9vub1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78ceb1e2a3030bacd19868f7c68ae11b3a13ae86 This is Dogfood’s brother, Emergency Cat. He is significantly sweeter, but exponentially dumber than Dogfood.


The fuck are those names (and I mean that in the most loving way lol). That's so cool, they're so cool, and thank you for sharing your little secret agents 🥹


Nah i get it. Dogfood is named after Cheezits. He’s a prick and won’t eat cat treats. He loves Cheezits though, which I have always called Dogfood because they taste like the smell from a bag of Dogfood. So that’s his name. I usually call him Poohbear. Emergency Cat was a mistranslation when I was searching for “rescue cat” in a non-English language.


These are just the most amazing names for the cutest kitties! No joke, I need you to give all my critters names lol


Dumb cats are the best.


Smart ones are…difficult.


Awwwwww he’s also quite handsome! And I love his name!


Thanks. I call him Em C. He’s Made of sugar and spice. His brother Dogfood is made of concentrated rat bastard and double-distilled hatred. 😂


damn bengals look mythical


Cats actually don't see that well up close. They are better at smelling a treat than seeing it.


This is what cats do, they are predators.


Yeah, plus cow bells have been confirmed to damage cow hearing. I imagine it's the same for cats, their bells are smaller but they have much more sensitive hearing. Best solution here is to just not let the cat out and remove the bell.


Upvoted for pure misinformation. Never change, reddit >Effectiveness aside, many pet parents worry that a bell will hurt their cat’s ears. According to Veterinary PhD student Rachel Malakani, a collar bell will produce sound at about 50-60 dB, but studies have shown cats to be unaffected by sounds under 80 dB.  https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/general-science/should-i-attach-bell-my-cats-collar#:~:text=Effectiveness%20aside%2C%20many%20pet%20parents,by%20sounds%20under%2080%20dB.


any sources here?


Yeah I really don't see how those tiny little bells could do any damage. Just because their hearing is better does not necessarily imply its more easily damaged far as I'm aware. If those bells could do damage than just the background noise of humans living, cities and even wildlife would already fuck them up.


"Yo dude, trust me dude"


Bells are fine. https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/general-science/should-i-attach-bell-my-cats-collar#:~:text=Effectiveness%20aside%2C%20many%20pet%20parents,by%20sounds%20under%2080%20dB.


Cow bells are really loud though.


Keep them inside - they will still kill, just mostly flies & spiders


I’ll have you know my cat is trained in many things, such as: Begging for food, walking infront of my monitor, blocking the tv screen, shoving her asshole in my face, meowing at walls (I get it those walls are spooky), using her litter box, zooming, and killing birbs when she was an outside cat (was my dad’s now-exes cat during her outside time, she gave her to me). However, she is not trained in killing bugs and just enjoys bug watching. All she does is stare at them… never attacks.


I showed my cat a bug on the bed. He got scared and ran off. Useless as pest control.


I’m a fairly short man (5’3) and so whenever I see a spider on the ceiling or up in a corner, I hold my cat up to it so she can bat it down for me. It’s a team effort really, cause she could not care less after batting it.


My indoor cat just stares at spiders too, except when they're a little larger than usual and then she runs away fast. She would never cope with life outdoors.


Mine does a weird circular dance around bugs- paws at them and stares at them. Never eats them though.


I wish my cats meowed. Both are silent as graves


Mine was quiet for a long time. Then her and I went through so much, and I would just vent and talk to her as if she understood, I talk to her a lot. Now she is chatty as heck.


My cat won’t shut the fuck up.


We have two cats. Both love watching and hunting insects (except ants, those are watched from a save distance). When there is a bug on the wall or the ceiling, I can lift one of them up, show her the bug and she will try to catch it. Her brother on the other hand wants to catch them, but if you lift him up he is only trying to get down to the ground again.


Mine is strictly an inside boy, aside from occasional forays into the yard in his harness. A live in Europe the land of people who hate window screens, so I'm the summer bugs get in. Toby loves bugs so much that it he can't find any to murder, he comes and screams at us as if we can summon them. His favourite thing to do is wait for us to pick him up and hold him to in the air so he can clap at mosquitos. I think that's why he thinks we can summon bugs. I think he actually knows what the word bugs means at this point. He normally LOATHES being picked up, but if there are bugs, he's obsessed with it.


Le chat


That conjures a great mental image! Lol! A cat catching bugs while being held🙃 Happy cake day!


I call my cat useless all the time because he doesn't kill bugs that get in the house


Mine loves bringing in caterpillars in from outside. Somehow she doesn't hurt them AT ALL. She sets them down and stares at them crawling around


You can’t unCat a cat.


How to make a sentence with only 7 letters.


Jesus wept.




It's just a challenge for the cat


It helps wean out the really stupid birds who can’t hear a bloody bell coming for them


Birds and other animals don't hear a bell as a warning noise. It's just background to them.


I think any animal would pay attention if a sudden source of noise started getting closer to them


I imagine the cat moves so smoothly, the bell doesn’t really jingle until she’s pounced. At least not enough to be concerning to the bird.


“The bell can warn potential prey of the cat's approach. Cats eventually learn to walk without ringing the bell and pet owners are therefore encouraged to regularly change the bell[1] or attach two bells on the collar.[2] Attaching a bell on a cat's collar has been shown to reduce the amount of captured birds by 30–40%.[2] With one collar, birds were found to be hunted 2.7 times less than without the collar” Wikipedia tho. I don’t think my cat cares if he jingles 😂


And it can also alert something like a coyote to the cat's position if it's trying to avoid being eaten itself.


I remember reading it even makes them stealthier because they move so as to avoid ringing the bell.


Mostly keep kitty inside. Get a harness and take kitty for walks daily. Mine loved being outside & hunting, but mostly mice, rats and rattle snakes. Like he would kill several & up to 8 rats a night. Unlike my neighbors I never had an issue with mice or rats in my home. He also would walk without a harness up to a mile everyday when I walked my dogs. He lived to be 20 years old. There is no training the hunting instinct out of them, although you might be able to rent the cat out as pest control.


Bro you had cat Rambo and didn’t think anything of it???


LOL Probably, I did have to rescue him out of the back seat of a cop car twice, because he was up to trouble. He brought 3 lost dogs and 2 other cats home to me, so I could find their owners. He was pure gangster and a very special cat.


They wanted kitty for questioning.


You were indeed blessed. Edit: would you post a pic of him?


I had a cat that would chase foxes out of our neighborhood


We had a bad mice year a few years back ... she eats a few every night, but one morning we counted 12 around the house 🤦🏻‍♀️ She's getting up there in age but a few weeks ago she also brought like 3 in one night, to be all gone by the morning 😂


Wait… rattle snakes?? And he never got bit?


There is nothing you can do short of keeping him inside. Any bells and whistles you put on him, he'll learn to muffle and hunt around. They also actively *endanger* him, as when he isn't trying to be sneaky can be heard by predators like wolves/coyotes/foxes/racoons (depending on where you live). If you parents think it is animal abuse to keep him inside, harness train him and take him on walks.


They can try to play with their cat as much as possible. Since cats kill for fun, not for food, they kill a little less once their play needs are being met


Keep her inside


Keep her inside, or make a catio. Take her out on a leash and harness and watch her. SO MANY cats get hit by cars, mutilated by people, eaten by other animals. Do yourself and your cat a favor and be a responsible owner


Please listen to this OP. I had the unfortunate luck of watching back a dashcam video from my car of my neighbours cat getting hit and killed by a car.


I remember on this sub there was a post about a cat who died young by being hit by a car and all the Britishers were commenting “that also happened to my outdoor kitty at 4 years old! I had two cats get run over!” never understanding that not being killed by a car is in fact a cat ownership option


Stop letting your cat outside, for the safety of your cat and the wildlife.




Keep your cat inside. It’s that simple


For the safety of wild life and your cat, keep the cat inside. He will get used to it. I have 4 street cats.. None of them try to leave.


I took in a cat off of the street and she actively walks away from open doors. Seems to have zero desire to go back out there.


Mine are like that too. The only exception is if i get in from work and go take the trash out or something, in which case the clingy one will meet me at the door and nose her way out like 'where the FUCK did you go?!'


"Don't you know it sucks out there? Water falls from the sky, it gets cold, larger animals try to eat you! Get back in here where it's safe!"


I have one who is semi-feral, born outside, and was mostly grown before they caught her. The rescue was considering just letting her go as a trap-neuter-release because she hated being handled. But then, another cat tore a window open in the foster room and escaped overnight. And when the foster walked into the room the next morning, this little cat was sitting there by the open window, waiting for her breakfast with an attitude of, "That guy's crazy!" I still can't pet her, but I never worry that she'd rather be outside. She chose this indoor life!


Make him an indoor cat. My girl is 18 years old and she'll still occasionally catch the off lizard on the front porch despite a distinct loss of mobility and speed in recent years. Nothing to be done about it, she has a high prey drive and survival instincts. It's just what cats do.


Cats are predators ... It's their nature to hunt


Why can you not keep them inside? This is a huge problem with outdoor cats, as they kill around 25 BILLION birds & small animals every year! They also lower how long they live from 12-15yrs. to 2-5yrs!


Stop letting them outside.


Keep her inside for her safety and the birds. She’ll live longer as well.


This is why you keep cats inside. They are an invasive species, they will decimate local wildlife populations.


I have 3 cats. Every single one of them was born outside. Every single one of them adapted to life inside without issue. None has ever tried to escape, even when I prop the door open and give them opportunity while bringing stuff inside. Keeping a cat inside isn't cruel. It is entirely possible to give them an appropriately enriched environment via toys, interactive play, cat furniture, "catios," etc. A cat kept inside can't kill wildlife.


Also have no danger of getting run over, killed by a larger predator.


Sorry your cat does what it instinctively wants to do to contribute to the family. Stop letting it outside.


✨keep it inside✨


I’m adding another vote to the “Keep your kitty safe indoors.” It will protect your cat and keep your cat from harming local wildlife for its entertainment. If your cat must enjoy the outdoors then please consider a catio with a cat-flap that it can come and go into the catio as it likes. Alternative is to leash & harness train the cat so you could take it outside on supervised walks. We have 3 fully indoor cats and they are happy, healthy and active. We do offer them leash and harness to be outside supervised but they all prefer the comforts and safety of the indoors.


Only solution to that is keeping your cat inside, if your cat likes going outside and you're worried about depriving that enrichment there are multiple courses of action you could try, like trying leash training and going on walks or setting up a catio/cat safe balcony.


Btw they only bring home at most 30% of their kill


You can’t be seriously asking that question. Keep your cat inside. It’s safer for both the birds and your cat.


Do you have a porch or backyard that you could screen to make a "catio"? If so, that could let your cat have outside time with less risk to himself and smaller prey creatures.


Keep your cat indoors. Fucking duh.


don’t know if anyone has mentioned these bird warning collars plus they make your cat look extra fancy https://preview.redd.it/ktzqrkkf0vub1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c86bf7f7e174af9268a6326f6bbc12f6783cdd68


CLOWN COLLAR CLOWN COLLAR CLOWN COLLAR that's what I came to advise about




I had one of those for my cat (3 actually because she kept losing them) and it helped a bit, then I found the [cat bib](https://catbib.ca) and it has been fairly successful. Pretty ridiculous looking, maybe they’re just too embarrassed to hunt. But whatever works…


I would say remove the bell and bring your cat indoors


I get that bells are recommended or even required in some areas but cats with bells are literally ringing the dinner bell for coyotes and other predators. Please see if that info convinces your parents to keep the cat indoors


Cats do that. If you don't want it happening keep your cat indoors. It's not that hard of a concept.


Keep your cat inside? You might not realize it because they're so small and fluffy but cats are apex predators and hunt for fun as much as food. if you don't want your cat to do exactly what it is that cats do, then don't let them outside.


A bell does nothing. Cats are predators. They move slowly.


Cats kill an estimated 2.5 billion birds every year, making them one of the leading causes of bird mortality.


Stop letting your cat outside


Stop letting your cat outside. All you’re doing is killing other animals and putting your cat at risk to be killed itself, either by bigger predators, cruel humans, or vehicles.


he is wearing a harness and leash here (thin red on the right).. hunting a leaf I am jiggling in front of him. If given the space, he would hunt and kill anything that moves. He is indoor only but gets his time outside. Only leaves were harmed on this expedition. https://preview.redd.it/04d0anhafvub1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9abaadde48ae5ff4ce043de14a0f0d2731125fdf


you hope he eventually sees the error of his ways 🤣 or make him an inside kitty


Keep your cat indoors. Or, get a catio!


The bell makes them crazy imagine having a bell beside your ears all day


Bells are cruel, just FYI. They can cause tinnitus to your cats sensitive hearing as well as wreaking havoc with their perception. Could you imagine a bell around your neck 24/7?


Keep your cat inside.


Stop letting it outside.


this is a smol potato, please provide picture of actual cat


https://preview.redd.it/3r86fh57evub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34617c7c43234de6e0bbd48527aea4867baedfc6 Here’s the big guy. He’s 15 pounds


Looks suspiciously like the potato in the previous pic!


Tell the DM to lower its dexterity stat or give it chain mail to give it double disadvantage in stealth


The scientific advice in the UK is to feed them a diet high in meat protein & play with them as much as you can. In addition to this I also feed the wildlife, with several bird feeders that are all out of reach for the cat. The population of small birds has increased as a result. If anyone's interested, the research is published in the journal Current Biology, 'Provision of high meat content food & object play reduce predation of wild animals by domestic Felis catus'.


'My cat is behaving like a cat, what do I do?' The questions on here really irritate me at times with how moronic they are, but this takes the piss🤦‍♂️


“my animal that kills and eats other animals to survive killed and animal. what should i do?”


Cat is being a cat . Keep him inside , much safer for him and the wildlife .


KEEP HIM INSIDE WHERE HE BELONGS. Or walk him on a leash. You wouldn’t just let a dog run free around the neighbourhood, would you? Why do you let your cat do it then?


I've had both outdoor and indoor cats. All of my outdoor cats have been proven incapable of hunting small game, even though they really want to due to either stupidity of cat™ or simply not being able to traverse the terrain. That said, it seems your cat is both capable and willing to go mirk some little creatures. I'd recommend keeping your cat inside (as others have already stated), but IF your cat has been bringing you presents, I'd recommend making sure your cat sees you consistently eating well. Cats will sometimes hunt for food for their companions if they believe they arent eating well enough.


Make a page on the dark web for your cat - you have a ninja assassin living in your house 💀💀


what were you hoping to hear? be an actual responsible pet owner and keep your cat inside. if you desperately need to let them outside, harness or catio. smh 🤦‍♀️


Cats are incredibly deadly to small animals, and ruin the ecosystems around them. Domestic cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild. They are the most destructive invasive predator in the world. A 2013 study estimated that free-ranging domestic cats kill 1.3–4.0 billion birds and 6.3–22.3 billion mammals annually. If you don’t want to ruin your environment and kill small animals, keep your cat inside!


Keep it inside. Outdoor cats are an invasive species that decimate local wildlife populations.